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公益社団法人日本栄養・食糧学会 研究業績
<学 会 賞>
Clarification of novel function of trace nutrients
駒井 三千夫
Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University
修得退学(昭和 56 年 4 月 15 日)
1978 年頃
2.研究業績要旨(1,000 字以内)
から検討してきた。亜鉛欠乏食によって給餌後 3 日目で食欲が低下し、食塩溶液の摂取
した。そして、4 週間以上の長期亜鉛欠乏による唾液腺の炭酸脱水酵素のタンパク質発
現量の解析により、分泌型の CAVI ではなく CAII の発現量の低下を確認し、CAII が味覚
欠乏食飼育により 3 日目で摂食量が低下すると同時に食欲調節に鍵となる視床下部での
摂食促進ペプチド(ニューロペプチドY等)の mRNA 発現量が低下し、POMC 等の摂食
抑制ペプチド mRNA 発現量が上昇することを見出した。さらなる解析の結果、亜鉛欠乏
れていたビタミンである。すべてのビタミン K(VK)同族体には、γ-グルタミルカル
ボキシラーゼ(GGCX)を介した Gla 化能がある。候補者は、1992 年以後、各組織内に
存在する内因性酵素による VK1(フィロキノン)のメナキノン-4 (MK-4 = VK2) への生体
内変換を証明し、MK-4 の新規機能について初めて提案した。ラット臓器を用いた網羅
的 DNA マイクロアレイ解析結果をヒントとして解析したところ、ビタミン K2 の①炎症
(1) この研究に直接関連するもの(10 編以内)
1) Takumi N., Shirakawa H., Ohsaki Y., Ito A., Watanabe T., Giriwono P.E., Sato T., and Komai
M.: Dietary vitamin K alleviates the reduction in testosterone production induced by lipopolysaccharide administration in rat testis. Food & Function, 2, 406-411, 2011.
2) Ito A., Shirakawa H., Takumi N., Minegishi Y., Ohashi A., Howlader Z.H., Ohsaki Y., Sato T.,
Goto T., and Komai M.: Menaquinone-4 enhances testosterone production in rats and testisderived tumor cells. Lipids in Health and Disease, 10, 158-166, 2011.
3) Suzuki H, Asakawa A., Li J.B., Tsai M., Amitani H., Ohinata K., Komai M. and Inui A.: Zinc
as an appetite stimulator, -the possible role of zinc in the progression of diseases such as
cachexia and sarcopenia. Recent Pat. Food Nutr. Agric., 3, 226-231, 2011. (Review)
4) Ohsaki Y, Shirakawa H, Miura A, Giriwono PE, Sato S, Ohashi A, Iribe M, Goto T, and
Komai M.: Vitamin K suppresses the lipopolysaccharide-induced expression of inflammatory
cytokines in cultured macrophage-like cells via the inhibition of the activation of nuclear
factor B through the repression of IKK/ phosphorylation. J Nutr Biochem., 21,
1120-1126, 2010.
5) Ohinata K, Takemoto M, Kawanago M, Fushimi S, Shirakawa H, Goto T, Asakawa A, and
Komai M.: Orally administered zinc stimulates food intake via vagal stimulation in rats.
J. Nutr. 139, 611-616, 2009.
6) Goto T, Shirakawa H, Furukawa Y, and Komai M: Decreased expression of carbonic
anhydrase isozyme II, rather than of isozyme VI, in submandibular glands in long-term
zinc-deficient rats. Br. J. Nutr., 99, 248-253, 2008.
7) Shirakawa H., Ohsaki Y., Minegishi Y., Takumi N., Ohinata K., Furukawa Y., Mizutani T., and
Komai, M.: Vitamin K deficiency reduces testosterone production in the testis through
down-regulation of the Cyp11a, a cholesterol side chain cleavage enzyme in rats.
BBA (General Subjects), 1760, 1482-1488, 2006.
8) Goto, T., Komai, M., Suzuki, H., and Furukawa, Y.: Long-term zinc deficiency decreases taste
sensitivity in rats. J. Nutr., 131, 305-310, 2001.
