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〔2004 年 4 月末現在〕
アイスランド共和国 Republic of Iceland
Icelandic Patent Office/Skulagata 63, 150 Reykjavik/(354)580 9400/(354)580 9401
アイルランド Ireland
Irish Patents Office/ Patents Office Government Buildings, Hebron Road,
Kilkenny/ (353 56)7720111/(353 56)7720100
アゼルバイジャン共和国 Azerbaidjan Republic
State Agency on Standardization, Metrology and Patents/Mardanov Brothers
Street 124 370087 Baku/(994 12)40 60 32/(994 12)40 60 32
アフガニスタン Afghanistan
Ministry of Mines and Industries/Pashtunistan wat Kabul/(114)26550
アメリカ合衆国 United States of America
United States Department of Commerce, Patent and Trademark Office(USPTO)
/P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, Virginia 22313-1450/(1 705) 305 9035/(1 703) 305 9373
アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates
①(Patents)Ministry of Finance and Industry, Industrial Property Directorate/P.O.
Box 1565, Dubai/(971 4) 393 0421/(971 4) 393 7307
②(Marks)Ministry of Economy and Commerce, Trade Mark Section/P.O. Box 901,
Abu Dhabi/(971 2) 626 5000/(971 2) 626 2922
アルジェリア民主人民共和国 Democratic People's Republic of Algeria
Institut National Algérien de la Propriété Industrielle (INAPI)/ B.P. 403 Alger
Gare/(213 21) 73 23 58/(213 21) 73 55 81
アルゼンチン共和国 Argentine Republic
Ministerio de Economíay Obrasy Servicios Públicos, Secretaría de Coordinación
Industria, Comercioy Minería, Instituto Nacional de la Propiedad Industrial (INPI)
/ Paseo Colón 717, 1063 Buenos Aires/(54 11)4344 4901/
(54 11) 4343 5286
アルバ Aruba
Bureau of Intellectual Property/A. Laclé Blvd. No.3, Oranjestad/(297 8)23 200/
(297 8)38 773
アルバニア共和国 Republic of Albania
Albanian Patent and Trademark Office, Council of Ministers /Zhan Dark street
Nr.2 Tirana/ (355 42) 344 12 /(355 42) 344 12
アルメニア共和国 Republic of Armenia
Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Armenia/Government House 3,
Central Avenue, Yerevan 375010 /(3741) 580 631 /(3741) 543 467
アンゴラ共和国 Republic of Angola
Ministère de l'Industrie, Institut angolais de la propriété industrielle/Rua
Cerqueira Lukoki No.25, 6e Andar, Caixa postal 598, Luanda /(244 2) 33 95 58
/(244 2) 39 24 00
アンティグア・バーブーダ Antigua and Barbuda
The Registrar's Office/P.O. Box 163, St.John's /(1 268) 462 3929 /(1 268) 462 2465
アンドラ公国 Principality of Andorra
Trademarks Office of the Principality of Andorra /Baixada del Molí, 26, Andorra La
Vella /(376) 86 57 00 /(376) 86 68 61
イエメン共和国 Republic of Yemen
Republic of Yemen, General Administration of Industrial Property Protection
Administration, Ministry of Trade and Industry /P.O. Box 1607, Sana'a /(967 1)
235 461 /(967 1) 252 348
イスラエル国 State of Israel
Ministry of Justice, Israel Patent Office /Patents, Designs and Trademarks Office
4 Hasadna St., Talpiot Jerusalem 93420 /(Patents)(972 2) 565 1666, (ID)(972 2)
565 1758, (TMs)(972 2) 565 1627, (PCT)(972 2) 565 1707 /(Patents)(972 2) 565
(ID)(972 2) 565 1677, (TMs)(972 2) 565 1717, (PCT)(972 2) 565 1616
イタリア共和国 Republic of Italy
Ministère des activités productives Direction générale de la production industrielle
Office italien des brevets et des marques /19, via Molise, 00|87 Rome/
(Patents)(39 6) 4705 2736, (Marks) 4705 3081, (Designs) 4705 3065 /(39 6)4705
イラク共和国 Republic of Iraq
Ministry of Planning, Industrial Property Division, Central Orgarization for
Standardization and Quality Control /P.O. Box 13032, Al Jadria, Baghdad/
(964 1)776 5180
イラン・イスラム共和国 Islamic Republic of Iran
Registration Organization of Deeds and Property of the Islamic Republic of Iran,
Registration Office for Companies and Industrial Property /Sazernane Sabte
Asnad va Amlake Keshwar, Khayam Street - Varzesh Street, Tehran /(98 21) 670
2826 /(98 21) 670 4358
インド India
Government of India, Office of the Controller-General of Patens, Designs and
Trademarks /Central Government Building, 101 Maharshi Karve Road, Mumbai
400 020 /(91 22) 203 9050 /(91 22) 205 3372
インドネシア共和国 Republic of Indonesia
Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, Republic of Indonesia, Directorate General
of Intellectual Property /Direktorat Jenderal Hak Cipta, Paten dan Merek,
Departemen Kehakiman R.I., Jln. Daan Mogot Km. 24, Tangerang 15119/(62
1)552 4992 /(62 21) 552 5366
ウガンダ共和国 Republic of Uganda
Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Registrar General's Department
/Crane Chambers PO Box 6848, Kampala
/(256 41)23 32 19/(256 41)25 48 29
ウクライナ Ukraine
Ukranian Industrial Property Institute (Ukrpatent)
State Department of Intellectual Property (SDIP)
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
/8 Lvivska Ploscha, 04655 Kyiv-53, DSP-655/ (380 44) 212 50 82/ (380 44) 212 34
ウズベキスタン共和国 Republic of Uzbekistan
State Patent Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan/Toitepa St., 2a, 700047 Tashkent
/(998 71)132 00 13/(998 71)133 45 56
ウルグアイ東方共和国 Oriental Republic of Uruguay
Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Minería, Dirección Nacional de la Propiedad
Industrial/Rincon 719, Montevideo/(598 2)902 57 71/(598 2)903 11 40
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Department of Trade and Industry, The Patent Office/Concept House, Cardiff Road,
Newport, South Wales NP9 8QQ/(44 1633)81 40 00,(PCT)81 45 86/
(44 1633) 81 45 27,(PCT)81 44 44
