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Z6 J ?" % :0 ./. !,)%*%6+ !,)%*%, : 2 Z6 * 8 ?.%6 % 8 %V%V / *: " ./ ? <%I % ?8 " '(\# T]: &\, ?8 8 >,+6 2. 8 ? ;J !" %8 68 2" 28 >, ^* _8 >,+6 ?8 68 2" 8 %N; E" % 9V ` 6 Z6 B," 8 /, ? %" ;, J C,)%*%6+%%+, / *: . ,8 Fa6 /8U , ?; . b0c / *: ? J ?8 % d " 1392 2 43 ,+6 & > 8 / %!* 9+" 6 6 Z6 ;, i8 0e / *: > h+ % ?7 ?Nq V" 2" ` ," .%" J ! *%8 / *: % M% >!+ % M% 6 ?7V .(7) %. / *: %!* M% ? & ( 2*I * 8, D,: >,+6 8 , ?8 / % \ M / , +, &' / >!+ (/ 7) Ms %c ?8 %c 2,+6 2*I 8 :c .(1) !+ /:8 ?8 % 9V M% 6 8 ,# Fa6 2 Z6 8 ," / *: C, c ? & ( ? 9V (2001) >*V Ms 8 .^'8 /gd J !+ % *% 6 B%6 / 24 2 ?8 ,+ _ % 120 .(2 3 ) %" ;, +0# %.% > j6# / %!* 6 ?, /:V $; ?Nq !" D,: >,( 8 ( % 2 56 %* %8 6 > ,# / /* / 40 2 8 fN6 M5c / , " J 8 /,%6+ /* / %Q* ` 6 2 56 e8 .(8) > 8 ,+0# l 2, k. 2 Z6 ./ ./ &" 9V !" / %. ," / *: &\, ?8 / *: c *% & 20 % ?%+ !+ >,V ?" , Fa6 2 Z6 >, 8 %6 ? T % , 2,+6 ? ,. ? 8F '+(7 2 Z6 !, (4) ."8 & 20 Q 10 ? " ?.% J .:V / >!+ ? 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D\# M T8U d /,5 . /" >, J ?. ./ 8;6 ?+ H% @ G 56 M ! $ /F T 8 M >" T" C_ MN * ?" 68 x * !" G 56 %J . $' ?8 %J yI@ ; 2% +: 2%P ?8 ? %8 " 6 y% / / Q 8 : M $ ± 5 > ' 8 Q 20 J > 8 ." !+ ?8 7 ./ &%8 %J TNU %J C, G 56 >, ." yq ?%+ % ?825 y% 8 $ 25 @%6 %J . TNU ?7 &Q 8 (/ ',) % 8 >,+6 ?8 " & : ?8 %J . TNU %J ^d >,+6 ?. ." &Q ?. z% W TNU / 48 ? ,V ? P%6 %J ?8 8 V $V T" ( M%c / > ' ," 8 / *: ?%V } %J . V >,+6 ?8 $; [_ ~ 8 3 / %J . ."8 ?" 8 ? F 30906 s / ', /6 .%8 ?. ." > 6 % 8 !+ ? "8 W ?7 $ &Q 8 % ?%+ &J /8 W, /6 $; TNU : . ?N5 56 $ J ." T 56 ?,;6 18 ?q SPSS: $V %(: 8 ?7 8 ? U 5 2 ?8 E" > 6 & ` g6 8 ?Nc 8 Q P%6 T+ J 8 ? U 2 6 1 /6 $; [# ( <5) V# E" (> ' ) H" TNU % ?%+ . $; & S,%6 %8 Nc > 6 8 .,V &Q >,+6 ?. $+6 [# ?P:08 >,+6 ?. 8 ." &Q (KS) <% + <V%+ %J -S+. &'(,J V ?%+ B%6 >,+6 [# / %J V %J [# %J D # ?, ." M *J /. &'(,J ?8 J & $; '% {%]q $%* &Q 8 >, ?:, 8 ./:V U &Q % (MEASURES Q 6 T" & JV T, 8 ./:V ./ &" ?:V g P 1 wI 6 V & / 8U 8 +*J %( / !"# D REPEATED ) ! 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[# / 8 TNU !" % /,%6+ /0# >,+6 p / *: [# / *: TNU M% / *: 0/001 7/85±2/08 10±2/66 7/65±2/13 / %!