
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本) 書誌情報 タイトルコード 所蔵館 請求

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前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本) 書誌情報 タイトルコード 所蔵館 請求
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
タイトルコード 所蔵館 請求記号
Aesop’s fables (Fossette) Aesopus JellyBe
an Press 1988 34 cm 48 p., 〔1〕 folded l 1009810135719 こども WE/A/
Aesop's fables (A Michael Neugebauer book)
[Aesop] North‐South Books 1994 34 cm 1 v.
1009610007826 こども WE/A/
(unpaged) col. ill.
After the flood Arthur Geisert Houghton Mifflin c1994
24 × 31 cm 32 p. col. ill.
1009610007827 こども WE/A/
Ah! Josse Goffin H.N. Abrams 1992 28 cm 1 v.
(unpaged) all col. ill.
1009610007828 こども WE/A/
Alexander and the wind‐up mouse by Leo Lionni
Knopf c1997 28 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009915467939 こども WE/A/
Alfi and the dark by Sally Miles Chronicle Books 1988
22 × 31 cm [32] p. col. ill.
1009610007829 こども WE/A/
All in a day (Sonrisa 45) 安野 光雅/編 丸
善メイツ 1986 25 26 19P
1009110035762 こども WE/A/
All the world written by Liz Garton Scanlon Beach
Lane Books c2009 29 × 29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill. 1009915467946 こども WE/A/
Along a long road by Frank Viva Little, Brown 2011
21 × 27 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009916014041 こども WE/A/
Alphabet (My world) Chez Picthall Picthall & Gunzi
c2003 32 cm 32 p. col. ill.
1009910090596 こども WE/A/
Amanda and the giggling ghost Steven Kroll
/文 Holiday House 1980 21cm 40p
1008910002121 こども WE/A/
An alphabet of animals (Fossette) by Chris
topher Wormell W. Collins 1990 28 cm 〔5
6〕 p. : col. ill.
Anatole and the cat by Eve Titus Knopf 2006 26 cm
32 p. ill. (some col.)
Anatole by Eve Titus Knopf 2006 26 cm 32 p. ill.
(some col.)
1009810135748 こども WE/A/
1009910090506 こども WE/A/
1009910090505 こども WE/A/
And If the Moon Could Talk Banks Kate 19
98. 26 cm 26 p
1009910244633 こども WE/A/
1 / 71 ページ
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
Angry Arthur text by Hiawyn Oram Andersen Press
1982 24 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007830 こども WE/A/
Animal alphabet (Sonrisa 6) Bert Kitchen/
さく 丸善メイツ 1984 32 32P
1009110035763 こども WE/A/
Animal numbers (Sonrisa 7) Bert Kitchen/
さく 丸善メイツ 1987 32 24P
1009110035764 こども WE/A/
Animals (My world) Christiane Gunzi Picthall &
Gunzi c2004 32 cm 32 p. col. ill.
1009910090599 こども WE/A/
Animals of the Bible by Dorothy P. Lathrop
HarperCollins c1965 26 cm 6, 66 p. ill.
1009610007831 こども WE/A/
Anna's garden songs pictures by Lena Anderson
Greenwillow Books c1989 26 cm 31 p. col. ill.
1009610007832 こども WE/A/
April's kittens story and pictures by Clare Turlay
Newberry HarperCollins c1968 28 cm 32 p. ill. (some
Arrow to the sun adapted and illustrated by Gerald
McDermott Viking Press 1974 25 × 29 cm 1 v.
(unpaged) col. ill.
Artists’ helpers enjoy the evenings (Sonris
a 46) M.B. Goffstein/さく・え 丸善メイツ 1987
26 30P
Asi eramos los muiscas (Sonrisa 54) Mari
a de la Luz Gira/さく 丸善メイツ 1986 29 32P
Ask Mr. Bear story and pictures by Marjorie Flack
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers c1960 21
cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
Au fond du jardin (Fossette) Claude Ponti
Ecole des Loisirs c1996 17 × 23 cm 〔8〕
p. : col. ill.
Autumn story (The Brambly Hedge books) J
ill Barklem Philomel Books 1980 18 cm 1
v. (unpaged)
The alphabet tree Leo Lionni Knopf c1996 28 cm 1
v. (unpaged) col. ill.
The artist who painted a blue horse by Eric Carle
Philomel Books c2011 32 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
2 / 71 ページ
所蔵館 請求記号
1009610007833 こども WE/A/
1009910090578 こども WE/A/
1009110035759 こども WE/A/
1009110035742 こども WE/A/
1009910090387 こども WE/A/
1009810135751 こども WE/A/
1009610045805 こども WE/A/
1009915469941 こども WE/A/
1009916059782 こども WE/A/
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
A ball for Daisy by Chris Raschka Schwartz & Wade
Books c2011 27 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
所蔵館 請求記号
1009916014049 こども WE/B/
A bell for Ursli written by Selina Ch?nz Orell F?ssli
2003 25 × 32 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090389 こども WE/B/
A bush birthday (Sonrisa 64) Eleanor Nilss
on/さく 丸善メイツ 1985 29 32P
1009110035774 こども WE/B/
A busy year Leo Lionni Knopf c1992 30 × 14 cm 1
v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007848 こども WE/B/
Babar’s anniversary album (Fossette) by J
ean and Laurent de Brunhoff Random House c 1009810135718 こども WE/B/
1981 32 cm 144 p. : ill., ports
Baby Crow (A Michael Neugebauer book) John A.
Rowe North‐South Books 1994 28 × 28 cm 1 v.
1009610007838 こども WE/B/
(unpaged) col. ill.
Baby happy, baby sad Leslie Patricelli Candlewick
Press 2008 18 × 18 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009916059791 こども WE/B/
Badger's bring‐something party story by Hiawyn Oram
Andersen Press 1994 22 × 27 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. 1009610007839 こども WE/B/
Badger's parting gifts Susan Varley Andersen Press
1984 22 × 27 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090589 こども WE/B/
Barn dance! by Pat Hutchins Greenwillow Books
c2007 29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
Bear stays up for Christmas Karma Wilson M.K.
McElderry Books c2004 27 × 29 cm 1 v. (unpaged)
col. ill.
Beatrix Potter, The complete tales (The world of
Beatrix Potter, Peter Rabbit) [Beatrix Potter] F.
Warne 2002 27 cm 400 p. ill. (some col.)
Beauty and the beast retold by Max Eilenberg Walker
Books 2006 24 × 24 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910161977 こども WE/B/
1009915594601 こども WE/B/
1009910090391 こども WE/B/
1009910090507 こども WE/B/
Bedtime and moonshine (Sonrisa 4) Nicola
Bayley/さく・え 丸善メイツ 1987 24 55P
1009110035731 こども WE/B/
Bedtime for Frances by Russell Hoban HarperCollins
Publishers c1996 26 cm 31 p. col. ill.
3 / 71 ページ
1009910090575 こども WE/B/
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
Benjamin's treasure story and pictures by Garth
Williams HarperCollins Publishers c2001 32 cm 1 v.
(unpaged) col. ill.
Ben's dream by Chris Van Allsburg Houghton Mifflin
1982 27 cm 31 p. ill.
Bernard Bear's amazing adventure written and
illustrated by Hans de Beer North‐South Books 1994
30 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
Best friends for Frances by Russell Hoban
HarperCollins 1994 26 cm 31 p. col. ill.
所蔵館 請求記号
1009910090392 こども WE/B/
1009610007841 こども WE/B/
1009610007842 こども WE/B/
1009610007843 こども WE/B/
Bidibidi Gavin Bishop/文・絵 Oxford 1983 25
cm 36p
1008910002124 こども WE/B/
Big Bird's big book illustrated by Joe Mathieu Random
House Children's Books c1987 62 cm 1 v. (unpaged)
col. ill.
Big red barn (Fossette) Margaret Wise Bro
wn HarperCollins c1989 26 cm 〔31〕 p. :
col. ill.
Black and white David Macaulay Houghton Mifflin
1990 31 cm [32] p. col. ill.
1009910090573 こども WE/B/
1009810135737 こども WE/B/
1009610007847 こども WE/B/
Blackout by John Rocco Disney・Hyperion Books
c2011 29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009916059763 こども WE/B/
Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey Viking Press
c1976 23 × 30 cm 54 p. ill.
1009910090390 こども WE/B/
Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey Viking Press
c1976 23 × 30 cm 54 p. ill.
1009910090390 こども WE/B/
Bombyx dessine des lettres (Fossette) Mic
hel Gay Ecole des Loisirs c1994 26 cm 29
1009810135754 こども WE/B/
p. : col. ill.
Boris and the monster Elaine M.Willonghby
/文・絵 Houghton Miffli 1980 21 32P
1008910002125 こども WE/B/
Borka (Sonrisa 2) John Burningham/さく・え
丸善メイツ 1963 27 32P
1009110035739 こども WE/B/
Brambly Hedge treasury Jill Barklem Collins 1990 29
cm 80 p. col. ill.
1009916132221 こども WE/B/
4 / 71 ページ
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
タイトルコード 所蔵館 請求記号
Brian Wildsmith’s amazing world of words
(Fossette) Brian Wildsmith Oxford University P 1009810135744 こども WE/B/
r 1996 32 cm 〔30〕 p. : col. ill.
Brother Sun, Sister Moon [Saint Francis of Assisi]
Handprint Books c2011 27 × 27 cm 1 v. (unpaged)
1009916014042 こども WE/B/
col. ill.
Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see? by Bill
Martin, Jr. H. Holt 2008 46 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill. 1009915453737 こども WE/B/
Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see? by Bill
Martin, Jr. H. Holt c1995 27 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col.
1009910090388 こども WE/B/
Bumble‐Ardy (Michael di Capua books) Maurice
Sendak HarperCollins Publishers 2011 23 × 29 cm
1009916059798 こども WE/B/
1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
The bear Raymond Briggs J. MacRae Books 1994 38
cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007840 こども WE/B/
The best of Aesop's fables (Joy Street books)
[Aesop] Little, Brown 1990 27 cm 61 p. col. ill.
1009610007844 こども WE/B/
The big pets by Lane Smith Viking 1991 28 cm [32]
p. col. ill.
1009610007845 こども WE/B/
The big snow by Berta and Elmer Hader Simon &
Schuster Books for Young Readers c1976 27 cm 1 v.
(unpaged) ill. (some col.)
The Bippolo Seed and other lost stories by Dr. Seuss
Random House c2011 29 cm 69 p. col. ill.
1009810327033 こども WE/B/
1009916059799 こども WE/B/
The birthday cat Lesley Anne Ivory Dial c1993 22 ×
27 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007846 こども WE/B/
The book of pigericks Arnold Lobel/文・絵 H
arper & Row 1983 26cm 48p
1008910002166 こども WE/B/
The boy who was followed home Margaret
Mahy/文 Dent 1982 26cm 32P
1008910002167 こども WE/B/
The Brambly Hedge poster book Jill Barklem Collins
1990 41 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009916134641 こども WE/B/
A Caldecott celebration Leonard S. Marcus Walker
2008 28 cm 55 p. ill. (some col.)
1009910161966 こども WE/C/
5 / 71 ページ
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
A child's garden of verses by Robert Louis Stevenson
Chronicle Books 1989 29 cm 121 p. ill. (some col.)
1009610007852 こども WE/C/
A color of his own (An Umbrella book) Leo Lionni
Knopf c1975 20 × 25 cm [32] p. col. ill.
1009610007855 こども WE/C/
A color of his own Leo Lionni Knopf c2003 20 × 21
cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090396 こども WE/C/
Can you see what I see? The night before Christmas
(Cartwheel books) by Walter Wick Scholastic c2005
28 × 28 cm 35 p. col. ill.
Cecily G. and the 9 monkeys by H.A. Rey Houghton
Mifflin [1989] 30 cm 31 p. col. ill.
Chicken Licken Gavin Bishop/文・絵 Oxford
1984 28 32P
所蔵館 請求記号
1009915594612 こども WE/C/
1009610007850 こども WE/C/
1008910002127 こども WE/C/
Chicken soup, boots by Maira Kalman Viking 1993 27
cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007851 こども WE/C/
Choo choo by Virginia Lee Burton Houghton Mifflin
c1964 27 cm 1 v. (unpaged) ill.
1009910090394 こども WE/C/
Choo choo by Virginia Lee Burton Houghton Mifflin
c1964 32 cm 1 v. (unpaged) ill.
1009910090582 こども WE/C/
Christmas at Long Pond (Fossette) by Willi
am T. George Greenwillow Books c1992 29
1009810135732 こども WE/C/
cm 〔31〕 p. : col. ill.
Christmas time (A Templar book) Alison Jay
Templar Pub. 2010 27 × 27 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill. 1009915594607 こども WE/C/
Cicely Mary Barker and her art Jane Laing F. Warne
1995 26 cm 128 p. ill. (some col.), ports.
1009610007853 こども WE/C/
Cinderella (Fay's fairy tales) William Wegman
Hyperion c1993 29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007854 こども WE/C/
Cinderella [Charles Perrault] Usborne Pub. 2005 21
cm 48 p. col. ill.
1009910090566 こども WE/C/
Click, clack, moo by Doreen Cronin Simon & Schuster
Books for Young Readers c2000 27 cm 1 v.
(unpaged) col. ill.
6 / 71 ページ
1009810327038 こども WE/C/
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
タイトルコード 所蔵館 請求記号
Color zoo (Fossette) Lois Ehlert HarperColli
ns c1989 24 cm 〔39〕 p. : col. ill.
1009810135720 こども WE/C/
Corduroy story and pictures by Don Freeman Viking
Press 1968 21 × 24 cm 32 p. col. ill.
1009910090395 こども WE/C/
Corduroy story and pictures by Don Freeman Viking
Press 1968 21 × 24 cm 32 p. col. ill.
1009910090395 こども WE/C/
Corgiville fair by Tasha Tudor Little, Brown c1971
24 × 31 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090402 こども WE/C/
Courtney John Burningham J. Cape 1994 31 cm 1
v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007857 こども WE/C/
Cric? Crac! (Sonrisa 57) 丸善メイツ 1991
32 42P
1009110035775 こども WE/C/
Curious George by H.A. Rey Houghton Mifflin c1993
27 cm 56 p. col. ill.
1009910090397 こども WE/C/
Curious George by H.A. Rey Houghton Mifflin c1993
27 cm 56 p. col. ill.
1009910090397 こども WE/C/
Curious George by H.A. Rey Houghton Mifflin c1993
44 cm 54 p. col. ill.
1009915453749 こども WE/C/
Curious George Christmas carols musical artwork by
H.A. Rey Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 2010 21 × 24
cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill., music
Curious George gets a medal H.A. Rey Houghton
Mifflin c1993 27 cm 47 p. col. ill.
Curious George learns the alphabet H.A. Rey
Houghton Mifflin c1993 24 cm 72 p. col. ill.
1009915494175 こども WE/C/
1009910090398 こども WE/C/
1009910090399 こども WE/C/
Curious George rides a bike H.A. Rey Houghton Mifflin
c1993 27 cm 46 p. col. ill.
1009910090400 こども WE/C/
Curious George takes a job H.A. Rey Houghton Mifflin
c1993 27 cm 47 p. col. ill.
1009910090401 こども WE/C/
Curious George's big book of curiosity illustrated in the
style of H.A. Rey by Greg Paprocki Houghton Mifflin
1009910090508 こども WE/C/
2005 27 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
7 / 71 ページ
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
タイトルコード 所蔵館 請求記号
Le convive comme il faut (Sonrisa 12) Phi
lippe Dumas/さく・え 丸善メイツ 1988 32 38P 1009110035738 こども WE/C/
The candy witch Steven Kroll/文 Holiday Ho
use 1979 22cm 32P
1008910002168 こども WE/C/
The cat and the dog Andr? Dahan Tokyo Bookland
1993 31 cm 1 v. (unpaged) all. col. ill.
1009610007849 こども WE/C/
The cat in the hat (Beginner books I can read it all
by myself) by Dr. Seuss Random House c1985 24
1009910090584 こども WE/C/
cm 61 p. col. ill.
The cat in the hat beginner book dictionary
(Beginner books I can read it all by myself) by the Cat 1009910090509 こども WE/C/
himself and Beginner Books c1992 29 cm 133 p. col.
The cats’ tale Annemarie van Hering/文 Oxf
ord 1985 28 26P
1008910002169 こども WE/C/
The Christmas angels Else Wenz‐Viё tor Floris Books
2008 22 × 28 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009915494178 こども WE/C/
The Christmas stockings (Sonrisa 8) Math
ew Price/さく 丸善メイツ 1987 27cm 17p
The Christmas sweater original story by Glenn Beck
with Aladdin/Mercury Radio Arts 2009 23 × 29 cm
1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
The city by the bay (Fossette) illustrated b
y Elisa Kleven Chronicle Books c1993 27 c
m 〔25〕 p. : col. ill.
The complete Brambly Hedge (Brambly Hedge) Jill
Barklem Collins 1999 26 cm 248 p. col. ill.
Dance! (Fossette) Etienne Delessert Creati
ve Editions 1994 29 cm 32 p. : col. ill.
Dans la voiture (Fossette) Claude Ponti Ec
ole des Loisirs c1996 17 × 23 cm 〔8〕 p.
: col. ill.
Dark emperor & other poems of the night written by
Joyce Sidman Houghton Mifflin Books for Children
c2010 27 × 28 cm 29 p. col. ill.
Das Traumende Haus (Sonrisa 16) Peter N
ickl/さく 丸善メイツ 1982 33 42P
8 / 71 ページ
1009110035781 こども WE/C/
1009915494169 こども WE/C/
1009810135721 こども WE/C/
1009910090393 こども WE/C/
1009810135729 こども WE/D/
1009810135752 こども WE/D/
1009915564406 こども WE/D/
1009110035745 こども WE/D/
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
Dave the potter by Laban Carrick Hill Little, Brown
2010 23 × 29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
Days with Frog and Toad (An I can read book) by
Arnold Lobel HarperCollins Publishers c1979 23 cm
64 p. col. ill.
Days with Frog and Toad (An I can read book) by
Arnold Lobel HarperCollins Publishers c1979 23 cm
64 p. col. ill.
Days with frog and toad Arnold Lobel/文・絵
Harper & Row 1979 22cm 64p
所蔵館 請求記号
1009915564404 こども WE/D/
1009910090385 こども WE/D/
1009910090385 こども WE/D/
1008910002128 こども WE/D/
Dazzle the dinosaur by Marcus Pfister North‐South
Books 1994 30 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007858 こども WE/D/
Dear Mili by Wilhelm Grimm Viking Kestrel 1988 24
× 26 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007859 こども WE/D/
Die Gelbe Grume (Sonrisa 21) Renate Sch
upp/さく 丸善メイツ 1988 30 26P
1009110035784 こども WE/D/
Dierenfabels (Fossette) Max Velthuijs Leopo
ld c1992 27 cm 80 p. : col. ill.
1009810135759 こども WE/D/
Dinosaurs love underpants Claire Freedman Aladdin
2010 29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009916059783 こども WE/D/
Disney my first 1000 words Disney Press c2003 31
cm 137 p. col. ill.
1009910090510 こども WE/D/
Disney picture dictionary Disney Press c2003 31 cm
141 p. col. ill.
1009910090511 こども WE/D/
Disney's Aladdin adapted from the film by A.L. Singer
Disney Press c1992 27 cm 88 p. col. ill.
1009810038315 こども WE/D/
Disney's Beauty and the beast adapted from the film
by A.L. Singer Disney Press c1991 27 cm 96 p. col.
1009810038325 こども WE/D/
Disney's Hercules adapted from the film by Elizabeth
Balzer Disney Press c1997 27 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. 1009810038327 こども WE/D/
Disney's Pocahontas adapted from the film by Gina
Ingoglia Disney Press c1995 27 cm 95 p. col. ill.
1009810038321 こども WE/D/
9 / 71 ページ
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
Disney's The hunchback of Notre Dame adapted from
the film by Gina Ingoglia Disney Press c1996 27 cm
90 p. col. ill.
Disney's The lion king by Gina Ingoglia Disney Press
c1994 27 cm 96 p. col. ill.
