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╙3࿁㧔1990ᐕ㧕ᔕ൐✚ᢙ 2,296✬
My Dream
English in My Life
My Message to Australia
羽賀 秀則
胡子 佳子
奥川 麗子
太田 寛子
厚東 佐代子
今井 由美子
迎田 由紀
小林 一磨
濱田 敦子
大楠 晶子
ਛᄩᄢቇ㒝ዻ㜞ᩞ㧔᧲੩ㇺ㧕 ⠀⾐‫⑲ޓ‬ೣ
In my freshman year of high school I had my first opportunity to talk with a native speaker of English. I took English after
regular classes in my school and the teacher was an elderly Englishman. On the first day of class, he had a brief
conversation with each student as an introduction. Though I had been studying for three years in Junior high school, when
I faced him for the first time, I couldn’t speak. What was he saying? What should I say? Many things came to my mind, but
I could do nothing but smile. This experience led me to the United States to learn real English.
I went there as an exchange student in the summer of 1988. I attended a public school for a year in Texas. At the
beginning, life there was filled with despair. English made me very sad and lonely. I was very tired of trying to talk because I
couldn’t understand. There were many, many words that I had to look up in a dictionary, and I almost gave up. I was
discouraged with my poor English and was inclined to avoid conversation. When someone told a joke and others laughed, I
couldn’t see any joke. My friends saw me a pretty dull person who had no sense of humor.
After three months of thumbing through my dictionary, I asked myself why I couldn’t speak English as well as I thought in
Japanese. But, one day I was casually listening to an American song and quite unexpectedly the words made sense. Before
that, those words had been just sounds because they were not the way I thought. So I reasoned I couldn’t speak English
because I thought everything in Japanese and just translated it. English is not only a different language, but also a different
way of thinking. English has many particular expressions.
For example, if I were in love, I could say, “I love you”, but I could also say “I would die for you”, or “I’m crazy about you”,
“I’m always thinking about you”, etc. So I had to think in English and understand without translating back into Japanese.
After that, I watched Americans very carefully and learned from them. For instance, when a person looked blue, someone
would ask, “what’s wrong with you,” and I learned what to say in that situation. This way of studying helped me progress.
At the end, my American life was a lot of fun. English made me happy and many friends. When I went to a friend’s house,
we could talk until midnight. To try out my English I traveled in Canada for several days by myself. I had a great time there,
but when I returned to America I missed my airplane. I was so surprised that I could explain my problem at the airport and
find a solution. That kind of improvement and that sort of experience made me a better person.
Six mouths have passed since I returned to Japan. I still can’t speak English fluently and have a long way to go. But as the
old saying goes. “Rome was not built in a day.” Someday, I wish to become a man who has a good command of both English
and Japanese ways of thinking.
学んでいたが、初めて先生と対面したとき、言葉が出なかった。先生はなんと言っているのだろう? わたしはなんと言えばいいのだろ
う? いろいろなことが頭に浮かんだが、ただほほ笑むことしかできなかった。この経験がきっかけで、本当の英語を勉強したくてアメ
愛する人には"I love you"と言ってもよいが、"I would die for you(君のために死んでもいい)"とか"I'm crazy about you(頭がどうかし
てしまいそうだ)"、"I'm always thinking about you(いつも頭から離れない)"などと言うこともできる。だからまず英語で考え、日本
それからというもの、わたしはアメリカ人たちをとても注意深く観察し、彼らから学んだ。例えば顔色が悪ければ"What's wrong with
ቇ⠌㒮ᅚሶ㜞╬⑼㧔᧲੩ㇺ㧕 ᅏᎹ‫ޓ‬㤀ሶ
When I was fourteen years old I had a chance to visit America and stayed with an American family for three weeks. It was
the first time for me to travel abroad and through my English I knew that there was a world very different from that where I
lived. Wherever I went, I always found many things new to me, and all of them charmed me.
When I came back to Japan, I felt terribly bored. Everything in Japan seemed much worse than that in America to me.
