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Category: Documents





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6.-資金・ 助成等
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1.〈銀の時代〉のロシア文学・ 文化研究
3.ロシア/国立ロシア人文大学教授/ヂーナ・ マフムードヴナ・ マゴメドワ
4.2002 年~
5.〈銀の時代〉のロシア文学(1900~20 年代)を、当時の文化・ 宗教・ 思想と比較しつつ研究する。
7.Khdozhestvennoe prostranstvo i personazhi v <Serebryanom golube> А
. Belogo i <Pesne Sud'by> А. Bloka // Problemy izucheniya khdozhestvennogo
proizvedeniya v shkole i vuze. Vyp.2: Prostranstvo i vremya v
khurozhestvennom proizvedenii. pp.135-139. Orenburg,2002., Obraz lesa kak
<russkoe prostranstvo> (<Serebryanyj golub’> A. Belogo v kontekste
<neonarodnichekoj> literatury nachala 20 v.)『ロシア語ロシア文学研究第 34 号』
(日本ロシア文学会, 2002)pp.67-73,Zhizn’goroda i zhizn’cheloveka:Obraz Letnego sada v<Peterburge>A.Belogo//Japanese Slavic and East
European Studies Vol.25.Japanese Society for Slavic and East European Studies,2004.pp.53-70.他
3.イタリア/ローマ大学/Paolo Curatolo
7.Shimoyama I, Kasagi Y, Yoshida S, Yamaguchi M, Torii M, Shuto H, Sugita K. Information volume in recognizing the Japanese cursive syllabary
“HIRAGANA”. In: Tsuji S, Kakigi R, Tobimatsu S, Uozumi T, Akamatsu N ed. International Congress Series, Unveiling the Mystery of the
Brain: neurophysiological investigation of the brain function. Vol. 1278, Elseview BV, March 2005:169-172.
Sugita K, Kato Y, Sugita K, Kato M, Tanaka Y. Magnetoencepharographical (MEG) analysis in a case of early-onset childhood epilepsy with
occipital seizures. J Child Neurol. 2002:17(11), 851-852.
Sugita, K. Magnetoencephalographic analysis in children with Panayiotopolous syndrome. J Child Neurol (in press)
3.オーストラリア/CSIRO/Tommerup, Inez. C., Bougher, Neale. L.
カナダ/アルバータ大学理学部/Currah, Randolph S.
4.2001 年~2005 年
5.高窒素処理による撹乱に伴ない特異的に増殖・ 発生する真菌であるアンモニア菌に着目してその菌相の世界の他地域との比較調査を
アンモニア菌相の変動を指標とした森林の健全性の評価法(局所的な 短期間に修復可能な撹乱を利用した森林の健全性診断法)の確
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、課題番号:. 14560112 、16570073)
2002 年-2005 年
7.(1) Suzuki, A., Tanaka, C., Bougher, N., Tommerup, I. C., Fukiharu, T., Tsuchida, S., Oda, T., Fukada, J., Sagara, N. (2002) ITS rDNA variation of
the Coprinopsis phlyctodospora (syn.: Coprinus phlyctidosporus) complex in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, Mycoscience 43:
(2) Suzuki, A., Fukiharu, T., Tanaka, C., Ohono, T., Buchanan, P. (2003)
saprobic and ectomycorrhizal ammonia fungi in the Southern Hemisphere, New Zealand Journal of Botany, 41: 391-406
(3) Nagao, H., Udagawa, S. Bougher, N. I., Suzuki, A., Tommerup, I. C. (2003) The genus Thecotheus (Pezizales) in Australia: T. uri
namans sp. nov. from urea-treated jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) forest, Mycologia, 95: 688-693
(4) 鈴木
彰 (2004) アンモニア菌の生理・ 生態とその生物地理的分布、pp. 5-12、きのこの自然史 (小林孝人・ 高橋英樹(編)
8.Contributed Symposium of IMC7 ”Biodiversity of Southern Hemisphere fungi”: 鈴木
彰・ 吹春俊光・
田中千尋、Saprobic and mycorrhizal
ammonia fungi of the Southern Hemisphere、 2002 年8月12日、 オスロ大学、ノルウェー
彰、Physiological ecology of ammonia fungi – Studies using artificial media and natural substrates、
2005 年8月2日、ハワイ大学ヒロ校、アメリカ合州国
7.Lusin’s theorem on fuzzy measure spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2004.
Regularity properties of null-additive fuzzy measure on metric spaces, MDAI 2005.
Almost everywhere convergence of random set sequence on non-additive measure spaces, IFSA 2005.
3.ロシア/科学アカデミー太平洋海洋研究所/R. Kulinich
韓国/韓国海洋研究所/C. H. Park
付加体との対比を行い、日本海生成以前の日本列島の復元を試みた。この共同研究は学部間協定に基づいたもので、平成 16 年度ま
6.科学研究費補助金(国際学術研究8-10 年度、基盤研究B13-15 年度)
7.①V. ・ N. Karnaukh and B.Y. Karp, Tectonics of the Japan Basin: seismic investigation results, Pacific Geology, 17, 2, 1997 (in Russian) .
②Park C. H., S. Huh, H. T. Jou, J. K. Hong, S. J. Han and N. Isezaki, Geological Interpretations Based on Magnetic Anomalies and Seismic Data,
Offshore Yangyang Samchuk, the East of Korea, J. Geol. Soc. Korea, v.33, 276-290, 1997.
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③R.G.Kuilnich, L.A Maslov. G.Z. Gifmanova and O.S Komova, Density model and crust stress in the northern part of the Japan Sea, Pacific
Geology, 17, 2, 1998(in Russian)
④Park C.H., N.Isezaki, N.Seama, H.Shon, and J.W.Kim, Deep crustal structure of the Ulleung Basin, Japan Sea from separating shallow
componenets fo gravity anomalies, J. Geo;. SOc. Korea, v.38,519-535, 2002.
⑤Sato T., M.Shinohara,B.Y.Karp,R.G.Kulinich and N.Isezaki,P-wave velocity structure in the northern part of the central Japan Basin, Japan Sea
with ocean bottom seismometers and airguns, Earth Planets Space,56,501-510,2004.
2.理学部 / 教授 /
越谷 重夫(こしたに しげお)
3.イギリス / アバディーン大学 / Markus Linckelmann
5.代数学の分野に「有限個の物の置き換え」を掛け算と考える 群 という概念がある。その群を行列の言葉で表現した群の表現論にお
7.論文題目 The indecomposability of a certain bimodule given by the Brauer construction、著者 S. Koshitani and M. Linckelmann、学術雑誌
Journal of Algebra Vol.285 (2005)、726—729 に掲載発表された。
2.理学部 / 教授 /
越谷 重夫(こしたに しげお)
3.アメリカ合衆国 / イリノイ大学シカゴ校 / Morton E. Harris
4.平成14 年度から
5.代数学の分野に「有限個の物の置き換え」を掛け算と考える 群 という概念がある。その群を行列の言葉で表現した群の表現論にお
7.論文題目 An extension of Watanabe’s theorem for the Isaacs-Horimoto-Watanabe corresponding blocks、著者 M. E. Harris and S. Koshitani、
Journal of Algebra に掲載が確定した(平成17年7月)
1.IceCube 宇宙ニュートリノ観測実験(IceCube Neutrino Observatory)
3.アメリカ/ウイスコンシン大学物理学科教授/Francis Halzen
アメリカ/ウイスコンシン大学物理学科教授/Albrecht Karle
5.南極氷河を利用して、宇宙から飛来する高エネルギーニュートリノを探索・ 検出し、21 世紀の新しい天文学を拓く国際共同実験。
7.S. Yoshida, R. Ishibashi, and H. Miyamoto Phys. Rev D 69 103004 (2004)
3.イタリア/ミラノ大学/L. Carlucci 博士
6.科学研究費基盤 S
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3.イギリス/ケント大学/J.Dore 教授(物理)および Rutherford-Appelton Laboratory
6.NEDOナノカーボン、科学研究費基盤 S
7.シングルウオールカーボンナノホーン中の水が150K 付近でも完全には固体化しないガラス上氷である可能性を中性子実験から得た。
3.USA/ペンシルバニア州立大学/L. Radvic 教授(材料科学)
3.USA/ノースカロライナ州立大学/K.E.Gubbins 教授(化学工学)
8.博士研究員大場が 2 ヶ月アメリカに滞在
論文を J. Experimental Nanoscience に投稿準備
3.USA/カルフォルニア大学(リバーサイド)/E. Bekyarove 博士(化学)
5.ナノホーンへのナノ Pd 粒子の分散担持法の開発
3.オーストラリア/クイーンスランド大学/D.D. Do 教授(化学工学)
5.分子と炭素表面との相互作用に 3 体相互作用が重要であることを示す。水蒸気吸着機構に関する総説の出版
7.Do 教授 平成 15 年1ヶ月滞在
Effect of surface-perturbed intermolecular interaction on adsorption of simple gases on a graphitized carbon
K. Kaneko , Langmuir, 20, 7623-(2004).
3.韓国/Sungkyunkwan 大学/C. Yang 博士
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Surface, D. D. Do, H. D. Do, and
5.硝酸をもちいて SWNT の精製を行うと、チューブが開口して優れた気体吸着性が発現することを見出す。
7.微細孔が発達した SWNH の創製に成功。
3.インドネシア/インドネシア科学院地質工学研究開発センター/Robert M. Delinom
4.2000 年~
5.インドネシアと日本は同じ火山国で島国であるが、気温・ 降水量など気候条件が大きく異なる。水資源としての地下水は重要であり、
過剰利用のためいろんな地下水障害が生じている。日本での経験を生かして、比較水文地質学的立場から、質的・ 量的に将来にわた
インドネシアとの関わり合いは、文部省の研究プロジェクト「熱帯の火山地帯における水循環および水利用」に参加し、1992 年 8
月間催の第 29 回国際地質学会議(1GC)でその成果を発表したインドネシア・ バリ島の水文学的研究から始められた。それ以来、
-からの熱心な招請を受けて、2000 年 11 月初旬、佐倉保夫教授が訪問し、学術交流等の協力関係の確立について話し合い、暫定的
な調印を行い、2001 年 1 月に同センターのセンター長ヤン博士の千葉大学への來学、調印により学部間協定が発足した。その後、
2002 年 佐倉教授、唐助教授、宮越大学院生がバンドンを訪問し「バンドン火山地帯の水循環に関する研究」の着手
2002 年 Robert Delinom 主任研究官の指導・ 受入れ(学術振興会の招聘で 2002 年 11 月から 2003 年 1 月まで)
2003 年
Robert Delinom 主任研究官が来日し、IUGG 札幌 2003 で「バンドン火山地帯の水循環に関する研究」の研究成果を発表。
2004 年
Fajar Luibis 研究員が理学部・ 研究留学生として來学、現在、大学院自然科学研究科、後期博士課程在学中。
6.2002 年、日本側からは委任経理金(代表者:佐倉
。2002 年-2003 年、インドネシア側からは日本学術振興会・ インドネシ
アとの 2 国間事業(代表者:Robert M. Delinom)
7.Delinom, R., Tang, C., and Sakura, Y. The Bundung basin groundwater flow system and its future estimating condition, IUGG2003, Sapporo, 1630,
Delinom, R. The influence of structural geology on groundwater flow : The Lembang Fault case study, West Jawa, Indoesia (in press), 2005.
Delinom, R., Sakura, Y., Tang, C., Miyakoshi, A. and Rachmat, A. Groundwater flow system of Bandung Basin based on subsurface temperature,
stable isotopes and hydraulic head. (in press), 2005.
4.平成 9 年度~
2001 年 12 月には千葉大学で地下水環境研究会を開催し、中国から劉昌明教授をはじめ 5 名の参加者があった。
2002 年 9 月には北京国際会議場で「環境変化に関わる水資源の危機に関する国際シンポジウム(主催者:劉昌明教授)を開催され、
千葉大学から 3 名が参加した。
2003 年 8 月二週間にわたって、中国科学院地理科学資源研究所の研究者らと共同で華北平原の北部で現地調査及び採水を行い、千
2004 年 8 月十日間,千葉大学近藤,唐助教授らが中国南部調査を実施した。2004 年 10 末二週間にわたって、中国科学院水問題研究
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7.Shen, Y., Kondoh, A., Tang, C., Zhang, Y., Chen, J., Li, W., Sakura, Y., Liu, C., Tanaka, T. and Shimada, J. (2002): Measurement and analysis of
evapotranspiration and surface conductance of wheat canopy. Hydrol. Proc., Vol.16, 2173-2187.
Yang, Y., Wang Z., Sakura, Y., Tang C. & Hayashi S. (2002): Groundwater table and recharge changes in the Piedmont region of Taihang
Mountain in Gaocheng City and its relation to agricultural water use. Water SA, Vol.28(2): 171-178.
Chen, J.Y., Tang, C., Sakura, Y., Kondoh, A. and Shen, Y. (2002): Groundwater flow and geochemistry in the lower reach of the Yellow River:
case study in Shandong Province, China. Hydrogeology Jour., 10(5): 587-599.
Sakura, Y., Tang, C., Yoshioka, R. and Ishibashi, H.(2003): Intensive use of groundwater in some areas of China and Japan. Llamas, R & Custdio,
E.( Ed.) Intensive Use of Groundwater – Challenges and Opportunities -, Bulkema Publication.
Yang, Y., Watanabe, M, Wang, Z., Sakura, Y. and Tang, C.(2003) Prediction of Soil Moisture Change under Different Scenarios of Climate
Change and Implications of Vegetation Changes Simulated by WAVES Model in Taihang Mountain, China. Climate Change, Vol.57, 163-183.
Tang, C., Chen, J. and Shen, Y. (2003): Long term effect of wastewater irrigation on nitrate in groundwater in the North China Plain. IAHS
Publ., No 285, 34-40.
Chen, J.Y., Tang, C., Shen, Y., Sakura, Y., Kondoh, A. and Shimada, J., (2003): Use of water balance calculation and tritium to examine the
dropdown of groundwater table in the piedmont of the North China Plain (NCP). Environmental Geology, Vol.44. No.5. 564-571.
Tang, C., Chen, J., Shindo, S., Sakura, Y., Zhang, W., and Shen, Y. (2004): Assessment of groundwater contamination by nitrates associated with
the wastewater irrigation: A case study in Shijiazhuang region, China. Hydrol. Proc., Vol.18, 2303–2312.
Chen JY, Tang CY, Sakura S, Kondoh A, Shen YJ and Song XF(2004). Measurement and analysis of redistribution of soil moisture and salute in a
maize field in the lower reach of the Yellow River, Hydrol. Proc., Vol.18, 2263–2273.
Chen, J.Y., Tang, C., Sakura, Y., Kondoh, A. and Shen, Y. (2004): Nitrate pollution from agriculture in different hydrogeological zones of the
regional groundwater flow system in the North China Plain. Hydrogeology Journal (available online)
Shen, Y., Zhang, Y., Kondoh, A., Tang, C., Chen, J., Sakura, Y., Liu, C., Li, W. and Sun, H. (2004): Seasonal variation of energy partitioning in an
irrigated wheat and maize farmland. Hydrol. Proc., Vol.18, 2223-2234.
Zhang, Y., Liu, C., Yu, Q., Shen, Y., Kendy, E., Kondoh, A., Tang, C. and Sun, H. (2004): Seasonal Variation of surface energy flux and
Priestley-Talylor Parameter in a field Level in NCP. Hydrol. Proc., Vol.18, 2235–2246.
3.英国/ケンブリッジ大学/ナイジェル ワイス
5.天体のまわりに形成される回転プラズマ円盤における電磁流体現象の理論・ シミュレーション研究
6.日本学術振興会日欧科学協力事業(代表:京都大学 柴田一成)
3.ドイツ/Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe/Robert Eder
7.①Dynamical Domain Walls and Spin-Peierls Order in Doped Antiferromagnets: Evidence from Exact Diagonalization of Small Clusters, R. Eder
and Y. Ohta, Phys. Rev. B 69, 094433 (2004).
②Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectra of the Stripe Phase in the Two-Dimensional t-J Model, R. Eder and Y. Ohta, Phys. Rev. B 69,
100502(R) (2004).
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3.ドイツ/Universitaet Goettingen/Satoshi Nishimoto
7.①Phase Diagram of the t-U-V1-V2 Model at Quarter Filling, S. Ejima, S. Nishimoto, F. Gebhard, and Y. Ohta, Phys. Rev. B (2005), 印刷中.
②Ring Exchange Mechanism for Triplet Superconductivity in a Two-Chain Hubbard Model: Possible Relevance to Bechgaard Salts, Y. Ohta, S.
Nishimoto, T. Shirakawa, and Y. Yamaguchi, Phys. Rev. B (2005), 印刷中.
3.ドイツ/マンハイム医科大学/Siegfried Labeit,
アメリカ合衆国/ワシントン州立大学/Henk Granzier 教授
5.ヒトの染色体のプロテオーム解析をおこなった。特に、近年問題となっている、50 万以上の分子量をもつタンパク質は、ヒトの染
6.科学研究費(基盤研究 B)
3.イギリス/University of Reading/Dr. Francoise Mazet
7.Hiruta J, Mazet F, Yasui K, Zhang P, Ogasawara M. Comparative expression analysis of transcription factor genes in the endostyle of invertebrate
chordates. Dev Dyn. 233(3):1031-1037, 2005
3.イギリス/王立エジンバラ植物園/グレゴリー・ ケニサー
4.平成 13 年度~
5.葉緑体 DNA と核 DNA の分子データを用いてマメ科レンリソウ属の系統関係を明らかにし、分類体系を再検討する。
6.大和日英基金(Gregory Kenicer); 科学研究費補助金(若手研究 B、基盤研究 B)
7.Gregory J. Kenicer, Tadashi Kajita, R. Toby Pennington, and Jin Murata. 2005. Systematics and biogeography of Lathyrus (Leguminosae) based on
internal transcribed spacer and cpDNA sequence data. America Journal of Botany 92: 1199-1209.
3.イギリス/サセックス大学 MRC
Cell Mutation Unit/Alan Lehmann
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見いだしており、DNA 修復に関連した応答遺伝子のインターフェロンによる発現調節を、両国の細胞を用い検討する。
7.Wu Y-P., Kita K., Suzuki N. Involvement of human heat shock protein 90a in nicotine-induced apoptosis. (2002) Int. J. Cancer 100, 37-42
Hasegawa, R., Kita, K., Hasegawa, R., Fusejima, K., Fukuzawa, S., Wano, C., Watanabe, S., Saisho, H., Masuda, Y., Nomura, F., Suzuki N.
Induction of apoptosis and ubiquitin hydrolase gene expression by human serum factors in the early phase of acute myocardial infarction. (2003)
J. Lab. Clin. Med. 141, 168-178
1.侵害刺激伝達における carboxypeptidase II の役割
3.Professor Joseph H Neale, Department of Biology, Georgetown University, USA
5.carboxypeptidase II は N-acetyl-aspartyl-glutamate(NAAG)の分解に関与する酵素である。NAAG は、哺乳動物の中枢神経系に豊富に
ある神経伝達物質である。NAAG は、glutamate の受容体に作用することは報告されているが、その生体内での役割に関しては不明
な点が多い。Prof Neale は、多くの carboxypeptidase II の選択的阻害薬を新たに合成している。我々の研究室では、in vivo にてその効
果、特に鎮痛効果を検討することにより carboxypeptidase II の侵害刺激伝達における役割を検討している。
基盤研究(B) 12470315 により補助を受けている。
Yamamoto T, Kozikowski A, Wroblewski J, Neale J (2002) Antinociceptive effects of newly developed NAAG peptidase inhibitors, ZJ-11 and
ZJ-17, in the rat formalin test and rat neuropathic pain model. 10th World Congress on Pain (San Diego, August 17-22)
33rd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Neurochemistry
June 22-26, 2002 にて以下の発表を行った。
Probing the functions of NAAG via NAAG peptidases and mGluR3.
Ramadan E., Bacich* D.J., O’Keefe* D.S., Heston* W.D.W,
Bukhari N., Wegorzewska I., Bzdega T., Wroblewska B, Wroblewski J.T,
Kozikowski A., Yamamoto# T., Neale J.T; Georgetown University, *The Cleveland Clinic and #Chiba University
また、現在以下の論文を J Med Chem に投稿中である。
Synthesis of urea-based inhibitors as active site probes of glutamate carboxypeptidase II and analgesic effect.
3.アメリカ合衆国/コーネル大学医学部/Hazel H. Szeto
7.a) Shimoyama M, Shimoyama N, Zhao G-M, Schiller PW, Szeto HH, Antinociceptive and respiratory effects of intrathecal
H-Tyr-D-Arg-Phe-Lys-Nh2 (DALDA) and [DMT1] DALDA, J Pharmacol Exp Ther 297: 364-371, 2001
b) Zhao, G.-M., Wu, D, Soong, Y., Shimoyama, M., Schiller, P.W. and Szeto, H.H., Profound spinal tolerance after repeated exposure to a highly
selective μ-opioid peptide agonist: role of δ-opioid receptors, J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 302:188-196, 2002
c) Shimoyama, M., Kuwaki, T., Nakamura, A., Fukuda, Y., Shimoyama, N., Schiller, P.W. and Szeto, H.H., Differential respiratory effects of
[Dmt1]DALDA and morphine, Eur. J. Pharmacol. 511:199-206, 2005.
1.転写因子 C/EBPa による細胞増殖の抑制と分化の制御に関する研究
3.アメリカ合衆国/ベーラー医科大学/Gretchen J. Darlington
5.C/EBPa は細胞増殖抑制と分化誘導を共役させる転写制御因子である。同因子の遺伝子標的破壊マウスの耳下腺において、分化形質
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マーカーのアルギナーゼ遺伝子の発現が低下し、増殖マーカーの proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) の発現が亢進していること
7.Akiba, T., Kuroiwa, N., Shimizu-Yabe, A.,, Iwase, K., Hiwasa, T., Yokoe, H., Kubosawa, H., Kageyama, R., Darlington, G.J., Mori, M., Tanzawa,
H., and Takiguchi, M. (2002) Expression and regulation of the gene for arginase I in mouse salivary glands : requirement of
CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein a for the expression in the parotid gland. J. Biochem. 132, 621-627
1.フォーカル・ アドヒージョン・ カイネース
(FAK)のフィブロネクチン・ マトリクス形成に与える影響
3.Dusko Ilic
であるインテグリンと細胞外マトリックスの主要な成分であるフィブロネクチン(FN)が結合する。FAK は接着斑の構造上及び酵
素活性上重要なコンポーネントで、FN がインテグリンと結合すると FAK が活性化し細胞内シグナル伝達経路が刺激される。この
FN から FAK への経路の逆の FAK から FN マトリックス形成に関与する経路の存在を、FAK ノックアウト・ マウスの細胞を用いて
7.J Cell Sci 2004 Jan 15;117(Pt 2):177-87. Epub 2003 Dec 02
FAK promotes organization of fibronectin matrix and fibrillar adhesions.
Ilic D, Kovacic B, Johkura K, Schlaepfer DD, Tomasevic N, Han Q, Kim JB, Howerton K, Baumbusch C, Ogiwara N, Streblow DN, Nelson JA,
Dazin P, Shino Y, Sasaki K, Damsky CH.
1.炎症病巣やがん病態における CD44 の機能解析
3.オーストリア(Austria)/Boehringer Ingelheim Austria, R&D Vinna / Dr. Frank Hilberg Associate Director
4.平成 12 年~
5.接着分子 CD44 は膜一回貫通受容体型蛋白質である。ヒアルロン酸が主要なリガンドで細胞外マトリックスとアクチン細胞骨格との
大な報告がされているが、分子メカニズムについては殆ど解析されていない。我々は Dr. Hillberg が作製した CD44 遺伝子欠損マウ
スを利用して CD44 の急性、慢性の炎症性疾患やがん病態における分子機構を解析し、それらの病態の分子標的治療に展開する。
7.CD44, a negative regulator of Toll-like receptor-IL-1 receptor signaling
Kawana H, Karaki H, Higashi M, Hilberg F, Miyazaki M, Kitagawa M, Harigaya K. submitting
3.アメリカ合衆国/ジョンズ・ ホプキンス大学/William B. Isaacs 教授
5.最近ジョンズ・ ホプキンス大学と米国 NIH のグループにより、家系解析を用いて遺伝性前立腺癌(HPC)遺伝子群が第1染色体長腕ほ
かに存在していることが明らかになった。本研究者は、以前ジョンズ・ ホプキンス大学に在籍し、実際に HPC1 のクローニングプロ
7.Wilkens,E.P.,Freije,D.,Xu,J.,Nusskern,D.R.,Suzuki,H., et al.: No evidence for a role of BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations in Ashkenazi Jewish families
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with hereditary prostate cancer. Prostate 39: 280-284,1999.
Xu, J., Zheng, S.L., Komiya, A., Mychaleckyj, J., Isaacs, S.D., Faith, D.A., Hu, J.J., Sterling, D., Lange, E., Hawkins, G.A., Turner, A., Ewing,
C.M., Johnson, J.R., Suzuki, H., et al.: Germline mutations of the Macrophage Scavenger Receptor 1 gene are associated with prostate cancer risk
in Caucasian and African American men. Nat. Genet., 32: 321-325, 2002.
Takahashi, H., Lu, W., Watanabe, M., Furusato, M., Katoh, T., Tsukino, H., Nakao, H., Sudo, A., Suzuki, H., et al.: Ser217Leu polymorphism of
the HPC2/ELAC2 gene associated with prostatic cancer in Japanese men. Int. J. Cancer,
3.カナダ/ブリティッシュコロンビア 大学/ Martin. E. Gleave
4.平成15 年度~
的機序でアンドロゲン不応性となるかは未だに不明である。本研究により成長ホルモン Inslin-like Growth hormone-I (IGF-I) の結合タ
ンパクである IGF binding protein(IGFBP)-3 がホルモン不応性癌への進展に重要な役割を果たしていることが示唆された。さらに、前
IGFBP-3 をはじめとした遺伝子の前立腺癌再燃における意義について研究するのが目的である。
6.Terry Fox Foundation of the National Cancer Institute of Canada, the NIH Pacific Northwest Prostate SPORE
7.1) Satoko Kojima, Hiroyoshi Suzuki, Koichiro Akakura, Masaki Shimbo, Tomohiko Ichikawa, and Haruo Ito. Alternative antiandrogens to treat
prostate cancer relapse after initial hormone therapy.
J Urol 171: 697-683 (2004).
2) Palma Rocchi, Alan So, Satoko Kojima, Maxim Signaevsky, Eliana Beraldi, Ladan Fazli, Antonio Hurtado-coll, Kazuki Yamanaka and Martin
Gleave. Heat Shock Protein 27 Increases after androgen ablation and plays a cytoprotective role in Hormone Refractory Prostate Cancer.
Cancer Research 64(18):6595-6602 (2004).
3) Palma Rocchi, Satoko Kojima, Dawn Bradley, Kazuki Yamanaka, Ladan Fazli, Eliana Beraldi, Antonio Hurtado-Coll, Colleen Nelson, and
Martin Gleave. Antisense Hsp27 Oligodeoxynucleotides Inhibit Progression to Androgen-Independence after Castration in the LNCaP
Prostate Cancer Model. Cancer Cell, submitted.
4) Satoko Kojima, David J. Mulholland, Susan Ettinger, Ladan Fazli, Colleen C. Nelson, and Martin E. Gleave.Differential Regulation of
IGFBP-3 by the Androgen Receptor in the lineage-related Androgen-Dependent (AD) LNCaP and androgen-independent (AI) C4-2 Prostate
Cancer Models. The Prostate, submitted.
8.1)Satoko Kojima, David J. Mulholland, Michael Cox, Paul Rennie, Colleen Nelson, Martin E. Gleave. The androgen receptor regulates
expression of IGFBP-3 in the C4-2 androgen independent prostate cancer. Poster Discussion Session, Abstract #69. Western Section of
American Urological Association. August 22-26, 2004. San Diego, CA
2) Satoko Kojima, David J. Mulholland, Stephen C. Hendy, Ladan Fazli, Colleen C. Nelson, Martin E. Gleave. Differential regulation of
IGFBP-3 by the androgen receptor during progression to androgen independent prostate cancer. Abstract# 973. AACR Annual Meeting, April
16-21, 2005. Anaheim, CA
3) Satoko Kojima, David J. Mulholland, Susan Ettinger, Colleen C. Nelson, Martin E. Gleave. Differentially androgen regulated genes in
androgen dependent
(LNCaP) and independent (C4-2) prostate cancer cells. Abstract #: 4373.
AACR Annual Meeting, April 16-21, 2005. Anaheim, CA
4) Satoko Kojima, David J. Mulholland, Colleen C. Nelson, Martin E. Gleave. Differential Regulation of IGFBP-3 by the Androgen Receptor in
Progression to Androgen Independent Prostate Cancer. Abstract #: 2270. American Urological Association. May 21-26, 2005. San Antonio,
1.ミトコンドリア ATP 感受性 K+ チャネルの機能解析
3.アメリカ合衆国/Portland State University/Keith D. Garlid 教授
5.ミトコンドリア ATP 感受性 K+チャネルは虚血心筋保護に重要な役割を担っている。このチャネルに作用する薬物の同定とそれを用
7.Sato T., Takizawa T., Saito T., Kobayashi S., Hara Y., Nakaya H. (2003) Amiodarone inhibits sarcolemmal but not mitochondrial KATP channels in
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guinea pig ventricular cells. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 307:955-960。
1.免疫生体防御遺伝子 KO マウスを用いた甲状腺自己免疫疾患モデルの確立
3.中国交通大学医学部内科学/Luo Wentian 教授
5.免疫生体防御に機能する IFN-gamma や TLR 遺伝子 KO マウスを用いて、甲状腺自己免疫疾患モデルを確立し、その治療法の開発を
6.笹川医学財団 研究助成金
田、矢野明彦 (2001) Basedow 病とその動物モデル
13(1) ; 45-48.
釜慶大学/研究員/Hye-Seong Mun
エルミニア大学/医学部講師/Rabie Mohamed Mohamed
7.M Mun, H-S., Aosai, F., Norose, K., Chen, M., Hata, H., Tagawa, Y., Iwakura Y., Byun, D-S., Yano,A. (2000)
The effect of IFN-γ on Toxoplasma gondii in vivo: Toxoplasma gondii HSP70 as a danger signal in Toxoplasma
gondii-infected mice. Cell Stress and Chaperones 5(4); 328-335.
Rabie M. Mohamed, Fumie Aosai, Mei Chen, Hye-Seong Mun, Kazumi Norose, Usama S. Belal, Lian-Xun Piao, Akihiko Yano*Induction of
protective immunity by DNA vaccination with Toxoplasma gondii HSP70, HSP30 and SAG1 genes. Vaccine 21:2852-2861,2002.
7.Mei Chen, Fumie Aosai, Kazumi Norose, Hye-Seong Mun, Usama Salah Belal, Rabie Mohamed Mohamed, Hidekazu Hata, and Akihiko Yano.
(2001) Activation of recombination-activating genes for anti-HSP70 autoantibody formation in Toxoplasma gondii-infected mice. Proceedings of
the Symposium of the 61st east Branch Meeting of the Japanese Society of Parasitlogy (ed. By The Organization Committee of the 61st East
Branch Meeting of the Japanese Society of Parasitology) pp23-25. ISBN 4-99008819-2-7 FAP Journal, Chiba, Japan. (2001,9)
3.米国ウィスター研究所 Ellen Heber-Katz
5.ヘルペスウイルス性皮膚炎発症における宿主感受性・ 抵抗性を決定する遺伝子を決定し、その遺伝子機能の解析を行う。
6.日本学術振興会 科学研究費基盤研究 C
米国 NIH 科学研究費
7.Kazumi Norose, Akihiko Yano, Xiang-Min Zhang, Elizabeth Blankenhorn, and Ellen Heber-Katz. Mapping of genes involved in murine Herpes
simplex virus keratitis: Identification of genes and their modifiers. J. Virol.76(7); 3502-3510, 2002.
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1.P38 mitogen-activated protein kinase の病態生理的役割
3.アメリカ合衆国/カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校医学部薬理部門/Michael Karin 教授
4.平成 14 年度~
5.細胞外からの刺激を一連の蛋白リン酸化を介して核内の転写機構制御にまで変換・ 伝達する mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)
である。哺乳類における MAPK には、Extracellular signal-regulated kinase(ERK)、c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK)、p38 MAPK の3つが存
在する。このうち、p38 MAPK はサイトカイン、UV および浸透圧ショック等の細胞外ストレスにより活性化され、炎症反応や血管
構築には不可欠の分子と考えられている。我々は、p38 MAPK の病態下における役割を解明すべく、p38 MAPK ノックアウトマウス
6.コスメトロジー研究振興財団/基盤研究 C
7.○Takanami-Ohnishi Y, Amano S, Kimura S, Asada S, Utani A, Maruyama M, Osada H, Tsunoda H, Irukayama-Tomobe Y, Goto K, Karin M, Sudo
T, and Kasuya Y. : Essential role of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase in contact hypersensitivity. J. Biol. Chem. 2002, 277, 37896-37903
○Sakurai K, Matsuo Y, Sudo T, Takuwa Y, Kimura S and Kasuya Y. Role of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase in thrombosis. J. Receptor
Signal Transduction 2004 24, 283-296
3.オーストリア/ウイーン大学/Dr. W. J.Schneider
7.1) Zhu Y, Bujo H, Yamazaki H, Hirayama S, Kanaki T, Takahashi K, Shibasak M, Schneider WJ, and Saito Y. Enhanced expression of LDLR
family member LR11 increases migrationof smooth muscle cells in vitro. Circulation 2002;105: 1830-6.