所蔵館 請求記号
1009810038317 こども WE/D/
1009810038328 こども WE/D/
Disney's The little mermaid adapted from the film by
A.L. Singer Disney Press c1993 27 cm 95 p. col. ill.
1009810038319 こども WE/D/
Djecak i bundeva (Sonrisa 39) Pranko Bah
unek/え 丸善メイツ 1989. 25 24P
1009110035732 こども WE/D/
Dog and Bear (A Neal Porter book) Laura Vaccaro
Seeger Roaring Brook Press 2007 26 cm 1 v.
(unpaged) col. ill.
Dogger Shirley Hughes Bodley Head 1977 27 cm
[32] p. col. ill.
1009915592471 こども WE/D/
1009610007860 こども WE/D/
Doggerel with linocuts by Martha Paulos Chronicle
Books c1990 19 × 22 cm 63 p. ill.
1009610007861 こども WE/D/
Don't get lost! by Pat Hutchins Greenwillow Books
c2004 29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090403 こども WE/D/
Dr. Dog Babette Cole J. Cape 1994 26 × 26 cm
[34] p. col. ill.
1009610007862 こども WE/D/
Dragtrunk of Addo (Sonrisa 70) Wim Bosm
an/さく・え 丸善メイツ 1989 27 42P
1009110035755 こども WE/D/
Duncan the dancing duck written and illustrated by
Syd Hoff Clarion Books c1994 24 cm 32 p. col. ill.
1009610007864 こども WE/D/
Dwarf Nose (A Michael Neugebauer book) Wilhelm
Hauff North‐South Books 1994 28 cm 49 p. col. ill.
1009610007865 こども WE/D/
The dragon of an ordinary family Margaret Mahy
Heinemann 1991 23 × 28 cm [40] p. col. ill.
1009610007863 こども WE/D/
The dream (Oxford reading tree Big books pack)
Roderick Hunt Oxford University Press 2004 52 cm
16 p. col. ill.
An extraordinary egg by Leo Lionni Knopf c1994 28
cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
10 / 71 ページ
1009915453746 こども WE/D/
1009610007872 こども WE/E/
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
Each peach pear plum Janet and Allan Ahlberg Viking
1978 20 × 26 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
所蔵館 請求記号
1009910090577 こども WE/E/
El Burrito y la tuna (Sonrisa 55) Cuento G
uajiro/さいわ 丸善メイツ 1988. 21 21 33P
1009110035786 こども WE/E/
Elmer again David McKee Andersen Press 1991 24
cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007868 こども WE/E/
Elmer David McKee Andersen Press 1989 24 cm 1
v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007867 こども WE/E/
Elmer on stilts David McKee Andersen Press 1993
24 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007869 こども WE/E/
Emily's balloon by Komako Sakai Chronicle Books
2006 26 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910161988 こども WE/E/
Ernst Elisa Kleven Dutton c1989 24 cm [32] p. col.
1009610007871 こども WE/E/
Extra yarn by Mac Barnett Balzer + Bray c2012 23
× 27 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009916172662 こども WE/E/
The egg tree story and pictures by Katherine Milhous
Scribner c1978 26 cm [32] p. col. ill.
1009610007866 こども WE/E/
The elves and the shoemaker Paul Galdone
/文・絵 Clarion Books 1985 24 32P
1008910002170 こども WE/E/
A first word book (My world) Chez Picthall Picthall
& Gunzi c2004 32 cm 61 p. col. ill.
1009910090597 こども WE/F/
Fala bicho (Fossette) escreveu, Violeta Figu
eiredo Edi es ASA c1992 27 cm 〔38〕 p. : 1009810135764 こども WE/F/
col. ill.
Fallo di mano (Sonrisa 19) Mario Mariotti/
さく 丸善メイツ 1990 22 32P
1009110035785 こども WE/F/
Father Christmas having a wonderful time! Raymond
Briggs H. Hamilton 1993 23 cm 29 p. col. ill.
1009610007873 こども WE/F/
Father Christmas Raymond Briggs Hamilton 1973 26
cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090579 こども WE/F/
11 / 71 ページ
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
Felines with linocuts by Martha Paulos Chronicle
Books c1992 19 × 22 cm 63 p. ill.
1009610007874 こども WE/F/
Festen hos Skogkongen (Sonrisa 32) Loui
s Moe/さく・え 丸善メイツ 1990 27 30 22P
1009110035761 こども WE/F/
Fickle Barbara (Fossette) Satomi Ichikawa
Philomel Books c1993 22 × 27 cm 〔30〕
p. : col. ill.
Fire came to the earth people (Sonrisa 4
7) Susan L.Roth/さく・え 丸善メイツ 1988 26
Fish is fish Leo Lionni Knopf c1970 28 cm 1 v.
(unpaged) col. ill.
Fishing for treasure Andr? Dahan Tokyo Bookland
1993 31 cm 1 v. (unpaged) all. col. ill.
Five for a little one (A Richard Jackson book) Chris
Raschka Atheneum Books for Young Readers c2006
25 × 29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
Five little monkeys jumping on the bed retold and
illustrated by Eileen Christelow Clarion Books 2006
36 × 44 cm 32 p. col. ill.
Fletcher and the snowflake Christmas by Julia
Rawlinson Greenwillow Books 2010 27 cm 1 v.
(unpaged) col. ill.
Flotsam David Wiesner Clarion Books c2006 24 ×
30 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
Flotsam David Wiesner Clarion Books c2006 24 ×
30 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
所蔵館 請求記号
1009810135725 こども WE/F/
1009110035793 こども WE/F/
1009910090407 こども WE/F/
1009610007875 こども WE/F/
1009910161987 こども WE/F/
1009915453747 こども WE/F/
1009915594600 こども WE/F/
1009910090478 こども WE/F/
1009910090478 こども WE/F/
For our children with illustrations by Jan Brett ... [et
al.] Disney Press c1991 29 cm 53 p. ill. (some col.),
1009610007877 こども WE/F/
Forst var det morkt- (Fossette) Anna H glu
nd i samarbete med Otto 3 r Bonniers Juniorf rl 1009810135766 こども WE/F/
a c1991 22 cm 〔48〕 p. : col. ill.
Frederick Leo Lionni Knopf c1995 28 cm 1 v.
(unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090408 こども WE/F/
Frederick Leo Lionni Knopf c1995 28 cm 1 v.
(unpaged) col. ill.
12 / 71 ページ
1009910090408 こども WE/F/
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
Freight train Donald Crews Greenwillow Books c1978
22 × 26 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
Frog and Toad all year (An I can read book) by
Arnold Lobel HarperCollins Publishers c1976 23 cm
64 p. col. ill.
Frog and Toad all year (An I can read book) by
Arnold Lobel HarperCollins Publishers c1976 23 cm
64 p. col. ill.
Frog and toad all year Arnold Lobel Harper
& Row 1976 22cm 64P
Frog and Toad are friends (An I can read book) by
Arnold Lobel HarperCollins Publishers c1970 23 cm
64 p. col. ill.
Frog and Toad are friends (An I can read book) by
Arnold Lobel HarperCollins Publishers c1970 23 cm
64 p. col. ill.
Frog and Toad together (An I can read book Reading
rainbow book) by Arnold Lobel HarperCollins
Publishers c1972 23 cm 64 p. col. ill.
Frog and Toad together (An I can read book Reading
rainbow book) by Arnold Lobel HarperCollins
Publishers c1972 23 cm 64 p. col. ill.
Frog and toad together Arnold Lobel/文・絵
Harper & Row 1972 22cm 64p
所蔵館 請求記号
1009910090405 こども WE/F/
1009910090384 こども WE/F/
1009910090384 こども WE/F/
1008910002129 こども WE/F/
1009910090382 こども WE/F/
1009910090382 こども WE/F/
1009910090383 こども WE/F/
1009910090383 こども WE/F/
1008910002130 こども WE/F/
From head to toe Eric Carle HarperCollins Publishers
c1997 32 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090406 こども WE/F/
From head to toe Eric Carle HarperCollins Publishers
c1997 32 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090406 こども WE/F/
From head to toe Eric Carle HarperFestival 2007 47
cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009915453740 こども WE/F/
Fu finds the way John Rocco Disney・Hyperion Books
c2009 24 × 29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009916059792 こども WE/F/
Fun with Mrs Thumb written by Jan Mark Walker
Books 1993 22 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007879 こども WE/F/
The five Chinese brothers by Claire Huchet Bishop and
Coward‐McCann 1989 17 × 26 cm [64] p. col. ill.
1009610007876 こども WE/F/
13 / 71 ページ
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
タイトルコード 所蔵館 請求記号
The five Chinese brothers by Claire Huchet Bishop and
Putnam [c1965] 17 × 26 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090404 こども WE/F/
The frog prince, continued story by Jon Scieszka
Viking 1991 28 cm [32] p. col. ill.
Une ferme (Fossette) Philippe Dumas Ecol
e des Loisirs c1997 46 cm 〔40〕 p. : col.
A good day Kevin Henkes Greenwillow Books c2007
24 × 24 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007878 こども WE/F/
1009810135753 こども WE/F/
1009910161978 こども WE/G/
Gaspard and Lisa at the museum Gutman A
nne 2001. 20 cm 28p
1009910242739 こども WE/G/
Gaspard and Lisa, friends forever (The
misadventures of Gaspard and Lisa) Anne Gutman
Knopf c2003 20 × 20 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
Gaspard and Lisa’s Christmas Surprise Gut
man Anne 2002. 20 cm 28p
1009916140061 こども WE/G/
1009910242749 こども WE/G/
Gaspard and Lisa’s Rainy Day Gutman Anne
2003. 20 cm 28p
1009910242741 こども WE/G/
Gaspard at the Seashore Gutman Anne 200
2. 20 cm 28p
1009910242750 こども WE/G/
Gaspard in the Hospital Gutman Anne 200
1. 20 cm 28p
1009910242744 こども WE/G/
Gaspard on Vacation Gutman Anne 2001.
20 cm 28p
1009910242746 こども WE/G/
Georgie and the buried treasure Robert Brigh
t/文・絵 World’s Work 1981 21cm 36p
1008910002455 こども WE/G/
Georgie to the rescue Robert Bright/文・絵
World’s Work 1979 21cm 32p
1008910002131 こども WE/G/
Gila monsters meet you at the airpo Marjori
e W.Sharmat/文 Macmillan 1980 21 32P
1008910002132 こども WE/G/
Glasses by Lane Smith Viking 1991 24 cm 1 v.
(unpaged) col. ill.
14 / 71 ページ
1009610007881 こども WE/G/
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
タイトルコード 所蔵館 請求記号
Gone wild David McLimans Walker 2006 26 × 29 cm
1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090512 こども WE/G/
Good night, gorilla Peggy Rathmann Putnam c1994
19 × 23 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
Good sports (Read to a child!) by Jack Prelutsky
Dragonfly Books 2007 22 × 28 cm 1 v. (unpaged)
col. ill.
Goodnight moon by Margaret Wise Brown
HarperCollins Publishers [1982] 18 × 22 cm 1 v.
(unpaged) ill. (some col.)
Goodnight moon by Margaret Wise Brown
HarperCollins Publishers [1982] 18 × 22 cm 1 v.
(unpaged) ill. (some col.)
Goodnight moon by Margaret Wise Brown
HarperCollins Publishers 2005 23 × 27 cm 1 v.
(unpaged) ill. (some col.)
Goodnight moon by Margaret Wise Brown
HarperFestival 2007 39 × 47 cm 1 v. (unpaged) ill.
(some col.)
Goodnight Opus Berkeley Breathed Little, Brown
c1993 26 × 28 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009916059793 こども WE/G/
1009916059794 こども WE/G/
1009910090581 こども WE/G/
1009910090581 こども WE/G/
1009910090411 こども WE/G/
1009915453748 こども WE/G/
1009610007884 こども WE/G/
Goodnight, goodnight, construction site Sherri Duskey
Rinker Chronicle Books c2011 26 × 27 cm 1 v.
1009916059788 こども WE/G/
(unpaged) col. ill.
Gorilla Anthony Browne Walker Books 1992 23 × 28
cm [30] p. col. ill.
1009610007885 こども WE/G/
Grandfather's journey written and illustrated by Allen
Say Houghton Mifflin 1993 30 cm 32 p. col. ill.
1009610007886 こども WE/G/
Grandpa Green Lane Smith Roaring Brook Press
2011 23 × 29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009916014043 こども WE/G/
Growing up and other vices Sara Midda J. Cape 1994
25 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007887 こども WE/G/
The garden story by Dyan Sheldon Hutchinson 1993
24 × 30 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007880 こども WE/G/
The gift of nothing Patrick McDonnell Little, Brown
2005 18 × 21 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090513 こども WE/G/
15 / 71 ページ
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
The gift of the Magi by O. Henry Simon & Schuster
Books for Young Readers 2006 34 cm 1 v. (unpaged)
col. ill.
The gingerbread boy Paul Galdone Clarion Books
c1975 20 × 26 cm 40 p. col. ill.
所蔵館 請求記号
1009910090514 こども WE/G/
1009910090410 こども WE/G/
The gingerbread boy Paul Galdone Clarion Books
c1975 20 × 26 cm 40 p. col. ill.
1009910090410 こども WE/G/
The giving tree by Shel Silverstein HarperCollins
Publishers c1964 23 cm 1 v. (unpaged) ill.
1009910090412 こども WE/G/
The giving tree by Shel Silverstein HarperCollins
Publishers c1964 23 cm 1 v. (unpaged) ill.
1009910090412 こども WE/G/
The giving tree by Shel Silverstein HarperCollins
Publishers c1992 27 cm 1 v. (unpaged) ill.
1009916059800 こども WE/G/
The go‐kart (Oxford reading tree Big books pack)
Roderick Hunt Oxford University Press 2004 52 cm
16 p. col. ill.
The golden goose book (An Albion book) illustrated
by L. Leslie Brooke Clarion Books c1992 27 cm 96
p. ill. (some col.)
The great zoo hunt (Fossette) Pippa Unwin
Macmillan Children’s 1989 29 cm 32 p. :
col. ill.
The greentail mouse by Leo Lionni Knopf c2001 28
cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009915453743 こども WE/G/
1009610007883 こども WE/G/
1009810135742 こども WE/G/
1009915467940 こども WE/G/
The grouchy ladybug Eric Carle HarperCollins
Publishers 1996 27 × 27 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090409 こども WE/G/
The grouchy ladybug Eric Carle HarperCollins
Publishers 1996 27 × 27 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090576 こども WE/G/
The gruffalo Julia Donaldson Dial Books for Young
Readers c1999 28 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009916061725 こども WE/G/
Hansel & Gretel [from the story by the Brothers
Grimm] Usborne Pub. 2005 21 cm 48 p. col. ill.
1009910090567 こども WE/H/
Hanul yolligo ttang yollida (Fossette) I Suja
c1995 28 cm 〔30〕 p. : col. ill.
1009810135773 こども WE/H/
16 / 71 ページ
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
Harry and the terrible whatzit Dick Gackenba
ck/文・絵 Clarion Books 1977 22 32P
所蔵館 請求記号
1008910002133 こども WE/H/
Harry by the sea by Gene Zion HarperCollins c1965
29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090414 こども WE/H/
Harry, the dirty dog by Gene Zion HarperCollins
c1984 29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090415 こども WE/H/
Harry, the dirty dog by Gene Zion HarperCollins
c1984 29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090415 こども WE/H/
Harvey Slumfenburger's Christmas present John
Burningham Walker Books 1993 31 cm 1 v.
1009610007890 こども WE/H/
(unpaged) col. ill.
Heart of a snowman by Mary Kuryla and HarperCollins
Publishers c2009 29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009916059804 こども WE/H/
Hello twins Charlotte Voake Walker Books 2006 28
cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910161990 こども WE/H/
Hey! get off our train John Burningham Crown
Publishers c1989 24 × 30 cm [48] p. col. ill.
1009610007891 こども WE/H/
Hiawatha (Sonrisa 51) Henry Wadsworth Lo
ng/原作 丸善メイツ 1983 31 25P
1009110035771 こども WE/H/
Hickory dickory dock Keith Baker Harcourt c2007 29
cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910161975 こども WE/H/
Hip Cat by Jonathan London Chronicle Books c1993
29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
Historia verdadera de una princesa (Sonris
a 53) Ines Arredondo/さく 丸善メイツ 1989.
23cm 33p
Hooray for Diffendoofer Day! Dr. Seuss Knopf c1998
29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007892 こども WE/H/
1009110035735 こども WE/H/
1009916059801 こども WE/H/
Hopper's Easter surprise by Kathrin Siegenthaler and
North‐South Books 1993 30 cm [24] p. col. ill.
1009610007893 こども WE/H/
Horatio's bed Camilla Ashforth Walker Books 1992
25 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007894 こども WE/H/
17 / 71 ページ
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
How dogs really work! by Alan Snow Little, Brown
c1993 28 × 28 cm 27 p. ill. (some col.)
所蔵館 請求記号
1009610007895 こども WE/H/
Hug time Patrick McDonnell Little, Brown 2007 18
× 21 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009916059790 こども WE/H/
Hurricane David Wiesner Clarion Books c1990 24 ×
29 cm [32] p. col. ill.
1009610007896 こども WE/H/
The happy day by Ruth Krauss HarperCollins
Publishers 1989 31 cm 1 v. (unpaged) ill.
1009910090417 こども WE/H/
The happy Hocky family! Lane Smith Viking 1993 24
cm 60 p. col. ill.
1009610007889 こども WE/H/
The happy lion roars by Louise Fatio Knopf [2006]
27 cm 1 v. (unpaged) ill. (some col.)
1009910090515 こども WE/H/
The hello, goodbye window story by Norton Juster
Michael di Capua Books/Hyperion Books for Children
1009910090416 こども WE/H/
2005 29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
The highwayman (Fossette) Alfred Noyes O
xford University Pr 1995 29 cm 〔30〕 p. : i 1009810135749 こども WE/H/
The Hobyahs Val Biro/文・絵 Oxford 1985 2
8 32P
1008910002171 こども WE/H/
I like me! Nancy Carlson Viking 1988 27 cm 1 v.
(unpaged) col. ill.
1009915592468 こども WE/I/
I live in Tokyo written & illustrated by Mari
Takabayashi Houghton Mifflin 2001 29 cm 1 v.
1009915592476 こども WE/I/
(unpaged) col. ill.
I love Christmas by Anna Walker Simon & Schuster
Books for Young Readers 2009 21 × 22 cm 1 v.
1009915494179 こども WE/I/
(unpaged) col. ill.
I spy (Cartwheel books I spy books) photographs by
Walter Wick Scholastic c1992 32 cm 33 p. col. ill.
1009910090590 こども WE/I/
I spy Christmas (Cartwheel books I spy books)
photographs by Walter Wick Scholastic c1992 32 cm 1009910090591 こども WE/I/
33 p. col. ill.
I spy extreme challenger! (Cartwheel books I spy
books) photographs by Walter Wick Scholastic c2000 1009910090604 こども WE/I/
32 cm 31 p. col. ill.
18 / 71 ページ
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
I spy fantasy (Cartwheel books I spy books)
photographs by Walter Wick Scholastic c1994 32 cm
37 p. col. ill.
I spy fun house (Cartwheel books I spy books)
photographs by Walter Wick Scholastic c1993 32 cm
33 p. col. ill.
I spy gold challenger! (Cartwheel books I spy books)
photographs by Walter Wick Scholastic c1998 32 cm
31 p. col. ill.
I spy mystery (Cartwheel books I spy books)
photographs by Walter Wick Scholastic c1993 32 cm
37 p. col. ill.
I spy school days (Cartwheel books I spy books)
photographs by Walter Wick Scholastic c1995 32 cm
33 p. col. ill.
I spy spooky night (Cartwheel books I spy books)
photographs by Walter Wick Scholastic c1996 32 cm
31 p. col. ill.
I spy super challenger! (Cartwheel books I spy
books) photographs by Walter Wick Scholastic c1997
32 cm 31 p. col. ill.
