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AW&ST Aviation Week & Space Technology
------------------------------------------Oct 22, 2010
Sydney, Australia (SPX)
by Morris Jones
The International Future In Space
much of these discussions. Right now, it's far to say that every
major space program in the world is in a state of flux. Nobody
knows what they should be doing, or how much money they will
have, or where anyone else will be in another 20 years. There is
also growing trend towards international cooperation in space,
which brings more complications. When no members of a group
or partnership know the way forward, progress stagnates.
Individual space agencies are unwilling to commit to large,
NASA Administrator Charles Bolden
complex or long-term ventures if they cannot guarantee that
The repercussions of NASA Administrator Charles Bolden's
their partners will carry their own weight. The global financial
controversial tour of China continue to circulate, both in the
crisis, and the austerity measures it has spawned, are also
media and in less public circles. Regardless of how we judge this,
spooky to space planners. America is facing a turbulent political
the fact that so much attention has been focused on the trip is
environment, along with confusion about what NASA should be
instructive in its own right. It's a symptom of the complexity of
doing right now, let alone in another decade. China, too, is
international relations, and the current uncertainties over the
preparing for a transition of leadership. Nobody knows what
future of America's space program. Let's start by acknowledging,
direction China will take in Earthly affairs under its next
yet again, that US-China relations are somewhat frosty. For a
President, let alone what he will do with China's space program.
full discussion of this, readers can simply peruse the general
Japan is struggling to justify the high cost of its own ambitious
media. This article is not the place to explore or judge these
space program, and Europe can't seem to decide if it really wants
issues. But it is clear that these hostile relations and mutual
to develop a crewed spacecraft. India is forging ahead with an
suspicions are already influencing US-China relations in space.
ambitious program, but we don't know for sure where it will go in
No deals have even been proposed, but the howling can be heard
the long term.(後略)
around the globe. There's a broader context that's missing from
------------------------------------------Posted: Thu, Oct 21, 2010, 7:47 AM ET (1147 GMT)
TerreStar は連邦破産法第 11 章に基づく会社更生手続きを申請
TerreStar files for Chapter 11
Mobile satellite operator TerreStar filed for Chapter 11
while the court reviews a restructuring plan; the bankruptcy
bankruptcy protection on Wednesday with the support of its
court gave its interim approval to the loan late Wednesday.
largest creditor, another satellite operator. TerreStar, in its filing
TerreStar operates a large GEO satellite designed to provide
Wednesday morning, said it had $1.6 billion in debts versus $1.4
mobile communications across North America but has signed up
billion in assets. EchoStar, its largest creditor, has provided a
few customers for the service to date.
$75-million loan to TerreStar to allow it to continue operating
Related Links:
◆ Bloomberg News article
◆ Space News article
◆ Reuters article
◆ FierceWireless article
◆ TerreStar press release
by Jennifer Thibault
TacSat- 3 は C4ISR コンフェレンスで最高の表彰を得る
50th Space Wing Public Affairs
TacSat- 3 earns top honors during C4ISR Conference
warfighter," said Sergeant Mosier. "Demand for [the system's]
products increases as more intelligence exploiters become aware
of the satellite's capabilities. TacSat-3 is providing critical
intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance to safeguard our
Army, Navy, Marine and Air Force personnel down range." The
satellite is basically a space borne camera that can identify
evidence of roadside bombs by analyzing spectral signatures of
The 880-pound experimental Tactical Satellite-3 developed by Air Force
ground features or objects, including freshly-dug dirt or specific
Research Laboratory and launched in May 2009 transfered to operational
kinds of metals.
status under the operational control of Air Force Space Command and
supports battlespace awareness to Joint Force theater and
1st Space Operations Squadron, located at Schriever, in June 2010. (U.S.
tactical commanders; provides indications and warning of
Air Force graphic)
potential threats; and cueing of other ISR sensors for expanded
10/20/2010 - SCHRIEVER AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. -- For the
collection and surveillance operations," said 1 SOPS Commander
third year in a row, the C4ISR Journal has brought together a
Lt. Col. Lorenzo Bradley. Aside from this honor, the satellite is
panel of judges to determine the projects that have made the
also the first real-world application of an operationally
biggest impact in both the industry and intelligence communities.
The panel reviews the "Big 25" and determines the "Top 5"
operations has served as a pathfinder for a more responsive
which are announced during their annual conference in
approach to defining, developing, fielding, operating and sustaining
Washington D.C. The top sensor honor went to TacSat-3,
space capabilities," said the colonel. "We in 1 SOPS look forward
currently operated by the 1st Space Operations Squadron. Capt.
to being a part of this effort that is focused on exploiting and
Rickie Banister and Tech. Sgt. Herbert Mosier, both from 1
infusing technological or operational innovations to improve the
SOPS, joined members from the Air Force Research Laboratory
ability to respond to joint force commander needs." Because
and Raytheon to receive the award Oct. 12. "It was a surreal
TacSat-3 was an experimental system, it is not known just how
feeling," said Captain Banister. "I was very proud of the award
long the satellite will be functional. "As long as TacSat-3 is fully
and wished more of my co-workers could have attended. We not
functional, it will have a bright future in 1 SOPS," said Captain
only accepted the award for our squadron but for every user of
Banister. "TacSat-3 has not only helped the warfighter, it has
TacSat-3." TacSat -3 was originally launched as an experimental
given our 1 SOPS operators much needed experience and has
satellite in May 2009; however it became an operational asset in
prepared us for Operational Responsive Space 1 operations."
June of this year. "While TacSat-3 was utilized as an R&D asset,
The other four awards presented during the conference included
the focus was on experimentation. Now that 1 SOPS has
best innovation, best network system, best organization and best
satellite control authority, the focus is on serving the
To the warfighters, "the TS-3 architecture
------------------------------------------Monday, October 18th, 2010 3:51 pm
By Josh Hartman
Playing Piggyback in Space
Satellites are very expensive. The sensors on them are very
demonstration HPs and developing models and simulations
expensive. Launching satellites is very expensive. One way the
should reduce risk, while warming the operations community to
government has considered saving some of those launch and
the idea.
satellite costs is by piggybacking its sensors on commercial
comforting to government organizations. Of course, proponents
satellites. Known as hosted payloads, such packages have
of HPs should be careful to not over-promise.
attracted considerable interest from the government for the last
universal solution to government’s space interests. Grand
few years. But industry worries that their satellites might
visions for the future and failure to fulfill objectives of HP
become military targets in time of war or be used for purposes
initiatives will end up creating far more skeptics than supporters.
which their customers might find difficult to explain to their own
Operational problems with HPs remain unsolved.
governments. And there are questions about who controls the
determining who controls the host satellite and its hosted assets
satellite and under what circumstances. Meanwhile, the
when bullets start to fly poses an open question.
Pentagon’s space experts are building a website they hope will
standards and solutions for cyber security and mission assurance
make it easier for the government and industry to get together
must be established before the government can have confidence
on such deals Josh Hartman, who was one of the Pentagon’s
in and accept dependence upon HPs for intelligence and other
top space acquisition officials and is now with the Center for
national security operations. Part of the problems is that there
Strategic Space Studies, offers a step-by-step approach to get
has not been enough discussion about the business models that
both sides closer to their goal.
should be used, understanding of how the business cases may
Commercially Hosted Payloads (HP), flying government payloads
work, and detailing the business practices that industry will follow.
as secondary missions on commercial satellites, have intrigued
Until this happens, commercial industry will remain leery. In order
the minds of government decision makers for some time.
to make HPs a reality, government and industry must talk and
perform detailed analyses about how it will work. Here are some
Department of Defense has pursued two HPs:
Hosted Infra-Red Payload and Internet Router In Space.
Step by step progress will prove their value in a way
They are not a
For example,
On top of that,
things to consider as both sides wade through this thicket of
they show promise, neither has created enough interest to tip
policy and operational issues. First, industry and government
the scales in favor of the idea becoming a regular practice. At
should develop concept of operations (CONOPS) by mission area.
the same time, the Obama administration’s new National Space
These must cover the end-to-end data path and all system level
Policy and the Pentagon’s emphasis on “efficiencies” have
processes. Among the issues that need sorting out are the
fostered more interest and momentum in HPs. Put simply, HPs
architectural balance between big satellites, small free-flyers and
provide great opportunity to both industry and the government.
hosted payloads.
They offer the government a greater number of options from
with capability gaps, constellations based solely on small
free-flyers or HPs will also leave gaps.
Understanding the
diversification of government architectures and capabilities, while
increasing survivability and making it harder for an enemy to
architectural balance will do the best job of satisfying combatant
eliminate our space capabilities.
For industry, they create
commanders and the intelligence community. Next, the two sides
business opportunities outside of typical government customers
need to define and understand potential business models and
and ease market entry for new players. Despite this interest,
open discussions about how to satisfy government needs with
don’t expect many HPs to darken our skies soon. Ultimately,
commercially viable solutions.
DoD wants assured reliability of HP capabilities, while industry
clearer idea of what is the right mix of government-owned,
wants a profitable business model. The core barriers and
commercially owned, government-operated, and commercially
obstacles to HPs are cultural not technical.
operated models. Launch policies may need changes. Current
bureaucracies are not designed to change. They seek stability
policy requires national security payloads to launch on U.S.
and control. The space community is no different. Getting the
launch vehicles. This has created inefficiencies in the market,
government to give up ownership and accept a new concept will
burdening customers with higher costs than those borne by
be more difficult than most outsiders understand.
commercial and other international players. For companies
But flying
Since buying big satellites often leaves us
Everyone needs to develop a
considering hosting a satellite sensor this puts their core
ruthlessly monitored and estimated. Integration is not a risk free
business at a distinct competitive disadvantage.
process. As more people touch the spacecraft, complexity
acquisition practices by the U.S. government, the dominant
increases and costs go up. One way to address this from the
customer in the U.S. market, must change to encourage more
beginning is to focus on common standards. Another factor to
cost competitiveness or financial offsets must be considered if
consider is that Hosted Payloads are not likely to offer what the
the policy remains the same. Consider international partnerships
space community calls exquisite capabilities, such as those found
for HPs. Many of the potential hosts for government capability
on the NRO’s most sophisticated satellites.
are foreign-owned or are based overseas.
Given that foreign
the right expectations. The best way forward is for government
involvement with U.S. space systems has traditionally raised
to establish performance milestones and test for mission
security concerns, a flexible policy regime that guarantees
assurance while keeping its hands off the commercial sectors
security should be hammered out and used. Hosted payloads will
business practices.
We should have
increase the complexity of satellite systems so costs must be
------------------------------------------Fri, 15 October, 2010
By Turner Brinton
国防総省の SBIRS 衛星の初号機は 2011 年打上げに際して狭いウインドウに直面する
Pentagon’s 1st SBIRS Craft Faces Narrow Window for 2011 Launch
WASHINGTON — After nearly a decade of delay, the U.S. Air
because the Atlas 5 is the only rocket in the U.S. fleet that
Force tentatively plans to launch its first dedicated Space Based
Infrared System (SBIRS) missile warning satellite April 30 but
spokeswoman LaGina Jackson said in an e-mailed response to
faces a narrow launch window, which means any additional
questions. Lockheed Martin is under contract to deliver four
hiccups in the program likely would push the mission into 2012, a
dedicated SBIRS satellites that will operate in geosynchronous
service official said. At the same time, the Air Force is
orbit, four SBIRS infrared payloads to be hosted on classified
renegotiating its SBIRS prime contract with Lockheed Martin
satellites in highly elliptical orbits, and the associated ground
Space Systems of Sunnyvale, Calif., to make improvements to
control and data processing systems. The first two elliptical-orbit
the system’s ground infrastructure and data processing
payloads and the ground systems are operational. The first of the
algorithms through the latter part of the decade ahead, Col.
geosynchronous satellites originally was slated to launch in 2002,
Roger Teague, commander of the Space Based Infrared Systems
and Pentagon leaders in recent years have expressed frustration
Wing at Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center in Los
and concern with the delays given the finite lifespan of the
Angeles, said in an Oct. 13 interview. With the first satellite
nearing completion of its final test activities, Air Force officials
constellation. Air Force Gen. Kevin Chilton, commander of U.S.
decided the week of Oct. 4 to plan for an April 30 launch aboard
Strategic Command, on Sept. 13 reiterated his desire to develop
an Atlas 5 rocket from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Fla.,
a gap-filler missile warning capability to ensure full coverage
Teague said. But because NASA has two planetary missions
during the transition from DSP to SBIRS. “In 2008, given the
scheduled to launch next summer and fall that will require the
delays in the SBIRS program which is designed to replace
same Atlas 5 launch pad and crew that will launch SBIRS, the Air
today’s DSP constellation, I raised concern, I believe at this
Force has virtually no margin for error. NASA must launch its
podium, over the sustainment of the on-orbit capability,” Chilton
Juno mission to Jupiter between Aug. 5 and Aug. 23, or wait
said at an Air Force Association conference here. “I was told
another 13 months for the next opportunity. Then NASA must
not to worry; it would launch in the fall of 2009. “The fall of 2009
launch the flagship-class Mars Science Laboratory mission in
I raised the same concerns and pointed out that we were quickly
November or else wait two years for the next opportunity. That
approaching a point where we required 100 percent launch
means that if SBIRS is not launched by early May, the next
success of our first two satellites in order to sustain the
opportunity likely will not come before January or February 2012
capability and meet the requirements of United States Strategic
Command to provide this element of the strategic deterrent. We
with launch is expected in January, he said. The Air Force so far
did nothing. I was told we would launch in the fall of 2010. “It’s
has spent $6.8 billion on Lockheed Martin’s original SBIRS prime
now fall of 2010 and [the first SBIRS satellite] is not scheduled
to launch before next summer. In sum, it has slipped
geosynchronous satellites, the first two highly elliptical orbiting
two-and-a-half years in two years.” For the last three years, the
payloads and the ground systems. The total cost to complete
first SBIRS satellite has been held up primarily by flight software
this contract is not yet known because negotiations are under
problems. Large numbers of anomalies were popping up during
way to increase the scope of the company’s work, Teague said.