2) Tanaga K, Bujo H, Zhu Y, Kanaki T, Hirayama S, Takahashi K, Inoue M, Mikami K, Schneider WJ, Saito Y. LRP1B attenuates the migration of
smooth muscle cells by reducing membrane localization of urokinase and PDGF receptors.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2004;24:1422-8
3) Zhu Y, Bujo H, Yamazaki H, Ohwaki K, Jiang M, Hirayama S, Kanaki T, Shibasaki M, Takahashi K, Schneider WJ, Saito Y.
LR11, an LDL
receptor gene family member, is a novel regulator of smooth muscle cell migration. Circ Res. 2004;94:752-8
3.米国/エモリ大学/Dr. Lah.JJ
4.平成16 年度~
5.アルツハイマー病と LDL 受容体ファミリーの研究
7.Scherzer CR, Offe K, Gearing M, Rees HD, Fang G, Heilman CJ, Schaller C, Bujo H, Levey AI, Lah JJ. Loss of apolipoprotein E receptor LR11 in
Alzheimer disease. Arch Neurol. 2004 Aug;61(8):1200-5.
2.大学院医学研究院発生生物学/教授/斎藤 哲一郎
3.アメリカ合衆国/テキサス大学/Jane E. Johnson
5.胎児の発生過程で、脊髄の背側から交連神経細胞が生まれる。この時、プロニューラル因子の Math1 が直接的にホメオボックス遺伝
子の Mbh1 を制御することで、交連神経細胞の運命を決定することを初めて明らかにした。
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6.文科省科学研究費補助金・ 特定領域研究、学術振興会・ 基盤研究 B
7.Saba, R., Johnson, J.E. and Saito, T. (2005)Commissural neuron identity is specified by a homeodomain protein,Mbh1, that is directly downstream
of Math1. Development 132,2147-2155.
1.CD69 分子の免疫反応における役割に関する研究
3.アメリカ合衆国、ワシントン大学 Steven F. Ziegler
5.CD69 分子の免疫反応における役割を解析する。CD69 ノックアウトマウス、細胞外部分を分泌する CD69 トランスジェニックマウス、
wild type の CD69 トランスジェニックマウス,細胞内部分を欠損した CD69 トランスジェニックマウスを樹立し、とくに関節炎の起こ
り方を調べた。CD69 分子が関節炎の発症に必須であることがわかった。
7.Murata, K., Inami, M., Hasegawa, A., Kubo, S., Kimura, M., Yamashita, M.,Hosokawa H., Nagao, T., Suzuki, K., Hashimoto, K., Shinkai, H.,
Koseki, H.,Taniguchi, M., Ziegler, S. F., and Nakayama, T.: CD69-null mice protected from arthritis induced with anti-Type II collagen
antibodies. Int.Immunol.8:987,2003.
1.MIF の免疫反応における役割に関する研究
3.イギリス、マンチェスター大学、Gillian S. Ashcroft
5.MIF(migration inhibitory factor)分子の免疫反応における役割を解析する。MIF ノックアウトマウスを用いてとくに創傷治癒における
MIF の役割を調べた。
7.Ashcroft, G. S., Mills, S. J., Lei, K., Gibbons, L., Burow, M., Jeong, M-J.,Taniguchi, M., Horan, M. A., Wahl, S. M., and Nakayama, T.: Estrogen
modulates cutaneous wound healing by down-regulating macrophage migration inhibitory factor. J. Clin. Inv. 111:1309,2003.
1.MRI を用いた中枢神経の発達・ 奇形ならびに小児神経疾患の研究
3.A. James Barkovich、USA, University of California San Francisco
5.中枢神経の正常発達、中枢神経の奇形、神経疾患を MRI を用いて研究する。
7.Tada H, Takanashi J, Barkovich AJ, et al. Reversible White Matter Lesion in Methionine Adenosyltransferase I/III Deficiency. AJNR Am J
Neuroradiol in press.
Tada H, Takanashi J, Barkovich AJ, et al. Clinically Mild Encephalitis/Encephalopathy with a Reversible Splenial Lesion. Neurology in press.
Takanashi J, Barkovich AJ, et al. Influenza Encephalopathy with a Reversible Lesion in the Splenium of the Corpus Callosum. AJNR Am J
Neuroradiol 2004; 25: 798-802.
Tada H, Takanashi J, Barkovich AJ, Kohno Y. Intracranial Dural Venous Anomalies in Familial Cervical Cystic Hygroma. Pediatr Neurol in press.
Takanashi J, Suzuki H, Barkovich AJ, et al. Medullary Steaks: Dilated Medullary Vessels in Chronic Ischemia in Children. Neurology 2003; 61:
Takanashi J, Barkovich AJ, et al. Venous Infarction in Term Children with Congenital Hemiplegia. Neurology 2003; 61: 531-533.
Takanashi J, Barkovich AJ. The Changing MR Imaging Appearance of Polymicrogyria: A Consequence of Myelination. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol
2003; 24: 788-793.
Takanashi J, Barkovich AJ, et al. High T1 Signal in the Pulvinar; an Imaging Key for Diagnosis of Fabry Disease. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2003;
24: 916-921.
Takanashi J, Barkovich AJ, et al. Brain MR Imaging in Neonatal Hyperammonemic Encephalopathy due to Urea Cycle Disorders. AJNR Am J
Neuroradiol 2003; 24: 1184-1187.
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Takanashi J, Barkovich AJ, et al. Brain MR Imaging in Acute Hyperammonemic Encephalopathy due to Late-Onset Ornithine Transcarbamylase
Deficiency. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2003; 24: 390-393.
Takanashi J, Barkovich AJ, Clegg N. Middle Interhemispheric Varient of Holoprosencephaly Associated with Diffuse Polymicrogyria. AJNR Am
J Neuroradiol 2003; 24: 394-397. .
1.肺癌における癌抑制遺伝子の methylation に関する研究
3.米国/UT Southwestern medical center at Dallas/Adi F Gazdar
6.Supported by an Early Detection Research Network Grant (5U01CA8497102)
7.Suzuki M, Toyooka S, Shivapurkar N, Shigematsu H, Miyajima K, Takahashi T, Stastny V, Zern AAL, Fujisawa T, Pass HI, Carbone M, Gazdar
AF. Aberrant methylation profile of human malignant mesotheliomas and its relationship to SV40 infection. Oncogene. 2005 Feb
Suzuki M, Shigematsu H, Takahashi T, Shivapurkar N, Sathyanarayana UG, Iizasa T, Fujisawa T, Gazdar AF. Aberrant methylation of Reprimo in
lung cancer. Lung Cancer. 2005 Mar;47(3):309-14.
Suzuki M, Hao C, Takahashi T, Shigematsu H, Shivapurkar N, Sathyanarayana UG, Iizasa T, Fujisawa T, Hiroshima K, Gazdar AF. Aberrant
methylation of SPARC in human lung cancers. Br J Cancer. 2005 Mar 14;92(5):942-8.
1.Holt-Oram 症候群における TBX5 の機能
3.アメリカ合衆国/クリーブランドクリニック/Q Wang
5.TBX5 の変異により Holt-Oram 症候群が発症する。種々の変異が発見されているが、その変異により TBX5 の機能がどのように変化
するかは不明である。そこで TBX5 の標的遺伝子として小室らが世界で初めて同定した心房性ナトリウム利尿ペプチドの遺伝子を用
いて変異 TBX5 の機能を解析する。
7.Fan C, D uhagon MA, Oberti C, Chen S, Hiroi Y, Komuro I, Duhagon PI, Canessa R, Wang Q. Novel TBX5 mutations and molecular mechanism
for Holt-Oram syndrome. J Med Genet 40, e29, 2003
イタリア/聖アンナ高等大学院/Dr. Flavio Coceani
5.エンドセリン-3、エンドセリン受容体-A、-B、エンドセリン合成酵素-1が循環・ 呼吸調節および発生に果たす役割の解明
7.Ohuchi T. et al., Am. J. Physiol. 276: R1071-7 '99
Coceani F. et al., Am. J. Physiol. 277: H1521-31 '99
Kuwaki T. et al., Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. Physiol. 26: 989-94 '99
Coceani F. et al., J. Cardiovasc. Res. 36: S75-7 '00
Nakamura A. et al., Resp. Physiol. 124: 1-9 '00
Kuwaki T. et al., Clin. Sci. 103: 48S-52 '02
Hasue F. et al., J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 44: S318-20 '04
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5.視床下部神経に限局して存在する新規神経伝達物質であるオレキシンが、循環・ 呼吸の神経性調節に果たす役割の解明
基盤研究 C,島津科学技術振興財団,病態代謝研究会
7.Kayaba Y. et al., Am. J. Physiol.285:R519-21 ’03
Kuwaki T. Autonom. Nerv. Syst. 41: 122-7 '04
8.Distinguished Poster Award (International Symposium on the Study of Brain Functions, 2002)
1.動脈硬化病変形成における Smad3 シグナルの役割の解明
糖尿病・ 代謝・ 内分泌内科/助手/横手幸太郎
3.米国/National Cancer Institute/Anita B. Roberts
5.多機能サイトカインとして知られる TGF-β の主要細胞内シグナル分子 Smad が動脈硬化病変の形成に及ぼす影響を解明するため、
Smad3 分子のノックアウトマウスを用いた血管病変の解析を実施する。
7.Kobayashi K, Yokote K, Fujimoto M, Yamashita K, Sakamoto A, Kitahara M, Kawamura H, Maezawa Y, Asaumi S, Tokuhisa T, Mori S, Saito Y.
Targeted Disruption of TGF-β-Smad3 Signaling Leads to Enhanced Neointimal Hyperplasia With Diminished Matrix Deposition in Response to
Vascular Injury. Circ Res. 2005
8.①2004年度(第10回)日本心臓財団・ ファイザー心血管病研究助成
②Keystone symposia, The role of TGF-β in disease pathogenesis: Novel therapeutic strategies (March 28-April 2, 2005)”にて、Organizer/Anita
B. Roberts により紹介される。
1.Production of clinically useful human monoclonal antibodies against cancers.
食道・ 胃腸外科/講師/幸田圭史
3.米国/San Diego Rajko Medenica Research Foundation /Mark C. Glassy
米国/San Diego Shantha West Inc. /Michael E. McKnight
4.1994 年以降
6.Rajko Medenica Research Foundation および Shantha West Inc.
文部科学省科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(C)
7.1, Koya Yokoyama, Jun Yasutomi, Keiji Koda, Kenji Oda, Kazuhiro Seike, and Masaru
mRNA expression of AgSK1, an adenocarcinoma-associated antigen, in
tumor tissue of patients with colorectal cancer: Quantitative RT-PCR analysis.
Human Antibodies 12, 137-145, 2003.
2, Glassy M*, and Koda K The nature of an ideal therapeutic human antibody.
Expert Opin. Biol. Ther. 2(1): 1-2, 2002.
3, Keiji Koda, Mark C. Glassy, Michael E. McKnight, Jun Yasutomi, Norio Saito,
Michael Dan, and Nobuyuki Nakajima. Immunotherapy for recurrent colorectal
cancers with human monoclonal antibody SK-1. Anticancer Res. 21(1B):621-627, 2001.
4, Yasutomi-J, Koda-K, Saito-N, Nakajima-N, Nasoff-M, McKnight-M, Mukerjee-S,
Gaskins-C, Chau-PC, Glassy-MC Identification of the immunoreactive peptide
sequence for AgSK1, an adenocarcinoma-restricted antigen. Tissue-Antigens. FEB
2000; 55 (2) : 157-161
5, Glassy MC, Yasutomi J, and Koda K.
Lessons learned about the therapeautic
potencial of the natural human immune response to lung cancer. Expert Opin. Invest.
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Drugs 8(7): 995-1006, 1999.
6, Koda K, Glassy MC, McKnight ME, Saito N, Dan M, Fukao K, and Nakajima N.
monoclonal antibody SK-1 immunotargeting for rectal carcinoma. Int. J.
Immunother. 14(3): 153-161, 1998.
1、The 12th international conference on Human Antibodies and Hybridomas. 10-12
May, 2006, Montego Bay, Jamaica.
Scientific Advisory Commitee
2、The 11th international conference on Human Antibodies and Hybridomas. 8-10
October, 2004, Dublin, Ireland., Organizer
3、The 10th international conference on Human Antibodies and Hybridomas. 8-10
October, 2003,大阪コンベンションセンター.
1.多系統萎縮症と純粋自律神経不全症の鑑別・ 診断に関する研究
神経研究所/C J Mathias
系統萎縮症は5年ほどで歩行不能になり、10 年以内に死亡する症例が多い。
このため、病初期の段階で正確に鑑別・ 診断する意義は高い。我々は薬理学的検査、生理学的検査法を用いて、この2疾患を鑑別・
診断する方法を開発・ 確立するため、ロンドン大学の神経研究所と共同研究を行っている。
7.Asahina M, Young TM, Bleasdale-Barr K, Mathias CJ. Related Differences in overshoot of blood pressure after head-up tilt in two groups with
chronic autonomic failure: pure autonomic failure and multiple system atrophy. J Neurol. 2005; 252(1):72-77.
8.共同研究の成果は 2002 年 12 月5日にバーミンガムで開催された第 19 回英国自律神経学会で発表した。
神経研究所/C J Mathias
5.脊髄損傷患者では Autonomic Dysreflexia などの自律神経障害がしばしばみられる.我々は,脊髄損傷患者における皮膚自律神経機能
7 . Nicotra A, Asahina M, Mathias CJ. Skin vasodilator response to local heating in human chronic spinal cord injury. Eur J Neurol.
8.共同研究の成果は 2003 年5月にフランスで開催された第3回ヨーロッパ自律神経学会で発表し,最優秀ポスター賞を獲得した。
1.NMDA 受容体活性のポリアミンによる調節機序
3.米国/ニューヨーク州立大学/Williams, Keith
5.NMDA 受容体は記憶、脳虚血時の症状悪化に関わっている。この受容体活性は、ポリアミンにより二面的な調節を受けている。す
なわち、ポリアミン、特にスペルミンは脱分極時に NMDA 受容体活性を促進し、過分極時にはその活性を阻害する。このスペルミ
7.1)Kashiwagi, K., Fukuchi, J., Chao, J., Igarashi, K., and Williams, K. (1996) Mol. Pharmacol. 49, 1131-1141.
2 ) Williams, K., Chao, J., Kashiwagi, K., Masuko, T., and Igarashi, K. (1996) Mol. Pharmacol. 50, 701-708.
3 ) Chao, J., Seiler, N., Renault, J., Kashiwagi, K., Masuko, T., Igarashi, K., and Williams, K. (1997) Mol. Pharmacol. 51,
− 102 −
4 ) Kashiwagi, K., Pahk, A. J., Masuko, T., Igarashi, K., and Williams (1997) Mol. Pharmacol. 52, 701-703.
5 ) Igarashi, K., Shirahata, A., Pahk, A. J., Kashiwagi, K., and Williams, K. (1997) J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 283, 533-540.
6 )Williams, K., Pahk, A. J., Kashiwagi, K., Masuko, T., Nguyen, N. D., and Igarashi, K. (1998) Mol. Pharmacol. 53, 933-941.
7 ) Masuko, T., Kashiwagi, K., Kuno, T., Nguyen, N. D., Pahk, A. J., Fukuchi, J., Igarashi, K., and Williams, K. (1999) Mol.
Pharmacol. 55, 957-969.
8 ) Masuko, T., Kuno, T., Kashiwagi, K., Kusama, T, Williams, K., and Igarashi, K. (1999) J. Pharmacol Exp Ther. 290,
9 ) Kashiwagi, K., Masuko, T., Nguyen, C. D., Kuno, T., Tanaka, I., Igarashi, K., and Williams, K. (2002) Mol. Pharmacol. 61,
10) Masuko, T., Kusama-Eguchi, K., Sakata, K., Kusama, T., Chaki, S., Okuyama, S., Williams, K., Kashiwagi, K., and
Igarashi, K. (2003) J. Neurochem. 84, 610-617.
11) Williams, K., Dattilo, M., Sabado, T. N., Kashiwagi, K., and Igarashi, K. (2003) J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 305, 740-748.
12) Low, C.-M., Lyuboslavsky, P., French, A., Le, P., Wyatte, K., Thiel, W. H., Marchan, E. M., Igarashi, K., Kashiawgi, K.,
Gernert, K., Williams, K., Traynelis, S. F., and Zheng, F. (2003) Mol. Pharmacol. 63, 1212-1222.
13) Kashiwagi, K., Tanaka, I., Tamura, M., Sugiyama, H., Okawara, T., Otsuka, M., Sabado, T. N., Williams, K., and Igarashi,
K. (2004) J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 309, 884-893.
3.英国/食糧研究所/Michael, Anthony J.
7.1)Nozaki, T., Nishimura, K., Michael, A. J., Maruyama, T., Kakinuma, Y., and Igarashi, K. (1996) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 228,
2)Tomitori, H., Kashiwagi, K., Asakawa, T., Kakinuma, Y., Michael, A. J., and Igarashi, K. (2001) Biochem. J. 353, 681-688.
1.大腸菌 ribosome recycling factor の生理機能
3.米国/ペンシルバニア大学/Kaji, Akira
5.Ribosome recycling factor(RRF)は蛋白質合成終了後にリボソームから mRNA と tRNA を遊離する因子であり、大腸菌の生存に
必須な因子である。この RRF は蛋白質合成の誤訳の低下にも関与しており、多様な生理作用を発揮するが、その分子基盤を明ら
7.1)Hirokawa, G., Kiel, M. C., Muto, A., Selmer, M., Raj, V. S., Liljas, A., Igarashi, K., Kaji, H., and Kaji, A. (2002) EMBO J. 21,
2 ) Hirokawa, G., Kiel, M. C., Kawai, G., Igarashi, K., Kaji, H., and Kaji, A. (2002) J. Biol. Chem. 277, 24212-24219.
3 ) Hirokawa, G., Inokuchi, H., Kaji, H., Igarashi, K., and Kaji, A. (2004) Mol. Microbiol. 54, 1011-1021
1.タイ産アカネ科植物 Mitragyna speciosa に含まれる鎮痛性アルカロイドに関する化学的薬理学的研究
3.タイ国/チュラロンコーン大学薬学部/Dhavadee Ponglux 准教授
4.平成 16 年度
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5.タイ国に自生するアカネ科薬用植物 Mitragyna speciosa に含まれるアルカロイド,7-Hydroxymitragynine の鎮痛作用を明らかにする。
6.科学研究費補助金(基盤研究 B)
7.(1) Antinociceptive Effect of 7-Hydroxymitragynine in Mice: Discover of an Orally Active Opioid Analgesic from Thai Medicinal Herb Mitragyna
speciosa. K. Matsumoto, S. Horie, H. Ishikawa, H. Takayama, N. Aimi, D. Ponglux, and K. Watanabe, Life Sciences, 74 (17), 2143-2155
(2004), (2) Chemistry and Pharmacology of Analgesic Indole Alkaloids from the Rubiaceous Plant, Mitragyna speciosa. H. Takayama, Chem.
Pharm. Bull., 52 (8), 916-928 (2004).
1.ナイジェリア産アカネ科植物 Mitragyna africanus に含有される二次代謝産物の検索
3.ナイジェリア/ マイデュグリ大学医学部/ Baba M. Aji 博士
4.平成 16 年度
5.ナイジェリアに自生するアカネ科薬用植物 Mitragyna africanus に含まれる新規生理活性天然物の検索を行う。
6.科学研究費補助金(基盤研究 B)
7.A New 9-Methoxyyohimbine-Type Indole Alkaloid from Mitragyna africanus. H. Takayama, H. Ishikawa, M. Kitajima, N. Aimi, and B. M. Aji,
Chem. Pharm. Bull., 52 (3), 359-361 (2004)
1.マレーシア産アカネ科植物 Psychotria rostrata に含有される生物活性二次代謝産物の化学的研究
3.マレーシア/プトラマレーシア大学生命科学部/Nordin H. Lajis 教授
4.平成 16 年度
5.マレーシアに自生するアカネ科薬用植物 Psychotria rostrata に含まれる新規生理活性アルカロイドの検索を行う。
7.New Type of Trimeric and Pentameric Indole Alkaloids from Psychotria rostrata. H. Takayama, I. Mori, M. Kitajima, N. Aimi, and Nordin H.
Lajis, Organic Lett., 6 (17), 2945-2948 (2004)
3.ペルー/Universidad Nacional Agraria de la Selva 大学/Manuel Sandoval 教授
4.平成 16 年度
5.南米アマゾン流域において Una de Gato の名で万能薬として用いられてきた伝承民間薬の起原植物(Uncaria tomentosa)に含まれる新規
7.New Oleanan-Type Triterpene and Cincholic Acid Glycosides from Peruvian Una de Gato (Uncaria tomentosa). M. Kitajima, K. Hashimoto, M.
Sandoval, N. Aimi, and H. Takayama, Chem. Pharm. Bull., 52 (10), 1258-1261 (2004)
1.ナス科植物 Solanum mammosum の液体培養細胞を用いたスチルベンオリゴマーの配糖化に関する研究
3.インドネシア/バンドン工科大学/Euis H. Hakim 教授
4.平成 16 年度
5.スチルベンオリゴマーの一種、Oxyresveratrol は Solanum mammosum の液体培養細胞により位置選択的に配糖化される事を見いだした
7.Regioselective Glucosidation of Oxyresveratrol by Cell Suspension Cultures of Solanum mammosum.
E. H. Hakim, S. A. Achmad, N. Aimi, G.
Indrayanto, M. Kitajima, L. Makmur, M. D. Surya, Y. M. Syah, and H. Takayama, J. Chemical Research, (10) 706-707 (2004)
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タイ王国/ナレスワン大学薬学部/スィーサグン・ スングトングジーン
5.医薬品製剤工程で繁用される粉砕操作により、結晶性医薬品の性質・ 性状がどのように変化するかに着目して研究を行っている。デ
・ T.Oguchi, S.Limmatvapirat, C.Takahashi, S.Sungthongjeen, W.S.Choi, E.Yonemochi and K.Yamamoto, Effect of Guest Species on Inclusion
Compound Formation of Deoxycholic Acid by Co-grinding, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 71,1573-1579 (1998)
・ T.Oguchi, K. Kazama, E.Yonemochi, W.S.Choi, S. Limmatvapirat and K.Yamamoto,, Specific Complexation of Ursodeoxycholic Acid with
Guest Compounds Induced by Co-grinding, Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys., 2, 2815-2820 (2000)
T.Uchino,Y.Tozuka, W.S.Choi, T.Oguchi and K.Yamamoto,Inclusion
Behavior of
Benzoic Acid
to Linear AmyloseBy
the Sealed-heating Method, J. Pharm. Sci. Tech. Jpn., 62, 58-66(2002)
・ H. Y. Chung, E. Yonemochi, T. Saitoh, K. Terada, Y. Tozuka, T. Oguchi, K. Yamamoto, H. Y-. Chung, W. S. Choi: Factors affecting the apparent
solubility of ursodeoxycholic acid in the grinding process, Int. J. Pharm., 255, 49-56 (2003)
3.タイ王国/マヒドン大学薬学部/サチット・ プティピパットカチョーン
アメリカ合衆国/パーデュー大学薬学部/ガーネット・ ペック
・ S. Putipipatkhachorn, J. Nunthaid, K. Yamamoto, G. E. Peck, Drug Physical State and Drug-polymer Interaction on Drug Release from Chitosan
Matrix Films, J. Controlled Release, 75, 143-153 (2001)
・ J. Nunthaid, S. Putipipatkhachorn, K. Yamamoto, G. E. Peck, Physical Properties and Molecular Behavior of Chitosan Films, Drug Dev. Ind.
Pharm., 27,143-157 (2001)
3.タイ王国/シルパコーン大学薬学部/ソンタヤ・ リンマッタワピラット
5.医薬品製剤工程で繁用される粉砕操作により、結晶性医薬品の性質・ 性状がどのように変化するかに着目して研究を行っている。デ
7.T. Oguchi, Y. Tozuka, T. Hanawa, M. Mizutani, N. Sasaki, S. Limmatvapirat, and K. Yamamoto, Elucidation of Solid-State Complexation in
Ground Mixtures of Cholic Acid and Guest Compounds, Chem. Pharm. Bull., 50, 887 -891 (2002)
3.タイ王国/チュラロンコーン大学薬学部/スチャダ・ チュティマオラパン
7.S. Chutimaworapan, G. C Ritthidej, T. Oguchi and K. Yamamoto, Controlled Release of Nifedipine from Coevaporates Prepared with Eudragit and
Poloxamer, J. Pharm. Sci. Technol. Jpn., 61, 21-33 (2001)
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1.混合粉砕法による dihydroartemisinin(DHA)の微粒子化に関する研究
3.タイ王国/マヒドン大学薬学部/サティット・ プティピパッカチョン
5.DHA の物性評価に加えて、超臨界流体を用いた微粒子調製、DHA とシクロデキストリン、および DHA/PVP/SDS(NaDC)3成分系
での混合粉砕による微粒子化を試みた。 DHA はシクロデキストリンと包接化合物を形成するため、シクロデキストリンとの混合粉
考慮した組成の最適化、および in vitro、in
vivo での結果が期待される。
3.タイ/Khon Kaen 大学/Thaworn Kowithayakorn 教授
4.平成 15 年度,平成 16 年度,平成 17 年度
(1)Toume, K.; Sato, M.; Koyano, T.; Kowithayakorn, T.; Yamori, T.; Ishibashi, M. "Cytotoxic Dimeric Sesquiterpenoids from Curcuma parviflora:
Isolation of Three New Parviflorenes and Absolute Stereochemistry of Parviflorenes A, B, D, F, and G"Tetrahedron 2005, 61, 6700-6706.
(2)Teramachi, F.; Koyano, T.; Kowithayakorn, T.; Hayashi, M.; Komiyama, K.; Ishibashi, M. "Collagenase inhibitory quinic acid esters from
Ipomoea pes-caprae"J. Nat. Prod. 2005, 68, 794-796.
(3)Osaki, N.; Koyano, T.; Kowithayakorn, T.; Hayashi, M.; Komiyama, K.; Ishibashi, M. "Sesquiterpenoids and Plasmin-Inhibitory Flavonoids
from Blumea balsamifera"J. Nat. Prod. 2005, 68, 447-449.
(4)Toume, K.; Takahashi, M.; Koyano, T.; Kowithayakorn, T.; Yamaguchi, K.; Hayashi, M.; Komiyama, K.; Ishibashi, M. "Parviflorenes B - F,
Novel Cytotoxic Unsymmetrical Sesquiterpene-Dimers with Three Backbone Skeletons from Curcuma parviflora" Tetrahedron 2004, 60,
(5)Ohtsuki, T.; Koyano, T.; Kowithayakorn, T.; Sakai, S.; Kawahara, N.; Goda, Y.; Yamaguchi, N.; Ishibashi, M. "New Chlorogenin Hexasaccharide
Isolated from Agave fourcroydes with Cytotoxic and Cell Cycle Inhibitory Activities" Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2004, 12, 3841-3845.
(6)Ohtsuki, T.; Koyano, T.; Kowithayakorn, T.; Yamaguchi, N.; Ishibashi, M. "Isolation of Austroinulin Possessing Cell Cycle Inhibition Activity
from Blumea glomerata and Revision of Its Absolute Configuration” Planta Medica 2004, 70, 1170-1173.
1.Croton oblongifolius からの生理活性ジテルペン系化合物
3.タイ王国/チュラロンコーン大学薬学部/Chaiyo Chaichantipyuth 助教授
5.トウダイグサ科ハズ属植物の Croton oblongifolium は、抗腫瘍や抗潰瘍などの生理活性を持つことが知られている。その主成分はジ
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7.(1) C. Chaichantipyuth, N. Muangsin, N. Chaichit, S. Roengsumran, A. Petsom, T. Watanabe, T. Ishikawa, Z. Kristallogr. NCS 2004, 219, 111-113;
(2) C. Chaichantipyuth, A. Petsom, P. Taweechotipatr, N. Muangsin, N. Chaichit, S. Puthong, S. Roengsumran, M. Kawahata, T. Watanabe, T.
Ishikawa, Heterocycles 2005, 65, 809-822.
8.事業は順調に推移し、C. Chaichantipyuth 氏は平成17年3月に千葉大学より博士(薬学)の学位を取得した。
3.米国/フロリダ大学/Andrew D. Hanson
4.平成 14 年度~
7.Michael G. Kocsis, Philippe Ranocha, Douglas A. Gage, Eric S. Simon, David Rhodes, Gregory J. Peel, Stefan Mellema, Kazuki Saito, Motoko
Awazuhara, Changjiang Ji, Robert B. Meeley, Mitchell C. Tarczynski, Conrad Wagner, and Andrew D. Hanson: Insertional Inactivation of the
Methionine S-Methyltransferase Gene Eliminates the S-Methylmethionine Cycle and Increases the Methylation Ratio. Plant Physiology,
3.ドイツ/GSF-国立環境健康研究センター/Anton R. Schaeffner
4.平成 13 年度~
7.Patrik Jones, Burkhard Messner, Jun-Ichiro Nakajima, and Anton R. Schaeffner: UGT73C6 and UGT78D1, Glycosyltransferases Involved in
Flavonol Glycoside Biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 278, 43910-43918(2003)
3.韓国/延世大学/Won Hee Lee
4.平成 16 年度
5.アジア 6 カ国における看護倫理教育の現状を、実態調査を実施して明らかにした。今後は、そのデーターにもとづいて看護倫理教育
平成 16 年に実施した日本の看護倫理教育の実態調査では、180 校の大学・ 短期大学に質問紙を配布したところ、31%の回収率で
あった。88%で看護倫理教育を実施しており、うち 18%が独立科目、52%は統合科目として教育していた。
6.The Asian Institute for Bioethics and Health Law, Yonsei University
United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia(UB)
7.38th Binnial Convention, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, November, 2005.
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3.アメリカ合衆国/ジョージア工科大学/ブルース・ エリングウッド
7.T. Takahashi, B.R. Ellingwood: Reliability-based assessment of roofs in Japan subjected to extreme snows, Structural Engineering, Vol.27, No.1,
pp.89-95, 2005.1.
3.米国/プリンストン大学/A.Kahn 教授
米国/プリンストン大学/. R. Forrest 教授
ドイツ/ドレスデン工科大学/K. Leo 教授
米国/南カリフォルニア大学/M. E. Thompson 教授
6.NEDO 国際共同研究資金、学術創成研究など
7.(1) K.K.Okudaira, H. Setoyama, H. Yagi, M. Mase, S. Kera, A. Kahn and N. Ueno: Study of excited states of fluorinated copper phthalocyanine by
inner shell excitation, J. Electron Spec. & Relat. Phenom.137-140, 137-140 (2004).
(2) S. Kera, Y. Yabuuchi, H. Yamane, H. Setoyama, K.K. Okudaira, A. Kahn, and N. Ueno: Impact of an interface dipole layer on molecular level
alignment at an organic-conductor interface studied by UPS, Phys. Rev. B. 70(8), 085304-1-6 (2004).
3.インド/マドラス工学研究所/A. Patnaik 助教授
6.JSPS 外国人研究者招聘事業、科学技術振興調整費など。
7.Archita Patnaik, Hiroyuki Setoyama and Nobuo Ueno: Surface / Interface Electronic Structure in C60 Anchored Aminothiolate Self-Assembled
Monolayer: An Approach to Molecular Electronics J. Chem. Phys. 120(13), 6214-6221 (2004).
8.Selected to: March 29, 2004 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.
1.高精度光電子分光法による高配向有機薄膜・ 界面の価電子構造に関する研究
3.スエーデン/リンシェーピン大学 /R. Fredlein 博士ほか W.R.Salaneck 教授の研究室メンバー
米国/ジョージア工科大学/J. L. Brédas 教授
7.(1) Xavier Crispin, Jérôme Cornil, Rainer Friedlein, Koji Kamiya Okudaira, Vincent Lemaur, Annica Crispin, Gaël Kestemont, Matthias Lehmann,
− 108 −
Mats Fahlman, Roberto Lazzaroni, Yves Geerts, Göran Wendin, Nobuo Ueno, Jean-Luc Brédas, and William R. Salaneck:
Delocalization in Discotic Liquid Crystals: A Joint Experimental and Theoretical Study,J. Am. Chem. Soc., in press (2004).
(2) H. Yamane, S. Nagamatsu, H. Fukagawa, S. Kera, R. Friedlein, K. K. Okudaira, and N. Ueno: Hole/vibration coupling of the highest
occupied band in pentacene thin film, Phys. Rev. B in press.