I spy treasure hunt (Cartwheel books I spy books)
photographs by Walter Wick Scholastic c1999 32 cm
36 p. col. ill.
I spy ultimate challenger! (Cartwheel books I spy
books) photographs by Walter Wick Scholastic c2003
32 cm 31 p. col. ill.
I want my hat back Jon Klassen Walker Books 2011
29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
所蔵館 請求記号
1009910090592 こども WE/I/
1009910090593 こども WE/I/
1009910090602 こども WE/I/
1009910090601 こども WE/I/
1009910090600 こども WE/I/
1009910090594 こども WE/I/
1009910090603 こども WE/I/
1009910090595 こども WE/I/
1009910090605 こども WE/I/
1009916014045 こども WE/I/
I will never not ever eat a tomato Lauren Child
Candlewick Press 2000 29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009916059784 こども WE/I/
I’ll be you and you be me Ruth Krauss/文
Harper & Row 1954 23cm 32p
1008910002134 こども WE/I/
Ice (Stories without words) Arthur Geisert
Enchanted Lion Books 2011 16 × 27 cm 1 v.
(unpaged) col. ill.
If you give a dog a donut (An if you give- book)
written by Laura Numeroff Balzer + Bray c2011 24
cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
If you give a mouse a cookie Laura Joffe Numeroff
HarperCollins c1985 22 cm [32] p. col. ill.
19 / 71 ページ
1009916014044 こども WE/I/
1009916059781 こども WE/I/
1009610007899 こども WE/I/
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
I'll always love you by Hans Wilhelm Crown Publishers
c1985 19 × 24 cm [31] p. col. ill.
所蔵館 請求記号
1009610007897 こども WE/I/
In the forest story and pictures by Marie Hall Ets
Penguin 2006 19 × 24 cm 1 v. (unpaged) ill.
1009915592474 こども WE/I/
In the night kitchen Maurice Sendak HarperCollins
c1970 29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090418 こども WE/I/
In the night kitchen Maurice Sendak HarperCollins
c1970 29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090418 こども WE/I/
Inter-City Charles Keeping/著 Oxford 1977
1008910002138 こども WE/I/
Interrupting chicken David Ezra Stein Candlewick
Press 2010 23 × 28 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009915564405 こども WE/I/
It was a dark and stormy night Janet and Allan Ahlberg
Viking 1993 31 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007901 こども WE/I/
It's a book Lane Smith Roaring Brook Press 2010 27
cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009916061726 こども WE/I/
It's a dog's life (A Minedition book) Paul Banks
Minedition c2005 30 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090516 こども WE/I/
It's Christmas, David! by David Shannon Blue Sky
Press c2010 29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009915594610 こども WE/I/
It's my birthday Helen Oxenbury Walker Books 1994
22 cm [22] p. col. ill.
1009610007900 こども WE/I/
The ice palace Angela McAllister Hutchinson 1994
25 × 27 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007898 こども WE/I/
The important book words by Margaret Wise Brown
HarperCollins Publishers c1977 27 cm 1 v. (unpaged)
ill. (some col.)
J.B.'s harmonica John Sebastian Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich c1993 21 cm 1 v. (unpaged) ill.
Jack and the beanstalk retold by Katie Daynes
Usborne Pub. 2006 21 cm 48 p. col. ill.
20 / 71 ページ
1009910090419 こども WE/I/
1009610007902 こども WE/J/
1009910090568 こども WE/J/
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
タイトルコード 所蔵館 請求記号
Jack and the meanstalk Brian and Rebecca Wildsmith
Oxford University Press 1994 31 cm 1 v. (unpaged)
1009610007903 こども WE/J/
col. ill.
Jack Frost Kazuno Kohara Macmillan Children's Books
2009 26 × 26 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009915494173 こども WE/J/
Jack the dog (A Michael Neugebauer book) [written
and illustrated by] John Rowe Picture Book Studio
c1993 23 × 25 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
Japanese Children’s Favorite Stories Book
Two 坂出 フローレンス/編 Tuttle Publishing 20
05. 24 cm 96p
Jenny's birthday book (The New York Review
children's collection) by Esther Averill New York
Review of Books c1954 17 × 24 cm 1 v. (unpaged)
(some col.)
Jeremiah and Mrs.Ming (Sonrisa
52) Shar
on Jennings/さく 丸善メイツ 1990 28 24P
1009610007904 こども WE/J/
1009910246871 こども WE/J/
1009910161972 こども WE/J/
1009110035779 こども WE/J/
Jona (Sonrisa 22) Gertrud Fussenegger/さく
丸善メイツ 1986 27 26P
1009110035748 こども WE/J/
Jorinda & Joringel Brothers Grimm/文 Ande
rsen Press 1984 23cm 26p
1008910002136 こども WE/J/
Joseph had a little overcoat Simms Taback Viking
1999 28 cm 1 v. (ungaged) col. ill.
1009915592477 こども WE/J/
Julien (Fossette) Anne‐Marie Chapouton,
Nathan c1993 29 cm 〔24〕 p. : col. ill.
1009810135755 こども WE/J/
June 29, 1999 David Wiesner Clarion Books c1992
24 × 28 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007905 こども WE/J/
Just a dream Chris Van Allsburg Houghton Mifflin
1990 30 cm [48] p. col. ill.
1009610007906 こども WE/J/
A kiss for little bear Else Holmelund Minar/
絵・文 Harper & Row 1968 22cm 32P
1008910002120 こども WE/K/
Kindergedichte & Galgenlieder (Fossette) C
hristian Morgenstern M. Neugebauer 〔199
1009810135762 こども WE/K/
‐?〕 25 cm 〔40〕 p. : col. ill.
King of the cats Paul Galdone/文・絵 World’
s Work 1980 20 32P
1008910002137 こども WE/K/
21 / 71 ページ
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
Kitten's first full moon Kevin Henkes Greenwillow
Books c2004 27 × 27 cm 1 v. (unpaged) ill.
A little Schubert (Fossette A Godine storytell
er) story and pictures by M.B. Goffstein D.
R. Godine 1984 19 cm 〔32〕 p. : ill., m
usi there, little polar bear (A North‐South picture
book) written and illustrated by Hans de Beer North‐
South Books 1988 30 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
L’Ibai detectiu Jesus Ballaz/さく Timun Mas
1990 28 23
所蔵館 請求記号
1009915592470 こども WE/K/
1009810135728 こども WE/L/
1009910090386 こども WE/L/
1009110003472 こども WE/L/
L’Ibai domador Jesus Ballaz/さく Timun Mas
28 23
1009110003466 こども WE/L/
L’Ibai explorador Jesus Ballaz/さく Timun Ma
s 28 23
1009110003480 こども WE/L/
L’Ibai granger Jesus Ballaz/さく Timun Mas
28 23 1サツ
1009110003468 こども WE/L/
L’Ibai pirot Jesus Ballaz/さく Timun Mas 28
1009110003474 こども WE/L/
L’Ibai reportor Jesus Ballaz/さく Timun Mas
28 23
1009110003470 こども WE/L/
L’Ibai socorrista Jesus Ballaz/さく Timun Ma
s 28 23
1009110003478 こども WE/L/
L’Ibai submarinista Jesus Ballaz/さく Timun
Mas 28 23
1009110003476 こども WE/L/
Life story by Virginia Lee Burton Houghton Mifflin
c1990 24 × 26 cm 67 p. col. ill.
1009610007907 こども WE/L/
Lights out (Walter Lorraine books) Arthur Geisert
Houghton Mifflin c2005 29 cm 32 p. col. ill.
1009910090517 こども WE/L/
Limir-Imparat (Sonrisa 38) Ioan Slavici/さく
丸善メイツ 1990 34 31P
1009110035746 こども WE/L/
Lisa in New York Gutman Anne 2002. 20
cm 30p
1009910242740 こども WE/L/
22 / 71 ページ
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
Lisa in the Jungle Gutman Anne 2003. 20
cm 28p
1009910242751 こども WE/L/
Lisa’s Baby Sister Gutman Anne 2003. 20
cm 30p
1009910242752 こども WE/L/
Lisa's airplane trip (The misadventures of Gaspard
and Lisa) Anne Gutman Knopf 2001 20 × 20 cm 1
v. (unpaged) col. ill.
Little 1 by Ann & Paul Rand Chronicle Books 2006
26 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
所蔵館 請求記号
1009916125031 こども WE/L/
1009910090518 こども WE/L/
Little 1 by Ann and Paul Rand H.N. Abrams 1991 26
cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007915 こども WE/L/
Little bear Else H.Minarik/文 Harper & Row
1957 22 62P
1008910002146 こども WE/L/
Little bear’s friend Else H.Minarik/文 Harpe
r & Row 1960 22 63P
1008910002147 こども WE/L/
Little bear’s visit Else H.Minarik/文 Harper
& Row 1961 22cm 64p
1008910002148 こども WE/L/
Little blue and little yellow (An Astor book) by Leo
Lionni I. Obolensky c1959 21 × 21 cm 1 v.
(unpaged) col. ill.
Little blue and little yellow by Leo Lionni Knopf
[2009] 21 × 21 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007910 こども WE/L/
1009915467941 こども WE/L/
Little Golden Book Favorites Scarry Richard
2008. 20 cm 76p
1009910244634 こども WE/L/
Little pink pig Pat Hutchins J. MacRae Books 1994
22 × 26 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007912 こども WE/L/
Little polar bear and the reindeer written and
illustrated by Hans de Beer North‐South Books 2005
30 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
Little polar bear written and illustrated by Hans de
Beer North‐South Books 1987 30 cm 1 v. (unpaged)
col. ill.
Little polar bear written and illustrated by Hans de
Beer North‐South Books 1987 30 cm 1 v. (unpaged)
col. ill.
23 / 71 ページ
1009910090422 こども WE/L/
1009910090421 こども WE/L/
1009910090421 こども WE/L/
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
Little polar bear, take me home! written and illustrated
by Hans de Beer North‐South Books 1996 30 cm 1
v. (unpaged) col. ill.
Little Tim and the brave sea captain by Edward
Ardizzone Frances Lincoln Children's Books 2005 27
cm 1 v. (unpaged) ill. (some col.)
Lon Po Po (Fossette) translated and illustra
ted by Ed Young Philomel Books c1989 26 c
m 〔30〕 p. : col. ill.
Lon Po Po translated and illustrated by Ed Young
Philomel Books c1989 27 cm [32] p. col. ill.
所蔵館 請求記号
1009910090423 こども WE/L/
1009910161973 こども WE/L/
1009810135738 こども WE/L/
1009610007916 こども WE/L/
Lost and found Oliver Jeffers Philomel Books 2006
28 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910161980 こども WE/L/
Lotsa de Casha (A Callaway edition) by Madonna
Puffin 2005 26 cm 44 p. col. ill.
1009910161986 こども WE/L/
Love you forever (A Firefly book) written by Robert
Munsch Firefly Books c1987 22 cm 1 v. (unpaged) ill. 1009910090425 こども WE/L/
(some col.)
Lullabyhullaballoo! Mick Inkpen Hodder & Stoughton
1993 24 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007917 こども WE/L/
Lyle, Lyle, crocodile by Bernard Waber Houghton
Mifflin c1965 28 cm 48 p. col. ill.
1009610007918 こども WE/L/
The lighthouse that ran away Roger McGough Bodley
Head 1991 28 cm [32] p. col. ill.
1009610007908 こども WE/L/
The lion & the mouse [Aesop, original] Little, Brown
Books for Young Readers 2009 25 × 29 cm 1 v.
(unpaged) col. ill.
The little fir tree by Margaret Wise Brown
HarperCollins c1982 19 × 21 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col.
The little house story and pictures by Virginia Lee
Burton Houghton Mifflin c1969 24 × 26 cm 40 p.
col. ill.
The little house story and pictures by Virginia Lee
Burton Houghton Mifflin c1969 24 × 26 cm 40 p.
col. ill.
The little house story and pictures by Virginia Lee
Burton Houghton Mifflin c1969 24 × 26 cm 40 p.
col. ill.
24 / 71 ページ
1009915467945 こども WE/L/
1009610007911 こども WE/L/
1009910090420 こども WE/L/
1009910090420 こども WE/L/
1009910090420 こども WE/L/
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
The little mermaid [from the story by Hans Christian
Andersen] Usborne Pub. 2005 21 cm 48 p. col. ill.
所蔵館 請求記号
1009910090569 こども WE/L/
The little red hen [illustrated by] Paul Galdone Clarion
Books 2006 39 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009915453750 こども WE/L/
The little red hen Paul Galdone Clarion Books c2001
20 × 20 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090424 こども WE/L/
The little red light house and the great gray
brldge Degared H.Swift 2002. 22cm 1冊
1009910281985 こども WE/L/
The littlest witch by Jeanne Massey Alfred A. Kno
pf 1959 20x27cm 34P
1008910002172 こども WE/L/
Le marchand d’animaux Bruno Munari/文・絵
Ecole des loisi 1983 32 22P
1008910002144 こども WE/M/
M?rchenstunde Anne Suess Schwager&Stein
lein 2002. 28 cm
1009916070362 こども WE/M/
Mad about Madeline (Fossette) Ludwig Be
melmans Viking c1993 29 cm 315 p. : il
l., ports
Madeline and the bad hat written and illustrated by
Ludwig Bemelmans Viking c1984 32 cm 54 p. col. ill.
1009810135717 こども WE/M/
1009910090429 こども WE/M/
Madeline and the gypsies by Ludwig Bemelmans
Viking c1987 32 cm 56 p. col. ill.
1009910090430 こども WE/M/
Madeline in London by Ludwig Bemelmans Viking
c1989 32 cm 56 p. col. ill.
1009610007920 こども WE/M/
Madeline in London by Ludwig Bemelmans Viking
c1989 32 cm 56 p. col. ill.
1009610007920 こども WE/M/
Madeline story & pictures by Ludwig Bemelmans
Viking Press c1967 32 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090433 こども WE/M/
Madeline story & pictures by Ludwig Bemelmans
Viking Press c1967 32 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090433 こども WE/M/
Madeline's Christmas by Ludwig Bemelmans Viking
1985 32 cm 1 v. (unpaged) chiefly col. ill.
1009910090431 こども WE/M/
25 / 71 ページ
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
Madeline's rescue story and pictures by Ludwig
Bemelmans Viking c1981 32 cm 56 p. col. ill.
Magic beach (Fossette) Alison Lester Allen
& Unwin 1990 23 × 29 cm 〔30〕 p. : c
ol. ill.
Maisy's Big Flap Book Cousins,Lucy 2001 2
所蔵館 請求記号
1009910090432 こども WE/M/
1009810135774 こども WE/M/
1009915501666 こども WE/M/
Make way for ducklings by Robert McCloskey Viking
Press c1969 32 cm 1 v. (unpaged) ill.
1009910090435 こども WE/M/
Make way for ducklings by Robert McCloskey Viking
Press c1969 32 cm 1 v. (unpaged) ill.
1009910090435 こども WE/M/
Mama Jeanette Winter Harcourt c2006 20 × 24 cm
1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910161991 こども WE/M/
Many moons by James Thurber Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich 1991 26 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007921 こども WE/M/
Maori legends(seven stories) (Sonrisa 65)
Ron Bacon/さく 丸善メイツ 1984 22cm 56p
1009110035773 こども WE/M/
Margret and H.A. Rey's Merry Christmas, Curious
George [Margret and H.A. Rey] Houghton Mifflin 2006 1009915494176 こども WE/M/
26 × 27 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
Marshmallow story and pictures by Clare Turlay
Newberry HarperCollins Publishers c2008 23 × 25
1009910161985 こども WE/M/
cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
Martha speaks Susan Meddaugh Houghton Mifflin
1992 27 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007922 こども WE/M/
Martha the movie mouse Arnold Lobel/文・絵
Harper & Row 1966 28 32P
1008910002149 こども WE/M/
Mary Poppins from A to Z P.L. Travers Harcourt
c2006 20 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910161971 こども WE/M/
Math curse Jon Scieszka Viking 1995 29 × 29 cm
1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009916059789 こども WE/M/
Mcheshi goes to the market = Mcheshi ae
nda sokoni (Fossette) 〔the artists, Nicholas 1009810135770 こども WE/M/
Sironka ... et al.〕 Jacaranda Designs 1991
22 × 29 cm 23 p. : col. ill.
26 / 71 ページ
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
Me- Jane Patrick McDonnell Little, Brown 2011 22
× 25 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
所蔵館 請求記号
1009916014046 こども WE/M/
Midnight play Kv?ta Pacovsk? Picture Book Studio
c1994 35 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007923 こども WE/M/
Migrant Maxine Trottier Groundwood Books/House of
Anansi Press 2011 23 × 25 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill. 1009916014047 こども WE/M/
Mike Mulligan and his steam shovel by Virginia Lee
Burton Houghton Mifflin c1967 23 × 25 cm 44 p.
col. ill.
Millions of cats by Wanda G?g Putnam c1956 18 ×
25 cm 1 v. (unpaged) ill.
Min ulo! Min ulo! (Sonrisa 29) Erik Hjor
th Nielsen/さく・え 丸善メイツ 22 29 24P
Mirette on the high wire (Fossette) Emily
Arnold McCully G.P. Putnam c1992 29 cm
〔31〕 p. : col. ill.
Miss Rumphius story and pictures by Barbara Cooney
Viking Press 1982 22 × 27 cm [32] p. col. ill.
Miss Rumphius story and pictures by Barbara Cooney
Viking Press 1982 22 × 27 cm [32] p. col. ill.
Miss Suzy’s Easter surprise (Fossette) by
Miriam Young Aladdin Books 1990 26 cm
〔34〕 p. : col. ill.
Mister Magnolia Quentin Blake J. Cape 1980 28 cm
[32] p. col. ill.
Momoko and the pretty bird illustrations by
Chihiro Iwasaki Bodley Head 1972 25×25cm
Monster tracks? A.Delaney/文・絵 Harper &
Row 1981 24cm 32p
1009910090428 こども WE/M/
1009910090434 こども WE/M/
1009110035753 こども WE/M/
1009810135733 こども WE/M/
1009610007927 こども WE/M/
1009610007927 こども WE/M/
1009810135722 こども WE/M/
1009610007928 こども WE/M/
1009915431492 こども WE/M/
1008910002151 こども WE/M/
Moomin [bk. 1] [Tove Jansson] Drawn & Quarterly
c2006 32 cm 95 p. ill.
1009910161962 こども WE/M/
Moomin [bk. 2] [Tove Jansson] Drawn & Quarterly
c2007 32 cm 84 p. ill.
1009910161963 こども WE/M/
27 / 71 ページ
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
Moonpowder story and pictures by John Rocco
Hyperion Books for Children c2008 29 cm 1 v.
(unpaged) col. ill.
Moses Carole Boston Weatherford Jump at the
Sun/Hyperion Books for Children c2006 30 cm 1 v.
(unpaged) col. ill.
Mother Goose illustrated by Brian Wildsmith Oxford
University Press 1996 29 cm 80 p. col. ill.
所蔵館 請求記号
1009916059795 こども WE/M/
1009910090519 こども WE/M/
1009916132442 こども WE/M/
Mowgli's brothers Rudyard Kipling HarperCollins 1992
32 cm 62 p. ill.
1009610007931 こども WE/M/
Mr. Gumpy's motor car John Burningham
HarperCollins Publishers 1976 27 × 27 cm 1 v.
(unpaged) ill. (some col.)
Mr. Gumpy's outing John Burningham H. Holt c1970
27 × 27 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
Mr. Lunch takes a plane ride by J. Otto Seibold and
Viking 1993 28 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090427 こども WE/M/
1009910090426 こども WE/M/
1009610007932 こども WE/M/
Mr. Rabbit and the lovely present by Charlotte Zolotow
HarperCollins c1990 18 × 21 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. 1009910090583 こども WE/M/
Mr. Willowby's Christmas tree (A Doubleday book for
young readers) by Robert Barry Random House
1009916086683 こども WE/M/
Children's Books c2000 29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
Mr.Fox Bishop・Cavin/文・絵 Oxford 1984 2
4 32P
1008910002469 こども WE/M/
Mr.Rabbit and the lovely present Zolotow・C
harlotte/文 Bodley Head 1982 17cm 32p
1008910002495 こども WE/M/
Munia y el cocolilo naranja (Sonrisa 25) A
sun Balzola/さく・え 丸善メイツ 1984 29cm 26 1009110035769 こども WE/M/
My visit to the aquarium (Fossette) Aliki
HarperCollins c1993 29 cm 〔30〕 p. : co
1009810135723 こども WE/M/
l. ill.