testing in 2007, and the decision was made to scrap the existing
By the end of the year, the service hopes to have one aspect of
software and essentially start from scratch. Development of the
the contract finalized for which Lockheed Martin will modernize
new software has taken longer than anticipated, but the Air
the SBIRS ground infrastructure through 2014 or 2015. The
Force believes the version that was delivered in August will be
other part of the contract should be negotiated and signed by
the final iteration. The software has completed about 90 percent
summer 2011, which will allow the company to continue
of an exhaustive flight qualification process, with no problems so
developing ground software to better exploit SBIRS data through
far, said Jeff Smith, Lockheed Martin’s SBIRS vice president
2017 or 2018, Teague said. “We’ve learned a lot [from the
and program manager. “We had a new design and development of
SBIRS highly elliptical orbiting payloads] about what we expect
our flight software that in the end has proven to be very robust,
we will be able to do with our [geosynchronous] birds. From that
very stable and of high quality,” Teague said. “…What you’ve
aspect, we got together with our command leads and took an
seen frankly is the most robust software development and
opportunity to redesign and rearchitect our ground infrastructure.
qualification program among all [Space and Missile Systems
We’re in the process of renegotiating that with Lockheed Martin
Center] programs in SBIRS. And that was necessary due to the
right now.” The Air Force in June finalized a separate $3 billion
critical mission that this satellite will satisfy.” The first dedicated
SBIRS production contract with Lockheed Martin to build the
SBIRS satellite has completed all of its environmental testing
third and fourth geosynchronous satellites and third and fourth
and is awaiting the installation of its solar arrays, thermal
blankets and sun shield, Teague said. If the software qualification
testing remains on track, a final decision on whether to proceed
------------------------------------------October 19, 2010
AEHF-1 のトラブルは恐らくメイン・エンジンのせいではない
Main engine probably not to blame for AEHF 1 trouble
As investigators narrow the list of potential culprits in the
new era for secure military communications. But the original plan
Advanced Extremely High Frequency satellite's main propulsion
of maneuvering the spacecraft toward geosynchronous orbit was
system problem, the Air Force has decided to delay launching
aborted after the satellite's onboard Liquid Apogee Engine failed
the follow-up spacecraft and rearrange its upcoming Atlas rocket
to accelerate AEHF 1 during two attempted burns on August 15
and 17. The system detected that the proper boost wasn't being
generated and immediately terminated the operations. Engineers
have since created a rescue plan that's being implemented to
use AEHF 1's smaller thrusters, but it will take nearly a year to
accomplish. The on-going investigation into the misfire indicates
the main engine wasn't the cause of the problem and that the
fault resides somewhere else in the overall propulsion system. "I
An artist's concept of AEHF 1. Credit: Lockheed Martin
will tell you that I have high confidence it was not the engine
The AEHF 1 satellite was carried aloft August 14 aboard a United
itself and that it was part of the propulsion system that we think
Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rocket from Cape Canaveral, beginning a
we are going to end up looking closely at," said Dave Madden,
Military Satellite Communications Systems Wing program director
using its tiny thrusters to achieve the correct orbit won't be
at the Air Force's Space and Missile Systems Center. "I don't
finished until next summer and its communications payload can't
want to speculate on the answer because right now we're going
be activated for testing until after that. Given the AEHF 1
through some red team reviews. But right now I feel very, very
recovery schedule, Madden recommended that it would be
confident that the IHI engine that we use was not the cause of
prudent to keep AEHF 2 on the ground until the first satellite
this issue," Madden said in an interview October 14. The engine,
passes the in-space testing. "What I expressed to the senior
built by the Japanese aerospace firm IHI, is capable of producing
leadership is I don't feel comfortable launching the second
100 pounds of thrust while burning hydrazine fuel and nitrogen
Advanced EHF until the first Advanced EHF gets to orbit and we
tetroxide. It was supposed to fire three times to propel AHEF 1
can check out the payload," Madden said. "We don't want to end
into an intermediate orbit after launch. The second and third
up in a situation where we launch two satellites and we got some
satellites in the AEHF series are undergoing pre-flight testing at
issue with the (communications) hardware of the first one that
the Lockheed Martin factory in Sunnyvale, California. Madden
we haven't been able to verify. Obviously our confidence is
says the AEHF 1 investigation thus far isn't prompting any
extremely high that we don't have a problem, but I would feel
significant changes to the satellites before they are launched.
much better checking it out before I launch the second satellite."
"We are not expecting any major redesigns to Vehicles 2 or 3
associated with this issue," Madden said. "I think it's going to be
more (like) some tests and visual inspections that we have to
File image of Atlas 5 rocket launch. Credit: Pat Corkery/United Launch
An artist's concept of the three AEHF satellites. Credit: Lockheed Martin
The decision to hold AHEF 2 automatically delays the launch an
Looking at specific components on AEHF 2 and AEHF 3 or
entire year because of the Atlas 5 rocket's full schedule at Cape
constructing special tests for the satellites will determine if they
Canaveral. Complicating matters that prevent AEHF 2 from
are trouble-free. "My inclination is the only changes that it'll
jumping into the lineup in late 2011 are two time-critical
probably require is we'll probably have to do some testing to
planetary probes that must launch during very specific windows.
verify that we don't have a similar condition because there's a
The revised 2011 schedule for the Atlas 5 rocket:
couple potential root causes they're looking at and some of them
◆ The year begins with launching the second Orbital Test
exonerate themselves very well because it has to do with
Vehicle in the U.S. military's X-37B experimental spaceplane
workmanship-type issues," Madden said. The Air Force foresees
program. Liftoff of OTV 2 from Cape Canaveral is targeted for
the AEHF 1 investigation being wrapped up shortly. "We all would
March 4.
have preferred not to have to deal with this issue and would
◆ A classified payload for the U.S. National Reconnaissance
have had a good firing of the engine. But it turns out it doesn't
Office will fly from the West Coast pad at Vandenberg Air Force
appear it was the engine itself that caused the problem, that it
Base in California. Launch of NROL-34 is planned for March 31.
had something to do with the propulsion system," Madden said.
◆Back at Cape Canaveral, another Air Force mission carries the
"We have a number of root causes that we are looking at, that
first Space Based Infrared System Geosynchronous satellite for
we're going to try and close on in the next couple of weeks and
missile early-warning detection. SBIRS Geo 1 has an April 30
we should be done with that and be able to move forward." The
target launch date.
AEHF 2 satellite had been slated for launch atop another Atlas 5
◆Then comes NASA's Juno probe embarking on a scientific
rocket next February. But the complex maneuvering of AEHF 1
expedition to orbit the planet Jupiter. The craft must launch
between August 5 and 26, a critical window dictated by when the
March or April.
planets are properly aligned to begin the trek.
"That's what they are trying to pencil me in for. And right now
◆The Mars Science Laboratory has its own planetary launch
that doesn't hurt Advanced EHF 2, the Milstar constellation is
window to leave Earth between November 25 and December 18,
still strong, so there is no impact to mission capability by
dispatching the SUV-size rover "Curiosity" toward a landing on
delaying. It just gives us a little bit of breathing room to make
the Red Planet's surface.
sure we can check out the first satellite," Madden said.
And the AEHF 2 satellite now shoots for early 2012, launching in
------------------------------------------October 17, 2010
AEHF 1 レカバリが新しいモードを開始すると共に、忍耐が必要に
Patience required as AEHF 1 recovery begins new mode
Moving into the next phase of its orbital rescue, the Air Force's
Apogee Engine should have achieved, but the so-called Reaction
Advanced Extremely High Frequency satellite is warming up
Engine Assembly thrusters would deliver a worthwhile step in the
right direction. By late September, AEHF 1 had performed a
propulsion-with-persistence that's needed to save the craft's
dozen firings that resulted in boosting the orbit's low point to
2,900 miles and reducing inclination to 15.1 degrees.
An artist's concept of AEHF 1. Credit: Lockheed Martin
This first bird in the U.S. military's new series of ultra-secure
"I'm massively pleased with where we ended up," said Dave
communications satellites was afflicted by a major problem soon
after the August 14 launch that rendered its primary
program director at the Air Force's Space and Missile Systems
maneuvering engine useless. A United Launch Alliance Atlas 5
Center. "We actually did significantly better, I'd say 10-15
percent better, than we thought we were going to do. As we kept
supersynchronous transfer orbit with a high point of 31,200 miles,
doing it, we found better ways to optimize how we were pulsing
low point of 140 miles and inclination of 22.2 degrees. From there,
those thrusters to optimize getting the maximum orbit raising out
the satellite's own Liquid Apogee Engine was supposed to fire
of them based on the fuel we were using. So each time we
three times to ascend into an intermediate orbit. The electric
burned, we actually got better at our modeling on how to get the
propulsion system using Hall Current Thrusters then would finish
most out of what we were doing to minimize fuel usage." After
shaping the orbit into a circular, geosynchronous altitude 22,300
the Reaction Engine Assembly phase of the rescue was
miles high and inclined 4.8 degrees by December. That was the
completed, the satellite's power-generating solar wings were
plan. But a fault somewhere in the main propulsion system for
unfurled and the Hall Current Thrusters were deployed. "We're
the Liquid Apogee Engine meant the 100-pound-thrust motor
getting exactly the power out of the solar panels that we would
couldn't generate acceleration. Satellite-maker Lockheed Martin
expect to get. We're just working on the preps to go into the Hall
and the Air Force quickly scrambled to devise an alternate
Current phase," Madden said in an interview October 14.
strategy using other ways to propel AEHF 1 into an operational
orbit. The emergency plan to salvage the satellite called upon the
craft's tiny five-pound-thrust steering engines to begin lifting the
orbit higher. They couldn't reach the altitude target the Liquid
off first. Right now, we're going through this phase called
conditioning of the HCTs and making sure we have the
incremental steps right to bring them into operation," Madden
said. "When we get done with doing that, hopefully in a week, a
week-and-a-half, if the conditioning goes well, then we will go
into a full 10-hour burn a day for probably about seven months."
The HCTs, produced by Aerojet, are 4.5-kilowatt units that use
The satellite's present elliptical orbit takes nearly 17 hours to
electricity and xenon to produce thrust for maneuvering
complete a full revolution around the planet. The HCTs will burn
satellites in space. Unlike conventional chemical engines that
for 10 straight hours per orbit every day through next spring.
deliver substantial boosts with each brief firing, the electric
This critical seven-month period will increase the altitude at the
system needs the stamina to operate for exceptionally long
orbit's low point, or perigee, and reduce the orbital inclination
periods of time to harness its whisper-like 0.06-pound-thrust
closer to the equator. "What we are going to do in the first seven
into orbit-changing power. The divergent systems have their
months is push out the perigee, then bring down inclination. So
advantages and drawbacks. Although typical engines can
the heavy lifting is in the first seven months. Then what we're
maneuver satellites rapidly, they use large amounts of heavy fuel
going to be doing in the last three months is circularizing and
that in turn require a bigger, more expensive rocket to carry the
aligning it," Madden said. That subsequent three-month phase in
spacecraft. Electric propulsion gives up timeliness for efficiency
late spring and early summer does what the original pre-launch
since its xenon fuel weighs a mere fraction of conventional
plan for the HCTs envisioned by burning the thrusters non-stop
hydrazine, but you must have patience to reap the rewards. "The
to reduce the orbit's high and low points into a circular
beauty of them is for size, weight and power, it's an extremely
22,300-mile, geosynchronous altitude where the satellite can
efficient system - if time is okay," Madden said. Commercial
match Earth's rotation. "We're anxious to get into this
communications satellites built by Boeing began using small ion
seven-month phase so we can get into more of a rhythm with
thrusters in the late 1990s. The company's Wideband Global
the vehicle," Madden said. Despite the crisis that prompted the
SATCOM satellites for the U.S. military also employ them.
heroics to recover the satellite's mission, the Air Force remains
NASA's Deep Space 1 and the Dawn space probes have relied on
confident the craft will achieve the correct orbit and have
large ion engines for interplanetary propulsion as well. But it's
enough residual fuel for operations to fulfill its 14-year life to
the electric thrusters on AEHF 1, which are different and haven't
flown before, that ultimately hold the key to saving the mission.
commanders and troops on the battlefield. "We have adequate
The satellite cannot reach its intended orbit and operate for a
hydrazine left over from the last burn to be able to do full
full 14- year life using only conventional hydrazine with its tiny
operations, and all of our projections associated with the xenon
Reaction Engine Assembly thrusters. Activities underway the
that we have available for the Hall Current Thrusters (show) we
past few weeks have focused on readying the HCTs for their
will have adequate xenon available when we get on-orbit to also
extensive usage. "To be able to utilize them, we have to go
sustain a 14-year life or longer," Madden said. After the
through a series of checkouts and conditioning of some of the
cumulative 10 months of HCT thrusting concludes next summer,
components," Madden said. "I would have loved to have seen us
the satellite will be parked over the equator at 90 degrees West
just jump right into HCT operations, turn them on and go. But
longitude for activation and testing of its communications
knowing it's a new, first-of-a-kind system, we have to
package. Once that is accomplished, flight controllers will slide
methodically work our way through this and get ourselves on our
the craft east or west in geosynchronous orbit based on where
way." Controllers have been commanding the thrusters on and
the military needs the craft. "The operators are trying to decide
off for short bursts, slowly working towards longer and longer
after we get to 90 degrees what final location that they want us
burn times. "Components in the system absorb moisture when
put the satellite and what's the exact inclination they want to us
they are at atmosphere. So we have to burn that stuff off
to put it at. But right now all indications are we can go anywhere
because it causes perturbations in operations if we don't burn it
they want us to go and we can support any inclination they want
and do that for a 14-year life. "We just have got to get through
this phase of getting our HCTs checked out," Madden said.