エクアドル共和国 Republic of Ecuador
Instituto Ecuatoriano de la Propiedad Intelectual(IEPI)/Av.República No. 396 y
Diego de Almagro, Edificio FORUM 300, Quito
(593 2) 250 80 23/ (593 2) 250 80 27
エジプト・アラブ共和国 Arab Republic of Egypt
①(Patents)Academy of Scientific Research and Technology(ASRT), The Patent
Office/101 Kasr El-Eini Street, 11516 Cairo/ (20 2) 792 1291/ (20 2) 792 1325
②(Marks)Administration of Commercial Registration, Ministry of Supply and
Internal Trade / Trademarks Office Massaken El Foustat Block No. 109 El
gawoura el Tania Maoinet el Foustat Cairo / (20 2) 788 6014/ (20 2) 788
9999(then dial 788 6014)
エストニア共和国 Republic of Estonia
The Estonian Patent Office/ Toompuiestee 7, 15041, Tallinn/(Patents)(372)
627 7923, (Trademarks) (372) 627 7929/ (372) 645 13 42
エチオピア連邦民主共和国 Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
①(Patents)Ethiopian Science and Technology Commission, Patent Technology
Transfer and Development Department/P.O. Box 2490, Addis Abada/ (251 1) 51 13
44/ (251 1) 51 88 29
②(Marks)Ministry of Trade and Industry, Trade Licence and Registration
Department, Trademarks/P.O. Box 704, Addis Abada/ (251 1)51 80 25/ (251 1) 515
エリトリア国 State of Eritrea
Ministry of Trade and Industry, Domestic Trade and Intellectual Property/P.O. Box
1844, Asmara/(291 1) 115 188/ (291 1) 124 175
エルサルバドル共和国 Republic of El Salvador
Centro Nacional de Registros/ 1a Calle Poniente y 43 Av. Norte No.2310 Colonia
Flor Blanca San Salvador / (503) 260 80 00/ (503) 260 64 09
オーストラリア連邦 Australia
Department of Industry, Science and Resources, IP Australia/ Discovery House, 47,
Bowes Street, Phillip ACT 2606/ (61 2) 6283 2211/ (61 2) 6281 1841
オーストリア共和国 Republic of Austria
Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology, Austrian Patent Office/
österreichisches Patentamt P.O.B.95, Dresdner Str. 87 A-1200 Wien/ (43 1) 53424
0/ (43 1) 53424 520
オマーン国 Sultanate of Oman
Intellectual Property Department, Ministry of Commerce and Industry/ P.O. Box
550, Muscat 113/ (968) 771 6241/(968) 771 7238
オランダ王国 Kingdom of the Netherlands
Ministry of Economic Affairs, Netherlands Industrial Property Office/Bureau voor
de Industriële Eigendom, P.O. Box 5820, NL-2280 HV Rijswijk/(31 70)398 6655/
(31 70)390 0190
オランダ領アンティル Netherlands Antilles
Bureau for Intellectual Property/Bureau voor de Intellectuele Eigendom, Berg
Carmelweg 10A, Curaçao/(599 9) 465 7800/(599 9) 465 7815
ガイアナ協同共和国 Co-operative Republic of Guyana
Ministry of Legal Affairs, The Deeds Registry/Law Courts Buildings, Avenue of the
Republic, Georgetown/(592 2) 68 641
カザフスタン共和国 Republic of Kazakhstan
Committee on Intellectual Property Rights, Ministry of Justice/ 47 Omarov Str.
473000 Astana/ (7) 31 72 39 07 65/ (7)31 72 39 07 65
カタール国 State of Qatar
Ministry of Economy and Commerce, Department of Commerce, Trade Marks
Office/ P.O. Box 22355, Doha/ (974) 443 4281 /(974) 441 3987
ガーナ共和国 Republic of Ghana
Ministry of Justice, Registrar General's Department/ P.O. Box 118, Accra/
(233 21) 666 469/ (233 21) 662 043
カナダ Canada
Department of Industry, Canadian Intellectual Property Office(CIPO)/Place du
Portage, 50 Victoria Street, Hull, Québec K1A OC9/(1 819)997 1936, (PCT)953
9712 / (1 819)953 7620, (PCT)953 9538
カーボヴェルデ共和国 Republic of Cape Verde
Ministère du commerce, de l'industrie et de l'énergie, Direction générale du
tourisme, de l'industrie et du commerce/Avenida Amilcar Cabral, P.O. Box 145
Praia, Ilha de Santiago/(238) 61 17 53/(238) 61 36 59
ガボン共和国 Gabonese Republic
Ministère du Commerce de l'Industrie chargé de la Promotion des Investissements
et de l'Intégration régionale, Centre de Propriété industrielle du Gabon (CEPIG)
/1190 Bld de l'Indépendance, B.P. 237, Libreville/(241) 76 59 21/(241) 76 30 55
カメルーン共和国 Republic of Cameroon
Ministère du Développement Industriel et Commercial (MINDIC), Direction du
Développement Industriel, Sous-direction de la Propriété Industrielle/Boîte postale
1604, Yaoundé/(237)223 38 71/(237)222 95 86
ガンビア共和国 Republic of The Gambia
Registrar General's Department, Department of State for Justice/Muammar
Ghadifi Avenue, Private Mail Bag 151, Banjul/ (220) 229 540/ (220) 225 352
カンボジア王国 Kingdom of Cambodia
Ministry of Commerce, Intellectual Property Department/#20 A-B Norodom Blvd.
Phnom Penh/(855 23)366 875/(855 23)426 396
ギニア共和国 Republic of Guinea
Ministère du commerce, de l'industrie et des petites et moyennes entreprises,
Service de la propriété industrielle (SPI)/B.P.468, Conakry/ (224) 41 17 20/ (224)41
39 90
ギニアビサウ共和国 Republic of Guinea-Bissau
Ministère du commerce, de l'industrie et de l'artisanat, Direction générale de
l'industrie,/ C.P. 311 Bissau/ (245) 22 22 75/( 245) 22 10 50
キプロス共和国 Republic of Cyprus
Department of Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver, Ministry of
Commerce, Industry and Tourism/Corner Makarios Av. and Karpenissiou str.,
CY-1427 Nicosia/(357 22)404 301/(357 22)304 887
キューバ共和国 Republic of Cuba
Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente, Oficina Cubana de la
Propiedad Industrial (OCPI)/Picota No. 15 entre Luz y Acosta, 1, La Habana Vieja,
La Habana 10100/ (53 7) 61 0185/ (53 7) 33 5610
ギリシャ共和国 Hellenic Republic
①(Patents)Industrial Property Organisation(OBI), Patent Office/5 Pantanassis St.
