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J ournal of tb e Depa11 m~,n t of Agriculture, KYU5hll Imperial U n i\'~ rs i ly , Vol. Februa ry 20, 1929 ::!, No.6. X\ ANATOMIC A L STUDY OF THE L EAVES OF THE GENUS PINUS Tohei DOl and Kin-jehi MORIKAWA COKTENTS I. i4C) 11. 1 fntroouctloll F ibro·yascular uu nd l ~ 11 I. E ndoderm IV. Resin cana l V, llypoderm \ ' .1. Epiderm and "lOll/ Ilia V II. TiLe rd ation between the Tliuural s)'Stem of clas~ific.:nli ()ll uf the \.:ellus 1'inll$ ,lIld the ~ n :tt()mk :t1 ch aracters uf l ea\'~~ ~ \ ' 11 1, .-\nalyl ic:tl K ey to th e ~pe c i es of the genu ~ J'imls. b:\sed un the an atomica l charac te r'S of thl: k:l\ cS ' IX. L iteratu re cited 1IlIlex to Ihe spt:eics. yo.ricli t'!' and t heir ~rJl(my lll s ill the Analytica l x. Key (Chapter V111 ) 1. S. 153 157 162 165 lOG ltiS ISS JN1'RODUCTIO);" S() far as the natl1ral system nf cla,<;sification nf the ,"ipeCieS of th e genus I~'1Uls is concerned, it i;.; most complete and W~ have a \vide lit erature~ on t his s libj cct. \Ve believe tha t the ntlturrt l ~ystein of cla:;!'incation of t he ge nu s j)i,,"s \V as s)'~tc l11atized perfectly in A, ENGLER a nd K. PRA:STI.':-' .. Die natLirlichcll Pflanz€' nfamilien z-Aullage, r 3-Band " publisbed in 1926 (3)· This rep rese nted a long step forward as compareJ with either their To~e i t )()! 150 and Kill-ic},i MORIKAWA first edition ( 1889) or A. ENGLER an el E. GILG' S .. Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien 9 lind l o~r\ unagc ( 1924)," and e!;peciaJly it take~ into consideratio n the anato mi cal characters of the leaves as t he basis of classification as KOEHKE (5), ;VIAS1EK (10) and SHAW (14) had already attempted to do. \Ve, therefore, conside red what e lements of the anatomical characters of the pine leaves would be most im po rtant to the new natural system of classification of A . ENGI.ER and K. PRANTL (3) . And begi nning with those elements \vhich have the closest connection \vith a natural system of classi ficati on, and proceeding to those of less vital relation, we have worked to establish a practical a rtificial system of classificati on of the genus PiUlIS, w hic h shall correspond as closed as lJossible to t he natural system of classification. The al1 a to l~lical characters of the leaves (ised for t his purpose show in each species some Olle defi uite peculiarity and these characters, suc h as a rc indicateu below, a re easily distinguishable. in a transverse section of a leaf:I. \Vhet het- the fibro-vascular bumllt: b single or double. 2. Are there in ,the stelar tissue surrounding the fibro-vascu lar bundle th e sclerenchy ma strengt hing cells, which show the chemical reaction of hypoderm cells I If so, what degree of d evelopment d o they show? The shape of th e end oderm_ (a). Arc the walls of the endode rm-cells uniform or otherwise? (b). Are the outer walls thick, or not? (c), Are there both thic k and t hill outer walled cells ? Are the cndod erl11 ~ce lls of equal, or very unequal size, some of them large? The position , number and sometimes the size of the resin can als_ Are th e cells which surrou nd t he resin ca nal thin or thick w all ed? \Vhen resin ca na is are situated do.'i c to the hypoderm, do t he sclerenchYIll4l cells , which encircle the resin canal , surround it perfectly on a ll its circ umfere nce? Are th ey wanting in the part touching the hypoderm? The degree of d evelopment of the hypoderm . t he t hi ckness of the epiJerm, and the !-'it uati oll, !'.ollletimes the n um uer of t he stoma ta. 3. 4- 5. 6_ 7. 8. J 9 o. Anatom ical Study of l.e<1ve~ of /'ill/ /:>' 15 I But it must be conside red as .HI inevi table consequence of the artificial classification that there are a fc w points inconsistent \\'ith th e natural system of clas~ifi catio l1 (3) . For the arrangemell t of Subgenus, Section alld Subsection dc . of the natural ~y~k1l1 of clas . . ificatioI1 we are indebt ed to A. E\"GLEI\ and K. l)l{:\ ~T L (3), but in regard to the :-.cicntili.c 1l.1ll1e S , there arc not a few we owe to other botanists. S ince the anatom ical characters formed in a t ra nsverse section taken from thc middle part of leaf shows Illost clearly the characteri5tic structure o f a given species (12, 15). the sl'l:cie:-; \\T1T disting ubhed on the basis of such transverse sections In t he case of species « )f which greell leaves \\·ere not available , a section of about 2 CIll. in le ngth was cul fmlll lb e middle p a rt of withe red lea ves cf dried specimens. .And aftt..: r e xi-)cl ling the air from the dri ed leaves by boiling , they were p ut to soa k in a mixture of equa l pa rts of g lyce rin an d aet blT {i)r from 6 months to one year, after which the k:avcs became norm ally expanded. Theil they were made into trunsverse section", for the examination . Conce rning the numb e r of the species of the ge nlls Pinus the botanists ha ve. many different o pinioll.". A. E (\'m.E I>! an d K. PIU.NTL (3) say the re are 80-90 :-pecies. H O\vever, whi le <lccepting the conclll si on ~ of o the r students , we have marie so me correct ions ill lhr: spcci e~ . T . DOt collected the leaves of most of the ~pccie.'" of the g enu ...; Pinus. K . ;\Tor{IKAWA has betH collecting the leMves of the rem aining species and has made a co mparative examination of the cuutOlllica i characte rs of various kind () f lea ves and has distin g uished all species as 1l1t1ch as possible. \;VC mll~t be very much obliged to Prof. Dr. R . KAXEHfJ{,\ , ]>ro f. Dr. 1'\'1. F UJIOKA of the D epart ment of Agriculture o f T okyo L}niv·er.sity , and Prof. Dr. S. KAWAGO.E (If t he Agricu ltu ra l a nd ·F orest ry College Kagos hima for their useful books of reference and precious materials . II. f'J BHO· VASCU LAR HU);,I )LE It is already kn ow n that the fibro-vascu lar bundle which run s t hroug h the leaf is sing le ill Soft Pine alld constant ly o r irreg ularly doub le in Hard Pine (2, 3,4, ;, 10, (I , 13, 14, 1;). This ciistinctr(lll is employed by Komr.'i'E (5) as the basis of his t\\'o Sectiolls, Hapl oxyl on and Diplo"ylol1. Tahei bor and Kin-ichi MORIKAWA 152 SHAW (r 4) has accordingly divided the genus Pinus into two main Sections, Harloxylon and Diploxylon, and further into Subsections or Groups. And also in the nc',,' natural system of classification A. ENGLER and K. PRANl'L (3) have divided it into "UntergaUung I. Haploxyloll KOELIXE" and" Untergattung II. Diploxylon KOEHl'\E " and further into " Sektioll" or " Unter::cktion" etc .. Thus the fibro-vascular bundle has been regarded as a more important basis for the classification of Pinus than the :f1mvers, cones, secus etc.. The double bunules are usually obvious even \vhen they are contiguous, but they arc sometimes completely merged into what appears to be a single bundle. This condition, hO\vever, is never constant in Hard Pine, and a little investigation \vill find a leaf with true double bundles. In the stelar tissue some cells about the fibro-vascular bundle acquire thick walls with the appearance and chemical reaction of hypoderm cells (5, 1 I, 12, 13, 14). Among the Haploxylon this condition is most obviolls in Pinus moltoplty!!a, P. cembroides, P. edltlis, P quadrifo!ia, P ;lexi!is, P parvijlora, P. pentaplzy!!a, P. Balfouriana and P. jormosana. Among the Diploxylon it appears in all degrees 0f development. The Diploxylon, therefore, f'llls under the following rive cases according to the sclereucltyma cells in the stelar tissue : 1. 2. deficient. (P. radiata etc.) Several sclerenchyma cells lie scattered below the fibro-vascular bundles, often below and above. (Fig. I-A) (P. IIIassoniana etc.) 3. Sclerenchyma ceHs form an irregular line below the fibrovascular bundles, occasionally several of them lie scattered above the bundles. (Fig. I-B) (P. densijlora, P. montana, 1'. palltstris, P. silvestris, P. Thzmbergii etc.) 4. Sclerenchyma cells form irregular lines below and above the fibro-vascular bundles. (Fig. I -c) (P. ..lliontezuJJlae, P oocarpa, P. Torrc)'l'ma etc.) 5. Sc1crench,)/llla cells not only form irregular line~ bdow and above the fibro-vascuhr bundles, but also lie scattered between the two bundles forming" I shape. (Fig. I-D) (P vccidentalis, P Sabitliana, P. tropicalis etc,) JJ Anatomical Study of Leaves of Pinus A B " ph oe Ie . ph oc D ph oc Fig, 1. Sclcrcnchyma cells alnut the fibm-yascular bundle. en=end.-.d.crm, st=stclar tissue, f=fibro-v:lscuJar bundle, x=xylem, ph=phloem, sc=sclercnchyma cells. III. ENDODERM Endoderm is the boundary tissue betweell the stelar tissue surrounding the fibro-vascular bundle and the green tissue, and its shape TCihei Dor and Kin ·ich i 154 ~rOP; JK AW A is o f the g reatc,<:; t im portdnce in th e clas..'iincatioll o f the -"l:>eclcs. Tts :-ohape C.l n Hu t ue dcsc id nl only by the ~" apc of the tr<1lls\'c r sc secti o n of a leaf, for among tile Diploxylnl1 it va ries much according (1.'; the s p:lce betwee n two fibru-vasc lllar bllnd Je~ is wi de, contigu ous o r al'prOXinLltc1y me rged into one. The cnd uderm of t he specie:; ",iLh 5 leaves in C..seicl .... s among the I-fap!oxy lon is al\\'a ys ci rc ula r in shape, but t hose among t he Diploxylon a re triangu lar. It is short-based triangul ar eve n in such a species ;lS h,we 6 to 8 leaves in fascicles , si nce they belong to the Diploxyl nl1 . In the spec ies with 3 leaves in fascicle s it is circular or broad-elliptica l in the H aploxylol1 , b ut in the Diploxyloll lung -based tri a ng ular o r e ll iptical. In the species with 2 leaves in fhsc icles, however, it is elliptical in t he Haploxylon suc h as P edulis as in the Diploxylon. Only ill such ~pccie.s as P. Banksiana, l'. contorta, P. silvcstris is it strang led -cocoon-like in shape. The fi)llowing classifications wc re worked ont on the bas is of the s hape of t he endoderm. 1. Haploxylon. l. E ndoderm cl rcul aL (Fig. 2-A), All species of th e Haplox)'lon except 1-'. fdlllis. All species belongi ng" to t he following grou p (2), excepting the species P edulis , were changed to bot h case ( I) a nd ca~e (2). 2. Eudoderm bro c.t(.i ~ e 1liptical. (Fig . 2-13). P BlI1lxetlntl , P. cembroides, }~ cdulis, P (;erardiaJla. P. ph)4la, P .Aelsomi, P Pillcemur. II. mOilO- i)iploxylon. 3. .E ndoderm tri a ng ula r. (;1) Endoderm sh() rt~based triangllla1'. (Fig'. 2-C) I'. .illon/ezlI/lltre, P !l1:1Jltn Jlt1J1flt' '[Mr, Ijl1dle)'i, /' .. 'ar. r udl:". 11101/.teZ Il.JUdC (il) E ndodeml l'cgu lar-t riall gula r. (Fig. 2 - U), P tlri2:011iCl~, F lI"ioph)-'!/a, P . Jfolttr if II mat', P. JI(mtezllmac ·,'ar. flartn't-gii, I~ Jf011tezlfllltrC paT. Lindfq'i, l' i1folttezumae ~ Iar rudi\', P (}C[l'dflllalis, J-'. OOCllrpa, .I ~ pserulostrobus, p, /,.,'cildostrobus val'. tnlltifotia , P.. teocote, j~ Torre),alla. (c) Enduderm lung-based trian g ular. (Fig . 2-E). P attenuata, P. callaril'llsis, P caribaea, P clzilllla/wtlna, F (ou/teri, F NltiufltlT, P ElIge/lIIallllii, P. G're,t;ii , P iusulan's, A nA.t(lmical Study of J ,ea l'es of IYmif , 55 en ,,--II. ...... .. ····f··· ··· '" ph .' -.- ... en -- " It - - . .... f ' '-- " ph " F E -..... ph - F F .. IIIJ .. ~:: . -, '" "" " en ...... ,,: .. _#1) .......... ~ --. :z: .. ,," . '" 'r-" ~- .--'- .,.., .... - ph .... G Fig. 2. Shape of the end()derm . A=c.ircul:l r, lJ =bmad .elliptical, C= shn rt:..b3.sed triangular, D= regular_triangular, E= long. based t riangular, F= ell iptica l, G= stranglerl .cncoon like. en =endnde rm, sl = stelar tissue, f = fll"ro-v:lScubr bundle, x = )(ylem, ph =ph lodn. 'fi,')hei DOl "nd Kin-ichi :\!OJ(IKAWA f~ .fe/ln)'i, 1~ longijolia, P. Lt:w sonii, P. LUlIlltoitzii, P. J'iontezumae, / ~ MOllttzU!Ilat: var. Harra'egii, P. .I.Wontezumae 7}(lr. Lindleyi, P. o(jcaypa, P. palustris P. patit/a, P. ponderosa, P. Pring/d, P. radiata, P. rigida, P. Sab£niana, P. sero/illa, P. taeda, P teoco/e. J 4. Endoderm elliptical. (Fi ~. 2-") P. at/tllUata, P br("vispica , P. cauarit'Jlsis, P. caribaea, P. cltilt1t(l.IlUana, P claltst~, P. t.lmLteri, P . densijiora, P. densfflora X ? Tlumbergii, P. 17mnber.t;t'i X P. tiellsijiora, P fe/tillata, }~ E ngelIJImwii, P. glabra, P. (~'regii, P Italepells/'s, P insularis, P. Jf.tli~eyi, F La,uso1tii, P. lellcodennis, P /ong ijo/ia, P. lucltueusis, P. LUln/to/t,;;ii, P. J-fassolliana, P. Alerkllsii, P }Nontana, P. IIll1l'icata, P. Jtigra , P. occlde1ttalis, P palllslris, P. patllt~, P. p/Ilttsler, P pinea, J-'. ponderosa, P Priuglei, 1-~ PU1tgCJlS, P. radiata, J~ resillQsa, P. rig-ida, 1~ ~<:'i.zbi1tia1tt1. , P. serotiJltl, P. tdbufaiformis, 1>' taeda , P. tfli'- i){l'U}llS1~", J~ tfocott', P. Thuubergii, P tropir:alis, P. 