------------------------------------------Space News
Fri, 15 October, 2010 国防総省は紛争の前線で UAVを飛行させるのに小型衛星に注目
Pentagon Eyes Small Satellites To Fly UAVs at Edge of Conflicts By Peter B. de Selding
NEW YORK — The U.S. Defense Department is investigating
whether to field a group of small satellites — perhaps operated by
commercial industry — that would assure communications with
unmanned aerial vehicles flying on the edge or outside of conflict
zones, military and industry officials said. The project, called
Airborne Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (AISR),
would feature satellites with four beams in Ku- and Ka-band to
assure that sufficient satellite bandwidth is available for outrider
Global Hawk or other unmanned aircraft without depriving
satellite links to those in the thick of a conflict zone, officials
said. Despite the arrival of the Wideband Global Satcom (WGS)
Addressing the Satcon conference here Oct. 13, Cynamon said
X- and Ka-band satellites, whose capacity dwarfs their
that a decade ago, the U.S. Defense Department and the
predecessors in terms of throughput, the U.S. Air Force is
commercial satellite sector had an equivalent number of
concerned that demand on WGS capacity over the years will be
communications satellites in orbit. Now, he said, “when you look
greater than what is available on these spacecraft. AISR would
station satellites in geostationary orbit to assure that the
telecommunications satellites far outnumber their military
unmanned craft would be able to beam their video and other data
equivalents. AISR satellites — one for training over the United
for relay to ground commanders even if WGS spacecraft were
States and at least two others in orbits over other regions —
operating at near-saturation levels. The alternative would be to
could be owned by a commercial satellite operator and leased to
devote a WGS satellite beam to the Global Hawk operating on
the military. Alternatively, the military could own an AISR payload
the periphery of a conflict zone, resulting in a shortage of
that could be placed on a commercial satellite. Cynamon
in-theater capacity. AISR is one of numerous proposals that the
described the AISR satellite as a free-flying spacecraft carrying
Air Force is weighing in the wake of the Transformational
four antennas, two in Ku-band and two in Ka-band. Global Hawk
Satellite Communications System’s cancellation.The Pentagon
aerial vehicles currently operate in Ku-band but are gradually
cancelled the T-Sat program in 2009 after the spacecraft
being transitioned to a piece of the Ka-band spectrum that has
designs grew too big, complicated and expensive. But the
been reserved for military use. “We are operationally limited,
requirements that T-Sat was supposed to address have not
even if we use military Ka-band, on Global Hawk,” Cynamon said.
disappeared, which is why the Air Force is now taking them up,
one by one, to distribute among smaller programs whose budgets
are less likely to get out of hand. AISR is one of these mission
ideas found in the Air Force’s broad agency announcement
dubbed “Milsatcom Commercial Architecture Option,” now out
for industry review. Air Force Col. Charles Cynamon, commander
of the Milsatcom Network Integration Group, said AISR, which
could be built by, or with, a commercial satellite fleet operator,
represents an evolution in the way the Air Force looks at the
commercial satellite sector.
“It comes down to the sharing of apertures (antennas) for
tactical warfighting and AISR users.” He said the U.S. Navy’s
Broad Area Maritime Surveillance aerial system also could be a
navigation and timing through GPS; and assured access to space
user of the AISR satellite. Cynamon said initial contracts for
through the Atlas and Delta launch vehicle programs — take up
studies on AISR could be awarded before the end of this year.
most of the budget. “After you fulfill those requirements, there
U.S. Air Force Col. Michael Lakos, chief of the Milsatcom division,
is not a lot of money left” for new initiatives, Lakos said here
said the Space Command’s four main missions — missile
Oct. 14.
------------------------------------------Lockheed Martin Press Releases
October 21, 2011
ロッキード・マーチンは貨物 UAV サービスの提案要求に対応
Lockheed Martin Submits Proposal for Cargo UAS Services Request
October 20, 2010
Lockheed Martin Completes Preliminary Design for Next Generation Long-Range Surveillance Radar
October 14, 2010
ロッキード・マーチンは対潜戦の海上監視システムを継続する$24M の契約を行う
Lockheed Martin Awarded $24M Contract to Continue Maritime Surveillance Systems for Anti Submarine Warfare
------------------------------------------Boeing News Releases
Oct. 20, 2010
High-Speed Broadband System Certified on Boeing Business Jet
Oct. 19, 2010
ボーイングは NASA のケネディ宇宙センタで 2010 年の大規模ビジネス主契約者に選ばれた
Boeing Recognized as NASA's Kennedy Space Center Large Business Prime Contractor of the Year
Oct. 19, 2010
ボーイングは LightSquared の SkyTerra 1 モバイル通信衛星を打上げ場所に出荷
Boeing Ships LightSquared's SkyTerra 1 Mobile Communications Satellite to Launch Site
Oct. 12, 2010
ボーイングと iRobot チームハ米空軍から SUGV の契約を獲得
Boeing and iRobot Team Receives SUGV Contract from US Air Force
SUGV = Small Unmanned Ground Vehicles
Oct. 11, 2010
ボーイングは NAVAIR の提案要求に対応して A160T ハミングバードを提供予定
Boeing to Offer A160T Hummingbird in Response to NAVAIR Request for Proposal
------------------------------------------ESA Portal
22 October 2010
An international vision for space exploration
A shared vision for space exploration came into sharper focus
confirmed that space exploration is a driver for innovation,
this week when European ministers, space executives and
developing new technologies and making scientific discoveries,
international representatives met to discuss their ambitions for
but also a political and global endeavour.As a result of the
future space exploration. Given its importance, more than 150
constructive atmosphere, the Conference ended with the
people attended the second International Conference on Space
unanimous decision that concrete action is needed in four main
Exploration from 32 countries, including eight countries from
areas, with specific actions for Europe (see link in right hand side
outside Europe. Most of the major international space agencies
bar). All delegations agreed to meet next year in Italy for the first
were represented. ESA, the European Commission, members of
meeting of a high-level ‘platform’ to work together on the future
the European Parliament, scientific and trade associations also
of space exploration. The Conference at Ministerial level was
attended the event in Brussels, 21 October. The Conference
co-organised by the Belgium EU Presidency, the European
unanimously concluded that action is needed now to ensure that
Commission, the Italian Presidency of the ESA Council and ESA.
Europe has a significant role in future space exploration. It
2nd International Conference on Space Exploration
Second International Conference on Space Exploration
From left to right: ESA Astronaut Frank De Winne; Belgian Minister of Scientific Research
ESA's Director-General, Jean-Jacques Dordain
ESA Director General Jean-Jacques Dordain
Sabine Laruelle; H.R.H. Prince Philippe of Belgium; ESA Director General Jean-Jacques
Dordain and Italian Undersecretary of State Giuseppe Pizza on the occasion of the 2nd
International Conference on Space Exploration on 21 October held at "Palais d'Egmont" in
Credits: Emmanuel Bourgois, October 2010
addressing the audience at the 2nd International
Conference on Space Exploration on 21 October
in Brussels.
Credits: Emmanuel Bourgois, October 2010
------------------------------------------Posted: Wed, Oct 20, 2010, 7:17 AM ET (1117 GMT)
Soyuz launches Globalstar satellites
A Soyuz rocket successfully launched the first of a new
each, were built by Thales Alenia Space for US-based mobile
generation of communications satellites for Globalstar late
satellite communications company Globalstar to replace its
Tuesday. The Soyuz 2-1A lifted off from the Baikonur
existing fleet of satellites. Those original satellites, launched over
Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan at 1:10 pm EDT (1710 GMT, 11:10
a decade ago, have suffered transponder problems that prevent
pm local time) Tuesday, carrying six Globalstar-2 satellites; the
them from relaying phone signals. Three more Soyuz launches,
Fregat upper stage released the satellites into low Earth orbit an
each also carrying six new Globalstar satellites, are planned for
hour and 40 minutes later. The satellites, weighing 650 kilograms
the first half of 2011.
Related Links:
◆ Space News article
◆ Spaceflight Now article
◆ NASASpaceFlight.com article http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2010/10/live-soyuz-2-1a-launch-six-globalstar-2-satellites/
◆ BBC article
◆ Arianespace press release
------------------------------------------RIA Novosti
Science & Technology http://en.rian.ru/science/
101022 次の ISS へのクルーを乗せたソユーズの打上げ、2 日遅れ
Soyuz launch with next ISS crew to be postponed for 2 days
The launch of the manned spaceship Soyuz TMA-20 with the
Catherine Coleman and Paolo Nespoli to the ISS from Baikonur.
next International Space Station (ISS) crew will be postponed
The Russian Soyuz TMA-18 spacecraft with three crew
from December 13 to December 15, the head of the Federal
members on board successfully landed in Kazakhstan in late
Space Agency Roscosmos said on Friday. The launch date was
September. KOROLYOV, October 22 (RIA Novosti)
postponed because the Soyuz TMA-20 descent vehicle was
damaged while being transported to the Baikonur Space Center
in Kazakhstan. Specialists from the state-controlled company
RKK Energia managed to replace the damaged capsule in two
days. "We have done practically all the main [repair]; we had to
return part of the spacecraft to RKK Energia and bring the
backup copy of the descent vehicle to Baikonur," Anatoly
Perminov said. The Soyuz TMA-20 will deliver Dmitry Kondratyev,
------------------------------------------2010 年 10 月 25 日 15 時 46 分
[編注] 新考案モデルがジェット噴出と回転円盤をよく現すものになった?従来、見た絵は何?
------------------------------------------10 月 22 日(金)17 時 40 分配信
------------------------------------------2010 年 10 月 23 日 16 時 05 分
155kg の水も含まれており、全体の重さの約5・6%を占めていること
------------------------------------------2010 年 10 月 22 日
10:26 JST
月面にはかなり大量の水が存在=米 NASA
砂漠にあるとされる水のおよそ 2 倍の量だ。今回の発見で月面に有人
は昨年の大胆な実験で、時速 5600 マイル(約 8900km)でロケットを月
のクレータに衝突させた後、2 つの周回軌道衛星を利用し衝突衝撃で
ム、銀等他の物質が発見された。 NASAは 22 日発表される米科学
雑誌「サイエンス」誌に、昨年のデータをさらに詳細分析し 6 研究報告
領は最近、10 年間で宇宙飛行士を月に送込むというNASAプログラ
NASAエームズ研究センタの宇宙科学者で、この研究報告の 1 つの
有人探査計画に取組んでいる。 しかし月に行こうとしている国は多い。
中国は 2025 年までに、インドは 2020 年までに宇宙飛行士を月面に
述べた。調査対象となったクレータの土壌の全質量の 5.6%が氷水だと
推定。言換えると 2200 ポンド(約 1000 キロ)月のちりのなかに 10 数ガ
足掛かりとなる無人月面基地を 10 年以内に建設したい考えだ。 NA
ロン(1 ガロン=約 3.79 リットル)の水が存在していることになる。 相当
分だけに水の存在は非常に重要だ。 地球から大量の水を輸送する
ス」という名の極寒クレータだった。 月面の大部分は地球上のどの砂
NASAによると、月までの打上げコストを重さで割ると、月まで 1 ポンド
(約 450 グラム)の水を運ぶと 5 万ドル掛かることになるという。 米が近
明する直接証拠はなかった。 記者: Gautam Naik
------------------------------------------October 22 – 2010
NASA は 10 月 21 日、月面衝突探査機「エルクロス(LCROSS)」衝突
(Anthony Colaprete)はこのように述べた。なお、今回の研究成果は
10 月 22 日付の科学誌「サイエンス」に掲載。
エルクロスは昨年 10 月、月面南極のカベウス・クレータに衝突し、
NASA はその直後に、水を検出したことを発表していたが、その後約 1
することが分かった。NASA によると、カベウス・クレータ表土に含まれる
物質の約 5.6%が氷から形成されており、他にアンモニア、二酸化炭素、
■LRO Supports Historic Lunar Impact Mission
------------------------------------------2010.10.19 18:48
日本初の測位衛星「みちびき」。重さ約4トン、高さ約6m で、打上げ後に太陽
電池パネルを広げると全長約25m になる=今年4月、神奈川県鎌倉市(小
------------------------------------------2010 年 10 月 14 日 20 時 13 分
------------------------------------------2010 10/14 06:30 南日本新聞
「はやぶさ」カプセル 内之浦に12月“帰郷”
------------------------------------------New BOEING-797-1,000 passenger plane
Wednesday, October 13, 2010 9:24 AM メール
Look at this new aircraft....
a huge advantage now that Airbus has committed to the older
Boeing is preparing a 1000 passenger jet that could reshape the
style tubular aircraft for decades to come. There are several big
air travel industry for the next 100 years.. The radical Blended
advantages to the blended wing design, the most important being
Wing design has been developed by Boeing in cooperation with
the lift to drag ratio which is expected to increase by an amazing
the NASA Langley Research Center . The huge plane will have a
50%, with overall weight reduced by 25%, making it an estimated
wing span of 265 feet compared to the 747's 211 feet, and is
33% more efficient than the A380, and making Airbus's $13 billion
designed to fit within the newly created terminals used for the
dollar investment look pretty shaky. High body rigidity is another
555 seat Airbus A380, which is 262 feet wide. The new 797 is in
key factor in blended wing aircraft, It reduces turbulence and
direct response to the Airbus A380 which has racked up 159
creates less stress on the air frame which adds to efficiency,
orders. Boeing decide to kill its 747X stretched super jumbo in
giving the 797 a tremendous 8800 nautical mile range with its
2003 after little interest was shown by airline companies, but has
1000 passengers flying comfortably at mach 0.88 or 654 mph
continued to develop the ultimate Airbus crusher 797 for years
at its Phantom Works research facility in Long Beach, Calif. The
tube-and-wing designed A380's 570 mph. The exact date for
Airbus A380 has been in the works since 1999 and has
introduction is unclear, yet the battle lines are clearly drawn in
accumulated $13 billion in development costs, which gives Boeing
the high-stakes war for future civilian air supremacy.