Narrow streets, crowded in trains, small houses…I couldn’t stand it! I wished I were born in America. Since then, I started
to behave like an Americans. I shrugged my shoulders when I said “I don’t know.” When my pen fell off the desk, I said
“oops” in English. Some of my friends asked me if I used to live in some foreign country and I was really happy and
contented to hear that. “My character is essentially American,” I thought. I believed I was very international and suited to be
a diplomat. One night my father said to me, “Reiko, I would be very happy if you do well jobs with your English, but I don’t
wish you to be a foreigner and I will not let you be so.”
“He is a fossil!” I thought at that time.
When I was sixteen years old, I visited America again and stayed with the same family as last time. We already knew each
other and my English was better than two years before, but I was at a loss. I realized that I was not American, nor was I
Americanized. I could behave like Americans because I just imitated what they did, but I learned little about what we
couldn’t see, such as their ideas. I didn’t have enough confidence as a Japanese, either. My host family had already learned
everything I could teach about Japan, for example, origami-paper or Japanese food, and I didn’t know what I should do next
as a Japanese.
This experience made me think about why I was learning English. I had been yearning for foreign countries and the word
“internationalization”, and English was only the means to satisfy my feelings. In Japan I behaved as if I understood foreign
characters and in America I behaved like a small ambassador who came to introduce Japan, but everything I did was only
on the surface and didn’t mean internationalization at all.
I felt then that I understood what my father wanted to say to me. What is important is not to try to be halfway a foreigner.
Today there are many world problems, such as environmental pollution or food crises. People of each country should
communicate correctly and completely their own backgrounds, way of thinking and racial traits as a citizen of their country
so that people all over the world may think about those problems together. I believe that’s what the word
“internationalization” really means. Looking around me, there is a flood of foreign words, especially English, in our daily life
and we can get almost all foreign things in Japan. But it is often said that relations between Japan and foreign countries are
not getting better at all. I think it is because there are many people who are going the wrong way just as I did. I am going to
use my English for “internationalization” in the true meaning of the word from now on, and I do wish English would be used
in that way not only in my life, but also in your life.
…。我慢できなかった! アメリカ人に生まれていればよかったと思った。それ以来、わたしはアメリカ人のように振る舞うようになっ
⡛ᔃᅚሶቇ㒮㜞╬⑼㧔᧲੩ㇺ㧕 ෘ᧲‫ޓ‬૒ઍሶ
Since I was a junior highschool student, I have always hoped the world to be peaceful. However, I couldn’t find a way to
help to achieve it. Last summer I was on a plane from Minnesota to Denver. There were many Japanese students on board.
They were in the States on a home-stay program. Some girls sat near me. But after a few minutes, American ladies came
looking for their seats. They were looking at the girls and their boarding passes alternately. Then one of the ladies started
asking questions to the girls. But they didn’t understand what the American ladies were saying to them at all.
“Excuse me. My seat number is 30H. You are occupying it.”
“Wakannaina. Naniittendaro.”(I don’t understand what she is asking me.)
“What did you say?”
“Maittana. Doshiyou. Nanika mazuirashiiwa.”(What am I going to do? Something must be wrong.)
“I am trying to tell you that this is my seat.”
“Nanka hayakuchidakara yoku wakannai.”(She speaks too fast.)
“Don’t you understand what I am saying? I am not saying anything difficult. All I want is to sit in my seat.”
The lady became rather impatient and the poor girl was utterly lost. Suddenly I thought of something. I could talk to the
lady and translate for her so that she might solve the problem. So I offered my assistance. After smooth communication,
they were both very happy.
Now I know how the wars break out. If there is a small misunderstanding, it might cause a big problem. Communication
helps to understand between different cultures. Cultures are quite different and sometimes hard to understand each other.
What one group considers a normal part of life is strange to another culture. Therefore, there are many ways of thinking.
Thoughts are different and words are, too, of course, and how can people not misunderstand each other? There comes an
interpreter. If I become an interpreter, I also want to become a go-betweener of cultures. I will study the differences of
various cultures as well as their languages. Then there will be less misunderstandings. Today there are many ways to know
other cultures. For example, TVs, radios, books, journals and so on. We can get many information on them immediately. On
TV they show different houses, foods, customs, and beliefs. On the radio politicians from abroad express opinions about
their government systems. These help us know many different ways of lives. Fortunately, in Japan, we can read any books
we want and speak out our opinions freely. No one prevents us from expressing or accepting different ideas and opinions.