'Virgittiatta. S. Endoderm strangled-cocoon like. (Fig. 2-(;). P. Banksimza, P COlt/orta, P. siluestris. It has been admitted that in many species t he wa ll s of the endode rmcells a re un ifo rm, hu t in SOIll ~ species the oute r walls of the endoderm cells art: conspicuously thi ck ( IO. 13, L1.. 15) and in ot hers the e ndoderm -cel is arc vc ry llll C{ jllal in ;, i ~e . some being larg e and some smal ! (14)· Suppl emented with the res ults of our ob ..;:ervation, the characters of th e end oderm are as ff.lllO\vc;:I. 2. 3- Endode rlll-cells are approxi mately equal In their s ize and have walls or uniro rm thickness. (Fig . 3-A) . .rvrost species of Pinus. The outer wal b of the endoderm-cell.o;; are conspicuously thick . (Fig. 3-B). P albicauiis, I). B!wksiana, P contorM, P ,1ltmtcztt1lUU', p. p ondt'rosa , P t{'ocote, etc. Enduderm-cells with b oth t hick and thin Oll tt.~ r wa ll s. ( Fig . 3-C). P. COl/fteri, P. !ougifo/ia, P Torreyantl. etc. 4. Endode rm-cells are ve ry unequ al in .size, some be ing large and some small. (Fig. 3-D). P. Merkusii. :\natomical Study of Leave!. of P imH 157 A D Fig. 3. Characters of the erH~!dcr m · cc lh . RESIN" CANAL The positions of resin canals can be divided into fOUf types as (;) l1 o ws; namely, (1) close t o tl\t:' endoderm, i.e. internal; (2) in the g'I'ec n tiss ue between the enciorlerrn ,m e! hypoderm, j,C. media!; (3) close to the hypoderm, i.e. exte rnal j (4) across the green tissue, touc hing both the endoderm and hypod e rm, i.e. !Septal. One of these positions is constant or any two of these a n.. : combineu in the same species. So vad ou:., arc the po sitions o f resin ca nals accord ing to specic:'i. .And along' with the fibro-vascular bundle, the position of the resin canal is the most characteristk a mo ng th e anatomical characters of a leaf. Thus many botanists of the past employed these positions in the leaves as the basis of the natural system of classification (I, Z, 3, 5,7, 10, II, 13,14,15)· The number of resin canals of a leaf is variable or constant according t.o the spec ies, and this also aided us mu ch in the classification of ~pecie!; (I, 7, 15). In such species as P. aristata, P 11leisvIlii and 1'. pumita, there a re generally two resin canals, rarely only one, but in t he othe r species there are ahvays illore than two. As a fule, the species which are a lways co nstallt in the number of rc~in ca nals in a leaf have oIlly two or three resin canals. But it must be ad mitted that there are a few exceptional case. Species suc h as P. Ballksimla, P. cembra, P. amlorla, P. slrobus, P. TOl'reyalla, etc. all Tohei D Ol rind K in-klli 158 ~f()"IKAWA belong to thb type. The speCIC~! which hi'l.ve more than four resin canab, are always variable in the number of their resin canals. In many species the number of resin canals in il leaf varies from two to eight, and l-arely from two to fifteen, in such species as [~ dellsijlora, P. nigra, P pinasicr, P silvtstris, I'. Tfnmbfrgii, etc .. Either ill the Haploxylon or ill tht..: Diploxylon, the cells surrounding and protecting the resin canals are lliffcrcnt according to the species. Some of them are thin-walled cells and others are thick-walled, a nd s hiny white in appearance. Concerning the sclerenchYl1la cel ls sur roundi ng and protecting the resin ca nals, the following seven ty pes have been ouse rvcu ;~ I . Both the cells su rrounding the resin ca nals and the hypoderm cells are thin-wallcd and weak. l~ albicaulis, P Bungen.Il«, P kvraiel1sis, P 1Jlontico/a, P. panJijl()Ya, dc. 2. The cells surrounding the resin collals are thin-walled, but the hypoderm cells arc thic k-walled. P. contorta, P. pa!ustris, P. Torreyalla, etc. 3. The cells surrounding the resin ca nals are thick-walled, but the hypoderm cells are thiI1-\valled. P dellsijlora, P. Jlfassoniana, P. si!1Jfstris, etc. 4. Both the cells surrounding the resin canals and the hypouerm cells are thick-walled. P. 1I!olloplt)4ta, P. nigra, P Tlumbergti', etc. 5. Resin ca nals lie externa lly, and the sclerenchYllla cells su rrounding them are continuolls . (Fig. 4-}) P. Ba/foltY£alla, P. lJlolllico/a, P. silvcstris, etc. 6. R esin canals lie externally, and the ~c1ere nc hYIJla cells surrounding them are wanting at the point touching the hypoderm and 2 to 4 secreting cells arc close to the hypoderm. (Fig. 4-K) P densijlora, P Massollial1{1. , P. qllt1drifolia, etc. 7. Resin canals lie externally, and the scJerenchyma cells surrounding them are continuous rtud :-il1rfound the total circumference of some canals, but about others t hey are wanting at the parts t ouching the hypoderm, and secreting cells arc close to the hypoderm. (Fig. 4-J, ,,) F deusijloya X P. Tlllmbtrgii, P 17untbergii X P. dt1tsijlora, P tabulae/ormis. k c:-;in ca na ls whic h lie externa lly are buried ill the Jl ypodenn, in which Case they arc very small ( /~ lVelsoJlii etc.). But the ca nals of An atomical Study of' I .eaves of Piml.1 15 9 some species arc so large that they touc h both the endode rm and the hypoderm ;:lnd t hus form a septum (1~ tropicalis). In the case of the species in which the n umber of resin canals in a leaf is constantly two or t hree, the canals are almost the same in size; but in the case the n:any species in which the number of resin canal s is va ri able , large and ~mall canals are mixed (P. densiflora, P. cc/tinata, P. uigra, P. sih!tstris, P 17f.Ullbergii, etc.) . The following classificatio ns were worked out o n the basis of the positions of resin canals;-Haplo xylon . 1. H. csin canals medial. i.e. situated in the green tissue, touching neither the endoderm nor hypoderm. (Fig. 4·G). P. cembra, P. k oraiens£.s . .., Resin canals medial and external, i.e. some of the resin canals in the g reen tissue, but some of them touching the hypoderm . (Fig. 4-H). P. Armandi, P. Lambertiantl. 3. Resin canals external, i. e . situated close to the hyp::Jdel'nl, (Fig-. 4-1). P a/bleau/is, P. tllltamimla, P aristata, P. a)'tlcahuite, P Balfouriana, P Bung'cana , P. umbroidts, j~ t'(luJis, P excelsa, P. jlexilis, P. formosmza, .P. Gtrardi(l1la , P l.ambel'tiallll, P. 1JlOJ/Opllylla, l ' mOlilicola, P. Nelson;i, 1'. paroiflora , I~ penlapllylla , P. peuce, P PinceallG, P pUlIlila, P. <JuadrifOlia, P. strobus, f'. Uyematsui. II. Diploxylon. I. Resin cana ls internal , i.e. situated close to the cndudenn. !. (Fig. 4-A). 2. P caribartl , P. Lnws01zii , P occideJzlalis, P f'alustris. P . Pring/ei. Resin canals internal and medial, i,e. some of the resin canals touching the endoderm , but others in the green tissue. (Fig. 4- B) P attmllata, F t.l{U/S(l , e. Lim/ten', P. t.'t:ln'"ara , 1-'. Lawsonii, P leioph),j/a, P L1t1Nlzoitzii, P. Jferkluzi, P. /'atula, P jJungens, I~ radiata, P. n~~idtl, }). ."o'otilllt, J ~ 1t1£'da, P. leocott', P. virgI1lla1tfl. 3. Resin canals internal and septal, i.e. ~ ollle of resin cana ls touc hing the endodcl'Ill, but others touchillg both the endoderm and bypoderm, formin g a septum. (Fig. 4AC). roo Fig. 4. p()Sitj-,ns nf the res in callals. A= internar , H=inlc rn3 1 and medial, C= i n lemal and septa l, D , =D2 =septal, E=septal a nd medial, F=septa l a nd techn ically c)(terna l, G=medial, H=rr.ed ial anll e ~t ern a), J =ex ternal, J = rt;~5 in c:mnls lie ext ernnllr, and the ~cle reD chyma cells 5urrrmnding them are c1m tinuous, K=resin cnT'lals lie ex t ernally, and the scle rer:chy ma cell s su rr0unding them ;ue wan l ing at t hl.: I};)inl V.uching the hyp' Idern\ and 2 It') 4 sec ret ing cells are close t ' ) the hyprx:le r m. e=ep i<.lc rm, s = s t" mal:t, h = hYl-n:lcflll , :l.=:tS. s imilative tissue :,g reen tissue). r=resin c:l.nll, en=end()de rm, st =steia r tissue, f=r,bro -vas cubr bundle'-sd= s(']ere nchy ma roells surrounding the resin canal, sc=secmt ing cell s. Anatom ical SlUdy of Leaves of Pillu~ P. oocarpa, P. Pn·llglti. Resin canals septal, i.e. situated close to both the endoderm and hypoderm, forming a septum. (Fig. 4-D" D,). P oocarpa, P. tropicalis. S· Resin canals septal and medial, i.e. some of th,~ resin canals touching both the endoderm and hypoderm, forming a septum, but others in the green tissue, touching neither the endoderm nor hypoderm. (Fig. 4-E) . P i7:'!erkuszi". 6. Resin canals septal :md technic<llly exte rnal, i.e . some of t he resin ca nals touching hoth the endoderm and hy poderm , forming a septum, but othe rs situated close to a remarkably deve loped hypoderm. (Fig. 4-F). P canariensis, P tropicalis. 7· Resin canals medial , i.e. situated in the green tissue. (Fig.4-G). P. ariZOllic.-a, P attenuata, P Ranksimza, P.. brevispica, P chilwa/luana, P clausa, P cOIl/orta, P Coultcri, P. ce/tinata, P Ellgcitllallnii, P. g/abra, P. D'regii, j~ Je(freyi, P /cioph)'l/a, f->. lellcor/ermis, P. lucilllcnsis, P. .L!1erNusii, P. IlfoJltezuJJull', P. Jlontezumac val". Hart'UJcgii, P. 31ontt"zumae val'. Lilld/f)'i, P. llIolltezumal! ·var. rudis, P. 1Jlllricata, F ?ligra, P palula, P. pilur.steJ", P pOluicYosa, P. pseudostrobllS, P pseudostroblls ·v ar. /elluifolia, .P pungl'HS , I-~ radiata , P. rigida, P. Sabimlwa, P j-erotina, P. toed.!1 , I"". trlizv(J1ttmsis, P. !('ocote, F Tlnmbergii, P. Torre}'{lIla, P virg-illimtl.l. X. SJ. Rc."in Gun ls media l and exte rn al. i.e. sullie of resill c anals in t he green ti ssue, bllt others touc hing the hypcderm (Fig . 4- 1-1) !~ brn;isficfl, P deJlsij10rll X P Tilunbcrgii, P. T'lumbl'rg-ii X P dcnsijlora, P. insularis, P /uc/ml'll.Jis, P. rt'sinosa, P sihH!stris, P. tai'iJ..'flnCnsis. Re.sin canab cxtcrIl<tl, U .;. .'i itlta kd close t{) the (Fig 4-1). F ctlnaricJlsis, P. dCJlsijlora, F IU1lejJellsis , 1'. P 11fasJoniana, P. tJlOlltfma. P p£nea, P. p. tabltlaefOY111is. P tropicalis. if/slI/an's, l'CSinOSfl, hYlxJdenn. Flongifo/ia, P silz'cstris, As il lustrated above, some species are co nstant in the position of resin canals in all their leaves, and others are va riable in t he nu mbe r or the position in their various leaves. Somt: species, especially sllch Tahei Dell and Kin-ichi MORIKAWA 162 as P. attenuata, P rigida, P. !coeote, etc have the resin canals medial, or metlial and internal; and again there arc a great number of specie~, sllch as P insularis, P. Lambertiml!l! P. !l1c1tue71Jz'L'o,', F rt'.sillos(l, P. tai'walllllsis, etc., which have the resin canals medial, medial and extclIlal, ur external. V. HYPODERM Among the Haploxylon there are many species which show a very But among Diploxyloll a vcry different tendency is weak. hYlxxlerm. manifest. Tllat is to say, many species among tile J-faploxyJoll have but one brei" of hypoderm cell, and are thin-lval1ed emd inconspicuous. But a few species shOll' t\\!O or three layers of cell.s. However, among the Diploxylon there are "\dde variations, 50 that while in some species the hypoderm is very weak and inco1lspicuous, others have one layer, two or three layers, and in some species five to seven layers, while the hypoderm pushes its way into the green tissue. One outstanding instance Was where the hypoderm \Va:'; su much developed = as to cross the green tissue and touch the endoderm, forming a septum. In these varying forms of hypoderm, there 'vere those with thin cell walls, and yet others with very thick walls of silvery \vhich contrasted remarkably with the green tissue . (2; 1, 8, 10; J r; T3, 14, 15)· By SHAW'S study (14), as well as by the observations orthe present authors, it is possible to classify the species according to the structure of the hypoderm. J. Haploxylon. I. Hypoderm consIstmg of one layer of thin-walled, inconspicuous cells. (Fig. 5-A). ? albicaulis, P cembra, P koraiellsis, P parvijlortl, P strobus, etc. 2. Hypoderm, some parts consisting of one layer of thin-walled cells and others of two layers. (Fig. 5-A). P. mOllticota. 3. Hypoderm, some parts consisting of one layer of thick-\valled cells, and others of two layers. (Fig. 5-n). P. jle:njis. -1 lIypoderm consisting of 2 or 3 layers of thick-walled cells. (Fig. S-B). P (lristata, P. cembrcides, P. Lambertiana, etc. Ariatonuca! :)tudy of Leaves of Pinus .---~-.-.-.-~~~ h ••... Fig. 5. Structure of the hypoderm. A=D=C=lmifnrm, D=E=F=hiform, Jllultiform. e=epiderrn, h=hYp0dcrm, en=endoderm, C=lf-~ Ti5hei DoJ :l nd Kin-iehi MORIKAWA 5· II. H ypoderm consisting of 2 o r 3 layers of strong, thick-wa lled cells of shiny white color. (Fig. S-c). p. Baljourialla, P ",ol!opl'y/la. Diplox ylon. I. Hypoderm of uniform thin -walled cells. (a) (b) (Fig. S-A). H ypoderm consisting o f one layer of thin-walled celis, occasionally having parts whic h consist of two laye rs of cells. P de1/sijlora, P. Lum/loitzii, P Ia/lila, P. s£!vestr£s, P. taiz"allensis, etc. Hypoderm consi sting of 2 or 3 laye rs of thin-walled cells. P. Gregii. 2. 3. Hypoderm of uniform t hick-walled cells. (Fig _ 5-B)- (a) Hypoderm consisting of 2 o r 3 laye rs of cells. P. /lalepe1lsis, P .1l'/erkusii, P nigra, 1-'.. Tlul1lbergii, P tropitaNs, etc. (b) Hypoderm in large llla.!