9) Komai, M., Goto, T., Suzuki, H., Takeda, T., and Furukawa, Y.: Zinc deficiency and taste
dysfunction; Contribution of carbonic anhydrase, a zinc-metallo-enzyme, to normal taste
sensation. BioFactors, 12, 65-70, 2000.
10) Komai, M., and Bryant, B.P.: Acetazolamide specifically inhibits lingual trigeminal nerve
responses to carbon dioxide. Brain Res., 612, 122-129, 1993.
(2) その他の論文(編数制限なし)
1. Giriwono PE, Shirakawa H, Ohsaki Y, Hata S, Kuriyama H, Sato S, Goto T, Komai M: Dietary supplementation with geranylgeraniol suppresses lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation via
inhibition of nuclear factor-κB activation in rats. Eur J Nutr., 52, 1191-1199, 2013.
2. Murakami H, Ito M, Furukawa Y, Komai M. Leucine accelerates blood ethanol oxidation by
enhancing the activity of ethanol metabolic enmymes in the liver of SHRSP rats.
Amino Acids, 43, 2543-2551, 2012.
3. Shibata, A., Nakagawa, K., Shirakawa, H., Kobayashi, T., Kawakami, Y., Takashima, R., Ohashi, A.,
Sato, S., Ohsaki, Y., Kimura, F., Kimura, T., Tsuduki, T., Komai, M., and Miyazawa, T.:
Physiological effects and tissue distribution from large doses of tocotrienol in rats. Biosci.
Biotechnol. Biochem., 76 (9), 1805-1808, 2012.
4. Sasaki Y, Sone H, Kamiyama S, Shimizu M, Shirakawa H, Kagawa Y, Komai M, Furukawa Y.:
Administration of biotin prevents the development of insulin resistance in the skeletal muscles of
Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima Fatty rats. Food & Funct., 3, 414-9, 2012.
5. Ardiansyah, Yamaguchi E, Shirakawa H, Hata K, Hiwatashi K, Ohinata K, Goto T, Komai M.:
Lupeol supplementation improves blood pressure and lipid metabolism parameters in stroke-prone
spontaneously hypertensive rats. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem, 76, 183-5, 2012.
6. Adachi R, Sasaki Y, Morita H, Komai M, Shirakawa H, Goto T, Furuyama A, Isono K: Behavioral
analysis of Drosophila transformants expressing human taste receptor genes in the gustatory
receptor neurons. J Neurogenet., 26 (2), 198-205, 2012.
7. Ardiansyah, Shirakawa H, Koseki T, Hiwatashi K, Takahasi S, Akiyama Y, Komai M.: Novel effect
of adenosine 5’-monophosphate on ameliorating hypertension and the metabolism of lipids and
glucose in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2011, 59,
13238-13245, 2011.
8. Giriwono PE, Shirakawa H, Hokazono H, Goto T, and Komai M.: Fermented Barley Extract
Supplementation Maintained an Antioxidative Defense to Suppress Lipopolysaccharide-Induced
Inflammatory Liver Injury in Rats. Biosci., Biotechnol. and Biochem., 75, 1971-6, 2011.
9. Ardiansyah, Shirakawa H, Inagawa Y, Koseki T, and Komai M: Regulation of Blood Pressure and
Glucose Metabolism Induced by L-tryptophan in Stroke-Prone Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats.
Nutrition & Metabolism, 8, 45 (7 pages), 2011.
10. 辻村夏來、後藤知子、白川 仁、駒井三千夫:「ラットの授乳期の低亜鉛栄養状態が成熟
、日本味と匂学会誌、17, 333-334, 2010.
11. Hiwatashi K, Shirakawa H, Hori K, Yoshiki Y, Suzuki N, Hokari M, Komai M, Takahashi S.:
Reduction of blood pressure by soybean saponins, renin inhibitors from soybean, in spontaneously
hypertensive rats. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 74, 2310-2312, 2010.
12. Hiwatashi K, Kosaka Y, Suzuki N, Hata K, Mukaiyama T, Sakamoto K, Shirakawa H, Komai M.
Yamabushitake mushroom (Hericium erinaceus) improves lipid metabolism in high-fat diet-fed
mice. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 74, 1447-1451, 2010.