平 成 1 7年 6/ 3 0 -7 /4
ASOMEAIII を ス エ ーデ ンで 開 催予 定 。
7.(1)「Rheological Behavior during Phase Separation Induced by UV Curing」Su Yong NAM, Mikihiro SAKAI, and Yasufumi OTSUBO, Material
Science Research International, 8, 9-13(2002)
(2)「蛍光体層のスクリーン印刷と熱転写による平面モノクロム CRT の開発」南
(3)「Rheology and Firing Properties of Phosphor Pastes for CRT Displays」Su Yong NAM, Mi Young LEE, Young Bea KIM , Yasufumi
OTSUBO, 日本レオロジ− 学会誌, 32, 123-128(2004)
3.スイス/ 国際電気標準会議/スキナー
5.大規模国際会議を支援する情報システムを企画・ 設計・ 実装・ 運用した。その結果を評価し、共同研究期間中に改良を加え、ユニー
7.(1)Yasuhiko Higaki, Hiroaki Ikeda, Syun Tutiya, A.J. Skinner: Design and development of international conference support system for IEC
General Meeting, International Conference on Computing, Communications and Control Technologies, August 2004 (Austin TX. USA)
(2)Yasuhiko Higaki, Takashi Fujita, Hiroaki Ikeda: "Design and Operation of an IT System for the 64th IEC General Meeting in Stockholm",
2001 年電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集, 情報システム[1], D-9-27 (2001.3.28 立命館大学びわこ・ くさつキャンパス)
隆,池田宏明:"大規模国際会議における IT システムの設計と運用", 2000 年電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集,
情報システム[1], D-9-6 (2000.3.28 広島大学東広島キャンパス)
8 . 本 国際 共同 研 究 の成 果は 、 将 来の IEC 総 会用 に 引き継 が れ る。 具体 的 に は、 2004 年の ソ ウル 会議 等 々 。
1.機器・ 装置用図記号の基本原則の確立
3.連合王国/英国標準協会/Dr. David Fishman, Mrs. Lindy Ellis
独国/シメンス社/Mrs. Anette Schwuchow
蘭国/フィリップス社/Mr. Fred Brigham
米国/キャタピラ社/Mrs. Sue Hooker
5.機器・ 装置の操作,識別,状態などを言語によらず,人間と人工システムのコミュニケーションを実現する万国共通の手段である図
7.(1)IEC 80416-1:2001, Basic principles for graphical symbols for use on equipment – Part 1: Creation of symbol originals, International
Electrotechnical Commission in Geneva (2001)
(2)ISO 80416-2:2001, Basic principles for graphical symbols for use on equipment – Part 2: Form and use of arrows, International Organization
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for Standardization in Geneva (2001)
IEC 80416-3:2003, Basic principles for graphical symbols for use on equipment – Part 3: Guidelines for the application of graphical symbols,
International Electrotechnical Commission in Geneva (2003)
8 . 引 き続 き、 第 4 部を 共同 開 発 中。 第1 部 か ら第 3部 は 平 成1 6年 度 に JIS と して 発 行 され た。
3.豪州/マッコーリー大学(Macquarie University)/Assoc. Prof. J.M.Dawes,Dr. H.Pask,Prof. J.Piper
これまでに、Nd:YAG, Nd:YVO4, Nd:YAB などの主なレーザー結晶の熱レンズとその発生メカニズムについて定量的に解析してきた。
現在はラマン結晶、Yb ドープ結晶に対象に研究を進めている。
7.1) “Thermal lensing measurements in line-focus end-pumped Neodymium Yttrium Aluminium garnet using holographic lateral-shearing
interferometry” J.L.Blows, J.M.Dawes, T.Omatsu, Appl.Phys. 83 (1998) 2901-2906.
2) “Measurement of thermal lensing in line-focus end-pumped Nd:YAG slabs” J.Blows, J.Dawes, T.Omatsu, Trends in Optics and Photonics 19
(1998) 591-595
3) “Heat generation in Nd:YVO4 with and without laser action” J.Blows, T.Omatsu, J.Dawes, H.Pask, M.Tateda, Photon.Tech.Lett. 10 (1998)
4) “Quantitative measurement of thermal lens in laser-diode-pumped self-frequency-doubled Nd,Lu:YAl3(BO3)4 laser using lasing and
non-lasing conditions” M.Shimosega, T.Omatsu, A.Hasegawa, M.Tateda, I.Ogura, P.Wang, J.M.Dawes, Jpn.J.Appl. Phys. 38 (1999)6335-6339.
5) “Influence of laser action on thermal loading in diode-pumped Nd:YVO4” J.Blows, J.Dawes, H.Pask, T.Omatsu, M.Shimosegawa, and
T.Tateda. Trends in Optics and Photonics 26 (1999) 279-285.
6) “Thermal lensing measurements in an intracavity LiIO3 Raman laser” M.Revermann, H.M.Pask, J.L.Blows, and T.Omatsu Trends in Optics
and Photonics 34 (2000) 506-509.
7) “Thermal conductivity of the self-frequency-doubling laser crystal Nd, Lu: YAlx (BO 3 ) 4 measured using optical method”
M.Shimosegawa, T.Omatsu, M.Tateda, I.Ogura, J.L.Blows, W.Pu, J.M.Dawes, Appl.Opt. 40 9 (2001) 1372-1377.
8) “Thermal lensing in a Barium nitrate Raman laser”, H.M.Pask, J.L.Blows, J.A.Piper, T.Omatsu, Trends in Optics and Photonics 50 (2001)
9) “Yb:YAl3(BO3)4:an efficient green self-frequency-doubled laser source”, P.Dekker, J.L.Blows, P.Wang, J.Dawes, J.Piper, T.Omatsu, Y.Liu,
J.Wang, Trends in Optics and Photonics 50 (2001) 476-483.
10) “Yb:YAl3(BO3)4:an efficient green self-frequency-doubled laser source”, P.Dekker, J.Blows, P.Wang, J.Dawes, J.Piper, T.Omatsu, Y.Liu,
J.Wang, Trends in Optics and Photonics 50 (2001) 476-483.
11) “Thermal lensing measurement and thermal conductivity of Yb:YAB” J.L.Blows, P.Dekker, P.Wang, J.M.Dawes, T.Omatsu, Appl.Phys.B 76
No.3 (2003) 289-292.
12) “Efficient 1181nm self-stimulating Raman output from transversely diode-pumped Nd3+: KGd(WO4)2 laser”, T.Omatsu, Y.Ojima, H.M.Pask,
J.A.Piper, P.Dekker, Opt. Commun. 232 No.1-6 (2004) 327-331.
13) “Efficient frequency extension of a diode-side-pumped Nd:YAG laser by intracavity SRS in crystalline materials”, H.Oglivy, H.M.Pask,
J.M.Piper, T.Omatsu, Opt. Commun. 242 No.4-6 (2004) 575-589.
1998年にはマッコリー大学博士課程学生(当時)J.L.Blows が来日し、千葉大学にて研究を行った。
2001年度より日本学術振興会の日豪共同研究事業として継続している。2004年7月 J.M.Dawes 助教授が来日し、学内講演を
行った。11月には S.Pleasants 博士が来日 JSPS 博士研究員として千葉大学で研究継続中。また、2005年には H.Ogilvy 博士が来
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3.英国/インペリアルカレッジ(Imperial College)/Dr. M.J.Damzen,Dr. A.Minassian
6.日本学術振興会特定国派遣研究事業(平成12年度) 、日本学術振興会日英共同研究事業(平成15-17年度)
7.1) “Self-consistent spatial mode analysis of self-adaptive laser oscillators” D.Udaiyan, G.J.Crofts, T.Omatsu and M.J.Damzen, J.Opt.Soc.Am. B 15
(1998) 1346-1352.
2) “Multi-watt CW output from a double-pass diode side-pumped Nd:YVO4 amplifier with a Rh:BaTiO3 phase conjugator”, T.Omatsu,
M.J.Damzen, Opt.Commun. 198 No.1-3 (2001) 135-139.
3) “High quality 7.5W CW operation of a Nd:YVO4 laser with a Rh:BaTiO3 phase conjugate mirror”, T.Omatsu, A.Minassian, M.Damzen,
Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.41 No.4 (2002) 2024-2027.
4) “150 times phase conjugation by degenerate four-wave-mixing in a continuous-wave Nd:YVO4 amplifier”, T.Omatsu, Y.Ojima,
B.A.Thompson, A.Minassian, M.J.Damzen, Appl.Phys. B 75 No.4-5 (2002) 493-495
5) “High quality output from a CW Nd:YVO4 laser with a phase conjugate resonator”, T.Omatsu, A.Minassian, M.J.Damzen, Trends in Optics
and Photonics, 68 (2002) 412-414.
6) “High quality multi-watt output from a diode-pumped CW Nd:YVO4 laser with a photorefractive phase conjugate mirror”, T.Omatsu,
M.J.Damzen, Trends in Optics and Photonics, 87 (2003) 524-528
7) “Optical Phase Conjugation for Laser Technology”, T.Omatsu, M.J.Damzen, A.Minassian, K.Kuroda, Springer Series in Optical Science, (in
教授は1997年、1998年、2004年に来日し、応用物理学会、千葉大学にて講演を行った。2005年は A.Minassian 博士
3.アメリカ合衆国/ミシガン州立大学/Martin J. Bukovac
5.各種果樹の安定した果実生産と高品質果実生産を目的に、着果および果実発育と内生植物ホルモンとの関連を研究している。 また、
7.①N-Substituted phthalimide-induced of parthenocarpy in sour cherry (Prunus cerasus L.‘Montm-orency ') enhanced by auxin. 1994. 24th Inter.
Hort. Congress,Abstracts 269.
②Gibberellins in immature seed of Prunus cerasus: Structure detarmination and synthesis of gibberellins, GA95 (1,2-didehydro-GA20. 1996.
③GA95 is a genuine precoursor of GA3 in immature seed of Prunus cerasus L.. 1998. 16th Inter.
Conference on Plant Growth Substances,Abstracts 146.
④Induction of fruit set and growth of parthenocarpic ‘Hayward’ kiwifruit with plant growth regulators. 1997. J. Japan. Soc. Hort. Sci.
⑤Endogenous gibberellin-induced parthenocarpy in grape berries. 2000. Acta Hort. 514:69-74.
⑥Endogenous gibberellins in immature seeds of Prunus persica L.: identification of GA118, GA119, GA120, GA121, GA122 and GA126. 2001.
Phytochemistry 57:749-758.
⑦Effects of the combination of gibberellic acid and ammonium nitrate on the growth and quality of seedless berries in ‘Delaware’ grape. 2001. J.
Japan. Soc. Hort. Sci. 72(5):366-371.
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⑧Effect of gibberellins on induction of parthenocarpic berry growth of three grape cultivars and their endoginous gibberellins. 2001. 52nd ASEV
Annual Meeting, Technical Abstracts, 81.
⑨Effects of gibberellin A3 and ammonium sulfate of growth and quality of seedless Delaware grapes. 2003. J. ASEV Jpn. 14(2):58-63.
⑩Induction of parthenocarpic fruit growth with endogenous gibberellins of Loquat. 2004. Acta Hort. 653:67-70.
Production of seedless loquat fruits. 2004. Regulation of Plant Growth and Development. 39(1):106-113.
Effects of grape berry development stages on ammonium nitrate-enhanced penetration of gibberellin A3. 101st Abstracts ASHS Annual
Conference, HortScience, 39(4):793.
3.アメリカ合衆国/オレゴン州立大学/植物学・ 植物病理学部/Kenneth B. Johnson 教授
4.平成 16 年 4 月~
7.Shishido, M., Miwa, C., Usami, T., Amemiya, Y., and Johnson, K. B. (2005) Biological control efficiency of Fusarium wilt of tomato by
nonpathogenic Fusarium Fo-B2 in different environments. Phytopathology (in press)
Shishido, M., Naoi, M., Momma, N., Usami, T., Amemiya, Y., and Johnson, K. B. (2005) Nutrient availability in the rhizosphere influences the
efficacy of biological control of Fusarium wilt of tomato. J. Gen. Plant Pathol.
(1) 礒田ら、1999.異なる環境条件下におけるワタとダイズの葉温と蒸散の反応。第2回千葉大学環境リモートセンシング研究センタ
(2) 礒田昭弘・ 藤木央子・ 王培武・ 李治遠、2001.異なる水分条件下におけるワタとダイズの乾物生産および生理的特性、日本作物学
(3) 礒田昭弘・ 高橋一平・ 王培武・ 李治遠、2001.中国乾燥地域における加工用トマトの品種間差異、日本作物学会関東支部会報、16:
(4) Isoda, A. and P. Wang, 2001. Effects of leaf movement on leaf temperature, transpiration and radiation interception in soybean under water
stress conditions. Tech. Bull. Faculty Hort. Chiba Univ., 55, 1-9.
(5) Isoda, A. and P. Wang, 2002. Leaf temperature and transpiration of field grown cotton and soybean under arid and humid conditions. Plant
Prod. Sci., 5: 224-228.
(6) 礒田昭弘・ 森正延・ 高野真理・ 王培武・ 李治遠・ 毛洪霞、2002.中国乾燥地域におけるダイズの収量および乾物生産特性、日本作
(7) Wang, C., A. Isoda, P. Wang and Z. Li, 2002. Varietal differences in leaf temperature and sap flow rate of field grown cotton, 日本作物学会関
(8)Wang, C., A. Isoda, Z. Li and P. Wang, 2004. Transpiration and leaf movement in field grown cottons under arid conditions. Plant Prod. Sci.,
− 112 −
(9) Wang, C., A. Isoda and P. Wang, 2004. Growth and yield performance of some cotton cultivars in Xinjiang, China, an arid area with short
growing period. J. Agron. Crop Sci., 190: 177-183
1.ブリティッシュ・ コロンビア大学新渡戸稲造記念庭園に関する研究
コロンビア大学総長によって企画された日本庭園で、千葉高等園芸学校教授・ 森歓之助氏によって1959年設計、翌60年竣工さ
れた。その後、森教授の教え子で、同じく世界的に活躍された造園家・ 小形研三氏による維持管理技術の指導などを経て良好に維持
されていたが、10年程前、枡野氏によって部分的に改変・ 改修され、大学や地元造園関係者から復原要望が強く寄せられていた。
6.科学研究費(基盤研究 B)
7.Fujii,E., Goto,S.(2004)Characteristics of Nitobe Memorial Garden designed by Prof. Kannosuke Mori,
Report to Univ. of British Columbia
4.実施機関:平成 10 年~
6.平成 11 年度国際研究集会参加派遣(99 International Farm Management Congress,7 月 19 日~7 月 24 日、南ア共和国、ダーバン市)
平成 13~15 年度科学研究費補助金
平成 16 年~19 年度科学研究費補助金
Ohe,Y. and A. Ciani(1999): Activities of
Farm Tourism and Attitudes of Operators: Japan-Italy Comparison, P. Simms Eds. Proceedings of
the 12th International Farm Management Congress, 801-811, Durban.
Ohe, Y. and Ciani, A. (1999): Characteristics and Activities of Agri-tourism Farms in Umbria, Italy, Ixth European of Agricultural Economists,
poster paper,1999.
Ohe,Y and A. Ciani (2000): On-farm Tourism Activity and Attitudes of the Operations: A Hiroshima-Umbria Comparative Case Study, The
Technical Bulletin of Faculty of Horticulture, Chiba University, No.54, 73-80.
Ohe, Y.(2003):Multifunctionality and Farm Diversification: A Case of Rural Tourism,14th International Farm Management Congress, Proceedings
大江靖雄・ Adriano
Ciani(2003):イタリア中部・ ウンブリア州におけるアグリツーリズムの展開とその特徴,総合観光研究,2,11-18.
大江靖雄(2005)イタリア・ アグリツーリズムの地域的特徴,
総合観光学会第 8 回学術研究大会報告要旨,9-10.
8.1.グリーンツーリズムに関する国際シンポジウム(平成 11 年 2 月 1 日、財団法人 21 世紀村づくり塾主催・ 農林水産省後援、東京
九段会館、参加者約 400 名)にて、本共同研究の成果をもとにチアニが基調報告し、続いて大江が報告を行った。
(平成 12 年 7 月 17 日、イタリア大使館主催、参加予定 250 名)にて、チアニ、大江
3.アルバニア、ティラナ農業大学(平成 14 年度3月4日・ 5日)において開催のセミナーで「持続的農村開発にむけて」にて、
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1.サブサハラ・ アフリカにおける灌漑開発の経済的妥当性
Economic feasibility of irrigation development in Sub-Saharan Africa
3.(a) South Africa / International Water Management Institute (IWMI)/ Douglas J. Merrey
(b) South Africa / IWMI / Arlene Inocencio
4.平成 15 年度~平成 17 年度
5.サブサハラ・ アフリカにおける灌漑開発プロジェクトの経済性について検討する。
7.A. Inocencio, M. Tonosaki, A. Maruyama, I. de Jong, H. Sally, and M. Kikuchi, Costs of Irrigation Projects: A Comparison of sub-Saharan Africa
and Other Developing Regions and Finding Options to Reduce Costs (Draft Report), August 2005
5.熱帯原産の水生野菜であるエンサイ(Ipomoea aquatica Forsk.)は、熱帯地域では古くから多く食用として利用されて来ているが、生
6.平和中島財団(アジア地域重点学術研究助成)、平成 14 年度、
熱帯農業 46(別 1)11-12. 2001
農業環境工学関連4学会 2001 年合同大会発表要旨:220. 2001
③タイにおける Ipomoea aquatica Forsk.の遺伝的変異、 熱帯農業、 45(別 2)105-106.、 2001
④培養液濃度が Ipomoea aquatica Forsk.の生育に及ぼす系統間差異、 熱帯農業、 45(別 2)107-108. 2001
⑤生育地の水質と Ipomoea aquatica Forsk 系統の葉色の関係、 熱帯農業、 46(別 1) 3-4、 2002
⑥Ipomoea aquatica Forsk 系統の葉形状分析、 熱帯農業、46(別 1) 1-2、 2002
⑦Ipomoea aquatica Forsk.の開花時期と日長処理との関係、熱帯農業、47(別 1)33-34、2003
⑧Ipomoea aquatica Forsk.優良系統の in vitro 選抜、農業環境工学関連 5 学会 2003 年合同大会発表要旨:315
⑨低温期におけるエンサイ系統の地上部生育速度、熱帯農業、48(別 2):49-50 2004
⑩閉鎖環境下における温度と Ipomoea aquatica FORSK. の耐塩性の関係、第一回国際エンサイシンポジウム、カセサート大学、バン
⑪ エンサイとサツマイモの日長反応性の比較、第一回国際エンサイシンポジウム、カセサート大学、バンコク、タイ、27、2005
⑫ 西アフリカにおけるエンサイの地理的分布、第一回国際エンサイシンポジウム、カセサート大学、バンコク、タイ、28、2005
2. 大学院自然科学研究科/助教授/仲岡雅裕
3.タイ/カセサート大学水産学部/Khanjanapaj Lewmanomont 教授・ Chittima Aryuthaka 助教授
4.平成 13 年度~
6.科学研究費補助金(基盤研究 B・ 海外学術調査、平成 12-14 年度および平成 16-18 年度)
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7.Nakaoka, M. (2001) Small-scale variation in a benthic community at an intertidal flat in Thailand: effects of spatial heterogeneity of seagrass
vegetation Benthos Research 56: 63-71
Nakaoka, M., Mukai, H. and Chunhabundit, S. (2002) Impacts of dugong foraging on benthic animal communities in a Thailand seagrass bed.
Ecological Research 17: 625-638
Komatsu, T., Umezawa, Y., Nakaoka, M., Supanwanid, C. and Kanamoto, Z. (2004) Water flow and sediment in Enhalus acoroides and other
seagrass beds in the Andaman Sea, off Khao Bae Na, Thailand. Coastal Marine Science 29: 63-68
Nakaoka, M., Tanaka, Y. and Watanabe M. (2004) Species diversity and abundance of seagrasses in southwestern Thailand under different
influence of river discharge. Coastal Marine Science 29: 75-80
Tanaka, Y. and Nakaoka, M. (2004) Emergence stresses and morphological constraints affect the species distribution and growth of subtropical
intertidal seagrasses. Marine Ecology Progress Series 284: 117-131
日本応用藻類学研究会第 4 回春季シンポジウムで招待講演(仲岡雅裕:アマモ場の生物群集とその相互作用)
(平成 17 年 6 月 25 日:
3.アメリカ合衆国/カリフォルニア大学バークレー校/James N. Anderson
5.本研究では、Anderson 教授が 1962 年に始めて以来断続的に継続しているフィリピン・ ルソン島北部の一農村における長期農村調査
を継続・ 発展させることに より過去 40 年間の農村世帯パネルデータを構築し、それをもとに①経済発展下の農村社会の変容の諸側
面を長期的且つ動態的視点から叙述・ 分析すること、及び②データを農村家計行動の計量経済的実証分析に応用することにより、例
7.*Nobuhiko Fuwa and James N. Anderson. “Filipina Encounters with Japan: Diverse Stories from a Pangasinan Barangay.” Paper presented at the
7th International Conference on Philippine Studies, Leiden, The Netherland. June 2004.
*不破信彦「農村貧困からの脱出と教育: フィリピン農村の事例」
『教育と経済発展: 途上国における貧困削減に向けて』
郎・ 黒崎卓編著)(分担)東洋経済新報社。
(2003 年)
*Nobuhiko Fuwa. “Pathways from Poverty toward Middle Class: Determinants of Socio-Economic Class Mobility in the Rural Philippines.” A
paper presented at the conference “Staying Poor: Chronic Poverty and Development Policy,” organized by Chronic Poverty Research Centre,
University of Manchester. April 7-9, 2003.
3.アメリカ合衆国/世界銀行/Shahidur R. Khandker
5.バングラデシュにおいて 1994 年からはじまった女子中等教育奨学金制度が女子就学率、男子就学率、男女学生の学力、 奨学生の出
界銀行の今後の政 策立案に資する。本プロジェクトでは、関係機関からの情報、データ収集を行なうのはもとより、独自にデザイ
ンされた家庭レベルのサーベイ・ データの収集を 行なうことによって奨学金制度の影響を計量経済学的手法により定量評価する。
7.*Shahidur R. Khandker, Mark M. Pitt, and Nobuhiko Fuwa. “Subsidy to Promote Girls’ Secondary Education: The Female Stipend Program in
Bangladesh.” A paper presented at Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. May 2003.
*Nobuhiko Fuwa. “The Net Impact of the Female Secondary School Stipend Program in Bangladesh.” 千葉大学園学報 55. 2001.
*Nobuhiko Fuwa. “Measuring the Net Impact of the Female Secondary Stipend Program on Girls' Enrolment Using School-level Data in
Bangladesh.” Mimeographed, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management, The World Bank. 2000.
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3.インド/インド統計研究所/Pabitra Banik
米国/東西センター/Christopher M. Edmonds
4.平成 13 年度~現在
5.東部インド・ ビハール高原地域は農業を行う自然条件が厳しく、また少数民族住民の割合も比較的高いことで知られ、貧困率も高い。
そこで天水稲作を営む農家所帯の所得増大にとっての自然上及び社会経済上の制約条件を明らかにするため、1998 年に詳細な家計
調査を行った。其のデータの定量的分析により、調査対象家計群の経済活動(農業・ 非農業を含む)の実態や米作の技術的効率性等
の分析を行う。更に 2004-2005 年にも再調査を行い、その間の農業生産の変化や貧困率の推移等の要因を詳細に分析することにより、
持続可能な食糧増産・ 所得増大のための技術導入や政策提言につなげることを目標としている。
7.*P.B. Banik, C.M. Edmonds, N. Fuwa, S.P. Kam, L. Villano and D.K. Bagchi. 2004. “Sustainability Criteria in Rice-Based Cropping Systems in
the Bihar Plateau of Eastern India: Initial report of the ISI-IRRI research project.” International Rice Research Institute Discussion Paper No. 47.
Los Baños: International Rice Research Institute. May 2004.
*Nobuhiko Fuwa, Christopher Edmonds and Pabitra Banik. 2005. “How inefficient are small-scale rice farmers in eastern India really?:
Examining the effects of microtopography on technical efficiency estimates.” East-West Center Working Paper No. 79. Honolulu: East-West
Center. May 2005.
3.インド/M. Venkatarangaiya Foundation/Shantha Sinha
4.平成 16 年度~平成 18 年度
5.インド、アーンドラ・ プラデーシュ州における家計の意志決定について研究する。とくに、貧困家計における児童の就学・ 就労の意
志決定について重点的に研究する。児童労働解放の NGO である MV 財団と共同で調査を行うことにより、実態の明らかでない貧困
家計の意志決定プロセスについて個別の家計調査を行い、 データと理論による理解をすることを目指している。既存の研究と異な
り、児童労働の実体解明を主たる目的とするデータ収集を行うことで、児童の時間配分が どのような要因で決定するのかを詳細に
明らかにすることができる。また、児童労働解放で実績のある MV 財団のプログラムの効果を厳密に示すことで、教育政 策立案に
7.Seiro Ito (ed.), Agricultural Production, Household Behavior, and Child Labor in Andhra Pradesh. Institute of Developing Economies Joint
Research Program Series No. 135. 2005.
3.フィリピン/フィリピン大学大学院経済学研究科/Arsenio M. Balisacan
5.フィリピンにおける過去30年間にわたる農村発展の歴史を、農業生産、所得、農村貧困の度合い等の観点から長期的・ 叙述的に概
観し、更に、その様な農村発展に大きな影響をあたえたと思われる政府の様々な政策(農業政策、国家開発政策、工業化政策、 貿
易政策、公共投資政策、土地政策等)とその様な政策が取られた歴史的・ 政治的背景をもあわせて考察する。更にまた、過去約 20
年間の州レベルの所得の成長及び貧困率の変化と、各州の自然・ 経済・ 社会的特性及び政策の変容との間の定量的関係を計量経済モ
7.*Arsenio Balisacan and Nobuhiko Fuwa (2005). Changes in Spatial Income Inequality in the Philippines: An Exploratory Analysis (with Arsenio
Balisacan) in Spatial Disparities in Human Development: Perspectives from Asia. (eds.) Ravi Kanbur, Tony Venables and Guanghua Wan. United
Nations University Press. 2005.
*Arsenio Balisacan and Nobuhiko Fuwa (2004). “Going beyond Cross-country Averages: Growth, Inequality, and Poverty in the Philippines.”
World Development, 32, pp.1891-1907
*Arsenio Balisacan, Nobuhiko Fuwa and Margarita Debuque (2004). “The Political Economy of the Philippine Rural Development since the
1960s.” In T. Akiyama and D. Larson (eds.) Rural Development and Agricultural Growth in Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand. Asia
− 116 −
Pacific Press at the Australian National University.
*Arsenio Balisacan and Nobuhiko Fuwa (2003). “Growth, Inequality and Politics Revisited: A Developing-Country Case.” Economics Letters, 79.
pp. 53-58.
*Arsenio Balisacan and Nobuhiko Fuwa (2002). “Going beyond Cross-country Averages: Revisiting Growth, Inequality, and Poverty in the
Philippines.” Foundation for Advanced Studies on International Development (FASID) Discussion Paper Series on International Development
Strategies No. 2001-005. Mar. 2002.
*Arsenio Balisacan and Nobuhiko Fuwa (2001). “Growth, Inequality, Politics and Poverty Reduction in the Philippines.” University of the
Philippines School of Economics Working Paper 0109.
3.フィリピン/国際稲研究所(IRRI)/Mahabub Hossain
4.平成 14 年度~現在
5.IRRI では 1990 年代初頭以降、灌漑施設の有無や自然地理条件が異なるフィリピンの4箇所の米作村において断続的に全戸調査によ
る詳細な家計調査を続けている。調査開始から 10 年以降を経て、村住民の経済活動(米作を初めとした農業及び非農業活動を含む)
の内容や所得水準等は大きく変化してきている。そこで、2003-2004 年にかけてそれら4箇所の村を再訪問して住民からの各種聞き
1.リモートセンシングによるグローバル/大陸規模の土地被覆現況・ 変化の調査
3.・ カザフスタン/カザフスタン科学アカデミー植物学研究所/ナタリア・ オガリ、エカテリーナ・ ラチコフスカヤ(部局間交流協定
・ モンゴル/モンゴル国立大学/レンチン・ ツォルモン(部局間交流協定あり)
・ ロシア/ロシア科学アカデミー生態進化研究所/ピーター・ グーニン
・ インドネシア/バンドン工科大学/ケトット・ ウィカンティカ(部局間交流協定あり)
・ インドネシア/技術評価応用庁天然資源インベントリー技術研究所/ムハマド・ サドリ(部局間交流協定あり)
4.平成 13 年度~
森林被覆率データを作成する。このための現地調査(グランドトルース収集)、グローバル衛星データの前処理、分類・ 推定処理、
6.科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(B))(平成 13~16 年度)
7.M.A.Ghar, T.Renchin, R.Tateishi and T.Javzandulam, Agricultural land monitoring using a linear mixture model, International Journal of
Environmental Studies, Vol.62, No.2, pp.227-234, 2005
T.Javzandulam, R.Tateishi and T.Sanjaa, Analysis of vegetation indices for monitoring vegetation degradation in semi-arid and arid areas of
Mongolia, International Journal of Environmental Studies, Vol.62, No.2, pp.215-225, 2005
Adel Shalaby, Mohamed Aboel Ghar, Ryutaro Tateishi, Desertification Impact Assessment in Egypt Using Low Resolution Satellite Data and GIS,
International Journal of Environmental Studies, Vol.61 (4), pp. 375-383, 2004.
Aboel Ghar, Adel Shalaby, Mohamed, Ryutaro Tateishi, Agricultural land monitoring in the Egyptian Nile Delta using Landsat data, International
Journal of Environmental Studies, Vol.61 (6), pp. 651-657, 2004.
Tateishi, R. and M.Ebata, Analysis of phenologycal change patterns using 1982-2000 Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) data,
Int. J. of Remote Sensing, vol.25, no 12, 2287-2300, 2004
− 117 −
Sato, H.P. and R. Tateishi, Land cover classification in SE Asia using near and short wave infrared bands, Int. J. of Remote Sensing, vol.25, no 14,
2821-2832, 2004
H. Al-Bilbisi, R. Tateishi, J. Tetuko S S., A technique to estimate topsoil thickness in arid and semi-arid areas of north-eastern Jordan using
synthetic aperture radar data, Int. J. of Remote Sensing, vol.25, No. 19, pp.3873-3882, 2004
Tateishi,R., Y.Shimazaki, and P.D.Gunin, Spectral and temporal linear mixing model for vegetation classification, Int. J. of Remote Sensing,
vol.25, no. 20, pp.4203-4218, 2004
Thomas G. Ngigi and Ryutaro Tateishi, Monitoring deforestation in Kenya, Int. J. of Environmental Studies, vol.61, no.3, pp.281-291, June 2004
Josaphat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo and Ryutaro Tateishi, A technique to analyse scattered waves from forest fire scars and its application to estimate
its scars thickness in central Borneo using a SAR data, Journal of Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, vol.43, no.6, pp.48-61,
January 2005
Y. O. Ouma and R. Tateishi, A fast environmental change detection approach based on unsupervised multiscale texture clustering, Int. J.
Environmental Studies, Vol.62, No.1, pp.79-93, February 2005
8.・ 本国際共同研究を通じて得られた土地被覆グランドトルースはグローバル土地被覆分類プロジェクトに利用されている。
・ 中間成果として得られたアジア 30 秒グリッド土地被覆データセット(CD-ROM)およびアジア砂漠化地図(縮尺 1:1,000,000)は国
(Twenty-year Global 4-minute AVHRR
・ 中間成果として得られた 20 年間時系列全球4分グリッド NOAA/AVHRR/NDVI データセット
NDVI Dataset(略称 20G4M AVHRR NDVI dataset))は CD-ROM として国際的に研究者に配布中である。
3.ブラジル/ロンドリーナ大学/エイコ・ ナカガワ・ イタノ助教授
7.Ramos SP. Sano A, Ono MA, Camargo ZP, Estevao D, Miyaji M, Nishimura K, Itano EN: Antigenuria and antigenemia in experimental murine
paracoccidioidomycosis. Medical mycology, In press.
カソリック大学/カオル・ オカダ助教授
7.1)Komai S, Hosoe T, Itabashi T, Nozawa K, Okada K, Campos Takaki GM, Chikamori M, Yaguchi T, Fukushima K, Miyaji M and Kawai K: A
new funicone derivative isolated from Talaromyces flavus IFM 52668. Mycotoxins 54(1), 15-19, 2004.
2)Hosoe T. Fukushima K, Itabashi T, Nozawa K, Takizawa K, Okada K, Campos Takaki GM, Kawai K: A new nonaride derivative,
dihydroepihevearide, as characteristic antifungal agent against filamentous fungi, isolated unidentified fungus IFM 52672. J. Antibiotics, 57:
573-578, 2004.
3)Okamoto S, Hosoe T, Itabashi T, Nozawa K, Okada K, de Campos Takaki GM, Chikamori M, Yaguchi T, Fukushima K, Miyaji M, Kawai K:
New decalin derivatives, eujavanoic acids A and B, from Eupenicillium javanicum. J. Nat Prod 67: 1580-1583, 2004.
4)Horie Y, Abliz P, Fukushima K, Okada K, Campos-Takaki GM: Two new Neosartorya from Amazonian soil, Brazil. Mycoscience 44: 397-402,
5)Horie Y, Abliz P, Fukushima K, Okada K: Neosartorya takaki, a new species from soil in Brazil. Mycoscience 42: 91-95, 2001.
6)Hosoe T, Okamoto S, Nozawa K, Kawai K, Okada K, Campos-Takaki GM, Fukushima K, Miyaji M: New pentanorlanostane derivatives,
cladosporides B-D, as characteristic antifungal agents against Aspergillus fumigatus, isolated from Cladosporium sp. J. Antibiotics 54(9):
− 118 −
747-750, 2001.