>seS, projecting far in to the green tissue. P. canan'ellsis, P. /ollgi/ot£a, P Torre}'ana, etc, (Fig. Soc, G). (c) Hypod erm remarkably developed , extending from the epiderm to the endoderm and fonning a :-;eptum across t he g reen tissue (Fig, 5-c, u). P. pSfudostrobus var. !t1luifolia. Ilipoderm biform , i. c, very thin walls situated in the outer layer of cells and very th ick walls in the inner layer or layers of cells_ (a) H ypoderm, some pa rts consisting of one layer of cells anJ ot hers of two layers , bifo rm in the part s of two layers of cells (Fig. S-Il). P. clausa, I). alti1zata, P. glabra, ctc. (b) H ypoderm consisting of 2 or 3 layers of cell s. (Fig. S-E). P. c(m/or/a, P paI1lslr;s, P. jJltll,ftCIlS, P. radiata, P_ taeda, etc. (c) HypOc.. rCl"nl in Jarg-e masses , projecti ng- i:l r in to the g- rce n t issue and som etitlle:'i tOllc hing the e ndode r m . ( Fig . 5- 1-) P. Pring/a·, 4 J-I ypod erm l11ultifur!Il, i e. cell walls being toward the centre of the leaf. g ra duall}~ th icker Anatomical St<J(ly of I .eave~ (a) (0) (If i'iuIIJ Hypoderm projecting far in to the green tissue, but not extending tu the enuoderm. (Fig. 5-G). F Coulteri, P JlI.Jll/t';JUJltat, I), o(Jcnr/,tr, F linmi!'r, P poltdt'rosa, etc. H)-'poderm remarkabl'y' developed, extending from the epIdenn to the endodenn and furming a septum across the (Fig. S-Il). P jJs{'udostrobus Z!llr. tt!!tuijo!ia. green tissue. There are the t()UO\ving fi")ln- type." 11l the· case where either the hypoderm ur the cUJlnected tissue of the re,-;in canal and the hypoderm forms a septum across the green tissue. [. f-Iypuderm extending froJll the epiderIll to th~ endoderm independently of the resin canal and f( Ifllling a septum ;.'I,cross the green tissue, owing t() its 0\1"11 de\·elopIllent. (Fig. 4-G). F pseudostroblls 'lIar. tOluifolia. 2. The . septums are formed ur remarkably large resin canals and a hypoderm which consists or nnl:y two or three layer." \{ cells, (Fig. 4-])" E). F tropicafis. 3. 4. Notwithstanding- that n.'sin canal is small, a distinct septum is fon-ned aen)"" the D UI'f'PT1 ti"."ue uW11lU tn the c(.)llsiderable ----0 development (f the hypodcrln. (Fig. 4-D~ , t.} j~ oocarpa. IIl;l .'<IUIC leaf, the .';CptU111S cue i()1"lllcd by the hypoderm only ,it some pai-b! ,mel by the Cdililected tissue of the.: h.ypoderm and the resin callal at otiler parts. (Fig. 4-C) P. Pring!et. v r. EPIDER~I A~D s'1'O\tAT.·\ The epiderm of the Haploxyh.fll is \"ery thin, while that of the Dipluxyloll is generally thicker. But III each (if thesc two Subgenus (Ilaploxylon and Dipluxylon), the m,lIlY ~·:pccie:" have approximately the S.1ll1e thickness, S(I th;lt the epiderm is uf ..;;mall value for classification. IIml·('I·'er F colltorta, F !udllLCJlsis and j). wOIl/alm have a marked thickness of the epiderm In the H3ploxylull there arc t \vo groups of spccie.-;, une with stomata on the \"entral side only, and the other with :--;tomata on both the ventral and dorsal sides (I, 2,4,8, TO, II, 13, 14, IS)· 166 Tohei DOl and Kin-ichi MORIKAWA Although fundamentally, the Haploxyloll is poor in variations as compared \vith the DipIoxyIoll, the fact that in :;tomata on!:y the Haploxylon shows great variation is of value in cb.":sif:caticn, for eVen in the Diploxylon sptcies with 5 leaves in fa~cic~es the stomata arc alway;; found 011 both dorsal and ventral sicles. Furtber our attention was drawn to the unusual ~lze and visibility uf the stulllJ.ta in P. a!bicaulis and P luclm£nsis. Tbe fulImving classifications were worked cut en the basis of the position anJ the number of the stomata. I.. HapLlxylon. 1. Stomata lie un the ventral siJe cnly. 1\1ost sp~cies except group (2). Fut P cOlluruiits, P JliOJlfl'co!a and P PillCt'aJl(t arc occasionally included ill tbis group. 2. Stomata lie 011 both dorsal and ventral sides. (a) Stomata on the ventral side is only ene. r. i\-"'clsonii. (b) Stomata on the ventral sicie arc 3 to 6 in number. P. a/bieau/is, P BlI11gwma, P. c(Jllbrm't!e,l,', F {'{!t~!is, P j1exi/is, P. Gt'rard£aJla, P .Lambertiana, P monopll)'!!a, P mmtfieoia, J? Pin:'cana. II. Diploxylcn. Stomata lie on both dorsal and ventral sides. vn, THE RELATION liET\VEEN TILE KATUJ{AL SYSTEIII OF CL\::;;SlFlCATION OF TllE GENUS PJKl'S AND THE AKATOMICAL CHARACTEl{S OF LEAVES The authors have worked out a practical system of clasoitication of the species of Pinus on the basis of the anatomical characteristics of leaves. But our thought \vas to determine "what clements of the anatomical characters of leaves have the most 'vilal relation to a natural system of classification; and beginning "with tho:,c dements which have the most dtal relation to the natural systcln of cL.\ssificatiol1, and proceeding tu those cl less intimate relation; \vc h:l\e n""rked 1u establish a most easy and practical system of cla.ssificaticm c,f the genu:,; PiJlus, which sh"l1 corre:-ipond as closly as possible to the n:=tturai system of classificatioIl. For thi:-i purpose, the authors have distinguisllcli Subg(:I1Il.~, Section and Subsection division.s of Pinus in lLe !leu' natural ",Y'stetll (if classification of . i\.. EXGLER and K. PkANTL (3) on the basi,-; (J the anatomical characters of pine leaves, Subgenus 1. HaploxylOiI KOEH"E Fibru-vascular bundle single. (a) Section J. Ce"fbra Sl'i\Crr (A) (u.) Vi) (r) ,b) lZesin canals medial. Resin cJ..llais medial and external. Rt.:~.ill canals external. "tl)lllata ull both dorsal sides, endoderm circular. (except /i. Fmmla). Seetio!} 2. ;llld ventral ,')'tr0611.':,' SWFFT ex Sl-'.-\.CJl Resin canals mustly cxtcrrnl, _"tutllai<1 un the \"cntral _..;ide only, hypoderm Ct.:lls thin-·w:dltxl and IllcunsplCuous (except P. Lamhcrtiana). (c) Section 3. (II) (~) nlraccJJlbra KOET-l:,\E Subsectiun 1. (1'erardimuu. F~esill canals external, stumata ~;icles, cndc)elenll brn;{d-elliptical. Subsection 2. buth dorsal and ventral (except F Ijuadnfolia). Ull Baljourimzac. Resin canals external, stomata on the \'entral side only, hypoderm cells thick-walled and shiny white Subgenus II. _ Diplo).:jl/olt KOEH:'>IE Fibro-vascular bundles double. (U) (el) Sectiun 4. Suta 1\1.-\\'1\ Resin canals tcchnicCllly external, enduderm triangular, hypoderm in hrg(' r\lasses, projecting elr in to the gre~n tissue (e) Section 5. (a) h'upitys SPACH Resin cC1nab extenu!, cnducicrlll elliptical, can:d (3) (f) (g) :! nUIlluer of resin to 8, otten tu 15. Resin canal.-; medial, endodenll elliptical, Ilypoderm uniform thick-walled cells. Sectiun 6. B[wksl·a ~L\\K Resin C<_Hlals medial, rarely medial and inLernal, endoderm clliptical, hY'podenn mostly bifonn PineaF);UL Section 7. Resin can:{ls i..:xt(~j'tlal, cnd,Jtknrl vlliptical, nUIIlber of resin em.,ll lIsually twu. (Ir) Section,s. Rc~in (i) . Justrales 1'ILGVH. canal..: internal, _"utrwtirllCS intull;tl ~Illd mvdial. endoderm IWjstl)' triangular, hypoderm bifonll Section 9 Khasia MAY!' Tahe i Dol and Kin-ich i r<.lOJUKAWA 168 (j) Resi n cJ. ln.ls c x te rn ~rI , rarely exte rnal and med ial, endoderm triangul ar, hy pcuerm not proj ectin g far III tl) the g reen tiS!ill c . Section 10 I'seudostroblls E~IlL. Resi n cana.b IlH.!db l. rarely m edial and int ernal, triangul ar, hypoderm mostly in la rge in to t he g reen th ick. (k) Section I 1. t i ::;~. ue . ll1 as~.c s , cndoue rm project ing fa r out er wa ll s of the c nd oli n ln mostl y Taf"" Sl'ACll Re sin canal s lll"clial, rarely medial and int c:.: rnal, endode rm t ri a ng ul ar, hypode rm not p rojec tin g far in t(l t he g-ree n tissue , o ute r wa ll .'> or the c ndod crm most ly t hin. It will be see n from th e ab(J \'c that the m ost impo rtant poi nt to the natural sy stc nl of class ifi catioll is w hether the fibro-vascular bundle is single or do ub le (3. 5, 10 , 1+, 15) . The il co m e, '~! llOllg' the Haploxylo n, in the orde r df thc:ir impo rtance. thc posi ti,.>ll {II thc n:'sin canal a nd stomata, the sh~pc of thc endoderm and th c deg ree pf development of the hyplKlc rrn, and a n Wt1 g' the Di ploxylon th e po:- ition of th e re sI l1 ca nal, the slwpc of the e ndoderm, t he deg ree of d l:velopment of the hypoderm , t he Ilu mber of t he re sin ca nal ... and t he c it <lucte rs of t he e ndodernl- ce JI.. , H ence if we cJ as~ i fy th e species, Oil the b a:-is of the anatom ic al c ha racters of leaves, in t he order ab o ve, (also con:-;iti erin g many addi- ti onal poin ts), the practical artificial system of classifi ca tion would come close to the nat ura l sys te n l. And s llch ' the Practi ca l A na ly tica l K ey to the Species of th~ Ge nus P inus is men tioned in the fi)llowing Chapter VIII. Resin ca n als of most species arc ex ternal am ong th e Haplo.xylon, but the position of th e stomata. is vari ab le, This help :;; us muc h to classify th e ~ peci es, Among the D iplo xylo n , on the other hand , a ll stomata arc situated on bot h dorsal and vt:Tltral sid es, But the ::;hape of the endoderm and the structure of the hypoderm havc in each :-:; p ecics sonie on e definite p ec uliarity, \V e can, t he r c f~) r c, class ify the species of the Di pl ox y lo no VII1. AKAL\' TICAL KEY T O TII E SPECIES OF THE GENe:; p r,;,:us J BASED ON THE A~ATO)IICAL· CHARACT E 1,zS OF LEAVES (The figu re in parenthesis followi ng the ::'cientific nallle indicates the number of leaves in one fascicle.) Anatomical Study of [I] P ibro· vascubr bundle single Lcav~5 of Finul S ubge nus l. Haploxyloll K OEHNE (A) Resin canals medial, i e. situated in the green tissue, touching neither hyp oderm nor endoderm. EndoJerm circular. Stomata on the ventral side only. (30 ) R esin canals 2, in. th e green tissue nearer to the hypoc1erm of t he d orsal 51.de _ Stomata 0 11 eac h ven t ral side 3. 4 or 5· P cembra L. (,). (b,) Resi n canals 3, ofte n 5, 3 of them confined to each ee ge. Stomata on each ye ntral side 4 to [ 3. Hypoclerm consisting of one layer of thin-walled cells. P. koraiensis 5mB et Zece. (5). (D) R esin can,lls media l Rnd e xternal, i.c. some of resin caluls sit uated in I;h e ~Ircen tissue, touchin g ne ithe r e nd oderm nor hopod crm, but ot hers close to the hypoderm. Endode rm circu la r. (a::.) S tomata on t he ventra l side o nly. Resin canals 3, d orsal 2 of them exte rnal and ventral one med ial. .f P. Armandi FRAxcn. (;)0 (b o) Stomata on both d orsal and ventral sicles. Resi n canals 3 to 5. lJypode nn 2 or 3 layers of th ic1.-:·walled cells , though occ asionally consisting of one layer of cells. P. Lambcy/imza DOCGLAS (5)· (C) R esin canals external, i.e. situate d close to th e hypoderm. (ilo) S to mata o n the ve ntra l side o nly. (a,) Endotlerm circ ulfl l (a,) External resin canals dorsal and ve ntral. (a 3) Total number of resin canals 3· (aJ Hypode rm mostly one laye r or thin-"walled cells. (a 5) Sclerenchyma cell deficient above a nd belm\' the fibro-vascuJJr h undle. Stomata on each ventral side 2, rarely 3 or 4 · P. strobus L. (5 ). (b s) Several scle rcnc hy ma cell s lie scatte red below the fi b rovascu la r bu nd le, rarely b elow and above. Stom ata 4 to 6 on each ventra l side. r form osalla HAYATc\ (5), P u:Vemalsui HAYATA (5)· (b~) Hypoderm , some p a rt s cOl1.'iistin g of one lay er of cells and othe rs of 2 laye rs, especially 2-3 layer:.; in th e cdg·c. (a.J IJ ypode rm cells th in-walled , not shiny white . Sc1ercnc hYlllct cells su rrou nding t he resi n c 1I1 als always con tinllous. Stomata 3 o r 4 on each ven t ral side P. 11lonticc./a ])OUGL\S (5)· (b s) Hypoderm cells thick-w alle d, so mewhat shiny white. The Sclcrcnchyma cells surrou nding th e resin canals are wanting o • Tohei Dc.ll :\n<1 Kin-ichi \ lpR IKAWA at the P(,ill t touch ill g the hypode rm ;llld the :·cc r ctill g ce lls arc close til the hypod er m. S to lll a t a.1 til j ( I l l \';lch ve ntra l !';ide. j '. qltaclrifv/ia ScmvOInll (4). (bJ ToLl! llu lll lJe r ll( n:.o..;in canals 4 tu 8 f '. ayrzcail1dtc E}IREI\BERC; (5). (b.~) 1':xlerna1 re si n C({ I1 ;tiS ill the d(lrsa l t: iclt; (,n ly. on e n r two . Re~in cd l1 J 1 o nc: o r lwn . <' il uated nea rer 10 th e midd le part of t he ,it.lrs<ll side, IHn~cJ y lll HJc rneat h Ihe endo derm . (aJ L' fJ n s j ;.;t-ill :~ 1'( {llle byer (tf thin-waned l'. pllmila REGEL (5). (bl ) Hypr)d.e rrll, ~u mc Turf:;; c,.lI1sisting of one layer of thick -walled cclb ,1 1111 nt l1 e:r .<.: or 1\\' r, hycr:-:, {'spcciJlly ::!-3 layers at t he edge. ~ h i llY wh ite. P. (tyistata EXGEL!