13. Sato, H., Chiba, Y., Fujimura, N., Kondo, N., and Komai, M.: Studies for confirm the safety and
serum low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol level-lowering effect of a low-calorie mayonnaise
supplemented with phytosterol esters. Jpn. J. Complementary Alternative Med., 7, 75-85, 2010.
14. Ardiansyah, Shirakawa H, Sugita Y, Koseki T, and Komai M: Anti-metabolic syndrome effects of
adenosine ingestion in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats fed a high fat diet. Br. J.
Nutr., 104, 48-55, 2010.
15. Watanabe-Kamiyama M, Shimizu M, Kamiyama S, Taguchi Y, Sone H, Morimatsu F, Shirakawa
H, Furukawa Y, Komai M.: Absorption and effectiveness of orally administered low molecular
weight collagen hydrolysate in rats. J. Agric. Food Chem., 58(2): 835-841, 2010.
16. Giriwono PE, Hashimoto T, Ohsaki Y, Shirakawa H, Hokazono H, and Komai M: Extract of
fermented barley attenuates chronic alcohol induced liver damage by increasing antioxidative
activities. Food Res. Intern., 43, 118-124, 2010.
17. 後藤知子、白川 仁、駒井三千夫:「食餌中亜鉛がラットの味覚感受性と食塩嗜好に及ぼ
、日本味と匂学会誌、16, 267-268, 2009.
18. 大角絵美、後藤知子、白川 仁、駒井三千夫:「にがり成分が塩味の味神経応答に及ぼす
影響」、日本味と匂学会誌、16, 423-424, 2009.
19. Shirakawa H., Mark Rochman, Takashi Furusawa, Michael R. Kuehn, Satoru Horigome, Keiichi
Haketa, Yumi Sugita, Tomoyuki Inada, Michio Komai, Michael Bustin: The nucleosomal binding
protein NSBP1 is highly expressed in the placenta and modulates the expression of differentiation
markers in placental Rcho-1 cells. J. Cell. Biochem., 106, 651-658, 2009.
20. Koseki T, Fushinobu S, Ardiansyah, Shirakawa H, Komai M.: Occurence, properties, and
applications of feruloyl esterases. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 84 (5), 803-810, 2009.
21. Ardiansyah; Shirakawa, Hitoshi; Shimeno, Taku; Koseki, Takuya; Shiono, Yoshihito; Murayama,
Tetsuya; Hatakeyama, Eiko; Komai, Michio: Adenosine, an Identified Active Component from
The Driselase-treated Fraction of Rice Bran, is Effective to Improve Metabolic Syndrome in
Stroke-Prone Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats. J. Agricul. & Food Chem., 57, 2558-2564, 2009.
22. 辻村夏來、後藤知子、白川 仁、駒井三千夫:「授乳期の母ラットの低亜鉛状態が仔ラッ
トの成熟後の食塩嗜好に及ぼす影響」、日本味と匂学会誌、15, 307-308, 2008.
23. Akira Shibata, Kiyotaka Nakagawa, Phumon Sookwon, Tsuyoshi Tsuduki, Shuhei Tomita, Hitoshi
Shirakawa, Michio Komai, and Teruo Miiyazawa: Tocotrienol inhibits angiogenic factors secretion
from human colorectal adenocarcinoma cells via suppressing hypoxia inducible factor-1. J.
Nutrition, 138, 2136-2142, 2008
24. Ardiansyah, Yusuke Ohsaki, Hitoshi Shirakawa, Takuya Koseki, and Michio Komai: Novel effects
of a single administration of ferulic acid on the regulation of blood pressure and hepatic lipid
metabolic profile in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats. J. Agric. Food Chem., 56,
2825-2830, 2008.
25. Yumi Sugita, Hitoshi Shirakawa, Ritsuko Sugimoto, Yuji Furukawa, and Michio Komai: Effect of
biotin treatment on hepatic gene expression in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Bioscience
Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 72(5), 1290-8, 2008.
26. Sato S, Shirakawa H, Tomita S, Ohsaki Y, Haketa K, Tooi O, Santo N, Tohkin M, Furukawa Y,
Gonzalez FJ, Komai M.: Low-dose dioxins alter gene expression related to cholesterol biosynthesis,
lipogenesis, and glucose metabolism through the aryl hydrocarbon receptor-mediated pathway in
mouse liver. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 229 (1), 10-9., 2008.