8 なし
カソリック大学/ガルバ・ マリア・ デ・ カンポスータカキ教授
7.1) Amorim RV, Ledingham WM, Fukushima K. Campos-Takaki GM: Screening of chitin deacetylase from Mucoralean strains (Zygomycetes) and
its relationship to cell growth rate. J. Ind. Microbiol Biotechnol: 32: 19-23, 2005.
2) Vania Sousa Andrade, Benicio de Barros Neto, Kazutaka Fukushima, and Galba Maria de Campos Takaki: Effect of medium components and
time of cultivation on chitin production by Mucor circinelloides (Mucor javanicus IFO 4570) – a factory study. Revista Iberoamericana de
Micologia 20: 149-153, 2003.
3) Marco Antonio Barbosa de Lima, Aline Elesbao do Nascimento, Galba Maria de Campos Takaki, Wanderley de Sousa and Kazutaka
Fukushima: Effect of phosphorus on polyphosphate accumulation by Cunninghamella elegans. Brazilian J. Microbiol. 34: 363-372, 2003.
4) Andrade VS, Sarubo LA, Fukushima K, Miyaji M, Nishimura K, Campos –Takaki GM: Production of extracellular proteases by Mucor
circinelloides using D-glucose as carbon source. Braz J Microbiol 33: 106-110, 2002.
5) Amorim RVS, Souza Wanderley, Fukushima K. Campos-Takaki GM: Faster chitosan production from mucoralean strains in submerged culture.
Brazilian J.
Microbiol 32, 20~23, 2001.
6) Shiosaki KR, Okada K, Gusmao NB, Niga P. Falcao PS, Silva NH, Fukushima K, Nishimura K,
Miyaji M, Campos-Takaki GM: Biochemical
markers in taxonomy of Cunninghamella genus. Rev. Iberoamericana Micol: 18:123-127, 2001.
3.ブラジル/ペルナンブコ大学/クリシチーナ・ ソウザ・ モッタ助教授
7.1) Abliz P, de Souza Motta CM, Deng S, Magallos OM, Xi L, Vidotto V, Takizawa K, Nishimura K, Fukushima K: Molecular typing of
Trichophyton tonsurans by PCR-RFLP of the ribosomal DNA nontranscribed spacer region. J. Dermatol Sci 36: 125-127, 2004.
7.Tsui KCM, Hyde KD, Fukushima K: Fungi on submerged wood in the Koito river in Japan. Mycoscience 44: 55-59, 2003.
3.イタリア/トリノ大学/バレリオ・ ビドット教授
6.科学振興調整費、客員教授、平成 15 年度在外研究員(創造開発研究)
7.Abliz P, de Souza Motta CM, Deng S, Magallos OM, Xi L, Vidotto V, Takizawa K, Nishimura K, Fukushima K: Molecular typing of Trichophyton
tonsurans by PCR-RFLP of the ribosomal DNA nontranscribed spacer region. J. Dermatol Sci 36: 125-127, 2004.
− 119 −
7.1)Liyan Xi, Kazutaka Fukushima, Changming Lu, Kayoko Takizawa, Ruiduan Liao, Kazuko Nishimura: First case of Arthrographis kalrae
ethmoid sinusitis and ophthalmitis in the People’s Republic of China. J. Clin. Microbiol. 42: 4828-4831, 2004.
2)Abliz P, de Souza Motta CM, Deng S, Magallos OM, Xi L, Vidotto V, Takizawa K, Nishimura K, Fukushima K: Molecular typing of
Trichophyton tonsurans by PCR-RFLP of the ribosomal DNA nontranscribed spacer region. J. Dermatol Sci 36: 125-127, 2004.
3.中国/新彊医科大学/アブリツ・ パリダ
7.1)Abliz P, Fukushima K, Takizawa K, Nishimura K: Identification of pathogenic dematiaceous fungi and related taxa based on large subunit
ribosomal DNA D1/D2 domains sequence analysis,
FEMS Immun. Med. Microbiol. 40:41-49, 2004.
2)Abliz P, Fukushima K, Takizawa K, Nishimura K: Specific oligonucleotide primers for identification of Cladophialophora carrionii, a
causative agent of chromoblastomycosis, J. Clin. Microbiol. 42:404-407, 2004.
3)Abliz P, de Souza Motta CM, Deng S, Magallos OM, Xi L, Vidotto V, Takizawa K, Nishimura K, Fukushima K: Molecular typing of
Trichophyton tonsurans by PCR-RFLP of the ribosomal DNA nontranscribed spacer region. J. Dermatol Sci 36: 125-127, 2004.
1.ブラジル・ カンピーナス大学病院における真菌症原因菌のフローラ解析
3.ブラジル/カンピーナス大学医学部/ルイザ・ モレッテイ教授
5.ブラジル・ カンピーナス大学病院における外来、入院真菌症患者の原因菌菌叢についての共同研究。
6.JICA プロジェクト, 客員教授
7.1) Alves SH, Milan EP, Branchini MLM, Nishimura K, Fukushima K, Oliveira LO, Costa
JM, Colombo AL: First isolation of Candida
dubliniensis in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Diagn. Microbiol. Infec. Dis. 40 (3): 165-168, 2001.
2) Branchini MLM, Fukushima K, Schreiber A, Nishimura K, Paralordanou P, Trabasso P, Tanaka R, Miyaji M: Trichosporon species infection
in bone marrow transplanted patients. Diagn. Microbiol. Infec. Dis. 40(3): 161-164, 2001.
3) Calvo BM, Colombo AJ, Fishman O, Santiago A, Thompson A, Lazera M, Telles F, Fukushima K, Nishimura K, Tanaka R, Miyaji M,
Branchini MLM: Antifungal susceptibility , varieties and electrophoretic karyotype of of clinical isolates of Cryptococcus neoformans from
Brazil, Chile and Venezuela: J. Clin. Microbiol. 39 (6): 2348-2350, 2001.
5.糸状菌のミトコンドリア DNA の中のチトクロームb遺伝子を解析すると、種に依って固有の塩基配列を示し、種内でも DNA タイ
− 120 −
7.Swarajit Kumar Biswas, Li Wang, Koji Yokoyama and Kazuko Nishimura. Molecular Analysis of Mitochondrial Cytochrome b Gene Sequences of
Cryptococcus neoformans, Journal of Clinical Microbiology vol.41.No12, p5572-5576. 2003.
Swarajit Kumar Biswas, Li Wang, Koji Yokoyama and Kazuko Nishimura. Molecular Phylogenetics of the genus Trichosporon Inferred from
Mitochondrial Cytochrome b Gene Sequence, Journal of Clinical Microbiology vol.43.No10, 2005
Preparating: Koji Yokoyama, Li Wang, Swarajit K Biswas, Kazuko Nishimura. Rapid identification of Penicillium marneffei and the phylogenetic
relationship of the genus Penicillium based on mitochondrial cytochrome b gene . Journal of Clinical Microbiology.
3.アメリカ合衆国/テキサス工科大学/スワラジット・ クマール・ ビスワス博士
5.酵母のミトコンドリア DNA の中のチトクロームb遺伝子を解析すると、種に依って固有の塩基配列を示し、種内でも DNA タイプ
7.Swarajit Kumar Biswas, Li Wang, Koji Yokoyama and Kazuko Nishimura. Molecular Analysis of Mitochondrial Cytochrome b Gene Sequences of
Cryptococcus neoformans, Journal of Clinical Microbiology vol.41.No12, p5572-5576. 2003.
Swarajit Kumar Biswas, Li Wang, Koji Yokoyama and Kazuko Nishimura. Molecular Phylogenetics of the genus Trichosporon Inferred from
Mitochondrial Cytochrome b Gene Sequence, Journal of Clinical Microbiology vol.43.No10, 2005
Preparating: Koji Yokoyama, Li Wang, Swarajit K Biswas, Kazuko Nishimura. Rapid identification of Penicillium marneffei and the phylogenetic
relationship of the genus Penicillium based on mitochondrial cytochrome b gene . Journal of Clinical Microbiology.
3.ハンガリー共和国/デブレツェン大学遺伝学教室/Matthias Sipiczki 教授
5.クリプトコックス・ ネオフォルマンスの転写因子遺伝子 CnFKH1 および CnFKH2 をクローニングし,構造解析を行った。これらを
6.ハンガリー・ 日本政府間科学技術プロジェクト
7.1) Sipiczki M, Takeo K, Yamaguchi M, Yoshida S, Miklos I: Environmentally controlled dimorphic cycle in a fission yeast. Microbiology 144:
1319-1330, 1998.
2) Sipiczki M, Takeo K, Agnes Grallert: Growth polarity transitions in a dimorphic fission yeast. Microbiology 144: 3475-3485, 1998.
3) Sipiczki M, Takeo K: The effect of caffeine on cell cycle progression, polar growth in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Biologia Bratislava 53(3):
291-296, 1998.
4) Sipiczki M, Yamaguchi M, Grallert A, Takeo K, Zilahi E, Bozsik A, Miklos I: Role of cell shape in the determination of division plane in
Schizosaccharomyces pombe: random orientation of septa in spherical cells. J Bacteriol 182: 1693-1701, 2000.
5) Drivinya A., Szilagy S., Sipiczki M., Takeo K. and Shimizu K. (2004) Structural and functional analysis of genes encoding fork head proteins
in Cryptococcus neoformans. Biologia Bratislava:(in press).
1.クリプトコックス・ ネオフォルマンスの分子細胞生物学的研究
3.チェコ共和国/パラツキー大学医学部生物学教室/Vladislav Raclvsky 講師
5.クリプトコックス・ ネオフォルマンスの細胞周期解析を目的とした同調培養法を確立した。さらに細胞周期制御遺伝子 CDC28 をク
6.チェコ・ 日本政府間科学技術プロジェクト
− 121 −
7.1) Ohkusu M, Raclavsky V, Takeo K: Deficit in oxygen causes G2 budding and unbudded G2 arrest in Cryptococcus neoformans. FEMS Microbiol
Lett 204: 29-32, 2001
2) Raclavsky V, Drivinya A, Hruskova P, Takeo K: Cryptococcus neoformans is able to escape the Rylux BSU and Congo red antifungal action.
29th Annual Conference on Yeasts, Abstracts p. 19. 2001. SAS Congress Center, Smolenice, Slovakia, May 23-25. Folia Microbiol 46: 251,
3) Raclavsky V, Ohkusu M, Hruskova P, Takeo K: Preparation of Cryptococcus neoformans synchronous culture. 20th Intl Conference on Yeast
Genetics and Molecular Biology, Prague, 26-31 August 2001.Yeast 18: Suppl. 1, S326, 2001.
4) Raclavsky V., Hruskova P., Ohkusu M., Kafkova L., Kolar Z., Takeo K.: Effect of the inhibitor of cyclin dependent kinases bohemine in
Cryptococcus neoformans. Cells III: 3rd Conference on Cell Biology, Abstracts p. 192, 2001, South Bohemian University, Ceske Budejovice,
Czech Republic, 17-19 September 2001.
5) Raclavsky V, Ohkusu M, Hruskova P, Takeo K: Preparation and characterization of Cryptococcus neoformans synchronous culture. J Microbiol
Method 51(1): 29-33, 2002.
6) Ohkusu M, Raclavsky V, Takeo K: Induced synchrony in Cryptococcus neoformans after release from G2-arrest. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek.
85: 37-44, 2004.
7) Takeo K, Ogura Y, Virtudazo E, Raclavsky V, Kawamoto S: Isolation of CDC28 homologue from Cryptococcus neoformans that is able to
complement cdc28 temprature-sensitive mutants Saccharomyces cerevisiae. FEMS Yeast Research 4: 737-744, 2004.
8) Raclavsky V, Pavlicek J, Ohkusu M, Trtkova J, Husickova V, Novotny R, Kunert J, Takeo K, Kawamoto S: Hypoxia response in the pathogenic
yeast Cryptococcus neoformans. Yeast 22: S103, 2005.
3.チェコ共和国/マサリク大学医学部/コペツカ・ マリエ準教授
5.クリプトコックス・ ネオフォルマンス、オーレオバシジウム、フェロマイセスなどの病原真菌の細胞骨格をなす微小管とアクチンに
7.1) Kopecka M, Yamaguchi M, Gabriel M, Takeo K, Svoboda A: Morphological transitions during the cell division cycle of Cryptococcus
neoformans as revealed by transmission electron microscopy of ultrathin sections and freeze-substitution. Scripta Medica (Brno) 73 (6):
369-380, 2000.
2) Kopecka M, Gabriel M, Takeo K, Yamaguchi M, Svoboda A, Ohkusu M, Hata K, Yoshida S: Microtubules and actin cytoskeleton in
Cryptococcus neoformans compared with ascomycetous budding and fission yeasts. Eur J Cell Biol 80: 303-311, 2001.
3) Kopecka M, Gabriel M, Takeo K, Yamaguchi M, Svoboda A, Hata K: Analysis of microtubules and F-actin structures in hyphae and conidia
development in opportunistic human pathogenic black yeast Aureobasidium pullulans. Microbiology 149: 865-876, 2003.
3.ハンガリー共和国/デブレツェン大学医学部/バーガ・ ジョージ準教授、バラバス・ ジョージ教授、ペニゲ・ アンドラス準教授
5.クエートから分離した石油分解能をもつ放線菌の細胞内構造を、急速凍結・ 置換固定法を用いて超薄切片を作製し、電子顕微鏡で観
察・ 解析している。
6.ハンガリー・ 日本政府間科学技術プロジェクト(平成17年1月~)
7.Vargha G, Szab I, Penyige A, Yamaguchi M, Hirano T, Barabas G: Using Actinomycetes for soil bioremediation. Biology of Streptomycetes and
related Actinomycetes (symposium). 27 Feb.-3 Mar. Germany. 2003.
3.ブラジル/Campinas 大学 (UNICAMP) /M. L. Moretti-Branchini 教授
− 122 −
4.平成 14 年度~
7.Delgado CAN, Taguchi H, Mikami Y, Miyaji M, Villares MCB, Branchini ML: Human cryptococcosis: relationship of environmental and clinical
strains of Cryptococcus neoformans var. neoformans from urban and rural areas. Mycopathologia 159: 7-11, 2005.
8. なし
1.病原放線菌 Nocardia および真菌の分類学的研究
3.タイ国/国立衛生研究所/N. Poonwan 博士
4.平成 13 年度~
5.患者由来の病原放線菌 Nocardia の分類学的な研究を通して、新菌種の報告を行った
7.1) Kageyama A, Poonwan N, Yazawa K, Mikami Y, Nishimura K: Nocardia beijingensis, is a pathogenic bacterium to humans: the first infectious
cases in Thailand and Japan. Mycopathol 157: 155-161. 2004.
2) Kageyama A, Hoshino Y, Yazawa K, Poonwan N, Takeshita N, Maki S, Mikami Y: Nocardia cyriacigeorgica is a significant pathogen of
nocardiosis in Japan and Thailand. Mycopathol, in press
3) Kageyama A, Hoshino Y, Poonwan N, Yazawa K, Mikami Y, Nishimura K: Nocardia asiatica sp. nov., isolated from patients with nocardiosis
in Japan and clinical specimens from Thailand. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 54: 125-130, 2004.
4) Kageyama A, Poonwan N, Yazawa K, Suzuki S, Kroppenstedt RM, Mikami Y: Nocardia vermiculata sp. nov. and Nocardia thailandica sp.
nov. isolated from clinical specimens. Actinomycetologica 18: 27-33, 2004.
8.Agreement for Academic Exchange Cooperation between Department of Medical Sciences, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand and our Research
Center was contracted in 2002. New additional projects were proposed from Thai side in 2004.
1.病原真菌 Cryptococcus neoformans の遺伝子解析
3.オーストラリア/Sydney 大学/W. Meyer 博士
4.平成 13 年度~
5.患者由来および環境由来の病原真菌 Cryptococcus neoformans の遺伝子解析を通して、簡便な遺伝子型解析法を報告した
7.Katsu M, Kidd S, Ando A, Branchini MLM, Mikami Y, Nishimura K, Meyer W: The internal transcribed spacers and 5.8S rRNA gene show
extensive diversity among isolates of the Cryptococcus neoformans species complex. FEMS Yeast Res 4: 377-388, 2004.
1.病原真菌 Candida albicans および関連菌に関する研究
3.スロバキア/Comenius 大学/H. Bujdakova 助教授
4.平成 13 年度-
5.AIDS 患者から特異的に分離される Candida dubliniensis と Candida albicans の簡易鑑別法の開発と抗真菌剤に対する感受性に関する
7.(1)Bujdakova H, Melkisova S, Mokra C, Mikami Y: Retrospective discrimination between Candida albicans and Candida dubliniensis isolated
from HIV-positive patients by using commercial method compared with PCR assay. Folia Microbiologica, 49: 484-490, 2004.
(2)Melkusova S, Bujdakova H, Vollekova A, Myoken Y, Mikami Y: The efficacy of the benzothiazole APB, the echinocandin, micafungin, and
ampthotericin B in fluconazole-resistant Candida albicans and Candida dubliniensis. Pharmazie 59: 573-574, 2004.
1.病原性放線菌 Nocardia の分類学的研究
3.ドイツ/DSMZ 菌株保存センター/Reiner M. Kroppenstedt 教授
4.平成 14 年度-
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5.患者由来の病原放線菌 Nocardia の遺伝子解析を通して、新菌種の報告を行った
7.(1)Kageyama A, Torikoe K, Iwamoto M, Masuyama J, Shibuya Y, Okazaki H, Yazawa K, Minota S, Kroppenstedt RM, Mikami Y: Nocardia
arthritidis sp. nov., a new pathogen isolated from a patient with rheumatoid arthrititis in Japan. J Clin Microbiol, 42: 2366-2371, 2004.
(2)Kageyama A, Yazawa K, Mukai A, Kinoshita M, Tanaka N, Kazuko N, Kroppenstedt RM, Mikami Y: Nocardia shimofusensis sp. nov. isolated
from soil and Nocardia higoensis sp. nov., isolated from a patienet with lung nocardiosis in Japan. Int J Syst Evo Microbiol 54: 1927-1931,
(3)Kageyama A, Yazawa K, Mukai A, Obara T, Nishimura K, Kroppenstedt RM, Mikami Y: Nocardia araoensis sp. nov. and Nocardia
pneumoniae sp. nov., isolated from patients in Japan. Int J Syst Evo Microbiol 54: 2025-2035, 2004.
(4)Kageyama A, Suzuki S, Yazawa K, Nishimura K, Kroppenstedt RM, Mikami Y: Nocardia aobensis sp. nov., isolated from patients in Japan.
Microbiol Immunol 48: 817-822, 2004.
(5)Kageyama A, Poowan N, Yazawa K, Suzuki S, Kroppenstedt RM, Mikami Y: Nocardia vermiculate sp. nov. and Nocardia thailandica sp. nov.,
isolated from clinical specimens. Actinomycetologica 18: 27-33, 2004.
1.病原真菌 Candida albicans ゲノムシークエンスの決定
5.病原性真菌 Candida albicans の全ゲノム配列(15.6 Mb)を決定した。この情報を用いた比較ゲノム解析により,種の進化ならびに病原
7.Jones T, Federspiel NA, Chibana H, Dungan J, Kalman S, Magee BB, Newport G, Thorstenson YR, Agabian N, Magee
Davis RW, Scherer
S: The Diploid Genome Sequence of Candida albicans, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 101, 7329-7334, 2004.
1.病原真菌 Candida albicans 染色体7番全シークエンスの完成
3.アメリカ合衆国/ミネソタ大学/ピート・ マギー教授
5.病原性真菌 Candida albicans 染色体7番(1 Mb)全シークエンスを完成させた。
7.Hiroji Chibana, Nao Oka, B.B. Magee, P.T. Magee, Yuzuru Mikami: Sequence finishing and gene mapping for Candida albicans chromosome 7,
and syntenic analysis against Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome, Genetics, in press 2005.
1.病原真菌 Candida albicans 染色体不分離の研究
3.アメリカ合衆国/ミネソタ大学/ピート・ マギー教授
5.病原性真菌 Candida albicans 染色体分離は不安定である。染色体分離の不安定性と薬剤耐性との関係が示唆されており、この研究課
7.Paul R. Lephart, Hiroji Chibana, Paul T Magee: Effect of the Major Repeat Sequence (MRS) on chromosome segregation in Candida albicans ,
Microbiology, submitted.
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中国・ 香港/香港中文大学
準教授/ルーク・ ロバーツ
4.2004 年~2006 年
5.近代日本の代表的企業家・ 渋沢栄一は、欧米の資本主義的商工業・ 銀行業の制度を日本に移植することに尽力すると同時に、企業家
えられたものでもあるように考えられる。 このような認識に立って、本研究プロジェクト・ チームは渋沢の 「道徳経済合一論」、「社
『比較視野のなかの社会公益事業』(2004 年、財団法人渋沢栄一記念財団研究部)
(2005 年、財団法人渋沢栄一研究財団【日本】
、張謇研究センター【中国・ 南通】)
8.2004 年9月 24~25 日
2005 年5月 21~23 日
「2004 年度
「2005 年度
中国・ 南通市
東京・ 国際文化会館
1.東南アジア赤道地域沿岸性蔓脚類の生物地理とその成立過程の研究(マレーシア・ ボルネオ島の現地調査)
3.インドネシア/国立 Jenderal Soedirman University/R.E. Prabowo 講師、インドネシア/国立 Riau University/Ida Ayu Puspasari 博士、ベ
トナム/ベトナム国立大学/P.N Hong 教授、アメリカ/Scripps Institution of Oceanography/W.A Newman 教授、タイ/国立 Songkura
Universtiy/Saowapa Angsupanich 助教授、バンクラディッシュ/国立 Dhaka University/Rowshan Ara Begum 助教授
4.平成 15 年度(1998 から継続中)
国際学術研究(海外学術研究)基盤研究 A2(平成 11~13 年度)、基盤研究 B1(平成 14~17 年度)その他。
7.Romanus Edy Prabowo and T. Yamaguchi (2005) A new mangrove barnacle of the Balanus amphitrite complex from Sumbawa Island, Indonesia.
Journal of Marine Biological Association, U.K., 85:929-936.
3.アメリカ/Scripps Institution of Oceanography/W.A Newman 教授、ニュージーランド/オークランド工科大学/John S. Buckeridge 教授
4.平成 15 年度(1988 年から継続中)
5.深海熱水噴出孔に原始的な生物群集が 1978 年に発見され、その中のフジツボ類の研究を行っている。東太平洋、日本近海の北西太
B2(平成 15~17 年度)など。
7.Yamaguchi, T., W.A. Newman, and J. Hashimoto (2004) A hydrothermal, cold-seep barnacle (Cirripedia: Neolepadinae) and the age of the
vent/seep fauna. Journal of Marine Biological Association of U.K., 84: 111-120.
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3.インドネシア/国立 Jenderal Soedirman University/R.E. Prabowo 講師、インドネシア/国立 Riau University/Ida Ayu Puspasari 博士、バン
グラディッシュ/国立 Duhka University/Rowshan Ara Begum 助教授
4.平成 15 年度(1996 年から継続中)
5.DNA の塩基配列を求めて分類群間の系統関係を明らかにする研究。
6.平成 6-8 年度科学研究費補助金基盤研究(A-2)代表、課題番号:06404001、平成 9-11 年度、基盤研究 (C-2)代表、課題番号:09839007、
平成 11-13 年度、基盤研究 (A-2)(学術調査)
、代表、課題番号:11691172、平成 13-17、基盤研究(B-2)代表、課題番号:14340154
7.Rowshan Ara Begum, T. Yamaguchi, and S. Watabe (2004) Molecular phylogeny of thoracican barnacles based on the mitochondrial 12S and 16S
rRNA genes. Sessile Organisms, 21 (2): 47-54.
Rowshan Ara Begum, K. Tsuchida, T. Yamaguchi, M. Nishida and S. Watabe (印刷中) Complete mitochondrial genome of the sessile barnacle
Tetraclita japonica. Special MBC 2003 Proceedings Issue of Marine Techonology,
3.Russia / Institute of Physics of the Earth / Dr. Oleg Molchanov
Russia / Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave
(IZMIRAN) / Dr. Yuri Kopytenko
Russia / Geophysical Service Kamchatka Department / Dr. Eviginii Gordeev
Ukraine / Lviv Center of Space Research / Dr. Varely Korepanov
5.地震に先行する電磁気現象のうち ULF 帯の磁場変動に注目し、その観測のための機材の開発、観測点の設置、データ解析を行い、
その物理機構を解明し、地震活動を監視・ 予測するための手法について研究を行う。
6.理化学研究所(2002 年まで)
科研費(C)(2002―2004 年)
科研費(C)(2004―2006 年)
7.Yu. A. Kopytenko, V. S. Ismaguilov, K. Hattori, and M. Hayakawa, Determination of hearth position of forthcoming strong EQ using gradients
and phase
velocities of ULF geomagnetic disturbances, Extended Abstracts of 2005 International Workshop on Seismo Electromagnetics, pp. 166-169,
15-17 March, 2005, Chofu, Tokyo
Kopytenko Yu.A., Ismaguilov V.S., Hattori K., Hayakawa M., Gradients and Phase Velocities of ULF magnetic disturbances (F=0.1-0.4Hz) before
and during strong earthquakes inf 2003 year at Bosso Peninsula (Japan), 2004 Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference Proceedings, p. 545, August
24-27, 2004, (Qingdao, China).
Molchanov, O.A.; Schekotov, A.Ju.; Hattori, K.; Solovieva, M.S.; Fedorov, E.N.; Chebrov, V.; Saltikov, D.; Hayakawa, M., Near-seismic effects
in ULF fields and seismo-acoustic emission : statistics and explanation, European Geosciences Union 1st General Assembly (CD-ROM), April
25-30, 2004, Nice, France
Gotoh, K., Hayakawa, M., Smirnova, N., and Hattori, K., Fractal analysis of seismogenic ULF emissions, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 29,
419-424, 2004.
M. Hayakawa, K. Hattori, A. P. Nickolaenko, and L. M. Rabinowicz, Relation between the energy of earthquake swarm and the Hurst exponent of
random variations of the geomagnetic field, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 29, 379-387, 2004.
Hattori, K., Takahashi, I., Yoshino, C., Isezaki, N., Iwasaki, H., Harada, M., Kawabata, K., Kopytenko, E., Kopytenko, Y., Maltsev, P.,
Korepanov, V.,Molchanov, O., Hayakawa, M., Noda, Y., Nagao, T., Uyeda, S., ULF geomagnetic field measurements in Japan and some recent
results associated with Iwateken Nairiku Hokubu Earthquake in 1998, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth., 29, 481-494, 2004.
Ismaguilov, V., Kopytenko, Y., Hattori, K., and Hayakawa, M., 2003: Variations of phase velocity and gradient values of ULF geomagnetic
disturbances connected with the Izu strong earthquake, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 3, 211-215,2003.
Kopytenko, Y., Ismaguilov, V., Molchanov, O., Kopytenko, E., Voronov, P., Hattori, K., Voronov,P., Hayakawa M., Zaitsev, D., Investigation of
ULF magnetic disturbances in Japan during acive seismic period, Journal of Atmospheric Electricity, 22, 3, 207-215, 2002.
Uyeda, S., Hayakawa, M., Nagao, T., Molchanov, O., Hattori, K., Orihara, Y., Gotoh, K., Akinaga, Y., Tanaka, H., Electric and Magnetic
phenomena observed before the volcano-seismic activity 2000 in
the Izu islands region, Japan, Proceedings of the US National Academy of
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Science, 99,7352-7355, 2002.
Gorbatikov, A., Molchanov, O., Hayakawa, Uyeda, S., M., Hattori, K., Nagao, T., Tanaka, H.,Nikolaev V., Maltsev, P., Acoustic emission possibly
related to earthquakes, observed at Matsushiro, Japan and its implications, Seismo
Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere coupling, edited by M. Hayakawa and O. Molchanov,1-10, Terrapub, 2002.
Kopytenko, Y., Ismaguilov, V., Hattori, K., Voronov, P., Hayakawa M.,Molchanov,O.,Kopytenko, E., Zaitsev, D.. Monitoring of the ULF
Electromagnetic disturbances at the
station network before EQ in seismic zones of Izu and Chiba Peninsulas, Seismo
Lithosphere-Atmosphere- Ionosphere coupling, edited by M. Hayakawa
and O. Molchanov, 11-18, Terrapub, 2002.
Yagova, N., Yumoto, K., Pilipenko, V., Hattori, K., Nagao, T., Saita, K., Local variations of geomagnetic ULF noises and their relation to seismic
activity, Seismo Electromagnetics:Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere coupling, edited by M. Hayakawa and O. Molchanov,45-48, Terrapub,
Uyeda, S., Nagao, T., Hattori, K., Noda, Y., Hayakawa, M., Miyaki, K., Molchanov, O., Gladychev,V., Baransky, L., Schekotov, A., Belyaev, G.,
Fedorov, E., Pokhotelov, O., Andreevsky, S.,Rozhnoi, A., Khabazin, Y., Gorbatikov, A., Gordeev, E., Chevrov, V., Lutikov, A., Yunga, S.,Kasarev,
G., Surkov, V., Russian-Japanese complex geophysical observatory in Kamchatkafor monitoring of phenomena connected with seismic activity,
Seismo Electromagnetics:
Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere coupling, edited by M. Hayakawa and O. Molchanov,413-420, Terrapub, 2002.
Gladychev, V., Baransky, L., Schekotov, A., G., Fedorov, E., Pokhotelov, O., Andreevsky, S.,Rozhnoi, A., Khabazin, Belyaev, G., Gorbatikov, A.,
Gordeev, E., Chevrov, V., Sinitsin, V.,Gorbatikov, A., Gordeev, E., Chevrov, V., Molchanov, O., Hayakawa, M., Uyeda, S., Nagao, T.,Hattori, K.,
Noda, Y.., “Some preliminary results of seismo-electromagnetic research at complex geophysical observatory, Kamchatka, Seismo
Electromagnetics: Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere coupling, edited by M. Hayakawa and O. Molchanov,413-420, Terrapub, 2002.
Ismaguilov, V., Kopytenko Y., Hattori, K., Voronov, M., Molchanov, O., Hayakawa, M., ULF magnetic emissions connected with under sea
bottom earthquakes, Journal of Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 1, 23-31, 2001.
RIKEN/NASADA Workshop on Seismo-ULF emissions, December 1998,Tokyo.
RIKEN/NASADA Symposium on the Recent Aspects of Electromagnetic Variations Related with Earthquakes, December 1999, Wako.
なお、平成 12 年 9 月には宇宙開発事業団主催で International Workshop on Seismo Electromagnetics, 2000 of NASDA, September 2000,
Tokyo が開催された。
平成 10 年9月:カムチャツカ半島パラトゥンカに地球電磁気(地電流)観測点設置
平成 10 年 11 月:ロシア・ サンクトペテルグルグ IZMIRAN およびモスクワ Institute of Physics of the Earth にてそれぞれ Dr. Yuri
Kopytenko,および Dr. Oleg Molchanov らと研究打ち合わせ。
平成 11 年9月:パラトゥンカ観測点保守点検
平成 12 年8月:カムチャツカ観測点保守点検
平成 13 年 11 月:Pavel Maltsev 氏(Lviv Center of Space Research, Ukraine)研究打ち合わせのため千葉大滞在。
平成 14 年7~8月:Dr. Vareli Ismaguilov, Andrei Radilov 氏(IZMIRAN, Russia)が研究打ち合わせのため千葉大滞在。
平成 16 年12月:Pavel Maltsev 氏(Lviv Center of Space Research, Ukraine)が研究打ち合わせのため千葉大訪問。
平成 17 年 3 月:Dr. Yuri Kopytenko(IZMIRAN, Russia)および Dr. Oleg Molchanov(Institute of Physics of the Earth)らと研究打ち合わせ。
1. 台湾における電磁気学的アプローチによる地震活動監視に関する研究
2. 海洋バイオシステム研究センター/助教授/服部克巳
3. 台湾国立中央大学/教授/劉正彦
4. 2001~
6.理化学研究所(2002 年まで)
7.Katsumi Hattori, ULF geomagnetic changes associated with large earthquakes, Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Vol.15, No.3,
329-360, 2004
Masashi Kamogawa, Jann-Yenq Liu, Hironobu Fujiwara, Yu-Jung Chuo, Yi-Ben Tsai, Katsumi Hattori, Toshiyasu Nagao, Seiya Uyeda, and
Yoshi-Hiko Ohtsuki, Atmospheric field variations before the March 31, 2002
− 127 −
M6.8 earthquake in Taiwan, Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Vol.15, 397-412, September 2004.
Hattori, K., Takahashi, I., Yoshino, C., Nagao, T., Liu, J.Y., Shieh, C.F., ULF Geomagnetic and Geopotential Measurement at Chia-Yi, Taiwan,
Journal of Atmospheric Electricity, 22, 3,217-222, 2002.
K. Hattori, Y. Akinaga, K.Gotoh, C. Yoshino, Y. Kopytenko, M. Hayakawa, K. Yumoto, T. Nagao,S. Uyeda, J. Y. Liu, C. H. Shieh, ULF
Geomagnetic Anomalies Associated with Earthquakes and Observations in Taiwan, 2002 International Workshop on Earthquake Precursor iSTEP
_integrated Search for Taiwan Earthquake Precursors, p.96―97, 2002.