This is a new responsibility for interpreters and everybody in the whole world. The world is changing. The communication
is getting faster and faster. People go abroad frequently and many people work in foreign companies. Here it is a must to be
a globalized person. And this representative is an interpreter. To globalize is to understand and to recognize the value of
other cultures. And we must always remember to learn, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” You can’t measure other
people’s value with your own ruler. An interpreter must pursue these ideals. There are many nationalities in the world. Each
has different values and ways of behavior. If you misunderstand a small thing, this may lead to a big problem. An interpreter
can help communication go smoothly with her knowledge and ability because she tries hard to keep up with what is
happening everyday in the world. The world is changing faster and faster because the communication becomes faster. I am
going to study hard to acquire wider knowledge to use when I become an interpreter. By becoming an interpreter, I can
help to connect the world closer together.
「意味がわからないの? 難しいことを言っているのではなくて、自分の席に座りたいだけなのよ」
᥉ㅪ࿯ቇ࿦㜞ᩞ㧔᧲੩ㇺ㧕 ㄫ↰‫♿↱ޓ‬
“Only 200 years?” an Australian woman shouted out. I remember clearly, even though two years have already passed since
I heard these words. At that time, I was listening to a radio program. In 1988, Australia was celebrating its 200th birthday, so
in Japan, many television and radio programs and newspaper articles had features about Australia. The radio program I was
listening to then also featured it. The woman who gave the interview was an Aborigine and serving as chairperson of the
Aboriginal Development Commission. She said, “It’s hard for me to celebrate a national anniversary of only 200 years.”
“Why?” the interviewer asked. “We interpret the number ‘200’ differently. The white people are celebrating their first 200
years in Australia, but we’ve been here 200 times longer.” Then I know what “only 200 years” was supposed to mean. What
is more, I came to appreciate the existence of Aborigines. In fact, I had been in complete ignorance of the first inhabitants in
Australia. She talked a lot about many problems. For instance, Aborigines earn half of what white Australians earn, and they
are 15 times more likely to be imprisoned than the general population.
Listening to the radio, I thought Aborigines still had a long way to go. What I appreciated most was that I was able to
understand racial discrimination. In Japan, there is only one race, so we are ignorant of racial problems and usually we don’t
reflect on them. Who of us knows the facts of racial discrimination in Australia precisely? I imagine we Japanese would be
able to understand Australia better by putting ourselves in their places and looking those facts in the face. Generally
speaking, Japanese tend to regard Australia as a tourist resort. We should look upon it as a friendly nation. It is important
for understanding Australia to consider their problems from their point of view.
Recently I had a chance to talk with a Japanese girl who had studied in Brisbane for almost a year. I asked her if she had
noticed racial discrimination there. She said, “In Brisbane, I didn’t see very many Aborigines, but in Townsville, there were
many. They are protected by the government in many respects, but most of the protections are not heartfelt. I think
Australians still look down on them.” I was very interested to hear her firsthand information. I’ve heard before that many
Australians are interested in Japan, so I asked her about this. She said, “It isn’t only that there are few who think of Japan
with warm hearts, but they have a misunderstanding about Japan. For example, they are sure that every Japanese is rich
and spends money like water, for there are many Japanese tourists there, who buy expensive goods. And many Australians
do not study Japanese in order to understand Japan, but in order to get good positions. Perhaps this is because most
companies want men who can speak Japanese.”
It is natural that they misunderstand us, but I was sad. What can we do to clear up this misunderstanding? We should be
interested in and try to understand one another. What I felt while I was talking with my friend was that she had observed
the real situation there and cleared up their misunderstanding. I hope there will be more people like her and become like
suspension bridges between our two nations. The theme of the 200th birthday festival in Australia was “Living Together.” I
do hope we can understand and help one another as promised in the slogan “Living Together”.