27. Mari Watanabe-Kamiyama, Shin Kamiyama, Kimiko Horiuchi, Kousaku Ohinata, Hitoshi
Shirakawa, Yuji Furukawa, and Michio Komai: Antihypertensive effect of biotin in stroke-prone
spontaneously hypertensive rats. Br. J. Nutr., 99, 756-763, 2008.
28. 駒井三千夫、神山(渡部)麻里、神山 伸、大日向耕作、堀内貴美子、古川勇次、白川
248-251, 2008.
29. 駒井三千夫、田中保憲、辻村夏來、後藤知子、白川 仁、只野 武:
、日本味と匂学会誌、14, 301-302, 2007.
30. 町田 翔、福成真由子、齋藤 努、白川 仁、駒井三千夫:「酸性化大豆タンパク質の渋
、日本味と匂学会誌、14, 303-304, 2007.
31. Ardiansyah, Hitoshi Shirakawa, Takuya Koseki, Katsumi Hashizume, and Michio Komai: The
Driselase-treated fraction of rice bran is a more effective dietary factor to improve hypertension,
glucose and lipid metabolism in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats compared to ferulic
acid. Br. J. Nutr., 97, 67-76, 2007
32. 本山茂記、後藤知子、白川 仁、只野 武、駒井三千夫:
「亜鉛欠乏ラットにおける MSG
、日本味と匂学会誌、13, 383-384, 2006.
33. 田中保憲、後藤知子、白川 仁、只野 武、駒井三千夫:
、日本味と匂学会誌、13, 385-386, 2006.
34. Komai M, Ohsaki Y, Minegishi Y, Takumi N, Shirakawa H.: Newly Clarified Function of Vitamin
K. Tohoku J. Agr. Res., 57, 19-31, 2006.
35. Komai M, Shirakawa H, Ohsaki Y, Minegishi Y, Takumi N, Furukawa F, Kimura S. Novel function
of vitamin K revealed by germfree rodent studies. J. Germfree Life and Gnotobiol., 36, 1-11, 2006.
36. Ardiansyah, Hitoshi Shirakawa, Takuya Koseki, Kousaku Ohinata, Katsumi Hashizume, and
Michio Komai: Rice bran fractions improve blood pressure, lipoid profile, and glucose metabolism
in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats. J. Agr. & Food Chemistry, 54, 1914-1920, 2006.
37. Yusuke Ohsaki, Hitoshi Shirakawa, Kazuyuki Hiwatashi, Yuji Furukawa, Takeo Mizutani, and
Michio Komai: Vitamin K suppresses lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation in the rat. Biosci.
Biotechnol. Biochem., 70, 926-932, 2006.
38. 本山茂記、福成真由子、白川 仁、駒井三千夫:
日本味と匂学会誌、12, 419-420, 2005.
39. 田中保憲、福成真由子、白川 仁、駒井三千夫:「乳仔期の亜鉛栄養状態が離乳後の塩味
、日本味と匂学会誌、12, 421-422, 2005.
40. Sakamoto, W., Isomura, H., Fujie, K., Iizuka, T., Nishihira, J., Tatebe, G., Takahashi, K., Ohsaki,
Y., Komai, M., and Tamai, H.: The effect of vitamin K2 on bone metabolism in aged female rats.
Osteoporosis Intl, 16, 1604-1610, 2005 (Dec).
41. 駒井三千夫、白川 仁、曽根秀行、渡部麻里、古川勇次:「ビタミンの食事摂取基準と薬
理量摂取による高機能性」 応用薬理, 69, 14-17, 2005.
42. Osada, K., Komai, M., Sugiyama, K., Urayama N., and Furukawa, Y.: Experimental study of
fatigue provoked by biotin deficiency in mice. Int. J. Vitamin Nutr. Res., 74, 334-340, 2004.
43. Tsuzuki, T., Tokuyama, Y., Igarashi, M., Nakagawa, K., Ohsaki, Y., Komai, M., and Miyazawa, T.:
-Eleostearic acid ) 9Z11E13E-18:3) is quickly converted to conjugated linoleic acid ) 9Z11E-18:2) 
in rats. J. Nutr., 134, 2634-2639, 2004.