------------------------------------------中国・韓国 関連
------------------------------------------2010 年 10 月 25 日
初代衛星追跡艦「遠望 1 号」が引退
中国衛星海上測控部はこのほど、初代遠望型衛星追跡艦「遠望 1
号」が 32 年にわたる衛星追跡任務を終え、引退したことを明らかに。
22 日、遠望 1 号が誕生した上海江南長興造船集団が愛国教育の
場として一般開放。24 日付「中国網」伝。遠望 1 号は中国が独自に
だった。この 32 年間、遠望 1 号は海洋遠征 44 回、2600 日以上にわ
設計・建造を手掛けた第一代総合衛星追跡艦で、1978 年に中国衛
たり 44 万海里を安全に航行。長距離ロケット、気象衛星、有人宇宙
船など 57 回の国家的科学実験任務に加わり、中国宇宙開発事業
開けた。1980 年 5 月、遠望 1 号は艦船 17 隻と共に海洋遠征に向け
の発展に重要な貢献を果たした。(編集 KA)
------------------------------------------2010 年 10 月 22 日
中国 独自の火星周回探査に向けた技術案を提出
北京で 21 日に行われた「第 3 回中国宇宙技術フォーラム」によると、
中国宇宙技術研究院は、月探査衛星「嫦娥 1 号」のプラットフォーム
を基礎とし、月探査 1 期、2 期プロジェクトの技術を総合的に応用し、
中国独自火星周回探査に向けた技術方案を研究・提出した。21 日
(編集 SN)
------------------------------------------2010 年 10 月 21 日
中国国家航天局(CNSA)はこのほど、リモセン衛星「遥感 11 号」と浙
伝。浙江大学が開発した「皮星 1 号A」は中国初の超小型衛星で、
江大学が開発した超小型衛星「皮星 1 号A」2 機を載せた「長征 2
長 さ 15cm 、 重 さ 3.5kg 、 通 常 消 費 電 力 3.5W 。 皮 衛 星
号 D」ロケットを、甘粛省酒泉衛星発射センタから打上げた。785 秒後、
(Pico-Satellite)とは重量が 1kg 程度の超小型衛星を指し、マイクロ
衛星とロケットは分離し予定軌道に入った。皮星 1 号Aは 96 分ごとに
地球を 1 周し、予定されていた全任務を完了。21 日付「科技日報」
路を核とする超小型衛星が急速に発展。「皮星 1 号A」は中国の
出した。(編集 KA)
------------------------------------------10 月 19 日(火)10 時 30 分配信
度目の打上げと韓型ロケットKSLV-II の開発を並行すれば研究スタ
------------------------------------------2010 年 10 月 19 日
「天宮 1 号」、組立作業完了 来年打上げへ
ングを実施する天宮 1 号、改良型長征 2 号 F ロケット、改良型神舟
「天宮 1 号」組立作業は完了し、2011 年打上げが計画されている。そ
ッキングに向けた各準備は順調に進展。(編集 KA)
の後、「神舟 8 号」が打上げられ、天宮 1 号とのランデブ-・ドッキング予
------------------------------------------2010 年 10 月 18 日
南半球には南天 LAMOST 望遠鏡建設を計画している。中でも、貴
よると、中国は 2020 年までに、地上から宇宙、内陸部から南極ドーム
州省平塘県に設置予定の 500m 電波望遠鏡は、年内に起工予定だ。
を建設する計画だ。16 日「新華網」伝。趙研究員は貴陽で 14 日に終
了した「中国科学院 2010 年度国際科学技術協力業務シンポジウ
の基礎を活かし、2020 年までに初となる中国独自の宇宙天文衛星打
ム」において、2020 年に向けた天文発展計画について: 中国の天文
飛躍的発展を実現すべき。現在、中国は世界最大となる直径 500m
の電波望遠鏡(FAST)を建設している他、30m 望遠鏡(TMT)計画に
重要な国際影響力を形成していく。(編集 SN)
------------------------------------------2010 年 10 月 18 日
「嫦娥 2 号」、業務は順調に進行中
15 日、国家国防科技工業局によると、15 日午後 5 時 10 分現在、
探測器。16 日、中央電視台によると、16 日現在、「嫦娥 2 号」と地上
月探査衛星「嫦娥 2 号」搭載 CCD 立体カメラ以外の 6 種の観測機
れた。2 回行われたテストでは 2 回とも、1 秒当り 12M の転送率がテス
く。CCD 立体カメラは 10 月下旬に起動予定。衛星ペイロードサブシス
トされた。このスピードは「嫦娥 1 号」の 4 倍となり、1 分間にデジタル写
テム専門家によると、「嫦娥 2 号」搭載された 7 種の観測機器はそれぞ
真数十枚相当のファイルを転送できる。16 日「科技日報」伝。(編集
れ、CCD 立体カメラ、レーザ高度計、ガンマ線分光装置、X線分光装
Europeans Struggle for Consensus on Launcher Development Strategy
■[機関] 欧州、次期輸送系開発の合意づくりに難航
仏は Ariane 5 ME より Ariane 6 推進を好んでいるのに対し、独は現時点で
コメント: まあ、仏は1段で独は2段なので、自分に大きなお金が来る方を支
の A5 後継機開発は時期尚早として A5ME での上段開発を推している。
2010-10-21-Thu AviationWeek(10/20)
Arianespace Says Long-Term Viability At Stake
■[機関] Arianespace 社、打上げ事業継続のための外部資金投入の必要性を訴え
株主からの追加投資及び EGAS (European Guaranteed Access to Space program) 相当の公的支援継続がないと事業継続性に問題がでる。
U.S. Air Force Ponders New Upper-stage Rocket Engine
■[ロケット] 米空軍、2017 年までに EELV 用新型上段エンジンを開発する構想
RL10 シリーズを置換えて Delta 4 と Atlas 5 に共通に使用できるものとする
構想。推力は 25klb~35klb クラスで現行エンジンと同等の比推力を要求し
待しているとのこと。11/9 期限で産業界から提案を受け付けている。
“would use modern design and manufacturing methods. It is expected that the new engine will demonstrate state-of-the-art operating margin
and reliability and minimize life-cycle costs,”
NASA Spaceflight(10/19)
Soyuz 2-1A launches with six Globalstar 2 satellites
■[ロケット] Starsem 社、Soyuz 2-1a ロケットで Globalstar 2 衛星 6 機を打上げ
Globalstar 第 2 世代衛星は約 700kg で第 1 世代の 450kg より大幅に大型
代 Globalstar は 1999 年から 2007 年にかけて旧 Soyuz により 4 機同時打
化したが、Soyuz 能力向上のため 6 機同時打上げが可能となった。第 1 世
■[有人宇宙] NASA、CCDev Round 2 の募集を 10/25 にも開始予定
Sierra Nevada Passes Third CCDev Milestone with Firings of Engine ...
Oct 11, 2010 ... Sierra Nevada Corp. completed two major development milestones under NASA's Commercial Crew Development (CCDev) program.
NASA8194 Authorization Bill Still Leaves Questions Unanswered ...
Oct 4, 2010 ... NASA initiated CCDev in 2009 with $50 million in
technologies in support of ...
economic stimulus funding in an effort to seed development of
NASA Set To Seek Bids for New Round of CCDev Work http://www.spacenews.com/civil/101001-nasa-bids-new-round-ccdev.html
Oct 1, 2010 ... NASA intends to make multiple yearlong space act
agreement awards to firms seeking to mature technologies in support
■[深宇宙探査] 中国、長征 3C ロケットで 2 機目の月探査衛星を打上げ
10/1 に打上げ、5 日で月に到着し、高度 15km の周回軌道に投入。ローバ
コメント: 掲載忘れ
着陸点を探査を 6 ヶ月実施予定。
Sirius XM Radio satellite launched by Russian rocket
■[ロケット] ILS 社、Proton ロケットで衛星ラジオ放送衛星を打上げ
衛星質量は 6ton。5 回の Breeze M の燃焼で、近地点 4235km,遠地点 35786km,軌道傾斜角 22.84 度の GTO に投入。
Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne Awarded $60.3 Million NASA Contract for Continued Support of the Space Shuttle Main Engine
■[機関] NASA、PWR 社と来年 3 月末までの SSME 支援契約$60.3M を締結
FY2011(*)に移動した 2 機のスペースシャトル打上げ前整備、射場整備作
日から当年 9 月 30 日
業支援、打上げ後整備が含まれる。(*)注: 米の会計年度は前年 10 月 1
米国防総省でサイバー分野を担当する Robert Butler 次官補は、米軍だ
対象に含めることを明らかにした。(DefenseNews 2010/10/20)
Northrop Grumman Corp. の 社 長 兼 CEO ・ Wes Bush 氏 は CSIS
(Center for Strategic and International Studies) の昼食会で、支出削減
に対して、産業基盤維持の観点から懸念を表明。たとえば、F-35 に続く次
者を募集・育成する問題についても指摘。(DefenseNews 2010/10/19)
韓政府は、2008 年の時点で年間 25 億ドルとなっている武器輸出を
Defense Development) が仕切っている研究開発について、ミサイル・サイバ
2020 年までに 40 億ドルに増加させる構想をまとめた。韓国内防衛産業
を輸出重視型に転換し、50,000 名の雇用と年間 100 億ドルの売上を確
行する提案も。(Forecast International 2010/10/19)
保、そのうち 40% を輸出に充てる構想。また、現在は ADA (Agency for
Wikileaks.org の広報担当・Kristinn Hrafnsson 氏が「イラク戦争関連の
公開するかは明らかにしていない。(SpaceWar 2010/10/18)
秘密文書・40 万点を、近いうちに公開する」と発言。但し現時点で、いつ
[関連ニュース] イラク市民死者6万6千人…ウィキリークス公開
Thales Alenia Space は、GlobalStar から受注している GLobalStar-2
え 2025 年まで運用する。L/C バンド受信機×16 機・C/S バンドのトラ
衛星群のうち最初の 6 機について、カザフスタンの Baikonur Cosmodrome
ポン×16 本を装備、重量 700kg、出力 1.7kW。 (Thales Alenia Space
から打上げたと発表。Arianespace と Starsem が Soyuz ブースタを使っ
て実施した。最終的には 48 機の LEO (Low Earth Orbit) 通信衛星を揃
Boeing Co. は、LightSquared (ex-SkyTerra) 向けの移動体通信衛星・
Services) の Proton ブースタで打上げ予定。バスは Boeing 702HP、
SkyTerra 1 を 完 成 、 打 上 げ 拠 点 と な る カ ザ フ ス タ ン の Baikonur
4G-LTE の通信を提供。(Boeing 2010/10/19)
Cosmodrome に 送 出 し た 。 11/14 に
ILS (International Launch
Ariane 5 ブースタの主契約社を務める Astrium Space Transportation
Evolution) の開発を推進する。また、1 年前から ASCEP (Ariane Supply
は、これまでに 38 回の打上げ成功記録を残している Ariane 5 ECA につ
Chain Excellence Programme) も 実 施 し て い る 。 (EADS Astrium
い て 、 性 能 ・ 信 頼 性 を 向 上 す る 施 策 を 導 入 、 Ariane 5 ME (Midlife
SSTL (Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd.) は、小型の技術実証衛星・
供、ペイロードは SSTL が英の産学会と共同負担して実現する。設計段
TechDemoSat-1 の 開 発 を ス タ ー ト 。 英 の 技 術 戦 略 会 議 と SEEDA
階がうまくいったら、さらに 273 万ポンドを支出し衛星製造に駒を進める。
(South East England Development Agency) が 77 万ポンドの資金を提
(SSTL 2010/10/18)
Raytheon Co. は、同社が米海軍向けに開発したマルチバンド衛星通信端
日のマイルストーン C 評価の通過を受け、最初の量産契約受注を明らか
末機・NMT (Navy Multiband Terminal) について、システム開発完了と先
に。(Raytheon 2010/10/18)
カナダで CCPA (Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives) が、「F-35 は
機体は必要としていない。9.11 同時多発テロのような事態に対応するにも
ずに F-35 の採用を決めた点を攻撃している。さらに、2006 年に調印した
向かない」とする報告書 "Pilot Error: Why the F-35 stealth fighter is
wrong for Canada" を出した。F-35 よりも UAV・輸送機・大型ヘリといっ
は課せられない、という話を持出した向きも。 (CCPA 2010/10/14, Canadian
た "自国の防衛にも災害派遣や人道支援にも使える、汎用性を備える装
Broadcasting Corp. 2010/10/14, Canadian Liberal Party 2010/10/18, The Hill
備" の方が必要性が高い、との主張。さらにカナダでは、野党の労働党が
Times 2010/10/18)
F-35 調達計画に疑義を呈して、「CF-18 の代替機は必要だが、想定任
ベルギーの Brussels で開催された NATO 国防相・外相会議では、新し
議題になったとの報道がある。Anders Fogh Rasmussen 事務総長は
も重大な懸念事項。(Deutsche Welle German radio 2010/10/13)
「NATO はもっとも成功した同盟関係だが、今後もそれをフルに維持する所
ILS (International Launch Services) は カ ザ フ ス タ ン の
星 ミ ッ シ ョ ン で は 6 回 目 ) の 打 上 げ 事 例 。 衛 星 は SS/L (Space
Cosmodrome から Proton Breeze M ブースタを使って、米の衛星ラジオ放
Systems/Loral) 製 1300 バスを使用し 130 チャンネルをカバー、西経
送会社・SIRIUS XM Radio 向け XM-5 衛星を打上げ。同社向けとしては
80 度 の 軌 道 で 試 験 を 実 施 後 、 西 経 85.2 度 の 定 位 置 に 移 す 。 (ILS
5 機目、今年に入ってからの Proton の打上げとしては 9 回目 (商業衛
Robert M.Gates 米国防長官と Janet Napolitano 米国土安全保障省
長官は、サイバー セキュリティ対策強化のための新たな枠組みに関する合
いった分野強化が目的。(DoD 2010/10/13)
Microsoft Corp. が 10/13 にリリースした大量のセキュリティ修正プログラム
の も 含 ま れ て お り 、 迅 速 な 適 用 を 呼 び か け て い る と こ ろ 。 (SpaceWar
の中には、例の Stuxnet ワームが利用していた脆弱性に対処するためのも
英 政 府 通 信 本 部
(GCHQ : Government Communications
Headquarters) で長を務める Iain Lobban 氏が、「英は、送電網等の重
コンピュータ ネットワークを狙って送りつけられる悪意を持った電子メールだけ
で、月間 1,000 通にのぼる。(SpaceWar 2010/10/13)
スウェーデンの南部・Belkinge にある軍の施設や装備が衛星写真に映り、そ
れが Google によってインターネット経由で公開され、スウェーデン軍では懸
間ブタ箱入りになる可能性がある。(Swedish Radio Corp. 2010/10/12)
ェーデンでは海軍基地を機密施設に指定しており、写真撮影をすると、3 年
兆し。Robert M.Gates 米国防長官が中国の Liang Guanglie 国防相とベ
問題でも、米が多国間の解決を求めていることから中国と対立中。 (AFPS
トナムの Hanoi で会談、さらに中国側は Gates 国防長官に訪中を提示。
2010/10/11, DefenseNews 2010/10/11)
9/1 から Edwards AFB で、EHF Increment 1 衛星通信システムを搭載
Defense and Space Electronic Systems (Plymouth, MN) 製のディスク ド
し た B-2A の 飛 行 試 験 が ス タ ー ト し た 。 Lockheed Martin Systems
ライブ、光ファイバ通信網を導入。(Northrop Grumman 2010/10/13)
Integration (Owego, NY) 製 の 統 合 プ ロ セ ッ サ ユ ニ ッ ト 、 Honeywell
衛星通信関連製品を手掛ける Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd. は、Ka・
Wavestream Corp. を、1 億 3,000 万ドルで買収する。SIGS (Spacenet
Ku・X・C バンド対応高出力のソリッドステート パワーアンプ (SSPA : Solid
Integrated Government Solutions) 分野における地歩強化が目的。(Gilat
State Power Amplifier) と BUC (Block Upconverter) を 手 掛 け る
Satellite Networks 2010/10/13)
Astrium Services の Telecoms Division 傘下、Paradigm Services は、
ネルの X バンド ペイロードと、カナダをカバーする Ku バンドのトラポン×16
Telesat との間で Anik G1 衛星の X バンド対応トランスポンダを 15 年リ
本、南米をカバーする C バンド×24 本・Ku バンド×12 本のトラポンを装
ースする契約を締結。英・カナダ・米の軍やその他の政府機関に対し、X バ
備 。 能 力 的 に は Skynet 5 並 み 。 (Paradigm Secure Communications
ンド衛星通信サービス提供が目的。Anik G1 は 2012 年後半打上げを予
定、軌道位置は西経 107.3 度、米・カナダ・太平洋をカバーする 3 チャン
2010/3/22 撮影 Google Earth の衛星写真に、シリア国内に密かに開設
された Scud ミサイル訓練基地が映っており、そこで Hizbullah のメンバが
and Weekly Times via DID 2010/10/12)
は Space and Airborne Systems Division (El Segundo) で 130 名削減
業を支える、13 万名・5,500 社あまりのサプライヤが影響を受ける見込み。
を決めている。この他、Boeing Co. は役員 10% 削減、Lockheed Martin
Corp. は役員 25% 削減を表明。Los Angeles Times 紙が報じた。 (Los
るところもある。大手でも、Northrop Grumman Corp. は El Segundo や
Angeles Times 2010/10/10)
Redondo Beach の事業所を主体に 500 名余の削減を、Raytheon Co.