Paradissos Amaroussiou GR-151 25, Athens/(30 1)618 35 48/(30 1)681 92 31
②(Marks)Ministry of Development, General Secretary for Commerce, Directorate
of Commercial and Industrial Property, Trademark Office/Place Kaning, GR-101
81 Athens/ (30 1) 38 40 790/ (30 1) 38 21 717
キリバス共和国 Republic of Kiribati
Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism/P.O. Box 510, Betio, Tarawa/
(686) 26 157/(686)26 233
キルギス共和国 Kyrgyz Republic
State Agency of Science and Intellectual Property under the Government of the
Kirgyz Republic(Kyrgyzpatent)/62 Moskovskaya Street Bishkek 720021/ (996
312) 68 08 19/ (996 312) 68 17 03
グアテマラ共和国 Republic of Guatemala
Registro de la Propiedad Intenectual, Ministerio de Economía/7a avenida 7-61,
Zona 4, Ciudad Guatemala C.A., Primer Nivel, Guatemala
(502) 332 0111/(502) 332 7707
クウェート国 State of Kuwait
Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Patent & Trade Marks Department, /P.O. Box
2944-Safat, Kuwait 13030/(965) 243 9988/ (965) 240 0543
クック諸島 Cook Islands
Department of Trade, Labour and Transport/P.O. Box 61, Rarotonga/(682)28 810
グルジア Georgia
National Intellectual Property Center /6, I. Chavchavadze 1st Lane 380079 Tbilisi /
(99 53) 25 17 60 / (99 532) 98 84 19
グレナダ Grenada
Registrar's Office, Supreme Court Registry/Church Street, St. George's/
(1 473)440 08 70/(1 473)440 66 95
クロアチア共和国 Republic of Croatia
State Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Croatia/Drzavni Zavod za
Intelektualno Vlasnistvo, Ulica grada Vukovara 78, HR-10000 Zagreb/
(385 1)61 06 100/(385 1)61 12 017
ケニア共和国 Republic of Kenya
Ministry of Trade and Industry, Kenya Industrial Property Institute(KIPI)/ P.O.
Box 51648, Nairobi/(254 20) 66 22 10/ (254 20)60 63 12
コスタリカ共和国 Republic of Costa Rica
Ministerio de Justicia, Registro Nacional, Registro de la Propiedad
Intelectual/Apartado postal 199, 2010 Zapote, San Jose/
(506) 2 24 81 11/ (506)2 24 48 74
コートジボワール共和国 Republic of Côte d'Ivoire
Ministère de l'Industrie et de la promotion du secteur privé office ivoirien de la
propriété intellectuelle(OIPI) /Immeuble de l'industrie Rue le Coeur Plateau
Abidjan/ (225) 20 22 66 21/ (225) 20 22 84 94
コモロ・イスラム連邦共和国 Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros
Ministère de l'économie, du commerce, de l'industrie et de l'artisanat
/B.P.474, Moroni/ (269) 74 42 32/ (269) 73 01 44
コロンビア共和国 Republic of Colombia
Ministerio de Desarrollo Económico, Superintendencia de Industria y
Comercio(SIC), Delegatura para la Propiedad Industrial/Carrera 13 No 27-00,
pisos 2,5,7,10, Santa Fe de Bogota, D.C./(571) 341 9509/ (571) 382 2696
コンゴ共和国 Republic of the Congo
Ministère du développement industriel, Direction générale de l'industrie, Antenne
nationale de la propriété industrielle(ANPI)/Boîte postale 2117, Brazzaville/
(242) 83 52 84/ (242)83 03 55
コンゴ民主共和国 Democratic Republic of the Congo
Ministère de él'économie et industrie, Sécretariat l'industrie petites, moyennes
entreprises et artisanat (IPMEA), Direction de la propriété industrielle /B.P. 8.500
Kinshasa Gombe/(243 12)25 630/(243 12)880 2347
サウジアラビア王国 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
①(Patents)/General Directorate of Patents, King Abdul-Aziz City for Science and
Technology(KACST)/ P.O. Box 6086, Riyadh 11442/ (966 1) 488 3350/ (966 1) 481
②(Marks)/ Ministry of Commerce Trade Mark Section/ Ministry of Commerce,
Riyadh 11162/(966 1)401 2222 Ext. 1208/(966 1) 405 3314
サモア独立国 Independent State of Samoa
Justice Department, Patents, Trade Marks and Companies Section/P.O. Box 49
Apia/ (685) 22 671/ (685) 21 050
サントメ・プリンシペ民主共和国 Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe
Ministère de l'économie, Direction du commerce et de l'industrie/ Direcção da
Indústria, Ministério das Indústrias, Comércio e Turismo, Rua Viriato da Cruz,
C.P. 168, Sao Tome/
(239 12) 228 03/ (239 12) 24179
ザンビア共和国 Republic of Zambia
Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry, Patents and Companies Registration
Office/P.O. Box 32075, Lusaka 10101/(260 1) 255151/ (260 1) 255426
サンマリノ共和国 Republic of San Marino
Départment des affaires étrangères, Bureau d'état des brevets et des marques/
Ufficio di Stato Brevetti et Marchi, Dipartimento Affari Esteri, Via 25 Marzo 11,
Domagnano (C/2), 47895 San Marino/(378) 549 88 29 82/ (378) 549 88 38 56
シエラレオネ共和国 Republic of Sierra Leone
Administrator and Registrar-General's Department/Roxy Building, Walpole Street,
Freetown/ (232 22) 22 22 94/(232 22) 24 05 94
ジブチ共和国 Republic of Djibouti
Unité de propriété industrielle Ministère du Commerce, de l'Industrie et de
l'Artisanat/ B.P. 24, Djibouti/ (253)35 25 40/ (253)35 49 09
ジャマイカ Jamaica
Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Technology Jamaica Intellectual Property
Office (JIPO)/ 36 Trafalgar Road, Kingston 10/(1 876) 754 6360 /(1 876) 922 1190
シリア・アラブ共和国 Syrian Arab Republic
Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade, Directorate of Commercial and Industrial
Property Protection(DCIP)/ Damascus-Roukeddin Ibn Al-Nafees/(963 11) 51 21
652/ (963 11)51 20 107
シンガポール共和国 Republic of Singapore
Intellectual Property Office of Singapore(IPOS)/ 51 Bras Basah Road, #04.01
Plaza By The Park, Singapore 189554/ (65) 6339 8616/ (65) 6339 0252
ジンバブエ共和国 Republic of Zimbabwe
Ministry of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, Office of the Controller of
Patents, Trade Marks and Industrial Designs/Private Bag 7704, Causeway,
