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Luxembourg News / Nov 2014
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Luxembourg News / Nov 2014
ルクセンブルクニュース 11 月号をお届けします。
皆様、ルクセンブルクで 4 年に一度開催される「料理ワールドカップ」というイベントをご存知ですか?こちらは世界司厨
士協会(WACS)公認世界 5 大料理大会の一つで、ルクセンブルクのシェフ協会、ヴァテールクラブが主催しています。
今年は世界 54 か国から 2400 名のシェフが出場し、ナショナル部門、個人部門、また料理技術・菓子・ホット・コールド
「起業家支援国ルクセンブルク」のイメージが日本でも広まりつつあります。去る 11 月 17~18 日に、日経 IT Pro 主催
「アンドロイド・アプリケーション・アワード(A3)2014」の受賞 2 企業がルクセンブルクに招待されました。大賞受賞「ドライ
ブモード」の横幕氏と特別賞受賞の「アドリブ」加畑氏は、現地のICT関係企業が集まるイベント「Luxembourg Internet
詳しいレポートはこちらの日経 IT Pro 記事をご覧ください。
なお、「Luxembourg Internet Days」冒頭では首相のスピーチに続いて、楽天ヨーロッパの廣瀬社長がキーノートスピーカ
日本向け起業家支援の一環として、ルクセンブルク経済省と当事務所は新日本監査法人(EY Japan)主催の由緒ある
からルクセンブルクの政府系インキュベーションプログラムを協賛しています。希望する起業家 1 名~数名に最大 3 カ
業が複数あったことから 、ルクセン ブルクの新しいライフサイ エンス企業向けイ ンキュベーション施設、 House of
BioHealth からの協力も取り付けました。今年の受賞企業が 11 月 26 日に発表された際にルクセンブルクの協賛プログ
年末年始のパーティーシーズンがやってきました。11 月 20 日にコンラッドホテルで開催された在日ベルギー・ルクセン
ルクビールも加わりました。ルクセンブルク本国では 12 月 6 日から聖ニコラが各都市を訪れ始めます。広場にはマーケ
of the Economy and Foreign Trade)を改めルクセンブルク経済省(新・Ministry of the Economy)となりました。業務や組
エグゼクティブ・ディレクター 松野百合子
ルクセンブルク財務大臣率いる金融ミッションが 1 月に来日
2015 年 1 月 14 日~16 日に、ピエール・グラメーニヤ財務大臣率いる金融ミッショ
150 の金融機関が拠点を設けて活動しています。同ミッション来日中にルクセンブ
金融ミッションのアジアツアーについて: http://www.luxembourgforfinance.com/lff-asia
ルクセンブルクファンド協会のアジアでのセミナーについて(*東京は 1 月 15 日の予定):
Luxembourg investment fund assets pass €3trn mark
ルクセンブルク投資ファンド資産、3 兆ユーロ超
The assets under management of Luxembourg-domiciled funds totalled just over € 3trn at the end of
September, a 14.97% increase since the beginning of the year, due largely to net sales, according to fund
association ALFI. Chairman Marc Saluzzi says the Grand Duchy is currently seeing strong growth, as well as
the development of specialisation in the areas of distribution support, risk management and compliance. The
Grand Duchy is a domicile for 3,900 funds and is adding around 100 new fund promoters every year, ALFI
ルクセンブルク全銀行が ECB のストレステスト、及び資産査定で合格
Luxembourg banks pass ECB stress and asset quality tests. The six Luxembourg banking institutions
subjected to the European Central Bank stress tests and asset quality review have solvency ratios above the 8%
minimum set by the ECB and face no capital shortfalls, according to regulator CSSF. Results from the asset
quality review confirmed that the institutions - Banque et Caisse d'Epargne de l'Etat, Clearstream Banking,
Precision Capital (holding company for Banque Internationale à Luxembourg and KBL European Private
Bankers), RBC Investor Services Bank, State Street Bank Luxembourg and UBS Luxembourg - valued their
assets appropriately.
SES、衛星 5 機の打ち上げ計画でアジアをターゲットに
SES targets Asia with five scheduled satellite launches. SES has posted EBITDA of €1.05bn for the first
three quarters of 2014, an increase of 4.0% over the same period of 2013. Revenues totalled €1.41bn for the
first nine months of this year, up 2.1%. The company is planning five new satellite launches before the end of
2017, including two spacecraft covering the Asia-Pacific region.
韓国の斗山(重工業を中心とした企業グループ)、サーキットフォイルに 3 千万ユーロを投資
Korea’s Doosan to invest €30m in Circuit Foil. Circuit Foil Luxembourg, a Wiltz-based manufacturer of
electrodeposited copper foil for the electronics industry, will receive a €30m investment over the next three
years from Korea’s Doosan, which acquired the company from ArcelorMittal in August. Circuit Foil, which
employs 300 people, derives 60% of its turnover from Asia.
LuxSpace awarded European Defence Agency research contract. Micro-satellite specialist LuxSpace has
received a €400,000 research contract from the European Defence Agency to investigate innovative data
mining and data fusion algorithms and their application in the generation of enhanced maritime awareness. The
project is due to last 14 months, with a possible nine-months extension.