------------------------------------------C4ISR Journal
------------------------------------------RIA Novosti
Military News
Jane’s Defence Weekly http://jdw.janes.com/public/jdw/index.shtml
22-Oct-2010 英国の SDSR の分析:予備軍は削減されないが、将来は変化に直面
SDSR analysis: Reserve Forces survive axe but face changes in future
The UK's Reserve Forces were untouched by the Strategic Defence
their future structure, ...
and Security Review (SDSR), but instead face a six-month study into
英国は SDSR の発行に伴い熟練した職員の組織を確立する
UK establishes body for skilled workers in wake of SDSR
The UK government has established a body to ensure that "high value skills in the defence sector can be effectively redeployed", a move that ...
米国は$60B に上る主な売却をサウジアラビアに計画
US plans major sale worth $60bn to Saudi Arabia
The US government has released details of a major pending arms sale that would send up to USD60 billion worth of aircraft and weapons to...
Japan to boost submarine fleet in response to China moves
The Japanese Ministry of Defense (MoD) plans to increase the Japan
from the current ...
Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) submarine fleet to more than 20
SDSR: 英国の防衛レビューで空軍力が大きく影響を受ける
SDSR: Air power hit hard in UK defence review
Air power is to bear the brunt of the proposed cutbacks to UK defence spending over the next five years, with the Royal Air ...
Northrop Grumman opened its UK Cyber Security Test Range in
Northrop Grumman inaugurates UK Cyber Security Test Range
commercially available cyber ...
Fareham, Hampshire, on 22 October. The centre, which is the first
ベネズエラはイラン向けに禁止されたロシアの S-300 に注目
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez confirmed on 18 October that his
Venezuela eyes Russian S-300s banned from Iran
batteries recently refused to Iran. ...
country plans to acquire the Russian S-300 air-defence missile
インドの UAV のテスト成功
Indian UAV tests a success
This is a revised version of an article published on 19 October. India
(MALE) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) ...
successfully tested its Rustom medium-altitude long-endurance
South Korea draws up plans for bigger defence industry
South Korea has announced plans for a radical revamp of its defence industry in a bid to increase exports and reduce dependency on imports. ...
10/20 ISS の日本製ペイロードの安全審査権限を NASA から JAXA に委譲(JAXA,毎)
10/19 1711GMT 打上成功:移動体通信衛星 Globalstar(6 基),Soyuz/Fregat,Baikonur
10/19 みちびき初期機能確認 測位信号を送信開始(JAXA,産)
10/19 IHI エアロスペースがはやぶさカプセルのレプリカを富岡市に寄贈(朝)
10/14 1853GMT 打上成功:ラジオ放送衛星 XM 5(米),Proton/Breeze M,Baikonur
10/14 日本人宇宙飛行士訓練拠点つくばへ 飛行士ら順次帰国(毎,読,経,時,朝,共)
10/28 2151-2317GMT 打上:{通信衛星 W3B,放送衛星 BSAT3b(日本)},Ariane5ECA,Kourou
10/27 1511GMT 打上:Progress 40P,Soyuz,Baikonur
11/20 第 18 回衛星設計コンテスト最終審査会,静岡科学館る・く・る
11/17-19 第 54 回宇宙科学技術連合講演会,静岡グランシップ
10/29 「おおすみ」40 周年記念シンポジウム,科学技術館(東京)
10/26-2011/2/6 空と宇宙展 飛べ!100 年の夢,国立科学博物館(上野)
・10/26-11/7 小惑星探査機「はやぶさ」カプセル等の展示
10/24 JAXA 増田宇宙通信所 一般公開
10/24 ロケットまつり 41「おいら宇宙の探鉱夫」上映&トーク,ロフトプラスワン
10/24 全天周映像「HAYABUSA -BACK TO THE EARTH-」,飛騨プラネタリウム
10/23-1/30 佐賀県立宇宙科学館 企画展「飛ぶ~空へ宇宙へ」
・10/23-12/12 はやぶさ,イトカワ,IKAROS 縮小模型展示
10/23 科学ライブショー「ユニバース」,JAXA 吉川真,科学技術館(東京)
10/22-23 「三鷹・星と宇宙の日」国立天文台三鷹地区特別公開
11/26 IEICE 宇宙・航行エレクトロニクス研究会,JAXA 相模原
11/26 JSASS 中部・関西支部合同秋期大会,名城大学
11/26 申込締切:平成 22 年度宇宙航空品質保証シンポジウム, 12/1,秋葉原コンベンションホール
11/25 JAXA 宇宙航空技術研究発表会,日本科学未来館
11/24 第 38 回溶接学会東部支部実用溶接講座(見学会&講演会),
「宇宙機器製造工場の見学および航空宇宙技術と溶接」,IHI 富岡工場
11/23 申込締切:47th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit,8/1-3,San Diego
11/10 JSME 産業・化学機械と安全部門 第 21 回トワイライトセミナー, JAXA 関田隆一「宇宙開発設備の信頼性を向上させるリスクベースメンテナンスの導
入」,産業技術総合研究所 秋葉原事業所
11/6 JSME 北陸信越支部 特別講演会,JAXA 泉耕二 日本の交通システムの変化と世界の航空宇宙の今」,信州大学
10/28-29 第 13 回宇宙太陽発電システム(SPS)シンポジウム,日本大学(駿河台)
10/28-29 Joint Conference on Satellite Communications(JC-SAT2010),慶州(韓国)
10/27-29 第 9 回宇宙用半導体素子放射線影響国際ワークショップ, 高崎シティギャラリー
10/27-29 International Conference on Space, Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics 2010(ICSANE2010),済州島(韓国)
10/27 JSME 中国四国支部 特別講演会,JAXA 原田正行,和田勝 「国際宇宙ステーションにおける日本の役割と開発で得た技術・知見」,山口大学
10/25 超小型衛星利用開拓×信州ワークショップ,信州大学
10/25 申込締切:月と火星の縦孔・溶岩チューブ探査研究会,12/2-3,ISAS 相模原
10/22 申込締切:第 51 回航空原動機・宇宙推進講演会,2011/3/3-4,広島 YMCA ホール
11/30 応募締切:古川宇宙飛行士の「宇宙ふしぎ実験」と 「宇宙医学にチャレンジ!」のアイデアを募集>JAXA
10/22 新刊:的川泰宣「喜・怒・哀・楽の宇宙日記 3」共立出版
------------------------------------------中国政府「自主開発」地図サイト開通、でも「衛星写真は Google と同じ!」(サーチナ)26 日 - 10 時 8 分
「天地図」(www.tianditu.cn)が 21 日、開通。同局は「国家地理情報サービスの重
要成果」と胸を張っているようだが、早くも「使われている衛星写真が Google マップと同
として、Google マップと「天地図」双方で同地点の衛星写真を出すと、建物の位置が
だ」とコメント。中国政府は今年 5 月、中国国内でインターネットによる地理情報サービ
しかし反応速度が遅く、時には数分間地図が開かないことがあった他、地名検索 sh
月までに、騰訊、百度、新浪、ノキア等 31 社が申請を行っているが、Google 社は中
Google マップにデータを提供している米 DigitalGlobe 社のものだろうと指摘。その理由
インド・シン首相会見要旨 中国の動きに警戒感/宇宙開発など協力(産経新聞)24 日 - 7 時 56 分
わが国は火星探査を行う実力がある 中国が 2013 年に火星探査か(サーチナ)23 日 - 17 時 56 分
【中国】火星探査機、2013 年打ち上げへ…「将来の移住も視野」(サーチナ)22 日 - 11 時 16 分
中国がレアアース備蓄システム構築で他国からの制約に対応(2)(サーチナ)18 日 - 13 時 2 分
------------------------------------------.月面に水や銀などが存在、衝突実験で判明=NASA(ロイター)22 日 - 16 時 30 分
------------------------------------------.来月 1 日、シャトル打ち上げ=「人間型ロボット」も―NASA(時事通信)26 日 - 6 時 48 分
はやぶさ 持ち帰った微粒子860個に JAXA(毎日新聞)25 日 - 20 時 3 分
東京で「空と宇宙展」、はやぶさカプセルも(TBS 系(JNN))25 日 - 19 時 59 分
岩石質の微粒子 800 個発見=はやぶさ回収、詳細分析へ―宇宙機構(時事通信)25 日 - 17 時 8 分
土星の荒野に浮かぶパレネ(ナショナルジオグラフィック 公式日本語サイト)25 日 - 11 時 33 分 *S08
イトカワの微粒子、12月にも本格分析始まる 発見なら月以外で世界初(産経新聞)25 日 - 10 時 5 分 *S09
宇宙滑走路を供用開始---商用では世界初(レスポンス)23 日 - 18 時 15 分 *S10
月面に水や銀などが存在、衝突実験で判明=NASA(ロイター)22 日 - 16 時 30 分
X 線観測で 2 個目の新天体=実験棟「きぼう」の監視装置―宇宙機構(時事通信)22 日 - 16 時 12 分
月に予想より多い水分が存在~NASA(日本テレビ系(NNN))22 日 - 11 時 54 分
地球全体の森林図を公開(時事通信)21 日 - 20 時 24 分 *S11
地球全体の森林図を公開=衛星「だいち」で観測―宇宙機構(時事通信)21 日 - 19 時 20 分
イカロス君はこんなに大きい 宇宙ヨットの帆、一般公開(ITmedia News)21 日 - 15 時 2 分
ディスカバリーの貨物点検(ナショナルジオグラフィック 公式日本語サイト)21 日 - 12 時 3 分 *S12
<NASA>JAXAに実験装置の安全審査権限委譲へ(毎日新聞)20 日 - 19 時 38 分
タイムカプセル:30年後の開封楽しみ 「はやぶさ」模し--大和郡山 /奈良(毎日新聞)20 日 - 16 時 29 分
ハートレー第 2 彗星:フライバイ調査(ナショナルジオグラフィック 公式日本語サイト)20 日 - 13 時 4 分 *S13
準天頂衛星初号機「みちびき」、初の測位信号を送信 (産経新聞)19 日 - 18 時 56 分 *S14
韓国初の宇宙発射体「羅老号の失敗、政策的責任糾明を」(中央日報日本語版)19 日 - 10 時 30 分
民間宇宙旅行の時代へ期待(CNN.co.jp)18 日 - 17 時 51 分
中国がレアアース備蓄システム構築で他国からの制約に対応(2)(サーチナ)18 日 - 13 時 2 分
菊池寛賞に「はやぶさ」プロジェクトチーム(産経新聞)15 日 - 23 時 19 分
土星の衛星イアペトゥスの形成に新説(ナショナルジオグラフィック 公式日本語サイト)15 日 - 18 時 21 分 *S15
<JAXA>日本人飛行士順次帰国へ 訓練拠点の筑波移転で(毎日新聞)14 日 - 20 時 4 分
小惑星の地球衝突、核爆弾で回避可能?(ナショナルジオグラフィック 公式日本語サイト)14 日 - 19 時 40 分
はやぶさ カプセル公開に行列400人 名古屋(毎日新聞)14 日 - 13 時 8 分
<チリ落盤>日本企業も支えに 下着やキャンディー提供(毎日新聞)14 日 - 12 時 34 分
秋の園遊会 2000人を招待 宇宙飛行士2人も(毎日新聞)14 日 - 5 時 1 分 *S16
みちびき、測位信号送信開始…GPS 受信機の対応支援制度も(レスポンス)13 日 - 7 時 30 分
土星衛星タイタンに生命の構成物質か?(ナショナルジオグラフィック 公式日本語サイト)12 日 - 18 時 55 分 *S17
[動画]VSS エンタープライズ…ヴァージン宇宙船、初の単独飛行(レスポンス)12 日 - 11 時 30 分 *S18
小惑星探査機:「はやぶさ」記録映画 「全国唯一」の自主上映、1万人突破 /岡山(毎日新聞)11 日 - 15 時 11 分
ヴァージン宇宙船、初の単独飛行に成功(レスポンス)11 日 - 13 時 30 分
<新聞博物館>開館10年記念トークショー(毎日新聞)10 日 - 19 時 39 分
------------------------------------------菅首相 インドのシン首相と会談 EPA締結で正式合意(毎日新聞)25 日 - 21 時 31 分 *N11
インド参加の国際熱核融合実験炉:輸出管理グループ、東京で会合(インド新聞)25 日 - 12 時 0 分
「2年で核兵器持てる」 都知事、早急な議論の必要性語る(産経新聞)25 日 - 7 時 58 分
「日本は2年で核持てる」と石原都知事(産経新聞)24 日 - 22 時 49 分
菅首相「安保環境の厳しさ増す」観閲式で訓示(読売新聞)24 日 - 20 時 20 分
中国海軍への警戒強化を=自衛隊観閲式で訓示―菅首相(時事通信)24 日 - 12 時 2 分
インドのシン首相インタビュー詳報(産経新聞)24 日 - 7 時 8 分 *N12
中国解放軍が北に駐留との報道で、韓国ネット上「中国との一戦は不可避」(サーチナ)23 日 - 0 時 30 分
<国際原子力開発>設立 事故やテロ「売り込み」に不安も(毎日新聞)22 日 - 20 時 21 分
「北朝鮮、核実験の可能性排除できない」統一部長官(聯合ニュース)22 日 - 17 時 13 分 *N13
統一部 玄長官
「核実験は挑発行動」北朝鮮をけん制(TBS 系(JNN))22 日 - 11 時 15 分
北“核実験”で防衛相「未確認、米と情報交換」(読売新聞)22 日 - 10 時 48 分
北朝鮮の核実験・ミサイル発射は挑発行為、米国務省(聯合ニュース)22 日 - 10 時 2 分
北は挑発中止を=核実験報道で米(時事通信)22 日 - 8 時 33 分
非核特使 カイロの子どもに被爆体験…映像作家の田辺さん(毎日新聞)21 日 - 20 時 9 分
「北朝鮮が核実験を準備」報道に韓国政府「具体的な兆候ない」(サーチナ)21 日 - 18 時 42 分
北朝鮮、過去 2 回の核実験場周辺で動き活発化=韓国紙(ロイター)21 日 - 13 時 12 分
北朝鮮が核実験を準備、3か月後か…韓国紙報道(読売新聞)21 日 - 11 時 11 分
北・豊渓里で人の動き、政府筋は「核実験準備」否定(聯合ニュース)21 日 - 10 時 12 分
サウジに 600 億ドルの武器売却=イランの脅威に対抗―米(時事通信)21 日 - 9 時 18 分
広島型の 600 倍の威力持つ B53 解体(時事通信)20 日 - 18 時 51 分 *N14
冷戦時代の大型核爆弾解体へ=広島型の 600 倍の威力―米(時事通信)20 日 - 18 時 22 分
中国企業、核開発支援か 米懸念「イラン制裁決議違反」(産経新聞)20 日 - 7 時 56 分