Zimbabwe/(263 4) 775 544/(263 4)772 999
スイス連邦 Swiss Confederation
Institut Fédéral de la Propriété Intellectuelle/Einsteinstrasse 2, CH-3003 Berne/
(41 31)325 25 25/(41 31)325 25 26
スウェーデン王国 Kingdom of Sweden
Swedish Patent and Registration Office(SPRO)/Patent-och registreringsverket,
Box 5055, S-102 42 Stockholm /(46 8)782 25 00/(46 8)666 02 86
(Trademark Section)Box 530 S-826 27 Söderhamn/ fax: (46 270) 173 51
スーダン共和国 Republic of the Sudan
The Commercial Registrar General, Attorney General's Chambers Ministry of
Justice/P.O. Box 744, Khartoum/(249 11) 77 21 74/(249 11) 77 2972
スペイン Spain
Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas/
Panamà 1, 28071 Madrid/(34 1)349 54 20/(34 91)349 53 04
スリナム共和国 Republic of Suriname
Ministry of Justice and Police, Intellectual Property Office/ P.O. Box 291,
Paramaribo/ (597) 475 805/ (597) 412 109
スリランカ民主社会主義共和国 Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
National Intellectual Property Office of Sri Lanka/"Samagam Medura", 3rd Floor,
400, D.R. Wijawardana Mawatha, Colombo 01000/(94 1)68 93 68 68 87 68/(94
1)68 93 67
スロバキア共和国 Slovak Republic
Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic/ ul. Jána Svermova 43, P.O.Box 7,
974 04 Banska Bystrica 4/ (421 48) 41 32 572/ (421 48) 41 35 037
スロベニア共和国 Republic of Slovenia
Ministry of Science and Technology, Slovenian Intellectual Property Office(SIPO)/
Urad Republike Slovenije za intelektualno lastnino, Kotnikova 6, 1000 Ljubljana/
(386 1) 478 3133/ (386 1) 478 3110
スワジランド王国 Kingdom of Swaziland
Ministry of Justice, Registrar General's Office/P.O. Box 460, Mbabane
/(268) 605 4315/ (268)404 3531
セーシェル共和国 Republic of Seychelles
President's Office, Department of LegaI Affairs, Registration Division/P.O. Box 142,
Mahé/ (248) 224 904/ (248) 225 764
赤道ギニア共和国 Republic of Equatorial Guinea
Presidencia del Gobierno, Consejo de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas
(CICTE)/Malabo/(240 9)3568/(240 9)4535
セネガル共和国 Republic of Senegal
Ministère de l'industrie et de l'artisanat, Service de la propriété industrielle et de
la technologie/104 rue Carnot, B.P. 4037 Dakar/ (221) 822 04 43/ (221) 823 14 04
セルビア・モンテネグロ Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Federal Intellectual Property Office, Federal Ministry for Economy and Internal
Trade / 21 Zmaj Jovina Street, Belgrade/ (381 11) 630 488/ (381 11) 630 224
セントビンセントおよびグレナディーン諸島 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Registrar, Supreme Court/Court House, Kingstown, St. Vincent/(1 784) 457 1220/
(1 784) 457 1888
セントクリストファー・ネーヴィス Saint Christopher and Nevis
The Registrar of the Supreme Court/Registry of the Supreme Court, Judicial and
Legal Complex, East Independence Square / (1 869) 465 2195/ (1 869) 465 5040
セントルシア Saint Lucia
Registry of Companies and Intellectual Property/Old Education Building, Cnr
Micoud and Laborie Streets, Castries/(1 758) 468 3230/ (1 758) 451 7989
ソマリア民主共和国 Somali Democratic Republic
Ministry of Industry, Patents and Trade Marks Office/P.O. Box 928, Mogadiscio/
(252 1) 21 201
ソロモン諸島 Solomon Islands
Ministry of Police and Justice, Registrar-General's Office/P.O. Box. G 15, Honiara,
Guadalcanal/ (677) 122 227
タイ王国 Kingdom of Thailand
Ministry of Commerce, Department of Intellectual Property/ 44/100 Moo 1
Sanambin Nam Rd, Tambol Bang Kraso, Amphur Muang, Nonthaburi 11000/
(66 2) 547 4621/(66 2)547 4699
大韓民国 Republic of Korea
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Korean Intellectual Property Office
(KIPO)/ Government Complex- Taejon, Dunsan-dong, So-ku Taejon Metropolitan
City, 302-701/ (82 42) 481 5064/ (82 42) 472 3459
タジキスタン共和国 Republic of Tajikistan
National Center for Patents and Information/ 14a, Ainy Street, 734042 Dushanbe/
(992 372) 275 977/ (992 372) 217 154
タンザニア連合共和国 United Republic of Tanzania
① Ministry of Industry and Trade, Business Registrations and Licensing
Agency(BRELA)/Co-operative Bldg. Lumumba Street, Dar es Salaam/(255 22)
20812 760839 / (255 22) 2180371
② (Office in Zanzibar)Registry of Trade Marks and Patents/P.O. Box 260,
Zanzibar/(225 24)223 63 24/(225 24)223 6325
チェコ共和国 Czech Republic
Industrial Property Office of the Czech Republic/Antonína Cermáka 2a, 160 68
Praha 6
/(420 2)24 311 555,(PCT)(420 2) 24 319 002/ (420 2)243 24 718
チャド共和国 Republic of Chad
Direction générale, Ministère du commerce, de l'industrie et de l'artisanat
/B.P.424 N'Djaména/(235)52 21 79/(235)52 21 99
中央アフリカ共和国 Central African Republic
Ministère de l'industrie, du commerce, des PME-PMI, Direction du développement
industriel et artisanal, Service national de la propriété industrielle/B.P.1988,
Bangui/(236)61 32 22/
(236)61 76 53
中華人民共和国 People's Republic of China
①(Patents)State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of
China(SIPO), Patent Office/No6. Xituchenglu Road, Haidian District, P.O. Box
8020, 100088 Beijing
(86 10)62 09 32 68 (PCT)62 09 36 77/(86 10)62 01 96 15 (PCT)(8610)62 01 94 51
②(Marks)State Administration for Industry and Commerce, Trademark Office/8
Sanlihe Donglu, Xichengqu, 100820 Beijing/(86 10)6 803 22 33/(86 10)6 801 04 63
チリ共和国 Republic of Chile
Ministerio de Economía, Fomento y Reconstrucción, Departamento de Propiedad
Industrial/ Moneda 970. floor 10 Santiago /(56 2) 698 6413 / (56 2) 688 3484
チュニジア共和国 Republic of Tunisia
Institut national de la normalisation et de la propriété industrielle(INNORPI)/B.P.