Y.Akinaga, M. Hayakawa, J.Y. Liu, K. Yumoto, K. Hattori, “A precursory signature for Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan”, Natural Hazards and Earth
System Sciences, 1, 33-36, 2001.
8. 嘉義に電磁気観測点を設置(2001 年 9 月)
花蓮でのフィールド調査 (2002 年 3 月)
国立中央大学に開催された“integrated Search for Taiwan Earthquake Precursors”
(2002 International Workshop on Earthquake Precursor
iSTEP )にて招待講演を行う( 2002 年 6 月)
花蓮に磁気観測点設置(2002 年 9 月)
富里に電磁気観測点設置(2003 年 3 月)
国立中央大学劉正彦教授、蔡義本教授千葉大学に来学し、講演を行う(2003 年 12 月)
国立中央大学にて international workshop を開催し、講演を行う(2004 年 3 月)
国立東華大学に観測点移設(2004 年 10 月)
国立中央大学にて研究打ち合わせ(2004 年 12 月)
国立中央大学・ 陳界宏氏が千葉大学に来日し共同研究実施(2005 年 3~4 月)
3.イタリア国立環境解析研究所/教授/Vincenzo Lepenna
イタリア国立環境解析研究所/研究員/Luciano Telesca
6.2003―2004 年 日伊2国間共同研究(研究代表者:電通大・ 早川教授)
2004 年以降なし
7. G. Colangelo, K .Hattori, V. Lapenna,L. Telesca, and C. Yoshino, Extraction of extreme events in geoelectrical signals; an application in a seismic
area of Japan, Extended Abstracts of 2005 International Workshop on Seismo Electromagnetics, pp. 93-96, 15-17 March, 2005, Chofu, Tokyo.
Luciano Telesca, Gerardo Colangelo, Katsumi Hattori, Vincenzo Lapenna, Principal component analysis of geoelectrical signals measured in the
seismically active area of Basilicata Region (southern Italy), Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 4, 663-667, 2004
服部克巳,吉野千恵,芹田亜矢,高橋一郎,Geraldo Colangelo, Luchiano Telesca, ULF帯の電磁場データの主成分解析,電気学会研究
会資料, EMT-04-101, p65-69,2004 年 9 月
8.2003 年 10~11 月
2004 年 6 月 イタリア国立環境解析研究所の Dr. Collangero が千葉大学に滞在し、地磁気・ 地電位差データの解析手法に関する共同
2005 年3月 イタリア国立環境解析研究所の Lepenna 教授、Telesca 博士、Collangero 博士が来日した際、今後の研究打ちあわせを行
3.米国 National Tropical Botanical Garden/Paul Alan Cox 教授、同 John L. Bartelt 博士
7.Togashi, T., J.L. Bartelt and P.A. Cox. 2004.Simulation of gamete behaviors and the evolution of anisogamy: reproductive strategies of marine
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green algae.Ecological Research 19: 563-569.
Togashi, T., M. Nagisa, T. Miyazaki, J. Yoshimura, J.L. Bartelt and P.A. Cox.Gamete behaviors and the evolution of “marked anisogamy”:
reproductive strategies and sexual dimorphism in Bryopsidales marine green algae.Evolutionary Ecology Research (in press)
8.Ecological Research Award 2005 を受賞。
第17回国際植物学会(2005年7月、オーストリア・ ウイーンで開催)において国際シンポジウム
Sexual selection and the
evolution of anisogamy を主催。
外国人研究者受入 Prof. Arto KAARNA
8 . 2 00 4年 5 月 14 日医 用 画 像に 関す る ワ ーク ショ ッ プ 開催 (千 葉 大 学 松 韻会 館 )
3.イギリス/ロンドン大学クイーンメリー校/教授/Xiaodong Chen
4.平成 15 年度~
7.(平成 16 年度に発表された主な論文,出版物等)
1.Koichi Ito, Hiroki Kawai, "Phantoms for evaluation of interactions between antennas and human body," Proceedings of URSI Symposium on
Electromagnetic Theory, vol. 2, pp. 1104-1106, Pisa, Italy, May 2004.
2.Ryo Ishido, Teruo Onishi, Kazuyuki Saito, Shinji Uebayashi, and Koichi Ito, " A study on the solid phantoms for 3-6 GHz and evaluation of
SAR distributions based on the thermographic method, " Proceedings of 2004 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility,
EMC'04, vol. 3B3-2, pp. 577-580, Sendai, Japan, Jun. 2004.
3.Teruo Onishi, Ryo Ishido, Kazuyuki Saito, Shinji Uebayashi, and Koichi Ito, "The influence of a phantom shell on SAR measurement in higher
frequency range (3-6GHz)," BEMS Twenty-Sixth Annual Meeting, P-B-26, pp. 163-164, Washington DC, USA, Jun. 2004.
4.Yoshio Koyanagi, Shoichi Kajiwara, Koichi Ogawa, and Koichi Ito, "Movement of the peak SAR location in close proximity to the surface of a
COST 244 phantom exposed to a dipole array antenna," Proceedings of the 2004 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, vol.
2, pp. 789-792, Sendai, Japan, Aug. 2004.
5.Hiroki Kawai, and Koichi Ito, “Simple evaluation method of estimating local average SAR, ” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and
Techniques, vol. 52, no. 8, pp. 2021-2029, Aug. 2004
6.Koichi Ito, Hiroki Kawai, Masaharu Takahashi, Kazuyuki Saito, Takuya Ueda,Masayoshi Saito, Hisao Ito, Hisao Osada, Yoshio Koyanagi,
Koichi Ogawa, "A simple abdomen phantom of pregnant women at VHF band," Proceedings of United States National Committee
International Union of Radio Science, K1-6, P. 460, Colorado, USA, Jan. 2005.
7.Koichi Ito and Hiroki Kawai, "Solid phantoms for evaluation of interactions between the human body and antennas," Proceedings of 2005
IEEE International Workshop on Antenna Technology (IWAT), pp. 41-44, Singapore, Singapore, Mar. 2005.
8.2004 年 8 月に相手側代表者の Xiaodong Chen が千葉大学を訪問し,研究打合せをした。また、2005 年 9 月、研究代表者・ 伊藤公一
がイギリスで開催される国際会議参加の折りに、Xiaodong Chen と会い、研究打ち合わせをする予定である。
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3.ベルギー王国/ゲント大学医学部/Fernand Lambein 教授
5.マメ科 Lathyrus 属植物中に含まれ、重症な神経中毒症のラチリズムを引き起こす β-ODAP とその関連化合物の脳神経レセプターへの
・ Y.-H. Kuo, F. Ikegami and F. Lambein: Neuroactive and other free amino acids in seed and young plants of Panax ginseng. Phytochemistry, 62,
1087-1091 (2003).
・ K. Kusama-Eguchi, T. Kusama, A. Suda, T. Masuko, M. Yamamoto, F. Ikegami, K. Igarashi, Y.-H. Kuo, F. Lambein, K. Watanabe: Partial
involvement of group I metabotropic glutamate receptors in the neurotoxicity of 3-N-oxalyl-L-2,3-diaminopropanoic acid (L-β-ODAP). Biol.
Pharm. Bull., 27, 1052-1058 (2004).
・ K. Kusama-Eguchi, F. Ikegami, T. Kusama, A. Suda, Y. Ogawa, K. Igarashi, K. Watanabe: A rat model of neurolathyrism: repeated injection of
L-β-ODAP induces the paraparesis of the hind legs. Amino Acids, 28, 139-143 (2005).
3.タイ王国/チュラロンコーン大学薬学部/Nijsiri Ruangrungsi 助教授
・ Athikomkulchai, S., Ruangrungsi, N., Sekine, T., Sumino, M., Igarashi, K., Ikegami, F.: Chemical constituents of Bauhinia sirindhorniae. Natural
Medicines, 57, 150-153 (2003).
・ Hosokawa, A., Sumino, M., Nakamura, T., Yano, S., Sekine, T., Ruangrungsi, R., Watanabe, K., Ikegami, F.: A new lignan from Balanophora
abbreviata and inhibition of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression, Chem. Pharm. Bull., 52,
1265-1267 (2004).
・ Ikegami, F.: Active constituents in Chinese, Ayurvedic and Thai herbal medicines: Applicable separation procedures. Thai J. Health Res., 19, 1-12
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The Chiba University International Collaborative Research
Faculty of Letters ..……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Faculty of Education ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Faculty of Science ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Graduate School of Medicine …………………………………………………………………………………………….
University Hospital ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences …………………………………………………………………………….
School of Nursing …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Faculty of Engineering ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
Faculty of Horticulture ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
Graduate School of Science and Technology ……………………………………………………………………………..
Center for Environmental Remote Sensing ……………………………………………………………………………….
Research Center for Parhogenic Fungi and Microbial Toxicoses .………………………………….…………………….
Marine Biosystems Research Center ………………………………………………………………………..……………
Research Center for Frontier Medical Engineering ………………………………………………………………………
Center for Environment, Health and Filed Sciences ..……………………………………………….……………………
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The subject of this survey is specified as “International Collaborative Research”.
It refers to an international research carried out jointly on a departmental, laboratory or
Personal level, and introduces works, which were presented officially, as well as works expected
to bepredented.
Matters of Survey
1.- Name of the research project
2.- Chiba University representative research worker
(place of work/occupation/full name)
3.- Partner abroad
(country/name of institution/full name)
4.- Implementation period
5.- Project outline
6.- Funds, grants, etc
7.- Main result
8.- Other important items to be stated
(awards received, symposiums attended, etc)
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Faculty of Letters
1.Study on Russian Literature and Culture of Silver Age
2.Faculty of Letters/Lecturer/Wakana Kono
3.Russia/Russian State University of Humanities/Professor Dina Makhmudovna Magomedova
5.Reading the texts of Silver Age, and looking into the issues of religion, philosophy and culture.
6.Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Reseach
7.Khdozhestvennoe prostranstvo i personazhi v <Serebryanom golube> А
. Belogo i <Pesne Sud'by> А. Bloka // Problemy izucheniya khdozhestvennogo
proizvedeniya v shkole i vuze. Vyp.2: Prostranstvo i vremya v
khurozhestvennom proizvedenii. pp.135-139. Orenburg,2002.,
Obraz lesa kak <russkoe prostranstvo> (<Serebryanyj golub’> A. Belogo v
kontekste <neonarodnichekoj> literatury nachala 20 v.)『Bulletin of the
Japanese Association of Russian Scholars No.34Japanese Association of
Russian Scholars, 2002.pp.67-73,Zhizn’goroda i zhizn’cheloveka:Obraz Letnego sada v<Peterburge>A.Belogo//Japanese Slavic and East
European Studies Vol.25.Japanese Society for Slavic and East European Studies,2004.pp.53-70.etc】
Faculty of Education
1.Comparative study for brain cognition of mother and foreign language between Japanese and Italian children
2.Faculty of Education/Professor/Katsuo Sugita
3.Italy/Tor Vergata University of Rome, Department of Neurosciences, Section of Pediatric Neurology and Psychiatry/Prof. Paolo Curatolo
4.20045.Prof. Curatolo and I will search for more reliable task methods by using neurophysiological analysis to detect abnormal processes of language
cognition in autistic children. We will discuss about the differences of cognitive process between Japan and Italy children with this disorder. We
also compare the epidemiological differences between Japan and Italy especially from the points of genetic mutations which are observed in both
children with dyslexia and autism. We will prepare for more effective analysis for brain cognition of languages, such as Japanese characters and
“Romaji” (Roman characters). We also examine working memory in reading Japanese and Roman characters in students whose mother language
is Italian or Japanese or in those of bilinguals.
6.A Scientific Research Grant from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science
7.Shimoyama I, Kasagi Y, Yoshida S, Yamaguchi M, Torii M, Shuto H, Sugita K. Information volume in recognizing the Japanese cursive syllabary
“HIRAGANA”. In: Tsuji S, Kakigi R, Tobimatsu S, Uozumi T, Akamatsu N ed. International Congress Series, Unveiling the Mystery of the
Brain: neurophysiological investigation of the brain function. Vol. 1278, Elseview BV, March 2005:169-172.
Sugita K, Kato Y, Sugita K, Kato M, Tanaka Y. Magnetoencepharographical (MEG) analysis in a case of early-onset childhood epilepsy with
occipital seizures. J Child Neurol. 2002:17(11), 851-852.
Sugita, K. Magnetoencephalographic analysis in children with Panayiotopolous syndrome. J Child Neurol (in press)
1.Research into dispersal and parallel evolution of ammonia fungi
2.Faculty of Education/ Professor/ Suzuki, Akira
3.Australia/ CSIRO/ Tommerup, Inez. C., Bougher, Neale. L
Canada/ Faculty of Science/ University of Alberta/ Currah, Randolph S.
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5.This joint project has planned to examine the fungus community structure of ammonia fungi in various vegetations of different geographical areas
in Japan, Australia and Canada in order to elucidate the dispersal and parallel evolution of ammonia fungi. Ammonia fungi are very specific to
propagate following disturbance of a large amount of nitrogen application (high nitrogen stress). We applied a large amount of urea in different
kinds of forests in Japan, Australia, and Canada and surveyed the fungi occurred in the urea-treated area. We also placed litter-bags and wood
disks in the forest floors and analyzed the changes in the decomposition rates following urea application. We are planning to establish a
convenient method to evaluate the forest conditions based on the fungus community of the ammonia fungi as well as to analyze the role of
ammonia fungi in nutrient cycling in the ecosystems.
6.From 2002 – 2005; Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Scientific Research Program, Nos. 14560112 and 16570073) from the JSPS
7.(1) Suzuki, A., Tanaka, C., Bougher, N., Tommerup, I. C., Fukiharu, T., Tsuchida, S., Oda, T., Fukada, J., Sagara, N. (2002) ITS rDNA variation of
the Coprinopsis phlyctodospora (syn.: Coprinus phlyctidosporus) complex in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, Mycoscience 43:
(2) Suzuki, A., Fukiharu, T., Tanaka, C., Ohono, T., Buchanan, P. (2003)
saprobic and ectomycorrhizal ammonia fungi in the Southern Hemisphere, New Zealand Journal of Botany, 41: 391-406
(3) Nagao, H., Udagawa, S. Bougher, N. I., Suzuki, A., Tommerup, I. C. (2003) The genus Thecotheus (Pezizales) in Australia: T. urin
amans sp. nov. from urea-treated jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) forest, Mycologia, 95: 688-693
(4) Suzuki, A. (2004) Physiology and ecology of ammonia fungi and their biogeographical distribution, pp. 5-12, Natural History of Mushrooms
(eds. Kobayashi, T. and Takahashi, H.), The Hokkaido University Museum, Asahi Tosho Kanko Center. (In Japanese)
8.(1) Contributed Symposium of IMC7, ”Biodiversity of Southern Hemisphere fungi.” Suzuki, A., Fukiharu, and T., Tanaka, C.: Saprobic and
mycorrhizal ammonia fungi of the Southern Hemisphere, August 12, 2002, Oslo University, Norway
Presidental Address of the Mycological Society of America/ the Mycological Society of Japan - Joint Meeting, Suzuki, A. : Physiological
ecology of ammonia fungi – Studies using artificial media and natural substrates, August 2, 2005, The University of Hawaii, Hilo, USA
Faculty of Science
1.Application of Fuzzy Theory in the measurable space
2.Faculty of Science / Professor / Masami Yasuda
3.China / Communication University of China / Li Jun
China / Tianjin University of Technology / Song Jinjie
4.From 2004 to 2005
5.Research for the analysis of measure and integral and their relations
under non-additivities in the metric space
6.Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences
China Scholarship Council
7.Lusin’s theorem on fuzzy measure spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2004.
Regularity properties of null-additive fuzzy measure on metric spaces, MDAI 2005.
Almost everywhere convergence of random set sequence on non-additive measure spaces, IFSA 2005.
1.Cooperative research by Japan,Korea and Russia for structure and tectonics of Japan
Sea and Shikhote-allin area, and its relationship to evolution of Japanese islands
2.Faculty of Science / Professor / Nobuhiro Isezaki
3.Russia/Pacific Oceanological Institute of Academy of Science of Russia(POI)/R.Kulinich
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Korea/ Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute(KORDI)/C.H.Park
4.19965.Investigations in the Japan Sea and Shikuhote-Allin area have been done last 5 years. For the Japan Sea Survey, R/V Gagarinsky of POI was used
in the RussianEEZ Japan Basin and the Tsushima Basin and R/V Tansei-maru of Ocean Research Instutute ofTokyo University was used in the
Japanese EEZ area. Magnetic, gravity, reflection seismic and eco sounding surveys have been conduted for cruising and Ocean Bottom
Seismometer (OBS) and Ocean Bottom Electro-magnetometer (OBEM) surveys for stay. The scientific main objective is to study the structure of
the Japan Basin and during this project, the distribution of oceanic crustal structure in the Japan Sea has been revealed. This project has been
granted by Mombusho from 1996 to 2004.
6.From 1996 to 1998: Grants in-Aid-for International Scientific Research
From 2001 to 2003: Grants in-Aid-for Scientific Research B
From 2004 to 2005: Research fund
7.①V. ・ N. Karnaukh and B.Y. Karp, Tectonics of the Japan Basin: seismic investigation results, Pacific Geology, 17, 2, 1997 (in Russian) .
②Park C. H., S. Huh, H. T. Jou, J. K. Hong, S. J. Han and N. Isezaki, Geological Interpretations Based on Magnetic Anomalies and Seismic Data,
Offshore Yangyang Samchuk, the East of Korea, J. Geol. Soc. Korea, v.33, 276-290, 1997.
③R.G.Kuilnich, L.A Maslov. G.Z. Gifmanova and O.S Komova, Density model and crust stress in the northern part of the Japan Sea, Pacific
Geology, 17, 2, 1998 (in Russian)
④Park C.H., N.Isezaki, N.Seama, H.Shon, and J.W.Kim, Deep crustal structure of the Ulleung Basin, Japan Sea from separating shallow
componenets fo gravity anomalies, J. Geo;. SOc. Korea, v.38,519-535, 2002.
⑤Sato T., M.Shinohara,B.Y.Karp,R.G.Kulinich and N.Isezaki,P-wave velocity structure in the northern part of the central Japan Basin, Japan Sea
with ocean bottom seismometers and airguns, Earth Planets Space,56,501-510,2004.
1.Changes of water environment in the tropical humid region evaluated from the view point of environmental hydrogeology
2.Faculty of Science/Professor/Yasuo Sakura
4.2000 –
5.Both of Japan and Indonesia is volcanic island, but those climatic conditions such as precipitation and air temperature are different. In Indonesia,
groundwater is important as water resources and its exploitation results in the groundwater problems. From the view point of comparative
hydrology, we aim to carry out basic studies for continuing sustainable use of water with quality and quantity.
Our relation to Indonesia began to participate in IGC1992, in Kyoto to present the results of Bali Project supported by Monbusyou. After that, we
have received some students from Indonesia. Following the earnest invitation by Research Center for Geotechnology, Prof. Y. Sakura visited there
and discussed the academic exchange program in 2000. Official agreement for academic exchange and cooperation between two institutions
started when Dr. Jan Sopaheluwakan, Director of Research Center for Geotechnology had visited in Chiba University, 2001. After that we have
carried out our exchange programs as follows,
In 2002, Professors of Y. Sakura and C. Tang visited in Research Center for Geotechnology, Bandung and cooperative studies on Water
Environment in Volcanic Bandung Region started.
In 2002, Faculty of Science, Chiba University received Mr. Robert M, Delinom as a Research Scholar funded from JSPA from Nov. 2002 to Jan.
In 2003, Mr. Robert M, Delinom, Senior researcher visited in Sapporo and presented our research results.
In 2004, Faculty of Science, Chiba University received Mr. Fajar Luibis, Researcher as a Research Student. Now, he is a graduate student in
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Chiba University.
6.In 2002, Japanese partner used the Fund due to Personal Donation (Leader: Yasuo Sakura, Chiba University). From 2002 to 2003, Indonesia partner
used the Fund of JSPS (Host Scientist: Yasuo Sakura)..
− 135 −
7.Delinom, R., Tang, C., and Sakura, Y. The Bundung basin groundwater flow system and its future estimating condition, IUGG2003, Sapporo, 1630,
Delinom, R. The influence of structural geology on groundwater flow: The Lembang Fault case study, West Jawa, Indoesia (in press), 2005.
Delinom, R., Sakura, Y., Tang, C., Miyakoshi, A. and Rachmat, A. Groundwater flow system of Bandung Basin based on subsurface temperature,
stable isotopes and hydraulic head. (in press), 2005.
1.Studies on changes of hydrologic environment caused by human impact and its reservation.
2.Faculty of Science/Professor/ Yasuo Sakura
4.1997 –
5.Our research object area is North China Plain (NCP) which has various patterns of land use in response to climatic conditions. From the viewpoint
of comparative hydrology, we would like to make clear the effect of regional water cycle influenced by the difference of land cover in NCP.
Meeting of Groundwater Environment was held in December, 2001, in Chiba University, in which Professor Liu Changming and four his
colleague had participated.
International Symposium on Crisis of Water Resources due to Environmental Change was held by Professor Liu Changming in Beijing
International Conference Hall in which 3 researchers from Chiba University participated in September, 2002. This International Project was based
in Academic Exchange Agreement between Faculty of Science, Chiba University and Center for Water Problems, CAS as well as Beijing Institute
of Geography and Natural Resources, CAS.
In August, 2003. total 10 researchers and students attended the field surveying in NCP based on the agreements of cooperation between Chiba
University and CAS.
In August, 2004, Prof. Kondo and Tang made a hydrological field work in South China including Hunan Province and Guangdong Province,
China. In October, 2004, Prof. Tang presented a paper based on the cooperation research in the Chinese Hydrological Science Workshop, Beijing.
After the Workshop, Prof. Tang attended hydrological experiments with the co researchers of CAS.
6.Fund of International Cooperative Research by Nissan Science Foundation (Leader: Prof. Tadashi Tanaka, University of Tsukuba, JICA Project
(Leader: Emeritus Prof. Shizuo Shindo), Grant-in-aid for Science Research of Japanese Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (Leader:
Associate Prof. Tang Changuang, Chiba University) and Grant-in-aid for Science Research of Japanese Ministry of Education, Science and
Culture (Leader: Associate Prof. Akihiko Kondo, Chiba University)
7.Shen, Y., Kondoh, A., Tang, C., Zhang, Y., Chen, J., Li, W., Sakura, Y., Liu, C., Tanaka, T. and Shimada, J. (2002): Measurement and analysis of
evapotranspiration and surface conductance of wheat canopy. Hydrol. Proc., Vol.16, 2173-2187.
Yang, Y., Wang Z., Sakura, Y., Tang C. & Hayashi S. (2002): Groundwater table and recharge changes in the Piedmont region of Taihang
Mountain in Gaocheng City and its relation to agricultural water use. Water SA, Vol.28(2): 171-178.
Chen, J.Y., Tang, C., Sakura, Y., Kondoh, A. and Shen, Y. (2002): Groundwater flow and geochemistry in the lower reach of the Yellow River:
case study in Shandong Province, China. Hydrogeology Jour., 10(5): 587-599.
Sakura, Y., Tang, C., Yoshioka, R. and Ishibashi, H.(2003): Intensive use of groundwater in some areas of China and Japan. Llamas, R & Custdio,
E.( Ed.) Intensive Use of Groundwater – Challenges and Opportunities -, Bulkema Publication.
Yang, Y., Watanabe, M, Wang, Z., Sakura, Y. and Tang, C.(2003) Prediction of Soil Moisture Change under Different Scenarios of Climate
Change and Implications of Vegetation Changes Simulated by WAVES Model in Taihang Mountain, China. Climate Change, Vol.57, 163-183.
Tang, C., Chen, J. and Shen, Y. (2003): Long term effect of wastewater irrigation on nitrate in groundwater in the North China Plain. IAHS
Publ., No 285, 34-40.
Chen, J.Y., Tang, C., Shen, Y., Sakura, Y., Kondoh, A. and Shimada, J., (2003): Use of water balance calculation and tritium to examine the
dropdown of groundwater table in the piedmont of the North China Plain (NCP). Environmental Geology, Vol.44. No.5. 564-571.
Tang, C., Chen, J., Shindo, S., Sakura, Y., Zhang, W., and Shen, Y. (2004): Assessment of groundwater contamination by nitrates associated with
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the wastewater irrigation: A case study in Shijiazhuang region, China. Hydrol. Proc., Vol.18, 2303–2312.
Chen JY, Tang CY, Sakura S, Kondoh A, Shen YJ and Song XF(2004). Measurement and analysis of redistribution of soil moisture and salute in a
maize field in the lower reach of the Yellow River, Hydrol. Proc., Vol.18, 2263–2273.
Chen, J.Y., Tang, C., Sakura, Y., Kondoh, A. and Shen, Y. (2004): Nitrate pollution from agriculture in different hydrogeological zones of the
regional groundwater flow system in the North China Plain. Hydrogeology Journal (available online)
Shen, Y., Zhang, Y., Kondoh, A., Tang, C., Chen, J., Sakura, Y., Liu, C., Li, W. and Sun, H. (2004): Seasonal variation of energy partitioning in an
irrigated wheat and maize farmland. Hydrol. Proc., Vol.18, 2223-2234.
Zhang, Y., Liu, C., Yu, Q., Shen, Y., Kendy, E., Kondoh, A., Tang, C. and Sun, H. (2004): Seasonal Variation of surface energy flux and
Priestley-Talylor Parameter in a field Level in NCP. Hydrol. Proc., Vol.18, 2235–2246.
1.Study of Nonlinear Magneto-plasma Dynamics in the Sun, Stars, and Accretion Disks
2.Faculty of Science/Professor/Ryoji Matsumoto
3.United Kingdom/University of Cambridge/Nigel O. Weiss
5.Theoretical and numerical studies of magnetohydrodynamic phenomena in accretion disks
6.Japan-UK Cooperation Science Program of the JSPS
(P.I. Kazunari Shibata, Kyoto University)
1.Comparative proteome analysis of human metaphase chromosomes
2.Faculty of Science / Associate Professor / Sumiko Kimura
3.Germany / University Hospital Mannheim/ Siegfried Labeit,
USA / Washington State University / Henk L. Granzier,
4.From 2003
5.Quantitative proteome analysis of human metaphase chromosomes was performed.
One hundred eighty nine proteins were identified by
The absence of >500 kDa species such as connectin- and nebulin-like proteins was indicated by proteome analysis of ultra-high
molecular weight region.
6.Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research B
7.to be published soon.
1.Comparative expression analysis of transcription factor genes in the endostyle of invertebrate chordates
2.Faculty of Science/Research Associate/Michio Ogasawara
3.England/University of Reading/Dr. Francoise Mazet
5.Comparative expression analysis of transcription factor genes in the endostyle of amphioxus Branchiostoma belcheri and ascidian Ciona
intestinalis: insight into the evolution of gene expression pattern in the endostyle of invertebrate chordate.
6.Grants-in-Aid Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Japan
7.Hiruta J, Mazet F, Yasui K, Zhang P, Ogasawara M. Comparative expression analysis of transcription factor genes in the endostyle of invertebrate
chordates. Dev Dyn. 233(3):1031-1037, 2005
1.Molecular systematics of Lathyrus (Leguminosae)
− 137 −
2.Faculty of Science / Associate Professor / Tadashi Kajita
3.United Kingdom/Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh/ Gregory J. Kenicer
4.2001 5.Molecular systematic study of genus Lathurus (Leguminosae) using molecular data of chloroplast and nuclear DNA.
6.Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation; Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B);
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
7.Gregory J. Kenicer, Tadashi Kajita, R. Toby Pennington, and Jin Murata. 2005. Systematics and biogeography of Lathyrus (Leguminosae) based on
internal transcribed spacer and cpDNA sequence data. America Journal of Botany 92: 1199-1209.
Graduate School of Medicine
1.Analysis for stress-responsive protein in Cockayne syndrome
2.Graduate School of Medicine/Professor/Nobuo Suzuki
3.England/University of Sussex, MRC Cell Mutation Unit/Alan Lehmann
4.From 2001 to date
5.Fibroblasts derived from patients with Cockayne syndrome showed cellular hypersensitivity to ultraviolet (UV).
UV-induced cellular damage.
Human interferon reduced the
We have performed international collaboration research for the regulation mechanism of stress-responsive protein
which is involved in DNA repair.
6.Nissan Science Foundation
7.Wu Y-P., Kita K., Suzuki N. Involvement of human heat shock protein 90a in nicotine-induced apoptosis.(2002) Int. J. Cancer 100, 37-42
Hasegawa, R., Kita, K., Hasegawa, R., Fusejima, K., Fukuzawa, S., Wano, C., Watanabe, S., Saisho, H., Masuda, Y., Nomura, F., Suzuki N.
Induction of apoptosis and ubiquitin hydrolase gene expression by human serum factors in the early phase of acute myocardial infarction. (2003)
J. Lab. Clin. Med. 141, 168-178
1.Analysis of the role of carboxypeptidase II in the nociceptive transmission
2.Department of Anesthesiology, Graduate School of Medicine/Assistant Professor/Tatsuo Yamamoto
3.Professor Joseph H Neale, Department of Biology, Georgetown University, USA
4.We began this project at 2001 and this project is still going.
5.We have characterized the N-aceytlaspartylglutmate (NAAG) and found the peptide inhibits transmitter release by activation of mGluR3 receptors
at presynaptic endings. To learn more about the synaptic activity of NAAG, we have synthesized a series of novel compounds that are potent
inhibitors of brain NAAG peptidase activity as well as the activity of cloned human and rat glutamate carboxypeptidase II (GCPII), an enzyme
that was believed to be solely responsible for inactivation of NAAG following synaptic release.
We tested two of these compounds in models of
chronic and neuropathic pain and found them to be anti-nociceptive. We have produced and characterized a strain of CGPII knock-out mice and
discovered a residual NAAG peptidase activity in the brains and spinal cords. They appear quite similar to their wild type littermates in terms of
growth, reproduction, basic neurological features, acute pain threshold, rotor rod and open field behavior, and NAAG, glutamate, and mGluR3
mRNA levels. These data support the hypothesis that one or more uncharacterized enzymes may be involved in the inactivation of this peptide.
We have found several differences between the NAAG peptidase activity found in the knock-out versus wild type brain membranes, including
differential sensitivity to the peptidase inhibitor 2-PMPA.
The cloning of an additional gene(s) coding for nervous system NAAG peptidase and
the development of selective inhibitors of NAAG peptidase activity have the potential to contribute to understanding the role of NAAG in
excitotoxicity and chronic pain perception.
6.This study was supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 12470315, Japan.
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7.Ramadan, E., Bacich, D.J., O’Keefe, D.S., Heston, W.D.W., Bukhari , N., Wegorzewska, I., Bzdega, T., Wroblewska, B., Wroblewski, J.T.,
Kozikowski, A., Yamamoto, T., Neale, J.T. (2002) Probing the functions of NAAG via NAAG peptidases and mGluR3.
33rd Annual Meeting of
the American Society for Neurochemistry June 22-26, 2002 (West Palm Beach, Florida)
Yamamoto, T., Hirasawa, S., Wroblewska, B., Grajkowska, E., Zhou, J., Kozikowski, A., Wroblewski, J., Neale, J.H. (2004) Antinociceptive
Effects of N-Acetylaspartylglutamate (NAAG) peptidase inhibitors ZJ-11, ZJ-17 and ZJ-43 in the tat formalin test and in the rat neuropathic pain
model. Eur. J. Neurosci. 20, 483-494
Kozikowski, A.P., Zhang, J., Nan, F., Petukhov, P.A., Grajkowska, E., Wroblewski, J.T., Yamamoto, T., Bzdega, T., Wroblewska, B., Neale, J.H.
(2004) Synthesis of urea-based inhibitors as active site probes of glutamate carboxypeptidase II: efficacy as analgesic agents. J. Med. Chem. 47,
1.Development of novel opioid analgesics
2.Graduate School of Medicine/ Assistant Professor/ Megumi Shimoyama
3.U.S.A./ Cornell University Medical College/ Hazel H. Szeto
4.From 1998 to date
5.Opioid analgesics currently available such as morphine, although effective, have many problems including side effects, development of tolerance
and dependence, and ineffectiveness to certain pain conditions. In order to develop novel opioid analgesics with more ideal characteristics, we
are examining newly synthesized opioids such as dermorphin analogs by characterizing the analgesic and side effect profiles of the compounds.
Furthermore, by investigating the mechanisms by which they differ from morphine, we aim to define targets for future development of opioid
6.Grant-in-Aid for Cancer Research, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Japan
7 . a) Shimoyama, M., Shimoyama, N., Zhao, G.-M., Schiller, P.W., Szeto, H.H., Antinociceptive and respiratory effects of intrathecal
H-Tyr-D-Arg-Phe-Lys-Nh2 (DALDA) and [DMT1]DALDA, J Pharmacol Exp Ther 297:364-371,2001
b) Zhao, G.-M., Wu, D, Soong, Y., Shimoyama, M., Schiller, P.W. and Szeto, H.H., Profound spinal tolerance after repeated exposure to a highly
selective μ-opioid peptide agonist: role of δ-opioid receptors, J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 302:188-196, 2002
c) Shimoyama, M., Kuwaki, T., Nakamura, A., Fukuda, Y., Shimoyama, N., Schiller, P.W. and Szeto, H.H., Differential respiratory effects of
[Dmt1]DALDA and morphine, Eur. J. Pharmacol. 511:199-206, 2005.