\f. (5) · (b ,) T wo rC!"in OHwi s sepa'-;Jl. ed (mln_ ~ .a ,: h (. thel-, situ!1ted on the d orsa l side f)f the hypod erm . (a) The ang le formed between the t wo ventral side::: larger t han a right angle, aPlH'uximat cly 120° . Hypoderm cell s thi c kwalled , Stomata 3 to 5 UI1 eac h ve nt!";].l .,:iue. (:1 1) 11_\· plldt'l"rIl ceils, weak . r ctJJlbroidt'.1 ZUCCARo (3). P. Pillceana GORDO~ (3). (P. PblCfa}{,(1 is easily d isl jngu ishcd from /-'. o !mbroides by the greater length of it, le" f.) (b 4) T he <:Ingle 1~>fIncd betwee n t.he two ve ntra l ..-:ides smaller th;.l. n " righ t angle , approximately 72°. (as) 11ypodc rl1l con.sisting 01 o ne iaye r (I( cells. Stomati-l. 4, _; (lj' 6 nn each ventr a l side. (ao) Seve ra l scle renchyma c:el 1... Jj~ scattered belo vl the fi brO-\·,l scul.n hund le. oJi:e n below a nd abov e. (;l,) I[ypodt'Tl ll cel b \-e ry thi n-wa lled, uniform . /' par"ijlom ;; IE8. et ZL'CC. ( 5), P pfJltaplty/la MAYR (5)· (b,) H ypoderm cells wit h both t hick and thin P. dmawalls. r /orlll tlSanrl HAYAT . \. (3), P. (/~yt'matsui HAYATA (5) · (1) ,,) Th t.: :-:c lerc nchyma cells are ,,\:anting above and below the tib rn-\';\."cLllar 1, tI !1dle. (a /) Hypudc rm Ollt.:: laye r . of celis, weak . (a,) ::itomal a ::', often 3 o r 4 { Ill eac h \·ent ra l side. T_e.w e.-; (~ tn I-J- t:111 . l on~. I ~ strobus L (5) · (b s) Slum"l" .~ t u (} (JJ1 each ventral side . r'. e.rcelsa WALLICH (;) . long. 1Jltalla KOJfJz. (5) . Anatomical Study of Leaves of Pinlfr '7 ' (b,) Hypoderm for the most part consisting of ;llld other." of two layers. Leaves 7 to In em. long. f' pellce GRTSEB (5). (b s) Hypoderm, some parts consisting of one layer of cells and others of t\VO or three layers, especially 2-3 layers at the edge. (0,0) The :~clerenchYflla cells surrounding the resin canals are wantinr~ at the point touching th~ hypoderm and the secreting cells arc close to the bypoderm.HypCldcrlll for the m()st part consi~t ing of 2 or 3 layers of thick-\valJed cells. Stomata 3 to 5 011 each ventral side. P quadrifolia SCD\VORTH (4)· (b('i) The sclerechyma cells surrounding the resin c8n115 are contin uous. nne hY'_'f of ceJl~~. Hypoderm cells thin-walled, not shiny white. The cells 5U1TcFHlding th(~ resin canals thin-·walled. The sclerenchyma cells arc wanting below and above the fibro-vascular bundle. Stomata 3 or 4 on each ventral side. P montieola DOUGLAS (5). (10,) Hypoderm cells very thick-walled, shiny lrhite. Se"\ceral sclcTcnchyma cells lie scattered below the fibro-vascular bundle. The cell::; SlllToullding the resin canals thick-\valled. Stom1ta 4 to G on e:1ch ventral sIde. P. Baljouriana l..lURRAY (5). (b,) Endo(:erm small, broad-elliptical. Res:n can:Js 2. I-Iypoclcnn cells thick-\\-alled. Stomata 3 to 5 on each ventral side. P. ccmbro£{/cs Zccc. (3), p. PiJiceana CORDO'; (3). (P. Pincc:l l la are eJsily distinguished from P cembro£jes by the greJter length of their leaves) (b o) Stomata on both dorsal and ventral sides. (., ,) El1cIoc~crm circular. (aJ Tra ns\·erse section of the leaf circular. T\:Iany sekrcllchyma celLs t()fTIl irregular lines belo,,' and above the fibro-vascdar b:1!1r.1:e, siker),. Resin canals 4 to 9· Hypo(:erl1l 1-3 _layers of very thick-wc1ned cells, silvery. P. 1JlOJlO/J/l),!!a TORREY (I). (b Transverse section of the leaf trLmgular. (el J ) Resin canals hvo, rarely one. (8 4) The ;]nglc fornied between the tvI/O ventral sides larger than a right :lng1e. approximately 120°. (,IS) Stomata one on each ventral side, often two Resin Cc1111ls one or tW,J, very s:ll111, ala1:)st buried in th::: hYPJclernL P. Ne!sonii SHAW (3). (a;) 2) T~hei 17 2 D-,r aml Kin-ichi 1\fURIKAWA (b s) Stomata ." to 5 oti edch vt:nLrdl siJe Resin r iL'lllbroidl'5 ZCCCAR. (3), 1'. Pincean(l GORDO),! (3)· edna!", 2. (P PillCt'lllltl are easily di,;.;tinguishccl from r cOJ?brm'des by the greater length of their leaves) (b 4 ) The angle funned between the two ventral sides smaller tlun Cl right angle, approxilllately 72°, Stomata J, 4 or 5 on each ventral side. (as) The ollter walls uf the endoderm 1hic1\. Hypoderm one layer of thin-'\valled cells, incon",picllollS, Stomata vcry obvious. Resin canal large. P. a/bieau/is EXGELl\L (5). (1\) The (Juter walls of the endoderm cells not thick. (a6) I}ypodenll, some parts consisting of one layer of cells and uthers of two layers. (a 7) Ifypudcrm cells thin-walled. The celLs surruunding lhe resin canals thin-\yalled, Stomata 3 or 4 Oil each ventral The sclercnchy'ma cells are wantingside, ,<;ometimes un dorsal ~idc. below and above the fibro-vasculat· bundle. . F J}/(JJlticola DOUGLA~ (5) (rare case). (10 7) H}'poderm cells thick-walled, shin}' white. Stomata 1\su~tlly oIl buth dursal and ventral sides. on each ventral side 3, often 4. SCH.Tdl sclercnch},tl);l cells lie ,'-;cattered bel()\v and above the fibro-vascuLtr bundle F. jln:ilis JUlES (5)(b l ,) I-Iypuderm {(n' the !l}ost part cOllsi,'iting of or 3 layers uf thick-walled ce!l:-;, others of one layer. f), (0,) Lambertitlll([ JJOUGLAS :2 (5)- Resin canals 3 to 7· IIyp:.'(lcrm fix the !llOst part cunsisting- of one layer of thin-walled cell.,;, other....; of t\\'o Jayer,'i Tbe cells surruunding the: resin canals VlTy thin-walled. Tbe <'lng-Ie i1Jrlllcd bet\\ccn the two ventral .,;ides larger than a righl (lllglc, approximale1.y I ~OO. ('-'4) _ I). SI!IIJ,'"{'tlNtl ZCCC\JL (P (;t'rardialltl i:; distingui,.;Jled and more slender leaves_) f\"OJlll (3), p, (~'D'ardidJlt1 \~//\.LL. f). BltllJ:Ollltl (3)·- by its denser, longer, (lJ 4) I-fYllodenll f;:n' the IIlO.'it lurt cOIl~istillg of 2 or 3 layers of thick-walled celL.." ()thcr~ of ullC hyer. The angle formed between the two \"clltr~l sides ..,maller th,1Il a right angle, approximately 72°, . P. Lambertialla DOGGLAS (5). 173 (b,) Endoderm s mall , broad-elliptical. (a,) Resi n canals in do rsal side two, somet imes o ne. (a,) Stomata one, often two on each ve ntral side. Resi n can;J.ls nne or two, vcry small , almost buried in the hypoderm. l'. Netsonii SHAW (3) (bJ S to mat a 3 lo 5 on eac h vent ral side. Re"in canals us ually two Hypoderm one or two laye rs of cell."f. (a'l) Tra ll svc r~ e .section of a leaf semicircular . . P. edulis EXGELM. (1). (04) Tra nsverse section of a lea r trian g ula r. Hypoderlll cells thick-wa Hed. . P cembroides ZtrCCAH . (3), P. Pinctmzd GORDO~ (3), (l~ PillctaJlt.7 ilrc easily distingu ished from 1'. ctmbroides b)' th e greate r le ng th of th ei r leaves.) (b~) Resi ll c;.tll<=t l.:; in t ht": dorsal and h:nt ral sid es, 3 lO 7, often 9 . (:13) The rll<lny ,-,;c!erenc h YIll<.l cell:; f'( .J nning irregular lines belllw and aLove the libro-vasc ular bl1ndlc, si lvery. Tra ns\rerse section pf a leaf ci rc ular. Re sin ...:ana ls 4 ttl 9 . .H YIXldcri n 1-3· layers of ve ry thick-w<llkd cdb, ...,jIve I"Y. P mOllOl'll. r/la T U RK EY ( I ) . (b 3) The sclere nch}·ma .~: ells deficient below ;llld ab ove the fillru- va scLlli.lr bu ndle. Transve rse Yectiol1 of a leaf tria ngular. l<esin ca nals 3 to 6 . Stumata 4 o r 5, rarely 6 o n eat 11 vult ra l side. J-l ypo(1enn f t) 1" the most part consisting of one layt.:'r of cells , others of 2 o r 3 layers . f~ fhmgeaJlfl Zucco (3) , I ~ GfJnrdiUlifl \VALL (3)· (.I'. (;crardimia is distin gui . . hed hom P. BUllgt'dlta by its de nser, longer, and more ~lt:: l1d er leaves.) [J]J . Sllbgellll~ II. Dip!oxo.ylnll jo"il ll!I-\'ilsc ul a r bu nd les doub le . KOEll~E. (1\) R esin canals inte rnal , i.c. situi-lted close t!, the cllducknll . IIypc)(:erlll bifonll, l1 arlJely ve ry thi n w,dl s sit uated in t he o uter ldyer ceils a nd \ c ry t hick I\'alls in the inner la ye r o r layers of cells. R c~in can a ls 2 til .3 Stom ata on hoth do rsal a nd ve ntral . . it!t.:s or Ca.,) Il ypodc n n in th ick mas.'iCS , projecting hl1' ill t() th e g rc(:n ti sstl e and sOlllet ime..; tou ch ing t.he endode rm. The .':i clt re nchY!llCi ce lls forming irreg'ula T li ne s b elow and above the fibrU- I,"<lsc ular bUlldl ~ ..;. Resin ca nal s 2 o r 3· P Pringiei SHAW (3)· Tohei Dm and Kin-ichi Ii4 MORTK-\WA (bo) Hypoderm not projecting far in to the green tissue, not touching the endoderm. Endoderm \\'ith thin outer \valls. (a,) The sclercnchyma cells developing distinctly, f{)rming i1'regular lines below and above the fibro-vascular bundles, sometimes lying between the two bi.llldlcs forming" I" shape. Resin canals 3 or 4 Endoderm triangular or elliptical Hypoderm 3 or 4 layers of cells. F (b,) occidclltalt~~ SWA1UZ (2-5). The sclerenchynla cells fi-)r11l an irregular line below the fibro-\'J.scuJar bundle:-, but are w;'!lliing ahove the bundles long-bClscd triangular nr elliptical. Resin canals 2 to 5. (<1 End~rlerm I--Iypodcrm, some parts consisting of onc layer of cells and ot hns of two la:ycrs. bifonn when of 2 la.refs. P caribata )"TOHELET (2 or 3). 2) (b~) Hypoderm cOllsi:-;ting 1)[ J layers OJ cells, occasionally of 2 or 4 layers of cells. Several :'iclen~llchyn1.:1 cell..., lie scattereJ belo\v the fibro-v<lscu]ar bundle ..;;. (Lt';lves not exceeding .:q em. in length) P. Lawsonii ROEZL (3. 4 or 5)· (c~) Hypoderm 3 to·6 layer.s of cells. The sclcrcIlehyma cells continuous and forming an irregular line below the fibro-vascular bundles (Leaves 24-45 Clll. in length). P. palllstris ::\TrLLER (3). cn) Rc:-:in calnls i1lternal and medial, I.e. some of the resin canals situated close to the endodcnll, but others in the green tissue, touching neither endoderm nor hypoderm. Stomata on both dorsal and ventral sides. (a o) Endoderm tri3ngular. (a,) (a,) Transverse section of a leaf triangular. Hypodenn uniform, weak. Resin canals 3. (a3) Endoderm regular-triangular. The angle formed bcthe two ventral sides smaller th.:111 a right angle, appro);imately P !eioplty!!a SCllLEClIT. et CHAM. (5). (bJ Endoderm long-ba~~d triangular. The angle formed between the two ventral sides larger than a right angle, approxim;;ttely [20°. Hypoderm consisting of one la),rer of thin-willled cells, occasionally of two layers of cells. r patula SCllLECHT. et CHA'L (3, or 4. 5). (b o ) Hesin canals 4 to 10 Hypoderm one or t'\vo layers of cells. P LUIII/wltzii ROBINS. et FERN (3). (b,) Hypoderm biform, i e. very thin walls situated in the [is o uter laye r of cells and very thic k wall s in t Ilt': inne r layer Of layeno\ of cells. (a~) The outer wa lls of the clhlod c nn -celb ihid\. H.ypn'i'W () nr thlTe rc.o;in C:~lll a l s derrn c(! n ~bt illg of 2 or 3 layers of cells. medi al and wit h one internal ca na l. r~ la)("o!;; S CIIU-:ClI T. et CUA:o.L ( ,) . J-) . (b 1 ) The o ute r ,,"ail s of t he endoo e rlll- cell..; 111..;1- t hick. (a:;.) H y poderm. some p,uts c()n si~ti n g (l I) ne laye r l..lf cells and ot he rs of hVl) Iayer:-;, h ifo rm whc t! of 1\\'/1 I (\}' ( ·r~ . Ell rl ()d (~ rm with thin ol.lt"(? r walls . nleriia J. /:I,nd (a.1 Two resi n canals in the :a,tc ra i edges always large. Outer cells () f the hypod.ern l '."(''[.1' _':m al1 and Total nUlTIb~ r I)f r esi n canals 3 to :; . P ecitiJl.tltrl MI L.LER (2 ,.•r 3. CAse o f 3) . V(~ ry inc:o n spicu0u ':L (b 1) T ' ''0 n:sin canals in th e l;).leraJ (:tlges internnl, oc casionally internal and media l 1) 1' m edial. ni;~ "'-rer i,-, th e endoder m , and sTllalL Outer cells of the hy poderm nut small 'ruta! numb er of resin cftnal:, 3 to 5 P. caribaea ~:fOR F.LT~T (2 or .), case of 3) (b l) Hypoderm for t he mo.-;t part: r::on::-ist. i~l g of '2 !aYf: r,~ o f ceils. occasionally of 3 layers of cells. l~e si n ca ll al ., 2 t._) 6 Pal/mila/a LEmws (3). 1-'. seyo/ina MrCH,'UX (3). l' t(uda L (.1) (e,l Hypode rm for t he most pa rt cO Il ~j still~ fo f 3 bye rs of cells, occasionally of 2 (1 1' 4 layers of cells. End,') i1e rm wit h t hin outer 'walls. Resin canal s 3 or 4. P. Lmosonii ROEZL C3, ofte n 5), (d,) Hypoderm 2 to 6 layer~ of cells, Resin can als 2 to 8 P rigida MILLER (3) . (c,) H ypodcnll mul tiform , i_t' cd l wa ll" hC'il1g grad llally thicke r towa rd the ce nt re of the leaf Endoderm -cells wi t h both thic k and thi n oute r wa lls. Resin canal!' :2 t o 10. P COJtiteri D , DON (3) . (b,,) circular. r':ndoderm elliptica l. Tr<lnsverse :-:ccl'inn of :l leaf ~em i· (Reference 174 p. (n-J,,) on th e speci e~ which th e tran sve rse section of a leaf <lre triangul ar.) (aT) H YTXlJenli unifonll , T . ."o n::sin ca nal., m edial a nd wit h all intern ClI c an ed. l-Iypodenll 2-3 laye r..