57 rue 8451 no. 8 par la rue A. Savary Cité El Khadra, 1003 Tunis Belvédère/
(216 1) 785 922/ (216 1) 781 563
ツバル Tuvalu
Ministry of Trade, Commerce and Public Corporations/The Permanent Secretary,
Vaiaku, Funafuti, Tuvalu, South Pacific/(688)829/(688)829
デンマ−ク王国 Kingdom of Denmark
Ministry of Trade and Industry, Danish Patent and Trademark Office/ Patent-og,
Varemaerkestyrelsen Helgeshøj Allé 81, DK-2630 Taastrup/ (45) 4350 8000
/ (45) 4350 8001
ドイツ連邦共和国 Federal Republic of Germany
German Patent and Trade Mark Office/D-80297 Munich/(49 89)21 95 0/
(49 89) 21 95 22 21
トケラウ諸島 Tokelau
Office for Tokelau Affairs/P.O. Box 865, Apia, Western Samoa/(685)20 822
/ (685) 21 761
トーゴ共和国 Republic of Togo
Institut national de la propriété industrielle et de la technologie(INPIT), Ministère
du commerce, de l'industrie, des transports et du développement de la zone
franche(MCITDZF)/ B.P. 831, Lomé/ (228)222 10 08/ (228) 222 44 70
ドミニカ共和国 Dominican Republic
Secretaría de Estado de Industria y Comercio, Oficina Nacional de la Propiedad
Industrial (ONAPI) /Edificio de Oficinas Gubernamentales, "Juan Pablo Duarte",
7o. piso, Av. Mexico, esquina Leopoldo Navarro, Santo Domingo/(1 809)688 60 64/
(1 809)686 71 73
ドミニカ国 Commonwealth of Dominica
Ministry of Legal Affairs, Office of the Attorney General and Minister for Legal
Affairs/Attorney-General's Chambers, Government Headquarters, Roseau/
(1 767)448 3022/(1 767)448 0182
トリニダード・トバゴ共和国 Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Ministry of Legal Affairs, Intellectual Property Office/3rd floor Registration House,
72-74 South Quay, Port of Spain/(1 868) 627 9567/ (1 868) 624 1221
トルクメニスタン Turkmenistan
Patent Department of the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Turkmenistan
/4N. Pomma Str. 74400 Ashgabat/(993 12)51 23 50/(993 12)51 23 87
トルコ共和国 Republic of Turkey
Turkish Patent Institute/Necatibey Cad. No:49, 06440 Kizilay-Ankara/
(90 312)232 5425/(90 312)232 5437
トンガ王国 Kingdom of Tonga
Ministry of Labour, Commerce and Industries/The Officer-in-Charge of Intellectual
Property, P.O. Box 110, Nuku' alofa/(676)24 306/(676)24 836
ナイジェリア連邦共和国 Federal Republic of Nigeria
Ministry of Commerce and Tourism, Registry of Trade Marks, Patents and
Designs/P.M.B. 88, Garki Abuja/(234 9)234 02 82/(234 9)234 15 41
ナウル共和国 Republic of Nauru
Department of Justice, Office of the Registrar of Patents, Trade Marks and
Copyright/ Government Offices, Yaren District, Nauru, Central Pacific/(674)444
3747/(674)444 3108
ナミビア共和国 Republic of Namibia
Ministry of Trade and Industry, Industry and Internal Trade /P.O. Box 21214,
Windhoek 9000/(264 61)220 9933/(264 61)220 148
ニカラグア共和国 Republic of Nicaragua
Ministerio de Formento, Industria y Comercio, Dirección General de Competencia
y Transparencia en los Mercados, Registro de denomina, Registro de la Propiedad
Industrial e Intelectual/Apartado No.8, Managua/(505)267 2417/(505)267 5393
ニジェール共和国 Republic of Niger
Ministère du commerce et de la promotion du Secteur Privé, Direction du
développement industriel/B.P.480 Niamey/ (227) 73 58 25/ (227) 73 21 50
ニュージーランド New Zealand
Commercial Affairs Division, Corporate Office, Ministry of Economic Development/
P.O Box 30687 Lower Hutt, New Zealand/ (64 4) 560 1600/ (64 4)568 0747
ネパール王国 Kingdom of Nepal
Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supplies, Department of Industries/ Teku
Marg, Tripureswor, Kathmndu/ (977 1)26 12 01/ (977 1)26 11 12
ノルウェー王国 Kingdom of Norway
Norwegian Patent Office/Patentstyret, Postboks 8160 Dep. N-0033 Oslo/(47)22 38
73 00/(47)22 38 73 01
ハイチ共和国 Republic of Haiti
Ministère du commerce et de l'industrie, Service de la propriété intellectualle/8
Rue Légitime, Champ-de-Mars, Port-au-Prince/(509) 222 82 50/(509) 223 84 02
パキスタン・イスラム共和国 Islamic Republic of Pakistan
①(Patents)Ministry of Industries, The Patent Office/ The Patent Office, 2nd Floor
Kandawala Building, M.A. Jinnah Road, Karachi- /(92 21) 920 57 46/ (92 21) 921
54 89
②(Marks)Ministry of Commerce, Trade Marks Registry/Plot No. CD-3, Behind
Civic Centre, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi/(92 21)494 7194/(92 21)494 7251
バチカン市国 State of the City of Vatican
Gouvernorat de la Cité du Vatican, Office juridique/ Ufficio Legale, Governatorato
della Città del Vaticano, 00120 Città del Vaticano/ (39 6)6982(int. 84663)/ (39 6)
69885 299
パナマ共和国 Republic of Panama
Ministerio de Comercio e Industrias Dirección General del Registro de la
Propiedad Industrial (DIGERAL)/ Apartado 9658-Zona 4, Edificio Plaza Edison 2o piso, Panama 4/ (507)360 0705/(507)321 0266
バヌアツ共和国 Republic of Vanuatu
The Vanuatu Financial Services Commission/Companies House, Rue de
Bougainville, Private Mail Bag 023, Port Vila, Vanuatu, South West Pacific
/(678) 22247/ (678) 22242
バハマ国 Commonwealth of the Bahamas
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Registrar General's Department/R.E. Bain Building,
