
Operating Manual for e-Rad

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Operating Manual for e-Rad
Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers
Operating Manual for e-Rad (2016.4.)
0, Before you apply for Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers,
please refer to "Application Guidelines" and "Notes for Researchers on e-Rad System and
Forms 3 through 6". (Please access the MEXT website at the URL shown below.)
1, Login
○ Please go to the below URL for e-Rad system (the Cross-ministerial Research and Development
Management System).
○ Enter your login ID and password and click [ログイン] button.
○ Type the answers to the secret questions you have chosen and click [実行].
② Click [実行]
① Type your answer to the secret question.
2, The "Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers" application screen (Home)
○ The Home page is open after you log in.
○ Click [応募採択課題情報管理] in the side menu and choose [公開中の公募一覧] from the list.
Your registered name is ①Click [応募採択課題情報管理]
Taro Monka
②Click [公開中の公募一覧]
Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers
Operating Manual for e-Rad (2016.4.)
[公開中公募一覧] screen
○ Type "Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers" in [search conditions] field and
click [検索] button.
The search results will be displayed.
○ Click [応募情報入力] icon.
① Type "Leading Initiative for Excellent ② Click [検索]
③ Click [応募情報入力 ] icon.
[応募条件] screen
○ Click [承諾] icon.
○ Click [戻る] to go back to the above [公開中の公募一覧] screen.
○ Click [ログアウト] to log out.
○ Click [ホーム] to go to the home screen.
[ホーム] button
[ログアウト] button
[戻る] button
Click [承諾]
Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers
Operating Manual for e-Rad (2016.4.)
3, [代表者情報確認] screen
○ Type "Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers" in [Projects ID/Title of proposed project] field.
○ Check the researcher information, such as a researcher's name, email address and others.
○ If you belong to multiple research institutions, choose one from the list of [Research institutions Name]
pull-down list.
○ In case you do not belong to any institution, please select "ZZZZZZZZZZ :(府省共通研究開発管理システム)".
① Type "Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers"
Taro Monka
② Check researcher information. ○ Please click [共通項目] tab after you fill in the required fields in [代表者情報確認] screen.
You can open other screens by clicking the tabs rounded with red frame in the following picture.
Please make sure that you are filling in all fields marked with (Required).
Taro Monka
Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers
Operating Manual for e-Rad (2016.4.)
4, [共通項目] screen
○ Type "2016"for (start) and "2020"for (end) in Research term fields.
Type "2016" and "2020".
○ Type the research field name and its keywords.
Please find your research area, discipline and field by clciking on the URL below.
【List of Research area/discipline/field】
Click [検索] to open a new window. Select your research area and discipline.
①Click [検索]
③ Select your research fild.
② Select your research area and discipline. Click [検索] to continue.
Selsct keywords of your research.
Please also complete the secondary research area in the same way.
Your research fild is displayed here.
③Select a keyword
Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers
Operating Manual for e-Rad (2016.4.)
○Please describe the purpose of research and provide the research outline.
You can enter up to 1,000 characters in each box.
Click [入力文字チェック] to count the number of characters you have entered.
○ Please click [個別項目] tab after you fill in the required fields in [共通項目] screen.
5, [個別項目] screen
○ Select your "Research area to be reviewed" and "Research discipline to be reviewed".
Please make sure that you are selecting and typing the code correctly.
Please refer to the below URL for the 【List of Research area/discipline/field】to find the code of
your Research field.
【List of Research area/discipline/field】
Please type the number of the primary research field that you chose in [共通項目] screen
in "Research field to be reviewed" box.
Your application will be reviewed according to the code you enter in the "Research field to be reviewed"
field. Please choose and type the correct code.
○If you choose [1総合(Integrated disciplines)] for research area, please also choose reviewable
research area.
Reviewable research areas are listed - each marked with a circle - in the table you can refer to
at the above URL.
Please note that your application will be reviewed by researchers of the research area you submit.
○If you select the reaearch area other than [1 総合 (Intergrated disciplines)], enter [0].
Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers
Operating Manual for e-Rad (2016.4.)
○ Please fill in the following fields.
You can use calendar by clicking this icon.
○Type your "choice of post number" .
Please refer to the below URL to find the [卓越研究員ポスト] files for checking the post number of
each research institution.