44. Hideyuki Sone, Yuka Sasaki, Michio Komai, Masaaki Toyomizu, Yasuo Kagawa, and Yuji
Furukawa: Biotin enhances ATP synthesis in pancreatic islets of the rat, resulting in reinforcement
of glucose-induced insulin secretion. Biochem. & Biophys. Res. Comm., 314, 824-829, 2004.
45. 伏見周也、鈴木 均、駒井三千夫:「亜鉛欠乏ラットの三叉神経舌枝応答の経日変化に関
する研究、日本味と匂学会誌、10, 467-468, 2003.
*46. Tsuyoshi Tsuzuki, Miki Igarashi, Michio Komai, and Teruo Miyazawa: The metabolic
conversion of 9, 11, 13-eleostearic acid (18:3) to 9, 11-conjugated linoleic acid (18:2) in the rat.
J. Nutr. Sci. Vitaminol., 49, 195-200, 2003.
47. Kazumi Osada, Michio Komai, Bruce P. Bryant, Hitoshi Suzuki, Kenji Tsunoda, and Yuji
Furukawa: Age related decreases in neural sensitivity to NaCl in SHR-SP. J. Vet. Med. Sci., 65 (3),
313-317, 2003.
48. 駒井三千夫、宮川賢之、後藤知子、矢吹 林、白川 仁、古川勇次:
、日本味と匂学会誌、9, 469-470, 2002.
49. 矢吹 林、駒井三千夫:
日本味と匂学会誌、9, 603-604, 2002.
*50. Kamiyama, S., Howlader, Z.H., Ito, M., Komai, M., and Furukawa, Y.: Effects of deficiency of
vitamins C and/or E on lipoprotein metabolism in Osteogenic Disorder Shionogi rat, a strain unable
to synthesize ascorbic acid. J. Nutr. Sci. Vitaminol., 48, 95-101, 2002
51. Howlader, Z.H., Kamiyama, S., Shirakawa, H., Murakami, Y., Ito, M., Komai, M., Muramoto, K.,
and Furukawa, Y.: Detoxification of oxidized LDL by transferring its oxidation product(s) to
leicithin: cholesterol acyltransferase. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm., 291, 758-763, 2002
52. Murakami, Y., Kamiyama, S., Howlader, Z.H., Yamato, T., Komai, M., and Yuji Furukawa: LCAT
is insufficient to prevent oxidative modification of low-density lipoprotein. J. Biochem., 131,
17-19, 2002
53. Howlader, Z.H., Kamiyama, S., Murakami, Y., Ito, M., Komai, M., and Furukawa, Y.: Lecithin:
cholesterol acyltransferase reduces the adverse effects of oxidized low-density lipoprotein while
incurring damages itself. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 65, 550-554, 2001
54. 駒井三千夫、古川勇次:
8, 25-32, 2001.
55. 白川 仁、大崎雄介、樋渡一之、古川勇次、駒井三千夫:
「無菌ビタミン K 欠乏ラットを
用いたビタミン K の新規生理作用の検索 -DNA マイクロアレーによるアプローチ -」
菌生物, vol. 30, 50-53, 2001
56. 後藤知子、駒井三千夫、古川勇次:「亜鉛欠乏ラットの食塩嗜好上昇とミネラルバラン
ス」、日本味と匂学会誌、7, 609-610, 2000.
57. Goto, T., Komai, M., Bryant, B.P., and Furukawa, Y.: Reduction in carbonic anhydrase activity in
the tongue epithelium and submandibulart gland in zinc-deficient rats.
Int. J. Vitamin Nutr. Res., 70, 110-118, 2000.
58. Sone, H., Ito, M., Shimizu, M., Sasaki, Y., Komai, M., and Furukawa, Y.: Characteristics of the
biotin enhancement of glucose-induced insulin release in pancreatic islets of the rats.
Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 64, 550-554, 2000.
59. 駒井三千夫、古川勇次:
「ビタミン K の代謝と体内動態」、Clinical Calcium, 9,
847-852, 1999.