P.O. Box N-532, Nassau/(1 242)322 3316/(1 242)322 5553
バーレーン国 State of Bahrain
Directorate of Industrial Property, Ministry of Commerce/ P.O. Box 5479, Manama
/ (973) 53 15 31/ (973) 53 64 79
パプアニューギニア独立国 Papua New Guinea
Ministry of Trade and Industry, Investment Promotion Authority(IPA),
Intellectual Property Office of Papua New Guinea(IPOPNG)/P.O Box 1281, Port
Moresby/(675)308 4434/(675)321 5155
パラオ共和国 Republic of Palau
Ministry of Resources and Development/P.O. Box 100, Koror, 96940
/(680)9 488 2701/(680)9 488 2536
パラグアイ共和国 Republic of Paraguay
Ministerio de Industria y Comercio, Dirección de la Propiedad Industrial/Casilla
de Correo 1375, Asunción/(595 21)444 231/(595 21)213 970
バルバドス Barbados
Ministry of Industry and International Business, Corporate Affairs and
Intellectual Property Office/Belmont Road, St. Michael/
(1 246)436 4818/ (1 246)437 3072
ハンガリー共和国 Republic of Hungary
Hungarian Patent Office/ P.O. Box 552, H-1370 Budapest/ (36 1) 312 4400/ (36 1)
331 2596
バングラデシュ人民共和国 People's Republic of Bangladesh
Ministry of Industries, The Patent Office, Department of Patents, and Designs
/Shilpa Bhaban, 91 Motijheel Commercial Area, Dhaka-1000/(880 2)955 6703/
(880 2)956 3553
フィジー諸島共和国 Republic of the Fiji Islands
Ministry of Justice, Office of the Administrator-General/Government Buildings,
Box 2226, Suva/(679)312 798 /(679)304 917
フィリピン共和国 Republic of the Philippines
Office of the President, Intellectual Property Office(IPO)/ IPO Building, 351 Sen.
Gil J. Puyat Avenue, Makati City, Philippines 3117/ (63 2) 890 4862/ (63 2) 890 48
フィンランド共和国 Republic of Finland
National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland/P.O. Box 1140, FIN-00101,
Helsinki/(358 9)6939 500/(358 9)6939 5328
ブータン王国 Kingdom of Bhutan
Industrial Property Registry/Legal Section, Ministry of Trade and Industry/Royal
Government of Bhutan, Tashichho Dzong, Thimpu/(975 2)325 609/(975 2)321 145
ブラジル連邦共和国 Federative Republic of Brazil
Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, National Institute of
Industrial Property /Praça Mauá 7, 18 andar- Centro, 20081-240 Rio de JaneiroR.J./(55 21)223 4182/(55 21)263 2539
フランス共和国 French Republic
Institut national de la propriété industrielle(INPI)/26bis, rue de St.-Petersbourg,
F-75800 Paris Cédex 08/(33 1)53 04 53 04/(33 1)43 87 74 68
(Service des marques internationales, Départment des Titres)/97 Bd. Carnot 59040
Lille Cedex/(33 3)28 36 34 97/(33 1)43 87 74 68
(Bureau des dessins et modèles)/13bis, rue de l'Epargne, F-60200 Compiégne
/(33 3)44 92 74 79/(33 1)43 87 74 68
ブルガリア共和国 Republic of Bulgaria
Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria/52 B, Dr. G.M. Dimitrov Blvd. 1113 Sofia/
(359 2) 873 51 75/ (359 2) 873 51 78
ブルキナファソ Burkina Faso
Ministère du commerce, de la promotion de l'entreprise et de l'artisanat, Direction
nationale de la propriété industrielle, Secrétariat général /B.P.258, Ouagadougou
01/(226)30 73 42/(226)30 73 05
ブルネイ・ダルサラーム国 Brunei Darussalam
①(Patents)Ministry of Law, Permanent Secretary, Patents Office/ The Law
Building, Bandar Seri Begawan 1160, Brunei Darussalam / (673 2) 244 872/ (673
2) 41 428
②(Marks)Ministry of Law, Attorney General's Chambers, Registrar of Trade
Marks/ The Law Building, Bandar Seri Begawan 1160, Brunei Darussalam / (673
2) 244 872 / (673 2) 223 100
ブルンジ共和国 Republic of Burundi
Ministère du commerce, de l'industrie et du tourisme/Boîte postale 492,
Bujumbura/ (257)24 10 10/ (257)22 55 95
ベナン共和国 Republic of Benin
Ministère de l'industrie et des petites et moyennes entreprises, Centre national de
la propriété industrielle(CENAPI)/Boîte Postale 363, Cotonou/
(229)31 02 40/(229)33 15 20
ベトナム社会主義共和国 Socialist Republic of Viet Nam
Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment, National Office of Industrial
Property(NOIP)/ 384-6 Nguyen Trai Str., Thanh xuan Dist., Hanoi
(8 44) 858 40 02/ (8 44) 858 84 49
ベネズエラ・ボリバル共和国 Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Ministerio de Industria y Comercio, Servicio Autónomo de la Propiedad Intelectual
(SAPI)/ Centro Simón Bolívar, Edificio Norte, Piso 4, El Silencio, Cod. Postal 1010
Caracas/ (58 2 12) 481 64 78/ (58 2 12) 484 1391
ベラルーシ共和国 Republic of Belarus
Committee on Science and Technologies to the Council of Ministers of the Republic
of Belarus, National Center of Intellectual Property(NCIP)/ National Center of
Intellectual Property, 20, ul. Kozlova, Minsk 20, ul. Kozlova 220034/ (375 17) 284 06
68/ (375 17) 284 06 68
ベリーズ Belize
Belize Intellectual Property Office (BELIPO) / Belize Intellectual Property Office
5014 Baldy Beacon Street P.O. Box 592 Belmopan/ (501 82) 21381/ (501 82) 21382
ペルー共和国 Republic of Peru
Ministerio de Industria, Turismo, Integración y Negociaciones Comerciales
Internacionales(MITINCI), Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de
la Protección de la Propiedad Intelectual (INDECOPI)/Calle de la Prosa No. 138,