「たった 2 0 0 年ですって?」と、
ラリアの人種差別問題をきっちり理解している日本人はどれだけいるだろうか? わたしたち日本人も、オーストラリア人の立場に立っ
誤解されるのは自然なことかもしれないが、わたしはとても悲しかった。こうした誤解をなくすために、何ができるだろうか? お互
My dream is to become an interpreter. I think I can learn many things by talking with foreign people in English. Of course,
it isn’t necessary to become an interpreter to have conversation in English, but I’ll be happy if I can help people by using
English as an interpreter. There are many people who have difficulties in communicating with English-speaking people, so I
would like to become a bridge of their hearts by my interpretation. Also, if I work as an interpreter, I’m sure I will have more
opportunities to meet people from various places.
I began to think of becoming an interpreter when I was in junior high school. When I was in the ninth grade, my English
teacher said to me, “Try to speak to foreign visitors when we visit Kyoto on our school trip.” I thought it would be easy task
for me, for I had always received good marks on my English examinations. On the final day of the trip, I found a little
American girl, so I smiled at her and tried to speak to her. My heart was beating very fast! To my disappointment, however,
I could not make myself understood as well as I had hoped. After that frustrating experience, I realized that I should study
not only sentences in the textbooks, but also practical English to communicate with English-speaking people. So I have
changed my way of studying English.
I have begun listening to the English programmes on TV or radio every day. TV and radio are like channels which connect
me directly to the world outside Japan. Besides this, we have many native English speakers living in Japan. We also have
one American exchange student studying with us and an Assistant English Teacher who sometimes visits our school. These
are very good chances to get used to spoken English.
To be an interpreter, English is not the only subject I need to learn. We cannot call someone a good interpreter if that
person merely translates word for word without understanding the true meaning of what is said. For example, even though I
was born and bred in Japan, I do not know much about Japan and Japanese culture yet. How can I possibly be a good
interpreter in this situation? First of all, I have to know more about my own country; its history, politics, economy and so
on. At the same time, I should go to foreign countries to learn about the differences in customs or ways of thinking. And
most important of all, I should learn that we human beings can understand each other even if the color of our skin is
different. I will be accepted as a capable interpreter only when I complete all these studies.
When I have some difficulties in my English study, I think, “Why was I born in Japan? If I were born in a country where
English is spoken, I could speak English easily without studying it so hard…” Or I sometimes wish I could wake up one
morning to find myself being a blond-haired English-speaking girl. This is a very stupid and negative idea because
whenever I look into the mirror I find a black-eyed and black-haired Japanese girl there. But I’m proud of being a Japanese
girl. And each time I see Japanese interpreters speaking fluent English on TV, I tell myself not to give up. I say to myself
that I’m sure to be there on TV 10 years from now as an interpreter, and the mere thought of it thrills me!
少女と出会った。そこでわたしはほほ笑みかけ、話してみようとした。心臓はひどくドキドキしていた! しかし残念ながら、思ったほ
ろう? 何よりもまず、自分の国のことをもっとよく知らなければならない――歴史、政治、経済など。同時に、いろいろな国を訪れて
「なぜ日本に生まれたんだろう? 英語圏の国に生まれていればこんなに勉強しなくても簡単に英
᩿⬺ቇ࿦㜞ᩞ㧔␹ᄹᎹ⋵㧕 ⢫ሶ‫ޓ‬૫ሶ
World history repeats it's revolutions. And Deutschland cannot be an exception. Deutschland has sometimes been a crying
garrulous Germany who has had disastrous revolutions. For example, “Thirty-Years’ war” caused by Martin Luther’s
reformation, and “Iron Policy” acted on by Bismarck and so on. Following these historical facts, Germany has experienced
continuous sufferings of changes and separations. Yet, in such circumstances, Germans never yielded to any difficulties and
has built up what it is now. Why are they so energetic? After a long thinking, I suppose I have found an answer to it.
For one thing the reason is related with her geographical condition. Germany is largely wooded and has less of the
sunshine. So they were eager to look forward to the bright sun in the southern parts of Europe and repeated invasions upon
there. Their geographical expansion in search of more light was always a big theme for their survival. Because Germany
was isolated from the other countries like Italy, and the people were especially conscious about them. Ah! they could but be
rather aggressive. In addition, Germany never turns their eyes away from the mistakes in the past. In spite of the
geographical similarity, Germany is more sticky to it than Italy. The responsibility for their cruel activities, which was
represented by “Fascism” in Nazis Era, is under a grilling even after forty years. Such a geographically conditionedmentality might be the reason for making Germans tougher and helping them recover vigorously from damages.