英国防見直し 核弾頭40発削減(産経新聞)20 日 - 7 時 56 分
空母廃艦、核システム更新は延期=英が 12 年ぶり防衛見直し(時事通信)20 日 - 1 時 8 分
中国企業がイラン制裁無視か 米側が懸念表明、中国は調査確約(産経新聞)19 日 - 21 時 19 分
「敵でも安全」ドル求め長い列 経済制裁 イラン国民生活にも影響(産経新聞)19 日 - 7 時 56 分
北朝鮮危機時「同盟国・日本に頼れず」 モンデール元駐日米大使自伝(産経新聞)19 日 - 7 時 56 分
韓国国民:日韓軍事演習は日本軍事拡張への支持と批判(サーチナ)17 日 - 17 時 32 分
------------------------------------------菅首相が中国を牽制「多様な事態に対処を」―自衛隊観閲式、米軍も初飛行(Record China)25 日 - 20 時 15 分
ウィキリークス、今度はイラク戦争関連を公開(読売新聞)23 日 - 11 時 28 分
きょう「重大な発表」=ウィキリークス、イラク文書公開か(時事通信)23 日 - 1 時 5 分
核攻撃の暗証番号カード紛失=クリントン大統領時代―元米軍高官暴露(時事通信)22 日 - 12 時 29 分
米軍基地テロ犯の情報、伝達されず CIA が調査報告(CNN.co.jp)20 日 - 19 時 3 分
ハンガリーの有害汚泥流出 東欧では「安全」置き去り(産経新聞)18 日 - 18 時 47 分
元タリバン兵の社会復帰(時事通信)15 日 - 18 時 18 分
沖縄政策協議会の振興部会 地元要望「しっかり受け止める」と仙谷氏(産経新聞)26 日 - 11 時 44 分
米国務省、黄海米韓軍事演習の延期確認(TBS 系(JNN))26 日 - 9 時 56 分
「普天間」閉塞 ムチ隠しても/アメ並べても 米も不快感示す(産経新聞)26 日 - 7 時 56 分
イラクでの拷問容認を否定=ウィキリークスに反論―米参謀総長(時事通信)26 日 - 7 時 44 分
普天間基地、危険性除去で作業部会設置へ(TBS 系(JNN))26 日 - 5 時 33 分
沖縄政策協議会、政府と県が部会の初会合(日本テレビ系(NNN))26 日 - 1 時 53 分
八方塞がりの「普天間」 負担軽減先行に米も不快感(産経新聞)25 日 - 23 時 14 分
基地汚染で日米が作業部会=政府が沖縄県に報告―政策協(時事通信)25 日 - 20 時 51 分
菅首相が中国を牽制「多様な事態に対処を」―自衛隊観閲式、米軍も初飛行(Record China)25 日 - 20 時 15 分
在日米軍司令官が交代(時事通信)25 日 - 15 時 44 分
仲井真知事再選を支持=自民・谷垣氏(時事通信)25 日 - 15 時 38 分
在日米軍司令官が交代=フィールド中将が就任(時事通信)25 日 - 14 時 40 分
世界各地でミツバチ大量死 米軍などミステリー解明の糸口(J-CAST ニュース)24 日 - 17 時 12 分
機密公開「真実のため」ウィキリークス創始者(読売新聞)24 日 - 16 時 12 分
ウィキリークス、米機密文書40万点公開 イラク関連、最大規模(産経新聞)24 日 - 7 時 57 分
米軍文書の政治利用けん制=イラク首相―混迷の連立協議に影響も(時事通信)23 日 - 23 時 38 分
<沖縄協議会>25日から 普天間めぐり「同床異夢」(毎日新聞)23 日 - 21 時 51 分
ウィキリークス、イラク戦争の米軍機密文書 40 万点を公開(ロイター)23 日 - 17 時 1 分
イラク軍事作戦の機密文書 40 万点公開、ウィキリークス(CNN.co.jp)23 日 - 16 時 51 分
米軍潜水艦に女性兵士が初搭乗へ、来年 12 月から(CNN.co.jp)23 日 - 15 時 21 分
米軍内部資料、イラク関連40万点公開(TBS 系(JNN))23 日 - 12 時 46 分
米国と協力者危険にさらす=漏えい情報は「断片」―国防総省(時事通信)23 日 - 11 時 56 分
ウィキリークス、イラク駐留米軍の機密文書40万点公開 (産経新聞)23 日 - 11 時 32 分
イラク市民死者6万6千人…ウィキリークス公開(読売新聞)23 日 - 11 時 28 分
19 歳のカリフォルニア大学生がサメに襲われ死亡(CNN.co.jp)23 日 - 10 時 33 分
イラク戦争文書公開=死者 10 万 9000 人に、6 割以上が非戦闘員―告発サイト(時事通信)23 日 - 7 時 23 分
きょう「重大な発表」=ウィキリークス、イラク文書公開か(時事通信)23 日 - 1 時 5 分
同性愛者と公表、除隊規則を維持…米国防総省(読売新聞)23 日 - 0 時 5 分
27日に日米外相会談 オバマ大統領来日に向け(産経新聞)22 日 - 19 時 23 分
「思いやり予算」、円高理由に増額要求(TBS 系(JNN))22 日 - 13 時 0 分
核攻撃の暗証番号カード紛失=クリントン大統領時代―元米軍高官暴露(時事通信)22 日 - 12 時 29 分
中国の台頭に反撃せよ(1)=米国の元海軍司令官(サーチナ)22 日 - 11 時 38 分
「韓国、高価なイージス艦より対潜水武器から備えるべき」(中央日報日本語版)22 日 - 9 時 40 分
【肥田美佐子の NY リポート】デューク大学教授:沖縄自立のカギは経済特区と起業家誘致(ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル)22 日 - 7 時 41 分
政策コンテスト、“思いやり予算”で波紋(TBS 系(JNN))21 日 - 19 時 14 分
民主党、沖縄知事選で候補擁立見送りの結論は来週に(産経新聞)21 日 - 19 時 12 分
思いやり予算、「適度な援助」が不可欠(時事通信)21 日 - 17 時 36 分
「適度な援助」が不可欠=思いやり予算で在日米軍司令官(時事通信)21 日 - 16 時 8 分
同性愛者の兵役禁止規定、控訴裁が中止命令を差し止め(CNN.co.jp)21 日 - 13 時 42 分
革労協反主流派の拠点など家宅捜索 横田基地ゲリラ未遂(産経新聞)21 日 - 7 時 57 分
年1兆5500億円増で独自防衛は可能 自衛隊OBら試算(産経新聞)21 日 - 7 時 57 分
沖縄知事選、候補擁立断念へ 普天間の責任 民主また放棄 県連とねじれ(産経新聞)21 日 - 7 時 56 分
尖閣問題 自衛隊の常駐や監視強化を(産経新聞)21 日 - 7 時 56 分
米国防総省、同性愛者の入隊容認 政府、上級審に一時的執行停止求める(産経新聞)21 日 - 7 時 56 分
アフガニスタンで日々生きることに追われる一般市民の現実を見つめました。(フジテレビ系(FNN))21 日 - 1 時 1 分
羽田空港、地域の発展など課題も(TBS 系(JNN))20 日 - 20 時 9 分
毛沢東 2 世ドラマ放映=朝鮮戦争で犠牲、「血の友好」描く-中国(時事通信)20 日 - 19 時 18 分
米軍基地テロ犯の情報、伝達されず CIA が調査報告(CNN.co.jp)20 日 - 19 時 3 分
ゲリラ未遂 革労協反主流派の拠点など捜索(日本テレビ系(NNN))20 日 - 16 時 25 分
米国防総省が同性愛者の入隊受け入れ指示、違憲判決に対応(ロイター)20 日 - 13 時 40 分
米軍厚木基地飛翔(ひしょう)弾発射未遂事件 飛翔弾に光などに反応し発射する仕掛け(フジテレビ系(FNN))20 日 - 13 時 13 分
公務中米兵の交通事故で和解=国が遺族に賠償支払いへ―沖縄地裁(時事通信)20 日 - 13 時 4 分
環境対策費を新設へ=思いやり予算、米に配慮―政府(時事通信)20 日 - 12 時 54 分
仙谷氏「思いやり予算の重要性増した」(産経新聞)20 日 - 12 時 20 分
横田基地ゲリラ未遂で革労協反主流派拠点など捜索 警視庁公安部(産経新聞)20 日 - 11 時 0 分
米国防総省、同性愛者の応募受け入れを通達(CNN.co.jp)20 日 - 10 時 12 分
同性愛者の入隊受け入れ指示=地裁違憲判決で米国防総省(時事通信)20 日 - 9 時 22 分
米国防総省の窓に弾痕、貫通はせず(TBS 系(JNN))20 日 - 8 時 49 分
米国防総省に発砲=窓被弾、負傷者なし(時事通信)20 日 - 0 時 47 分
民主・沖縄県議が離党届=知事選、党本部方針に反発(時事通信)19 日 - 17 時 19 分
米国防次官、尖閣諸島が中国に一時占拠された場合も日米安保条約適用対象との考え(フジテレビ系(FNN))19 日 - 12 時 19 分
米次官「尖閣諸島占領の場合、安保適用」(日本テレビ系(NNN))19 日 - 11 時 28 分
尖閣、占領されても安保適用=米次官(時事通信)19 日 - 9 時 32 分
沖縄知事、普天間移設「2期で道筋」国と協議へ(読売新聞)19 日 - 3 時 3 分
米国防次官、尖閣占領されても「安保対象」(読売新聞)19 日 - 0 時 45 分
尖閣、占領されても安保適用=米国防次官(時事通信)19 日 - 0 時 0 分
米陸軍向けに手首装着型 OLED ディスプレイ=米ユニバーサル〔BW〕(時事通信)18 日 - 13 時 27 分
術と米 L―3 ディスプレイシステムズの通信システムを組合せた。薄型軽量で耐久性に
同ディスプレイは、ユニバーサルのリン光有機 EL(エレクトロルミネッセンス)技術
「UniversalPHOLED」に基づくフロントプレーンに、韓 LG ディスプレイのバックプレーン技
米国が南シナ海問題をヒートアップ狙いはわが国包囲(1)=中国(サーチナ)18 日 - 10 時 18 分
不発弾 那覇の住宅街で爆破処理 2800人避難(毎日新聞)17 日 - 19 時 59 分
重要情報源漏れずと米国防総省、ウィキリークスの文書(CNN.co.jp)17 日 - 16 時 42 分
武器輸出三原則 見直し決断して国益守れ(産経新聞)17 日 - 9 時 0 分
12 月に米中国防次官級協議=持続的信頼関係目指し再開(時事通信)16 日 - 18 時 46 分
普天間は県外へ=仲井真氏が再選出馬を正式表明―沖縄知事選(時事通信)16 日 - 14 時 23 分
「普天間」の辺野古移設反対を決議=沖縄県名護市議会(時事通信)15 日 - 18 時 26 分
元タリバン兵の社会復帰(時事通信)15 日 - 18 時 18 分 *M11
米国F-16出撃…実戦のような空中戦(中央日報日本語版)15 日 - 15 時 0 分
ひき逃げの米兵に実刑=弁護側は即日控訴―那覇地裁(時事通信)15 日 - 13 時 30 分
<アフガン>カルザイ政権とタリバンの和平を促進 米が表明(毎日新聞)15 日 - 10 時 38 分
普天間 安保の意義、訴え続けた産経(産経新聞)15 日 - 10 時 10 分
韓米空軍の大規模航空訓練、きょうから 6 日間実施(聯合ニュース)15 日 - 9 時 19 分
執行停止申し立て=同性愛者の軍務めぐる違憲判決―米政府(時事通信)15 日 - 8 時 43 分
喜納氏、沖縄知事選出馬の意欲伝える 党本部は難色(産経新聞)15 日 - 1 時 28 分
首相、沖縄訪問「時機見定める」(時事通信)14 日 - 19 時 33 分
沖縄訪問「時機見定める」=首相、普天間問題で―参院予算委(時事通信)14 日 - 17 時 3 分
普天間県外移設 官房長官に要求 沖縄知事(産経新聞)14 日 - 15 時 15 分
------------------------------------------[ASAGUMO NEWS]
10/25 「ニュース」更新
武器輸出3原則 大綱策定と併せ検討 //
参院質疑 首相、防衛相が意向
防衛首脳会談でNZ国防相 日本の立場「理解」 //
尖閣問題 国際法に基づく解決を
浜松基地航空祭に12万人 ブルーに酔う
中国の要請で遠航部隊 青島寄港取り止め
釜山周辺海域でPSI訓練 日米韓など10カ国参加
化学兵器回収事業 中国に7隊員派遣 発掘・識別など指導
豪管制機部隊が初来日 浜松
那覇市内の住宅密集地 8インチ砲弾を爆破処理 //
10/20 「コラム」更新
・朝雲寸言 // ・尖閣沖事件の論戦 // ・北の後継者の今後
10/18 「ニュース」更新
北沢大臣 米、中防衛首脳と相次ぎ会談 //
海上安保 日米共同対処を確認 //
海上連絡メカニズム 中国に早期設置求める
「日豪ACSA」で隊法改正へ 米以外で初の協定
パキスタン洪水救援 現地とテレビ会談 //
北沢大臣 「皆さんは誇り」
パキスタン洪水被害 海から空から救援活動 //
APEC会議控え 内閣府主催でテロ対策討議 //
「テロ対策特殊装備展」を見る //
米英仏など専門家参加 //
対テロ先進技術の現況 //
重要な軍・警察の情報共有 国際協力が不可欠
監視用小型無人機システム 「SUAシリーズ」(NEC)
レスキュー用の水中ロボット 「SARbot」(日本海洋)
ヘリ搭載用超高感度暗視カメラ 「ATLAS―LE
生物・化学・放射能除染システム 「C921」(ウエス
M」(多摩川精機) 世界初という120万画素の超
高感度HDカメラと600m の照射距離を持つLED
闇でも500m 先の車のナンバープレートが判読可
ダイバー用水中音響ビデオカメラ 「ディドゥソン」(東陽
小型軽量の高指向性音響装置 「ハイパースパイク
放射線を検知する体表面モニタ (富士電機システム
テクニカ) 米サウンド・メトリクス社製の音波を使った水
HS―MICRO」(セキュリティ) 英ウルトラ・エレクト
ズ) 半導体検出器を用いてベータ、ガンマ線を数秒
音響装置。最大出力は141デシベルで、500m 離
負傷者も搬送できるロボット 「クローラロボット」(三
紛争地の車両操縦シミュレータ (リアルビズ)
遠航部隊青島寄港 中国が延期要請
露軍機、列島周回続く 露艦艇も動き活発
体校主催の写真コンテスト テーマは全自陸上
グランプリ 荒谷技官 //準グランプリ 町田1陸曹
------------------------------------------[民間航空機関連 (ex-SJAC 三輪さん)] from AIA DailyLead
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?GAMA 発表 :ジェネ・アヴィの 2010 年の出荷減少
General-aviation shipments have dropped in 2010, GAMA says
The flat economy has grounded shipments of general-aviation aircraft in 2010, according to the General Aviation Manufacturers Association. Pete
Bunce, president and CEO of GAMA, said that "if the economy is flat and the recovery is not as strong as it was in the later half of last year,
obviously that is going to have an impact on our sales." AIN Online (10/20)
ボーイング 737を50機新規を含み受注好調
Boeing orders continue to soar with purchase of 50 single-aisle 737 jets
Boeing says it has received an order for 50 single-aisle 737 jets from an unnamed buyer, in a sale valued at $3.7 billion at average list prices. The sale
comes on top of orders for 70 of the planes in the past two weeks and raises the total number of planes the company has sold this year to 472, more
than three times last year's orders. Boeing's backlog of aircraft sold also now exceeds expected deliveries. Bloomberg (10/21)
ボーイング まったく新しい狭胴機を開発
Boeing leaning toward an all-new narrow-body jet: Boeing doesn't see a
"compelling" business case for re-engining its workhorse 737 jet and is instead leaning toward an all-new design, according to Jim Albaugh, CEO of
Boeing Commercial Airplanes. Albaugh said a slightly larger narrow-body aircraft was possible, in order to reduce emissions on a per-seat basis. "Our
job is to improve the operating efficiency," he noted. Bloomberg (10/21)
航空自由化は 新しいビジネスのチャンス
Deregulation presents opportunity for carriers, official says
The retiring deputy assistant secretary of state for transportation affairs said deregulation of air markets will provide growth opportunities for U.S.