The magic apple Rayner Sussex/文 Methue
n 1979 28 32P
1008910002176 こども WE/M/
The Magical song of the Adarna (Sonrisa
63) Victoria Anonuevo/さいわ 丸善メイツ 198
3 24cm 34p
28 / 71 ページ
1009110035794 こども WE/M/
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
The merry chase written and illustrated by Clement
Hurd Chronicle Books 2005 26 cm 1 v. (unpaged)
col. ill.
The Minpins Roald Dahl J. Cape 1991 28 cm 47 p.
col. ill.
所蔵館 請求記号
1009910090520 こども WE/M/
1009610007924 こども WE/M/
The missing piece meets the Big O Shel Silverstein
HarperCollins Publishers c1981 23 cm [98] p. ill.
1009610007926 こども WE/M/
The mixed‐up chameleon by Eric Carle H. Hamilton
1985 30 cm [32] p. col. ill.
1009610007929 こども WE/M/
The monster and the tailor Paul Galdone/
文・絵 Clarion Books 1984 26cm 32p
1008910002175 こども WE/M/
The moon Jumpers Janice May Udry/文 Har
per & Row 1959 26 32P
1008910002174 こども WE/M/
The Moon Man by Gerda Marie Scheidl North‐South
Books 1994 30 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007930 こども WE/M/
A nation's hope Matt de la Pe?a Dial Books for Young
Readers c2011 30 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009916014048 こども WE/N/
A Nau Catrineta (Sonrisa 26) Jose de Guim
araes/え 丸善メイツ 25 26P
1009110035790 こども WE/N/
A new dog (Oxford reading tree Big books pack)
Roderick Hunt Oxford University Press 2004 52 cm
1009915453741 こども WE/N/
16 p. col. ill.
A new year's reunion Yu Li‐Qiong Walker Books 2011
25 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009916014050 こども WE/N/
Nasrettin Hoca (Sonrisa 67) Erol Fikri/さく
丸善メイツ 1986 23 16P
1009110035737 こども WE/N/
Nature hide & seek: rivers & lakes (Foss
ette) John Norris Wood Old Rectory House c1 1009810135747 こども WE/N/
993 21 cm 〔20〕 p. : col. ill.
Nature hide & seek: woods & forests (F
ossette) John Norris Wood Old Rectory House 1009810135746 こども WE/N/
c1993 21 cm 〔20〕 p. : col. ill.
Naughty Nigel (Sonrisa 3) Tony Ross/さく・
え 丸善メイツ 1982 24 24P
1009110035740 こども WE/N/
29 / 71 ページ
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
New trainers (Oxford reading tree Big books pack)
Roderick Hunt Oxford University Press 2004 52 cm
16 p. col. ill.
Nicolas, where have you been? by Leo Lionni Knopf
c1987 28 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
所蔵館 請求記号
1009915453745 こども WE/N/
1009915467942 こども WE/N/
Night flight Dominique Falda North‐South Books
1994 30 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007933 こども WE/N/
Night in the country Cynthia Rylant/文 Brad
bury 1986 21cm 32p
1008910002153 こども WE/N/
Nini here and there Anita Lobel Greenwillow Books
c2007 29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910161981 こども WE/N/
No dodos (Fossette) Amanda Wallwork Bo
k Books c1993 22 × 27 cm 〔24〕 p. : c
ol. ill.
No, David! by David Shannon Blue Sky Press c1998
29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009810135743 こども WE/N/
1009915592463 こども WE/N/
Noah (Fossette) Patricia Lee Gauch Philome
l Books c1994 22 × 26 cm 〔30〕 p. : c 1009810135730 こども WE/N/
ol. ill.
Noah's ark retold and illustrated by Lucy Cousins
Walker Books 1993 26 cm 1 v. (unpaged) all col. ill.
1009610007934 こども WE/N/
Noodle story by Munro Leaf Arthur A. Levine Books
c2006 21 × 27 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090521 こども WE/N/
Northern lullaby (Fossette) Nancy White Carl
strom Philomel Books c1992 29 cm 〔22〕
1009810135726 こども WE/N/
p. : col. ill.
Noё l for Jeanne‐Marie Fran?oise Seignobosc
Omnibus Pub. 2004 26 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090436 こども WE/N/
Numbers (My world) Chez Picthall Picthall & Gunzi
c2003 32 cm 32 p. col. ill.
1009910090598 こども WE/N/
Nuts to you! Lois Ehlert Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
c1993 32 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007936 こども WE/N/
The night before Christmas by Clement C. Moore
Random House c1989 28 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009916086701 こども WE/N/
30 / 71 ページ
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
The night before Christmas written by Clement C.
Moore Putnam c2009 27 × 27 cm 1 v. (unpaged)
col. ill.
The nightmare before Christmas Tim Burton Disney
Press c1993 24 × 29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
所蔵館 請求記号
1009915594606 こども WE/N/
1009915494168 こども WE/N/
The noisy book by Margaret Wise Brown HarperCollins
1993 27 cm [44] p. col. ill.
1009610007935 こども WE/N/
1 is one (Tasha Tudor collection) by Tasha Tudor
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers 2000 19
× 24 cm 1 v. (unpaged) ill. (some col.)
1001 things to spot at Christmas Alex Frith Usborne
Pub. 2009 28 cm 32 p. col. ill.
An ocean world by Peter Sis Greenwillow Books
c1992 24 × 32 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009915592467 こども WE/O/
1009915494170 こども WE/O/
1009610007937 こども WE/O/
O smolarczyku Marcinku i okrutnym (Sonri
sa 36) Zdzislaw Nowak/さく 丸善メイツ 1988
1009110035733 こども WE/O/
26 45P
Oh! Josse Goffin H.N. Abrams 1991 28 cm 1 v.
(unpaged) all col. ill.
1009610007938 こども WE/O/
Oh, the places you'll go! by Dr. Seuss Random House
1990 29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009916061727 こども WE/O/
Oh, what a Christmas! by Michael Garland Scholastic
Press 2011 27 × 29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009916086702 こども WE/O/
Oink Arthur Geisert Houghton Mifflin 1991 19 × 22
cm [32] p. col. ill.
1009610007939 こども WE/O/
Oink oink Arthur Geisert Houghton Mifflin 1993 19
× 21 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007940 こども WE/O/
Old mother witch Carol Carrick/文 Clarion
Books 1975 23cm 32P
1008910002156 こども WE/O/
Oliver hos fuglene (Fossette) Malgorzata Pi
otrowska Tiden Norsk Forlag c1993 30 cm
〔25〕 p. : col. ill.
Olivia (An Anne Schwartz book) written and
illustrated by Ian Falconer Atheneum Books for Young
Readers c2000 29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) ill. (some col.)
31 / 71 ページ
1009810135767 こども WE/O/
1009910090587 こども WE/O/
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
タイトルコード 所蔵館 請求記号
Olivia helps with Christmas by Ian Falconer Atheneum
Books for Young Readers c2007 29 cm 1 v.
1009915594604 こども WE/O/
(unpaged) col. ill.
On the day Peter Stuyvesant sailed Arnold L
obel/文・絵 Harper & Row 1971 24 48P
1008910002155 こども WE/O/
On the night you were born (A Feiwel and Friends
book) Nancy Tillman Feiwel and Friends 2006 26 ×
26 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
One day in paradise (A Margaret K. McElderry book)
retold and illustrated by Helme Heine Atheneum 1986
29 cm [28] p. col. ill.
One snowy night Nick Butterworth Collins 1989 23
× 23 cm [25] p. col. ill.
1009916061728 こども WE/O/
1009610007941 こども WE/O/
1009610007942 こども WE/O/
Only Opal by Opal Whiteley Philomel Books 1994 29
cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007943 こども WE/O/
Ooh‐la‐la (Max in love) Maira Kalman Viking c1991
27 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007944 こども WE/O/
Opposnakes Salina Yoon Little Simon c2009 19 ×
25 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009916059805 こども WE/O/
Orlando (the marmalade cat), his silver wedding by
Kathleen Hale F. Warne 1994 37 cm 31 p. col. ill.
1009610007945 こども WE/O/
Outside over there Maurice Sendak/文・絵 H
arper & Row 1981 24 40P
1008910002157 こども WE/O/
Owl babies written by Martin Waddell Walker Books
1992 23 × 27 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007946 こども WE/O/
Owl moon by Jane Yolen Philomel Books c1987 29
cm [32] p. col. ill.
1009610007947 こども WE/O/
Owl moon by Jane Yolen Philomel Books c1987 29
cm [32] p. col. ill.
1009610007947 こども WE/O/
Owl moon by Jane Yolen Philomel Books c1987 29
cm [32] p. col. ill.
1009610007947 こども WE/O/
Owl moon by Jane Yolen Philomel Books c1987 29
cm [32] p. col. ill.
1009610007947 こども WE/O/
32 / 71 ページ
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
Ox‐cart man by Donald Hall Viking Press c1979 22
× 28 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090437 こども WE/O/
Ox‐cart man by Donald Hall Viking Press c1979 22
× 28 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090437 こども WE/O/
A pocket for Corduroy story and pictures by Don
Freeman Viking Press 1978 21 × 24 cm 1 v.
(unpaged) col. ill.
A porcupine named Fluffy Helen Lester/文
Houghton Miffli 1986 25cm 32p
A pussycat's Christmas Margaret Wise Brown
Katherine Tegen Books 2009 23 × 23 cm 1 v.
(unpaged) col. ill.
Appley Dapply's nursery rhymes (The world of
Beatrix Potter, Peter Rabbit) by Beatrix Potter F.
Warne 2002 15 cm 32 p. col. ill.
Appley Dapply's nursery rhymes by Beatrix Potter F.
Warne 1987 15 cm 37 p. col. ill.
Cecily Parsley's nursery rhymes (The world of
Beatrix Potter, Peter Rabbit) by Beatrix Potter F.
Warne 2002 15 cm 32 p. col. ill.
Cecily Parsley's nursery rhymes by Beatrix Potter F.
Warne 1987 15 cm 36 p. col. ill.
所蔵館 請求記号
1009910090439 こども WE/P/
1008910002122 こども WE/P/
1009915594608 こども WE/P/
1009810338987 こども WE/P/
1009916132421 こども WE/P/
1009810338988 こども WE/P/
1009916132381 こども WE/P/
Paddle・to・the・sea written and illustrated by Holling
Clancy Holling Houghton Mifflin c1969 29 cm 1 v.
1009610007949 こども WE/P/
(unpaged) ill. (some col.), maps
Panchatantra 1 (Sonrisa 61) Ratilal Naik/さ
いわ 丸善メイツ 1988 28 33P
1009110035760 こども WE/P/
Panda and the odd lion (Sonrisa 5) Micha
el Foreman/さく・え 丸善メイツ 1981 29 30P
1009110035783 こども WE/P/
Panda bear, panda bear, what do you see? by Bill
Martin, Jr. H. Holt 2007 46 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009915453739 こども WE/P/
Panda bear, panda bear, what do you see? by Bill
Martin, Jr. H. Holt c2003 27 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col.
Pa's balloon and other pig tales Arthur Geisert
Houghton Mifflin 1984 20 cm 96 p. col. ill.
33 / 71 ページ
1009910090586 こども WE/P/
1009610007948 こども WE/P/
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
Penguin Pete and Little Tim by Marcus Pfister North‐
South Books 1994 23 × 25 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007951 こども WE/P/
Penguin Pete and Little Tim by Marcus Pfister North‐
South Books 1994 23 × 25 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007951 こども WE/P/
Penguin Pete and Pat written and illustrated by
Marcus Pfister North‐South Books 1989 23 × 25
cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
Penguin Pete Marcus Pfister North‐South Books
1987 22 × 24 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
所蔵館 請求記号
1009910090442 こども WE/P/
1009910090441 こども WE/P/
Penguin Pete, ahoy! by Marcus Pfister North‐South
Books 1993 23 × 25 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007950 こども WE/P/
Penguin Pete, ahoy! by Marcus Pfister North‐South
Books 1993 23 × 25 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007950 こども WE/P/
People written and illustrated by Peter Spier
Doubleday Book for Young Readers c1980 34 cm 1 v. 1009910090443 こども WE/P/
(unpaged) col. ill.
Per,Ida & Minimum (Sonrisa 31) Grethe F
agerstrom/さく 丸善メイツ 1977 30 47P
1009110035767 こども WE/P/
Pernix (Fossette) D. Wiesm ller Sauerl nder
1993 23 cm 〔34〕 p. : col. ill.
1009810135760 こども WE/P/
Peter and the wolf (Fossette) a musical fair
y tale by Sergei Prokofiev Knopf c1986 29 c 1009810135735 こども WE/P/
m 〔22〕 p. : col. ill.
Peter's chair Ezra Jack Keats Viking 1998 21 × 24
cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090440 こども WE/P/
Peter's chair Ezra Jack Keats Viking 1998 21 × 24
cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090440 こども WE/P/
Pezzettino Leo Lionni Knopf c2003 28 cm 1 v.
(unpaged) col. ill.
1009915467943 こども WE/P/
Pigs from 1 to 10 Arthur Geisert Houghton Mifflin
1992 32 cm 32 p. col. ill.
1009610007959 こども WE/P/
Pigs from A to Z Arthur Geisert Houghton Mifflin
1986 32 cm [62] p. col. ill.
1009610007958 こども WE/P/
34 / 71 ページ
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
Pitschi by Hans Fischer Ehon House Pub. 2009 23
× 32 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
Planting a rainbow written and illustrated by Lois
Ehlert Harcourt Brace Jovanovich c1988 23 × 29
cm [22] p. col. ill.
Pohadka o ptaku Klabiznakovi (Sonrisa 35)
Vaclav Ctvtrek/さく 丸善メイツ 1988 26cm 40
Polar bear, polar bear, what do you hear? (Henry Holt
big books) by Bill Martin, Jr. H. Holt c2004 46 cm 1
v. (unpaged) col. ill.
Polar bear, polar bear, what do you hear? by Bill
Martin, Jr. H. Hamilton 1992 26 cm 1 v. (unpaged)
col. ill.
Polar bear, polar bear, what do you hear? by Bill
Martin, Jr. H. Holt c1991 27 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col.
Poppy's babies (Brambly Hedge) Jill Barklem
HarperCollins 1994 18 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
Posters by Maurice Sendak (Fossette) Ma
urice Sendak Harmony Books c1986 36 cm
〔22〕 plates : col. i
Prayer for a child (Collier books) by Rachel Field
Macmillan Pub. Co. c1972 23 cm [31] p. col. ill.
所蔵館 請求記号
1009915592469 こども WE/P/
1009610007960 こども WE/P/
1009110035750 こども WE/P/
1009915453738 こども WE/P/
1009610007961 こども WE/P/
1009910090438 こども WE/P/
1009610007962 こども WE/P/
1009810135734 こども WE/P/
1009610007963 こども WE/P/
Press here Herv? Tullet Chronicle Books 2011 22 ×
22 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009916059802 こども WE/P/
Prince Bertram the bad Arnold Lobel/文・絵
Harper & Row 1963 28 32P
1008910002158 こども WE/P/
Pumpkin moonshine (Tasha Tudor collection) Tasha
Tudor Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
1009910090444 こども WE/P/
2000 18 × 18 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
Puss in boots [Charles Perrault] Usborne Pub. 2005
21 cm 48 p. col. ill.
1009910090571 こども WE/P/
Puss in boots retold and illustrated by Gail E. Haley
Dutton Children's Books c1991 21 × 26 cm 1 v.
(unpaged) col. ill.
The pigs' wedding (Aladdin books) written and
illustrated by Helme Heine Macmillan 1991 28 cm
[28] p. col. ill.
35 / 71 ページ
1009610007965 こども WE/P/
1009610007956 こども WE/P/
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
The Polar Express written and illustrated by Chris Van
Allsburg Houghton Mifflin c1985 24 × 30 cm 1 v.
(unpaged) col. ill.
The Polar Express written and illustrated by Chris Van
Allsburg Houghton Mifflin c1985 24 × 30 cm 1 v.
(unpaged) col. ill.
The Polar Express written and illustrated by Chris Van
Allsburg Houghton Mifflin c1985 24 × 30 cm 1 v.
(unpaged) col. ill.
The story of a fierce bad rabbit (The world of Beatrix
Potter, Peter Rabbit) by Beatrix Potter F. Warne
2002 15 cm 33 p. col. ill.
The story of a fierce bad rabbit by Beatrix Potter F.
Warne 1987 15 cm 37 p. col. ill.
The story of Miss Moppet (The world of Beatrix
Potter, Peter Rabbit) by Beatrix Potter F. Warne
2002 15 cm 32 p. col. ill.
The tale of Benjamin Bunny (The world of Beatrix
Potter, Peter Rabbit) by Beatrix Potter F. Warne
2002 15 cm 56 p. col. ill.
The tale of Ginger & Pickles by Beatrix Potter F.
Warne 1987 15 cm 59 p. ill. (some col.)
The tale of Ginger and Pickles (The world of Beatrix
Potter, Peter Rabbit) by Beatrix Potter F. Warne
2002 15 cm 56 p. ill. (some col.)
The tale of Jemima Puddle‐duck (Dover litt
le activity books) by Beatrix Potter Dover Publi
cations 1995 15 cm 30 p.
The tale of Jemima Puddle‐Duck (The world of
Beatrix Potter, Peter Rabbit) by Beatrix Potter F.
Warne 2002 15 cm 56 p. col. ill.
The tale of Johnny Town‐Mouse (The world of
Beatrix Potter, Peter Rabbit) by Beatrix Potter F.
Warne 2002 15 cm 56 p. col. ill.
The tale of little pig Robinson (The world of Beatrix
Potter, Peter Rabbit) by Beatrix Potter F. Warne
2002 15 cm 118 p. ill. (some col.)
The tale of little pig Robinson by Beatrix Potter F.
Warne 1987 15 cm 123 p. ill. (some col.)
The tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher (The world of Beatrix
Potter, Peter Rabbit) by Beatrix Potter F. Warne
2002 15 cm 56 p. col. ill.
36 / 71 ページ
所蔵館 請求記号
1009810327035 こども WE/P/
1009810327035 こども WE/P/
1009810327035 こども WE/P/
1009810338985 こども WE/P/
1009916132422 こども WE/P/
1009810338986 こども WE/P/
1009810338969 こども WE/P/
1009916132424 こども WE/P/
1009810338983 こども WE/P/
1009610011500 こども WE/P/
1009810338974 こども WE/P/
1009810338978 こども WE/P/
1009810338984 こども WE/P/
1009916132423 こども WE/P/
1009810338972 こども WE/P/
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
The tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher by Beatrix Potter F.
Warne 1987 15 cm 58 p. col. ill.
The tale of Mr. Tod (The world of Beatrix Potter,
Peter Rabbit) by Beatrix Potter F. Warne 2002 15
cm 79 p. ill. (some col.)
The tale of Mrs. Tiggy‐Winkle (The world of Beatrix
Potter, Peter Rabbit) by Beatrix Potter F. Warne
2002 15 cm 56 p. col. ill.
The tale of Mrs. Tiggy‐Winkle by Beatrix Potter F.
Warne 1987 15 cm 59 p. col. ill.
The tale of Mrs. Tittlemouse (The world of Beatrix
Potter, Peter Rabbit) by Beatrix Potter F. Warne
2002 15 cm 56 p. col. ill.
The tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter F. Warne
1987 15 cm 58 p. col. ill.
The tale of Pigling Bland (The world of Beatrix
Potter, Peter Rabbit) by Beatrix Potter F. Warne
2002 15 cm 80 p. ill. (some col.)
The tale of Pigling Bland by Beatrix Potter F. Warne
1987 15 cm 83 p. ill. (some col.)