Look!! Germans have broken “THE WALL OF BERLIN” in one revolution. I was astounded at so huge a historical fact.
Which will be remembered forever. I think over and over about the people who are living in this same age. What do the
people living near the wall think about the critical incident? In Europe or all over the world, each person seems to have his
or her own opinion about it...I do want to know.
In my opinion, East and West Germany will communicate with each other slowly but steadily. I hope they will make up for
their absence of communication completely. And I , yes I desire to be a person who links East with West…this is MY
DREAM. Frankly speaking, to be a cupid of love between a boy of East and a girl of West will be really worthwhile. To ask
more of it, I want to be an active scholar to show their differences of cultures, economics, and something like that. By
working so and so, my ability would be developed enough to be a good dream messenger.
Eventually, nothing is more wonderful than an encounter; it is my treasure and pleasure. Till now I have had many
encounters and I owe what I am now to each of them. Every person is all indispensable. I wish that I would have such an
encounter not only in Japan but also in Germany. When I imagine that the people who will be to meet me are breathing in
Deutschland far away from Japan, I am excited and my heart is beating.
I cannot wait to see the people of DEUTSCHLAND OR GERMANY at all!!!
今日ある国家を築いてきた。彼らはなぜそんなにエネルギッシュなのか? 長い間考えた結果、わたしなりの答えをみつけた。
はない! その上、ドイツ人は過去の過ちから決して目をそらさない。地政学的にはイタリアも似ているところがあるが、ドイツ人の方
見よ!! ドイツ人たちは「ベルリンの壁」をたった1回の革命で崩してしまった。この圧倒的な歴史的事実にわたしは衝撃を受けた。
て、壁の近くに住む人々はどう思っているのだろう? ヨーロッパでも世界でも、誰もがそれぞれに意見を持っているようだ……意見を
My dream is to become a doctor and work in a doctorless village somewhere in a developing country. After graduated from
a medical school, I’d like to be trained in a hospital in Japan for a few more years so that I can go abroad as a medical staffer
of some thing like JOCV for four or five years. I told my mother about this but she said nothing probably because she
thought I might change my mind before long.
From my childhood I’ve always wished to become a doctor, because she or he can help people by curing diseases. I think
it was partly because there were many doctors in my relatives. But it was not until I saw a film two years ago that I came to
think of working in a doctorless village in a developing country. The film was “CRY FREEDOM” and the theme of it was the
apartheid of South Africa. After I saw the film, although I may look simple-minded, I could not forget about the apartheid. In
this world where everyone has right to live in happiness, the black people in South Africa are forced to live such horrible
lives. Moreover I live comfortably in Japan that is one of friendly countries for the government of South Africa with respect
to trade. “I wish to do something to stop such an injustice. But, what can a girl like me do? Can I be a Diet woman and
appeal to the public? Do I have to belong to an organization against the apartheid, about which I have read? What can an
ordinary girl do just now?”
Several days had passed when I suddenly remembered that there was a shortage of doctors who were working for the
people living in the black shantytowns in South Africa. The black in South Africa are not allowed to become doctors easily, it
is hard for them even to have higher educations. That is part of the reasons they live and die in unhealthy environments. I
thought to myself, “You’ve been longing to become a doctor for many years, haven’t you? And you won’t find the same
difficulty the black in South Africa find when they want to be doctors. You can become a doctor and work there”
This seemed to be a reasonable idea because I won’t have to give up my wish of becoming a doctor, and I can work for the
people in misery.
Moreover, I will be able to join JOCV, which I believe, is a wonderful project. In addition, effort I have made to learn
English will not be wasted. If necessary, I will master French and Spanish, too.
Later, I came to know that Mother Teresa had been making great effort to help the poor in India, where they don’t have
enough doctors either. Nairobi National Hospital in Kenya also has shortage of doctors, though it is the central hospital in
that country.