1.Regulation of growth arrest and differentiation of cells by the transcription factor C/EBPa
2.Graduate School of Medicine/Professor/Masaki Takiguchi
3.USA/Baylor College of Medicine/Gretchen J. Darlington
4.From 1998 to date
5.C/EBPa is a transcription factor which couples growth arrest and differentiation of cells. We demonstrated that in the parotid gland of C/EBPa
knockout mice expression of arginase, a differentiation marker of the gland, was decreased, and that expression of proliferating cell nuclear
antigen (PCNA), a marker for cell growth, was increased.
6.The Hamaguchi Foundation for the Advancement of Biochemistry, and the Yamada Science Foundation
7.Akiba, T., Kuroiwa, N., Shimizu-Yabe, A.,, Iwase, K., Hiwasa, T., Yokoe, H., Kubosawa, H., Kageyama, R., Darlington, G.J., Mori, M., Tanzawa,
H., and Takiguchi, M. (2002) Expression and regulation of the gene for arginase I in mouse salivary glands : requirement of
CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein alpha for the expression in the parotid gland. J. Biochem. 132, 621-627
1.Effects of the focal adhesion kinase (FAK) activities on the formation of fibronectin matrix
2.Graduate School of Medicine / Assistant Professor / Yuji Shino
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3.USA / Department of Stomatology, University of California San Francisco / Dusko Ilic
5.Focal adhesions are sites where cells interact with extracellular matrix (ECM) through integrin receptors. The glycoprotein fibronectin (FN) is a
major component of ECM. FAK is both a structural and an enzymatic component of the focal adhesions. Integrins binding to ECM results in
activation of FAK. Once activated, FAK, in turn, can stimulate multiple intracellular signaling pathways. Integrin binding to ECM is not only
required for transduction of signals from matrix to cells but also initiates responses within the cell that make it possible for the cell to organize a
fibrillar FN matrix. This is the first report to approach the inside-out signaling from FAK to FN through integrins: using FAK-null cells to
determine how the absence of FAK affects the FN matrix.
7.J Cell Sci. 2004 Jan 15;117(Pt 2):177-87. Epub 2003 Dec 02.
FAK promotes organization of fibronectin matrix and fibrillar adhesions.Ilic D, Kovacic B, Johkura K, Schlaepfer DD, Tomasevic N, Han Q, Kim
JB, Howerton K, Baumbusch C, Ogiwara N, Streblow DN, Nelson JA, Dazin P, Shino Y, Sasaki K, Damsky CH.
1.Molecular analysis of CD44 function in inflammation and cancer
2.Department of Molecular and Tumor Pathology, Graduate School of Medicine / Professor and Director / Kenichi Harigaya MD & PhD
3.Austria /Boehringer Ingelheim Austria, R&D Vinna / Dr. Frank Hilberg Associate Director
5.Adhesion molecule CD44 is a transmembrane protein and plays a role of a linker between extracellular matrix proteins and actin cytoskeleton. It
has been accumulated a lot of clinical reports about the role of CD44 in the modulation of acute and chronic inflammation and cancer metastasis.
However, the molecular analysis of CD44 remains in enigma.
This study aims to elucidate the molecular mechanism of CD44 function by using
CD44-deficient mice and to develop the novel strategy of molecular therapy in acute and chronic inflammation and cancer metastasis.
6.Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research on priority Areas 12215018 and 15024210, from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
Technology of Japan(to K. Harigaya), Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 13670163 and 15390122, from Japan Society for the Promotion of
Science (to K. Harigaya).
7.CD44, a negative regulator of Toll-like receptor-IL-1 receptor signaling
Kawana H, Karaki H, Higashi M, Hilberg F, Miyazaki M, Kitagawa M, Harigaya K. submitting
1.Hereditary Prostate Cancer in Japanese Population
2.Department of Urology, Graduate School of Medicine/Research Associate/Hiroyoshi Suzuki
3.Prof. William B. Isaacs at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.
4.19995.Recent several reports have revealed the presence of Hereditary Prostate Cancer (HPC) genes by linkage analyses.
project at Johns Hopkins until 1998 and have collaborations with their group now.
This investigator joined HPC
To select high-risk group for prostate cancer, this research
project is collecting HPC families in Japan and analyzing their genomic information.
6.The Japanese Urological Association (2000), Japanese Society of Strategies for Cancer Research and Treatment (2001) and Haraguchi Memorial
Fund and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (Aid for Cancer Research).
7.1) Wilkens,E.P.,Freije,D.,Xu,J.,Nusskern,D.R.,Suzuki,H., et al.: No evidence for a role of BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations in Ashkenazi Jewish
families with hereditary prostate cancer. Prostate 39: 280-284,1999.
2) Xu, J., Zheng, S.L., Komiya, A., Mychaleckyj, J., Isaacs, S.D., Faith, D.A., Hu, J.J., Sterling, D., Lange, E., Hawkins, G.A., Turner, A., Ewing,
C.M., Johnson, J.R., Suzuki, H., et al.: Germline mutations of the Macrophage Scavenger Receptor 1 gene are associated with prostate cancer
risk in Caucasian and African American men. Nat. Genet., 32: 321-325, 2002.
3) Takahashi, H., Lu, W., Watanabe, M., Furusato, M., Katoh, T., Tsukino, H., Nakao, H., Sudo, A., Suzuki, H., et al.: Ser217Leu polymorphism of
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the HPC2/ELAC2 gene associated with prostatic cancer in Japanese men. Int. J. Cancer, 107,224-228,2003
8.The Japanese Urological Association (2000)
1.The Mechanisms of Prostate Cancer Progressing to Hormone-Refractory Stage
2.Department of Urology, Graduate School of Medicine/Research Associate/Satoko Kojima
3.Canada/University of British Columbia/ Professor Martin. E. Gleave
4.20035.Prostate cancer (CaP) is the second leading cause of cancer related death in American men. Although early stage CaP is responsive to androgen
deprivation therapy, it recurs in an androgen-independent (AI) form, inevitably leading to death. AI-CaP remains the main obstacle to improve
survival and quality of life in patients with the advanced disease. Insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3), the major binding
protein of circulating Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-I), is well established as a growth-inhibitory, apoptosis-inducing secreted protein that acts
through IGF-dependent and independent pathways.
Despite evidence implicating IGFBP-3 as a growth inhibitor of prostate cancer (CaP), little
is known about changes in its regulation and function during tumor progression from androgen-dependent to -independent cancer.
6.Terry Fox Foundation of the National Cancer Institute of Canada, and the NIH Pacific Northwest Prostate SPORE.
1) Satoko Kojima, Hiroyoshi Suzuki, Koichiro Akakura, Masaki Shimbo, Tomohiko Ichikawa, and Haruo Ito. Alternative antiandrogens to treat
prostate cancer relapse after initial hormone therapy.
J Urol 171: 697-683 (2004).
2) Palma Rocchi, Alan So, Satoko Kojima, Maxim Signaevsky, Eliana Beraldi, Ladan Fazli, Antonio Hurtado-coll, Kazuki Yamanaka and Martin
Gleave. Heat Shock Protein 27 Increases after androgen ablation and plays a cytoprotective role in Hormone Refractory Prostate Cancer.
Cancer Research 64(18):6595-6602 (2004).
3) Palma Rocchi, Satoko Kojima, Dawn Bradley, Kazuki Yamanaka, Ladan Fazli, Eliana Beraldi, Antonio Hurtado-Coll, Colleen Nelson, and
Martin Gleave. Antisense Hsp27 Oligodeoxynucleotides Inhibit Progression to Androgen-Independence after Castration in the LNCaP Prostate
Cancer Model. Cancer Cell, submitted.
4) Satoko Kojima, David J. Mulholland, Susan Ettinger, Ladan Fazli, Colleen C. Nelson, and Martin E. Gleave.Differential Regulation of
IGFBP-3 by the Androgen Receptor in the lineage-related Androgen-Dependent (AD) LNCaP and androgen-independent (AI) C4-2 Prostate
Cancer Models. The Prostate, submitted.
8.Presentation at International Meetings
1)Satoko Kojima, David J. Mulholland, Michael Cox, Paul Rennie, Colleen Nelson, Martin E. Gleave. The androgen receptor regulates
expression of IGFBP-3 in the C4-2 androgen independent prostate cancer. Poster Discussion Session, Abstract #69. Western Section of
American Urological Association. August 22-26, 2004. San Diego, CA
2) Satoko Kojima, David J. Mulholland, Stephen C. Hendy, Ladan Fazli, Colleen C. Nelson, Martin E. Gleave. Differential regulation of
IGFBP-3 by the androgen receptor during progression to androgen independent prostate cancer. Abstract# 973. AACR Annual Meeting, April
16-21, 2005. Anaheim, CA
3) Satoko Kojima, David J. Mulholland, Susan Ettinger, Colleen C. Nelson, Martin E. Gleave. Differentially androgen regulated genes in
androgen dependent
(LNCaP) and independent (C4-2) prostate cancer cells. Abstract #: 4373.
AACR Annual Meeting, April 16-21, 2005. Anaheim, CA
4) Satoko Kojima, David J. Mulholland, Colleen C. Nelson, Martin E. Gleave. Differential Regulation of IGFBP-3 by the Androgen Receptor in
Progression to Androgen Independent Prostate Cancer. Abstract #: 2270. American Urological Association. May 21-26, 2005. San Antonio,
1.Functional role of the mitochondrial ATP-sensitive K+ channel
2.Graduate School of Medicine/Associate Professor/Toshiaki Sato
3.USA/Portland State University/Prof. Keith D. Garlid
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5.The aim of this study is to look at highly selective and potent openers and blockers of mitochondrial ATP-sensitive K+ channels and to explore the
role of this channel in ischemic cardioprotection
6.Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, the Mitsui Life Social Welfare Foundation, and the Vehicle
Racing Commemorative Foundation
7.Sato T., Takizawa T., Saito T., Kobayashi S., Hara Y., Nakaya H. (2003) Amiodarone inhibits sarcolemmal but not mitochondrial KATP channels in
guinea pig ventricular cells. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 307:955-960
1.Establishment of animal models of autoimmune-thyroiditis by using immune response regulatory gene destructed mice
2.Graduate School of Medicine/Professor/Akihiko Yano
3.Xi'an Jiaotong University School of Medicine/Professor/Luo Wen-Tian
4.From 2000 to date
5.Establishment of experimental animal models of autoimmune thyroiditis by using immuno-regulatory gene destructed mice is aimed.
6.Sasagawa Foundation of Medical Science
7.Luo Wen-Tian & Akihiko Yano. Basedow disease and its animal model. Anitechs 13:45-48, 2001.
1.Roles of Toxoplasma gondii-derived stress protein 70 (TgHSP70) in host defense responses.
2.Graduate School of Medicine/Professor/Akihiko Yano
3.Korea/Pugyon University/Hye-Seong Mun M.D., PhD
4.From 2001 to date
5.Down regulation of host defense responses by TgHSP70 has been analyzed.
6.Foundation of JSPS
7.Mun, H-S., Aosai, F., Norose, K., Chen, M., Hata, H., Tagawa, Y., Iwakura Y., Byun, D-S., Yano,A. (2000)
The effect of IFN-γ on Toxoplasma gondii in vivo: Toxoplasma gondii HSP70 as a danger signal in Toxoplasma gondii-infected mice. Cell Stress
and Chaperones 5(4); 328-335.
1.Establishment of gene vaccine against toxoplasmosis
2.Graduate School of Medicine/Associate Professor/Fumie Aosai
3.Elminia University School of Medicine/Lecturer/Rabie Mohamed Mohamed
4.From 2000 to date
5.Establishment of gene vaccination to toxoplasmosis including congenital toxoplasmosis in humans and animals
6.Science Foundation of Egyptian Government
7.H-S Mun, F Aosai, K Norose, M Chen, R. M. Mohamed, A Yano. X-irradiation sensitive suppressor B cells in Toxoplasma gondii-infected mice.
Proc. Symp. 61st East Br. Jap. Soc. Parasitol. Pp29-31, 2002.
1.Establishment of animal models for chemotherapy evaluation systems against toxoplamosis in immunocompromised hosts by using IFN-gamma
KO mice.
2.Graduate School of Medicine/Research Associate/Kazumi Norose
3.Elminia University School of Medicine/Lecturer/Usama Slah Belal
4.From 2000 to date
5.Establishment of chemotherapy development for toxoplasmosis in immunocompromised hosts by using IFN-gamma KO mice has been performed.
6.Science Foundation of Egyptian Government
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7.Hye-Seong Mun, Fumie Aosai, Kazumi Norose, Mei Chen, Hidekazu Hata, Yoh-Ichi Tagawa, Yoichirou Iwakura, Rabie Mohamed Mohamed,
Usama Salah Belal and Akihiko Yano. (2001) X-irradiation-sensitive suppressor cells in Toxoplasma gondii-infected IFN-g KO mice. Proceedings
of the Symposium of the 61st east Branch Meeting of the Japanese Society of Parasitlogy (ed. By The Organization Committee of the 61st East
Branch Meeting of the Japanese Society of Parasitology) pp29-31.
1.Pathophysiological role of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase
2.Graduate School of Medicine/Associate Professor/Yoshitoshi Kasuya
3.U.S.A/University of California San Diego, Faculty of Medicine,
Department of Pharmacology/Prof. Michael Karin
4.From 2002 to date
5.Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) family which transduces a variety of extracellular signals to the transcriptional machinery via a cascade
of protein phosphorylation plays a crucial role in a variety of cell responses, i.e. growth, differentiation, transformation, survival and apoptosis.
There are three genetically distinct MAPKs in mammals, consisting of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (Erk), c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK)
and p38 MAPK. Among them, p38 MAPK activated with extracellular stress like cytokines, UV and osmolarity shock is thought to be a critical
molecule in inflammation and vascular formation. To elucidate the pathophysiological role of p38 MAPK, we use p38 MAPK knockout mice.
6.The Cosmetology Research Foundation/ Grant-in-aid for scientific research from the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports, and Culture of Japan
7.○Takanami-Ohnishi Y, Amano S, Kimura S, Asada S, Utani A, Maruyama M, Osada H, Tsunoda H, Irukayama-Tomobe Y, Goto K, Karin M, Sudo
T, and Kasuya Y. : Essential role of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase in contact hypersensitivity. J. Biol. Chem. 2002, 277, 37896-37903
○Sakurai K, Matsuo Y, Sudo T, Takuwa Y, Kimura S and Kasuya Y. Role of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase in thrombosis.
J. Receptor Signal Transduction 2004 24, 283-296
1.Molecular Analysis of atherosclerosis
2.Department of Clinical Cell Biology, Graduate School of Medicine/Professor/Yasushi Saito
Department of Genome Research & Clinical Application, Graduate School of Medicine/Professor/Hideaki Bujo
3.Austria/University of Vienna/Dr. W. J.Schneider
4.From 2000 to date
5.In order to clarify the mechanism of atherosclerosis using the cell and molecular biology on the functional analysis of lipoprotein receptors
7.1) Zhu Y, Bujo H, Yamazaki H, Hirayama S, Kanaki T, Takahashi K, Shibasak M, Schneider WJ, and Saito Y. Enhanced expression of LDLR
family member LR11 increases migrationof smooth muscle cells in vitro. Circulation 2002;105: 1830-6.
2) Tanaga K, Bujo H, Zhu Y, Kanaki T, Hirayama S, Takahashi K, Inoue M, Mikami K, Schneider WJ, Saito Y. LRP1B attenuates the migration of
smooth muscle cells by reducing membrane localization of urokinase and PDGF receptors.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2004;24:1422-8
3) Zhu Y, Bujo H, Yamazaki H, Ohwaki K, Jiang M, Hirayama S, Kanaki T, Shibasaki M, Takahashi K, Schneider WJ, Saito Y.
receptor gene family member, is a novel regulator of smooth muscle cell migration. Circ Res. 2004;94:752-8
1.Molecular Analysis of atherosclerosis
2.Department of Clinical Cell Biology, Graduate School of Medicine/Professor/Yasushi Saito
Department of Genome Research & Clinical Application, Graduate School of Medicine/Professor/Hideaki Bujo
3.USA/University of Emory/Dr. Lah.JJ
4.From 2004 to date
5.In order to clarify relationship between Alzheimer’s disease and the LDL receptor family
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LR11, an LDL
7.Scherzer CR, Offe K, Gearing M, Rees HD, Fang G, Heilman CJ, Schaller C, Bujo H, Levey AI, Lah JJ. Loss of apolipoprotein E receptor LR11 in
Alzheimer disease. Arch Neurol. 2004 Aug;61(8):1200-5.
1.Cell lineage analysis of dorsal neurons in the spinal cord
2.Department of Developmental Biology, Graduate School of Medicine/Professor/Tetsuichiro Saito
3.United States of America/University of Texas/Jane E. Johnson
5.We have shown that a proneural bHLH transcription factor, Math1, directly activates the Mbh1 gene, thereby controlling commissural neuron
identity in the developing spinal cord.
6.Grants-in -Aids for Scientific Research from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, and from Ministry of Education, Culture,Sports, Science
and Technology
7.Saba, R., Johnson, J.E. and Saito, T. (2005) Commissural neuron identity is specified by a homeodomain protein,Mbh1, that is directly downstream
of Math1. Development 132,2147-2155.
1.Role of CD69 in immune responses
2.Graduate School of Medicine/Professor/Toshinori Nakayama
3.United States of America/ University of Washington/Steven Ziegler
4.From April 2001 to date
5.We are investigating the role of CD69 in Arthritis induction using CD69-deficient mice.
We have found that CD69 molecules are essential for the
induction of collagen-induced arthritis.
6.Ministry of Education, Science, Sports, Culture and Technology of Japan (Grant in aid for Scientific Research B)
7.Murata, K., Inami, M., Hasegawa, A., Kubo, S., Kimura, M., Yamashita, M., Hosokawa H., Nagao, T., Suzuki, K., Hashimoto, K., Shinkai, H.,
Koseki, H., Taniguchi, M., Ziegler, S. F., and Nakayama, T.: CD69-null mice protected from arthritis induced with anti-Type II collagen
antibodies. Int.Immunol. 8:987,2003.
1.Role of MIF in immune responses
2.Graduate School of Medicine/Professor/Toshinori Nakayama
3.England/ University of Manchester/ Gillian S. Ashcroft
4.from April 2002 to date
5.We are investigating the role of MIF (migration inhibitory factor) in the response of wound healing using MIF-deficient mice.
We have found that
MIF molecules are critical in a response of wound healing.
6.Ministry of Education, Science, Sports, Culture and Technology of Japan (Grant in aid for Scientific Research B
7.Ashcroft, G. S., Mills, S. J., Lei, K., Gibbons, L., Burow, M., Jeong, M-J., Taniguchi, M., Horan, M. A., Wahl, S. M., and Nakayama, T.: Estrogen
modulates cutaneous wound healing by down-regulating macrophage migration inhibitory factor. J. Clin. Inv. 111:1309,2003. .
1.Normal development and anomaly of the central nervous system evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging.
2.Department of Pediatrics, Graduate School of Medicine/Research Associate/Jun-ichi Takanashi, MD
3.A. James Barkovich、USA, University of California San Francisco
4.20025.We evaluate normal development and anomaly of the central nervous system by magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and MR spectroscopy. We also
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analysis the mechanis of neurological disorders by MR technology.
7.Tada H, Takanashi J, Barkovich AJ, et al. Reversible White Matter Lesion in Methionine Adenosyltransferase I/III Deficiency. AJNR Am J
Neuroradiol in press.
Tada H, Takanashi J, Barkovich AJ, et al. Clinically Mild Encephalitis/Encephalopathy with a Reversible Splenial Lesion. Neurology in press.
Takanashi J, Barkovich AJ, et al. Influenza Encephalopathy with a Reversible Lesion in the Splenium of the Corpus Callosum. AJNR Am J
Neuroradiol 2004; 25: 798-802.
Tada H, Takanashi J, Barkovich AJ, Kohno Y. Intracranial Dural Venous Anomalies in Familial Cervical Cystic Hygroma. Pediatr Neurol in press.
Takanashi J, Suzuki H, Barkovich AJ, et al. Medullary Steaks: Dilated Medullary Vessels in Chronic Ischemia in Children. Neurology 2003; 61:
Takanashi J, Barkovich AJ, et al. Venous Infarction in Term Children with Congenital Hemiplegia. Neurology 2003; 61: 531-533.
Takanashi J, Barkovich AJ. The Changing MR Imaging Appearance of Polymicrogyria: A Consequence of Myelination. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol
2003; 24: 788-793.
Takanashi J, Barkovich AJ, et al. High T1 Signal in the Pulvinar; an Imaging Key for Diagnosis of Fabry Disease. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2003;
24: 916-921.
Takanashi J, Barkovich AJ, et al. Brain MR Imaging in Neonatal Hyperammonemic Encephalopathy due to Urea Cycle Disorders. AJNR Am J
Neuroradiol 2003; 24: 1184-1187.
Takanashi J, Barkovich AJ, et al. Brain MR Imaging in Acute Hyperammonemic Encephalopathy due to Late-Onset Ornithine Transcarbamylase
Deficiency. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2003; 24: 390-393.
Takanashi J, Barkovich AJ, Clegg N. Middle Interhemispheric Varient of Holoprosencephaly Associated with Diffuse Polymicrogyria. AJNR Am
J Neuroradiol 2003; 24: 394-397.
1.Methylation analysis of suppressor genes in lung cancer
2.Graduate school of medicine/Professor/Takehiko Fujisawa
3.USA/UT Southwestern medical center at Dallas/Adi F Gazdar
4.From 2000 to date
5.Tumor suppressor genes are down regulated by mutation, deletion/insertion, or methylation of promoter region. This study is aimed that the
analysis of DNA methylation patterns of suppressor genes in lung cancer could become a powerful tool for carcinogenesis, and accurate and early
cancer diagnosis.
6.Supported by an Early Detection Research Network Grant (5U01CA8497102)
7.Suzuki M, Toyooka S, Shivapurkar N, Shigematsu H, Miyajima K, Takahashi T, Stastny V, Zern AAL, Fujisawa T, Pass HI, Carbone M, Gazdar
AF. Aberrant methylation profile of human malignant mesotheliomas and its relationship to SV40 infection. Oncogene. 2005 Feb
Suzuki M, Shigematsu H, Takahashi T, Shivapurkar N, Sathyanarayana UG, Iizasa T, Fujisawa T, Gazdar AF. Aberrant methylation of Reprimo in
lung cancer. Lung Cancer. 2005 Mar;47(3):309-14.
Suzuki M, Hao C, Takahashi T, Shigematsu H, Shivapurkar N, Sathyanarayana UG, Iizasa T, Fujisawa T, Hiroshima K, Gazdar AF. Aberrant
methylation of SPARC in human lung cancers. Br J Cancer. 2005 Mar 14;92(5):942-8.
1.Function of mutant TBX5 which is recognized in Holt-Oram syndrome
2.Graduate School of Medicine/Professor/ Issei Komuro
3.USA/The Cleaveland Clinic Foundation/Q Wang
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5.Mutations of TBX5 causes Holt-Oram syndrome.
Using ANP promoter Luciferase gene, transcriptional activity of mutated TBX5 is examined.
6.Ministry of Education, Science, Sports, Culture and Technology of Japan (Grants-in-aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas)
7.Fan C, D uhagon MA, Oberti C, Chen S, Hiroi Y, Komuro I, Duhagon PI, Canessa R, Wang Q. Novel TBX5 mutations and molecular mechanism
for Holt-Oram syndrome. J Med Genet 40, e29, 2003
1.Physiological functions of endothelin
2.Graduation School of Medicine/Professor/Tomoyuki Kuwaki
3.USA/Dept of Molecular Genetics, Texas Univ/Masashi Yanagisawa
Italy/Scuola Superiore S. Anna/Flavio Coceani
4.From 1995 to date
5.To reveal roles of endothelin-1, -3, endothelin receptors-A, -B, and endothelin converting enzyme-1, -2 in the cardiorespiratory regulation and
development of the cardiorespiratory system using genetically engineered mice.
6.Grants-in Aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports, Japan, Naito Foundation, Takeda Foundation
7.Ohuchi T. et al., Am. J. Physiol. 276: R1071-7 '99
Coceani F. et al., Am. J. Physiol. 277: H1521-31 '99
Kuwaki T. et al., Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. Physiol. 26: 989-94 '99
Coceani F. et al., J. Cardiovasc. Res. 36: S75-7 '00
Nakamura A. et al., Resp. Physiol. 124: 1-9 '00
Kuwaki T. et al., Clin. Sci. 103: 48S-52 '02
Hasue F. et al., J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 44: S318-20 '04
1.Physiological functions of orexin
2.Graduation School of Medicine/Professor/Tomoyuki Kuwaki
3.USA/Dept of Molecular Genetics, Texas Univ/Masashi Yanagisawa
4.From 2000 to date
5.To reveal roles of orexin in the central neural regulation of the cardiorespiratory system using genetically engineered mice.
6.Grants-in Aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports, Japan, Shimadzu
Science Foundation, Yamanouchi Foundation, Yamanouchi Foundation for Research on Metabolic Disorders
7.Kayaba Y. et al., Am. J. Physiol. 285: R519-21 '03
Kuwaki T. Autonom. Nerv. Syst. 41: 122-7 '04
8.Distinguished Poster Award (International Symposium on the Study of Brain Functions, 2002)
University Hospital
1.Smad3 signaling in formation of atherosclerosis
2.University Hospital/Lecturer/Koutaro Yokote
3.USA/National Cancer Institute/Anita B. Roberts
5.Investigate the role of TGF-β /Smad signal transduction in formation of atherosclerotic vascular disease by use of mice genetically targeted for
Smad3 gene.
6.2004, 2005 Grant-in-Aids, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
7.Kobayashi K, Yokote K, Fujimoto M, Yamashita K, Sakamoto A, Kitahara M, Kawamura H, Maezawa Y, Asaumi S, Tokuhisa T, Mori S, Saito Y.
Targeted Disruption of TGF-β-Smad3 Signaling Leads to Enhanced Neointimal Hyperplasia With Diminished Matrix Deposition in Response to
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Vascular Injury. Circ Res. 2005
8.1.2004 Japan Heart Foundation, Research award on Cardiovascular disease
2.Keystone symposia, “The role of TGF-β in disease pathogenesis: Novel therapeutic strategies (March 28-April 2, 2005)”. Our study
introduced at the session by Anita Roberts, an organizer of the meeting.
1.A study on differential diagnosis of multiple system atrophy and pure autonomic failure by physiological and pharmacological tests
2.University Hospital/Research Associate/Masato Asahina
3.U.K. / London University / Christopher J Mathias
4.2002 –
5.Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is one of representative autonomic disorders as well as pure autonomic failure (PAF). The prognosis for life in PAF
is good, while MSA usually has a miserable course. However, it is difficult to distinguish between MSA and PAF at an early stage. Therefore, we
evaluated differences in physiological and pharmacological findings between MSA and PAF.
7.Asahina M, Young TM, Bleasdale-Barr K, Mathias CJ. Related Differences in overshoot of blood pressure after head-up tilt in two groups with
chronic autonomic failure: pure autonomic failure and multiple system atrophy. J Neurol. 2005; 252(1):72-77.
8.Asahina M, Young T, Bleasdale-Barr K, Mathias CJ. Overshoot of blood pressure after head-up tilt in two groups of patients with chronic
autonomic failure: pure autonomic failure and multiple system atrophy. 19th Meeting of the Clinical Autonomic Research Society. 2002.12.5-6,
Birmingham, UK
1.A study on skin autonomic function in human chronic spinal cord injury
2.University Hospital/Research Associate/Masato Asahina
3.U.K. / London University / Christopher J Mathias
4.2002 –
5.Autonomic control in patients with spinal cord injury (SCI) is disrupted, as all autonomic pathways transverse the spinal cord. The aim of this study
is to investigate whether skin autonomic involvements relate to lesion levels in patients with spinal cord injury.
6.This study was supported by the International Spinal Research Trust
7.Asahina M, Young TM, Bleasdale-Barr K, Mathias CJ. Related Differences in overshoot of blood pressure after head-up tilt in two groups with
chronic autonomic failure: pure autonomic failure and multiple system atrophy. J Neurol. 2005; 252(1):72-77.
8.This study won the EFAS 2003 poster prize.
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
1.Modulation of NMDA receptor activity by polyamines
2.Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences/Professor/Kazuei Igarashi
3.USA/New York State University/Williams, Keith
4.From 1994 to date
5.N-Methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors are ligand-gated ion channels which play important roles in the induction of various
forms of synaptic plasticity such as long-term potentiation. Spermine stimulates NMDA receptor activity under a depolarized
state and also causes a voltage-dependent block. We would like to clarify the spermine binding sites to cause these effects.
Furthermore, we would like to look for the compound to inhibit the NMDA receptor activity as the therapeutic drug after
6.Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
7.1) Kashiwagi, K., Fukuchi, J., Chao, J., Igarashi, K., and Williams, K. (1996) Mol. Pharmacol. 49, 1131-1141.
2) Williams, K., Chao, J., Kashiwagi, K., Masuko, T., and Igarashi, K. (1996) Mol. Pharmacol. 50, 701-708.
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3) Chao, J., Seiler, N., Renault, J., Kashiwagi, K., Masuko, T., Igarashi, K., and Williams, K. (1997) Mol. Pharmacol. 51,
4) Kashiwagi, K., Pahk, A. J., Masuko, T., Igarashi, K., and Williams (1997) Mol. Pharmacol. 52, 701-703.
5) Igarashi, K., Shirahata, A., Pahk, A. J., Kashiwagi, K., and Williams, K. (1997) J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 283, 533-540.
6) Williams, K., Pahk, A. J., Kashiwagi, K., Masuko, T., Nguyen, N. D., and Igarashi, K. (1998) Mol. Pharmacol. 53, 933-941.
7) Masuko, T., Kashiwagi, K., Kuno, T., Nguyen, N. D., Pahk, A. J., Fukuchi, J., Igarashi, K., and Williams, K. (1999) Mol.
Pharmacol. 55, 957-969.
8) Masuko, T., Kuno, T., Kashiwagi, K., Kusama, T, Williams, K., and Igarashi, K. (1999) J. Pharmacol Exp Ther. 290,
9) Kashiwagi, K., Masuko, T., Nguyen, C. D., Kuno, T., Tanaka, I., Igarashi, K., and Williams, K. (2002) Mol. Pharmacol. 61,
10) Masuko, T., Kusama-Eguchi, K., Sakata, K., Kusama, T., Chaki, S., Okuyama, S., Williams, K., Kashiwagi, K., and Igarashi,
K. (2003) J. Neurochem. 84, 610-617.
11) Williams, K., Dattilo, M., Sabado, T. N., Kashiwagi, K., and Igarashi, K. (2003) J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 305, 740-748.
12) Low, C.-M., Lyuboslavsky, P., French, A., Le, P., Wyatte, K., Thiel, W. H., Marchan, E. M., Igarashi, K., Kashiawgi, K.,
Gernert, K., Williams, K., Traynelis, S. F., and Zheng, F. (2003) Mol. Pharmacol. 63, 1212-1222.
13) Kashiwagi, K., Tanaka, I., Tamura, M., Sugiyama, H., Okawara, T., Otsuka, M., Sabado, T. N., Williams, K., and Igarashi, K.
(2004) J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 309, 884-893.
1.Cloning of genes for polyamine transport in eukaryotes
2.Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences/Professor/Kazuei Igarashi
3.UK/Institute of Food Research/Michael, Anthony J.
4.From 1996 to date
5.Polyamines are important factors for cell growth. We succeeded to obtain clones for polyamine transport in E. coli, and clarified the properties of
polyamine transport. In this joint research, we tried to obtain clones for polyamine transport in eukaryotes, and characterize the polyamine
6.JSPS (Joint Research Program between Japan and UK)
7.1) Nozaki, T., Nishimura, K., Michael, A. J., Maruyama, T., Kakinuma, Y., and Igarashi, K. (1996) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 228,
2) Tomitori, H., Kashiwagi, K., Asakawa, T., Kakinuma, Y., Michael, A. J., and Igarashi, K. (2001) Biochem. J. 353, 681-688.
1.Functions of ribosome recycling factor in E. coli
2.Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences/Professor/Kazuei Igarashi
3.USA/University of Pennsylvania/Kaji, Akira
4.From 2000 to date
5.After the translation termination step in prokaryotes, ribosome recycling factor (RRF) and elongation factor G (EF-G) disassemble the
post-termination ribosomal complex of ribosomes, deacylated tRNA and mRNA. We recently found that RRF also increase the fidelity of protein
synthesis. In this joint research, we analyze the functions of RRF from various aspects.
6.JSPS (Grans-in -Aid for JSPS fellows)
7.1) Hirokawa, G., Kiel, M. C., Muto, A., Selmer, M., Raj, V. S., Liljas, A., Igarashi, K., Kaji, H., and Kaji, A. (2002) EMBO J. 21,
2) Hirokawa, G., Kiel, M. C., Kawai, G., Igarashi, K., Kaji, H., and Kaji, A. (2002) J. Biol. Chem. 277, 24212-24219.
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3) Hirokawa, G., Inokuchi, H., Kaji, H., Igarashi, K., and Kaji, A. (2004) Mol. Microbiol. 54, 1011-1021
1.Chemical and pharmacological studies on the analgesic alkaloids in the rubiaceous plant, Mitragyna speciosa, growing in Thailand.