Chinese banks "see Luxembourg as European hub". Chinese banks see Luxembourg as their European hub
and are using it to invest throughout Europe, because they appreciate the Grand Duchy for its stable social and
economic environment.
BIL、ドバイ・オフィスを開設 中近東の投資家に刺激
BIL opens Dubai office to tap Middle East investors. Banque Internationale à Luxembourg says it expects
the Middle East to contribute at least 5-10% to its global asset management business in the next three years.
The bank has just opened its first branch in Dubai and says it is hoping to make Luxembourg the hub for
Middle East investments in Europe. The bank plans to advise on and arrange a range of traditional investment
products and tailored financing solutions via its booking centres in Luxembourg and Switzerland.
New tourism cluster aims to develop national strategy. The economy ministry has joined forces with around
20 organisations in the tourism and conference sector to form a cluster, known as MICE, to share expertise. The
cluster will develop a national promotion strategy and a national tourism offering, and will organise training
and spread knowledge of foreign markets. The MICE founder members include the Chamber of Commerce,
Luxair, the Luxembourg City Tourist Office, Luxembourg Congrès, Luxexpo and the Mondorf thermal centre,
as well as hotels and travel firms.
RTL、StyleHaul の経営支配権を取得
RTL acquires controlling stake in StyleHaul. RTL Group has acquired a controlling stake in US lifestyleoriented YouTube multichannel network StyleHaul for $107m. The move takes the media group’s holding from
22% to 94%, and RTL will also invest $20m to finance the company’s growth.
GDP grows 3.2% year-on-year in second quarter
GDP、第二四半期に前年比 3.2%成長
GDP in the second quarter was 3.2% higher than in the same period of 2013, and 0.7% up from the first three
months of the year, according to Statec. While most economic sectors achieved year-on-year growth, finance
and insurance output was 1.2% lower in the second quarter than a year earlier. Exports were up 3.0% from a
year earlier, while imports edged 0.2% higher.
ルクセンブルク、12 ヶ月で 8,375 雇用を創出
Luxembourg created 8,375 jobs in 12 months. The Luxembourg economy created 8,375 jobs in the 12
months to mid-year, with 4,517 going to Luxembourg residents (3,404 to foreigners, 1,113 to Luxembourg
nationals) and 3,839 to cross-border commuters, according to Statec.
Annual inflation declines to 0.3%. Consumer prices declined by 0.09% in September due to the impact of
seasonal package tourism and air transport costs at the end of the summer season, while Luxembourg’s annual
inflation rate fell from 0.6% to 0.3%.
ルクセンブルク、財政黒字計上する欧州 2 ヶ国に入る
Luxembourg one of two EU countries running budget surpluses. Luxembourg had a government surplus of
€286m last year, equivalent to 0.6% of GDP, up from €28m the previous year. In the EU, only the Grand
Duchy and Germany ran surpluses in 2013. Public expenditure grew by €400m last year, while revenues rose
by €1bn. At the end of 2013, the Grand Duchy had one of the lowest ratios of government debt to GDP at
23.6%, with total debt of €10.67bn.
Luxembourg banking employment rises in third quarter. Luxembourg's banks employed 26,055 people at
the end of September, 158 more than at mid-year. The increase resulted entirely from one bank directly
employing 168 staff from within its own group, according to the Luxembourg Central Bank.
出張、2013 年に回復継続
Business travel continues recovery in 2013. A record 21% of Luxembourg residents took business trips in
2013, up from 18.1% in the previous year and just 11.9% in 2010. The overwhelming majority of trips (88%)
were undertaken within Europe, with 21% of business travellers heading to Germany, 18% to France and 13%
to Belgium.
SNCI seeks to kick-start entrepreneurship with new lending format
State-owned investment bank SNCI has launched three new loan instruments to support businesses in the
Grand Duchy. The bank says its Indirect Development, Research Development and Innovation, and Innovative
Companies loans, to be provided through domestic banks BCEE, BGL, BIL, ING, Raiffeisen, Banque de
Luxembourg and Banque BCP, will expand the number of companies benefiting from loan finance in the
Grand Duchy. Last year the SNCI provided loans to 40 Luxembourg businesses totalling €40m.
高等教育・研究省がルクセンブルク・バイオバンクと 3,100 万ユーロ投資に合意
Ministry signs €31m agreement with Luxembourg Biobank. Marc Hansen, Luxembourg’s secretary of state
for higher education and research, has signed a four-year agreement under which the state will invest €30.8bn
in Integrated Biobank Luxembourg. The IBBL is to be integrated with the CRP-Santé research facility in a new
structure, the Luxembourg Institute of Health.
政府が SES と衛星のジョイント・ベンチャーを立ち上げ
Government creates satellite venture with SES. The Luxembourg state has established a joint venture with
SES to develop, place in orbit and operate a military satellite that will offer capacity to NATO over a 10-year
period. The scheme is part of Luxembourg’s contribution to the alliance, one that will also provide economic
benefits to the country and open up a new business line for SES.