- of thick \\'alled cells. En d()derI1l-cell ~ \ err un e qllal In si7. e. some of them la rge. P jlerkusii ] U SGH . ct DE V'I\.lESE (2) . (b,) Hypoderm biform, i.e. very thin ",,,lb situated in t he TlShei Dol and Kin·ichi MOR1KAWA 17 6 outer layer of cells and very thick walls in the inner laye r or layers of cells. (a,) Hypoderm, SOIne parts consisting of one layer of cells and othe rs of two layers, biform when of two layers of cells. Endodenll with thin outer walls. T wo resill ca nals in the latera l edges internal, (a 3) occ1.siunally internal a nd med ia l o r medial, neCi re r to t he endoderm. Resin canals 3 to 5· (Leaves 1 2 t o 25 el11 . long.) P caribaea MORELET (2 or 3, case of 2) . (bJ Two resin cana ls in the lateral edges always medial. (aJ lVlediaI re sin ca nals 3 or more, 2 of them in the lateral edg e::; and very large. O uter cells of th e hy pode rm very small and in conspic uo us. Total !lum ber of re sin canal s 4 to 7· (Leaves 7 to 12 CIll . long). ,P cc/uizata 1vlJLLE H {2 or 3, case of 2) (b ,,) lVIcdial resi n. camd s 2, co n li ned to lateral edges. Total ntll nbc:1' of resin cana ls 3. Outer cells uf tht: hy poderm not ::imalL (Leaves 5 to 9 ell]. long.) P elmtJ" VASIW (2). (b 2 ) Hypoderm consisting of :2 laye rs of cdl.", occasionally of 3 layers of cells. (a J i\fedial resi n canals 2 o r 3, occasionally with an interna l cana 1. Leaves 4 to 8 C Ill . long. (aJ RC$in canals 3· P 7)irginiaIJa :MILLER (2) . Leaves 10 to IS C111. lon g P radiala D. Do" (2 or 3). (b,) .'\ledial resin ca nals 4 to 6, (Jccasionally with a n intema.l c<ll1ai. Leaves 3 to i em . long. P pUll..t;ellS LAMBERT (2) . (C) Re:-;in canals internal a nd septal, i.e. some of t he resin canals :-:; ituated close to the endoderm, and ot hers touc hin g bot h t he endoderm a nd hypoderm, forminR a septu m. S tomata on both do rsal and ventral sides. (ao) Endoderm regul a r-tri angular or short-b ased triangular. Resin canals one to six, mostly septal. I-Iypoderm birOI'm or multifo nll, projecting fa r in to the g reen tissue, but not touc hing the endod erm . The scle re nc hy ma cells forming irregular lines below and above t he fibro · vascu lar bundle!;. P. oocarp a S Clln:'DE (3, 4 or 5) (ra re case). (1).) Endoderm iOl)g · base d t ri;mgu la r or elliptical Resin ca na ls 3, mostly intern al. Hypoderm bifo rm, ill t hick masses , projecting far in to the gree n tiss ue and sometimes touching the endo(b 4) Resin ca nals 4. Anat0mical St udy of Lc:wcs of Pil1m' 177 d erm. The sclerenc hy ma cells fo rmin g irregu lar lines below and above P Pringlei SIlAW (3). the fibro-vascular bUlldles . (D) Resin canals septal, i.e. situated close to both the endoderm and hypoderm. f()rming a septum . S t o mata 011 b oth dorsal and ventral sides . (~) Endoderm tria ngu la r . lI yp odenn bironn 0 1· multiform, projecting f.:1T ill to the g reen ti.ssue, uu t not touc hing the e ndoderm. Resin canals one to six . T he sc]erenchyma cells forming irregular lines belo\'.' alld above the fibro-\·a:-;cu la r bundles. p. oocarpa S CIIlEIJE (3, 4 ur 5). (be)) Endoderm elliptical. Hypoderm cells uniform thick-walled . Resin cana ls of re marka.blc sjr:C, 2 to 9. The sclcrcilchyma cell s Ilot o n ly hiI'm irreg ula r lin t:s belo\\! and a bove t he fibro-vasc ula r bun d le!'i . bu t a lso lie ~c..:atte re d bc t\Vc~ n t he :1 bundles Jo n lling II -I: .. shape_ I~ tropicalis JVIOR1CL"-T (2). (E) Re:-; in canals ~cpta l a nd medial, ie, ."Ollle of the resi n canals .'iituated cl ose to b()t h the elldod~ rll1 and hY}J<'H.:erlll, fo rming a septu m, but others in the green tissue. touc hing neither the endoderm nor hypoderm . Stoillata on b oth dorsal and ventral sidc::.-;. E ndoderm elliptica l. Med ial resin ca nals 2 and with ;t ,.,epta i ca llal. Enciode rlllcell s ve ry un equa l in size , .'iome of thelll la rge. Hypode rm cell s u niform thick- wa l1cd. F j f4erJ...7tsii J IJ NGII. d . ))E V HI .E~E ( 2). (D') Res in canals septal and technically exte rna l, i e. :.;omc of the resin cana-ls situated close to both the endod erm and hyp oderm, [orming a septu!ll, but others tou chiJlg <1 remarkably deve loped hypod erm. Stomata on buth dorsa l and vent ral sides. (<10) Resin ca na ls 2 to 4 , sllIall. H ypoder m ill large masses, projecting fa r in tu t he g ree n ti ~s ll e. Endoderm long -based trian gu lar, I~ o lJUlril!J1sis S~lITII (3). with th in oH t er walls. (b,,) R esin ca nais of re markable .<;i£e, 2 to 9. Hypoderll1 not projecting fdr in to the green tissue , "w ith uniform t hick-walled cells. Endoderm cllipticrt l. The sclerenchym3 cell s not on ly form irregu la r lines below a nd Cibovc fi bro-vascu lar bundles , but al so lie '·cattered between th e 2 bund les formi ng " I . " shape. . P tropical;s M OI<ELET (z). (G) Kesin canaJ s medial . i.e. situa ted in the g reen tissue , tOll chi ng neither the endoderm nor 'hyp od er m. ventral sides. (a o) Endoderm triang ul a r. Stom ata on bot h dorsal and 17S Tohti (a/) l(I :md Kin_ichi \I\llZlK.\\\,A Hyp()dcrrn uniform. (a,) C'xtellding 1)01 The ()llier walls of the endoderm thicl<. f !}'p(x:errll 2 to 4 layers elf thick-walled celb, nut the endudtTn'. (.Ii) The sclcrcnchyma eelh form irregular lilies belo\\' alld ail('I.t: tile fibru·vascular bllndlc~. End<Klenll regui:u-tri:mgular. Resin canals 3 or 4, 3 of them cUllfineti I,) .) c~lgcs ThL angle forllled between the two ventral sides ~ITlaller thall ;t rig}!! "Ingle, :lppruxilllatel)" 72°. l' PScltJostroblls LTXDL. (5). (h,,) nil' 'iclcrenchYI1l:1 cells form an irregular lint" helmv the fibro-vascular bUl1clle,':;. {(el,) Leal'es 30-40 CIll. in lengtll . I~ Eligclmamziz" Ci\RRLERC (3-5). (os) Leaves 7-25 em. in length, (a f ) Ench,derm long-based triangular. The angle funned lxt\\'C,-'lI tht: twe, \'entral sides larger than ,\ right angle, approxlIllaleiy 120 Leaves 12-25 C111. long. V , (a;) The sclerenchyma cells t"(Jrm an irregular line bclm\' the i1bro-vascular bundles, but arc wanting abO\·'e the bundles. Leaves deep yellowish green. P. /,onderosa DOCGLAS (3)· (bi,1 The many sclerenchyma cells form an irregular line LelolV the fibro-vascular bundles and several of them are scattered above the bundles. Leaves grayish green, P Je[fn'.yi BALFOUR (3-5)· (b t) Endudenn regular-triangulaL The angle formed bet\l'ecn the t\\'(J ventral sides smaller than :i right angle, approximately ?2 LCd\'C~ deep green, Ilnc serrated, 7-17 em, P. arizoJlica E~GEL:\1. (5), JUrIs green, 12-25 em. long lb Lea\'c~; grayish e ,. I'. Jej/nyi BALFOUR (3-;) } Hypu(lcrnl 1'cInarkably de\'ell ,ped, extending from tLe t'Ilci(Jllcr!n ;-tnd t()rming- a septulll dC1"O'>.'; the green the t~pidcj"Jll lin d . ; :2 "r 3,t:,)J1nncd to the edge;.; . [lIt :"iclercnchyma li'iL.'gllLll )itH~:-; lJt~l()\V and abuve the fibru-\'d.';cular bundles P.. !,seudos!robuJ ',Jar. tOllii/o/ia SHAW (5) rile uuter walls of the endoderm not thick. (b) (a,) Resin canals 2. 179 (a) Fibro-vJ.5cu la r bundles d istinct. The an g le formed between the t wo ventral !'ides la rger t ha n a right angle, approximately 120°, (as) Hypoderm une layer of thin· walled cells, inconspicuous. :¥l cdial resin ca nals two, occasion ally with :m internal canal. P. patlf{a SCIlLEe l l '!' ct CHAM. (3). (bJ Hypode rm 2 to 3 :laycrs of th in-walled cells. Resin ca nals always medial. P. Grfgg£i E l'\GEDI. (3). (bot) Fibro-vascu hlf bundles ccn ti g uoLls or merged in one. The ang le formed between th e two \'c11 t1'", ! !:l ides smaller th an a right angl e, appro ximately 72° , Hypode rm one o r t we) b}'cr.o; of cells. Ic feioplly!fa S CHLEC HT. et CllA'!. (S). (b) Resin ca nals 3 to 6. Hypoderm 2 ur 3 layers of cells. Fibrv-vasc u lar bund les distinct or co ntig uous. T he a ngle fOfmed between the ·t wo ventral sides la rger than a right a ngle, appro ximately c f 20 . P dtilmalw(1,lIil E-:\'GELl\I. (3). (c 3 ) The leaf-section is notable tor t he presence of b oth thick and t hin outer walls of the endoderm -cells a nd r..)r the large amount of the hypoderm, both fOfIllS appearing in t he sa me leaf. Three re sin ca nal s confined to tht: 3 ed ges. P. Torrt!j!allll PA RRY (5). (b t) H ypode rm lJiform, i. e. ve ry thin wa lls sit uated in the outer Jay er of ceIls a nd ve ry t hick walls in the inner layer o r laye rs of cells. Transverse section of a leaf tri:lIlg ular . (a~) T he outer walls of the elldude rm-cdl:; t hick. IIypodenn .2 or 3 layers of cells. R esin callah; 2 or 3 . confined to the edges. j-'. /co(,/e S CHLECIIT. et CtLUL (3-5). (b~) The outer wal ls o f t he endod erm ·ce lls /l ot thidc (a 3) H y poderl1l in some pa rts ":ollsi;-;ti ng of o ne laycr uf eel],,;, and in others of t wo layers. biform when o f t\\·u laye rs of cells. H.esin ca na ls 2 tu 6, 2 or them nearer til the edges, \'c ry large. O ute r celts of the hypode rm vcry small , in(: o llspicu(JllS. Endoder m witb th in outer \\ alb . I. L'ckilla/a :\llLLEI{ (2 o r 3, ca ..;c (lj' 3). (b)) Hypoder m cO ll sisting \)[ 2 layers of cell", i1ccasicmally u[ 3 Lty<..:r." uf ce lb . (a.l The cdl wall 'i (Or t ht: s td ar t i :--:-l U": thick . Rc ...;j ll ca nal-> 2 u r , P J"(ldia/ a. D. Dv, (2 or J, t:i:Jse " f 3). .' R e.-;in (b,) The cell \V ~d l s of the stebr ti s'me t hin. cana ls 2 to 6. P. attenuata LEM'ION (3), P. scrotin" l'ilIC HAT.iX (3), P taeda L. (3). 180 Tohei 001 :md Kin-jelli MORJK-\\V.\ (c,) Hypoderm 2 to 6 layers of cells. to 8 _ I'. rigida MII.LER (3). (e,) Hypcdcrrll multiJorlll, j c, cell walls beillCJh gradually thicker to\varc1 the centre of the leaf. (a The Cluter "walls oj the emluiernl thick, Hypoderm 4or .:; layers of cells. (a,) 1 rypodcrm projecting f~-l.r in to the green li:-:,SI1l':, but Bot extending tn the endoderm l{esin canaL.., 2 to 9. (a 4) The sclcrenchYl11ii cells form irreglllar li!l6 below and abo\'(: the fibro-vaseular bundles. Resin canals 2 2) {(as) )i'umbcr of the res III GlIlaL" usually' ,). P .i'llontt!.'Jlt!!Jd( L\.\WERT (3-8). Kumber of the resill canals r ()r 2, often 3. Le:lve-; J 5-2) CIll. in length, often very slender and drooping. p ,}lOlltl'fmmat! Dar. f..iJUI!e..J'i Louno::\ (3-8). (c 5) Xumbcr (If thc rCSlll Glluh 4, 5 01- more. Lea\'cs short (i-I5 em- lllllg), rigid; glaucous. (ao) Resin canals 4 or 5. I,eClv(;,'i are 1!l fascicles of ), occasionally more, 10-15 e111. in length P. montezuma£' 'i'm-. rUdl~\· SJ-IA\V (5-8). (b 6) Resin canals numerous, 7-10. I_e;tVeS arc in fascicles of 3 and 4 as well as 5, 7-15 e111. in length. (b~) P ivlonti!sumae 7)ar. flartwegii E'\:GEUl'l. (3-5).} (b 4 ) The sc!erenehynn ccl!s forming an irreguhr line bclmy the tibro-vascular bundles. {(a 5) Leaves 30-40 em. in length. /'. Engelman"ii CARRIERE (3-5). (b 5) Leaves 7-25 em. in leligth. (a6) Endoderm long-based triangular. The angle formed between the two ventral sides Luger than ;l right angle, approximately 120 c , Leaves 12-25 eill. long. (<17) The sclerenehyma cells form an irregular line belc,\\· the fibru-vaseular bundles, but arc wanting above the bundles. Le:1\·cs deep yellowish green. P pondcrosa DO'CGLAS (3). (hi) The many sclerenchyma cells form an irregular line beluw the fibro-vascular bundles and :-:everal of ttlcm are scattered above the bundles. Leaves grayish green P. Jeffreyi BALFOUR (3-5)· Anat omical S t udy of J ~:I,\'es o f !'funs 181 (b 6) Endoderm regular -triangu lar. The angle formcd between the bvo ventral sides ::;rnalle r than a right angle, <.tpproxi1l1ate ly 72°. (<17) Lea ves dee p green, fin e serrated, 7- 17 e m . long . P. arizonica E:\GELM. (5)· (b 7 ) Leaves g rayish g ree n, 12- 25 P. Jeffreyi em. long.. B "' LFOUK (3-5). ) (uJ ) J Jypodcrm rt: l11ar]"ably deve loped, exte nd ing- fro m the cpickrm to the endoderm a nd forming a seplum ac ro ss the g ree n ti s~ ue. Ht:si ll canab 2 or 3, con fined to t he cdgc~. The :-:;clcrcnc hy ma cells funning irregular lines belo w a nd a bove th(; fibro-vasc ular b und les f~ psemiostrobuJ 1}ar. tefluij'olia SHAW (5 )· The leaf-section is notab le for t he pre sence of both (b thick and thin ou ter walls of the e n d~ ) (k rm -cel1s a nd for the large a mou nt of the hypoderm, both fo rm s appearing in the ~alll C leaf: 2) (aJ 1"~ncluL1enn regular-trian gu lar. Resin canals 3, cunfined to the .3 edges. J-iyp(){ierlll 5 to 7 byers of cdls. The many sc lcrenchyma cells funning irregula r linc:-; below a nd above the fibrovasc ular bundles. The angle funn ed between the two ventral sides sma ller tha n a right angie, approxim ate ly 72 Q. P TmTtJ'aml l'_'UtRy (5)· (bJ Endoderm Jvl1g-lJased t ria ng ula r. Resin canals 2 to 10 , taki llg frce portion . The an gle (o nll cd betwee n the l\.\'o ventra l s ides la rge r t ha n a right angl e, app roxima tely 120°. (a 4) H ypoderm 2-4 layC!rs of cells. #\1 ullle rous resi n callais a lways Illcd ia l. The scle rellc hyma cells IR.t only form irregular lines below and above the ftbro-vasc u lar bund les, but abo lie b dwcen t he two bu ndles forming " .T " shape.. r ~')'t.lbillia"a DO lGLAS (3). (b 4) Hypoderm con:-;i!;ting (Jf 5-7 layers of cells. Resi n ca nals medial, or ocea.;.; iona1iy wit h one o r h'.'o internal canals. F Colt/tm D. Do,; (3). (b:.) Endoderm ellipticaL (rt,) Hypoderm cells unifonll thj ck~ \\.·aJkd. (a~) The outer walls ()f the entlode rm thick. Resin canais 2 to 9. Hypoderm 2 or 3 layers of cell.