
講演者略歴 - 明治大学

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講演者略歴 - 明治大学
Peter Bosselmann ピーター・ボッセルマン カリフォルニア大学
1976 Master of Architecture and Urban Design,
University of California, Los Angeles
1972 Diploma in Architecture and Urban Planning,
Karlsrule University, Germany
1984 - Professor of Urban Design, Departments of City
and Regional Planning, Architecture, Landscape
Architecture and Environmental Planning,
University of California, Berkeley
1976 - Director, Environmental Simulation Laboratory
2000 - Chair of Graduate Advisors, Urban Design Degree Program
2002 - 06 Beatrix Farrand Chair of Landscape Architecture and
Environmental Planning
2003 - Consultant City of San Francisco, Department of City
Planning May 2008
1998 - 99 Consultant, City of Oakland, Community and Economic
Development Agency: with Daniel Solomon-University of
California Housing Project
1990 - 92 Consultant, City of Toronto: Center City Plan, Urban Design
1984 - 86 Consultant, Municipal Arts Society, Civitas, Parks Council,
Governor’s Task Force on the West Side Highway,
all New York City or State
1983 - 85 Consultant to the City of San Francisco, Downtown Plan
1970 - 72 Associate, Professor Gunnar Martinsson, Karlsrule, Germany
1998: “Representation of Places” (University of California Press)
2005: “Authenticity, Simulation and Entitlement, Urbanistica, Rome”
2007: “The Nature of Change, Territorio, Rome”
2008: “Urban Transformation - Understanding City Design” (Island Press)
Anne Scheou
アン・シェウ フランス国立建築大学
1991 Master of Architecture, ENSA of Nancy, France
1992 Master in Design Studies, Harvard University Graduate
School of Design, Cambridge, USA
– on Fulbright Scholarship
1994 - 97 Architectural designer, Itsuko Hasegawa Atelier, Tokyo, Japan
1997 - 98 Architectural designer, Norman Foster Asia, Tokyo, Japan
1999 - 2004 Project Manager, Shigeru Ban Architects, Tokyo, Japan
2004 - 07 Project Manager, Shigeru Ban Architects, Paris, France
2008 - Independent Architect, Paris, France
2001 - 04 Lecturer, Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan
2008 - 09 Assistant professor, ENSA of Paris-La Villette, Paris, France
Atsushi Deguchi 出口 敦 東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科
1961 Born in Tokyo
1990 Doctor of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
1990 Research Fellow of JSPS
1992 Research Associate, Department of Urban Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
1993 Associate Professor, Department of Architecture,
Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University
1997 - 98 Visiting Researcher, MIT School of Architecture, USA
2006 Professor, Department of Architecture and Urban Design,
Faculty of Human-Environment Studies, Kyushu University
2011 Professor, Department of Socio-cultural Environmental
Studies, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences,
The University of Tokyo
Visiting Professor of Graduate School of
Human-Environment Studies, Kyushu University
1993: “Modern Prospect of Urban Design” (Kajima Institute Publishing)
2004: “Process of Urban Design” (Architectural Institute of Japan)
2005: “Machizukuri Textbook No.8: Landscape Machizukuri” (Maruzen)
2005: “Quest for City Beautiful” (Gakugei Shuppan-sha)
2005: “Urban Symbiosis of Asian Cities” (Kyushu University Press)
Masami Kobayashi
小林 正美 明治大学理工学部教授
1954 Born in Tokyo
1977 Bachelor of Architecture, University of Tokyo
1979 Master of Architecture, University of Tokyo
1979-85 Kenzo Tange Associates
1987-88 Master in Design Studies, Graduate School of Design,
Harvard University on Fulbright scholarship
1989 PhD. University of Tokyo
2001 Visiting Professor of Graduate School of Design,
Harvard University
2003- Professor of Meiji University
2007- Visiting Scholar of University of California, Berkeley
1989- Principal of ARCHI-MEDIA Architects & Associates
1991: “Invitation to Boston Architecture” (Maruzen)
1991: “Boston by Design” (Process Architecture)
1993 : “INTERVENTIONS” (Koseisha)
2003 : “INTERVENTIONS II” (Kajima Institute Publishing)
2003 : “Tokyo Inner-City Project”(Gakugei Shuppan-sha)
Hiroyuki Sasaki 佐々木宏幸 明治大学理工学部准教授
Hiroyuki Sasaki is Associate Professor of Department of Architecture at Meiji University. He is also Special Associate
Professor of Department of Environmental Design at Kobe Design University and Principal of Freedman Tung + Sasaki
(FTS) Urban Design, Tokyo Office. As Tokyo-based urban design practitioner, his most recent research and practice
focus on the design of downtowns, central business districts, transit districts, and urban public spaces that make cities
and towns recognizable and unique. Other recent researches focus on the same-scale comparison of districts and
neighborhoods in Tokyo Metropolitan area and techniques of Form-based Coding.