The tale of Samuel Whiskers, or, The roly‐poly pudding
(The world of Beatrix Potter, Peter Rabbit) by Beatrix
Potter F. Warne 2002 15 cm 76 p. ill. (some col.)
The tale of Squirrel Nutkin by Beatrix Potter F. Warne
1985 15 cm 58 p. col. ill.
The tale of the Flopsy Bunnies (The world of Beatrix
Potter, Peter Rabbit) by Beatrix Potter F. Warne
2002 15 cm 56 p. col. ill.
The tale of the Flopsy Bunnies by Beatrix Potter F.
Warne 1987 15 cm 59 p. col. ill.
The tale of the pie and the patty‐pan (The world of
Beatrix Potter, Peter Rabbit) by Beatrix Potter F.
Warne 2002 15 cm 56 p. ill. (some col.)
The tale of the pie and the patty‐pan by Beatrix
Potter F. Warne 1987 15 cm 58 p. ill. (some col.)
The tale of Timmy Tiptoes (The world of Beatrix
Potter, Peter Rabbit) by Beatrix Potter F. Warne
2002 15 cm 56 p. col. ill.
37 / 71 ページ
所蔵館 請求記号
1009916132429 こども WE/P/
1009810338979 こども WE/P/
1009810338971 こども WE/P/
1009916132430 こども WE/P/
1009810338976 こども WE/P/
1009916132434 こども WE/P/
1009810338980 こども WE/P/
1009916132426 こども WE/P/
1009810338981 こども WE/P/
1009916132433 こども WE/P/
1009810338975 こども WE/P/
1009916132427 こども WE/P/
1009810338982 こども WE/P/
1009916132425 こども WE/P/
1009810338977 こども WE/P/
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
The tale of Tom Kitten by Beatrix Potter F. Warne
1987 15 cm 58 p. col. ill.
The tale of two bad mice (The world of Beatrix
Potter, Peter Rabbit) by Beatrix Potter F. Warne
2002 15 cm 56 p. col. ill.
The tale of two bad mice by Beatrix Potter F. Warne
1987 15 cm 58 p. col. ill.
La roca (Fossette) Carme Sol Vendrell Edic
iones SM c1990 28 cm 28 p. : col. ill.
Las recetas de misia Elena (Fossette) Ele
na Iribarren Ediciones Ekar c1993 22 × 24
cm 46 p. : col. ill.
Rabbit moon [written and illustrated by] John A. Rowe
Picture Book Studio c1992 22 × 24 cm 1 v.
(unpaged) col. ill.
Rachel Amy Ehrlich Silver Whistle/Harcourt c2003
29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
所蔵館 請求記号
1009916132428 こども WE/P/
1009810338970 こども WE/P/
1009916132431 こども WE/P/
1009810135763 こども WE/R/
1009810135769 こども WE/R/
1009610007966 こども WE/R/
1009910161983 こども WE/R/
Rainbow fish and the big blue whale Marcus Pfister
North‐South Books 1998 30 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill. 1009910090446 こども WE/R/
Rainbow fish to the rescue Marcus Pfister North‐
South Books 1995 30 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090447 こども WE/R/
Rapunzel Jutta Ash/文・絵 Andersen Press 1
982 23cm 28p
1008910002159 こども WE/R/
Red sings from treetops by Joyce Sidman Houghton
Mifflin Books for Children c2009 27 × 27 cm 1 v.
(unpaged) col. ill.
Red sled by Lita Judge Atheneum Books for Young
Readers c2011 27 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009915467947 こども WE/R/
1009916059786 こども WE/R/
Richard Scarry’s ABC World Book Scarry Ri
chard Collins 1972 33 61
1009915431490 こども WE/R/
Richard Scarry’s funniest storybook ever Sc
arry Richard 1972 33 56
1009915431488 こども WE/R/
Richard Scarry’S Great Big Schoolhouse Scarr
y Richard Collins c1969 33 61
1009915431489 こども WE/R/
38 / 71 ページ
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
Richard Scarry’s what do people do all da
y? Scarry Richard Random House c1968 33
Richard Scarry's best Christmas book ever! [Richard
Scarry] Sterling 1981 30 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
所蔵館 請求記号
1009915431491 こども WE/R/
1009915594611 こども WE/R/
Richard Scarry's colors [Richard Scarry] Sterling
2008 21 × 21 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009915592464 こども WE/R/
Richard Scarry's from 1 to 10 [Richard Scarry]
Sterling 2008 21 × 21 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009915592465 こども WE/R/
Richard Scarry's great big schoolhouse [Richard
Scarry] Sterling c1997 30 cm 69 p. col. ill.
1009915592472 こども WE/R/
Richard Scarry's shapes & opposites [Richard Scarry]
Sterling 2008 21 × 21 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009915594598 こども WE/R/
Richard Scarry's This is me [Richard Scarry] Sterling
2008 21 × 21 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009915592466 こども WE/R/
Ring o' roses (An Albion book) illustrated by L.
Leslie Brooke Clarion Books c1992 27 cm 96 p. ill.
(some col.)
Rose meets Mr Wintergarten Bob Graham Walker
Books 1992 26 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
Rosie's walk Pat Hutchins Simon & Schuster Books
for Young Readers c1968 21 × 27 cm 1 v. (unpaged)
col. ill.
Rumpelstiltskin [Grimm] Clarion Books c1985 30 cm
1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
Rumpelstiltskin Paul Galdone/文・絵 Clarion
1985 30 32P
The rabbits' wedding story and pictures by Garth
Williams HarperCollins c1986 32 cm 1 v. (unpaged)
col. ill.
The rabbits' wedding story and pictures by Garth
Williams HarperCollins c1986 32 cm 1 v. (unpaged)
col. ill.
The rainbabies Laura Krauss Melmed Lothrop, Lee &
Shepard Books c1992 29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
39 / 71 ページ
1009610007968 こども WE/R/
1009610007970 こども WE/R/
1009915592460 こども WE/R/
1009910090445 こども WE/R/
1008910002160 こども WE/R/
1009910090449 こども WE/R/
1009910090449 こども WE/R/
1009610007967 こども WE/R/
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
The rainbabies Laura Krauss Melmed Lothrop, Lee &
Shepard Books c1992 29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007967 こども WE/R/
The rainbow fish Marcus Pfister North‐South Books
1992 30 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090448 こども WE/R/
The rainbow fish Marcus Pfister North‐South Books
1992 30 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090448 こども WE/R/
The Random House book of Mother Goo
(Sonrisa 43) Arnold Lobel/え 丸善メイツ 198
6 29 176P
The red book by Barbara Lehman Houghton Mifflin
c2004 22 × 22 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
所蔵館 請求記号
1009110035765 こども WE/R/
1009910090479 こども WE/R/
The rooster prince of Breslov by Ann Redisch
Stampler Clarion Books c2010 29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) 1009916059806 こども WE/R/
col. ill.
The runaway dinner Allan Ahlberg Walker Books 2006
23 × 29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910161979 こども WE/R/
A sick day for Amos McGee (A Neal Porter book)
written by Philip C. Stead Roaring Brook Press 2010
23 × 25 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
Der schlittschuh Karpfen (Fossette) Juris P
etraskevics, Middelhauve c1992 35 cm 〔2
4〕 p. : col. ill.
Sagan af Dimmalimm (Fossette) Gudmund
ur Thorsteinsson, muggur Vaka‐Helgafell 199
1 25 cm 〔24〕 p. : col. ill.
Saint George and the dragon adapted by Margaret
Hodges from Edmund Spenser's Faerie Queene Little,
Brown c1984 24 × 27 cm 32 p. col. ill.
Santa calls (Fossette A Laura Geringer book)
by William Joyce HarperCollins c1993 29 cm
〔38〕 p. : col. ill.
Sarah and the sandhorse story by Andrew Baynes
Andersen Press 1994 27 cm [27] p. col. ill.
Schneeweibchen und Rosenrot (Sonrisa 1
8) Jacob Grimm/さく 丸善メイツ 1990 27 24
School bus Donald Crews Greenwillow Books c1984
22 × 26 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
40 / 71 ページ
1009915564403 こども WE/S/
1009810135758 こども WE/S/
1009810135768 こども WE/S/
1009610007971 こども WE/S/
1009810135727 こども WE/S/
1009610007972 こども WE/S/
1009110035795 こども WE/S/
1009910090450 こども WE/S/
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
タイトルコード 所蔵館 請求記号
Seabird written and illustrated by Holling Clancy Holling
Houghton Mifflin c1975 29 cm 58 p. ill. (some col.)
1009610007973 こども WE/S/
Seine eigene Farbe (Sonrisa 15) Leo Lionni
/さく・え 丸善メイツ 1990 29 30P
1009110035743 こども WE/S/
Seven hungry babies words by Candace Fleming
Atheneum Books for Young Readers c2010 27 cm 1
v. (unpaged) col. ill.
Shadow translated and illustrated by Marcia Brown
from the French of Blaise Cendrars Scribner c1982
29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
Should I share my ice cream? (An Elephant & Piggie
book) by Mo Willems Hyperion Books for Children
c2011 24 cm 57 p. col. ill.
Silly Billy Anthony Browne Walker Books 2006 28
cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
Sir Gawain and the loathly lady retold by Selina
Hastings Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books 1985 24 ×
24 cm [26] p. col. ill.
Snow Uri Shulevitz Farrar Straus Giroux 1998 24 ×
26 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009916059807 こども WE/S/
1009916132367 こども WE/S/
1009916059803 こども WE/S/
1009910090522 こども WE/S/
1009610007974 こども WE/S/
1009810327034 こども WE/S/
Snow White and the seven dwarfs [from the story by
the Brothers Grimm] Usborne Pub. 2005 21 cm 48 p. 1009910090572 こども WE/S/
col. ill.
Snowmen all year Caralyn Buehner Dial Books for
Young Readers c2010 29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009916196521 こども WE/S/
Snowmen at Christmas Caralyn Buehner Dial Books
for Young Readers c2005 29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col.
So sleepy story Uri Shulevitz Farrar Straus Giroux
2006 24 × 27 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009915598379 こども WE/S/
1009910161989 こども WE/S/
Someday Alison McGhee Atheneum Books for Young
Readers c2007 20 × 22 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910161964 こども WE/S/
Song of the swallows by Leo Politi Scribner 1949 27
cm [32] p. col. ill.
1009610007977 こども WE/S/
Sparkle and spin by Ann & Paul Rand Chronicle Books
2006 26 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090524 こども WE/S/
41 / 71 ページ
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
Springtime for Jeanne‐Marie Fran?oise Seignobosc
Omnibus Pub. 2003 26 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
Stopping by woods on a snowy evening Robert Frost
Dutton Children's Books c2001 22 cm 1 v. (unpaged)
col. ill.
Strega Nona’s magic lessons Tomie de Paul
a/文・絵 Methuen 1987 29 32P
Sun is falling, night is calling by Laura Leuck Simon &
Schuster Books for Young Readers 1993 27 cm 1 v.
(unpaged) col. ill.
Sur la branche (Fossette) Claude Ponti Ec
ole des Loisirs c1996 17 × 23 cm 〔8〕 p.
: col. ill.
Sweet land of liberty by Callista Gingrich Regnery
Pub. c2011 27 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
所蔵館 請求記号
1009910090453 こども WE/S/
1009916059787 こども WE/S/
1008910002163 こども WE/S/
1009610007981 こども WE/S/
1009810135750 こども WE/S/
1009916059780 こども WE/S/
Swimmy by Leo Lionni Knopf c1991 28 cm 1 v.
(unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090452 こども WE/S/
Swimmy by Leo Lionni Knopf c1991 28 cm 1 v.
(unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090452 こども WE/S/
Sylvester and the magic pebble by William Steig Simon
& Schuster c1969 29 cm [32] p. col. ill.
1009610007983 こども WE/S/
The sad little monster & the jelly bean que
en Kym Lardner/文・絵 Hodder & Stough 19 1008910002179 こども WE/S/
81 26cm 32p
The secret birthday message by Eric Carle
HarperCollins Publishers 1972 30 cm 1 v. (unpaged)
1009910090451 こども WE/S/
col. ill.
The shoemaker and the elves Brothers Grim
m/文 Scribner 1960 26 32P
1008910002180 こども WE/S/
The singing,soaring lark Brothers Grimm/文
Methuen 1986 26cm 44p
1008910002177 こども WE/S/
The snow day Komako Sakai Arthur A. Levine Books
2009 25 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009916196522 こども WE/S/
The snow goose Paul Gallico Knopf c1992 30 cm 1
v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007975 こども WE/S/
42 / 71 ページ
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
The snow queen Hans Christian Andersen Andersen
Press 1993 28 cm 48 p. col. ill.
所蔵館 請求記号
1009610007976 こども WE/S/
The snowy day Ezra Jack Keats Viking Press 1962
21 × 24 cm 32 p. col. ill.
1009810327036 こども WE/S/
The snowy day Ezra Jack Keats Viking Press 1962
21 × 24 cm 32 p. col. ill.
1009810327036 こども WE/S/
The spring rabbit written by Joyce Dunbar Andersen
Press 1994 22 × 27 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007978 こども WE/S/
The Stinky Cheese Man and other fairly stupid tales by
Jon Scieszka Viking 1992 28 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. 1009610007979 こども WE/S/
The stolen mealies (Fossette) retold by Lesl
ey Whitwell Human & Rousseau 1989 25 c
1009810135771 こども WE/S/
m 〔30〕 p. : col. ill.
The story of Ferdinand by Munro Leaf Viking c1964
24 cm 1 v. (unpaged) ill.
1009910090580 こども WE/S/
The story of Holly & Ivy Rumer Godden Viking Kestrel
c1985 28 cm 31 p. col. ill.
The story of the snow children Sibylle von Olfers
Floris Books c2005 22 × 29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col.
The stranger Chris Van Allsburg Houghton Mifflin
c1986 24 × 28 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
The stray dog retold and illustrated by Marc Simont
from a true story by Reiko Sassa HarperCollins
Publishers c2001 28 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
The sweetest fig Chris van Allsburg Houghton Mifflin
1993 29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
A time to keep written and illustrated by Tasha Tudor
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers 1996 31
cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
A tree is nice by Janice May Udry HarperCollins
Publishers c1984 29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) ill. (some col.)
De tre bukke Bruse (Fossette) Asbj rsen o
g Gyldendal c1993 31 cm 〔23〕 p. : col.
43 / 71 ページ
1009610007980 こども WE/S/
1009910090523 こども WE/S/
1009910090454 こども WE/S/
1009810327039 こども WE/S/
1009610007982 こども WE/S/
1009910090465 こども WE/T/
1009915592475 こども WE/T/
1009810135765 こども WE/T/
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
Teddy! where are you? Ralph Steadman Andersen
Press 1994 24 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
Ten little Christmas presents (Cartwheel books)
[Jean Marzollo] Scholastic c2008 20 × 24 cm 1 v.
(unpaged) col. ill.
Ten red apples Pat Hutchins Greenwillow Books
c2000 21 × 27 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
The tailypo Joanna Galdone/文 Clarion Book
s 1977 20 32P
所蔵館 請求記号
1009610007985 こども WE/T/
1009915594609 こども WE/T/
1009910090459 こども WE/T/
1008910002183 こども WE/T/
The teeny-tiny woman Paul Galdone/文・絵 H
oughton Miffli 1984 20 32P
1008910002186 こども WE/T/
The thirteen days of Christmas (Tim Burton's the
nightmare before Christmas) by Steven Davison and
Disney Press c2009 27 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
The three bears Paul Galdone Clarion Books c2000
27 × 28 cm 32 p. col. ill.
1009915494180 こども WE/T/
1009910090457 こども WE/T/
The three billy goats Gruff [illustrated by] Paul
Galdone Clarion Books 2006 44 cm 30 p. col. ill.
1009915453751 こども WE/T/
The three little pigs Paul Galdone Clarion Books
c1998 21 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090458 こども WE/T/
The three little wolves and the big bad pig Eugene
Trivizas Heinemann 1993 28 cm 1 v. (unpaged) ill.
(some col.)
The three pigs David Wiesner Clarion Books c2001
24 × 30 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
The three robbers Tomi Ungerer Aladdin Boo
ks 1991 29 cm 1 v. (unpaged)
The tiger who came to tea written and illustrated by
Judith Kerr HarperCollins Children's Books 2006 29
cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
The town mouse and the country mouse retold and
illustrated by Helen Craig Walker Books 1995 25 cm
1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
The toys' night before Christmas (A Templar book)
illustrated by Susanna Ronchi Templar Pub. 2003 31
× 31 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
44 / 71 ページ
1009610007987 こども WE/T/
1009810327032 こども WE/T/
1009610045808 こども WE/T/
1009910090463 こども WE/T/
1009916125030 こども WE/T/
1009915494177 こども WE/T/
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
タイトルコード 所蔵館 請求記号
The toys' party (Oxford reading tree Big books pack)
Roderick Hunt Oxford University Press 2004 52 cm
1009915453744 こども WE/T/
16 p. col. ill.
The true story of the 3 little pigs by A. Wolf Viking
1989 28 cm [32] p. col. ill.
1009610007990 こども WE/T/
The twelve days of Christmas illustrated by Louise
Brierley Walker Books 1986 25 cm 1 v. (unpaged)
col. ill.
Theodore and the talking mushroom Leo Lionni Knopf
c1998 28 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007991 こども WE/T/
1009915467944 こども WE/T/
There’s a monster under my bed James Ho
we/文 Atheneum 1986 24cm 32p
1008910002178 こども WE/T/
This is me! (A Hutchinson book) Philip Waechter
Hutchinson 2005 17 × 17 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090526 こども WE/T/
This is not my hat Jon Klassen Candlewick Press
2012 21 × 29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009916172661 こども WE/T/
Thomas' wonderful word book (Thomas & friends)
[illustrations by Robin Davies and] Egmont 2005 31
cm 57 p. col. ill.
Three little kittens illustrated by Paul Galdone Clarion
Books c1986 20 × 26 cm 32 p. col. ill.
Three little kittens illustrated by Paul Galdone Clarion
Books c1986 20 × 26 cm 32 p. col. ill.
Three strikes for Rotten Ralph (A Rotten Ralph
rotten reader) written by Jack Gantos Farrar Straus
Giroux 2011 23 cm 47 p. col. ill.
Tico and the golden wings Leo Lionni Knopf 2007 28
cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090525 こども WE/T/
1009610007986 こども WE/T/
1009610007986 こども WE/T/
1009916059796 こども WE/T/
1009910161982 こども WE/T/
Till Eulenspiegel (Sonrisa 23) Heinz Janisch
/さく 丸善メイツ 1990 25 22P
1009110035789 こども WE/T/
Time of wonder by Robert McCloskey Viking Press
c1985 32 cm 63 p. col. ill.
1009910090464 こども WE/T/
Tin Lizzie and Little Nell Cox・David/文・絵 B
odley Head 1982 21 30P
1008910002468 こども WE/T/
45 / 71 ページ
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
To catch the moon concept and illustrations, Dinie
Akkerman Barron's c1993 26 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col.
Today is Monday pictures by Eric Carle H. Hamilton
1994 32 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
Today is Monday pictures by Eric Carle Philomel
Books c1993 32 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
所蔵館 請求記号
1009610007988 こども WE/T/
1009610007989 こども WE/T/
1009910090456 こども WE/T/
Tools Taro Miura Chronicle Books 2006 23 × 23 cm
1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910161984 こども WE/T/
Toot & Puddle by Holly Hobbie Little, Brown c1997
29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090460 こども WE/T/
Toot & Puddle by Holly Hobbie Little, Brown c2001
27 × 27 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009915494171 こども WE/T/
Toot & Puddle by Holly Hobbie Little, Brown c2002
27 × 27 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090462 こども WE/T/
Toot & Puddle by Holly Hobbie Little, Brown c2003
27 × 27 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090461 こども WE/T/
Trollboken (Sonrisa 30) Rolf Lidberg/え 丸
善メイツ 1984 21 27 32P
1009110035752 こども WE/T/
Truck Donald Crews Greenwillow Books c1980 22
× 26 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090455 こども WE/T/
Tug Brothers Elizabeth Smither/文 Oxford 1
983 22×26cm 32p
1008910002189 こども WE/T/
Turme (Fossette) Kveta Tacovska M. Neug
ebauer c1995 35 cm 〔34〕 p. : col. ill.