“A developing country? You might get an unusual disease. It may be not safe to be in such a country” “How can you
manage the differences in culture and languages?” “If you went there, when come back, you’d be over thirty.” Everybody
tells me such things. But my dream is to go anywhere I am really needed and to work as a doctor whether it is in Japan or
abroad. I am sure I will be able to get a reward, a full life.
に何ができる? 国会議員になって国民に訴えかけるか? 本で読んだように、アパルトヘイトに反対する組織の一員になるか? 普通
「開発途上国? 変な病気になっちゃうよ。危ないかもよ」
Five years ago, my father was transferred to the Tohoku branch of his company. We moved to Tohoku with him. In those
days, I was still a primary schoolgirl. I was not able to get used to my new school. There wasn’t any bullying, or friends who
were mean to me, or anything unpleasant that happened, but somehow, I was not happy.
Though I felt lonely and unhappy at school, there was one thing that comforted me. It was nature -- so harsh and great, yet
so warm and beautiful. The mountains and the rivers were always by my side. The colors of the sky and the smell of the
wind were not at all like those of Osaka. Whenever I had trouble with my friends, I ran to Tenshochi, a lovely spot near the
River Kitakami. I lay under a cherry tree and I gazed at the mountains. Soon, as if pressed to the ground by some strange
power, I became unable to move. The sky came close to me and everything around me began to turn. After a while,
everything calmed down and the melancholy I had felt before vanished, like a wave carrying away the sand.
For me, nature is something that should be looked up to as a good friend, for it is closely related to our own existence.
These days I can see mountains from my own house in Nishinomiya, but they don’t give me the same strong feeling as the
mountains of Tenshochi. In my imagination, I can see the residential quarters that are on the other side of the mountains.
The sky doesn’t hold the same colors it did long age. The wind here smells of man. All the things here belong here, as if
placed there by man. They keep silent, as if conquered. Even nature itself pretends to be nature.
In this way, nature has changed its face. It is a sad thing, for we all love beautiful things. Many mountains are becoming
bare and being lost to housing developments. Many rivers are not clear, and they cast no reflection. A lot of things produced
by man make life convenient, but convenience doesn’t satisfy the mind. Nature expresses beauty, but these things of
convenience have no expression. There is a joy which one cannot describe when spring comes after a long severe winter. I
can never feel this joy watching rows of factories or smoking chimneys.
I often dream of the Alps and the far-away savannas of Africa. The beauty of herds of gnu and zebra -- how happy I would
be to watch them. I want to feel a part of the magnificent progress of time, which is so vastly different from the mechanical
rhythm of our modern life. I want to think at leisure how great nature is. This is my dream. My wish is that it will come true
some day.
How long have I cherished this dream--- to devote all my life to study of literature? I don’t know, but I am sure that this
dream has long been in my mind, always swelling up. I guess my attachment to literature has been growing since I was a
little child. At that time I was very interested in hyakunin-isshu, the playing cards of one hundred famous poems, which was
usually played on New Year’s Day. My mother kept it in a drawer of the chiffonier, when we did not use it. When I was
alone, I would took it out of the drawer and enjoyed reading and looking at the pictures. Yes, very often. So, it may be quite
natural for me to aspire to literature when I was very young.
Literature is made up of words. Let me say something about words here. Since words appeared in this world, they have
greatly contributed to the human race. Or rather, it is not too much to say that language itself has given rise to civilizations.
Human being have advanced with languages. However, words are sometimes looked upon mere signs. I cannot help feeling
sorry for this. “Once words are uttered, they come to possess souls,” we sometimes say. It is quite natural. Though words
were made by the human race, they have gone beyond the creator.
Since literature consists of words, it has an unlimited number of souls. And it asks us, the readers, “What is man?”, “What
should we live for?”, “What is the world?”, “What is history?”, and so on. How wonderful! Thinking in this way, I become
more and more attracted by literature.