* 0/006 56/74±9/90 47/47±9/04 53/61±9/63 T :6% 0/001 34/48±11/43 48/84±8/58 41/75±6/53 / %Q* 5/41±0/43 5/66±0/50 5/48±0/48 U *% .('8 ? * , ?8 ( 0/001 [# %J % %.% > 8%V%+ , 0 [# / /:, D,: ?8 >,+6 [# / 231/85±46/36 243/85±47/38 222/71±45/73 /0# 0 14/88±0/93 15/55±1/20 15/08±1/13 > 8%V%+ 0 45/37±2/64 48/52±3/67 45/90±2/99 /,%6+ % /,%6+ .(V8 ? * , C, ?8 J ?g0 T8U D,: / *: [# !" &" ;, 2 Z6 {%] ?P W, > h+ >,+6 TNU ?8 / [# ( !" % C,)%*%6+%%+, M% > ' /(V8 >,+6 [# / >,+6 8 >,+6 TNU ./ &" & ( 1 &+" %+ 3 4# 56 " 2,+6 ?8 8 +, ` n# ? {%]q8 %Q + 8 D,: `d ," %" ?%V } 9 vU [Q6 U%: &' ?8 ; 2 %c " 2,+6 ?!, 8 M 8 +, ` +%6 D Dq8 , 2 Fa6 /N &" ?" V . %. %" D\# mq T % M% 2 Z6 %+ -1 B% 6 ` 2" 8 % " 2,+6 ?8 45 +, M% / *: *%6 D,: ?8 %6 % M% , ? ( @ G 56 W, +, ` Z6 C,56 .%+ &" 8 %c ?8 ," % 8 >,+6 ?. C, F >,+6 2" 2 ,+6 B," ?8 '8 8 , / Eq( 2 M. ? %I+ . Z6 0e 6 H% ?,^Z6 H% C ) \ [. >,+6 [# / 8 % M% +6 T+ .(11-12-13) T% , > V / %%* .(P< 0/01) ( Z6 >,7 Fa6 /56 ? / & h # % ?g0 T8U%c ?8 >,+6 [# %J % / *: . U " T% >,%, %% ? * wI C, ?8 / [# /:, D,: >,7 /gd 8 6F 2 %c ," " ( Z6 T :6% ./(V8 , + 6 % z5 %% >,%, ?P:08 T :6% % M% ', <0 8 1392 2 $' M5c `; x . +0# D,: ?8 >, ? % 8 M% 8 .8, D P 87 6 70 " / *: (TNF- ) Q*J %%6 & ! %: /gd % ?8 ( 8 P 20 6 / , ? (IL- 6) D" > %*, (IL-1 )8 C, > %*, U M% D,: >, %. 8 .%" (G-CSF) / %*%V & C,56 %: M% D, 8 %6 " / *: F 8 % .(14-15) %" % M% J % 8 .(19) "8 ?" fN6', f & 9 ? ( !+ % *8 2*I W, Ms 8 ? / &" /:, !" % { 9 H% +, ` 8 6Q 2F , D i8 $ " ?7 8 $; C,56 + D ,+6 8 (Q , + 6) Q M%NV , > 8%V%+ /,%6+ .(16) /%Q I T% ,%6 % /U ?; %" U M% n# 8 @ D\# < 6 $ > *%8%V ?:, D,: \ ,;8. ?" ?: !" % C,)%*%6+%%+, /* >, ./:, % D M , V ?8 ?.%6 8 .%8 % 8 >,+6 ?8 6 C_ MN * + 8 ;, ? ,%V )6J J , + " % % 8 >,+6 ? /QV %6 &J / ?8 W, U + 8 ', +!, ?7 U M% V Q M%NV 6 Z6 ;, vN .(20) V%. B," !" % /,%6+ > 8%V%+ /0# 6 D,: @ ?*I ." G 56 g % [_ %. >,+6 TNU ?8 /N >,+6 8 M%NV 6 D,: @ ?*I D /0# !, >,+6 [# / 2 /,%6+ (Hb) > 8%V%+ (RBC )U 8 2,+6 Fa6 % 8 56 .8, % ` ', D\# 8 ? &" &, (HCT) / *: Fa6 !" d % %: 2 Z6 ," / *: C, c g ?8 . /0# `6 / *:8 " +0# `; T" ? % mq 2N 6 Qq ( /:V U 8 % !" d `* D,: > h+ % U M%NV D,: , D 6 D,: vN " / *: ?+ ? " & .