1009810135761 こども WE/T/
Two monsters David Mckee/文・絵 Andersen
Press 1985 24cm 26P
1008910002190 こども WE/T/
The umbrella day by Nancy Evans Cooney Philomel
Books c1989 28 cm [32] p. col. ill.
1009610007992 こども WE/U/
Un beau dimanche (Sonrisa 24) Claudia de
Weck/さく 丸善メイツ 1989 28 26P
1009110035782 こども WE/U/
46 / 71 ページ
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
Un guegue me conto (Sonrisa 56) Maria L
opez Vigil/さく 丸善メイツ 1989 29 40P
所蔵館 請求記号
1009110035778 こども WE/U/
Un, deux, pois. (Fossette) Fran oise Maln
uit Grandir c1992 17 cm 〔20〕 p. : col. i 1009810135756 こども WE/U/
Uncle Elephant Lovel・Arnold/文・絵 Harper &
Row 1981 22 64P
1008910002494 こども WE/U/
The very hungry caterpillar (A storytime giant book
for shared reading) by Eric Carle Longman 2002 33
× 47 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
The very hungry caterpillar by Eric Carle Hamilton
1970 22 × 31 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009915453736 こども WE/V/
1009910090588 こども WE/V/
The very hungry caterpillar by Eric Carle Philomel
Books 2001 36 × 40 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090574 こども WE/V/
The very hungry caterpillar by Eric Carle Philomel
Books c1987 22 × 31 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090466 こども WE/V/
The very hungry caterpillar by Eric Carle Philomel
Books c1987 22 × 31 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009910090466 こども WE/V/
The very worst monster Pat Hutchins/文・絵
Bodley Head 1985 21cm 32p
1008910002182 こども WE/V/
Vakkancs szetnez Budapesten (Sonrisa 37)
Istvan Csukas/さく 丸善メイツ 1989 29 26P
1009110035756 こども WE/V/
Var det trolden? Erik Hjorth Nielsen/文・絵
Gyldendal 1985 26 24P
1008910002191 こども WE/V/
Veronica written and illustrated by Roger Duvoisin
Knopf [2006] 26 cm 1 v. (unpaged) ill. (some col.)
1009910090527 こども WE/V/
Very far away Maurice Sendak/文・絵 Harper
& Brothe 1957 21cm 56p
1008910002195 こども WE/V/
Villi tie (Sonrisa 33) Esko-Pekka Tiitinen/
さく 丸善メイツ 1988 26cm 32P
1009110035751 こども WE/V/
Vlindernacht (Sonrisa 27) Nicolas van Pallan
dt/さく 丸善メイツ 1991. 25 31 24P
1009110035768 こども WE/V/
47 / 71 ページ
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
Voksen faelden (Sonrisa 28) Ib Spang Olse
n/さく・え 丸善メイツ 1990 29 32P
所蔵館 請求記号
1009110035780 こども WE/V/
A wish for wings that work written and illustrated by
Berkeley Breathed Little, Brown c1991 25 × 28 cm
1009610008001 こども WE/W/
[32] p. ill. (some col.)
The Wheatcake (Sonrisa 40) Angel Karaliich
ev/さく 丸善メイツ 1990 22×24cm 12p
1009110035736 こども WE/W/
The widow's broom Chris van Allsburg Houghton
Mifflin 1992 35 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007998 こども WE/W/
The wild swans Hans Christian Andersen Knopf
c1992 27 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009610007999 こども WE/W/
The wind crab (Fossette) Chamnongsri L.
Rutnin, story Foundation for Child 1994 28
cm 〔18〕 p. : col. ill.
The witch and the mischievous seven Ali Mi
tgutsch/文・絵 Dent 1985 29cm 26P
The witch who lost her shadow Mary Calho
un/文 Harper & Row 1979 18cm 32P
The wreck of the Zephyr written and illustrated by
Chris Van Allsburg Houghton Mifflin c1983 24 × 30
cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
The wretched stone Chris Van Allsburg Houghton
Mifflin 1991 29 cm [31] p. col. ill.
1009810135772 こども WE/W/
1008910002188 こども WE/W/
1008910002185 こども WE/W/
1009910090468 こども WE/W/
1009610008002 こども WE/W/
Walt Disney Alice in Wonderland (Disney Cl
assic Series) Gallery Books c1986. 30 96 1009915431481 こども WE/W/
Walt Disney Bambi (Disney Classic Series)
Gallery Books c1986. 30 95
1009915431485 こども WE/W/
Walt Disney Cinderella (Disney Classic Serie
s) Gallery Books c1986. 30 96
1009915431471 こども WE/W/
Walt Disney Donald and His Friends (Disn
ey Classic Series) Gallery Books c1988. 30
Walt Disney Dumbo (Disney Classic Series)
Gallery Books c1986. 30 96
48 / 71 ページ
1009915431480 こども WE/W/
1009915431478 こども WE/W/
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
Walt Disney Jungle Book (Disney Classic S
eries) Gallery Books c1986. 30 96
Walt Disney Lady and the Tramp (Disney
Classic Series) Gallery Books c1986. 30 9
Walt Disney Peter Pan (Disney Classic Seri
es) Gallery Books c1986. 30 96
所蔵館 請求記号
1009915431484 こども WE/W/
1009915431483 こども WE/W/
1009915431487 こども WE/W/
Walt Disney Pinocchio (Disney Classic Serie
s) Gallery Books c1986. 30 96
1009915431479 こども WE/W/
Walt Disney Sleeping Beauty (Disney Classi
c Series) Gallery Books c1986. 30 96
1009915431476 こども WE/W/
Walt Disney Snow White and the Seven Dw
arfs (Disney Classic Series) Gallery Books
1009915431470 こども WE/W/
c1986. 30 96
Walt Disney The Aristocats (Disney Classic
Series) Gallery Books c1986. 30 96
1009915431477 こども WE/W/
Walt Disney The Fox and the Hound (Dis
ney Classic Series) Gallery Books c1988. 3 1009915431469 こども WE/W/
0 96
Walt Disney The Great mouse detective (D
isney Classic Series) Gallery Books c1987.
1009915431482 こども WE/W/
30 96
Walt Disney Winnie-the-Pooh (Disney Classi
c Series) Gallery Books c1986. 30 96
1009915431486 こども WE/W/
Walt Disney's Cinderella adapted from the film by Zoё
Lewis Disney Press c1995 27 cm 92 p. col. ill.
Walt Disney's Lady and the Tramp adapted from the
film by Todd Strasser Disney Press c1994 27 cm 90
p. col. ill.
Walt Disney's Pinocchio adapted from the film by Gina
Ingoglia Disney Press c1992 27 cm 90 p. col. ill.
1009810038326 こども WE/W/
1009810038318 こども WE/W/
1009810038330 こども WE/W/
Walt Disney's Sleeping Beauty adapted from the film by
A.L. Singer Disney Press c1993 27 cm 96 p. col. ill.
1009810038322 こども WE/W/
Walt Disney's Snow White and the seven dwarfs
adapted from the film by Jim Razzi Disney Press
c1993 27 cm 92 p. col. ill.
49 / 71 ページ
1009810038331 こども WE/W/
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
We are all in the dumps with Jack and Guy by Maurice
Sendak HarperCollins 1993 22 × 28 cm [56] p.
chiefly col. ill.
We three kings (Fossette) illustrated by H.
A. Rey HarperFestival c1994 22 × 28 cm
〔20〕 p. : col. ill.,
We're going on a bear hunt retold by Michael Rosen
M.K. McElderry Books c1989 27 × 30 cm 1 v.
(unpaged) ill. (some col.)
What a bad dog! (Oxford reading tree Big books
pack) Roderick Hunt Oxford University Press 2004
52 cm 16 p. col. ill.
What do you do,dear? Sesyle Joslin/文 Ha
rper & Row 1961 18 48P
所蔵館 請求記号
1009610007994 こども WE/W/
1009810135724 こども WE/W/
1009910090467 こども WE/W/
1009915453742 こども WE/W/
1008910002192 こども WE/W/
What do you say,dear? Sesyle Joslin/文 H
arper & Row 1958 18 48P
1008910002193 こども WE/W/
What time is it, Peter Rabbit? (The world of Peter
Rabbit) with new reproductions from the original
illustrations by Beatrix Potter F. Warne 1989 19 cm
1 v. (unpaged)
coming col.
for Christmas? (Frances
books) Kate Banks Farrar, Straus and Giroux c2009
26 × 27 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
Where is Skipper? Nicolle van den Hurk, illustration
Barron's c1993 26 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
Where is the green sheep? Mem Fox Houghton Mifflin
Harcourt c2004 16 × 16 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
Where the wild things are story and pictures by
Maurice Sendak HarperCollins c1963 24 × 27 cm 1
v. (unpaged) col. ill.
Where the wild things are story and pictures by
Maurice Sendak HarperCollins c1963 24 × 27 cm 1
v. (unpaged) col. ill.
Where the wild things are story and pictures by
Maurice Sendak HarperCollins c1963 24 × 27 cm 1
v. (unpaged) col. ill.
White Christmas by Irving Berlin Harper c2010 29
cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill., music
White snow, bright snow by Alvin Tresselt Lothrop,
Lee & Shepard Books c1988 27 cm 1 v. (unpaged)
col. ill.
50 / 71 ページ
1009916132437 こども WE/W/
1009915494172 こども WE/W/
1009610007995 こども WE/W/
1009916059785 こども WE/W/
1009810389380 こども WE/W/
1009810389380 こども WE/W/
1009810389380 こども WE/W/
1009915594605 こども WE/W/
1009810327037 こども WE/W/
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
Who ate all the cookie dough? Karen Beaumont H.
Holt 2008 29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009916061729 こども WE/W/
Who made me? (Sonrisa 11) Malcom Don
ey/さく 丸善メイツ 1987 22 27 28P
1009110035788 こども WE/W/
Who’s afraid of the dark? Crosby Bonsall/
文・絵 Harper & Row 1980 22cm 32P
1008910002194 こども WE/W/
Why mosquitoes buzz in people's ears retold by Verna
Aardema Dial Press [1975] 26 × 26 cm [30] p. col.
Why the sun & moon live in the sky (Fo
ssette) Niki Daly Lothrop, Lee & Shepa c19
95 24 × 27 cm 〔22〕 p. col. ill.
Why the sun and the moon live in the sky by
Elphinstone Dayrell Houghton Mifflin [1968] 24 × 24
cm 26 p. col. ill.
Wilson's world by Edith Thacher Hurd HarperCollins
[1982] 27 cm [39] p. col. ill.
所蔵館 請求記号
1009610007996 こども WE/W/
1009810135739 こども WE/W/
1009610007997 こども WE/W/
1009610008000 こども WE/W/
Wolf! wolf! John Rocco Hyperion Books for Children
c2007 29 cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009916059797 こども WE/W/
Won Ton Lee Wardlaw H. Holt 2011 29 cm 1 v.
(unpaged) col. ill.
1009916059808 こども WE/W/
A year in Percy’s park (Fossette) Nick Bu
tterworth Collins 1995 23 cm 〔100〕 p.,
〔2〕 folded
The year of the perfect Christmas tree by Gloria
Houston Dial Books for Young Readers c1988 27 cm
1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
Yes Jez Alborough Walker Books 2006 25 × 28 cm
1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009810135745 こども WE/Y/
1009915594602 こども WE/Y/
1009910161974 こども WE/Y/
Yes Josse Goffin Lothrop, Lee & Shepard c1993 28
cm [26] p. col. ill.
1009610008003 こども WE/Y/
Yes no Jan Pie?kowski Walker Books 2008 18 × 18
cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009915592461 こども WE/Y/
Yo! Yes? by Chris Raschka Orchard Books c1993 29
cm 1 v. (unpaged) col. ill.
1009915592462 こども WE/Y/
51 / 71 ページ
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
Zehn freche M?use (Fossette) Helme Heine
Middelhauve c1991 28 cm 〔24〕 p. : col.
A borboleta e a tartaruga Liliana Iacocca/さく・え 新
世研 2001.12 20×23cm 1冊
A cat who doesn't climb up on a roof,isn't a cat at all
Fernanda Lopes de Almeida/さく 新世研 1999.4 20
×23cm 1冊
A cat who doesn't climb up on a roof,isn't a cat at all
Fernanda Lopes de Almeida/さく 新世研 1999.4 20
×23cm 1冊
A revolta dos vaga‐lumes Maria Alice Leuzinger/さく
新世研 2001.12 20×23cm 1冊
所蔵館 請求記号
1009810135757 こども WE/Z/
1009810241208 こども WE/ア/
1009810084623 こども WE/ア/
1009810084623 こども WE/ア/
1009810238193 こども WE/ア/
A very funny vet Milton Camargo/さく・え 新世研
2001.5 20×23cm 1冊
1009810206589 こども WE/ア/
Anna's secret friend (英語版こどものとも) Yoriko
Tsutsui/[作] 福音館書店 1993.3 20×27cm 31p
1009916130049 こども WE/ア/
Anna's special present (英語版こどものとも) Yoriko
Tsutsui/[作] 福音館書店 1993.3 27cm 31p
1009916129981 こども WE/ア/
APPLE BEAR CAT サイラス・ハイスミス/作 文溪堂
2014.4 19×20cm [53p]
1009916243885 こども WE/ア/
APPLE BEAR CAT サイラス・ハイスミス/作 文溪堂
2014.4 19×20cm [53p]
1009916243885 こども WE/ア/
Are you sleeping? Christine Bunel/さく・え 新世研
1999.11 27×27cm 1冊
1009810119033 こども WE/ア/
Argos helps Santa Kenji Miyakawa/作 新世研
2002.10 18×26cm 1冊
1009810320885 こども WE/ア/
Argos,new year's adventure Kenji Miyakawa/作 新世
研 2002.10 18×26cm 1冊
1009810323910 こども WE/ア/
Argos,the city dog Kenji Miyakawa/さく 新世研
2001.6 22×31cm 1冊
1009810213101 こども WE/ア/
As centop?ias e seus sapatinhos Milton Camargo/さ
く・え 新世研 2001.12 20×23cm 1冊
1009810241209 こども WE/ア/
52 / 71 ページ
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
Asa de papel Marcelo Xavier/さく・え 新世研
2001.12 29cm 20p
1009810238188 こども WE/ア/
あーんあん (R.I.C. story chest) せな けいこ/絵と
文 アールアイシー出版 2004.1 18×18cm 27p
1009810408680 こども WE/ア/
あさえとちいさいいもうと (R.I.C. story chest) 筒井
頼子/作 アールアイシー出版 2005.2 20×27cm
あさえとちいさいいもうと (R.I.C. story chest) 筒井
頼子/作 アールアイシー出版 2005.2 20×27cm
あひるのたまご (Tuttle for kids ばばばあちゃんシ
リーズ) さとう わきこ/作・絵 チャールズ・イー・タトル
出版 2004.1 19×27cm 31p
あめふり (Tuttle for kids ばばばあちゃんシリーズ)
さとう わきこ/作・絵 チャールズ・イー・タトル出版
2004.5 19×27cm 31p
あらしのよるに 木村 裕一/作 講談社インターナショ
ナル 2003.5 27cm 1冊
所蔵館 請求記号
1009810477029 こども WE/ア/
1009810477029 こども WE/ア/
1009810403599 こども WE/ア/
1009810428278 こども WE/ア/
1009810357163 こども WE/ア/
あるはれたひに 木村 裕一/作 講談社インターナショ
ナル 2003.6 27cm 1冊
1009810362254 こども WE/ア/
Iemanj?,a deusa do mar Marlene Perlingeiro/作・絵
新世研 2002.10 19×26cm 1冊
1009810320877 こども WE/イ/
Iemanj?,queen of the sea Marlene Perlingeiro/作 絵
新世研 2002.10 19×26cm 1冊
1009810323812 こども WE/イ/
いいおかお (R.I.C. Story Chest) 松谷 みよ子/作
アールアイシー出版 2006.6 22cm 20p
1009810570023 こども WE/イ/
イーヨーの本 (プーさん絵本・復刻版) A.A.Milne/
[原作] うさぎ出版 2003.7 19×21cm 1冊
1009810369908 こども WE/イ/
イオマンテ (R.I.C. Story Chest) 寮 美千子/作
アールアイシー出版 2010.4 27cm 65p
1009915446461 こども WE/イ/
いそがしいよる (Tuttle for kids ばばばあちゃんシ
リーズ) さとう わきこ/作・絵 チャールズ・イー・タトル
出版 2004.2 19×27cm 27p
いたずらきかんしゃちゅうちゅう Virginia Lee Burton/
原話・絵 ラボ教育センター 1999.8 31cm 1冊
53 / 71 ページ
1009810409643 こども WE/イ/
1009810110443 こども WE/イ/
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
いたずらきかんしゃちゅうちゅう Virginia Lee Burton/
原話・絵 ラボ教育センター 1999.8 31cm 1冊
1009810110443 こども WE/イ/
いただきまあす 渡辺 茂男/作 福音館書店 2000.3
22cm 23p
1009810421312 こども WE/イ/
いちご 平山 和子/作 福音館書店 2000.3 22cm
1009810421316 こども WE/イ/
いないいないばあ (R.I.C. Story Chest) 松谷 みよ子
/作 アールアイシー出版 2006.6 22cm 20p
1009810570022 こども WE/イ/
いなかのねずみとまちのねずみ (Happy talk) 湯村
輝彦/絵 アスク 1993.11 21×22cm 23p
1009310059876 こども WE/イ/
いもうとのにゅういん (R.I.C. story chest) 筒井 頼子
/作 アールアイシー出版 2004.12 27cm 32p
1009810469030 こども WE/イ/
いもうとのにゅういん (R.I.C. story chest) 筒井 頼子
/作 アールアイシー出版 2004.12 27cm 32p
1009810469030 こども WE/イ/
いやだいやだ (R.I.C. story chest) せな けいこ/絵
と文 アールアイシー出版 2004.1 18×18cm 28p
1009810408675 こども WE/イ/
一寸法師 (Kodansha children's classics) 笠松 紫浪
/絵 講談社インターナショナル 1993 27cm 47p
1009510032987 こども WE/イ/
Olle's ski trip Elsa Beskow/[著] ラボ教育センター
1998.3 28cm 1冊
1009910090610 こども WE/ウ/
Un diente se mueve Daniel Barbot/さく 新世研
2001.12 20×24cm 1冊
1009810241206 こども WE/ウ/
Wake up,Hippo! (英語版こどものとも) Eriko Kishida
/[作] 福音館書店 1993.3 20×27cm 27p
1009916130048 こども WE/ウ/
Wake up,your Majesty! Hao Goang Tsair/さく 新世研
2000.2 26×27cm 43p
1009810131222 こども WE/ウ/
We are wolves Melinda Julietta/さく 新世研 1999.11
29cm 29p
1009810119030 こども WE/ウ/
With My Eyes (チャンツde絵本) 中本 幹子/著 ア
プリコット出版 2012.11 21×23cm 39p
1009916098996 こども WE/ウ/
54 / 71 ページ
所蔵館 請求記号
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
うしろにいるのだあれ (R.I.C. story chest) ふくだ と
しお/絵と文 アールアイシー出版 2005.3 26cm 29p
所蔵館 請求記号
1009810483578 こども WE/ウ/
うしろにいるのだあれ (R.I.C. story chest) ふくだ と
しお/絵と文 アールアイシー出版 2005.3 26cm 29p
1009810483578 こども WE/ウ/
うずらちゃんのかくれんぼ (R.I.C. story chest) きもと
ももこ/絵と文 アールアイシー出版 2005.7 22cm
1009810510441 こども WE/ウ/
うみのがくたい 大塚 勇三/原話 ラボ教育センター
1999.6 19×27cm 27p
1009810091123 こども WE/ウ/
うみのがくたい 大塚 勇三/原話 ラボ教育センター
1999.6 19×27cm 27p
1009810091123 こども WE/ウ/
浦島太郎 (Kodansha children's classics) 笠松 紫浪
/絵 講談社インターナショナル 1993 27cm 47p
1009510032988 こども WE/ウ/
浦島太郎 (英語で読む日本むかし話絵本) 荒井 良
二/絵 あすなろ書房 2004.4 28cm 26p
1009916132222 こども WE/ウ/
El cocuyo y la mora Cesareo de Armellada/さく 新世
研 2001.12 22×22cm 1冊
1009810238186 こども WE/エ/
El due?o de la luz Ivonne Rivas/さく 新世研 2001.12
21×22cm 1冊
1009810238187 こども WE/エ/
El m?s hermoso Hamid Reza Beidaghi/作・絵 新世研
2002.10 24cm 1冊
1009810319295 こども WE/エ/
El mosquito zumbador Ver?nica Uribe/さく 新世研
2001.5 20×24cm 1冊
1009810206588 こども WE/エ/
Elephant blue (英語版こどものとも) Hirotaka
Nakano/[作] 福音館書店 1993.3 27cm 27p
1009916129963 こども WE/エ/
えいごおはなし絵本 1 ケイト・クリッペンスティーン/文
小学館 2012.6 26cm 63p
1009916049432 こども WE/エ/
えいごおはなし絵本 2 ケイト・クリッペンスティーン/文
小学館 2012.10 26cm 63p
1009916084769 こども WE/エ/
えいごで読む日本のむかし話 フローレンス・坂出/編
チャールズ・イー・タトル出版 2004.9 24×24cm 109p
55 / 71 ページ
1009810448610 こども WE/エ/
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
Autumn is coming,autumn is gone しんたに ひろこ/さ
く・え 新世研 2000.12 13×19cm 1冊
1009810185470 こども WE/オ/
O macaco vermelho Mario Vale/さく・え 新世研
2001.12 26cm 1冊
1009810238189 こども WE/オ/
O rato de chap?u Mary Fran?a/さく 新世研 2001.12
20×23cm 1冊
1009810241204 こども WE/オ/
O time Clistenes Oliveira/さく・え 新世研 2001.12
20×28cm 1冊
1009810241207 こども WE/オ/
O veterin?rio maluco Milton Camargo/さく 新世研
2001.12 20×23cm 1冊
1009810238191 こども WE/オ/
Oniroku and the carpenter (英語版こどものとも)
Tadashi Matsui/[再話] 福音館書店 1993.3 19×
26cm 27p
Open the Window (チャンツde絵本) 中本 幹子/著
アプリコット出版 2012.11 21×23cm 43p
所蔵館 請求記号
1009916130045 こども WE/オ/
1009916098988 こども WE/オ/
Ο Β α σ ι λ ι α σ κ α ι τ ’α η δ ο ν ι ?
