
5 Addicted Teaching Procedure

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5 Addicted Teaching Procedure
MACMILLAN Essential Reading 1
Teaching Procedure
(Supporting text for "English Communication"「コミュニケーション英語」)
These materials were made with the permission of MACMILLAN LANGUAGEHOUSE.
4th period:
We just can't stop
・Introduction of the material
・Students do "pre-reading activities"
・Students silent-read the text passage
・Students answer the questions from the text
・Chorus-reading of the text and pronunciation check
・Students guess the content with the teacher's assistance
(* No supplementary handouts provided.)
・Explanation of the content by the teacher
・Content-related activity
・Presentation of the task given
・Chorus-reading of the text passage
・Students work on the rest of the activities in this chapter
〔変 更〕
* これまで生徒に渡していた supplementary handouts (生徒のための予習補助プリント) は、 Essential Reading 1 の
Chapter 4 からは配布していない。 text passage については、これまでと同様に予習を禁止し、授業において初見で
〈 1st to 4th period 〉
Ⅰ. Introduction of the material
The title of this chapter is "addicted." ( ← Write the word "addicted" on the board.) When you say that you are addicted to something, it
means that it is very difficult for you to stop it. For example, if I was addicted to tabasco, I would sprinkle it on almost everything I eat.
I would sprinkle tabasco on hamburger steaks, on spaghetti, on fried rice or even on salad! This is how much I love tabasco. So people
will say that I'm addicted to tabasco. In this chapter, you will discuss things you can easily get addicted to, and how to avoid it.
Ⅱ. Have students do 'pre-reading activities' on page 42.
(Give time for pre-reading activities.)
I'll give you time to answer the questions of PRE-READING 1 and 2.
Ⅲ. Have students silent-read the text passage and answer the questions in the text.
Turn to page 43. Read the instructions for COMPREHENSION 1 and then start reading the passage silently. ( ← Say this while pointing
to that part. When the students are finished, give the following instructions.) Turn to pages 44 to 45. Read the instructions and answer
the questions. (Give time.)
Ⅳ. Chorus-reading of the text passage and pronunciation check
(Have students chorus-read the passage after the teacher, occasionally stopping for a pronunciation check.)
Now, I'll read and you repeat after me.
Ⅴ. Have students guess the content with the teacher's assistance.
Explanation of the content by the teacher
(The teacher helps students better understand the content by rephrasing the sentence, giving specific examples, or asking
content-related questions.)
〈● ここからの太字部分はテキスト本文 = Selections from the text are highlighted in bold.〉
Now, let's read the story. (From here on, slowly read the text passage out loud, occasionally stopping for Q&A and a little interaction.)
〔Jenny ― the shopaholic〕 Since I was a little girl I have always loved shopping. I walked around the stores with my mom begging
her to buy me everything I saw. Underline the part "everything I saw" and put that part into brackets. This is together. So this girl
asked her mother to buy everything she saw in the stores.
Last year I finished college and started earning money for the first time. I have a lot of spare cash now, and I spend it all on
clothes. I spend about $500 a week on clothes, handbags, and shoes. Walking out of a shop with a bag of new clothes is the best
feeling in the world. "Spare cash" is the money you can use for yourself to buy anything you want. Underline the part "walking out of a
shop with a bag of new clothes" and put that part into brackets. ( ← Say this while pointing to that part.) (下線を引いた部分をカッコで括る
よう指示をする。)The underlined part is the subject of the sentence. (Write on the board "the subject = 主語 ") (カッコで括った部分が「文
の主語」であることを言う。)Can anybody rephrase the sentence "Walking out of a shop with a bag of new clothes is the best feeling in the
world" into the one that starts with "I am happiest when ~." (← Write on the board "I am happiest when ~ ." Find a volunteer.) Good.
I am happiest when I walk out of a shop with a bag of new clothes. ( ← Draw on the board the picture of a girl walking out of a shop
with a bag of new clothes. Be a cartoonist!) When you read a passage, try to picture the situation in your head. ( ← Say this while
pointing to the picture drawn on the board.) When the outline of the picture is clear, it means you have understood the content.