carriers. "International air service will remain the greatest opportunity for U.S. airlines to succeed," John Byerly said. He also urged U.S. officials to
become more involved in the debate over the U.S. foreign restrictions on foreign ownership. The Wall Street Journal/Dow Jones Newswires (10/21)
Airbus sets 8-week deadline for decision on A320 engines
AviationWeek.com (10/22)
JetBlue plans to push back delivery of 10 Airbus A320s
FlightGlobal.com/Air Transport Intelligence (10/21)
グリーン・ジェットだって? Green fighter jets?
Last month, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency asked for stakeholder input on the agency's role in the "green" or sustainable products
movement. Citing the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990 as its authority, the agency is working to define its role and to develop a strategy for EPA to
make a "meaningful contribution to the development, manufacture, designation and use of sustainable products." Read more.
Arms sale to Saudis is welcome news as industry faces downturn
The announcement of a deal for $60 billion in U.S. fighter jet and helicopter sales to Saudi Arabia this week came as welcome news to the military
aircraft industry in the U.S., where cuts to military programs will put a damper on business. The Saudi deal won't single-handedly save the industry,
but it will make an important difference, said Fred Downey, a vice president of the Aerospace Industries Association in Washington. "It's not going to
suddenly flood the aerospace industrial base" with work, but it will help some companies survive despite the U.S. warplane downturn, he said. Defense
News (10/20)
トルコ NATO-イランに冷淡な立場を再検討
Turkey has second thoughts in taking central role in NATO-Iran standoff
Turkey has become a reluctant key player in the increasingly tense relations between NATO countries and Iran. Its decision on a proposal to place a
key U.S. missile defense system on its soil will either ease or raise U.S. concerns that the country is moving away from the West. The country was
initially enthusiastic about hosting a radar installation for the U.S.'s European missile shield, but Turkey now says it doesn't want NATO to go on
record in pinpointing Iran as a ballistic missile threat. The Washington Post/The Associated Press (10/21)
米海軍 アフガニスタン に向けて無人ヘリを要求
Blog: Navy turns to unmanned helicopters to help in Afghanistan
The Navy is seeking a contractor as it moves ahead with a plan to experiment with remote-controlled, unmanned helicopters to deliver supplies to
remote outposts in Afghanistan. The program, planned for the last quarter of 2011, comes as the military grapples with casualties from roadside
bombs, and Lockheed-Martin and Kaman Aerospace say their K-MAX unmanned helicopter is up to the task. CNN/This Just In blog (10/21)
"A committee is a cul-de-sac down which ideas are lured and then quietly strangled."
--Sir Barnett Cocks,
British politician
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?ボーイング 民間機市場の”長期回復期”を予想
Boeing sees "long recovery" for air transport
After Boeing reported an 11% gain in revenues at its Commercial Airplanes unit for the third quarter, CEO Jim McNerney said he sees even more
growth ahead. "We continue to see growth in air transport worldwide. This growth is occurring in all markets, with emerging markets experiencing the
strongest growth," he said. "We anticipate a long recovery" in the commercial aviation sector. Air Transport World (10/21)
リージョナル機を中心に ワンマン・パイロットの動き
Column: Idea of airliners flown by solo pilots gains ground
With on-board computers in control of many functions on commercial flights, the idea of airliners being flown solo, without the need for a captain and
first officer, as is currently the standard, could soon become a reality. Embraer says it has set a goal of making planes capable of single-pilot flight
within 10 to 15 years, and avionics group Thales is developing a next-generation cockpit to enable single-pilot operations without the need for a
backup. The Wall Street Journal/The Middle Seat blog (10/21)
787-9の水平尾翼は ボーイング社内製作の計画
Boeing might construct 787-9 horizontal tails in house
Boeing is considering in-house building of horizontal tails for the 787-9, the Dreamliner's second model, said Jim Albaugh, CEO for commercial
airplanes. The consideration is based on ongoing problems with quality for the initial model's horizontal tails, which are being built by Alenia in Italy.
The Seattle Times (10/20)
FAA 747-8飛行間隔 10 マイル・ルールに拘泥
FAA sticks with 10-mile wake rule for Boeing 747-8
The FAA has reinstated an interim rule requiring pilots landing behind Boeing's new 747-8 to keep a greater distance due to concerns over turbulence.
The agency now says models suggest the new jet's wake will be similar to that of the existing 747-400, but it will stick with its "conservative" 10-mile
rule until data from flight tests can be evaluated. The Seattle Times (10/20)
シコルスキーの新型 軽量高速ヘリコプタ 開発
Sikorsky develops new lightweight, high-speed helicopter
Sikorsky Aircraft announced plans this week to spend more than $50 million to build a high-speed next-generation helicopter called the Raider. The
lightweight helicopter could fly 250 knots with low vibration and carrying one pilot. Sikorsky, best known for the Army's Black Hawk helicopter, says
the helicopter could lead to an Army contract and production. Sun-Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, Fla.) (10/20)
米国からサウジ向け軍用航空機輸出 史上最大の輸出額 600 億ドル
$60B arms sale to Saudi Arabia could be largest in U.S. history
In what could be the largest U.S. arms sale ever, the Obama administration is working on a deal to sell Saudi Arabia as much as $60 billion worth of
fighter jets, helicopters and weapons. The sale, designed to boost regional defenses against threats from Iran, would build up Saudi Arabia's jet fighter
fleet to become among the world's most powerful, without providing long-distance attack capability that could pose a threat to Israel. Los Angeles
Times (10/21)
Pentagon: U.K. military clearly still committed to global role, despite cuts
The Defense Department expressed confidence this week that Britain will continue to play a key role in providing top-level forces in Afghanistan and
other needed areas of defense, despite the announcement that the country will reduce its defense budget by 8% over the next four years. The
defense spending cuts are far lower than the 25% cuts that other British government departments faced, but Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell said
the U.K. is clearly still committed to its military's global mission. "We are pleased that the U.K. clearly intends to maintain its historical role as a
leading nation that shapes global security, and the fourth largest military budget in the world," he said. Reuters (10/20)
国防省の新しい要求: 少ない予算でより多くのことを!
DOD's new call: Doing more without more
Following an aggressive time line to deliver on the mandate for cost savings set in June by Defense Secretary Robert Gates, DOD issued in
mid-September a written directive for its Efficiencies Initiative. Read more.
" Art is meant to upset people, science reassures them."
--Georges Braque,
French painter and sculptor
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ボーイング 3Q 収益増で 2010 通年見通を上方修正
Boeing raises 2010 outlook on strong Q3 earnings
Boeing said it earned $837 million in the third quarter, helped by increased volume in commercial jetliners. With earnings of $1.12 per share in the
quarter, Boeing raised its full-year guidance to between $3.80 and $4 per share. "Our results and revised outlook reflect the continued strong
performance of our commercial production and services programs and the ability of our defense businesses to produce solid results in a challenging
environment," CEO Jim McNerney noted. CNBC (10/20)
米国 株式市場 防衛予算削減による影響
U.S. defense stocks react to news of defense industry cuts
Defense industry stocks faced pressure on Tuesday amid news on several fronts of struggles in the industry. Lockheed Martin reduced its 2010
full-year earnings forecast, giving a frank assessment of its earnings forecast, pension costs and tightening profit margins, while Britain announced
sweeping defense reductions, including cuts to its planned F-35 Joint Strike Fighter purchases. Reuters (10/19)
Fuel capacity expected to be key factor in tanker competition
With the military required to make long-distance flights over the Pacific Ocean, fuel capacity will be a major factor in the Air Force's decision on
which candidate will win the $35 billion KC-X tanker competition, a prominent analyst says. A tanker that carries more fuel will be able to fly farther,
stay on station longer and have more fuel left over for waiting aircraft, said Rebecca Grant, president of IRIS research. Defense News (10/19)
ロッキードマーチン3Q 28% 利益減少
Lockheed Martin reports 28% decline in Q3 earnings
Lockheed Martin reported a 28% decline in third-quarter profit of $571 million, or $1.57 a share, compared with $797 million, or $2.07 a share in the
same quarter a year ago, and the company said the percentage growth in its sales would likely slow next year as the Pentagon pulls back on spending.
Sales meanwhile increased 6%, to $11.38 billion, in the third quarter, compared with $10.77 billion a year ago, and the defense contractor said the
decline in profit partly resulted from a $178 million charge for a buyout program for 600 executives. The New York Times (free registration) (10/19)
英国 防衛予算削減の米国メーカへの影響
U.K. defense cuts would still allow for Lockheed, Boeing aircraft
British Prime Minister David Cameron announced a plan this week to slash defense spending in his country by 8% and help narrow a record budget
deficit. The plan calls for moving ahead with the construction of two aircraft carriers, however, allowing for the use of carrier-variant Lockheed
Martin's F-35 Joint Strike Fighter planes, although the first carrier will be deferred from 2016 to 2020. One of the carriers will also carry eight Apache
helicopters built by Boeing Co. Bloomberg (10/19)
"It's unbelievable how much you don't know about the game you've been playing all your life."
--Mickey Mantle,
American baseball player, ミッキー・マントル
quoted for his birthday, Oct. 20, 1931
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◆S 日・欧の宇宙計画 NASA の計画が固まるまで 模様眺め
Europe, Japan delay space plans pending NASA policy clarification
Japanese and European space agencies say there are still many aspects of the U.S. policy for NASA that need to be ironed out before they can move
ahead with many of their own plans. While President Barack Obama signed the NASA bill into law Oct. 11, many details still need to be decided in the
appropriations process, and Japan, for instance, is moving slowly on plans to develop a follow-up to the Hayabusa asteroid sample-return mission,
pending more clarity from the U.S. government. AviationWeek.com (10/18)
民間航空 GDP の5.6%を占める重要な産業分野がもつ新たな挑戦
Meeting challenges in the air: Viewpoint by Marion C. Blakey
Civil aviation is a vital contributor to the nation's social and economic well-being. The industry sustains nearly 12 million jobs, including many
high-skilled, high-technology positions, and constitutes about $1.3 trillion, or roughly 5.6% of our total gross domestic product. Read more.