(Sonrisa 20) ゾエ・バラシ/さく 丸善メイツ 1991 1009110035787 こども WE/オ/
23 15P
おおきなかぶ (R.I.C. story chest) A.Tolstoy/[原作]
アールアイシー出版 2004.9 20×27cm 27p
1009810449718 こども WE/オ/
おおきなかぶ (R.I.C. story chest) A.Tolstoy/[原作]
アールアイシー出版 2004.9 20×27cm 27p
1009810449718 こども WE/オ/
おきなわ島のこえ (R.I.C. Story Chest) 丸木 俊/
文・画 アールアイシー出版 2011.8 24×25cm 49p
1009915580856 こども WE/オ/
おたまじゃくしの101ちゃん (R.I.C. Story Chest) 加古
里子/絵と文 アールアイシー出版 2007.2 26cm 31p 1009910019576 こども WE/オ/
おつきさまこんばんは (R.I.C. story chest) 林 明子
/絵と文 アールアイシー出版 2004.3 18×18cm 19p 1009810426844 こども WE/オ/
おつきさまこんばんは (R.I.C. story chest) 林 明子
/絵と文 アールアイシー出版 2004.3 18×18cm 19p 1009810426844 こども WE/オ/
おふろだいすき (R.I.C. story chest) 松岡 享子/作
アールアイシー出版 2004.7 26×27cm 40p
56 / 71 ページ
1009810444294 こども WE/オ/
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
おやすみなさいおつきさま マーガレット・ワイズ・ブラウ
ン/さく ラボ教育センター 2012.9 23×26cm 1冊
かぐや姫 (Kodansha children's classics) 織田 観潮
/絵 講談社インターナショナル 1993 27cm 47p
所蔵館 請求記号
1009916069286 こども WE/オ/
1009510032989 こども WE/カ/
かちかち山 (Kodansha children's classics) 尾竹 国
観/絵 講談社インターナショナル 1994 27cm 47p
1009510032990 こども WE/カ/
かばくん (R.I.C. story chest) 岸田 衿子/作 アー
ルアイシー出版 2004.11 20×27cm 27p
1009810464077 こども WE/カ/
かばくん (R.I.C. story chest) 岸田 衿子/作 アー
ルアイシー出版 2004.11 20×27cm 27p
1009810464077 こども WE/カ/
かぶ 斎藤 君子/再話 ラボ教育センター 1999.6 19
×27cm 33p
1009810089787 こども WE/カ/
かぶ 斎藤 君子/再話 ラボ教育センター 1999.6 19
×27cm 33p
1009810089787 こども WE/カ/
からすのパンやさん (R.I.C. Story Chest) 加古 里子
/絵と文 アールアイシー出版 2007.2 26cm 31p
1009910019580 こども WE/カ/
聡明的使者(かしこい ししゃ) (Sonrisa 58) 肖 敏
/さいわ 丸善メイツ 1991 26 27 21P
1009110035777 こども WE/カ/
風の神とオキクルミ (R.I.C. Story Chest) 萱野 茂/
作 アールアイシー出版 2013.4 27cm 35p
1009916152177 こども WE/カ/
Gato que pulava em sapato Fernanda Lopes de
Almeida/さく 新世研 2001.12 20×23cm 1冊
1009810238192 こども WE/ガ/
がたんごとんがたんごとん (R.I.C. story chest) 安西
水丸/絵と文 アールアイシー出版 2005.10 18×
18cm 23p
キャラコブックス [1] ターシャ・テューダー/著 メディ
アファクトリー 1999.4 12cm 1冊
1009810525085 こども WE/ガ/
1009810078723 こども WE/キ/
キャラコブックス [2] ターシャ・テューダー/著 メディ
アファクトリー 1999.4 12cm 1冊
1009810078724 こども WE/キ/
キャラコブックス [3] ターシャ・テューダー/著 メディ
アファクトリー 1999.4 12cm 1冊
1009810078725 こども WE/キ/
57 / 71 ページ
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
きんぎょがにげた (R.I.C. story chest) 五味 太郎/
絵と文 アールアイシー出版 2005.2 22cm 24p
1009810477030 こども WE/キ/
きんぎょがにげた (R.I.C. story chest) 五味 太郎/
絵と文 アールアイシー出版 2005.2 22cm 24p
1009810477030 こども WE/キ/
きんぎょがにげた 五味 太郎/作 福音館書店 2000.3
22cm 23p
1009810421313 こども WE/キ/
金太郎 (Kodansha children's classics) Suiho Yonai
/[画] 講談社インターナショナル 1995.7 27cm 47p
1009510035096 こども WE/キ/
Cepeб pя н oe б л ю eч к o и н aл и в н oe
я б л oч (Sonrisa 34) 丸善メイツ 1987 29
Claude the dog Dick Gackenbach/作・絵 新世研
2002.12 23×24cm 1冊
所蔵館 請求記号
1009110035749 こども WE/ギ/
1009810325123 こども WE/ク/
くれよんのくろくん (R.I.C. story chest) なかや みわ
/絵と文 アールアイシー出版 2005.4 20×27cm 32p 1009810493009 こども WE/ク/
くれよんのくろくん (R.I.C. story chest) なかや みわ
/絵と文 アールアイシー出版 2005.4 20×27cm 32p 1009810493009 こども WE/ク/
Grandmother will die Zahr? Seyyed Arab/さく 新世研
2000.12 26cm 1冊
1009810185469 こども WE/グ/
Grandpa's slippers Joy Watson/さく 新世研 2000.2
24cm 31p
1009810131218 こども WE/グ/
Guri and Gura (英語版こどものとも) Rieko
Nakagawa/[作] 福音館書店 1993.3 19×26cm 27p
1009916130044 こども WE/グ/
ぐりとぐら (Tuttle for kids) 中川 李枝子/文 チャー
ルズ・イー・タトル出版 2002.8 19×27cm 27p
1009810305749 こども WE/グ/
ぐりとぐら 中川 李枝子/文 チャールズ・イー・タトル出
版 2004.10 19×27cm 27p
1009810454836 こども WE/グ/
ぐりとぐらとくるりくら (Tuttle for kids) 中川 李枝子
/文 チャールズ・イー・タトル出版 2003.6 19×27cm
ぐりとぐらとくるりくら 中川 李枝子/文 チャールズ・
イー・タトル出版 2005.5 19×27cm 32p
58 / 71 ページ
1009810362251 こども WE/グ/
1009810494711 こども WE/グ/
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
ぐりとぐらとくるりくら 中川 李枝子/文 チャールズ・
イー・タトル出版 2005.5 19×27cm 32p
ぐりとぐらとすみれちゃん (Tuttle for kids) 中川 李
枝子/文 チャールズ・イー・タトル出版 2002.8 20×
27cm 32p
ぐりとぐらとすみれちゃん 中川 李枝子/文 チャール
ズ・イー・タトル出版 2005.6 19×27cm 32p
所蔵館 請求記号
1009810494711 こども WE/グ/
1009810305750 こども WE/グ/
1009810500720 こども WE/グ/
ぐりとぐらの1ねんかん 中川 李枝子/文 チャールズ・
イー・タトル出版 2004.10 24×28cm 27p
1009810454841 こども WE/グ/
ぐりとぐらのいちねんかん 中川 李枝子/文 チャール
ズ・イー・タトル出版 2003.11 24×28cm 27p
1009810391237 こども WE/グ/
ぐりとぐらのうたうた12つき 中川 李枝子/文 チャール
ズ・イー・タトル出版 2004.7 24×28cm 27p
1009810439975 こども WE/グ/
ぐりとぐらのうたうた12つき 中川 李枝子/文 チャール
ズ・イー・タトル出版 2005.6 24×28cm 27p
1009810500749 こども WE/グ/
ぐりとぐらのえんそく (Tuttle for kids) 中川 李枝子
/文 チャールズ・イー・タトル出版 2003.5 19×27cm
ぐりとぐらのえんそく 中川 李枝子/文 チャールズ・
イー・タトル出版 2005.5 19×27cm 31p
1009810353346 こども WE/グ/
1009810494710 こども WE/グ/
ぐりとぐらのえんそく 中川 李枝子/文 チャールズ・
イー・タトル出版 2005.5 19×27cm 31p
1009810494710 こども WE/グ/
ぐりとぐらのおおそうじ 中川 李枝子/文 チャールズ・
イー・タトル出版 2003.11 19×27cm 32p
1009810391250 こども WE/グ/
ぐりとぐらのおおそうじ 中川 李枝子/文 チャールズ・
イー・タトル出版 2005.5 19×27cm 32p
1009810494713 こども WE/グ/
ぐりとぐらのおおそうじ 中川 李枝子/文 チャールズ・
イー・タトル出版 2005.5 19×27cm 32p
1009810494713 こども WE/グ/
ぐりとぐらのおきゃくさま (Tuttle for kids) 中川 李枝
子/文 チャールズ・イー・タトル出版 2003.1 27cm
ぐりとぐらのおきゃくさま 中川 李枝子/原話 ラボ教育
センター 1999.6 27cm 37p
59 / 71 ページ
1009810334661 こども WE/グ/
1009810091152 こども WE/グ/
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
ぐりとぐらのおきゃくさま 中川 李枝子/原話 ラボ教育
センター 1999.6 27cm 37p
所蔵館 請求記号
1009810091152 こども WE/グ/
ぐりとぐらのおきゃくさま 中川 李枝子/文 チャール
ズ・イー・タトル出版 2004.10 27cm 28p
1009810455027 こども WE/グ/
ぐりとぐらのかいすいよく (Tuttle for kids) 中川 李枝
子/文 チャールズ・イー・タトル出版 2003.1 19×
1009810334658 こども WE/グ/
27cm 32p
ぐりとぐらのかいすいよく (Tuttle for kids) 中川 李枝
子/文 チャールズ・イー・タトル出版 2005.6 19×
1009810500729 こども WE/グ/
27cm 32p
ぐるんぱのようちえん (R.I.C. story chest) 西内 ミナ
ミ/作 アールアイシー出版 2003.11 20×27cm 27p
1009810400380 こども WE/グ/
ぐるんぱのようちえん (R.I.C. story chest) 西内 ミナ
ミ/作 アールアイシー出版 2003.11 20×27cm 27p
1009810400380 こども WE/グ/
Games,games for everybody Jose Luis Garcia Sanchez
/さく 新世研 1999.11 31cm 1冊
1009810119032 こども WE/ゲ/
Coyote concert on a full moon night Carol Whelihan‐
Scherer/さく 新世研 1999.9 29cm 31p
ことりのうち (ばばばあちゃんシリーズ) さとう わきこ
/作・絵 チャールズ・イー・タトル出版 2004.5 19×
27cm 31p
こねこのきょうだいグルグルとゴロゴロ [1] 江川 智穂
/作 小学館 2012.7 20×20cm 42p
ころわんはおにいちゃん (R.I.C. Story Chest) 間所
ひさこ/作 アールアイシー出版 2006.8 25×25cm
こんとあき (R.I.C. story chest) 林 明子/絵と文
アールアイシー出版 2003.10 27cm 39p
1009810100715 こども WE/コ/
1009810428283 こども WE/コ/
1009916056251 こども WE/コ/
1009810581665 こども WE/コ/
1009810400388 こども WE/コ/
こんとあき (R.I.C. story chest) 林 明子/絵と文
アールアイシー出版 2003.10 27cm 39p
1009810400388 こども WE/コ/
(さいじつのほん) (Sonrisa 66) メナム・ハコヘン
/さく 丸善メイツ 1991 22 27 72P
1009110035776 こども WE/サ/
3びきのコブタ Joseph Jacobs/再話 ラボ教育セン
ター 1999.5 27cm 40p
1009810089788 こども WE/サ/
60 / 71 ページ
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
Saci,the jungle's elf Marlene Perlingeiro/さく・え 新世
研 1999.4 27×31cm 1冊
1009810084619 こども WE/サ/
猿蟹合戦 (Kodansha children's classics) 井川 洗?