2.Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences/Professor/Hiromitsu Takayama
3.Thailand/Chulalongkorn University/Associate Professor/Dhavadee Ponglux
5.7-Hydroxymitragynine, an indole alkaloid in the Thai medicinal plant (Mitragyna speciosa), was proven to exhibit potent analgesic activity
through the opioid receptors in in vitro and in vivo experiments using mice.
6.Grant-in-Aid from the Ministry of Education, Science, Sport, Culture and Technology, Japan.
7.(1) Antinociceptive Effect of 7-Hydroxymitragynine in Mice: Discover of an Orally Active Opioid Analgesic from Thai Medicinal Herb Mitragyna
speciosa. K. Matsumoto, S. Horie, H. Ishikawa, H. Takayama, N. Aimi, D. Ponglux, and K. Watanabe, Life Sciences, 74 (17), 2143-2155
(2) Chemistry and Pharmacology of Analgesic Indole Alkaloids from the Rubiaceous Plant, Mitragyna speciosa. H. Takayama, Chem. Pharm.
Bull., 52 (8), 916-928 (2004).
1.Chemical studies on the biologically active secondary metabolites in Mitragyna plant (Rubiaceae) in Nigeria.
2.Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences/Professor/Hiromitsu Takayama
3.Nigeria/ University of Maidugri/ Lecturer/ Baba M. Aji
5.Chemical Investigation of the biologically active natural products in the medicinal plant, Mitragyna africanus (Rubiaceae), native to Nigeria.
6.Grant-in-Aid from the Ministry of Education, Science, Sport, Culture and Technology, Japan.
7.A New 9-Methoxyyohimbine-Type Indole Alkaloid from Mitragyna africanus. H. Takayama, H. Ishikawa, M. Kitajima, N. Aimi, and B. M. Aji,
Chem. Pharm. Bull., 52 (3), 359-361 (2004)
1.Chemical studies on the biologically active secondary metabolites in Psychotria plant (Rubiaceae) in Malaysia.
2.Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences/Professor/Hiromitsu Takayama
3.Malaysia/Universiti Putra Malaysia/Professor/ Nordin H. Lajis
5.Investigation of the new biologically active alkaloids in the medicinal plant, Psychotria rostrata (Rubiaceae), native to Malaysia.
7.New Type of Trimeric and Pentameric Indole Alkaloids from Psychotria rostrata. H. Takayama, I. Mori, M. Kitajima, N. Aimi, and Nordin H.
Lajis, Organic Lett., 6 (17), 2945-2948 (2004)
1.Chemical studies on the original plants of Peruvian traditional folk medicine “Cat’s Craw”.
2.Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences/Associate Professor/Mariko Kitajima
3.Peru/Universidad Nacional Agraria de la Selva /Professor/Manuel Sandoval
5.In order to clarify the active principles of the Amazonian traditional folk medicine “Una de Gato”, chemical investigation of its original plant,
Uncaria tomentosa, was carried out.
6.Takeda Science Foundation
7.New Oleanan-Type Triterpene and Cincholic Acid Glycosides from Peruvian Una de Gato (Uncaria tomentosa). M. Kitajima, K. Hashimoto, M.
Sandoval, N. Aimi, and H. Takayama, Chem. Pharm. Bull., 52 (10), 1258-1261 (2004)
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1.Studies on the glucosidation of the stilbeneoligomers utilizing the cell suspension cultures of Solanum plant.
2.Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences/Associate Professor/Mariko Kitajima
3.Indonesia/Bandung Institute of Technology/Professor/Euis H. Hakim
5.Treatment of a stilbeneoligomer, oxyresveratol, with cell suspension cultures of Solanum mammosum produced a glucoside in a regioselective
7.Regioselective Glucosidation of Oxyresveratrol by Cell Suspension Cultures of Solanum mammosum.
E. H. Hakim, S. A. Achmad, N. Aimi, G.
Indrayanto, M. Kitajima, L. Makmur, M. D. Surya, Y. M. Syah, and H. Takayama, J. Chemical Research, (10) 706-707 (2004)
1.Biologically Active Diterpene Compounds from Croton oblongifolius
2.Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sicences /Professor/Tsutomu Ishikawa
3.Thailand/Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sicences、Chulalongkorn University/Associate Professor/Chaiyo Chaichantipyuth
4.From 2001 to 2004
5.Diterpene compounds are known to be major chemical components of Croton oblongifolium,Euphribiaceae, showing anti-tumor and anti-ulcer
activities. This research project focuses on the identification of real active principle from Croton oblongifolium, which is important medicinal
resource because of quick growing.
6.JSPS RONPAKU program
7.(1) C. Chaichantipyuth, N. Muangsin, N. Chaichit, S. Roengsumran, A. Petsom, T. Watanabe, T. Ishikawa, Z. Kristallogr. NCS 2004, 219, 111-113;
(2) C. Chaichantipyuth, A. Petsom, P. Taweechotipatr, N. Muangsin, N. Chaichit, S. Puthong, S. Roengsumran, M. Kawahata, T. Watanabe, T.
Ishikawa, Heterocycles 2005, 65, 809-822.
8.Under this JSPS program Assoc. Prof. C. Chaichantipyuth was successfully given a Ph D degree from Chiba University on March, 2005.
1.Regulation of sulfur assimilation in higher plants
2.Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences/Professor/Kazuki Saito
3.USA/University of Florida/Andrew D. Hanson
5.In this project, we are investigating the cellular and molecular regulation of sulfur transport, assimilation, and metabolism in plants.
6.Grants-in-Aids for Scientific Research. CREST of Japan Science and Technology Corporation.
7.Michael G. Kocsis, Philippe Ranocha, Douglas A. Gage, Eric S. Simon, David Rhodes, Gregory J. Peel, Stefan Mellema, Kazuki Saito, Motoko
Awazuhara, Changjiang Ji, Robert B. Meeley, Mitchell C. Tarczynski, Conrad Wagner, and Andrew D. Hanson: Insertional Inactivation of the
Methionine S-Methyltransferase Gene Eliminates the S-Methylmethionine Cycle and Increases the Methylation Ratio. Plant Physiology,
1.Molecular regulation of plant secondary metabolism
2.Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences/Professor/Kazuki Saito
3.Germany/GSF-National Research Center for Environment and Health/Anton R. Schaeffner
5.In this project, we are investigating the cellular and molecular regulation of secondary metabolism in plants.
6.Grants-in-Aids for Scientific Research. CREST of Japan Science and Technology Corporation.
7.Patrik Jones, Burkhard Messner, Jun-Ichiro Nakajima, and Anton R. Schaeffner: UGT73C6 and UGT78D1, Glycosyltransferases Involved in
Flavonol Glycoside Biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 278, 43910-43918(2003)
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School of Nursing
1.The Innovation of Nursing Ethics Education in Asia
2.Graduate School of Nursing/Megumi Teshima
3.Korea/Yonsei University/Won Hee Lee
5.The purpose of this project is to identify the issues of nursing ethics education in six countries in Asia. The survey was conducted in each country.
Based on the result we will discuss the issues and develop educational method which culturally suitable nursing ethics education.
The survey on nursing ethics education in Japan in 2004 delivered 180 nursing colleges and universities. A total of 56(31%) were returned. 88%
of respondents offered courses in nursing ethics: 18% had independent, and 52% had integrated course.
The severity of the ethical issues, following four issues were identified:
“confidentiality”, “accepting responsibility for nursing care”, “caring nursing for dying patient” and “informed consent”.
Asian countries are likely to interact more and move about with greater freedom and frequency in the future, then it is important for care providers
to be familiar with the value system of their own countries. Information and data related to such issues is very useful for training purpose.
6.The Asian Institute for Bioethics and Health Law, Yonsei University
United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia(UB)
7.38th Binnial Convention, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, November, 2005
Fuculty of Engineering
1.Reliability on loads and actions for structural design
2.Faculty of Engineering/Associate Professor/TAKAHASHI Toru
3.U.S.A./Georgia Institute of Technology/Bruce R. Ellingwood
4.Nov., 2000 to present
5.Discussion on evaluation of loads and actions for structural design and its international harmonization.
7.T. Takahashi, B.R. Ellingwood: Reliability-based assessment of roofs in Japan subjected to extreme snows, Structural Engineering, Vol.27, No.1,
pp.89-95, 2005.1.
1.Rheology Control of Printing Inks and Evaluation of Printability
2.Faculty of Engineering/Professor/Yasufumi
3.Korea/Pukyong National University/Professor Su Yong Nam
5.Analysis of relations between rheological properties and printability of printing inks and establishment of control method for industrial applications
7.(1)「Rheological Behavior during Phase Separation Induced by UV Curing」Su Yong NAM, Mikihiro SAKAI, and Yasufumi OTSUBO, Material
Science Research International, 8, 9-13(2002)
(2)「Development of Flat Monochrome CRT by Screen Printing and Thermal Transfer of Phosphor Layers」Su Yong NAM, Hyun Chul LEE, and
Yasufumi OTSUBO, J. Printing Sci. Technol. Jpn, 39, 388-393(2002)
(3)「Rheology and Firing Properties of Phosphor Pastes for CRT Displays」Su Yong NAM, Mi Young LEE, Young Bea KIM , Yasufumi
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OTSUBO, J. Soc. Rheol. Jpn, 32, 123-128(2004)
1.Information support system for a large-scaled international meetings
2.Department of environment and systems, Faculty of engineering/Professor/Hiroaki IKEDA
Department of environment and systems, Faculty of engineering/Assistant / Yasuhiko HIGAKI
3.Switzerland/International Electrotechnical Commission/Arlette-Josiane SKINNER
4.From 1999 to 2004
5.Information support system for a large-scaled international conference has been planned, designed, implemented and put into actual operations; it
has been continuously improved to meet the requirement of users to result a mature system.
6.Japanese Standards Association.
7.(1)Yasuhiko Higaki, Hiroaki Ikeda, Syun Tutiya, A.J. Skinner: Design and development of international conference support system for IEC
General Meeting, International Conference on Computing, Communications and Control Technologies, August 2004 (Austin TX. USA)
(2)Yasuhiko Higaki, Takashi Fujita, Hiroaki Ikeda: "Design and Operation of an IT System for the 64th IEC General Meeting in Stockholm", The
2001 IEICE General Conference, March 26…29, 2001, Biwako-Kusatsu Campus, Ritsumeikan University, Japan, p. 147, Information and
System [1], Proceedings of the 2001 IEICE General Conference, 2001-3-28
(3)Yasuhiko Higaki, Takashi Fujita, Hiroaki Ikeda: “Design and operation of IT system for a large-scaled international conference,” The 2001
IEICE General Conference, March 28, 2001, Hiroshima University, Japan, D-9-6, Information and System [1], Proceedings of the 2000 IEICE
General Conference, 2000-3-28
8.The result of the international collaboration will be inherited to the future IEC General Meeting such as in Seoul (Korea) 2004 and so on.
1.Establishment of provisions for basic principles of graphical symbols for use on equipment
2.Department of environment and systems, Faculty of engineering/Professor/Hiroaki IKEDA
3.United Kingdom/British Standards Institute/Dr. David Fishman and Mrs. Lindy Ellis
Germany/Siemens/Mrs. Anette Schwuchow
Netherlands/Philips/Mr. Fred Brigham
United States of America/Caterpillar/Mrs. Sue Hooker
4.From 1999 to 2004
5.To create international consensus on creation and application of graphical symbols for use on equipment; useful for language independent
communication tool in terms of operation, identification and indication between human and human-made systems.
6.Japanese Standards Association.
7.(1)IEC 80416-1:2001, Basic principles for graphical symbols for use on equipment – Part 1: Creation of symbol originals, International
Electrotechnical Commission in Geneva (2001)
(2)ISO 80416-2:2001, Basic principles for graphical symbols for use on equipment – Part 2: Form and use of arrows, International Organization
for Standardization in Geneva (2001)
IEC 80416-3:2003, Basic principles for graphical symbols for use on equipment – Part 3: Guidelines for the application of graphical symbols,
International Electrotechnical Commission in Geneva (2003)
8.The international collaboration is still going on to develop ISO 80416-4. IEC 80416-1, ISO 80416-2 and IEC 80416-3 translated and published as
Japanese Industrial Standards in 2004.
Faculty of Horticulture
1.Effects of plant hormones on fruit set and growth in fruit tree
2.Faculty of Horticulture/Professor/Hiroyuki Matsui
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Associate/Hitoshi Ohara
3.USA/Michigan State University/Martin J. Bukovac
5.The objectives of this project are to develop cultivation methods for steady fruit production and high-quality fruits production, through the
following investigations, ①relationship between fruit set and growth, and plant hormones, and ②the factor that relates to the penetration of plant
hormones from the fruit surface.
6.Michigan State University
7.①N-Substituted phthalimide-induced of parthenocarpy in sour cherry (Prunus cerasus L.‘Montm-orency ') enhanced by auxin. 1994. 24th Inter.
Hort. Congress,Abstracts 269.
②Gibberellins in immature seed of Prunus cerasus: Structure detarmination and synthesis of gibberellins, GA95 (1,2-didehydro-GA20. 1996.
③GA95 is a genuine precoursor of GA3 in immature seed of Prunus cerasus L.. 1998. 16th Inter.
Conference on Plant Growth Substances,Abstracts 146.
④Induction of fruit set and growth of parthenocarpic ‘Hayward’ kiwifruit with plant growth regulators. 1997. J. Japan. Soc. Hort. Sci.
⑤Endogenous gibberellin-induced parthenocarpy in grape berries. 2000. Acta Hort. 514:69-74.
⑥Endogenous gibberellins in immature seeds of Prunus persica L.: identification of GA118, GA119, GA120, GA121, GA122 and GA126. 2001.
Phytochemistry 57:749-758.
⑦Effects of the combination of gibberellic acid and ammonium nitrate on the growth and quality of seedless berries in ‘Delaware’ grape. 2001. J.
Japan. Soc. Hort. Sci. 72(5):366-371.
⑧Effect of gibberellins on induction of parthenocarpic berry growth of three grape cultivars and their endoginous gibberellins. 2001. 52nd ASEV
Annual Meeting, Technical Abstracts, 81.
⑨Effects of gibberellin A3 and ammonium sulfate of growth and quality of seedless Delaware grapes. 2003. J. ASEV Jpn. 14(2):58-63.
⑩Induction of parthenocarpic fruit growth with endogenous gibberellins of Loquat. 2004. Acta Hort. 653:67-70.
Production of seedless loquat fruits. 2004. Regulation of Plant Growth and Development. 39(1):106-113.
Effects of grape berry development stages on ammonium nitrate-enhanced penetration of gibberellin A3. 101st Abstracts ASHS Annual
Conference, HortScience, 39(4):793.
1.Improvement of stability in biological control effect on plant pathogens
2.Department of Bioproduction Science, Faculty of Horticulture/ Associate professor /Masahiro Shishido, Ph. D.
3.USA/Oregon State University/Department of Botany and Plant Pathology/Professor Kenneth B. Johnson
4.From April 2004
5.This research project aims at improving the stability of biological control effect on plant pathogens. We focus on not short-term effects of disease
reduction but long-term stable activity of biological control agents by analyzing their ecological traits.
Most of the researches relevant to
biological control of plant pathogens have attempted to search for more effective agents and unveil the mechanisms involved in the control;
however, few models to illustrate biological control of plant pathogens has been achieved. Therefore, we will develop ecological models to
describe relationships between beneficial microorganisms and plant pathogens so that we can elucidate ecological factors influencing efficiency of
biological control. The models will be useful for sustainable crop production by evaluating long-term efficiency of biological control.
6.Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (14560037) by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
7.Shishido, M., Miwa, C., Usami, T., Amemiya, Y., and Johnson, K. B. (2005) Biological control efficiency of Fusarium wilt of tomato by
nonpathogenic Fusarium Fo-B2 in different environments. Phytopathology (in press)
Shishido, M., Naoi, M., Momma, N., Usami, T., Amemiya, Y., and Johnson, K. B. (2005) Nutrient availability in the rhizosphere influences the
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efficacy of biological control of Fusarium wilt of tomato. J. Gen. Plant Pathol.
1.Improvement of agricultural production in the arid area of China
2.Faculty of Horticulture / Associate Professor / Akihiro Isoda
3.China / Shihezi Agricultural and Environmental Institute for Arid Area in Central Asia / Peiwu Wang
4.From 1998
5.The object of this project is to improve agricultural production and to develop new agricultural technologies in the arid area of China. The main
subjects of this project are water saving irrigation, mechanism of drought tolerance and organic agriculture on large scale.
7.(1) Isoda et al. 2001. Dry matter production and physiological characteristics of cotton and soybean under different water conditions. Kanto Branch
Jpn. J. Crop Sci., 16, 40-41.
(2) Isoda et al. 2001. Varietal differences in dry matter production of processing tomato in the arid area of China. Kanto Branch Jpn. J. Crop Sci.,
16, 60-61.
(3) Isoda, A. and P. Wang, 2001. Effects of leaf movement on leaf temperature, transpiration and radiation interception in soybean under water
stress conditions. Tech. Bull. Faculty Hort. Chiba Univ., 55, 1-9.
(4) Isoda, A. and P. Wang, 2002. Leaf temperature and transpiration of field grown cotton and soybean under arid and humid conditions. Plant
Prod. Sci., 5: 224-228.
(5) Isoda et al. 2002. Yield and dry matter production of soybean in the arid area of China, Kanto Branch Jpn. J. Crop Sci., 17, 68-69.
(6) Wang, C., A. Isoda, P. Wang, and Z. Li, 2002. Varietal differences in leaf temperature and sap flow rate of field grown cotton, Kanto Branch
Jpn. J. Crop Sci., 17, 76-77.
(7)Wang, C., A. Isoda, Z. Li and P. Wang, 2004. Transpiration and leaf movement in field grown cottons under arid conditions. Plant Prod. Sci.,
(8) Wang, C., A. Isoda and P. Wang, 2004. Growth and yield performance of some cotton cultivars in Xinjiang, China, an arid area with short
growing period. J. Agron. Crop Sci., 190: 177-183
1.Studies on the ancient gardens in Japan, China, and Korea
2.Faculty of Horticulture / Associate Professor / Eijiro Fujii
3.China / Tsinghua Univ. / Zhang Junhua
Korea / Chongnam Univ. / Jisong Baiku
4.from 2000
5.To clarify the characteristics of ancient gardens in each country of Japan, China, and Korea which have long and intimate relations from cultural
and political points of view
6.Grant-in-aids for Scientific Research
(Basic Research A)
7.A Historical Consideration on the Gumnanji of the Bekje Kingdom in Korea Based on the Results of Recent Excavations
8.Symposium on the ancient gardens in Japan and Korea, held at Nara National Institute of Cultural Heritage in 2000
1.Marketing Strategy for Sustainable Agri-tourism
2.Faculty of Horticulture/Professor/Yasuo Ohe
3.Italy/Faculty of Agriculture/Professor Adriano Ciani
4.Since 1998 on going
5.Objectives: In the developed countries, environmental friendly and local resource-using agri-tourism has been advocated to cope with serious
depopulation of rural areas. Since establishment of marketing strategy is a curial point for sustainable agri-tourism, we need to collaborate on this
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field to find effective measures for the sustainable rural development.
Details: Through bilateral exchange of researchers, optimum marketing strategy will be clarified and give future directions for Japanese
Forms: Exchange of researchers, joint survey analysis, and joint presentation at international meetings, finally joint publication of the research
6.Grant aids to joint presentation in the 99 International Farm Management Congress, Durban, 1999.
Research fellowship from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science in 2000.
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research since 2001. .
7.Ohe, Y. and A. Ciani(1999):Activities of Farm Tourism and Attitudes of the Operators: Japan-Italy Comparison, P. Simms Eds. Proceedings of the
12th International Farm Management Congress, 801-811, Durban.
Yasuo Ohe and Adriano Ciani, Characteristics and Activities of Agri-tourism farms in Umbria, Italy, Ixth European of Agricultural Economists,
poster paper,1999.
Ohe, Y. and Ciani, A. (1999): Characteristics and Activities of Agri-tourism Farms in Umbria, Italy, Ixth European of Agricultural Economists,
poster paper
Ohe, Y and A. Ciani (2000): On-farm Tourism Activity and Attitudes of the Operations: A Hiroshima-Umbria Comparative Case Study, The
Technical Bulletin of Faculty of Horticulture, Chiba University, No.54, 73-80.
Ohe, Y.(2003):Multifunctionality and Farm Diversification: A Case of Rural Tourism,14th International Farm Management Congress, Proceedings
Ohe, Y. and A. Ciani(2003): Evolutionary Process of Agri-toursim in Cetral Italy, Umbria, Japanese Journal of Tourism Studies,2,11-18.
8.Keynote and invited speakers at the International Seminar on Italian Agritourism in Tokyo
Invited speakers at Seminar on Agritourism in Italy organized by Italian Embassy in Japan.
Invited speakers at Seminar on Sustainable Rural Development held at Tirana Agricultural University in Tirana, Albania.
1.Economic feasibility of irrigation development in Sub-Saharan Africa
2.Faculty of Horticulture / Professor / Masao Kikuchi
3.(a) South Africa / International Water Management Institute (IWMI) / Douglas J. Merrey
(b) South Africa / IWMI / Arlene Inocencio
4.2003 - 2005
5.To examine the economic feasibility and performance of irrigation projects in Sub-Saharan Africa in comparison with other developing regions of
the world.
7.A. Inocencio, M. Tonosaki, A. Maruyama, I. de Jong, H. Sally, and M. Kikuchi, Costs of Irrigation Projects: A Comparison of sub-Saharan Africa
and Other Developing Regions and Finding Options to Reduce Costs (Draft Report), August 2005
1.Ecophysiological diversity of water convolvulus (Ipomoea aquatica Forsk.) strains.
2.Faculty of Horticulture/Assistant Professor/Michiko Takagaki
3.Thailand/Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University/Sutevee Sukprakan, Pariyanuj Chulaka
4.From 2000 to date
5.An aquatic vegetable (Ipomoea aquatica Forsk.) is used in a tropical region for long time. There are a lot of uncertain points of the characteristic.
There are inherited varieties among the strains; color of the stem or shape of the leaf. It is assumed that the color of the stem is green in the
cultivation strains and red in the wild strains. There are a lot of unknown parts of the inherited difference and the characteristic.
From our current investigation, it has become clear that there are many cultivation methods of Ipomoea aquatica Forsk in southeast Asia. In
floating cultivation on the river or the canal, it has grown by minerals in water of river or canal. It can make a special mention of the high nutrient
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absorption ability of Ipomoea aquatica Forsk compared with other leafy vegetables. We collect many strains of Ipomoea aquatica Forsk in
Differences of the physiological and ecological characteristic among strains are investigated. At the same time, selection of the strains which have
high nutrient absorption ability or stress tolerance and analysis of genetic variability among strains are done.
6.Heiwa Nakajima Foundation (Aids for the Academic Research in Asia Region), 2002.
7.1) Cultivation methods of water convolvulus in Thailand. Jap. J. Tropic. Agric., 45 (ext.1) 11-12.
2) The lowest limiting concentration of the nutrient solution that could be absorbed by the water convolvulus. Proceedings of annual meeting of
the societies for Agricultural Environmental Engineering:220. 2001.
3) Genetic variability of water convolvulus (Ipomoea aquatica Forsk.) in Thailand, Jap. J. Tropic. Agric., 45 (ext.2) 105-106、 2001.
4) Growth of Ipomoea aquatica Forsk. strains under different concentrate on of nutrient solution, Jap. J. Tropic. Agric., 45 (ext.2) 107-108. 2001
5) Relations between leaf color or N contents of Ipomoea aquatica Forsk. strains and mineral contents of water, Jap. J. Tropic. Agric., 45 (ext.2)
6)Morphological variability of Ipomoea aquatica Forsk strains, J. Tropic. Agric., 46(ext.1) 1-2、2002
7)Flowering variability of Ipomoea aquatica Forsk strains, J. Tropic. Agric., 47(ext.1) 33-34、2003
8)In vitro selection of Ipomoea aquatica Forsk. strains, Proceedings of annual meeting of the societies for Agricultural Environmental
Engineering:315. 2003.
9)Variability of shoot growth rate under low temperature of Ipomoea aquatica Forsk. strains, J. Tropic. Agric., 48(ext. 2):49-50, 2004
10)Comparison of photoperiodic responsibility of water convolvulus (Ipomoea aquatica Forsk.) and sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas Poir.), The First
Int. Symposium on Water Convolvulus, KU, Bangkok, Thailand, 27.2005
11)Geographical distribution of water convolvulus in west Africa, The First Int. Symposium on Water Convolvulus, KU, Bangkok, Thailand,
Graduate School of Sciences and Technology
1.Study of the biodiversity and ecosystem functioning of tropical seagrass beds
2.Graduate school of Science and Technology / Associate professor / Masahiro NAKAOKA
3.Thailand / Faculty of Fisheries, Kasetsart University / Prof. Khanjanapaj Lewmanomont & Assoc. Prof. Chittima Aryuthaka
4.20015.Seagrass beds are among the major components of coastal ecosystems of the tropics.
We investigate biodiversity and ecosystem function of
tropical seagrass ecosystems in Thailand in order to establish effective conservation and management plans.
We are specially focusing on the
interrelationship among environmental conditions, biodiversity and ecosystem functioning of seagrass beds by comparing several sites with
different natural and human impacts. Based on collected data, we aim to develop evaluation methods of health of coastal ecosystems using
biodiversity as indicator.
6.A grant-in-aid from JSPS funding program for overseas research program (2000-2002 and 2004-2007)
7.Nakaoka, M. (2001) Small-scale variation in a benthic community at an intertidal flat in Thailand: effects of spatial heterogeneity of seagrass
vegetation Benthos Research 56: 63-71
Nakaoka, M., Mukai, H. and Chunhabundit, S. (2002) Impacts of dugong foraging on benthic animal communities in a Thailand seagrass bed.
Ecological Research 17: 625-638
Komatsu, T., Umezawa, Y., Nakaoka, M., Supanwanid, C. and Kanamoto, Z. (2004) Water flow and sediment in Enhalus acoroides and other
seagrass beds in the Andaman Sea, off Khao Bae Na, Thailand. Coastal Marine Science 29: 63-68
Nakaoka, M., Tanaka, Y. and Watanabe M. (2004) Species diversity and abundance of seagrasses in southwestern Thailand under different
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influence of river discharge. Coastal Marine Science 29: 75-80
Tanaka, Y. and Nakaoka, M. (2004) Emergence stresses and morphological constraints affect the species distribution and growth of subtropical
intertidal seagrasses. Marine Ecology Progress Series 284: 117-131
8.We organized a symposium entitled ‘Interactions between terrestrial and oceanic ecosystems’ held in Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo
in October, 2001.
Invitation presentation on seagrass community and its interaction at 4th symposium of Japanese Association of Applied Phycology in June, 2005.
1.Longitudinal Study of Village Economy and Household Behavior under Economic Development in the Philippines
2.Graduate School of Science and Technology (Development of Economics)/Associate Professor/Nobuhiko Fuwa
3.USA/University of California at Berkeley/James N. Anderson
5.This study intends to extend the longitudinal study of a village in Pangasinan Province in the Philippines initiated by Prof. James N. Anderson in
the early 1960s, by constructing a panel data spanning over a 40 year period. It focuses on the long-term changes in the livelihood of the village
residents and other aspects of the village economy. The study pays a particular attention to the effects of the dramatic expansion in the village of
international labor migration opportunities after the 1980s on intrahousehold resource allocation behavior.
6.Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research administered by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
7.*Nobuhiko Fuwa and James N. Anderson (2004). “Filipina Encounters with Japan: Diverse Stories from a Pangasinan Barangay.” Paper presented
at the 7th International Conference on Philippine Studies, Leiden, The Netherland. June 2004.
*Nobuhiko Fuwa (2003). “Exit Paths from Poverty and the Role of Education: A Philippine Case.” Keijiro Otsuka and Takashi Kurosaki (eds.),
Education and Economic Development: toward poverty reduction in developing countries. Tokyo: Toyo Keizai Shimpo Sha.
*Nobuhiko Fuwa (2003) “Pathways from Poverty toward Middle Class: Determinants of Socio-Economic Class Mobility in the Rural
Philippines.” A paper presented at the conference “Staying Poor: Chronic Poverty and Development Policy,” organized by Chronic Poverty
Research Centre, University of Manchester. April 7-9, 2003.
1.Impact Evaluation of the Female Secondary School Stipend Program in Bangladesh
2.Graduate School of Science and Technology (Development of Economics)/Associate Professor/Nobuhiko Fuwa
3.USA/World Bank/Shahidur R. Khandker
5.The study attempts to measure the impact of the Female Secondary Stipend Program initiated in 1994 in Bangladesh in an attempt to close the
gender gap in the school enrolment at the secondary school level. It focuses on quantifying the program impact on the enrollment of both male
and female students at the secondary school level based on the project Management and Information System data base maintained by the World
Bank funded Female Secondary School Assistance Project, and intends to inform both the donors and the government of Bangladesh regarding the
future design of the program.
6.World Bank
7.*Shahidur R. Khandker, Mark M. Pitt, and Nobuhiko Fuwa (2003). “Subsidy to Promote Girls’ Secondary Education: The Female Stipend Program
in Bangladesh.” A paper presented at Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. May 2003.
*Nobuhiko Fuwa. (2001) “The Net Impact of the Female Secondary School Stipend Program in Bangladesh.” Technical Bulletin of Faculty of
Horticulture Chiba University, 55.
*Nobuhiko Fuwa (2000). “Measuring the Net Impact of the Female Secondary Stipend Program on Girls' Enrolment Using School-level Data in
Bangladesh.” Mimeographed, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management, The World Bank.
1.A study on Agricultural Productivity and Poverty Dynamics in Rain-fed Rice Producing Farmers in Eastern India
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2.Graduate School of Science and Technology (Development of Economics)/Associate Professor/Nobuhiko Fuwa
3.India/Indian Statistical Institute (Agricultural Science Unit)/Pabitra Banik
USA/East-West Center/Christopher M. Edmonds
5.The small scale rice farmers in the Bihar Plateau in Eastern India face severe natural conditions that constrains their agricultural production and
have high incidence of poverty. The plateau is also known for its relatively high proportion of ethnic minority groups living in the area. Initial data
collection was conducted in 1998 and the second round is planned for 2004-2005. The study intends to identify the crucial constraints, both
natural and socioeconomic, on their rice production and to inform policy makers for suitable interventions for poverty reduction in the area.
6.International Rice Research Institute, East-West Center, Indian Statistical Institute
7.*P.B. Banik, C.M. Edmonds, N. Fuwa, S.P. Kam, L. Villano and D.K. Bagchi. 2004. “Sustainability Criteria in Rice-Based Cropping Systems in
the Bihar Plateau of Eastern India: Initial report of the ISI-IRRI research project.” International Rice Research Institute Discussion Paper No. 47.
Los Baños: International Rice Research Institute. May 2004.
*Nobuhiko Fuwa, Christopher Edmonds and Pabitra Banik. 2005. “How inefficient are small-scale rice farmers in eastern India really?:
Examining the effects of microtopography on technical efficiency estimates.” East-West Center Working Paper No. 79. Honolulu: East-West
Center. May 2005.
1.Changes in Indian Agricultural Villages: A Microeconomic Analysis
2.Graduate School of Science and Technology (Development of Economics)/Associate Professor/Nobuhiko Fuwa
3.India/M. Venkatarangaiya Foundation/Shantha Sinha
5.The purpose of the study is to understand the decision rules of poor households in Andhra Pradesh, India. A major component of the study is
devoted to investigating how children's schooling/working decisions are made, in relation to the household's economic situation and social
entitlements. The study group will work with the MV Foundation, an NGO, to collect data on rural households.
6.Institute of Developing Economies
7.Seiro Ito (ed.), Agricultural Production, Household Behavior, and Child Labor in Andhra Pradesh. Institute of Developing Economies Joint
Research Program Series No. 135. 2005.
1.History of Rural Development Policies in the Philippines and Lessons for Poverty Reduction Policies
2.Graduate School of Science and Technology (Development of Economics)/Associate Professor/Nobuhiko Fuwa
3.Philippines/University of the Philippines at Diliman, School of Economics/Arsenio M. Balisacan
5.The study starts with a historical review of the rural development outcomes (e.g., agricultural growth, income growth, poverty incidence) in the
Philippines and of government policies (development strategies, industrialization policies, agricultural policies, trade policies, land reform, etc.)
that likely affected such outcomes. It also investigate the political background behind those policies adopted by the government. Based on a
provincial-level dataset on the income growth and the rate of poverty reduction to identify the main determinants of those outcomes through
econometric analyses. The goal of the study is to draw implications for policy makers for developing poverty reduction strategies.
6.World Bank, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research administered by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
7.*Arsenio Balisacan and Nobuhiko Fuwa (2005). Changes in Spatial Income Inequality in the Philippines: An Exploratory Analysis (with Arsenio
Balisacan) in Spatial Disparities in Human Development: Perspectives from Asia. (eds.) Ravi Kanbur, Tony Venables and Guanghua Wan.
United Nations University Press. 2005.
*Arsenio Balisacan and Nobuhiko Fuwa (2004). “Going beyond Cross-country Averages: Growth, Inequality, and Poverty in the Philippines.”
World Development, 32, pp.1891-1907
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*Arsenio Balisacan, Nobuhiko Fuwa and Margarita Debuque (2004). “The Political Economy of the Philippine Rural Development since the
1960s.” In T. Akiyama and D. Larson (eds.) Rural Development and Agricultural Growth in Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand. Asia
Pacific Press at the Australian National University.