Esquina con Prolongación Av. Guardia Civil, San Borja, Lima 41/(51 1)224
7800/(51 1)224 0348
ベルギー王国 Kingdom of Belgium
Ministère des affaires économiques, Administration de la politique commerciale,
Office de la propriété industrielle/North Gate III, Boulevard du Roi Albert Ⅱ, 16,
B-1000 Bruxelles/(32 2)206 41 11/(32 2)206 57 50
ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ Bosnia and Herzegovina
Institute for Standardization, Metrology and Intellectual Property of Bosnia and
Herzegovina /Hamdije Cemerlica 2(Energoinvest Building), 71000 Sarajevo/ (387
33)652 765/ (387 33)652 757
ボツワナ共和国 Republic of Botswana
Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Department of the Registrar of Companies,
Business Names, Trade Marks, Patents and Designs/ P.O. Box 102, Gaborone/
(267) 3188 754/ (267) 3188 130
ポーランド共和国 Republic of Poland
Patent Office of the Republic of Poland/Urzad Patentowy Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej,
P.O. Box 203, 00-950 Warszawa/ (48 22) 825 80 01/ (48 22) 825 05 81
ボリビア共和国 Republic of Bolivia
Ministerio de Industria y Comercio Interno, Servicio Nacional de Propiedad
Intelectual (SENAPI)/ Av. Camacho No. 1488 esquina Bueno, Casílla de Correo No.
4430, La Paz/ (591 2) 37 20 47/ (591 2) 37 20 47
ポルトガル共和国 Portuguese Republic
Ministère de l'économie, Secrétariat adjoint du Ministre de l'économie, Institut
national de la propriété industrielle/ Campo das Cebolas, 1114-035 Lisboa/ (351
21) 881 81 02/ (351 21) 886 53 08
Hong Kong
Intellectual Property Department of Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of
China/ 24th&25th Floor, Wu Chung House, 213 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai,
Hong Kong(SAR), China/ (852) 29 61 68 88/ (852)28 38 62 76
ホンジュラス共和国 Republic of Honduras
Secretaría de Industria y Comercio, Dirección General de la Propiedad Intelectual/
Planta Baja - Edificio Fenaduanah Boulevard Kuwait,Tegucigalpa/ (504) 235
4088/ (504) 235 3685
マカオ Macau
Government of Macao(SAR), Directorate of Economic Services/ Documentation,
Information & P.R. Centre, P.O. Box 122, Macau(SAR)China/
(853) 56 26 22/ (853) 712 553
マケドニア旧ユーゴスラビア共和国 Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Ministry of Economy-Industrial Property Protection Office/ Ministry of EconomyIndustrial Property Office of the Republic of Macedonia, Ilindenska b.b. 1000
Skopje/(389 23)116 379/ (389 23) 116 041
マダガスカル共和国 Republic of Madagascar
Ministère de l'industrialisation et de l'artisanat, Office malgache de la propriété
industrielle(OMAPI)/Rue Agosthino Neto- 67 Ha-Sud, 8237-Antananarivo 101
/(261 20)222 35 02/(261 20)222 59 79
マラウイ共和国 Republic of Malawi
Ministry of Justice, Department of the Registrar General /P.O. Box 100, Blantyre/
(265 1) 624 355/ (265 1) 621 686
マリ共和国 Republic of Mali
Ministère de l'industrie, de l'artisanat et du tourisme, Centre malien de promotio
de la propriété industrielle(CEMAPI)/ B.P. 278, Bamako/ (223) 222 57 56/ (223)
222 61 37
マルタ共和国 Republic of Malta
Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, Commerce Division/ Lascaris, Valletta
CMR 02/ (356) 25 69 03 04/ (356) 2123 19 19
マレーシア Malaysia
Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs, Intellectual Property
Division/Tingkat27&32 Menaro Dayabumi, Jalan Sultam Hishamuddin, Kuala
Lumpur/ (60 3) 2274 3581/ (60 3) 2274 1332
南アフリカ共和国 Republic of South Africa
Department of Trade and Industry, Companies and Intellectual Property
Registration Office (CIPRO)/ Private Bag X400, Pretoria 0001/ (27 12) 310 87 01/
(27 12) 323 42 57
ミャンマー連邦 Union of Myanmar
Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development/ Ministers' Office,
メキシコ合衆国 United Mexican States
Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial(IMPI)/ Av. Periférico Sur No.3106,
Col. Jardines del Pedregal, Mexico, D.F.C.P. 01900/ (52) 55 56 24 04 00/ (52) 55 56
24 04 06
モザンビーク共和国 Republic of Mozambique
Ministère de l'industrie, du commerce et du tourisme, Direction nationale de
l'industrie, Département de la propriété industrielle/ Av. 25 Septembro. No. 27 447,
Maputo/(258 1) 31 15 65/ (258 1)31 15 64
モナコ公国 Principality of Monaco
Département des finances et de l'economie, Direction de l'expansion économique,
Division de la propriété intellectuelle/9 rue du Gabian MC-98000 Monaco/
(377) 93 15 40 63/ (377) 92 05 75 20
モーリシャス共和国 Republic of Mauritius
Ministry of Industry, Commerce and International Trade/ Level 8, Air Mauritius
Building, John Kennedy Street, Port-Louis/ (230) 201 2157/ (230) 212 6368
モーリタニア・イスラム共和国 Islamic Republic of Mauritania
Ministère des mines et de l'industrie, Direction de l'industrie/B.P.387,Nouakchott/
(222) 525 3337/ (222) 525 6937
モルディブ共和国 Republic of Maldives
Ministry of Trade and Industries /Ghaazee Building,Ameeru Ahmed Magu, Male/
(960) 32 3668/ (960) 32 3840
モルドバ共和国 Republic of Moldova
State Agency on Industrial Property Protection(AGEPI)/ 24/1 Andrei Doga Str.