~. {(<l 3) (b,) Lea ves 30-"40 C Leaves 1 2 - 25 lI. in lc:ngth . P El/gdJllaJl1lii em. in le ngth. CARRl i-:r{E (3-5). T6hci DOl and Kin-ichi l\IU)UKA\VA 182 (aJ The sckrenchyma cells form an irregular line below the fibro-vascular bundles, but ,,,,aoting above the bundles. Leaves deep yeIlo\vish green. . l~ ponderosa DOL-CLAS (3). (b 4) The many sclercnchyma cells form an irregular line below the fibro-vascular bundles and several of them arc scattered above the bundles. Leaves grayish green. F fll1reyi (b DALCOUK (3-j) 1 The outer walls of the endoderm not thick. 2) (aJ Endoderm-cells very unequal in si;-:e, some of them large. Two resin canals medial, but occaslonally vvith an internal canal or a septal ~anaL Hypoderm 2 Of 3 layers of cdIs. P JIcrkusii JCNGH. et DE VKIESE (2). (b 3) Endoderm-cells approximately equal in size. (a4) Transverse section of a leaf triangular. Fibro-vascubr bundles contiguous. Resin canals 3 to 6. F cia/mel/malta EXG-EI\L (3). (b4 ) Transverse section of a leaf semicircular. (a~) The sclerenchyma cells not only form irregular lines below and above the fibro-vascular bundles, but also lk scattered betv.'een the 2 bundles forming <f I." shape. HypoJerm 2 to 3 layers of thick-\vallcd cells. Resin canals 2 to I I, ahvays medial P icltcotit'rmis ANTOINE (2). Cbs) The sclerenchyma cells form irregular lines below and above the libro-vascular bundles, but not forming "I" shape. IIypoderm consisting of one layer of cells, occasionall}" of t,,\,O layers of cells. .Resin canals 2 to 6, medial or medial and external. P talz.tltlllCllsis l1.\.YA'1'A. (2), P brc"ispica l-L'l..YATi'l.. (2). (c 5 ) The sclerellchymd cells form beloy\' the libro-vascular bundles, scattered above the bundles. a irregular line occasionally several of them lie (a6) Hypoderm, some parts consisting of one layer Resin canals 2 or 3. Epiderm very thiclc The sclcrenchyma cells lie scattered and form a irregular line below the fibro-vascular bundles, but are \vanting above the bundles P. lucltuensz's !vlAYR (2). of cells and others of two layers. (be) Hypoderm consisting of 2 layers of very thick-\valled cells, occasionally of 3 layet·s of cells. Resin canals 2 to 12, often to IS. The sclerenchyma cells forming an irregular line belm-\' the fibro-\'asc ul ar bundles, and se\'cra l of them lie blllldi cs. I~ .11ml!(Jt'rgii IJ AJa,. ( 2), F (ll,) ~cattered aoove th e AJO,OLn (2). layer o f t hin-w:tlled in- nif[Fl l Hypoderm ce ll s uniform thin-wall e , !. (aJ Hypoderm c(,II1:-;i:-;ti ng of one c<Jllspic lII ') U'" ce 11:-; , occasiona lly o f 2 lay ers of cell ..,. (<13) The sc1c rc ll cl'yrna cells f~ JI·tllill g irreg ular Jines he h l\\' a nd ahove t he fib ro-vascu b r bundles. Rc ~ ill ca na ls 2 to 6, mn!ial or media l a nd I.:x ternal. Trall "i\'ersc ~ec ti()!l of a lea f se tHic irc llla r. /'. tai'i.'flItt'lIsi.l' I/.\\'.\T.\ (2), l~ /;I'(, ';,'i/,il'{ r j-L\\' ,\T.\ (::!). (bJ Scn~ral sc lcI cnchYlIla cells lit: . . c atterecl belu\\' th e fibro-\ ·a.'Cllla I' bundles, :\[('ciial resin canals tw o , occ;'I... iunally with :i ll intern al can;) 1. Transve rse s('c1 ion of a leaf tri ;l ll g lll ;lI'. I-~ falula SCH I.EClI T. ct CIJ :HI. (3 . .;;nmetinll,-'s 4 or 5). (Il:.) lT ypoder m c(' I~... i ~t ing Iif 2 to 3 layc:: r:-; (.f cell s. i\.csin ca nal." :J , a lways media l (C ,) lIYlJodcrrn biro I'm, Lt:. \'ery thin \\'all:-; :-;ituatcd III tht outer laye r of' ccll~ and very thi c k wal]:'; in th e illller layer or lay(:l's uf cel!.'i, 'l'ralls\'e rse sectioll or a leaf :-;emicircular. ( Reference p . 179 (h ,) nil t he :-;peclcs which the t r:lIls ve rse ~_ecti on o f a lea f are trian g uli'lr.) (a ~) an d ( It l wJ'''; o f IlypfKknn , som e pa rts co nsisting" flf ( Ine byer of cel l·; layer.'i. ilifo J"l n whe n of two laye:r... (,( cd l". l\VO (aJ Outer cells {,f t ht.· hY]llldcl'Ill vc·ry s lIl a ll , incoTlspioll "w;, Endeod e nn with thin ultter walls. (a~) !lal : 2 mc di al canals (bJ Re:o;in ca nal...; ~~ to G, llH'di al ( II' mcdial and inkl'them neare r tn the edge . . . ve r ~ ' large. I ~ l'rhiltrl/o '\111.1.1-:1< (2 (.r :;, ca ;,;e o f 2). f)f Resi n ca nal ... al \\' ays ~. med ial, confin ed to t he I~ .r;·!({!wa \VALTEK (2). edges, no t Luge. (b) Outer ce ll ... (l the h}'pud t: rrll large. COtl."pi CII OlL'l. :\[cdial re,': in c<t nal" two, nr ()ccCl !-: in llally with all intern al callaL ! ~ dill/.w V":\SEY (1). 11 Y}Joder ll1 consisting- o f 2 o r 3 lap:)" , ; o f cells. (b,) (aJl Re;,;i n calla]:..; 2. (a,) I fypoder m u ...; ually 2 layer:-; l ;f cell,;. (b,l _Hypoderm 8 cm. lo ng. 2 layer,;; of J.ea\Tes 4 to I). 7'il:s;iJliantl ;\TIU.ER (2). ce ll ~. hilt having part ..: . T u llei DOl ::m d KiIl·ichi ;\lm:.IK-".\\,.\ which consist of 3 layers of cells. Leaves 10 to 15 em. long. p radiala D . Do,; (2 or 3, case of 2). Resiu canab 3 to 6. {(b,) (a4) I eaVf:$ from .3 to 7 cm. long. Resin canals 3 to 6, media l or med ia l an d inte rna l. P pllllgms LAMBEI<T (2). Lea ves fi-om 10 to 15 cm. long. (aJ H.esin canals 2 or 3. medial or medial and inte r1'. radiala D. Do~ (2 or 3, case of 2). Re.'iin canals 3 or 4, always~ll1edial. (b,) na!. P_ (d l ) Hyp(}(le rm lllu itiform, i.e. thicker to\vard the centre of the leaf. ~e ll tJlllrirala \\'all ~ being gradually (a ,,) The oute r walls nf the endoderm thick .section of a leaf tl-ia ng ul a r. Resin canals 2 to 9 . {(aJ Leaves 30'40 COl. ill D no!' (2).} Transve rse length . 1'. blge/11Iamlii CARRIEH.E (3-5). (b 3) Leave.':) J 2-25 COl. in length. (a 4 ) The sclerenchYl11a cells forlll : I. n irregular li ne below t he fibro-vasc ula r bu ndles, but are wa ntin g above the bUlldles. Leaves deep yellowish green. P. pondtrosa DOUGUS (3) . (b~) The many sclcrcllc hyma cells form an irregu lar lillt..: below the fibro '\' ;1scU !,U- bundles and ~eve ral of them aloe scattered above the bundles. L eaves g rayish g:reen. P j e!!;")'! HALFoeR (3-;).) (1~~) The uut er walls of the end oderm not thick. Transve rse section of a leaf semicircula r. The inn l~ r cells of the bypoderm gT<Idually la rger, remarkably large in the ed ges. Resin canais 2 til 14. 1-'. pill11strr SOL:\K DJ::R (2). (c~) The Itaf-:-1t:<.:t ioll is 11(,table /()1' the presence of both thick and thin outer \\·;,111:; of the endoderm·cells and for th e la rge amo unt of th~~ hypu(kl'lll, hnt h fo rms appeari ng in the same leaf. Re::;in cana ls 2 to 10 . (a) IIYIJ!)tie1'l 1i c o nsist ing of 2-4 byers of cel ls ~ um c ro ll s resin canal s always medial. The scle renchyma ce ll.s not only form irregular lillt'~ below and abuve the fibro-vascular bundles, but also lie between th e two uundlc s forming" T " s hape P. Sabilliallu DO UGLAS (3). Hypoderm consisting- of 3-7 layer-; (If cells. Re~ill cJnal.'i lllcdi:tJ, or occa~iollally \Iith oile or tn'u internal canal...;. r Dm/to'/ 1J. Dn); (3). (bJ (c·J Endndr:rm "j rangled-ci 11:( ,( 111 like. The ~p;lCC between the (WI) iihrl)-I-;hClllar hllndle" \"tTy II-irk. l~t:_...;ill Ifypndnlll \Iith \'cry thin \\·;[1:" in the (Iuter hyer can:lls 'dIe' Ilr twu. 1,( cell....; ;l1ld \Try thick \I-;Lll'i in tht" 11111er L-lycr (If byns ilf cdb, ll(llllciy bifl,nn. The (luter ILlll ....; (,f the endoderm thick. Epidcnll cells thick, l11cir thick-lie".., thicklT th:l1l tlteir (Cl,) width Ifyp()dcrJl1 2 ,3 byer .. .; (l cel!....;. Epiderrll cell" nut thick, therr tiJicknc.'is (h,) \\'idth (ir l-Iyp(\<lerlll 2 or 3 layers oCcel1s. :IS ]'lllg ;\s their I'. h'alli.'sia1!!T 1._\\lI\vvr (1).} Re"in callaIs medial ;uld external, 1.(" . .'iOI1lC ({ the rC_"il1 canaJ:..: situated III tbe gTeen ti"';-;lll'", tOllching- neither cl1tk,c\enn nor hnXldcl"ln; but other....; cl('~C t(1 the hypoderm. StOfl1ata on both ri(I!".'i;tl and ventral (H) siues. ('\» Enduderl1l lung-based triangular. rarel.Y with a medial canal 111 \"entral side, 2 H.esin canaL...; external, to 5. F insuiaris E'\!)L (3). (rare ca.:';e). (Lo) Endoderm elliptic<d. (a Resin canals 2 to 6; c.:-.:ternal canal.'i usually 2 III the venlra1 side, medial canrtls ill the d()r~al side. Ilypoderlll cnnsi:';tillg (If (i1le layer or cell~ The sclercnch.Y'JlLl (db SUlTeJtlllciing the resin canals thick. P rl'si)/(}slf .i\ ITO:\ (2). (h,') External rcc;l11 cl.llals in the til)r-;ai side (Jnl)' (lr buth tbe (IUI"-;<11 all(! ventral sides. t'_1 J I . (aJ Tran.'i\·ersc section of a leaf trianglllar. !\e.'iin canals 2 tu 5, external or external and Illedial. P insular!.\· E:\!)f.. (l), (J;m~ C;1-;t'). (bJ. Trans\'crsc section ()f a leClf semicircular. (;t:) The sclercnchYllla cells fiJnning irregular lille.., beluw and ;t1){l\,C the libn1·\,;l.~Cldar !Jundk'i. Resin c;-{Ilai.c; 2 t(i ri. 11lc-dial PI' l ) Jllt:dial ,1nd e:--..:.krnal. Ilypodcrlll CI)llSi.'iting tJf" (JIlt:" byer uf cells, J'.I(li~t!{rtt(1/.I'iS IfA\XL\ (2), (b 1) irregular line Tlle ~cleretlchytna ceil." Jl. l;lI"l~l) /m'-"ij/,inl H.\\AT.\ (2). _"cattcn.:d and f(lUllillg- a beluw the tibru-vascular bUJldle~, occasicJnally :::el,-'erdl uC ['i:'.hei i);.)l amI Kin-ichi l\fORIKAWA 186 them scattered above the bundles. Hyopoderm, some parts consisting of one layer of cells and others of two layers. (a'l) Hesin canals 3; 2 of them medial, confined to the edges; other external in the dor,;al side. Epiderm vcry thick. I-Iypndenn for the most part cnn ...;isting of 2 layers of cells, others of ont P IItc/IllCi1sis ~lAm (2). layer. (h-+'! k('"in canals 2 to I 2, among them the medial canals taking free purtiun. Epiderm not so thick as P. IUc/llftllSis. Hypoderm f(w the m()Sl p:lrt consisting of one layer of celis, others of t\vo layers. P dtnsijlora X P. TlmllbtlXl"i; P 17tltnbt/:f(ii X P. (co) Endc)(lerm strangled-cocoon like. rI(,Jls~jl()ra l\L~ VI{ The space between the t W(l fibrCi-vascular bundles vcry wide. The sclerenchyma cells j;Jnning' a irregular line belo\\' the fibro-vascular bundles, occa:;iOJully :-;c\'Cral u( tbelll scattered above the bundles. The sclerenchyma ce:!:.,; ~U1T()Llndillg the re:-;in callaIs contil11JOll:'i at the part touching the hypodeml. Resin canals 2 t(1 IS, external, IJccasionally Hypoderm one layer of thin-walled with one or twu meciial c:mab. cells, often having parts which cunsist of two layers of cells. F. sih'Cstris L. (2). (I) Resin canals external, i.e. situated close to the hypoderm. Stomata on both dorsal and ventral sides. (ao ) Endoderm triangular. (a,) l-Iyplxlerm in Jarg'e masse.", projectiIlg far into the green tissue. (a 2) Some ur all of the endoderm-cells with thick outer \valls. Resin canals 2. P. longifolia ROXB. (3)· (bJ Endoderm with thin outer walls. Resin canals 2 to 4 P. canariellsis S!vHTH (3). (b ,) Hypoderm nut projecting far in to the green tissue. Resin eanals 2 tu j, external. rarely with a medial canal. 1'. insularis E~DL. (3). (b o ) Endoderm elliptical. (a,) Hypoderm cOIlsisting uf one layer of cells, ()cc{l,sional having parts consisting of two layers of cells. (a~) External resin canals 2. in the ventral side only. p. r{'sinosa AITO~ (2). (b~) External resin canals in the dorsal side or both the dorsal and ventral sides. Anatomical Study of Leaves of Pil1l1' (a3) 187 Epiderm remarkably thick The sclerenchym<l cells forming an irrcgllbr line belo\\' the fibrovascular bundles, occasionally' severai of them scattered above the P. JJl(}Jl/clIla :VLLLER (2). bundles. Resin canals 2 to 7· (b3 ) Epiderm not relllarkably thick. (a 1) canals 2 Transverse section to 5 . of ;1 leaf triangular. Resin 1'. insularis E\,DL (3). Trans\"erse section of a It:"f sClllicirculZir. The sclerencbYI11<1 cel!.s ':illrronnding the resin canals are wanting at the part touching the hypoderm and se\'eral ~ecreting cells are close to the hypoderm. (3,,) The :-;clercnchymd celie; !;mnillg ;1n irregular line below the fihro-vascular bundles; (lcGl.~inll;t11)" :.;;evera) of them arc scattered a.hove· the bundle". thin-walled cells. (a,) I Jypoderlll consisting uf nne layer of very Resin canaIs 2 to 12. I.eaves 7- I 2 Clil. lung. p. d(!ls~.f1(Jra SlED. ct ZUCCo (2). (b 7) Hypoderm c()l1sistiJ1g (l nne !a)-ocr of thickwalied cells, but having parts ,,-hieh consic.;t (l t\\"Il byers i)[ celi<:;. Resin canals 2 to 10. /rrblf/m/ormis C . \'R.R 1f.:R. I'; (2), (Fjlt1ldwis KiJ:lL\lW'Y pro parte'). (rare ca:-;c). r (b r,) The several .c.:clcrcnchY1l1:1 ceils scattered bebllnrllc ...;, I'wt Ilot f(mning (Ill irregular line, deficient above the bundles. Hyp~)der11l with very thin-walled cells, lnconsplCliOliS. Resin canaL" S to 8. Le3.\"C.S 12-10 em. long f'. ,1IassoJlimlir I ...