Through the carrier at Fujita Corporation and Calthorpe Associates (Berkeley, CA), Sasaki sharpened his urban design
skills and understanding over a 14-year period as an architectural and urban designer practicing in Japan. He joined
FTS Urban Design (San Francisco) in 2001 and led FTS teams in San Francisco on projects including Redwood City
Courthouse Square & Downtown Precise Plan 2007 (Redwood City, CA), Tracy Downtown Specific Plan 2007 (City of
Tracy, CA), Sprague-Appleway Corridor Subarea Plan 2008 (City of Spokane Valley, WA) and Bothell Downtown
Subarea Plan 2008 (City of Bothell, WA). His work focuses on the creation and evolution of compact town patterns
and is enhanced by his deep knowledge of architectural design. Since he came back to Japan in 2008, he has been
working on Tenjin Meiji-dori district urban design, a CBD revitalization project in Fukuoka, and Maitamon Teraike
project, a 10ha residential community development in Kobe.
Sasaki received a Ph.D. in design engineering from Kobe Design University, a Master of City Planning from the School
of Environmental Design at the University of California at Berkeley and a Bachelor of Engineering in Architecture from
the University of Tokyo in Japan. He is a registered architect (1st Class, Japan), an American Institute of Certified
Planners, a member of the Congress for the New Urbanism, and a member of the City Planning Institute and the
Architectural Institute of Japan. He won CNU Charter Award 2007, Award from the Grand Boulevard Task Force 2008,
California Redevelopment Award of Excellence 2008 and so forth.
Nobuto Hosaka 保坂展人 世田谷区長
1955 年 11 月 26 日宮城県仙台市生まれ。55 歳。都立新宿高校・定時制中退。中学在学時の政治活動の自由
をめぐり「内申書裁判」の原告として 16 年間たたかう。1980 年代から教育ジャーナリストとして活躍し、
1985 年に成城学園前に若者と子ども問題をテーマに事務所「青生舎」を移転。地域の教育問題・子ども問題の横断
的なネットワークづくりに取り組む。1996 年に学校、塾、PTA、若者グループなど幅広く区民を結集した「こどもいのち
のネットワーク」(代表牟田悌三・事務局長保坂展人)を結成。発足イベントは用賀中学に 500 人を超える父母が集ま
1996 年に衆議院議員初当選。2000 年に再選するも 03 年に惜敗。05 年衆議院選挙・東京比例区で当選。2009 年 8
月の衆議院選挙で議席を失うまで 3 期を務める。この間、世田谷区経堂駅前を拠点に 1998 年から東京 6 区の地域
活動を開始。毎週土曜日には三軒茶屋キャロットタワー前で「国政報告」を 10 年間続けた。2008 年の福田内閣当時、
「政権交代」をめざすため民主党の小宮山洋子さんに選挙協力、東京 8 区(杉並区)に選挙区を移してたたかう。
2009 年 8 月総選挙では 11 万を超える支持を集めるも落選。2010 年参議院選挙全国比例区で立候補したが次点。
2011 年 4 月の世田谷区長選では、立候補を求める市民の声を受け社民党を離れて無所属でたたかう決意を固め、
国会では、子どものための 24 時間電話「チャイルドライン」の実現や児童虐待防止法の制定に尽力し、「公共事業チ
ェック議員の会」事務局長として「コンクリートから人へ」の先鞭をつけるなどをした。また、546 回を数える国会質問
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