(2-3) %" ;, / /,%6+ D , 2" T D,: >, &" % /0# D,: >,( 8 ? ( % 2 56 %* , G 56 >, W, 8 ? "8 " / *: fN6 M5c / , " J 8 /,%6+ .(21 22 23) "8 %+ 2 56 > 8 ,+0# l 2, k. 2 Z6 ./ D,:%^ B," Q M%NV 2 Z6 %. ," / *: &\, ?8 / *: c *% / %!* 6 ? &" Eq( 1 %+ ?8 ?.%6 8 "8 ?" , Fa6 2 Z6 >,8 %6 ? D,: .%6 T8U %c ?8 >,+6 [# % 1920 - 1930 M 2 56 W, A8 .(4) " % %!* ? &" > 5 ( 8 ./ ?:, $' ?!,%I8 %" % , i8 " / *: 0e , v J T * ?8 + 2,+6 $; % / , /gd ," " / *: v J ? %c ?8 .,+ 8 y* &,# 8 Z6 >, 8 .(18) 8, D,: P 25 6 %6 T 8 C, > %*, J 8 0e , & % , " ? .%6 % & %: i8 &N7 M%!*% *: Q*J & ! , M% 9V M % 8 ?, 46 1392 2 47 / *: '% # 2 ?8 ^* b%: T% 2 Z6 M5c %q Z %.% / %!* 2. : 2 / 0P ?. ?8 8 B," .%" &, v J M% <c ?8 %!* , , ? /QV %6 >,88 . '8 !" 8 2 2" |N H% :c "8 ( 8 2" 8 6 %c ( 8 / *: & 8 / >!+ %J /0 / @ VJ G 56 > h+ .(9)/" ` % ( 8 2 Z6 > 7 ` ."8 ?" /* % %!* *%NV 6 D,: ? &" &" ?! >, ?8 ', &V, 8 ( ? ) 2 Z6 2Q >,+6 2 2" 8 J ?%+; , Q P % ` 8 / >!+ 6 %!* /N : VJ 8 * ` ?I8 "8 Fo ?"^V 2*I 8 &" &( 2 Z6 & , / %!* 2 Z6 .(5) A%! " 2 Z6 ? &" > 5 8 .(24) T% ?8 2 8 ," 2,+6 $' J ?%+; , /N / %!* 6 8 / *: `,) ,+6 & 2" ?+. >,Q # N 6 F C, ? ?8 %6 J 2 Z6 > % 6 %% `6 ,^d $; " % %!* ? %c ?8 "8 M 6% ?8 J " >" ? ', T% % ,. 8 # " J F / >!+ 2 &6% / *: 8 .(8) / ?8 6 G U ( 8 2 56 %c / *: ,. ? * ."8 >,Q 2,+6 ? ( Simonson M >, >,Q # %% + Fa6 /56 2 + %.%8 % / %!* 2 Z6 %c / *: H" [# / M 6% .(27) J 8 &+ n# .( 24-25) %" &, % %!* Macintyre 8 G 56 W, % ` $ B%6 ? / , D ? N" 8 ," / *: C, ?(, %6 @ G 56 ?:, Simonson 6 D,: 8 BN6 >, ? %" C,56 /%Q ,+6 ?8 H%6 +. VJ wI T 6 (\# .(21) / % / %%* & 9 '% >,+6 2 2" >,+6 [# ?P:08 %. %J / %!* ?*I ? / * >, .(27) "8 ?" V C, ?" D,: P 79/72 >,+6 TNU ?8 /N wI8 2(,J $; [# !" V P 7 >,+6 TNU ?8 /N >,+6 [# / / %Q* ? ? ( , + "% 8 , NV x * >!,8 18 8 56 .(24)%8 68 ? * / ?:, D,: !" /0# !,8 +, ` D / ? $; ` @ ?*I 8 ? %8 ` h+ T :6% , D , ?h )%! V & D ?I%8 % g ?8 .(20) % ?:, >, >,88 .(26) ? > J M%!6 *%6 ?8 "8 ?" D ', T% 2 Z6 >, 8 / *: H% v 8 ? V ?; %6 P C, ?8 6 J %6 + ? %c ) B 5 %h+ ', B," J 2" 2 ?I ?8 &" ;, 2 Z6 6 M >, 8 . /N 6Q 2 Z6 8 / *: mq 2. (/8%c J & , / %!* S,%6 6 9 ?*I C, .%" ;, Q M%NV ? / >" ,# /U% 2 56 s i8 ?. C6 8 / *: ? " & ( U Fa6 /56 +, &' ?7 ?8 T% >, % Q M%NV +6 S+;6 D,: . >, D,: 9V :c * .