Sovereign sukuk achieves broad geographical distribution. Luxembourg’s successful debut €200m sukuk
achieved broad geographical distribution, with 61% placed in the Middle East and North Africa, 20% in Europe
and 19% in Asia. Allocation by investor type was 50% to central banks and public institutions, 40% to banks
and 10% to fund managers.
政府、1 万戸の新規住宅建設計画を起草
Government draws up plans for 10,000 new homes. Housing minister Maggy Nagel has unveiled a new
construction blueprint for the Grand Duchy that should see a total of 10,517 new homes built in 472
developments between now and 2020. Just over half of the total – 5,812 – will be offered for sale, while the rest
will become rental accommodation. Nagel says the ministry is examining access to the housing market for
young people, whose needs will be taken into account.
ルクセンブルク議会、鉄道事業投資 2 兆 7,200 万ユーロに合意
Parliament gives go-ahead to €272m rail investment. The Luxembourg parliament has agreed to invest €
272m in a new rail link to double capacity between Luxembourg City and Bettembourg, scheduled for
completion in 2020.
Luxembourg ranks high in EU on VAT collection. Luxembourg lost just 6% in VAT revenues due to noncompliance or non-collection in 2012, the third-lowest rate in the EU, according to the European Commission.
The EU-wide 'VAT gap' is 16%.
ルクセンブルク、欧州競争力で第 6 位
Luxembourg places sixth in EU competitiveness ranking. Luxembourg ranks sixth in the EU in terms of
competitiveness, behind the Scandinavian member states, the UK and the Netherlands, according to the
Economy Ministry's Observatoire de la Compétitivité. The Government says it will establish working groups to
determine areas in which the Grand Duchy can improve its competitiveness.
Luxembourg firm launches bitcoin wallet for App Store
ルクセンブルク IT 企業、App ストアでビットコイン・ウォレット提供開始
Luxembourg-based IT firm Neofacto has announced the launch of Yallet, billed as
the first bitcoin wallet to be made available on Apple’s App Store in English,
French and Spanish versions. An Android version currently under development
should be available before the end of the year. According to Neofacto founders
Laurent Kratz and Pierre Gerard, Yallet enables users to send and receive bitcoins,
manage a list of contacts and view the history of their transactions.
APATEQ の水処理技術がイノベーション・アワード受賞
APATEQ’s water filtration technology wins innovation award. Frost & Sullivan has presented Luxembourg
wastewater treatment specialist APATEQ with the 2014 European Technology Innovation Leadership Award
for its integrated membrane system for water filtration, which the research firm says breaks new ground in a
market dominated by contaminant removal systems that largely rely on chemicals or enormous amounts of
LuxSpace completes moon mission with China. LuxSpace has successfully completed the Manfred Moon
Memorial Mission, which transmitted signals back to amateur radio receivers around the world, after more than
250 hours of operation. The probe is now in an elliptical orbit around the earth at a distance of between 143,000
and 411,600 kilometres.
Yapital rolls out payment system for gamers. Luxembourg’s Yapital is providing leading German games
company Goodgame Studios with a payments system, enabling 230 million gamers to pay for virtual goods via
the Yapital smartphone app or web checkout.
ルクセンブルク、「デジタル Lëtzebuerg」計画の情報インフラ最新化を加速
Luxembourg advances Digital Lëtzebuerg modernisation drive. The Luxembourg Government is pushing
ahead with its Digital Lëtzebuerg initiative, which aims to develop the Grand Duchy as a hub for IT and
communications, as well as environmental technology, biotechnology, logistics and financial services
Government to build infrastructure for electric vehicles. Luxembourg is planning to install 800 recharging
stations for electric vehicles, according to secretary of state for the economy Francine Closener.
European Migration Network says Luxembourg opens door to immigration
The national office of the European Migration Network has revealed in its annual report on migration and
asylum that 86.2% of non-Luxembourg nationals resident in the Grand Duchy are EU citizens, a total of
214,390 people. The organisation says government policy is positive toward immigration, being not based on
either national quotas or lists of sectorial labour shortages. Last year the Government handed out 1,257
residence permits based on economic factors, almost double the 661 awarded in 2012, and the authorities are
looking at creating two new residence permit categories for investors and entrepreneurs.
Luxembourg Airport sees passenger growth. Luxembourg Airport reached the milestone of 2 million
passengers for the year in mid-October, one and half months earlier than in 2013. Passenger traffic is up 12%
so far this year.
MoMA acquires painting by Luxembourg’s Michel Majerus
New York's Museum of Modern Art has acquired ‘What looks good today may
not look good tomorrow’, a painting by the late Luxembourg artist Michel
Majerus. One of the country’s most prominent artists of his generation, Majerus
died in a 2002 air crash at the age of 35. His work has been shown subsequently
at various exhibitions including MoMA’s 2007 show ‘Comic Abstraction:
Image-Breaking, Image-Making’. The painting was completed in 2000 by Majerus in synthetic polymer paint on
Late-night museum event draws record crowds. Nearly 14,000 people took part in this year’s Nuit des
Musées event, involving seven museums in the capital that stayed open until 1 am or 2 am on the night of
October 11-12. Visitors were ferried between museums in vintage shuttle buses and Tesla electric
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