Now, I am very interested in Japanese classical literature, especially in Genji-monogatari, or “The tale of Genji”. It was
when I was a junior high school student that I first came across this great novel. Of course, I couldn’t read it in the original
classical Japanese, so I read it in modern Japanese translation. I also enjoyed reading it in comics. “What a great story this
is!” I thought when I first read it. Since then I have been more and more fascinated by it. Whenever I read it, it takes me
back into the beautiful world of the court of Heian Japan and lets me experience the feelings people in the 10th century had.
Literature lets us dream, lets us think, lets us feel comfortable, and lets us weep. I think that it is very wonderful that
people can share something essential to the human race by reading a piece of literary work. Therefore, I want to help
people appreciate more the value of literature. Especially I want to do something to help foreigners understand Japanese
literature. I know it is a very difficult task, but many people have been challenging this. I want to become one of them.
My dream is very big. But don’t you think it would be wonderful if people all over the world could understand each other
through literature? I am sure literature does have the power.
いつからこの夢を抱いてきただろうか――文学の研究に一生を捧げることに? わからない。しかしずいぶん前から抱いてきた夢で、
「歴史とは?」など。すばらしいではないか! そう考えると、ますます文学に引きつ
わたしの夢は大きい。しかし世界中の人が文学を通じてわかり合えたらすばらしいではないか? 文学にはきっとそんな力があると、
⑔ጟ㔅⪲㜞ᩞ㧔⑔ጟ⋵㧕 ᄢᬮ‫ޓ‬᥏ሶ
When I first came across “English language”. I was just three years old. I stayed in the United States for one year with my
family then. I don’t remember how I could manage at the local nursery school at that time but, “You had no problem
making friends”, my mother said. Though I was too small to speak English well, soon I began to understand what they were
After I came back to Japan, I continued studying English to keep it up. Though I didn’t have any clear idea why I was
studying it at that time, I worked hard. I didn’t realize that these experience had been so meaningful to me until last year,
when I lived in Norway with my family.
I was quite excited when I got there, but on the other hand, I was scared and worried about my new life. I didn’t have such
a feeling twelve years ago. Every thing was just fine in Norway: the house was cozy and nature was beautiful. But what I
worried so much about was my school. I was going to attend the local school near my house. Their language was
Norwegian, which I had never heard before.
The first day that I had wished not to come, finally came. When my teacher and I were walking to my classroom, everyone
in the hallway seemed to be staring at me, and I noticed they were whispering something about me. Even if I couldn’t
understand their language, I sensed it, and thought, “How can I survive for one whole year among people like this?” My
classmates were also nervous seeing me and they didn’t say a word to me. I felt so lonely in the crowd that I was about to
During the ten minutes break, everyone rushed outside and so did I. I was simply scared to be left alone. But I was again
standing alone and being stared at.
“Hello!”, I heard somebody saying behind my back. There were five girls standing and smiling at me. ‘Hello’, this was the
word I was waiting for so mush! They spoke English pretty well and asked me about Japan. I could communicate with them
without any trouble. They were so friendly that I forgot how I had been lonely a few minutes before. Within a month or so,
all my classmates, even boys, became very friendly to me. The girls who spoke to me on that day became my best friends
since then. The year was the greatest part of my life with a lot of warm memories.
Why did this year turn to be so wonderful? Because my friends helped me with love, kindness and care. And one more
important thing was because we had a common language to communicate. If I had not been able to speak English, I might
have not understood my friends’ kindness and they also have not come close to me. They would have just stared at me as a
strange “japansk jente” (Japanese girl). I can say that it was English language that made this year happy and comfortable.
Now I know why I have been studying English for so many years.
If I have a chance to visit many more countries in the world, I will have another wonderful experience to know people and
their culture by using English. I will keep studying English for this purpose. English language may play an important role in
my life when I decide my way in the future.
葉だった! 彼女たちはかなり英語がうまく、日本についていろいろ質問してくれた。問題なく彼女たちと会話ができた。とても愛想も
なぜこんなにすばらしい一年になったのだろう? 友人たちが愛情、親切心と思いやりを持って助けてくれたからだ。そしてもう一つ
ちもわたしに近寄らなかったかもしれない。おそらく奇妙な"japansk jente(日本の少女)"としてじろじろ見つめるだけだったに違いない。
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