
Welding properties

by taratuta

Category: Documents





Welding properties
8.17 Welding properties
You can select which model welds are visible in drawings and drawing views, and set the
weld color and line type.
To set the automatic welding properties in single-part and assembly drawings: Click
Drawings & Reports --> Drawing Settings and select the drawing type. Click View
creation, select the view and the properties that you want to change, and click View
properties. Now click Weld in the options tree.
To set the automatic welding properties on drawing level in general arrangement
drawing: Click Drawings & Reports --> Drawing Settings and select the drawing type.
Click Weld.
To modify the welding properties on drawing level in a general arrangement drawing:
Double-click the drawing background and click Weld.
To modify the welding properties on view level: Double-click the drawing view frame and
click Weld in the View Properties dialog box.
Content: Visibility
Not visible does not display any welds in the selected view/
Site weld visible displays only site welds in the view/drawing.
Workshop weld visible displays only worksWeldshop welds in
the view/drawing
Both visible displays both site welds and workshop welds in
the view/drawing.
Weld size limit
Enter a weld size to filter welds of that size out of the drawing.
This is useful when you only want to show non-typical welds in
a drawing.
To set whether the weld size is an exact or minimum value, use
the advanced option XS_WELD_FILTER_TYPE.
To filter out a standard weld type, use the advanced option
Appearance: Visible lines
Sets the type of the weld line.
Sets the color of the weld line.
Welds in drawings on page 203
Model weld mark visibility and appearance properties in drawings on page 557
Drawing settings
Drawing shape properties
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