\'>IBERT (2, rarely 3). low the tihro-v;}scular (1)5) The sclercllchyma cells :-iurroLll1ding the resin canals always continuous at the part touching the Ilypoclt:nn.Rcsin canals 2, confined to lateral edges, une of them in the dorsal side and the other in the ventral side. Several ...;clcrcnchYlll;l. cells lie scattered below the flbro-vascl.llar bundles. P pinea L. (2). (c 5) The .""clercnchYllla ceilo..; sUlro1ll1ding the resin canals continuous and :-urround the total circulllfcrcncl' nf some of the resin canals, but in other cdnals tbc}' a.re \\';lI1ting- at the parts touching the hypoderm, and secreting cells arc clo:)c to the hypoderm. The sclcrenchyma cells form an irregular line bclo\v the fibro-vascular bundle:-;. occasionally several of them lie scattered above the bundles. Hypoderm one layer of thick-wailed ceils. but having parts which consist of tn"o layers uf cells, f'. itl/1;!/r71:/oJ"lIlis J Iypodenl1 uniFlnn thick-walled celb. (b,) (;IJ Resin kesin canals C".\I{HIEIU·: (2), (/', C( )flsisting" 2 to ./Imcbris I u. pro parle) KO:\l.l,l{{)\\ uf 2 t(l 3, rarely CClll;ds I.J( rClllMj·Clh1c .c.;izl', nd layers of tl) 1()\lchini-; the cnd()dcnn, tech1llcally' external, 2 tIl 9. illg irreglliar lines bcluw and ;il)()vc tlle ilbrl)-vascular bundles j lYF'f'. tropicalis -:\T()I-,I:U·:T (2) dcrrn 3 to .=; layers uf cells. (h . ) Hesin c:mals not S(. ];Hgc ;-t." F tro.foiolh\·. Thc ~;clert:'ll ChYlll(l celis fnrnljng ;111 irreguJilr line below tlw fihr()-V;L';;Cll];.U· ll111l(1!cs, u("cil.sj()l1ally .c.;c\"l'ra! uf them ;lrc scattered abuvc the bundlt::.s. (;JJ Resin ca.na!s 2, c()ntined t() lateral edges, (,tlC (,f them in the d,)rsaJ .side ;1Il<! the other in the ventral side. The ."clncH ChYlllil celLs SlllT\.lltllding the rc."in canab alway-::; COJ1ti!ll\DIl'; ilt the part t(~lIchilJg 1h~~ hyp()derlll. Sc\'eral :;c]crcnchynia cells lie .<;cattelTil helow the libro-\",hCular bundlc:~ F /'t"Il<'tt L. (2). (bJ [(esin callal." 3 to 7. takilll~ free p()rtion. The <.;cicrenchY'llla celb SlllTOlllHiing· the rL'sin cln;lls :lrc t:(lntillllr'lIS and SlIrrutllld the t/)[<1J circumference of some !.l the l-csin canals, hut in otht'l' clnals they arc wanting :,t thc part..; tuuching the hyp()dcr1l1 and secretin!.!" celL- are close to the hypodenll P. ll<rI('i'f::"Jlsis\rlLI.EI~ (2). (c,) Hypoderm in large masse,;, projecting far info the green tis:-'l1c. (eL.,,) \I·dlls, Ecsin ur al[ of the canab 2. Endoderm ,,'jth thin (b~) (cJ So:m; clldo(knn-ccll~; with thick F !e"g~fo!ia (lUte1 'utCl' EClXII. (~). walls. JZesin cU],ds 2 tn 4 I), {"IlJlaricllsis S.IIlTli (3), Endudenn :.;tr;{ngled COC()()l1 like. 'rile :;pace hetwcell the :2 fibro-vascular bundles \"Cry "wide. The :-;c!ercllchYlll;l eel],,; ii)nllillg ;111 irrcg-uiar li1lc be!(I'iv the fibro-vd:-icubr bUll d k...; , UCCl.'-'!ull'llly :-;c\'cral (If them arc :",clttcrerl a]Hl\·e the hllJ1(lles. 'rhe sclen:nch.vllla cells ;;UIT()Ullliing tht' rc,;in cilnaLs :dway.'i continuous ~lt the pan touching the hypodenll. Resin canal." 2 ttl 15, external. ucca.si(lllc.t!ly \dtiJ nne II]" two mcdi;t1 C<lll;-d.s. 1 Lypdenll cUllsi,sting of UllC layer uf tbin-\\alled cdb, often lw,iIlg" parh which CU1L"ist of 2 la)iers ()f cdb Anatomical Tho.o:.c species enclosed ~tu d y of Leaves ~f Pill'" , l" parent hesis ,, { [f1 189 In thi." Allalytical Key (Chapter VIII), are eitJ,e r 'L1c h as fail to show ~omc distinct pec uli;:Jrity, or ",hich, hecause pos.r:.ibl c ,.. li g ht ch3nges in their c hardc t'ers, arc difficult uf exact c lassificati o n . or ..\n:llm llic ..:<)m par~ .-It'S li g:t'~ et rI~ r~ui l1es dlf'''- Jco", (;neUcees el les Theses presentees a b rac ultc des !"c iehces d o: p.lfi~ P"lIlT qlJlen ir Je grade fie d.)ctctlr ~ sr-iellces ua lurd lt:s. So.'rie ,\ , :.,: : 14, -"c d··m lre 3,>,;, ~.!·9;;, E lf i", ,374_. P.\G l l 'LI .~.", A. : I,-echc rchcs IIYl rl'ht)I'I~ i'II IC<; ,.:I\ r Ie.. fc ui l lr ~ 'k ~ l ~~nif(> r~:<. Theses pre.' er,iCes :I Ia fac ult c <.k .;; Science.; de I'ad" ,Y\u r " hl e o ir Ii' !:ra.\<, <k d ·-..:I ("l1 r~" science,> 1l."\lurdlc;o . serie A, ...-0 J 37, :,,' .t'... rrlre (,89 . .5 1- ; ,l, Pari):' . J ;~'Y~ ' Hr.wrRA:-;n, C. E. l. C' ,nifer('~. EM;J,.ER, A. unci K. P !{,\'>;TI.; " . 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Disscrl'lli.)n, \V:J..",hington, Ib96. I; . :\fOR H{,\W.'\, K.; AIl."llomische Vntcrsu ei lUng:e:n iihe r d ie ;'\:a d dll der Zw ischen -Fofmen \o n I'imu dt1lS!!wra llnd P. l'hlfllM'7{h (J " palli~ch mit D':Ul sciLc ZlIs:J.mmen fassu ng.). I,a B ulleT in Scit":l1C<t (k la F:1lmUal<l 'J"e rl.;u! llI ra, K,il1stl Imperia UIlL\·crsit.1t". V nl. ;:: , ~, .... 2, ~)6 ·113 , JaIMIl, 1926. 13 . :-:HA\V, (; , R; The Pines of ;\fexic(1 . J)i ~~c rl:lI i " ll, p~ )~ [ <) !1, ' 71') "1 . SIIA\\' . G. R.; The Gelllls I'inl!.<. Di ssertat km . Camhddgc , 1 ~}I 4 15 . ZANG, \\C.; Die AnJlnmic cler KiefeTll:"lde l lim.! ihr(; VerwclHIIIIlg' zur ~ystennti5chen (;licde rung rler Gatt ling: Filllt", Di ssertalinll, Gie~<;cn , l ~j04. II. \. IXDEX TO THE SPEcrJ<.:s, L>\' RIETIE5 Al'D THEl R sr:--:oXY.:tr.-:; L\' TIlE A~ALYTrCAT. KEY (CHA.PTER nTr. ) The scit:ntific names of the ad mi tted Species or Varieties are in roman type, of Synonyms in italics. Trohei Dol and’ Kin−i’chi Moi〈IKAwA 190 Page Cgノプ⑳吻鐸離離s窓A騒=メ、ど駅馬E鴎肌簸・ .勘露露伽加CARR】嚢R鉢ア.加妙傭廊MI鵬R abcliaプゴ確HORTコメ》・差でxlePe?rsia M三しLER ss. 4漉〃霧8鐸罫《}sc瓢!≧プ欲飾鍵緒D.1)()韓 α滋でぎ一e潔Pt{7爵躍蕊ぶPRQVA饗cK猛R灘ノン。5i毒・爵轄L. 欝 甑董bicau芸.is 1【3NG鷺LM..。. .。. _. .,ヴ ... 曹.. _. ..噸 ... i” 刃。「 ・・釦 じ輔 ・鱒 172 {;le;geejasetf 1)ol xx,;’r= P. /saleLg}gyisis MILI.EK 操妙‘卿鹸HORT謬ア・se“V∼謡M貰α1脚x 一}} 回議?〃滅勲浮証S鷲A、V==ア硬し(XZむ5・Oi却’i ROEZ夏、 .鱒 ぐ1itis5tlガ審濡L聡D鷺難OUR.螺ノ♪.5ilWぎstフ”isゐ, t渉 v. 臓mamia“翫Kα…)2;. 輔。 _. ... _. 一ゆ 。。轡 ... ∴糠 。。. ア. Anlei}aeana R(聡オL認丑壷一三ぎ!ノ逐一L茎織》茎・・ 嚇要や .・。 。蜂 翼7◎ a“>adkeea LE}sMoN. = P. pande?v.{a DoitscrTLAs ?v ft. ⑳認と醜5毒し!灘)ち・:=・R・ Ptsettdesx〆8轟’s 1/叢醗瓦・ gxrti6ic酵s茎鷺3ER=:ノ〉。ゐご蓄雌π5ぎ8鯖y.1.Elミ 鯵 ’7・Jacanensis KNrGHT’=:P. Pinea工’・ :7 ノ7鐸ど意¢H()R’罫演2・ノ蒐が8ぜx鮎・ “) ”二二、勘ア歎㌧?。遼 げ サ レ ぼ 躍留ぎし漏瓢蜘et L鷺v繍L聾,鑑謡. m》、諏諏融ψノ・fiiil C《RR磁R罵 afis{aセ畿E講(;覚しM. 騨。 。.壷 _◎ ... 。.ψ 、.。. .噸v ..撃 .麓.. 料・ 議『捻。捻董ca】EN(;…yし擁. 。.. ... ..。 鱒. ... 鱒. _. ... _. Armξ竃雛di】ドRA蕪cH. 韓噂 。,、 鱈. 鱒. 鱒、 。.. _. 韓輯 脚ひ @ … 、・鱒 竃7◎ .... .....,178,181・ 幣.奪 、。.. .,。 169 ar,〃tena KOC蒼{馨=ア. siiv“s!プ廊L, 三豊e糠U{慧aL£M製0賛 .鱒 ... 。鱒 _ .韓 ... 評.. 韓, 一・ ・一 !7S, i79 6a}ra{識董搬lt¢総liRENBtw(] _1 .鱒 _ .咲. _ ... 。.澄 蝿・ .韓. ・鱒 笈7◎ /撫κ港裁館読巣,《}1)DIGES=, P。《海メ榊痂滅憲、擢駆ゐ、 crttsti’alis }’loRl’= 1’. lialeXensis Mu.T.ER e) agt“12velis・ iMlc}rAu>g : 2t’. 2alzsstsis Mlgl.ER 多, 鯵 鈴 騨 .P. . ,ノ)t t ]s,一 trtt5!ηica蓋{蒼ss :」P4娑濡雪ARi oしぎ) baha〃躍溜露5 GRISERAC蕪瓢ア。6αプ漁ぐ76r躍難萱OR鷺L鴛T Bg〃eouriafta欝A二F()篭獄欝汎βtr/fe2irianre蟹琴猟翼みY Balft)ur…a糠a鍼URR《v _. 鱒。 .。.,.∵. _. .聖. 樋. ... 軸・ @,輔 軸・ コ7… Balfettf・iafm U 7x僧門!拶裁EN(粥L誠・ec P・でxノ・i5tala鷲NGF・;・き1・ βa・fex{f’iana W《Ts・纒、矛『・躍ノ・毒漁∼躍ENGEしき{・ 芸1. Banksi識簸鳥L孤胴1}3}こ験丁 ,.。 ... _ 。.. 。.. ... ... … 君. Banl“siane LI NDL. et GoRD. :」’. cofxforttx bovGLA s 壕。昏 @轄. _ 菰85 Betu’dsle],i Mv R RAy 一一一 /’. ,g>ai3fXe rpsa DQuGLAs Pン !e βenthでIlixia}leX HART職鷹《}灘三目ρπ爵辮錨Dζ)UGむAS Bes58プ8プ爵γ,魏Ro}粥撫.re f?.謝梶。海Sぐ慕驚罵翼lr. e匙C終A縫. fF sl sシ 簿 」タelandeノぜ〕PA RL.==ノ?.ご0海’ρプガ‘ζ1)◎UGLAS BeigaPteXPt’eera】k〈》R輩も魏裁催嫁薦加メ今回elREN難…i’}ζ《} .be7’eza!is畠欝黒海’ツ瓢ρ・蜘45≠ノぜ5 L・ ぶ{郷ノ’siki’Ti●CA狭RI亜R猛灘ノ『.8ρπ♂o蹟夢DoぴGLA$ pl 聾£尤熟ゑ 5プ拶8蘭越ン驚鷺鰹G君乙張溜ノ♪・Sρtideresa DO蟹GL,xS brevispica}.{AyA3’A ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... … 王8窮三83講85 bプt〃毎TEr ORE:=P・〃認ψ8κ∫露M菰LLER お“鶏9¢蕊轟&z難㏄. _ _。 _ _。 _ .。。 。.。 蝉. _ ・一 礁妙痴㈱x窺s駄珊R・・lt。口紐灘D.:D◎醤 @ … 玉72夢笈73 Anatomical Study of Leaves of Pintts 191 Page ア. )1 ご・癒伽癬・灘網w離瓢/’・罐耀磁減旧劇・ ‘ごmadeutis yぜ7r・rfftinetssfeff‘x D財利A織£乙撫ア・stf’ebPtS し ごanak‘etlaftx M!QP冠1,讐ノ:). M,∼ssoniana I.’A…∼張…磁RT’ 1p P, c瓢、ar三ensis$M夏T}!.。.. ... _ 鱒. .彫. _ 。。. ,.. _ ,。.玉77,186ノ188 P. cariも段ea麓《)装聡円環・ _ _ ..。 _ _ … _ … _ _ 三フ4,芸アs,三76 ip. 11 ・舞 carica Do翼瓢ア・ゐでzlePerノ潟豆s MILL鷺R α7露ζで∼kS’モ=zRISCHERニ=ノ?.5il㌘85Xノゴ5 T!。 〈濃ノで癒プ趨L蹴{露et L鳶v環L砥鷲ノ孔海∂麟裟ψノ聯露CA獄縫臨 磁電ノ♂㍑認ごみ詑潔3躍1王く}RT謙ノ》.爵多5露轟鯉毫5罵蕪D1、, 」} )s α爵鋸∫Rぐ}meZL:=“i:).なゴ塑門下Sα{L鴬α{Tバきt C耳《M・ でニセ《凄「ノ・tt5 Usや総NSK==29。 eti・醒∂ノマx L. }) cembgvr 84∼t∼ガ‘ノ毒1)AU’A$, L£(}ARvEut 7“’・.g>t〃蹟を護Rg(藁獄’ ?s R ¢¢m1)r議し。 .。。 ... ... .。や ... ... 。.. .。. 。革聾 ・し.ト ∴. .専賀 ・.俸. 169 −, 躍跳撫πL。韓ご.vc∼毒π露響AX翼躍課/ゐ矛ρ魯掘8拶認ぶSIF.3. eを難罵導。 ?) eepTt6pttx T學び澱≧・=君ρ87r謬獅耀s罵8。 e窺z繋(;¢・ ce〃ibrtZ waプ.ノlfa’icltttPti‘ごx MAS’互・.灘ノ!). kOi?7惚’lsi.f SI葦こ1;, et Zucc, )) }e 鮮 蜂 饗 de.〃xbノ’4汐姥ノ、メ鋸〃ゴ∼?x PAL砿s讐ノ,・」♂〃iila REC・EI・ Ste〃挿ノ?g”titぎ戯ノ蓼轡躍ど81・(》磁)◎N :R・ juymu多薄REGEf, ピ轟隙5惣町たぎ (気)RDON二=ノ:♪. Pゴタte8eX/tf謬GOR】〔)ON C〃Vtb2“eid“5 NRWVBERRY=:f・,14瀞露π㍑蔀】巳醤(墜欝もM, ご♂〃滅惣読ぎ欝婬ノ’.6dgf∼毒V()$s =:ノ津.寂∼2,ゐ㌻E翼(葺鴛t!矯. e} 實e R なP 井 勲 鱒 re/7ebPt’eSdes z/aフニmept’砂丁目z Vos$瓢/『.〃Ofiop1;ylla T()XREY ce〃罐惣敏5 e’CXI’・ノ:,arノ:yantx V(》s s・灘ノ,・鍔!a‘んψ姦謬SUDw《)狭TK 心¢mもrゆ三{量¢sZUCCAR・ ・韓 ..。 。。. 鱈. _ _ _ 。..茎70,濯7ち172s.173 chihu,ahuaha ENGE“. L .., ... .., ・一・ .” ・.. ... .,. ・・一 ... i79, ig2 Clxガ!6」%oza ELVH【N3rONEr=ノ,・(矩ノ’aノ漉ン∼ntτWAしし・ Gる劉∼Za L〈)撲)IGES・=・ノ)・exぐeJsa WALL!α{ 欝, 《:紮灘s翫V《s鷺v … _ _ … _ _ .., _ … … _ … 雲フ6,183 f’‘ ceSchiea BooTH=P. halkReiesis Mi kmR }} P.. 縛 伽tonfoftii RoEZL=:gP. le妙byde Sc肌蹴磁’・ et CHA,x・峯・ celiXesnfa BoLAI Dm〈 =f’. xntt;pticaXa D, IDQN. c轍・漁DoりGLAS …・… .一…………_・一……璽85 atenterta窯を著肌∼∼ぎ♂ク0勲H:ORT =.g:r. CtottlaPtla DOびGLAS 簿 ぐesxfρf・9躍禦罐ダ」ノ1盛メプノ窒凄㌢謡ノt緒8難(;駄鞭.騨ノ≧ぐ拶麓∼RrgtX!)o難磁もAs. げ t”?)i’onans I」iTviNoF 一一一一 2n?. ceffiby−a L, )) 雌 芸》. fv. )s ‘鱗加麗LOUDON=P。塵”a・ARmoし1) C{}縫魏eぎ重D・D◎N _ … … _ _ _ _ _ … _ i7S,韮8ち匪85 三二躍営門鰍RAY=丑ρ躍・細微累D⇔登GL胤s ご躍5e離s・意GR蛋S鷺8AC}1ニノ::}.0ぐ‘読ノ綴鴇赫S、VARTx ぐas煮どsesis SA獄(]F.N「1’5:ノ♪.∼rごど磁ζ78π.!耀:◇R…鼓,髭’嚢’ 鱒 ゼ∼1τム声躍♂露V韮s韮・K・NIコ・2.狸奪‘アπAI〈NOLI) )e e} ・R驚丑 鯵 ∠)ec(∼ノ痴漉α回目Ro}ζZL蹴君‘をio21x]ノ諏Sc}I LECKT・et( KAXM. 乙二二ぎ継丁◎RREY=」P・ノk2ffrayi BALF()UR detesraggx Mms:‘,F.Rs= P. efxb)tlaefoxmis CARRIER}e densiflora SI};B. et ZUCC.. ... ... .... .. ... ... .... ... ... ... Ig7 densifiora X P, 1’hunbergii IYIAyf〈 ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... i 86 de郷i一ク捧駕癬8壌ゼUYEK1 =A滅WtSt;Pteタ’窃xP・7協露漉ジ欝露ノ2騨.7%露κ一 海讐露XP. denSi f’a MAyR T5hei Dol and Kin−ichi MomKrwA 192 Page P. ee一 ,, , , )) 吻側・lens ROEzx. ・ P. leioPhJ’lla・SCHLFCH’r・et cHAL1・ tle!ナ燃1{ORT==ノ物ノit’nas2をグSo鮎A簸Σ)ER Dewonianre l,桝跳..:P. fYbntensmae L盈綿. 2:)icksonii HORT饗ノ「, ex‘elsa WAエ.LICH divaptz:‘nt‘z I)uMO〕:TDE COURSET==1≧ BanksiTtr/ta LAMBERT ee 伽螂鋤πMATT肥ws=P・pine” L. }t z)ennell−Syfiilkii MAETEXs・=R緬厩9醐擢撚プ・魚歪山回霧撫G£斑・ E ノ・,. 鱒 1). ノ,.、 echlnata Mlu、駅 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ … …175,176,叢79,183 ecli∼翠ata HoRT == P.〃,o〃tana】>ilLLER .cagaン’iana. HA狼rハv£Gギ/「.〃le一‘プicattx D. DQ翼 e翻護§EBge}m. _____、____..__η3 Eゑノ’eraseノぎ露瓦ND鉱層ノ物伽翔を32〃ttle var.ノ.・ぽ’廊SKAw ぼ t) 樽 璽陀 ノ七 ep 11 rs ”琵ゑ tt ff ,, , , 鷲 s夢 ”息勲猟汽 1) sp ff P. ノ}、 舞 f} !f I). 1). ノ,. fs ss P. kl(laプtcごτMEDWEJ駕w営ノ乳ノ}a妙“2esiS M ILLER E繊idth●ENGELM.灘P.卿’ibaea M(gREL£T 烹‘嚢磨¢蓋鑓獄総益田。《…《RIF.RF. 。.. ... ... 。。. ... 唇.. じ_ x78,.Σ8◎,ゴ8も三84 Escandoniana Romei.=: P・Mset・(!∂5〃吻s 1・11:nT.・ ♂5‘armta Risso=・P・pina51〃・SOLANDER exc♂tSa:BREIT=、1》、鋼’8どGRIs鰍 躍ぎ加H◇◎K猟灘多》.paer“e GR.ISEB・ excels・z 7砿ρ朗8鵡鷺Iss醤ER=汎舞κ8 GR韮s醜 excelsa WALLIcK ......_ ..._ _ ..._ _ ..._ _170 excntillata LINI)鮎et GORD.講ノ’・。8口留碗αZucc・ .ノksXisesa SALISBURY=1「L pineaごみ Fenelii ANr董℃INE e葉Kσ玉㌣SCHV嬬P.を門門’齋75》差々‘浮ノ, e毛C銭A!㌧笠・ 〃漉躊ROEZ璃η‘・〃吻魚・Zucc・ filtfolia LINI)L・ =1》・!腕アtteZl〃lt∼8 LAMI3・ 躍・吻Stptinノ解WA叢’慧。}1=/∼・認dePtktisii∫ljNGff・e虻D£V執峯ff$F; ノ祷‘lteri Bo{}丁署.{欝ノb彫ρ痴蓋灘漁る聡R ノ蹴伽:BAI・FOUR ・P・albicattZis ENGFjLM・ flexilis JAMFs噂 …………__一.……………172 擁誕嚇”das:αぬ》π駕∼露、ENGEL1践。=灘ノ}・a11うi‘atslis】E“「GELAI. formoS; na HA”srM’A ..。____.... ___芸69,霊フ0 乃㍑プゴLODDIG慰S謹2ρ。ノdgido M肌ER ノ乃’ぜ〃xontia〃a E聾1)Lゴ2ρ・〃zottolp4アlla TORREV ノ:1’emeκtiana(…◎R )ON=ノλedtsli∫ENGELM. ノ;》マ「eseafta WICKVRA==ノ:「。3蜘85’プ露茎.,. funebris KoMARow _ _ ... _ _ _ _ _・∴. _187ド,董88 /Ct’滋読SA RGENT :∫1.‘♂〃ibroides Zucc。 終κ溜郷おHORT鍛ノ’・認.lvestris・L・ 鋼躍御廊Go◎K・・R ka妙ensis鞠泌駅 8即響転ごzHORT=:.P・ノ5ご7韓’寮属ノ禽MILLER Gerardiana WALLIcH … _ .・._ ・一 _ _ _ _ _172,173 glabra WALTER … ...… … _ … _ … 。..…、... 183 .gleme rata SA.LiSBURY営2免戸盛撚5海プS◎しみ駅)ER 6砂痂痴窟〃aHART等v三G==ノ≧Mentlexecmue LA難【欝.囁 .gri’acilis RoEzLコP.々勿勿伽S(:}{LECHT・et C鷺AM・ Gr鴫gii ENGELM、 _ ... _ ... _ _ _ _ _ _ _17g,183 Anatomical,Study of Leave$ of Pintts 193 1,a, ge ノλ sJ s} 鱒 }1 P. 盈 r) es )! )p 1t t} s). e) )) p} ep ・s) lr )p )s 鱒 Gf’en乞ぜliを49 GO RD.;=1礼ノ1/hnlesu〃1で78 LAM葦3. 6ケ・荻’海げMc CLELLAM)=:/,・excedSa WムLLiCH σタ’eg♂lieグ毒’CARRI嚢RE=:ア.〃30ntleela DoりOL人s ゑ∼xge‘efwnsis薫・◎gpeN==!『. silvesXris L. .ltalePensis.甲州B£RST隙瓢丑7卿πA脳Qu) halepensis MIるLER _ ... ... _ .,. ... _ _ .... _ _188 飾〃・伽痂T脚RE=砲露螂’〃{S・聖AND繊 .撫罫賓ρ響毒LI臓)L == P・2YenXestimae vaノ’..撮が費8馨∫ざ欝駅篇懸瓠 魚鍔物恥ゼ?ARL.=.P. MextieXt鰍紹躍㌔徽痂sHAw gela「フ’eit・ltii CH R翼s「1’:=㍉ρ、1etscodeηnti5 ANTOINE 茄ノ〃フ’ガMA$TERS『P・tabitlaefOi’iノ’is CARR夏鳶R】ミ lte19・.・〃le’:Pha R◎EZL=忍声一二掬∂’ts L!NI)し 融露ノ’ej参々ド諏S鍛A乙L F=.汽taeda L lielei’opkylla Suy曜ORT}1謙勲‘・・磁一三。鰍,F・1’ kieノη50〃〃litiana DUHAM, CL=」12.加砂♂’潔5廊MH,L脈 乃ゆ碑加COOK=P・ltitZePensis MILLER ヤ f■e{e〆頚でτntz ROEZL=R pse・udesXrc5tts LI醗)1”. hesdsenia?○叢鼠.;:=ノλβa翠ksi纏躍e LA雑…≧露鼠丁 ゐ吻磁π〃・si・・R◎EZL=: P・le妙吻’魚Sc}鞭’罵CHT.・t. C礫謡, 乃tt〃撚]し!NK=ノ:).5ilve5ti’i5 L. inoPs AI’rON =ノ:)t擁怨勿‘8καMILLER 殉Ps BONGARD=P. c・ノ卿ノ惚DOUGL《s 幽轡5S◎二A醗〉£裟==P.蠣瑠毒灘嚢麗蟹ILLif紋 ∼naPs窓ノで∼ノ、ぐみrttsa ENG£L瓢.灘ノ:「.ご∼をXftSa VASFJV J) et P. ノ,. p} P. f”’ )# 陶, , el ee J) )) 1).