%" I 5 1392 2 F 8 %% >, Z6 ? %c ?8 / &" /:,8 ? / >, D\# >, ?:, %I8 *% ,J: Z6 ;, ! 9 % 8 >,+6 [# *% +, &' 2 Z6 vN 5I & V 8 8 , > j6# ?:, 8 ? ?" / %!* 6 D,: .(31 32 33) %" ?:, 8 (5 9 20) /8I > 5 V / *: ? / J ' 8 @ D\# ', ?; W, .(27) 2,Z Simonson Macintyre D i8 % 8 B," , 2" 8 8 68 " z%V 2 56 8 G 56 >, / &" T :6% 6 (P=0/001) 8 / *: (: ? :V ?; J %q+ !+ T %7 '(\# 2 56 W, 8 ? % Q M%NV 6 D,: i8 35) 2,Z !+ %6%, !+ :% +, &' n# + g ?8 .(22 28) %" 2 Fa6 <0 ? ( # 2*I .(30 34 ( 8 2*I " / *: ?8 cq8 / >!+ T :6% !+ 9 ."8 J 8 Fo Z 8 6 %c .(36 37) "8 2,+6 H% !" 2Q6 , %8 D,: @ ?*I ', ?; M 6% ? / &" & ( 2*I ', > h+ 8 >,+6 ."8 " / *: [# / %Q* / *: [# T :6% 6 D,: + D [# ?P:08 % Q M%NV 6 D,: vN M 6% / & ( >,8 &0 .(38) " + # %6 J / ? %" >,+6 +, M% % < & V 8 Fa6 8 > %!6 %% " J T * ?8 N. D,: ?8 %q Z T :6% %: v.% Ts >,%, 8 k%! 6% C # .(39) %" ; % %!* T :6% +" %% ? %c ?8 M%j M 6% ? & 9V (2002)D!+ T,6 / %!* / *: 6 M 6% " / *: [# T :6% +" D,: P >, % Q M%NV D,: ?8 ?.%6 8 (29) 8 . 2,Z @ G 56 W, 8 ? (40) "8 / %!* 2 Z6 D\# / %!* $6 +" D,: 2*I 6 M >, / %Q* 5I & V %. T NU G 56 >, & 9V M 6% %e $ T :6% . ? .%6 (/ %Q* C,)J 8 & V) " %% Ts , ; >,88 .(41 42) D 8 T+ 8 G 56 >, ,+6 ?8 & V >, ', 0e v J > J M%!6 > # D,: v.% Q # Fa6 /56 S, + g6 44)"8 T >, %6 ?" T% C,)J & V *'7 Z6 8 / %Q* 6 , D,: ', ?*I > h+ .(4342 &" % 9V / %!* Z6 vN / %!* M 6% %N " / *: [# T :6% b%: %% T% M 6% .(30) / Ts % ? / &" 9V (41) &" &( ; S,%6 (q8 /. ? %" y%5 " %% U NU 2 Z6 > J M%!6 ?8 T :6% / %Q* % Q M%NV % %!* %6 ?" T% ', > # . T+ /:8 T T " / *: " :6% , D,: T :6% J v.% M 6% /gd D,: C,56 8 N] ` > h+ .(41 43)"8 % 9V ?8 / %Q* %q Z Fa6 ? b%: Dq8 > M%!6 D, ? * /* ?8 /(V8 & a6 /(V8 .%+ % C, > %*, 48 1392 2 D % & %: T * ?8 U M%NV M% wI C,)J 8 & V 8 > 8%V%+ D,: "8 +0# `; .(45) %" +, ` Z6 v.% +, M5c / , " J T * ?8 /,%6+ %6 NU 2*I @ G 56 W, ?8 ?.%6 8 D,: vN " / *: +6 ./ fN6 D,: vN " / *: >, ? /QV T D,: >, &" % /0# 6 D >,+6 TNU ?8 /N / %Q* 6 ."8 " / *: 2" ./ &" >,+6 8 T :6% 6 8 ?I8 ( 8 2*I &,J ? %" ( # 8 9 2 Fa6 <0 ? ( # 2*I 2" v6 ?8 " / *: " +, 2 Z6 2Q6 cq8 / >!+ T :6% !