You can choose up to 3 research institutions.
In case you have your less than 3 choice(s), please enter "0" in each blank box.
In case you have less than 3 choice(s), please enter "0" in each blank box.
○Please click [応募時予算額] tab after you fill in the required fields in [個別項目] screen.
6, [応募時予算額] screen
○ Type "6,000" in each direct cost field.
The figures are provisional.
Type "6,000" in ○Please click [研究組織情報] tab after you fill in the required fields in [応募時予算額] screen.
Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers
Operating Manual for e-Rad (2016.4.)
7, [研究組織情報] screen
○ Fill in "Area of specialization" field.
○Type "6,000" in [direct costs] field, "Researcher" in [roles] field and "1" in [effort] field.
Please note that the figures your are instructed to enter are provisional.
① Fill in "Area of specialization" field.
② Enter "6, 000"
Nanostructural chemistry
④ Enter "1"
③ Enter "Researcher"
○ Please click [添付ファイルの指定] tab after you fill in the required fields in [研究組織情報] screen.
8, [添付ファイルの指定] screen
○ Click [参照] to choose the files you submit.
Please convert the Forms 3, 4 and 6 into PDF and create a one file that contains all 3 PDFs.
Upload the file by clicking [アップロード] button.
Please limit the total size of upload file to 3MB or less.
Please upload Form 5 in Word format to the [Referred materials] field.
Please limit the total size of upload file to 1MB or less.
② Upload the PDF file that contains Forms 3, 4, and 6 to register. The maximum size of the upload file is 3 MB or less.
④ Upload Form 5 in Word format to the [Referred materials] field. The maximum size of the upload file is 1 MB or less.
①Click [参照]
Click this button to clear the field.
③Click [参照]
⑤ Click [アップロード] to upload a file.
○ Please click [業績情報] tab after all requied files are uploaded.
Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers
Operating Manual for e-Rad (2016.4.)
9, [業績情報] screen
○ Please create a list of your achievements by taking the following procedure.
In case you have registered with your achievements at the "ReaD & Researchmap", click here to reload the data.
② Click [行を追加] to continue.
① Click here to choose the type of achievement from the pulldown list. You willfind :
[研究論文] papers;
[学会発表] conference presentation;
[図書] books;
[産業財産権] industrial property rights; [学位論文] thesis;
in the list.
○The new page is open to fill in and describe the detail of your achivement.
③ Please fill in the fields and describe your accomplishment in 500 characters max. in the box below.
○ If you need a new page, go to the pulldown list at the lower left to choose the type of achivement
and click [行を追加].
○ Please click [略歴情報] tab after you finish filling in [業績情報] screen.
Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers
Operating Manual for e-Rad (2016.4.)
10, [略歴情報] screen
○ Provide information on your doctorqal degree and academic career within 500 characters
in the following space.
・Information on your doctoral degree:
Date of enrollment and names of Graduate School, Faculty and Division;
Date of finishing/leaving the doctoral degree program.
・Information on your academic career:
Period of enrollment, title, names of institution and its department/division.
April, 2010 Enrolled at the Faculty of △△△, ○○○ Graduate School
March, 2014 Received the doctoral degree
April, 2014 to present Postdoctral research fellow at the △△△ research institute.
Provide information on your academic career in reference to the above example .
11, Tabs you are not requested to open for your registration.
○ [応募・受入状況] tab and [研究組織内連絡欄] tab are not required to open and fill in
for your registeration.
Do not use 12, Some useful buttons for your registration
○ Click [入力チェック] button to check for errors.
○ Click [提案書プレビュー] button to show 「応募情報ファイル」(the PDF file that contains Forms 3, 4 & 6)
○ Click [一時保存] button to save data.
Taro Monka
○Click [確認] button to open the screen to confirm your submission data after you finish checking it
by using [入力チェック] button.
○Click [実行] button to submit if there is no display od error message.
Click [実行] to submit.
Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers
Operating Manual for e-Rad (2016.4.)
13, Procedure to open the data you have saved.
○ Go to the home screen and click [応募課題情報管理] on the side menu.
① Click [応募課題情報管理]
○Type “Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers” in [公募名] field and click [検索].
② Type “Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers” in [公募名] field.
③ Click [検索]
○ Click [編集] to open your application form.
④ Click [編集] icon.
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