・・ 欝. f” )r ve f} }e sv )) fs p. 二二r,zis I)OUGLAS=1「.ノ二物漁D. DON i…1・・i・.1蜘L・……………….…...,。.__・85,笈86,187 inle/m6dia】FISCHER eと.(la’RDON=ノ物∼6・惹証難薦「緒!∼{IL韮,ER メ砂ρ瞬窟獅只麗s=君deasxTert;SIF.9. et 2ζ雛㏄. Jeff「reyi】BALFOUR ・… 一 。・・ ・・・ ・・・ … 6・・ ... ヨ78,180, i 8貰,.夏8露,璽84 1eaEアa RoマL総ex PARL,== ■!instilaris ENr,L。 乃乃‘rsia ENG鷺LM.==2P. insu∼hrris ENDL, ゑる纒γ㈱G撚碧羅TR=:君imSPtlaプ露ENI)i.. ゑ勲ザζ7纏ぶG羅避♂・=1λigesgtlaノ’is El◎L. biasLya RovLF.=./λ襯痴η繊NDLl iKockiane KLOTZSCH詔ノ閉, silw8s〃,1∫1ノ, kOraie2esis MAST冠RS=:P.141’〃xandi]FR A醤CI{. k徽i…董・S罵8・et Z・ec・………….______・⑳ L鍛ibertiana DOvGLAs … … … … … 一.… _ h. _濫⑳,η2 1aPPonica MAYR=P. silTes’ノゼ5 L 五〃’icio va7:lntds9〃a’ノla WILLKoM“1 :A露蓼’?r A R NOLD ノ}πη瀦oTar. lettcede2’inak C}{RIST=1一「. lettceAをノr〃iis A冠To貰欝紀 f.gricie orar・ノ:’oiretia惣Z.ANTOINE=P. m’ X辮:AR聾0欝) 海7詑あSAV韮漂.R ptlnastept S()LANI)冠R lalifolia SARGEN7’=・.1「. Po/iderosa DOUGLA$ latisgtiama ENG肌M.= P. 2}inckane GoRD, La〃leri Masoha=P.ノ睦ノ・kt’∫ガJUNGH..et.1)h) V R!ESE Law…誠R◇醐’…一・……….….….…_・∴._.・7も・7∫ T6hei IDoi and 1〈inLichi MoRIKAwA 194 Page f?’ }・1 P. p. ep P. p. 々勿秒翫BEM・峯{A:1・=/?.を6‘認8 Sd・HLECi{T. eとC翼A冨. 々吻四四り砿‘fiilnsaintana SHAw e A e!til ttahitana ENGELsi f・ 1ei◎phアHa Sc鐸L冠dHT・et C薮AM・ 。・・ _. ・∴ … .__., ... … 174,三7ウ Lenifi/2iafftl 8叢盗丁}IA誠灘P4だ物卸5をプS◎峯《醗)}獣 五磯∼諺Ro£ZL餌丑々妙妙lla Sct{LECHq]・et CHAM・ 茎e縫。で》dle1・轟}三s A!嘩Tol醤F. ,_. 。。骨 ゆ.. 。賢停 一も .飾. 鱒。 騨奪 ・.俸 韓. 鱒。 …82 1ettCOSLPef’〃a MAX蓋きξ・謬ゑ命あ煽ぎψプ加is CARRIERF・ ら le害is L氾M〔髭£¢t I.F.VEIkL13.=ノ》.ノ4ジ・艀ぜ?ndi F狭八目C}T. }) ,, , , , 塗1 )J Lin(lle.yana G(》RD◎醤罵ノ:λ緬’漉溜〃tae waft孟名惣∼幻ノがL◎燐)◎蟹 .Lla”dea〃でτSCi{IEI)E;ニ:ノ》.‘ご〃breides Zucc. ゐ磁姫5ゴ’1麗B◎N=尤惚漉吐出肌猟 Lei5eiを2〃’ia/orx CA R}ミ1鳶1くFl・=ハん?lePensis鍛蓋LLE}く I). 1()ngifolia ?・ ル響卜 b梅S醐s醐《Y課ノ礼μん5〃赫短三・轍 IくoXB. _.噂 ,●. __● ●・o @ _・_● 墜。. ●‘・ り●● ・ら顧 ..● 豆86, 188 ._顧 )s 1’・Plt・sp〃伽L=醤DL=ノ、 Ze吻’伽PARRV ”2,Eア ゐ0〃‘tonian・x GoRDON灘ノとa:yacaltwite EKR£N欝ERG !縫。}猛達e籍§量sMAYR ... ◆.. ,.. 膣..1 .。・ 。.. ..。 尊_ .,. _. ... 韮82,璽86 1川nhohzii ROBfNS・et FF;RNo … 顧鱒 ’樋 ◎●● … り’鹸 騨電 ○●’ ○。●笈74 1・ttt8a LoDDI〔;Es et Go職)oN=ノ》。〆‘・乃”〃a∼tr M!LIE暑く lttge(;、VA三βT£銭==ノ㌃∼ご躍ζ∼∼x L. s禁 AfaごintOs乃i 7f3tx H:ORT諜ノ》.♂0ノガρノ’XtX I)OVGLAS !f sl }} s) fe 鯵 卿‘・傭脚1・INDL・=Z’一 Ceisllei’i ”・DON 〃耀μ砂秒磁、欝難G税目・瓢ハ五∫轡加醜海∫ガCAR裟魔9歎 脚‘ノ・vPdylla L!NDL=ノ惚乃漉駕’脚8 LA》{B・ fnade riensis Tw蕪OR}i=: P. einea鉱 群論8面面LAW§◎阪1乳声♂厩la RF.om. 〃tandsclitノ・ic・で∼RUP REc}rl㌔=/,.々。ノマaignsis S夏F.1}。 et ZUCC. }s 〃躍タ・認〃la A叢“三’◇N=ノ孔πをノπAl〈NGLD )} ,筆 maプ露t〃粥至,AMARCK=丑ノま耀5ガ8プSOLANI)F・R ,纂 〃躍アザ加al’AMB.=丑加妙∼nsis M肌ER 〃躍1鋤ノ掛帳甲乙魏獣=〆’. pinasleg’s◇LANI>!弓鮫 鈴 t) }l P. 」’. }) ss ゴ, }). p. 11 〃3αノ出動,la PQI R.=1’・pinasterSOLANDER !lfasseniana HORT=ノ当面郷抑耀SI EB・e豊Zucc・ Mass今!錘a擁;}LA》1BER’r ... _. ... ... 一. ._ _ 。.. _ _ _ 婁87 〃∼r,rSonialza SrEB. et Zucc.=ノ’,ク’hunbe/gii:PA RI,, ノ脆5を7.siana韮{AYATA雛ノ). Aプ〃直属∼冨FRANα・!. fifq3ノ:”iaπra Su三)wOm’9凝汽ノ。/tt∼レノ‘esa D◎UGLAS ルを泌ゴσσπGORDON=ア.伽7つるi’5ガJUNG}L et’DE VRI鱒F》 Merk“5蕪JUNG…{. et 1)E・VRI’ESE_……_一・一…175,茎77,聖82 厩・伽・声Ro£ZL=〆溜8・9・le・SC三冠C群・磁C}{A“1・ 〃〆ノteノ’IIORT :1∼.ゐπ妙8π∫廊MI肌ER 〃liXiS簸三CHAミヌX==ノ≧echi2多a轟a MII・1・FJR s) ”£ゑ ss P. 〃ienePkyYla waア㌦edStlis】∼{・E. 」◎NES・==ノ㌔げ漉‘ぎ憶EN(嬢LM nl◎n◎P}}ylla TORREY … _ _・… … … ・り・ ・幅 … …17㍉173 班ρ噸識麟SAL3’zMANN・=P・卿魏・’sOLA醗紋 〃lontana】しA!羅ARCK ;=P. e8耀5r躍L。 .難◎ntana鷲ILLER .... ... ... ... ... _. 。.. ... .墜. .。。 。鱒 ...嘆87 Anatomical Study of Leaves of .it}invs 19S Page p. montayta NoLL =P. Pungens LAMBERT 痂〃を・A11eg7ゴROEZL=ノ,・屠@をγ〃x Sc}!LECHT・et CHAM・ ss mentei’eyensis R Auc}{= 1’. 7’adiala D. 1)oN r} , ・ ・ . ’ 轄︸。 ,PPPP?ノ ○ )J )} sf 鯵 P, )s f” )} ss .4//enle22y醒a8 G◎難D◎N=rノ『.蜘凄∼どee〃?saど籔7九鐸’廊S}IAw Montezmnae l,Aftm ... ... ... 奮 ● 串 , 唖 . Montezumae var. Hartwegii ENGF.LM. Montezutnae var. Lindleyi 1.ouDoN 一 一 一 。 噸 . Montezumae var. rudis SHAw ... 一 一 一 一 一 一 命 愉 t 一 一 一 。 ● , ■ ■ ● ● ● “ 曽 や P . り の 一 一 一 ・ . 噸 十 一 一 一 一 一 t 一 一 一 一 一 ◎ . o 樽 傷 葡 り 弓 ・ ● 9 璽 鶏茎0罰tt韮C◎茎a l>(》ぴ{≡…LAS ... .。. _. 壷 . ・ ● 辱 ‘ t o 轡 じ ■ ■ i80 i80 i80 i80 箏 熔 辱 伽・プ枷珈あHAYATA響ノ∀b 77nosanty HAYA’rA llfuelleiiana RoF.zL=. P. teocote ScHLECMkT. et CHAM, 〃〃顧oPOI RET=君’〃0フ2悩乱MILLER Mt{bcrkiis JACQUI N=!’. silvesXris L. fmtgk露s s(}〈)?◎琵=丑Ptlentana蟹ILLEK meti’icala BOLANDF.R=r P. conlo i’ta DOVOLAs muricata D, DoN ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 184 M・t・・フ’ayana:BALFOUR掌ノ憶〃1!o卿DOUGLAS ttana FAURIE et LEAftF.=:P. tabttlaefarmis CARRIbExE 一転磁Low翠ノ㍗枷5ど82・Soも舐D8k Nelsonii SHAxv ... ... ... ... ... ... .” ... ノ,, ?Veosa CHILGOZA= !”. Cerai’tliana WALL. 鱒。 }} 雪 熔 ● 一 一 一 三6{),数7葦,…72 i 一 一 P.. s} i d 一 @ ... ・韓 171,173 neLibalensis DF CHAMBRAY :/’. excelsa WAI.Llc}{ nePalemsis ROYしE l=ノ’・ piirastei・s◎LA鱒猟 碧. nigra ARNom ... ... ... .“ ... ... ... ... f” %勧・ica2∼5 HOST詔ノ)一フ2蓼フ・ARNOLD ... ... ... ,.,183 niz,ea BOOTH ex CARRIERE = /’, sti’obtts T,, s) tt タs 一」} )p JJ }s nivea Ilo R:’=:R menlicpltr DOuGLAs 毎β鋤をtlSensis MIAM乙雀vrl=ノ》45endefresa D◇u(}三.AS .論麗・holld2多’∼勲LODD玉山潔ノλ露㈱加s◇LANDE}{ Nova−se!aiidica 1.ODDIGEs :.pt. ?binasle2’ SOLANDER pbligua SAUTER= P. monttma MILLEI{ occidentalis HvMBoLDT= R 2 f[onfe2・umae I」AMB. P. occldcntalis S“,AR’rz ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 肇。. ... 葬鱒 ・.・ :74 P. occarpa SCIIIEDE’ ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... _ _ _ 芸76,三77 ノ,, )) fs ・卿・一o・漉5LINDLEY=ハ・・ca・惣Sα・裏mDE ・・伽bae・GORD.=P. Mse∼痴5∼ノ’・b2tS・1’INI)L、 osteesL?tse 7’vta E NGELM. = 7). cemln“pides ZvccA l{. ]F}allfisia2ta Z.txMg== /’‘ gti..{rf’a Ai〈NoLf} sf ηR君 }t Palmieyi MANKrT亘・=ノ》・ノiaktstノ’露 期【三1・LF・R palustris MILLER ... .., ... ... .., ... 一.i .., ... ,” ... ,.. 174 Pa i’o1iniana WEBB= 7一’. /ta/e?bensis MILLrm“ 2a2T!inii Vls1ANI=ノ’・ltalePe郷is M肌猟 Pa g’i‘],afxa ENGF.Lix.== .1’. fttadrtfelia Sg”“re}e’yg 舞 lt jL!a f’rLyana GoRDoN= il .itorale7’esa I oVGI”Ns ?bai’Tt1707’a llloRT = 1’. ?fitn’wi)x707’(x SiF.B. et Zucc. P. parviflora SIEB. et Zucc. ... ... ... ... ... ... ・一 .” .” .” 170 P. pa重ula Sc凱£c照㌔et Ciご《M・…………,一・… ・‘・ ・… 174,179,;83 2. .ieaktla S…聡ム蛋AN. N=P・Llメ〃誘ρ傭露R◎BINSON eξ塾肇ERN・噛 Ig6 ’r6hei r/)〈i and Kin−ichi MoiuKtxwA Page Ptathsla z’⑳・耀‘・㈱ツ忍MAS聡慧s灘P・伽認毒. pG慰蹴 ゑ μ轟轟躍・畷纏鉱m』琳玉器丑伽欝馨撫G脱 ・1“ 声伽漁プis LRMMO層雛君ノ・惣痂榔a DQU凱AS ,.事 鋭. pen{aPhy;la MAyR ’... ... ... ... ... ・・一 ・・, ・.・ 1・・.… 4 t r i 70 卿滅躍s猟姻GWAvs罵ぶ・毒π妙郷奮轍L乱鰍 ,p. ll・ 2Z peuce GR’lsEB. ... ... ... .” .” .“ ... ... ....... .“ ...17r ノ加stkr BmssF.R=:!t・%恕灘A賦帆D @串 》, 卿asipr bou”。蕪.冒P・筋’卿・癬ゴ四一 pl職・・S◎燃D・R 讐・.・一…..…...………..……….一・茎84 .野. P…総cean蕊GOR!). 一+..田ゆ。膝 _. ._ _. ■i・ _. L・・..。一 ・1?o,激7ち172ン1ア3 p, 丑 ノ∼加徹㍑F《〉釈MA餐RK==ノ》r lettceiSev”mist ANT(》I Nrc .”欝G◎R1照・=ノλ伽吻・・緯s嚇etZ賦 ひジ pi・・aL………一一・・..∵・…壁一.. 筆》◎. ゑ や鳶.. 諱E.∴一㌻.…・87・・88 躍参・㈱.s鷲v.麟3三差8妙躍廓瓢顯黙 F))nderos“DovGLAs . L.. .“ ... ... .,.. ... ... .”. r78, r80, i$2, r84 sp. ノρπ伽η∫α.x・,aPt: aプiz・π加s鷲Aw鎌丑〃フ伽73加ENG肌M・ 卿爵漁灘辮ナ・ノ≧frej・i・ENGEI.M.za f?・ノげ初’ゴ蚕3ALFOUR. ss Men・1・・’・s9 w”・x灘轡干魚s}響《w饗ノ㍉刃嘩伽・辮ゴごC総縫RE }e , 驚襲 亀﹁ タ ヴ ロ ボ ゆ ひ ”k、R , やの︾ 勤 ノ P ノ. の ゑ の 野 . ・es })l ノ・ntiea Koc}1鵠ノλ伽8謡ナげ5 L メ岬妙駕岬a・LAwseN ・.ゑ〃i・轍ρ魚. D◎VGL’AS メtTau.na Ro日輪L=ノ}㌔戸sefttfoskvlig!ぶし塞賢三)L・ .Pring肇e量S蹴W __..。,_____.…...……、塞フ3,.η7 卿癖鰯M・ST・RS躍.滋’緬・綬一瞬。燃童飯R メチ癩Se2’ans 1〈◎£z韮’=.Rメ鰍∼励蜘∫L!N..9L pseudostrt)bus Lii m“ ... ... .,. ... ... ... ... ... .;.. ... ... r78 pseuda$trobus var. tenuifo1.ia S}tAx−v ’ .... ... ... ..n ・・. … ・.・・ i 78,181 p/ul’pila’RF・GF・L ..・ .“ …+ t一・ ... ... ... ;” ,・・t/ ・一r..・一・一 ・・r l70 戸期櫛HA熱麗=.ハ.ノ∼躍繍・躍M:三猛獄 pu爆ζens LAMBERT ... .,. 、。.. _ .、。. .。. .輔 ...」.. ..... 。..176,184 乃・gmasrs F塒…脈=ぞ.μ翠融R騨L .7t3’s?neita DAWD=. ?[}. halgLPensis MILxma .カ’㈱罐αLAP:£YRous:R欝P圃脚ARNoLめ 騨dぎ三筆a・SUDW・RT謎 ____、一._∴.∴_峯7◇,寧 p. ク漉勘ク2’〈プわ燕盈DAv!D=:■『・4ノツノtaflf∼Y F]≧AN(:t{・ p. radiata D. T)oyi ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... i’76,17g, r 84 ノ♪. 夢 ,亨 曝. ’ ぞ. ss fγatli‘㌘’鳶H◎OK£R et ARNI.oans=課ノP.ノ了410nles?ノ〃ttt∼どr I.,AMB 按・露プwats ROWLF.y = 」P.ぐπタ.一iSaga簸く).R瓢ge.’1・ s’eLfgex’a.E蔑()ELM.=・ノλノfexilis JA賊聡 刃門下解R。RZLr./≧押・’・目口傭L鋤1.・ resinesa A}G”oN,r D ... ... r,. ...’ ..一. ... ....... ...,,..’ ノ七 C..i 18s, IS6 癬多㈱L◎1S鑓u胆.P,r加轡型壽轍・L鷺k f’esivaosa $Avr :/). silz,esfrk lk ,曾 野 ジ榔伽灘.To翼総Y=濤声軽油・.脚護.:めし・Gi・・KS プ塞㌍ノxsis DE$ドONTA1賛RS篇灘ノ). sith/e・sb’is L.. )J p. rigida MiLLER ... ...・ ... .. ... ,.. .... .... ... ... ...17s,’18e A 塵ぬPOR儒磁=ノ’.8罐2躍伽辮肌EK Ptest?・’ala擬。搬’駕ノ). meneご7解魏三.!..F.9 tS.歩 Anatomical Study of Leaves of 7’intts i97 Page P. fl et e: )t pr Rex伽ぎ擁SA鼠G冠澱二P・ル,頓ル飾Rox容・ プ〃∼む黛洲山L三軸K=ニア.ガ躍鐸ど∼ぎπ窟M!LLEI〈 2?僧ylemm JAM蓋ES◎N=」ρr eth∼nata M玉LロこR 矧’雇LIN肌EY et GoRI)oN謬ノゐeeltinala MILLEI《 fvtbraeL170i’a Loul)oN= 1’. montana MILLEK 2’2tbra 1 lc}rAux= 1’. i’esinosa An−oN プubi・a MILLER=1》. silψestノ’is I」. )t }f rul,ra MIQuEL= .P. tifasseniantx 1.AMBERT i?tbf’a SIEBER= 1’. densgJxferv Slzz. e{ Zucc. }s }s }e )v tl 鴨脚疎ENDL.二P. Mex199Utiiae㌘窪2㌦タ・客u∼毒S蕊AW 轡認璃脇。撚ux=・P・ Banl’siana LAMBEM’ ??tisselliaf2a 1.INDL.= 2 Afe?tleeftmae LA}!B. 7’ttXltenica HORT== P. f’irbo・’iniana 1 I LLER I). Sabiniana DouGLAs ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... P. .9tztr]iniana PARRy = 1’. Coulle7’i D. 1)oN tt .9a1zmanni DuNAL== P. mgra ARNom , st 181, 184 sangxtinea LApEYROusE== P. montana MILLFA’i sanctaehelenica LouDoN== 1). .?5inasXe,’ SOLA NDEK sallva (JrARf AV“’ = .P. .gSinea 1.. }s sativa 1.AMARcK== P. .3>inga I」. }1 5♂a7’iρ∫8 L◎DDiGF 3=P.5∫麦r8謡ア・鳶L. t} }v p) ∫ψ加伽7廊MASTERS=AAタ’mamuli FRANCI{. sco?e2ア診フηMIQUEL=P・tle2esウ伽πSI鷺B・et Zugc・ scoLg)”1oi’tmt LEMMON==i’. .iben(le7“ostz DouGLAs )t )一 seivtine HoRT=:jP. .15alitsti’is iMrLLm〈 serotina 1.ONG= P. rttt 2?la MILLI・;1〈 s) P. sero象門馬}a MICHAUX ... _ゆ ... .」. _、 _σ ψ.. .。の 。.噺 辱.. P. 51t8sta CARR.=P.ご7瀞た・attlis EN(聡し!をぎ. }r ∫i5ifdea M《Y疑=P.ζe〃み鷲7 L. P. silvestris L. .” ... ... ... ... ... ... .” ... ... ... ... P. ・9i2ielaii’iana C.4RmS,;R ie・ = P. .ISemlv’osa DouGLAs v) ;7S, 179 186, lgg Sinclaii’ii IlooK. et A RNo’m’ == 1’. 2−adiata D. DoN ∫’η撚灘2》〕ENDL.=.P. in5tild∼プis ENDL, }t sJ st )s s! ef t} siiz“nsis 1,AMBERa’= 1’. talm1rrty‘rormis CA i〈 RJERE S肋〃teri HOR’r=ア. opcal’L15a ScmEDE settaiv”esa・N?VAL’r.== 」’. ecltinata MILmR sti’obifo rm2(s ENGELM. = P. ayacalutite EHRENB“RG S∼ノ’oliヴ;1221tiiS SA RGR聾丁==/》・/をxi1i3∫AM鵬 strobits BifCgANAN−1{A“i!L3’ONec P. e」rce!sc NVALLIc}I P. st鈴…)“§乱. ... ... ..曹 。◆9 。。¢ ... ... .電電 .や. .∂. 。。. ... p. 5tプ0海,∫7ご7プ.ノノ∼ρフ2点‘ρ裁!雪UTTλLL瓢P.〃iρhli801a I)OUGLAS sr tt )s )t )s it sXvvlnis TiiuNB.= .P.一 hei’aiensis SIEB, et Zucc. s〃〃taXノ「afza. IIOR’r=1「. ノJlerle,tsiガ∫UN(}}f. et I)R 、!RIESE s〃〃lat7vrna JUNG}1・=P・■fe/r細諺JUNGH:. et DE VRIESF り伽5励BAUMGARTEN−P.フ癩ノ驚ARNOI」) syん8謝∫GOUAN−P・加妙〃z5ゴ∫MμEIく sLylwestris LoURF.IRo==P. meikttsii JuNGH. et DF. VRIEsE 16g, 170 Ig8 T6hei Dol and Kin−ichi MQRIKAwA Page P. sylz,astris Mi肌ER=P. Pi:〃aster SOLANDER sylves〃廊THUNB.一,P・?’ltlz’nbeフ8ガPARL )J ゆ り’ノ’tica THORE=・P・メ’20∫’〃SOLANDER )1 tabulaefbrmis CARRIF.RF. 。.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 187,188 P. 」). 1a∼tla BLANco=、ノ:♪. inSttl(rプis ENDL. ta∼‘∼盆・Tal’. ecltinela CAsTIGuONI=P. eclti’〃ata MILLER 7p !‘ieda”t’川町を7ψ’lty lla ELuOTT=P.cai’ibaea MORELET )) り P ” R ”RPR2 1s 7t vJ tt∼etla・LAMBERT=1’: Pt〃壁κ5 LAMB£RT taeda L. ... _ ... ... ... ... ... _ .。. 。.. _ _ … 175,179 1ae‘la eual:wごτプiatうilis AITON=1). eC乃i〃ala MII,LER taiwanensis HAyA’rA ..._...,........_...._182,183,185 ta〃〃ηごMukRAY=P.‘on!oフ:la DouGLAs ”‘iltrrica HORT= P・加!ψ822∫f∫MiLtER !alttフ廊4 MILLER臨ノ:).∫疏ノes1ノゴ∫L、 laxifolia LAMBERT=1).ノ)se2itlos!プob2’∫LlNDL, te㏄ote ScHLECilT. et CHAM. _ ... ... ... ・.・ ... ・.・ … 175,179 ten〃の伽BENTIIAM=」P・ノ582〃b∫!ノAobets 7ノαプ・ten2tifolia S耳AW !∼〃〃クわんごτSALISBURY:=/♪. sti’Otsi’∫L・ !e〃tlis LEMMON=1). contol’ta DOUGLAS J) ”P.RRRP )J Je }1 ,. , )p P.一 P. lertlt i ocaiコba SHA、v=1,・!フマ)pirtilis!〉【OREI・ET Thunl)ergii PARL. ... ... ... ... ... 183 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 Thunbergii X 1’. densiflora MAyR ... 186 ’ 一」一 一 一 一 一 Torreyana PARRy ... ... ... ,... tmpicahs MOR肌ET … … … 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 i , 一 一 一 一 一 一 一一一 一 一 t t 一 一 一 t 一 一 , 一 一 i 一 一 一 五79,181 177, 188 !2‘∂∼π2’lata D. DON=ノ).ブTndiata D. DON lubei’c2,lala GORDON=ノ).‘τ〃∼〃2’ala LEMM. Xzp〃グPoliaita ROEZL=1’・ Pseit‘∼b5!プ。あ’5 LINDL. 〃癩’〃osa.NF・UMANN・=ノ,.〃」0〃!ana MILLER. 1〃〃bi’ac〃ltfei’a HORT=ノ).∫!プob2ts.L ll〃cinata RAMONI)=P.〃’o〃!trlra MILLE畳{ Uyematsui HAYATA … _ _ _ ... … ... .., … … 16g,170 7々}プiabili∫1..AMBERT==ノ). ecliii2attr)vlSLLER 7,aプゴ、τbilis z・aプ, ecliinata Du ROI=ノ). eC〃12t∼!‘∼MI LLER .3,’ J: )f ps 砲∠ご痂ROEZL−1). a>’acalittil!∼EHRENBERG 乞,e〃nir〃la・’is JANKA≠’2・Pei!ビどGRISEB・ z・〃・2tC・躍ROEZL−1≧々吻勿加SCHLEC}{T. et CHAM・ 1・ii!l/tO>jillia12tz R()EZI、=!一). t∼で)ビ。!どScHLRC}iT. et C}IAM. )) P. 1一). lr eJ i) )e virginiana MILLEi〈,.9..,__...___...一・… 176, 1S3 7・’讐∫〃iana?ノal;echinata Du ROI,=ノ). ecltina!a MILL£R μノゴな〃2ii SHAw・=P. lab2’laefoプ〃tis CARRIERE 〃「i’nc85teフ威π〃a GORDON=ノ),∬fo〃leZi’〃tae]しAMI3. 〃プ‘@!ガENGELM.一1’.・♂・蜘漁プ∫SwλRTZ う ノ2,〃naltensis FRANCHET=/). lath”le/bη〃is CARRIF:RE Stl−oblts st7bb21s S,NfAI.L,:.一:一 !). stl−ob2ts L. From the Silvicultural lnstitute, Department of Agriculture, Imperial University. January,・ig2g・ Kyushu