I need to shop every day. If I can't go out to shop, I shop on line. Keying in my credit card details and waiting for a parcel to
arrive is very exciting. "To shop on line" means to buy things on the Internet. Underline the part "keying in my credit card details and
waiting for a parcel to arrive" and put that part into brackets. ( ← Say this while pointing to that part.) (下線を引いた部分をカッコで括るよ
う指示をする。) The underlined part is the subject of the sentence. (カッコで括った部分が「文の主語」であることを言う。) You can also say
"It is very exciting to key in my credit card details and wait for a parcel to arrive." ( ← Write this on the board.) I have a question for you.
Have you ever shopped on line? What are some examples of things you can buy on line? (Find volunteers.)
Sometimes I only wear what I buy once, but I never feel guilty. My dad tells me to stop spending. He says that I've already got
a lot more clothes than I need, but I love shopping and I'm not going to stop yet. Can anybody explain the phrase "I only wear what I
buy once"? (Find volunteers.) Yes. It means the same as "I wear the clothes only once." "What I buy" is the thing I buy. In this case,
it's clothes. You usually wear the same clothes many times. This girl sometimes wears new clothes only once but doesn't wear them any
more. And on top of that, she doesn't feel guilty! Now, check the word "guilty" in the dictionary. (Give time.) When do you feel
guilty? You don't have to tell real experiences. You can invent a situation in which an ordinary person may feel guilty. I, for example,
would feel guilty if I ate the last piece of cake left in the fridge. How about you? (Give time and then nominate some students for
〔Tracy ― the colaholic〕 I drink around 18 cans of cola every day. (Draw on the board the picture of a can of cola.) If I don't drink
it for more than an hour, I feel terrible and I start shaking. It all started 6 years ago when I was on a diet and I drank cola
instead of eating. After a few weeks, I couldn't live without it.
I have a bottle of cola beside my bed and I sometimes wake up in the night to drink it. The first thing I do when I open my eyes
in the morning is go to the fridge for a can of cola. I always carry a can or two in my handbag. I spend about $300 a month on
cola. If there are words that you don't know, look them up in your dictionary. (Give time.) Now, underline the part "the first thing I do
when I open my eyes in the morning" and put that part into brackets. ( ← Say this while pointing to that part.) (下線を引いた部分をカッコ
で括るよう指示をする。) The underlined part is the subject of the sentence. (カッコで括った部分が「文の主語」であることを言う。) I have a
question for you. What is the first thing you do when you get home? (Ask and then write on the board "The first thing I do when I get
home is ~.") Those of you who are sitting in this row, give me your answers. (Pick one row in which students are sitting and give the
following instructions.) From the head of this row, I want each of you sitting in this row to give your answers. If someone before you has
given the answer you have in mind, then you have to change yours to something else. Invent the answer on the spot! (This trains the
students to be able to cope with unexpected situations.)
I don't know if it's the taste of the cola or the caffeine, but I know I'm addicted. Friends and people I work with tell me that
drinking cola isn't good for you. They say it's bad for your stomach, but I like it too much to stop. Underline the part "friends and
people I work with" and put that part into brackets. ( ← Say this while pointing to that part.) (下線を引いた部分をカッコで括るよう指示を
する。)The underlined part is the subject of the sentence. (カッコで括った部分が「文の主語」であることを言う。)
Now, I have a question for you. Is there anything that you are addicted to? Are you addicted to something? (Find volunteers.)
Ⅵ. Content-related activity
(Put students in groups of 4 and assign each group a task of making the list of things that we can become addicted to, and then coming up
with the ways to avoid them. Presentation follows.)
〔Assignment: 課題提示〕
What are the things that we can become addicted to? Make the list with the suggestions of how to avoid becoming addicted to
them. Work together to come up with good suggestions.
Ⅶ. Chorus-reading of the text passage
(Students chorus-read, following the teacher.)
Ⅷ. Have students work on the rest of the activities in this chapter.
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