MD-2024 Chishinau/ (373 22) 44 32 53/ (373 22) 44 01 19
モロッコ王国 Kingdom of Morocco
Ministère du commerce et de l'industrie, Office marocain de la propriété
industrielle et commerciale/ B.P. 8072 Casablanca Oasis/(212 22)33 54 86/(212
22)33 54 80
モンゴル国 Mongolia
Intellectual Property Office of Mongolia/ 210646 Baga toiruu 49, Sukhbaatar
duureg, Ulaanbaatar/ (976 11) 32 72 67/ (976 11) 32 76 38
ヨルダン・ハシェミット王国 Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Industrial Property Protection Directorate, Ministry of Industry and Trade/ P.O.
Box 2019, 11181 Amman/ (962 65) 681 427/ (962 65) 682 331
ラオス人民民主共和国 Lao People's Democratic Repubic
Department of Intellectual Property, Standardization and Metrology, Science,
Technology and Environment Agency, Prime Minister's Office/P.O. Box 2279,
ラトビア共和国 Republic of Latvia
Patent Office of the Republic of Latvia/
(371) 7027 208
a/k 124, 1010, Riga/ (371) 7027 577/
リトアニア共和国 Republic of Lithuania
State Patent Bureau of the Republic of Lithuania/ Kalvariju str. 3, LT-2600,
Vilnius/ (370 5 2) 780 250/ (370 5 2) 750 723
社会主義人民リビア・アラブ国 Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
①The Secretariat of the People's Public Committee, National Board for Scientific
Research/ P.O. Box 80045, Al-Jamahiriya Street, Tripoli/(218 22) 634 441/ (218 22)
634 327
リヒテンシュタイン公国 Principality of Liechtenstein
Office of National Economy, Intellectual Property/ Geistiges Eigentum, Amt für
Volkswirtschaft, FL-9490 Vaduz/(075)236 61 11/(075)236 68 89
リベリア共和国 Republic of Liberia
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bureau of Archives, Patents, Trade Marks and
Copyright/ Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Monrovia/ (231) 22 30 11/ (231) 22 79 90
ルクセンブルク大公国 Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Ministère de l'économie, Service de la propriété intellectuelle/ 19-21 Boulevard
Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg/ (352) 478 4163/ (352) 460 448
ルーマニア Romania
Office de l'Etat pour les Inventions et les Marques/Oficiul de Stat pentru Inventii
si Marci, P.O.1-Box 52, 70418 Bucarest/(40 21)313 24 92/(40 21)312 38 19
ルワンダ共和国 Republic of Rwanda
Ministère du commerce, de l'industrie et du tourisme, Direction de l'industrie,
Division politique technologique et normalisation/ B.P. 73, Kigali/ (250) 57 47 25/
(250) 57 54 65
レソト王国 Kingdom of Lesotho
Ministry of Law and Constitutional Affairs/P.O. Box 33, Maseru 100/ (266) 22 31
28 56/ (266) 22 31 04 02
レバノン共和国 Republic of Lebanon
Ministry of Economy and Trade, Intellectual Property Protection Office/ Hamra,
Abdel-Aziz Street, Beirut/(961 1) 344 485/ (961 1) 746 316
ロシア連邦 Russian Federation
Russian Agency for Patents and Trademarks (Rospatent)/ 30-1, Berezhkovskaya
nab. Moscow G-59 GSP-5, 123995/(7 095) 240 5822/ (7 095) 243 3337
◎アフリカ地域産業財産権機関 African Regional Industrial Property Organization
P.O. Box 4228, Harare, Zimbabwe/(263 4)794 054/(263 4)794 072
◎アフリカ知的財産権機関 Organisation africaine de la propriété intellectuelle
B.P.887 Yaoundé, Cameroon/(237)220 29 90/(237)220 57 21
◎欧州共同体商標意匠庁(商標及び意匠) Unión Europea, Oficina de Armonización del
Mercado Interior(Marcas, Dibujos y Modelos)(OAMI/OHIM)
Avenida de Europa, 4, Apartado de Correos 77, E-03080 Alicante, Spain/
(34 96)513 91 00/(34 96)513 91 39
◎欧州特許庁 European Patent Office(EPO)
①Erhardtstrasse 27, D-80331 Munich, Federal Republic of Germany/
(49 89)2399 0/(49 89)2399 4465
②(Branch at The Hague)Patentlaan 2, NL-2288 Rijswijk, Netherlands/
(31 70)340 2040/(31 70)340 3016
③(Berlin sub-office)Gitschiner Strasse 103, D-10969 Berlin, Federal Republic of
Germany/(49 30)25901 0/(49 30)25901 840
Association Internationale pourla Protection de la Propriété
Intellectuelle (AIPPI)
Tödistrasse 16, P.O.Box 8027 Zurich, Switzerland /
(41 1)280 58 80/(41 1)280 58 85
◎世界知的所有権機関 World Intellectual Property Organization(WIPO)
34,chemin des Colombettes, P.O. Box 18, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland/
(41 22)338 91 11/(41 22)733 54 28
Bureau Benelux des marques(BBM), Bureau Benelux des dessins ou modèl(BBDM)/
PO Box 90404, NL-2509 LK La Haye, Netherlands/ (31 70) 349 11 11/ (31 70) 347
57 08
◎ユーラシア特許庁 Eurasian Patent Organization/Office(EAPO)
2/6 M. Cherkassky per. Moscow, GSP-9, 109012 Russian Federation/ (7 095) 206
37/ (7 095) 921 24 23
Fly UP