*Arsenio Balisacan and Nobuhiko Fuwa (2003). “Growth, Inequality and Politics Revisited: A Developing-Country Case.” Economics Letters, 79.
pp. 53-58.
*Arsenio Balisacan and Nobuhiko Fuwa (2002). “Going beyond Cross-country Averages: Revisiting Growth, Inequality, and Poverty in the
Philippines.” Foundation for Advanced Studies on International Development (FASID) Discussion Paper Series on International Development
Strategies No. 2001-005. Mar. 2002.
*Arsenio Balisacan and Nobuhiko Fuwa (2001). “Growth, Inequality, Politics and Poverty Reduction in the Philippines.” University of the
Philippines School of Economics Working Paper 0109.
1.Changes in Rural Economies in the Philippines and Poverty Dynamics
2.Graduate School of Science and Technology (Development of Economics)/Associate Professor/Nobuhiko Fuwa
3.Philippines/International Rice Research Institute(IRRI)/Mahabub Hossain
5.International Rice Research Institute(IRRI) has conducted a longitudinal village-level study in the early 1990s focusing on 4 villages in different
ecosystems in the Philippines. A combined qualitative and quantitative data collection through detailed interviews in the villages was carried out
in 2003-2004, and this study intends to consolidate the findings on the changes in the livelihoods and the wellbeing of village residents as well as
institutional aspects of the four villages over the past decades. It also focuses on the poor households in an attempt to identifying the difference
between those who escape from poverty and those who do not. The study aims to inform policy makers for effective policy reduction strategies
suited for different ecosystems.
6.International Rice Research Institute(IRRI)
Center for Environmental Remote Sensing
1.Global/continental land cover mapping and monitoring by remote sensing
2.Center for Environmental Remote Sensing/Professor/Ryutaro Tateishi
3.Kazakhstan/Institute of Botamy/Natalia Ogar, Ekaterina Rachkovskaya
Mongolia/National University of Mongolia/Renchin Tsolmon
Russia/Institute of Ecology and Evolution/Peter Gunin
Indonesia/Institute of Bundong Technology/Ketut Wikantika
Indonesia/BBPT/Muhamad Sadly
4.From 2001 to date
5.The objective of this project is to map global land cover and tree cover of global area. For this objective the following research is being carried out.
-development of global land cover ground truth (GLCGT) data base
-expedition for ground truth collection
-preprocessing of global satellite data
-classification and information extraction
-validation of land cover product
6.Grant-in-aid- for Scientific Research by the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture (Fundamental Research (B) ) (2001-2004)
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7.M.A.Ghar, T.Renchin, R.Tateishi and T.Javzandulam, Agricultural land monitoring using a linear mixture model, International Journal of
Environmental Studies, Vol.62, No.2, pp.227-234, 2005
T.Javzandulam, R.Tateishi and T.Sanjaa, Analysis of vegetation indices for monitoring vegetation degradation in semi-arid and arid areas of
Mongolia, International Journal of Environmental Studies, Vol.62, No.2, pp.215-225, 2005
Adel Shalaby, Mohamed Aboel Ghar, Ryutaro Tateishi, Desertification Impact Assessment in Egypt Using Low Resolution Satellite Data and GIS,
International Journal of Environmental Studies, Vol.61 (4), pp. 375-383, 2004.
Aboel Ghar, Adel Shalaby, Mohamed, Ryutaro Tateishi, Agricultural land monitoring in the Egyptian Nile Delta using Landsat data, International
Journal of Environmental Studies, Vol.61 (6), pp. 651-657, 2004.
Tateishi, R. and M.Ebata, Analysis of phenologycal change patterns using 1982-2000 Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) data,
Int. J. of Remote Sensing, vol.25, no 12, 2287-2300, 2004
Sato, H.P. and R. Tateishi, Land cover classification in SE Asia using near and short wave infrared bands, Int. J. of Remote Sensing, vol.25, no 14,
2821-2832, 2004
H. Al-Bilbisi, R. Tateishi, J. Tetuko S S., A technique to estimate topsoil thickness in arid and semi-arid areas of north-eastern Jordan using
synthetic aperture radar data, Int. J. of Remote Sensing, vol.25, No. 19, pp.3873-3882, 2004
Tateishi,R., Y.Shimazaki, and P.D.Gunin, Spectral and temporal linear mixing model for vegetation classification, Int. J. of Remote Sensing,
vol.25, no. 20, pp.4203-4218, 2004
Thomas G. Ngigi and Ryutaro Tateishi, Monitoring deforestation in Kenya, Int. J. of Environmental Studies, vol.61, no.3, pp.281-291, June 2004
Josaphat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo and Ryutaro Tateishi, A technique to analyse scattered waves from forest fire scars and its application to estimate
its scars thickness in central Borneo using a SAR data, Journal of Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, vol.43, no.6, pp.48-61,
January 2005
Y. O. Ouma and R. Tateishi, A fast environmental change detection approach based on unsupervised multiscale texture clustering, Int. J.
Environmental Studies, Vol.62, No.1, pp.79-93, February 2005
8.・ Global Land Cover Ground Truth (GLCGT) database produced by this project will be distributed widely to any researchers and will be used for
other global land cover mapping projects.
・ The intermediate products by this project, “AARS Asia 30-second Land Cover Data Set” and “Desertification map of the drylands of Asia” are
being distributed internationally to many researchers.
・ The intermediate product by this project, “Twenty-year Global 4-minute AVHRR NDVI Dataset (20G4M AVHRR NDVI dataset)” is being
distributed internationally to many researchers.
Research Center for Pathogenic Fungi and Microbial Toxicoses
1.Molecular characterization of pathogenic fungi in Brazil
2.Research Center for Pathogenic Fungi and Microbial Toxicoses/Professor/Yuzuru Mikami
3.Brazil/Sao Paulo State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) /Professor/Maria Luiza Moretti-Branchini
4.From 20025.Molecular characterization of pathogenic fungus Cryptococcus neoformans was studied and drug susceptibility patterns of the fungus against
various antifungal agents were also studied
6.JICA, Special coordination funds for Promoting Science and Technology from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology,
the Japanese Government
7.Delgado CAN, Taguchi H, Mikami Y, Miyaji M, Villares MCB, Branchini ML: Human cryptococcosis: relationship of environmental and clinical
strains of Cryptococcus neoformans var. neoformans from urban and rural areas. Mycopathologia 159: 7-11, 2005.
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1.Genetic analysis of pathogenic actinomycetes and fungi isolated from clinical samples in Thailand
2.Research Center for Pathogenic Fungi and Microbial Toxicoses/Professor/Yuzuru Mikami
3.Thailand/National Institute of Health, Department of Medical Sciences/Dr. N. Poonwan
4.From 1999
5.Molecular classification of pathogenic actinomycetes and fungi isolated from clinical specimens in Thailand was conducted. New species of
Nocardia isolated from Thailand were proposed in these studies.
6.Special coordination funds for Promoting Science and Technology from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the
Japanese Government, and National Bioresource Project
7.(1) Kageyama A, Poonwan N, Yazawa K, Mikami Y, Nishimura K: Nocardia beijingensis, is a pathogenic bacterium to humans: the first infectious
cases in Thailand and Japan. Mycopathol 157: 155-161. 2004.
(2) Kageyama A, Hoshino Y, Yazawa K, Poonwan N, Takeshita N, Maki S, Mikami Y: Nocardia cyriacigeorgica is a significant pathogen of
nocardiosis in Japan and Thailand. Mycopathol, in press
(3) Kageyama A, Hoshino Y, Poonwan N, Yazawa K, Mikami Y, Nishimura K: Nocardia asiatica sp. nov., isolated from patients with nocardiosis
in Japan and clinical specimens from Thailand. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 54: 125-130, 2004.
(4) Kageyama A, Poonwan N, Yazawa K, Suzuki S, Kroppenstedt RM, Mikami Y: Nocardia vermiculata sp. nov. and Nocardia thailandica sp.
nov. isolated from clinical specimens. Actinomycetologica 18: 27-33, 2004.
8.Agreement for Academic Exchange Cooperation between Department of Medical Sciences, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand and our Research
Center was contracted in 2002. New additional projects were proposed from Thai side in 2004.
1.Genetic analyses on Cryptococcus neoformans
2.Research Center for Pathogenic Fungi and Microbial Toxicoses/Professor/Yuzuru Mikami
3.Australia/The University of Sydney/Dr. W. Meyer
4.From 2001-
5.Sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS9 region including the 5.8 S rRNA gene delineated seven genotypes within the three varieties of
Cryptococcus neoformans via specific combinations of eight nucleotide differences located at positions,10, 11, 15, 19, 108(ITS1), 221(5.8s), and
298 (ITS2).
Simple and reliable identification method using the ITS sequence information was proposed
6.Special coordination funds for Promoting Science and Technology from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the
Japanese Government
7.Katsu M, Kidd S, Ando A, Moretti-Branchini ML, Mikami Y, Nishimura K, Meyer W: The internal transcribed spacers and 5.8S rRNA gene show
extensive diversity among isolates of the Cryptococcus neoformans species complex. FEMS Yeast Res 4: 377-388, 2004
1.Studies on pathogenic fungi isolated from AIDS patients
2.Research Center for Pathogenic Fungi and Microbial Toxicoses/Professor/Yuzuru Mikami
3.Slovakia/Comenius University/Associate Professor/H. Bujdakova
5.From 2001
6.New antifungal agents against Candida albicans or related fungi, and development of new PCR system for the identification of Candida
Special coordination funds for Promoting Science and Technology from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the
Japanese Government.
7.(1) Bujdakova H, Melkisova S, Mokra C, Mikami Y: Retrospective discrimination between Candida albicans and Candida dubliniensis isolated
from HIV-positive patients by using commercial method compared with PCR assay. Folia Microbiologica, 49: 484-490, 2004.
(2) Melkusova S, Bujdakova H, Vollekova A, Myoken Y, Mikami Y: The efficacy of the benzothiazole APB, the echinocandin, micafungin, and
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ampthotericin B in fluconazole-resistant Candida albicans and Candida dubliniensis. Pharmazie 59: 573-574, 2004.
1.Classification of pathogenic Nocardia
2.Research Center for Pathogenic Fungi and Microbial Toxicoses/Professor/Yuzuru Mikami
3.Germany/DSMZ Culture Collection Centre/Professor/Reiner M. Kroppenstedt
4.From 20035.Several new Nocardia species were prepared and proposed
6.National Bioresource Project
7.(1) Kageyama A, Torikoe K, Iwamoto M, Masuyama J, Shibuya Y, Okazaki H, Yazawa K, Minota S, Kroppenstedt RM, Mikami Y: Nocardia
arthritidis sp. nov., a new pathogen isolated from a patient with rheumatoid arthrititis in Japan. J Clin Microbiol, 42: 2366-2371, 2004.
(2) Kageyama A, Yazawa K, Mukai A, Kinoshita M, Tanaka N, Kazuko N, Kroppenstedt RM, Mikami Y: Nocardia shimofusensis sp. nov. isolated
from soil and Nocardia higoensis sp. nov., isolated from a patienet with lung nocardiosis in Japan. Int J Syst Evo Microbiol 54: 1927-1931,
(3) Kageyama A, Yazawa K, Mukai A, Obara T, Nishimura K, Kroppenstedt RM, Mikami Y: Nocardia araoensis sp. nov. and Nocardia
pneumoniae sp. nov., isolated from patients in Japan. Int J Syst Evo Microbiol 54: 2025-2035, 2004.
(4) Kageyama A, Suzuki S, Yazawa K, Nishimura K, Kroppenstedt RM, Mikami Y: Nocardia aobensis sp. nov., isolated from patients in Japan.
Microbiol Immunol 48: 817-822, 2004.
(5) Kageyama A, Poowan N, Yazawa K, Suzuki S, Kroppenstedt RM, Mikami Y: Nocardia vermiculata sp. nov. and Nocardia thailandica sp.
nov., isolated from clinical specimens. Actinomycetologica 18: 27-33, 2004.
Marine Biosystems Research Center
1.Crustacean Biogeography in Equatorial area of Southeast Asia (Survey at the Borneo Island, Malaysia)
2.Marine Biosystems Research Center / Professor / Toshiyuki Yamaguchi
3.Indonesia / National Jenderal Soedirman University / R.E. Rrabowo, Indonesia / National Riau University / Dr. Ida Ayu Puspasari, Vietnum /
Vietnum National University / Professor P.N. Hong, USA / Scripps Institution of Oceanography / Professor W.A Newman, Thailand / National
Songkura University / Dr. Saowapa Angsupanich, Bangladesh / Dhaka University / Dr. Rowshan Ara Begum
4.2003 (continued since 1998)
5.Research on species composition, biogeography, and its history of establishment in Southeast Asia between Pacific and Indian Oceans
6.Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research A2 (from 1999 to 2001) and B1 (from 2002-to 2005)
7.Romanus Edy Prabowo and T. Yamaguchi (in press) A new mangrove barnacle of the Balanus amphitrite complex from Sumbawa Island,
Indonesia. Journal of Marine Biological Association, U.K., 85:929-936.
1.Phylogeny, Biogeography and Origin of the most primitive barnacles found in the deep-sea hydrothermal vent
2.Marine Biosystems Research Center / Professor / Toshiyuki Yamaguchi
3.USA / Scripps Institution of Oceanography / Professor W.A Newman, New Zealand / Auckland University of Technology / Professor J.S.
4.2003 (continued since 1988)
5.Study on the barnacles found at the deep-sea hydrothermal vents of East Pacific
Rise, Northwest Pacific (including Japanese water), Southwest Pacific, Indian
Oceans from the viewpoint of phylogeny, biogeography and their origin.
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6.Sumitomo Foundation, Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research A2 (from 1999 to 2001), B2 (from 2001 to 2005), and B1 (from 2002-to 2005)
7.Yamaguchi, T., W.A. Newman, and J. Hashimoto (2004) A hydrothermal, cold-seep barnacle (Cirripedia: Neolepadinae) and the age of the
vent/seep fauna. Journal of Marine Biological Association of U.K., 84:111-120.
1.Molecular phylogeny of barnacles
2.Marine Biosystems Research Center / Professor / Toshiyuki Yamaguchi
3.Indonesia / National Jenderal Soedirman University / R.E. Rrabowo, Indonesia / Riau University / Dr. Ida Ayu Puspasari, Bangladesh / Dhaka
University / Dr. Rowshan Ara Begum
4.2003 (continued since 1996)
5.Study on molecular phylogeny of barnacles based on nucleotide sequences of a mitochondrial genes.
6.Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research A2 (from 1999 to 2001), C1 (from 1999 to 2001), and B1 (from 2002-to 2005)
7.Rowshan Ara Begum, T. Yamaguchi, and S. Watabe (2004) Molecular phylogeny of thoracican barnacles based on the mitochondrial 12S and 16S
rRNA genes. Sessile Organisms, 21 (2): 47-54.
Rowshan Ara Begum, K. Tsuchida, T. Yamaguchi, M. Nishida and S. Watabe (印刷中) Complete mitochondrial genome of the sessile barnacle
Tetraclita japonica. Special MBC 2003 Proceedings Issue of Marine Techonology,
1.On the study of electromagnetic phenomena associated crustal activity
2.Marine Biosystems Research Center / Associate Professor/ Katsumi Hattori
3.Russia / Institute of Physics of the Earth / Dr. Oleg Molchanov
Russia / Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation (IZMIRAN) / Dr. Yuri Kopytenko
Russia / Geophysical Service Kamchatka Department / Dr. Eviginii Gordeev
Ukraine / Lviv Center of Space Research / Dr. Varely Korepanov
5.Recognizing the importance of ULF geomagnetic field changes among electromagnetic phenomena preceding large earthquakes, this project aims
at researches on developments of sensors, observation, and methodology, clarification of physical mechanism, and establishing the monitoring and
short-term prediction of crustal activity.
6.RIKEN (-2002)
JSPS Grants-in Aid for Scientific Research(2002-2004)
JSPS Grants-in Aid for Scientific Research(2002-2004)
7.Yu. A. Kopytenko, V. S. Ismaguilov, K. Hattori, and M. Hayakawa, Determination of hearth position of forthcoming strong EQ using gradients
and phase velocities of ULF geomagnetic disturbances, Extended Abstracts of 2005 International Workshop on Seismo Electromagnetics, pp.
166-169, 15-17 March, 2005, Chofu, Tokyo
Kopytenko Yu.A., Ismaguilov V.S., Hattori K., Hayakawa M., Gradients and Phase Velocities of ULF magnetic disturbances (F=0.1-0.4Hz) before
and during strong earthquakes inf 2003 year at Bosso Peninsula (Japan), 2004 Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference Proceedings, p. 545, August
24-27, 2004, (Qingdao, China).
Molchanov, O.A.; Schekotov, A.Ju.; Hattori, K.; Solovieva, M.S.; Fedorov, E.N.; Chebrov, V.; Saltikov, D.; Hayakawa, M., Near-seismic effects
in ULF fields and seismo-acoustic emission : statistics and explanation, European Geosciences Union 1st General Assembly (CD-ROM), April
25-30, 2004, Nice, France
Gotoh, K., Hayakawa, M., Smirnova, N., and Hattori, K., Fractal analysis of seismogenic ULF emissions, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 29,
M. Hayakawa, K. Hattori, A. P. Nickolaenko, and L. M. Rabinowicz, Relation between the energy of earthquake swarm and the Hurst exponent of
random variations of the geomagnetic field, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 29, 379-387, 2004.
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Hattori, K., Takahashi, I., Yoshino, C., Isezaki, N., Iwasaki, H., Harada, M., Kawabata, K., Kopytenko, E., Kopytenko, Y., Maltsev, P., Korepanov,
V., Molchanov, O., Hayakawa, M., Noda, Y., Nagao, T., Uyeda, S., ULF geomagnetic field measurements in Japan and some recent results
associated with Iwateken Nairiku Hokubu Earthquake in 1998, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth., 29, 481-494, 2004.
Ismaguilov, V., Kopytenko, Y., Hattori, K., and Hayakawa, M., 2003: Variations of phase velocity and gradient values of ULF geomagnetic
disturbances connected with the Izu strong earthquake, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 3, 211-215,2003.
Kopytenko, Y., Ismaguilov, V., Molchanov, O., Kopytenko, E., Voronov, P., Hattori, K., Voronov, P., Hayakawa M., Zaitsev, D., Investigation of
ULF magnetic disturbances in Japan during acive seismic period, Journal of Atmospheric Electricity, 22, 3, 207-215, 2002.
Uyeda, S., Hayakawa, M., Nagao, T., Molchanov, O., Hattori, K., Orihara, Y., Gotoh, K., Akinaga,Y., Tanaka, H., Electric and Magnetic
phenomena observed before the volcano-seismic activity 2000 in the Izu islands region, Japan, Proceedings of the US National Academy of
Science, 99, 7352-7355, 2002.
Gorbatikov, A., Molchanov, O., Hayakawa, Uyeda, S., M., Hattori, K., Nagao, T., Tanaka, H.,Nikolaev V., Maltsev, P., Acoustic emission possibly
related to earthquakes, observed at Matsushiro, Japan and its implications, Seismo Electromagnetics:Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere
coupling, edited by M. Hayakawa and O. Molchanov,1-10, Terrapub, 2002.
Kopytenko, Y., Ismaguilov, V., Hattori, K., Voronov, P., Hayakawa M., Molchanov, O.,Kopytenko, E., Zaitsev, D.. Monitoring of the ULF
electromagnetic disturbances at the Station network before EQ in seismic zones of Izu and Chiba Peninsulas, Seismo Electromagnetics:
Lithosphere-Atmosphere- Ionosphere coupling, edited by M. Hayakawa and O. Molchanov, 11-18, Terrapub, 2002.
Yagova, N., Yumoto, K., Pilipenko, V., Hattori, K., Nagao, T., Saita, K., Local variations of geomagnetic ULF noises and their relation to seismic
activity, Seismo Electromagnetics:Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere coupling, edited by M. Hayakawa and O. Molchanov,45-48, Terrapub,
Uyeda, S., Nagao, T., Hattori, K., Noda, Y., Hayakawa, M., Miyaki, K., Molchanov, O., Gladychev,V., Baransky, L., Schekotov, A., Belyaev, G.,
Fedorov, E., Pokhotelov, O., Andreevsky, S.,Rozhnoi, A., Khabazin, Y., Gorbatikov, A., Gordeev, E., Chevrov, V., Lutikov, A., Yunga, S.,Kasarev,
G., Surkov, V., Russian-Japanese complex geophysical observatory in Kamchatka for monitoring of phenomena connected with seismic activity,
Seismo Electromagnetics:Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere coupling, edited by M. Hayakawa and O. Molchanov,413-420, Terrapub, 2002.
Gladychev, V., Baransky, L., Schekotov, A., G., Fedorov, E., Pokhotelov, O., Andreevsky, S.,Rozhnoi, A., Khabazin, Belyaev, G., Gorbatikov, A.,
Gordeev, E., Chevrov, V., Sinitsin, V.,Gorbatikov, A., Gordeev, E., Chevrov, V., Molchanov, O., Hayakawa, M., Uyeda, S., Nagao, T.,Hattori, K.,
Noda, Y.., “Some preliminary results of seismo-electromagnetic research at complex geophysical observatory, Kamchatka, Seismo
Electromagnetics: Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere coupling, edited by M. Hayakawa and O. Molchanov,413-420, Terrapub, 2002
Ismaguilov, V., Kopytenko Y., Hattori, K., Voronov, M., Molchanov, O., Hayakawa, M., ULF magnetic emissions connected with under sea
bottom earthquakes, Journal of Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 1, 23-31, 2001.
8.Concerning with this project, following workshops and symposium were held in Japan.
RIKEN/NASADA Workshop on Seismo-ULF emissions, December 1998, Tokyo.
RIKEN/NASADA Symposium on the Recent Aspects of Electromagnetic Variations Related with Earthquakes, December 1999, Wako.
International Workshop on Seismo Electromagnetics, 2000 of NASDA, September 2000,Tokyo.
September, 1998:Set up the electromagnetic sensors at Paratunka of Kamchatka Peninsula.
November, 1998:Visit to IZMIRAN in St. Petersburg and Institute of
Physics of the Earth in Moscow to make technical and scientific
discussions with Dr. Kopytenko and Dr. Molchanov,respectively.
September, 1999:Visit to Kamchatka station for maintenance of observation system.
August, 2000:Visit to Kamchatka station for maintenance of observation system.
November, 2001:Mr. Pavel Maltsev(Lviv Center of Space Research, Ukraine) stayed at Chiba University for technical and scientific discussion.
July _ August, 2002:Dr. Vareli Ismaguilov and Andrei Radilov (IZMIRAN, Russia) stayed at Chiba University for technical and scientific
December, 2004:Mr. Pavel Maltsev(Lviv Center of Space Research, Ukraine) stayed at Chiba University for technical and scientific discussion
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March, 2005:Dr. Yuri Kopytenko (IZMIRAN) and Dr. Oleg Molchanov came to Japan to make technical and scientific discussions.
1.Monitoring of Earthquake activity with use of electromagnetic approach in Taiwan,
2.Marine Biosystems Research Center / Associate Professor/ Katsumi Hattori
3.Taiwan National Central University / Professor / Jann-Yenq Liu
Taiwan National Chung Cheng University / Professor / Chiou-Fen Shieh
Dahan Institute Technology / Professor / Hua-Hi Sheu
5.The project aims at clarification of the physical mechanism of electromagnetic phenomena preceding earthquakes and realizing of monitoring and
short-term prediction of large earthquake in Taiwan.
Interchange Association, Japan(2004)
7.Katsumi Hattori, ULF geomagnetic changes associated with large earthquakes, Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Vol.15, No.3,
329-360, 2004
Masashi Kamogawa, Jann-Yenq Liu, Hironobu Fujiwara, Yu-Jung Chuo, Yi-Ben Tsai,Katsumi Hattori, Toshiyasu Nagao, Seiya Uyeda, and
Yoshi-Hiko Ohtsuki, Atmospheric field variations before the March 31, 2002 M6.8 earthquake in Taiwan, Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic
Sciences, Vol.15, 397-412, September 2004.
Hattori, K., Takahashi, I., Yoshino, C., Nagao, T., Liu, J.Y., Shieh, C.F.,
ULF Geomagnetic and Geopotential Measurement at Chia-Yi, Taiwan, Journal of Atmospheric Electricity, 22, 3,217-222, 2002.
K. Hattori, Y. Akinaga, K.Gotoh, C. Yoshino, Y. Kopytenko, M. Hayakawa, K. Yumoto, T. Nagao,S. Uyeda, J. Y. Liu, C. H. Shieh, ULF
Geomagnetic Anomalies Associated with Earthquakes and Observations in Taiwan, 2002 International Workshop on Earthquake Precursor iSTEP
_integrated Search for Taiwan Earthquake Precursors, p.96―97, 2002.
Y.Akinaga, M. Hayakawa, J.Y. Liu, K. Yumoto, K. Hattori, “A precursory signature for Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan”, Natural Hazards and
Earth System Sciences, 1, 33-36, 2001.
8.Install electromagnetic sensor in Chia-Yi.(September, 2001)
Filed survey around Hualien (March, 2002)
Invited talk in the kick off meeting of project of National Central University entitled“integrated Search for Taiwan Earthquake Precursors”
International Workshop on Earthquake Precursor iSTEP )(June, 2002)
Install electromagnetic sensor in Hualien.(September, 2002)
Install electromagnetic sensor in Fuli (March, 2003)
Profs. Jann-Yenq Liu and Yi-Ben Tsai came to Chiba University and gave talks (December, 2003)
International workshop was organized at National Central University, Taiwan (March, 2004)
Install electromagnetic sensor in Donghua University (October, 2004)
Discussion with Prof. Liu at National Central University (December 2005)
Mr. Jay-hong Chen stayed at Chiba University for collabaration (March-April 2005)
1.Ground-based and satellite geophysical monitoring and modeling of seismotectonic structure
2.Marine Biosystems Research Center / Associate Professor/ Katsumi Hattori
3.Istituto di Metodologie per l'Analisi Ambientale, CNR
C.da S.Loja/ /Prof. Vincenzo Lepenna Istituto di Metodologie per l'Analisi Ambientale,
C.da S.Loja / Research Scientist /Dr. Luciano Telesca
5.the statistical analysis of geomagnetic and geoelectric signals recorded in seismic areas
6.2003―2004 JSPS Bilateral collaboration project between Japan and Italy (PI: Prof. M. Hayakawa (The University of Electro-Communications))
after 2004 no fund
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7.G. Colangelo, K .Hattori, V. Lapenna,L. Telesca, and C. Yoshino, Extraction of extreme events in geoelectrical signals; an application in a seismic
area of Japan, Extended Abstracts of 2005 International Workshop on Seismo Electromagnetics, pp. 93-96, 15-17 March, 2005, Chofu, Tokyo.
Luciano Telesca, Gerardo Colangelo, Katsumi Hattori, Vincenzo Lapenna, Principal component analysis of geoelectrical signals measured in the
seismically active area of Basilicata Region (southern Italy), Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 4, 663-667, 2004
8.October-November 2003, Visit to Istituto di Metodologie per l'Analisi Ambientale, CNR and discuss and analyze geoelectrical potential difference
data recorded in seismic areas, southern Italy.
June 2004, Dr. Collangero at Istituto di Metodologie per l'Analisi Ambientale, CNR stayed at Chiba University and discuss and analyze
geoelectrical potential difference data recorded in seismic areas, Japan.
March 2005, Discussion on future collaboration with Prof. Lapenna, Dr. Telesca, and Dr. Collangero in Japan when they came to attend meeting
in Japan.
1.Evolution of reproductive strategies and the environmental conditions of habitats in marine green algae
2.Marine Biosystem Research Center / Research Associate / Tatsuya Togashi Ph.D
3.US National Tropical Botanical Garden / Prof. Paul Alan Cox and Dr. John L. Bartelt
4.From 2002
5.We are studying the evolution of reproductive strategies and the environmental conditions of habitats in marine green algae based on
laboratory observations and theoretical approaches.
6.JSPS Scientific research fund for young scientists (A)
7.Togashi, T., J.L. Bartelt and P.A. Cox. 2004.Simulation of gamete behaviors and the evolution of anisogamy: reproductive strategies of marine
green algae.Ecological Research 19: 563-569.
Togashi, T., M. Nagisa, T. Miyazaki, J. Yoshimura, J.L. Bartelt and P.A. Cox.
Gamete behaviors and the evolution of “marked anisogamy”: reproductive strategies and sexual dimorphism in Bryopsidales marine green algae.
Evolutionary Ecology Research (in press)
8.We have received the Ecological Research Award 2005 and organized an international symposium at the International Botanical Congress 2005 in
Vienna, Austria.
Research Center for Frontier Medical Engineering
1.Spectral Imaging and Its Application Prof. Arto KAARNA
2.Director of Research Center for Frontier Medical Engineering/Professor/Yoichi MIYAKE
3.Finland/Lappeenranta University of Technology, Department of Information Technology
4.May 6,2004 ~ May 25, 2004
5.Wavelet Transform and ifs Application to Color Medical Image Processing.
6.Finland, Academy of Finland - SA
7.Association of International Color Science Multispectral imaging
8.Workshop-Medical Imaging- May 14, 2004 at Chiba university
1.Research on evaluation methods for interaction between electromagnetic waves and the human body
2.Research Center for Frontier Medical Engineering/Professor/Koichi Ito
3.England/Queen Mary, University of London/Professor/Xiaodong Chen
4.From 2003 to date
5.Recently it has become quite important to evaluate accurately the interaction between electromagnetic waves and the human body. Under the
equal collaboration, both universities are studying and developing the evaluation methods.
Prof. Chen’s group at Queen Mary are pursuing a
study on various numerical analysis techniques and Prof. Ito’s group are pursuing a study on experimental evaluation techniques.
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7.Koichi Ito and Hiroki Kawai, "Solid phantoms for evaluation of interactions between the human body and antennas," Proceedings of 2005 IEEE
International Workshop on Antenna Technology (IWAT), pp. 41-44, Singapore, Singapore, Mar. 2005.
8.Prof. Xiaodong Chen visited our laboratory in Chiba and discussed with us some
problems on this topic in August 2004. In September 2005, Prof. Koichi Ito will discuss with Prof. Xiaodong Chen at the international conference
held in England.
Center for Enviroment, Health and Field Sciences
1.Neuropharmacological study on neurotoxic non-protein amino acids in some Lathyrus species
2.Center for Environment, Health and Field Sciences/ Professor/Fumio Ikegami
3.Belgium/Faculty of Medicines and Health Sciences, Ghent University/Professor Fernand Lambein
4.From 1996 to date
5.Lathyrus sativus is cultivated as a drought tolerant food crop in rainfed areas of India, Bangladesh and Ethiopia, but unfortunately the presence of
high levels of the neuroactive amino acid can cause the crippling human disease neurolathyrism. This project is concerned with the mechanism of
neurological action of these neurotoxins in Lathyrus species, and can open a possible though difficult path towards a solution to the problem of
human neurolathyrism.
6.Academic Expense
・ Y.-H. Kuo, F. Ikegami and F. Lambein: Neuroactive and other free amino acids in seed and young plants of Panax ginseng. Phytochemistry, 62,
1087-1091 (2003).
・ K. Kusama-Eguchi, T. Kusama, A. Suda, T. Masuko, M. Yamamoto, F. Ikegami, K. Igarashi, Y.-H. Kuo, F. Lambein, K. Watanabe: Partial
involvement of group I metabotropic glutamate receptors in the neurotoxicity of 3-N-oxalyl-L-2,3-diaminopropanoic acid (L-β-ODAP). Biol.
Pharm. Bull., 27, 1052-1058 (2004).
・ K. Kusama-Eguchi, F. Ikegami, T. Kusama, A. Suda, Y. Ogawa, K. Igarashi, K. Watanabe: A rat model of neurolathyrism: repeated injection of
L-β-ODAP induces the paraparesis of the hind legs. Amino Acids, 28, 139-143 (2005).
1.Phytochemical study for bioactive constituents in Asian medicinal plants and traditional medicine
2.Center for Environment, Health and Field Sciences/ Professor/Fumio Ikegami
3.Thailand/Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chulalongkorn University/Associate Professor Nijsiri Ruangrungsi
4.From 1996 to date
5.Our current interest in the chemical constituents of some Asian medicinal plants and crude drugs led to the isolation of several new bioactive
compounds, such as gastrol (relaxant) from Gastrodia elata and ardisiphenols A-C (antioxidant) from Ardisia colorata. The results would tend to
explain their uses in traditional medicine.
6.Academic Expense
・ Athikomkulchai, S., Ruangrungsi, N., Sekine, T., Sumino, M., Igarashi, K., Ikegami, F.: Chemical constituents of Bauhinia sirindhorniae. Natural
Medicines, 57, 150-153 (2003).
・ Hosokawa, A., Sumino, M., Nakamura, T., Yano, S., Sekine, T., Ruangrungsi, R., Watanabe, K., Ikegami, F.: A new lignan from Balanophora
abbreviata and inhibition of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression, Chem. Pharm. Bull., 52,
1265-1267 (2004).
・ Ikegami, F.: Active constituents in Chinese, Ayurvedic and Thai herbal medicines: Applicable separation procedures. Thai J. Health Res., 19, 1-12
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