*60. Makino, Y., Osada, K., Sone, H., Sugiyama, K., Komai, M., Ito, M., Tsunoda, K., and Furukawa,
Y.: Percutaneous absorption of biotin in healthy subjects and in atopic dermatitis patients.
J. Nutr. Sci. Vitaminol., 45, 347-352, 1999.
61. 駒井三千夫、石川宏海、山中堅一朗、後藤知子、畠山英子、古川勇次:「カプサイシン
、日本味と匂学会誌、6, 621-622, 1999
62. 後藤知子、駒井三千夫、古川勇次:「亜鉛欠乏ラットの三叉神経舌枝の組織学的観察」
日本味と匂学会誌、6, 565-566, 1999
63. 長田和実、駒井三千夫、角田健司、鈴木 均、Bryant, B.P.、古川勇次:「イブプロフェ
、日本味と匂学会誌、6, 699-700 , 1999
64. 駒井三千夫、猪飼秀行、江尻昌弘、加藤正樹、水谷武夫、古川勇次:
およびマウスにおけるビタミン K1 からメナキノン-4への生体内変換」
、無菌生物, 29,
79-82 , 1999
*65. Tsunoda, K., Osada, K., Komai, M., Zhang, H., Morimoto, K., Suzuki, H., and Furukawa, Y.:
Effects of dietary biotin on the enhanced sucrose intake and enhanced gustatory nerve responses to
sucrose seen in the diabetic OLETF rat. J. Nutr. Sci. Vitaminol. 44, 207-216, 1998.
66. 後藤知子、駒井三千夫、Bruce Bryant, 古川勇次:
、日本味と匂学会誌, 5, 609-610, 1998.
67. 駒井三千夫、吉本律子、後藤知子、安田佳代、鈴木 均、横向慶子、古川勇次:「冷刺
日本味と匂学会誌, 5, 611-612, 1998.
68. Komai, M. Osada, K., Bryant, B.P., Suzuki, H., Goto, A., Tsunoda, K., Kimura, S., and Furukawa,
Y.: Capsaicin modifies responses of rat chorda tympani nerve fibers to NaCl. Chem. Senses, 22,
249-255, 1997.
69. Osada, K., Furukawa, Y., Komai, M., and Kimura, S.: Benzo-(a)-pyrene-induced
chemiluminescence emission in a primary culture of rat parenchymal hepatocytes.
Tohoku J. Agr. Res., 47, 105-109, 1997.
70. 駒井三千夫、和田雄一郎、古川勇次:「温度をコントロールした溶液によるラットの
、日本味と匂学会誌, 4, 289-292, 1997.
71. 山中堅一朗、駒井三千夫、鈴木 均、古川勇次:「カプサイシンの辛味刺激および胃
、日本味と匂学会誌, 4, 397-400, 1997.
72. 角田健司、駒井三千夫、長田和実、Bruce P. Bryant、鈴木 均、古川勇次:「イブプ
、日本味と匂学会誌, 4, 433-436, 1997.
*73. Yamamoto, R., Komai, M., Kojima, K., Furukawa, Y., and Kimura, S.: Menaquinone-4
accumulation in various tissues after an oral administration of phylloquinone in Wistar rats.
J. Nutr. Sci. Vitaminol., 43, 133-143, 1997.
74. Ikai, H., Kato, M., Kojima, K., Furukawa, Y., Kimura, S., and Komai, M.: Abundant distribution of
menaquinone-4 (vitamin K2) in various organs of germfree mice and rats. in Germfree Life and its
Ramifications, ed. by K. Hashimoto, et al., XII ISG Publishing Comittee, Shiozawa, Japan, pp.
447-450, 1996.
75. 後藤知子、駒井三千夫、鈴木 均、古川勇次:「亜鉛欠乏ラットの味覚異常の発症
、日本味と匂学会誌、3, 608-611, 1996.
76. 和田雄一郎、駒井三千夫、横向慶子、古川勇次:「苦味物質の嗜好に及ぼす冷却お
、日本味と匂学会誌、3, 612-614, 1996.
77. 森本和紀、駒井三千夫、長田和実、角田健司、古川勇次:「強制水泳負荷ラットに
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