/絵 講談社インターナショナル 1994 27cm 47p
1009510032991 こども WE/サ/
三びきのこぶた (R.I.C. story chest) 山田 三郎/絵
アールアイシー出版 2004.11 27cm 19p
1009810469026 こども WE/サ/
三びきのこぶた (R.I.C. story chest) 山田 三郎/絵
アールアイシー出版 2004.11 27cm 19p
1009810469026 こども WE/サ/
三びきのやぎのがらがらどん Marcia Brown/絵・再話
ラボ教育センター 1999.11 26cm 1冊
1009810117189 こども WE/サ/
三びきのやぎのがらがらどん Marcia Brown/絵・再話
ラボ教育センター 1999.11 26cm 1冊
1009810117189 こども WE/サ/
The best Christmas present ever Nicholas
Andrikopoulos/さく・え 新世研 1999.11 29cm 1冊
1009810119029 こども WE/ザ/
The best present Holly Keller/作・絵 新世研 2003.8
26cm 1冊
1009810378751 こども WE/ザ/
The bicycle man Allen Say/作・絵 新世研 2003.7
23×25cm 1冊
1009810373306 こども WE/ザ/
The biggest pumpkin ever Steven Kroll/さく 新世研
1999.9 24cm 1冊
1009810100711 こども WE/ザ/
The blue seed (英語版こどものとも) Rieko
Nakagawa/[文] 福音館書店 1993.3 19×26cm 27p
1009916130043 こども WE/ザ/
The boy of the three‐year nap Dianne Snyder/作 新
世研 2003.8 25×27cm 32p
1009810378767 こども WE/ザ/
The butterfly and the tortoise Liliana Iacocca/さく・え
新世研 1999.4 20×23cm 1冊
1009810084621 こども WE/ザ/
The buzzing mosquito Ver?nica Uribe/さく 新世研
2001.5 20×24cm 1冊
1009810206591 こども WE/ザ/
The Christmas whale Roger Duvoisin/作・絵 新世研
2002.12 18×23cm 1冊
1009810328406 こども WE/ザ/
61 / 71 ページ
所蔵館 請求記号
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
The dancing tigers Russell Hoban/さく 新世研
1999.9 28cm 1冊
所蔵館 請求記号
1009810100714 こども WE/ザ/
The deer with long neck Jamushiido Sepaahi/さく 新
世研 2000.2 23×23cm 1冊
1009810131219 こども WE/ザ/
The great canoe Gloria Calder?n/さく・え 新世研
2001.5 22×22cm 1冊
1009810206590 こども WE/ザ/
The happiest elephant (英語版こどものとも) Minami
Nishiuchi/[作] 福音館書店 1993.3 19×26cm 27p
1009916130047 こども WE/ザ/
The horse of seven colors Carmen Avenda?o/再話
新世研 2003.5 20×28cm 1冊
1009810361253 こども WE/ザ/
The king Adonias Filho/文 新世研 2002.11 18×
20cm 1冊
1009810323927 こども WE/ザ/
The king of almost‐everything Eliardo Fran?a/さく・え
新世研 2000.12 26×26cm 1冊
1009810185472 こども WE/ザ/
The king's drum Laura Valle/再話 新世研 2003.3
20×28cm 1冊
1009810344966 こども WE/ザ/
The last bird,the last stone S.Mahdi Shojaee/作 新世
研 2003.6 17×24cm 1冊
1009810368207 こども WE/ザ/
チャールズ・イー・タトル出版 2010.2 29cm 32p
1009915427793 こども WE/ザ/
The library cat Kenji Miyakawa/さく 新世研 2000.5
24×33cm 1冊
1009810143568 こども WE/ザ/
The littlest witch Jeanne Massey/さく 新世研
1999.9 20×26cm 1冊
1009810100710 こども WE/ザ/
The lost boomerang Thomas Stevens/さく・え 新世研
2000.2 26cm 1冊
1009810131221 こども WE/ザ/
The lost necklace Frances Alcaraz/再話・絵 新世研
2001.10 19×26cm 1冊
1009810235448 こども WE/ザ/
The magic book Sonam Wangmo/再話 新世研
2003.5 21×25cm 1冊
1009810358116 こども WE/ザ/
62 / 71 ページ
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
The problem solver Mar?a Victoria Coce/再話 新世
研 2003.3 20×27cm 1冊
所蔵館 請求記号
1009810344972 こども WE/ザ/
The red bird Laura Valle/再話・訳 新世研 2003.7
20×23cm 1冊
1009810378207 こども WE/ザ/
The sacis are ten Tatiana Belinky/さく 新世研
1999.4 29cm 1冊
1009810084618 こども WE/ザ/
The spider's thread Ryunosuke Akutagawa/作 新世
研 2003.6 30×30cm 1冊
1009810358135 こども WE/ザ/
The strongest rooster ever Ho‐Baek Lee/さく 新世
研 2000.2 27cm 1冊
1009810131220 こども WE/ザ/
The tiger monster Guan Guan/さく 新世研 2000.12
36cm 1冊
1009810185466 こども WE/ザ/
The town where it never snows Paulo Campos/作 新
世研 2001.10 22×28cm 1冊
1009810235447 こども WE/ザ/
The two musicians Alberto Benevelli/さく 新世研
1999.11 30cm 1冊
1009810119031 こども WE/ザ/
The village where everyone is happy Seong‐Chan Hong
/さく・え 新世研 2000.12 23×30cm 1冊
1009810185468 こども WE/ザ/
しゅくだい (R.I.C. Story Chest) いもと ようこ/作
アールアイシー出版 2008.4 26cm 31p
しょうぼうじどうしゃじぷた (R.I.C. story chest) 渡辺
茂男/作 アールアイシー出版 2004.8 19×26cm
しょうぼうじどうしゃじぷた (R.I.C. story chest) 渡辺
茂男/作 アールアイシー出版 2004.8 19×26cm
しょうぼうじどうしゃじぷた (R.I.C. story chest) 渡辺
茂男/作 アールアイシー出版 2004.8 19×26cm
しんくんとへんてこライオン 長 新太/絵と文 小学館
2012.4 26cm 1冊(ページ付なし)
舌切りすずめ (Kodansha children's classics) 鴨下
晁湖/絵 講談社インターナショナル 1994 27cm 47p
63 / 71 ページ
1009910137965 こども WE/シ/
1009810447462 こども WE/シ/
1009810447462 こども WE/シ/
1009810447462 こども WE/シ/
1009916056177 こども WE/シ/
1009510032992 こども WE/シ/
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
14ひきのあさごはん いわむら かずお/さく 童心社
2005.8 27cm 1冊(ページ付なし)
所蔵館 請求記号
1009810511297 こども WE/ジ/
14ひきのおつきみ いわむら かずお/さく 童心社
2005.8 27cm 1冊(ページ付なし)
1009810511300 こども WE/ジ/
14ひきのかぼちゃ いわむら かずお/さく 童心社
2005.8 27cm 1冊(ページ付なし)
1009810511302 こども WE/ジ/
14ひきのぴくにっく いわむら かずお/さく 童心社
2005.8 27cm 1冊(ページ付なし)
1009810511299 こども WE/ジ/
14ひきのひっこし いわむら かずお/さく 童心社
2005.8 27cm 1冊(ページ付なし)
1009810511294 こども WE/ジ/
Journey from beyond Lafcadio Hearn/原作 新世研
2002.8 28cm 1冊
1009810309300 こども WE/ジ/
The ant's parade! Liliana Iacocca/さく・え 新世研
2001.5 20×23cm 1冊
1009810206593 こども WE/ジ/
The old charcoal man Po Chu‐i/原作 新世研
2002.9 24×24cm 1冊
1009810318421 こども WE/ジ/
The old man with long beard Cheewan Wisasa/さく・え
新世研 2000.2 22cm 1冊
1009810131217 こども WE/ジ/
The owl who wanted to see the sun Pablo Gonzalez/
作 新世研 2003.4 20×28cm 1冊
1009810358092 こども WE/ジ/
The wood folk music band Masao Mizuno/作 新世研
2001.10 21cm 1冊
1009810235449 こども WE/ジ/
十二生肖的故事 張 玲玲/文 新世研 2002.11 31cm
1009810330438 こども WE/ジ/
すいかのたね (ばばばあちゃんシリーズ) さとう わき
こ/著 チャールズ・イー・タトル出版 2004.6 19×
1009810433812 こども WE/ス/
27cm 28p
スーホの白い馬 (R.I.C. story chest) 大塚 勇三/再
話 アールアイシー出版 2004.4 23×31cm 47p
1009810434060 こども WE/ス/
スーホの白い馬 (R.I.C. story chest) 大塚 勇三/再
話 アールアイシー出版 2004.4 23×31cm 47p
64 / 71 ページ
1009810434060 こども WE/ス/
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
スーホの白い馬 大塚 勇三/再話 ラボ教育センター
1999.4 24×31cm 1冊
所蔵館 請求記号
1009810083711 こども WE/ス/
スーホの白い馬 大塚 勇三/再話 ラボ教育センター
1999.4 24×31cm 1冊
1009810083711 こども WE/ス/
Centipede goes shopping for shoes Milton Camargo/
さく・え 新世研 1999.4 20×23cm 1冊
1009810084622 こども WE/セ/
せんたくかあちゃん (R.I.C. story chest) さとう わきこ
/絵と文 アールアイシー出版 2005.10 20×27cm
1009810521938 こども WE/セ/
そらいろのたね (R.I.C. Story Chest) 中川 李枝子/
作 アールアイシー出版 2007.1 19×26cm 27p
1009910008962 こども WE/ソ/
そらいろのたね 中川 李枝子/原話 ラボ教育センター
2004.2 19×27cm 27p
1009810419443 こども WE/ソ/
そらまめくんとめだかのこ (R.I.C. story chest) なか
や みわ/絵と文 アールアイシー出版 2004.10 20×
27cm 30p
そらまめくんのベッド (R.I.C. story chest) なかや み
わ/絵と文 アールアイシー出版 2004.2 20×27cm
そらまめくんのベッド (R.I.C. story chest) なかや み
わ/絵と文 アールアイシー出版 2004.2 20×27cm
そりあそび (Tuttle for kids ばばばあちゃんシリーズ)
さとう わきこ/作・絵 チャールズ・イー・タトル出版
2004.1 19×27cm 31p
ぞうくんのさんぽ (R.I.C. story chest) なかの ひろた
か/絵と文 アールアイシー出版 2003.9 27cm 27p
ぞうくんのさんぽ (R.I.C. story chest) なかの ひろた
か/絵と文 アールアイシー出版 2003.9 27cm 27p
1009810457638 こども WE/ソ/
1009810412553 こども WE/ソ/
1009810412553 こども WE/ソ/
1009810403597 こども WE/ソ/
1009810390015 こども WE/ゾ/
1009810390015 こども WE/ゾ/
Taro and the amazing bamboo shoot (英語版こどもの
とも) Masako Matsuno/[作] 福音館書店 1993.3 19 1009916130050 こども WE/タ/
×26cm 27p
たいへんなひるね (Tuttle for kids ばばばあちゃんシ
リーズ) さとう わきこ/作・絵 チャールズ・イー・タトル 1009810409644 こども WE/タ/
出版 2004.2 19×27cm 31p
李田螺(タニシうりのリ) (Sonrisa 60) 陳 怡眞/さ
く 丸善メイツ 31cm 30p
1009110035757 こども WE/タ/
65 / 71 ページ
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
(だれが いちばん つよいの?) (Sonrisa 69) ニ
クサード・ノジューミ/え 丸善メイツ 1991 26 24P
所蔵館 請求記号
1009110035754 こども WE/ダ/
だるまちゃんとうさぎちゃん (Tuttle for kids) 加古 里
子/著 チャールズ・イー・タトル出版 2003.1 19×
1009810336496 こども WE/ダ/
27cm 29p
だるまちゃんとかみなりちゃん (Tuttle for kids) 加古
里子/著 チャールズ・イー・タトル出版 2003.1 19×
1009810336495 こども WE/ダ/
27cm 28p
だるまちゃんとかみなりちゃん 加古 里子/作・絵 ラボ
教育センター 1999.11 20×27cm 27p
1009810117191 こども WE/ダ/
だるまちゃんとかみなりちゃん 加古 里子/作・絵 ラボ
教育センター 1999.11 20×27cm 27p
1009810117191 こども WE/ダ/
だるまちゃんとだいこくちゃん (Tuttle for kids) 加古
里子/著 チャールズ・イー・タトル出版 2003.6 19×
27cm 30p
だるまちゃんとてんぐちゃん (Tuttle for kids) 加古
里子/著 チャールズ・イー・タトル出版 2002.12 19×
27cm 29p
だるまちゃんとてんじんちゃん 加古 里子/著 チャー
ルズ・イー・タトル出版 2003.11 19×27cm 32p
だるまちゃんととらのこちゃん (Tuttle for kids) 加古
里子/著 チャールズ・イー・タトル出版 2003.5 19×
27cm 31p
だれかしら (R.I.C. Story Chest) 多田 ヒロシ/絵と
文 アールアイシー出版 2008.3 20×21cm 23p
1009810362248 こども WE/ダ/
1009810327435 こども WE/ダ/
1009810391244 こども WE/ダ/
1009810353347 こども WE/ダ/
1009910128396 こども WE/ダ/
チェブラーシカ エドゥアルド・ウスペンスキー/[原作]
小学館 2012.12 26cm 41p
1009916106483 こども WE/チ/
チェブラーシカ エドゥアルド・ウスペンスキー/原作 小
学館 2012.10 26cm 41p
1009916084772 こども WE/チ/
チェブラーシカ エドゥアルド・ウスペンスキー/原作 小
学館 2012.4 26cm 41p
1009916057850 こども WE/チ/
注文の多い料理店 (R.I.C. story chest) 宮沢 賢治/
作 アールアイシー出版 2004.6 23×31cm 31p
1009810434065 こども WE/チ/
つみきのいえ 加藤 久仁生/著 白泉社 2009.11
26cm 1冊(ページ付なし)
66 / 71 ページ
1009915397424 こども WE/ツ/
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
Tem de tudo nesta rua… Marcelo Xavier/さく・え 新
世研 2001.12 31cm 1冊
所蔵館 請求記号
1009810241205 こども WE/テ/
ティガーの本 (プーさん絵本・復刻版) A.A.Milne/
[原作] うさぎ出版 2003.7 19×21cm 1冊
1009810369905 こども WE/テ/
てぶくろ エフゲーニー・M・ラチョフ/絵 ラボ教育セン
ター 1999.11 28cm 15p
1009810115766 こども WE/テ/
てぶくろ エフゲーニー・M・ラチョフ/絵 ラボ教育セン
ター 1999.11 28cm 15p
1009810115766 こども WE/テ/
Trezentas on?as Sim?es Lopes Neto/作 新世研
2002.10 23cm 1冊
1009810318420 こども WE/ト/
とこちゃんはどこ (R.I.C. story chest) 松岡 享子/作
アールアイシー出版 2004.7 27cm 27p
1009810438505 こども WE/ト/
とこちゃんはどこ (R.I.C. story chest) 松岡 享子/作
アールアイシー出版 2004.7 27cm 27p
1009810438505 こども WE/ト/
とん ことり (R.I.C. story chest) 筒井 頼子/作 アー
ルアイシー出版 2004.12 20×27cm 32p
1009810469029 こども WE/ト/
とん ことり (R.I.C. story chest) 筒井 頼子/作 アー
ルアイシー出版 2004.12 20×27cm 32p
1009810469029 こども WE/ト/
Do not open Brinton Turkle/さく・え 新世研 1999.9
27cm 1冊
1009810100712 こども WE/ド/
どうすればいいのかな? 渡辺 茂男/作 福音館書店
2000.3 22cm 23p
1009810421314 こども WE/ド/
どうぞのいす (R.I.C. Story Chest) 香山 美子/作
アールアイシー出版 2006.8 24cm 32p
1009810578943 こども WE/ド/
どうぶつのおかあさん 小森 厚/作 福音館書店
2000.3 22cm 23p
1009810421315 こども WE/ド/
どこ? (R.I.C. Story Chest) 山形 明美/作 アールア
イシー出版 2008.7 31cm 31p
1009910163961 こども WE/ド/
Nothing sticks like a shadow Ann Tompert/作 新世
研 2003.7 25cm 32p
67 / 71 ページ
1009810373309 こども WE/ナ/
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
なにをたべてきたの? (R.I.C. Story Chest) 岸田 衿
子/作 アールアイシー出版 2008.6 25cm 31p
所蔵館 請求記号
1009910156635 こども WE/ナ/
Ni?a bonita Ana Maria Machado/さく 新世研 2001.12
20×24cm 1冊
1009810241203 こども WE/ニ/
ねこどこどこにゃあ 伊藤 アキラ/原作 小学館
2012.7 20×20cm 24p
ネコとサカナ (R.I.C. Story Chest) ジョーン・グラント
/作 アールアイシー出版 2007.9 29cm 1冊(ページ
ねずみくんのチョッキ (R.I.C. Story Chest) なかえ よ
しを/作 アールアイシー出版 2007.3 25cm 31p
ねずみのおいしゃさま (R.I.C. Story Chest) 中川 正
文/作 アールアイシー出版 2007.1 20×27cm 27p
ねずみのハーデル 昭和女子大学短期大学部文化創
造学科/作 水声社 2010.3 22×31cm 1冊(ページ付
ねないこだれだ (R.I.C. story chest) せな けいこ/
絵と文 アールアイシー出版 2004.1 18×18cm 27p
No firefly flies tonight Maria Alice Leuzinger/さく 新
世研 1999.4 20×23cm 1冊
1009916056253 こども WE/ネ/
1009910081642 こども WE/ネ/
1009910028351 こども WE/ネ/
1009910008964 こども WE/ネ/
1009915429775 こども WE/ネ/
1009810408683 こども WE/ネ/
1009810084620 こども WE/ノ/
Not all cows are the same Antonio Ventura/さく 新世
研 2001.5 16×31cm 1冊
1009810206592 こども WE/ノ/
(はっぱ) (Sonrisa 68) モルテザ・エスマイリ・ソイ
/さく 丸善メイツ 1991 22 24P
1009110035734 こども WE/ハ/
How the farmer went to heaven Iranganie H.Fernando
/さく・え 新世研 2000.12 30cm 1冊
1009810185467 こども WE/ハ/
How the moon found his friends Preeda Panyachand/
作・絵 新世研 2001.10 26cm 1冊
1009810235450 こども WE/ハ/
How the tortoise got its shell Jan Mogensen/さく・え
新世研 1999.11 24×24cm 1冊
1009810119028 こども WE/ハ/
はじめてのおつかい (R.I.C. story chest) 筒井 頼子
/作 アールアイシー出版 2003.9 20×27cm 31p
1009810390026 こども WE/ハ/
68 / 71 ページ
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
はじめてのおつかい (R.I.C. story chest) 筒井 頼子
/作 アールアイシー出版 2003.9 20×27cm 31p
所蔵館 請求記号
1009810390026 こども WE/ハ/
はじめてのおるすばん (R.I.C. Story Chest) しみず
みちを/作 アールアイシー出版 2008.3 25cm 31p
1009910128397 こども WE/ハ/
はるかぜとぷう 小野 かおる/作・絵 ラボ教育セン
ター 1999.11 27cm 27p
1009810117190 こども WE/ハ/
はるかぜとぷう 小野 かおる/作・絵 ラボ教育セン
ター 1999.11 27cm 27p
1009810117190 こども WE/ハ/
花さき山 (R.I.C. Story Chest) 斎藤 隆介/作 アー
ルアイシー出版 2007.7 25cm 33p
1009910063279 こども WE/ハ/
花咲爺 (Kodansha children's classics) 鰭崎 英朋/
絵 講談社インターナショナル 1993 27cm 47p
1009510032993 こども WE/ハ/
ばばばあちゃんのマフラー (ばばばあちゃんシリー
ズ) さとう わきこ/著 チャールズ・イー・タトル出版
1009810439977 こども WE/バ/
2004.7 24×28cm 27p
(ひとになりたかった すいぎゅう) (Sonrisa 62) サ
ンスリー・チュティクル/さく 丸善メイツ 1991 25 3 1009110035798 こども WE/ヒ/
氷山ルリの大航海 高円宮妃久子/文 講談社インター
ナショナル 1998.10 27cm 40p
1009810050860 こども WE/ヒ/
Vieux fr?re de petit balai Laurence Delaby/さく 新世
研 2001.11 22cm 1冊
1009810238194 こども WE/ビ/
Peter Pan (Get on target) James M.Barrie/[原作]
ラボ教育センター 1974.12 30cm 71p
1009916132443 こども WE/ピ/
ピグレットの本 (プーさん絵本・復刻版) A.A.Milne/
[原作] うさぎ出版 2003.7 19×21cm 1冊
1009810369902 こども WE/ピ/
Farra no formigueiro Liliana Iacocca/さく・え 新世研
2001.10 20×23cm 1冊
1009810238190 こども WE/フ/
ふうせんねこ (R.I.C. story chest) せな けいこ/絵と
文 アールアイシー出版 2004.1 18×18cm 28p
1009810408677 こども WE/フ/
ブルくんとかなちゃん (R.I.C. Story Chest) ふくざわ
ゆみこ/絵と文 アールアイシー出版 2005.12 22cm
69 / 71 ページ
1009810537061 こども WE/ブ/
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
タイトルコード 所蔵館 請求記号
文福茶釜 (Kodansha children's classics) Tekisui
Ishii/[画] 講談社インターナショナル 1995.7 27cm
1009510035097 こども WE/ブ/
プーの本 (プーさん絵本・復刻版) A.A.Milne/[原作]
うさぎ出版 2003.7 19×21cm 1冊
1009810369872 こども WE/プ/
Bear is coming,autumn is going Kenji Miyakawa/作
新世研 2001.12 22cm 1冊
1009810253227 こども WE/ベ/
What's Claude doing? Dick Gackenbach/作・絵 新世
研 2003.8 23×24cm 1冊
1009810378205 こども WE/ホ/
When a bull fights with a bull Kenji Miyakawa/さく 新
世研 2000.12 24×28cm 1冊
1009810185471 こども WE/ホ/
Where's Prancer? Syd Hoff/作・絵 新世研 2002.12
28cm 1冊
1009810328410 こども WE/ホ/
Mother Halverson's new cat Jim Aylesworth/さく 新
世研 1999.9 27cm 1冊
1009810100713 こども WE/マ/
Mr Gumpy's outing John Burningham/[著] [ラボ教育
センター] [1998] 26×26cm 1冊
1009910090611 こども WE/マ/
My cat,my pal Kenji Miyakawa/さく 新世研 2000.5
24×33cm 1冊
1009810143569 こども WE/マ/
My First Book of JAPANESE WORDS ミッシェル・ヘイ
ニー・ブラウン/著 チャールズ・イー・タトル出版
2013.10 21×24cm 1冊(ページ付なし)
My house Lisa Desimini/作・絵 新世研 2003.7
27cm 1冊
1009916197013 こども WE/マ/
1009810373307 こども WE/マ/
マックスのわくわくスクール (親と子の楽しい英会話)
キャンベルのりこ/作 東京学参 2002.9 28cm 32p
1009810314174 こども WE/マ/
マックスのわくわくフレンズ (親と子の楽しい英会話)
キャンベルのりこ/作 東京学参 2002.12 28cm 32p
1009810329400 こども WE/マ/
Momoko’s birthday illustrations by Chihiro I
wasaki Bodley Head 1973 25x25cm 24p
1009915431493 こども WE/モ/
もうねんね (R.I.C. Story Chest) 松谷 みよ子/作
アールアイシー出版 2006.6 22cm 19p
1009810570019 こども WE/モ/
70 / 71 ページ
前橋市立図書館 洋書リスト(絵本)
モチモチの木 (R.I.C. Story Chest) 斎藤 隆介/作
アールアイシー出版 2007.5 25cm 31p
所蔵館 請求記号
1009910047453 こども WE/モ/
桃太郎 (Kodansha children's classics) 斉藤 五百枝
/絵 講談社インターナショナル 1993 27cm 47p
1009510032994 こども WE/モ/
やさしいライオン (R.I.C. Story Chest) やなせ たかし
/絵と文 アールアイシー出版 2008.3 27cm 32p
1009910137962 こども WE/ヤ/
やまのぼり (Tuttle for kids ばばばあちゃんシリーズ)
さとう わきこ/作・絵 チャールズ・イー・タトル出版
1009810422594 こども WE/ヤ/
2004.4 19×27cm 32p
ゆきのひのころわん (R.I.C. Story Chest) 間所 ひさ
こ/作 アールアイシー出版 2006.8 25×25cm 26p
1009810581662 こども WE/ユ/
ラビットの本 (プーさん絵本・復刻版) A.A.Milne/[原
作] うさぎ出版 2003.7 19×21cm 1冊
1009810369911 こども WE/ラ/
Return from the slaughterhouse A.de Alc?ntara
Machado/作 新世研 2003.5 21×28cm 1冊
1009810358104 こども WE/リ/
りんごがたべたいねずみくん (R.I.C. Story Chest) な
かえ よしを/作 アールアイシー出版 2007.3 25cm
1009910028345 こども WE/リ/
(ろばの たまご) (Sonrisa 59) イー・ウーキョン/
え 丸善メイツ 1991 32 43P
1009110035770 こども WE/ロ/
Once together,forever together Kenji Miyakawa/さく
新世研 2000.4 28cm 1冊
71 / 71 ページ
1009810143570 こども WE/ワ/
Fly UP