Subsidized aircraft loans create headaches for airlines, manufacturers
New international airlines and new manufacturers of large commercial jets are upsetting a decades-old "gentlemen's agreement" between Boeing and
Airbus, The New York Times reports. In the mid-1980s, the two companies agreed not to seek government-backed loan subsidies for sales on each
other's home turf -- a deal known as the home market restriction. But now Boeing and Airbus find themselves threatened by manufacturers in
Canada, Brazil and other countries with no such restrictions on government subsidies. Meanwhile, airlines in the U.S. and Europe complain that
selective subsidies allow upstart airlines in other regions to modernize their fleets with reduced risks and capital outlays. The New York Times (free
registration) (10/18)
ボーイング 中国製バイオ燃料 来年までに試運転
Boeing to test China-made jet biofuel next year
Boeing, coordinating with Air China and other companies, will test a jet biofuel on a demonstration flight in China by June, according to Al Bryant,
Boeing's vice president of research and technology for China. PetroChina will supply the jatropha-based jet fuel for the flight, Bryant said. The Wall
Street Journal (10/18)
航空機遅延による被害額年額 330 億ドル
Air travel delays cost $33 billion a year, study finds
Domestic flight delays cost passengers $16.7 billion a year in lost productivity, according to a new report commissioned by the FAA, while the impact
on the broader U.S. economy totals nearly $33 billion a year. Airlines alone lose $8.3 billion annually as a result of delays, the study found. Airlines say
the numbers prove the need for updating the nation's air traffic control system and other infrastructure components. USA TODAY (10/19) , The
Washington Post (10/19) , National Public Radio/The Associated Press (10/19)
ハネウエル社 ビジネス航空の復調は 2012 年と予想
Honeywell expects a recovery in business aviation in 2012
Honeywell has released its business-aviation forecast for 2011, and the manufacturer predicted another slow year before a recovery in 2012. Rob
Wilson, Honeywell's president for business and general aviation, said the company has "yet to see widespread consistent order intake across the
entire industry, and that is what we are looking for before we start to signal a strong recovery." AIN Online (10/17) , AOPA Online (10/18)
デルタ航空(無組合の伝統) が組合結成投票で将来が変わる
Union elections could change the future course of Delta
By the end of the year, more than 50,000 Delta Air Lines employees will have a chance to vote on unionization, following a merger with Northwest
Airlines and a federally mandated change in the way such elections are run. Flight attendants and baggage handlers are voting now, followed by
reservation agents and logistics workers. Flight attendants have twice rejected unionization efforts over the past decade, but labor officials insist the
airline is no longer the paternalistic employer that it once was. Delta, meanwhile, says direct relations with employees "are worth preserving." Detroit
Free Press (10/19)
F-35 STOVL 機購入に関して英国政府決定覆すか
British may change decision on STOVL F-35
Britain may change its decision to purchase the short-takeoff and vertical landing version of the Lockheed Martin F-35 strike aircraft and instead opt
for the conventional carrier variant of the Lightning II amid cost-cutting measures. A switch to the F-35C has reportedly been under review, and a
report from Prime Minister David Cameron and Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said the U.K. had "two massive aircraft carriers on order but (were)
unable to operate with the aircraft of our closest allies." A decision on the jets could be announced in a strategic defense and security review due
Oct. 19. Defense News (10/18)
F135 STVOL 推進システムの担当 P&W は 耐久性テスト完了
Pratt & Whitney completes durability tests for F135 STOVL system
Pratt & Whitney says it has finished durability and robustness tests of the F135 short-takeoff-and-vertical-landing propulsion system for the F-35
Joint Strike Fighter and is preparing to qualify the engine with final performance and operability testing. The tests at the Arnold Engineering
Development Center in Tullahoma, Tenn., showed the jet's potential for thrust growth and included operating the engine at turbo temperatures
beyond design limits. AviationWeek.com (10/19)
米国政府 ロシアの反対があっても欧州ミサイル防衛網計画堅持
White House firm on European defense plan amid Russian concerns
The White House says it will not waiver on its European missile defense plans, despite any objections from Russia. Officials say the Obama
administration will engage Russia and work to resolve Moscow's concerns about the inter-relationship between offenses and defenses, but it will not
allow Russia to veto the plans. AviationWeek.com (10/18)
"Unity, not uniformity, must be our aim."
--Mary Parker Follett,
American social worker and political activist
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?ボンバルディア グローバルシリーズに 2 機種追加
Bombardier plans two additions to Global series of jets
Bombardier says it is adding two new large business jets to its Global series of planes, both featuring new General Electric engines and new wing
designs. The Global 7000, expected to enter service in 2016, will be 20% bigger than the current industry leader and will feature a cabin capable of
carrying 10 passengers, and the Global 8,000, set for arrival in 2017, will have a range of 14,600 kilometers, said to be longer than any business jet.
CBC.ca (Canada) (10/16)
ボーイング 貨物機の火災避難手順を改訂
Boeing to revise emergency procedures in wake of cargo plane fire
Boeing says it expects to issue new emergency procedures next month to help pilots take proper steps to keep air circulating in cockpits of certain
747 cargo planes and prevent dense smoke from building up in the event of a fire. The changes come in the wake of last month's crash of a UPS 747
cargo jet that had a fire in its hold, and the changes also call for making sure at least one air-conditioning system operates on the 747-400 jets during
a fire emergency. The Wall Street Journal (10/17)
747-8ロングレンジ機 最終組立完了
"Final body join" of Boeing's 747-8 Intercontinental is finished
Boeing has completed the "final body join" of its first 747-8 Intercontinental, a process in which mechanics join the forward and aft fuselage sections
with the wing and center section. It is an important milestone for the craft, set for delivery in mid-2011. Air Transport World (10/18)
ファーストクラス が消える
First-class cabins disappearing as airlines reshuffle
With premium travel still down by double digits from 2008 levels, more airlines are shrinking or eliminating their front cabins. Internationally, both
Qantas and British Airways have said first class will disappear on some long-haul routes served by wide-body aircraft. In the U.S., AirTran Airways
will eliminate its premium seating after being acquired by Southwest Airlines, while United Airlines may move from three cabins to two after
integrating Continental Airlines. USA TODAY (10/18)
今年のハイシーズン航空運賃 割高感
Holiday air passengers can expect price increases
Airlines are boosting ticket prices by as much as 18% this holiday season as the economy continues to recover and travelers are ready to go. "I
expect prices to be quite high compared to the last couple years, as demand is strong and supply is weak," said Rick Seaney, CEO of FareCompare.
Passengers are being packed into planes as airlines remain reluctant to add capacity. The Thanksgiving through Christmas holiday season is one of
the busiest of the year, with roughly 41 million Americans expected to take a flight this year. Los Angeles Times (10/18)
インド ボーイング軍用輸送機 C-17 10 機購入予定
India in talks to buy 10 Boeing military transport planes
India is negotiating the purchase of up to 10 Boeing military transport aircraft as President Barack Obama plans a visit to the country next month.
The U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency told Congress it may allow the sale of 10 C-17 Globemaster III aircraft to India in a sale that could be
valued at up to $5.8 billion. Bloomberg (10/18)
アフガニスタン戦闘用として 当面は GA 製プレディターを推奨するフランス
France prefers drone for short term while joint effort is worked out
The purchase of a medium-altitude, long-endurance drone off the shelf while working to build Anglo-French cooperation for a European system would
be the best way to address an immediate problem in Afghanistan, French Defense Minister Herve Morin told lawmakers this week. The approach
would allow for the near-term acquisition of the Predator UAV from General Atomics and the pursuit of a joint effort by Dassault and BAE Systems
in the medium term. Defense News (10/15)
"It has been said that the love of money is the root of all evil. The want of money is so quite as truly."
金銭に対する執着がすべての悪の源泉だと言われてきた。金不足の場合( = 貧困) もまさにその通りである。
--Samuel Butler,
British author
テモテ第一の手紙 6 章 10 節
Deterrence and First-Strike Stability in Space (Preliminary Assessment)
Forrest E. Morgan
Product Details
Product Description
Price: $17.94
Space stability appears to be eroding as a growing number
Paperback: 80 pages
of states acquire the ability to degrade or destroy U.S.
Publisher: RAND Corporation
space assets.
(June 16, 2010)
The United States needs a coordinated national space
Language: English
deterrence strategy designed to operate on both sides of
ISBN-10: 0833049135
a potential adversary1s cost-benefit decision calculus.
ISBN-13: 978-0833049131
Future research will determine the most effective and
Dimensions: 8.8 x 5.8 x 0.3 inches
affordable mix of strategies, policies, and systems for
Shipping Weight: 5.6 ounces
strengthening space deterrence.
16. Discovering the Wonders of Science
17. Working for the Underdog
18. My Life as an Engineer
Hello, I am Dr. Ray Johnson, the Chief
My name is Jonathan Bredemeyer and this
I’m Matt Grecco, Software Engineer at
Technology Officer for the Lockheed
summer marks my fourth year at Lockheed
Lockheed Martin.
Martin Corporation. I have a great job that
Martin since I began working on Cape
Degree in Computer Science from the
allows me and the 70,000 Lockheed Martin
Canaveral Air Force Station near my
University of Notre Dame and a Master’s
scientists and engineers to explore and
hometown in Florida. I graduated in 2006
Degree in Statistical Sciences from George
discover the wonders of science. We
from the Florida Institute of Technology with
Mason University. One of the best things
about working as an engineer is the wide range
Electrical Engineering.
I’m scheduled to
I received a Bachelor’s
of projects you can work on.
I’ve done
improve their lives, and we constantly look
complete my Master’s degree in Software
everything from troubleshooting a computer
for new and exciting ways to be innovative.
Engineering this year. Everyone likes an
problem on the train platform at Grand Central
Technical careers rely on an educational
Adversity makes for great
Station in New York City, to giving a live
storytelling after the fact, regardless of the
demonstration of our equipment to a battalion
of German soldiers in southern Germany.
This is one of the reasons I enjoy
colleagues and I also rely on these
working on space-based systems.
Another thing I really enjoy about being an
are so many obstacles to overcome and only
engineer is the sense of accomplishment you
a single chance to get it right. Because of
gain when you get a breakthrough after
scientists and engineers here in the U.S.
the formidable environment of space, nearly
spending days on a problem you just can’t
and about the need to reinvigorate future
every product at Lockheed Martin Space
seem to figure out.・・・
System Company fits the ‘underdog’ story
19. STEM as a Springboard
20. The Inspiration for Engineering
6. Goodbye, Mr.Gardner
Guest blogger Molly Cooney is a Lockheed
Hi, my name is Tom Mittan and I’m an
A few years ago, after I finished a presentation
engineer at Lockheed Martin in Owego, NY. I
at an elementary school in Norman, Oklahoma,
Development Program employee. After 5
began my career working as a structural
a boy came up to tell me that his great grandpa
years at Lockheed Martin, my experiences
engineer on the Presidential Helicopter
also liked to make math fun. "Who's your great
have been varied and fascinating. I never
Program, and from there have moved onto
grandpa?" I asked. "Martin Gardner," he said.
would have imagined that upon graduating
the K-MAX Unmanned Helicopter program
Martin Gardner! He might as well have told me
college as a Computer Science major from
that his great grandpa was God. No doubt
Villanova University, my jobs would include
about it, Martin Gardner, creator of the witty
driving Humvees® or guiding satellite
inspiration to learn more about engineering
and mind-bending "Mathematical Games"
launches. But in fact, I have done all of
began when I entered high school and joined
column that ran for 24 years in Scientific
those things and have had many other
a Lockheed Martin-sponsored engineering
American, could be called the God of
experiences that allow me to use my
Explorer Scout Post (a division of the Boy
recreational math. And Gardner was more than
education in ways that make significant
Scouts of America), here in Owego, in New
that. He wrote more than 70 books on subjects
impacts on the world around us. While
York’s southern tier. The Explorer Scout
as diverse as philosophy, magic and literature
learning on the job, I was also able to
Post focused on hands-on activities that
-- The Annotated Alice, his definitive guide to
broaden my STEM foundation with a
Lewis Carroll's classic, was perhaps his best
Master’s degree in Information Systems
construction of various projects such as
and Technology from The Johns Hopkins
radio transceivers, robots, and remote
University. ・・・
controlled airplanes. ・・・
selling title.・・・
National Security
■MEADS Intra-Fire Unit Comm. Hardware Lockheed Martin 25 Oct 2010
■Airborne Laser Test Bed Exercise Conducted MDA 21 Oct 2010
■Raytheon Names Aselsan Key Patriot Supplier Raytheon 19 Oct 2010
■Second SBIRS satellite completes panel integration AFNS 21 Oct 2010
■HYLAS 1 arrives at its launch site EADS 19 Oct 2010
■Medvedev & Talks On European Missile Shield RFE/RL 19 Oct 2010l
■First batch of 2nd gen. Globalstar satellites in orbit Thales 19 Oct 2010
Space Station / Shuttle
■Astrium & Ariane programme EADS 18 Oct 2010
■Progress craft to be undocked from ISS RIA Novosti 25 Oct 2010
■NASA's JWST Systems Engineering Northrop Grumman 18 Oct 2010
■Naval SATCOM Program Production Milestone Raytheon 18 Oct 2010
■Russia to launch 8 Glonass sats in 2011-2013 RIA Novosti 22 Oct 2010
■Russia, NATO summit & Missile defense plan RIA Novosti 18 Oct 2010
■NASA Searches for Water on Moon VOA 21 Oct 2010
------------------------------------------[軍事宇宙開発 spacetoday.net: military]
------------------------------------------Monday, October 25
US Air Force — 6:52 am ET (1052 GMT)
Recycled Military Jets Serve as Satellite Launchers
Wednesday, October 20
SPACE.com — 12:35 pm ET (1635 GMT)
Main engine probably not to blame for AEHF 1 trouble
Black Fire: De-orbiting spysats during the Cold War
Spaceflight Now — 6:25 am ET (1025 GMT)
The Space Review — 12:24 pm ET (1624 GMT)
Tuesday, October 19
Reorganizing Military Space: Going somewhere or Orbiting Aimlessly?
Vandenberg AFB change of command set
The Hudson Institute — 5:41 am ET (0941 GMT)
Lompoc Record — 4:51 am ET (0851 GMT)
Friday, October 22
Monday, October 18
Goodrich Achieves Major Integration Milestone on ORS-1 Satellite
Playing Piggyback in Space
PR Newswire — 8:55 pm ET (0055 GMT)
DoD Buzz — 8:10 pm ET (0010 GMT)
Thursday, October 21
Patience required as AEHF 1 recovery begins new mode
TacSat- 3 earns top honors during C4ISR Conference
Spaceflight Now — 5:31 am ET (0931 GMT)
[中国宇宙開発-2 spacetoday.net: China]
------------------------------------------Monday, October 25
Moon Mission Moving Forward
Bolden's China Visit Lays Foundation for Further Dialogue
Beijing Review — 7:09 am ET (1109 GMT)
Space News — 7:08 pm ET (2308 GMT)
Seeing Deeper Into Space
NASA Administrator Statement On China Visit
Beijing Review — 7:09 am ET (1109 GMT)
NASA — 7:02 pm ET (2302 GMT)
Wednesday, October 20
China lays out its plan for Mars
China's space program: phantom menace or new hope?
MSNBC — 7:02 pm ET (2302 GMT)
Global Times — 12:56 pm ET (1656 GMT)
Friday, October 22
Tuesday, October 19
China finishes Mars orbiter technical plan, 2013 earliest launch date
Online voters pick top 10 astronauts
Xinhua — 8:58 pm ET (0058 GMT)
Global Times — 6:51 pm ET (2251 GMT)
------------------------------------------[Quotes from the Old/New Testament]
内なる人, the inward man, the inner man, かくれた内なる人, the hidden man of the heart,
For I delight in the law of God after the inward man:
II Cor.
For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man
perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.
That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory,
to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man;
But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not
corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit,
which is in the sight of God of great price.
霊の人, spiritual,
But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is
judged of no man.
And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual,
but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ.
If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him
acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the
commandments of the Lord.
Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are
spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness;
considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.
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