
L6 Ogasawara-A Lboratory of Evolution

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L6 Ogasawara-A Lboratory of Evolution
L5 Ogasawara- A Laboratory of Evolution
Part 1
Maybe/ you have heard of Ogasawara,/ but/ do you know where it is?// It is a group
小 笠 原 諸 島の事を耳にしたことがあるでしょう/
of islands/ about 1,000 kilometers south of central Tokyo.// You can go there only by
/ 東 京 中 心部 から 1,000 キロ南にある/
あなたはそこへ舟 でしかいくことができない
ship,/ and it takes twenty-five and a half hours.// Still,/ it is part of Tokyo.//
そして 25 時 間 半かかる/
それでもなお/そこは東 京の一 部/
The Ogasawara islands have a population of/ about 2,400 people,/ and/ they all live/
小 笠 原諸 島は~の人 口 /
約 2,400 人/
そして/彼らはみんな暮 らしている
on the two main islands,/ Chichijima and Hahajima.// Though the islands are far from
父島 と母 島 //
この島は中 心となる東 京からはるか遠く離れている
central Tokyo,/ they attract/ about 17,000 tourists/ every year/ for their beautiful
それらは~を魅 了する/約 17,000 人 の旅 行 客を/
ocean and unique ecosystem.//
特 有の生 態系 で//
Part 1
Maybe/ you have heard of Ogasawara,/ but do you know where it is?// It is a group
of islands/ about 1,000 kilometers south of central Tokyo.// You can go there/ only by
ship,/ and it takes twenty-five and a half hours.// Still,/ it is part of Tokyo.//
The Ogasawara islands have a population of/ about 2,400 people,/ and/ they all live/
on the two main islands,/ Chichijima and Hahajima.// Though the islands are far from
central Tokyo,/ they attract/ about 17,000 tourists/ every year/ for their beautiful
ocean and unique ecosystem.//
Part 2
The sea around the Ogasawara Islands are/ clear and blue.// They are full of/ coral
小 笠 原諸 島の周 辺の海は/
reefs, tropical fish, and sea animals.// Dolphins are friendly/ and/ they often swim
サンゴ礁、熱 帯の魚、そして海の動 物たちが//
そして/ 彼らはよく~と一 緒に泳ぐ
together with/ you.// Whales with their babies come from nowhere/ and show you/
their wonderful performance.// You can see/ the undersea life/ with all its great
彼らの素 晴らしいパフォーマンスを//
~を見ることができる/海 の中 の生 活を/
その素 晴らしく美しさであふれた
beauty/throughout year.//
年 間を通して//
The Islands have developed/ a very unique ecosystem.// They rose out of/ the ocean
この島々は~を発 達させた/
とてもユニークな生 態 系を//
some forty-four to forty-eight million years ago.// They have never been part of any
だいたい 4400 万 年から 4800 万年 前の海//
それらは今までどんな大 陸の一部だったことはない//
continent.// Many native spices there cannot be seen/ in any other places.// Bounin
どこかほかの場 所で//
flying foxes,/ Red-headed wood pigeons,/ and/ Munin-tsutuji are some example.//
そして/ ムニンツツジはいくつかの例 //
Part 2
The sea around the Ogasawara Islands are/ clear and blue.// They are full of/ coral
reefs, tropical fish, and sea animals.// Dolphins are friendly/ and/ they often swim
together with/ you.// Wales with their babies come from nowhere/ and show you/
their wonderful performance.// You can see/ the undersea life with all its great beauty
throughout year.
The Islands have developed/ a very unique ecosystem.// They rose out of/ the ocean
some forty-four to forty-eight million years ago.// They have never been part of any
continent.// Many native spices there cannot be seen/ in any other places.// Bounin
flying foxes,/ Red-headed wood pigeons,/ and/ Munin-tsutuji are some example.//
Part 3
One scientist says that/ the Ogasawara Islands are a “laboratory of evolution.”//
ある科 学 者は言う/
小 笠 原諸 島は「進 化の実 験 室」だと//
They are a very long way/ from any continent.// So/ many native animals and plants
すべての大 陸からの//
だから/ もともといる多くの動物や植 物は~にたどりついた
arrived/ by chance:/ by way of/ wind, birds, or drifting wood.// On the isolated islands
/偶 然に:/
風、鳥または流 木 //
この孤立 した島々で
they have uniquely evolved/ in their own ways/ over time.// For example,/ even a land
彼らは独特 の進化をとげてきた/
独自 のやり方で/
snail has more than 100 varieties.// Their foods,/ feeding places,/ and resting locations
カタツムリは 100 種 類 以 上いる//
えさを食 べる場 所 /
そして休 息する場 所 は
influence/ their shape and appearance.//
~に影響を与える/ 彼らの形 や見た目に//
The Ogasawara Islands are an important treasure/ with their unique natural
小 笠 原諸 島は大 切 な宝 物/
独 特の自 然 環 境のある
environment.// It is important to reduce the human impact on them.// We should
// 彼らに対する人 間の影 響を減らすことが大 事 だ//
protect them/ and pass them on to/ our future generations.//
我々の未 来の世 代に//
Part 3
One scientist says that/ the Ogasawara Islands are a “laboratory of evolution.”//
They are a very long way/ from any continent.// So many native animals and plants
arrived/ by chance:/ by way of/ wind, birds, or drifting wood.// On the isolated island
they have uniquely evolved/ in their own ways/ over time.// For example,/ even a land
snail has more than 100 varieties.// Their foods,/ feeding places,/ and resting locations
influence their shape and appearance.//
The Ogasawara Islands are an important treasure/ with their unique natural
environment.// It is important to reduce the human impact on them.// We should
protect them/ and pass them on to/ our future generations.//
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