+ " / *: $; mq 2: 9 2 , g ?8 :c "8 2,+6 H% !" $ , 08 v 8 *+ 2 Z6 ,^# $; /56 " / *: $' !" >, ? ?" H% 8 ?, % %Q + 8 ?8 08 6% T * ?8 > h+ :' U A TNU & /" : 6 " mq F ?; ?: D,: M 6% %% / *: . V U G U 8 % " 2,+6 $; 8 D,: :c ./ ?" T :6% 68 v J >,Q # " J 8 BN6 / %!* D,: "8 y* &,# 0e , References: 49 1 . Viru, A,Viru M. Biochemical monitoring of sport training4 ed. Human Kinetics Publishers Inc; Champaign IL 2001. 1-27. 2 . 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Immunology and cell Biology. 2000;78:562- 570. 1392 2 The effect of one session of intense anaerobic exercise on immunohematological values of professional athletes Khazaei Hossein Ali1, Jalili Arman2, Moghrensi Mehdi3, Andarzi Salar4 1-Associated Prof in medical immunology, Zahedan University of medical sciences.Zahedan, Iran 2-(Corresponding author), M Sc in sport physiology ,Zahedan, Iran, [email protected] 3- Department of Physical Education&Sport Sciences, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran 4-M Sc, student in biochemistry , University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran. Abstract: Introduction:Immunohematological reactions to stressful situations have been interested of many investigators. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of an intense anaerobic workout session on some parameters of athletes. Methods:In this analytic descreptive cross-sectional study, 20 professional athletes in volleyball field with mean age 5 ± 25 years were invited purposefully to study. In this study, 30 second Wingate test was used to assess anaerobic power. Samples of peripheral blood before, immediately after and two hours after exercise were collected and levels immunohematological indices were determined. Results:The results of this study showed that immunohematological cells such as leukocytes, lymphocytes, neutrophils, erythrocytes and platelets counts before, after and two hours after practice, have changed significantly (P <0.01). Conclusion:Results showed that one session of intense anaerobic exercise has significant effect on immunohematological indices of athletes. Keywords:Intense anaerobic exercise, leukocytes, lymphocytes, neutrophils, erythrocytes and platelets. 52