

by taratuta

Category: Documents






We also note that often the same general method, used in the above example
for proving the uniqueness theorem for Poisson’s equation, can be employed to
prove the uniqueness (or otherwise) of solutions to other equations and boundary
20.8 Exercises
Determine whether the following can be written as functions of p = x2 + 2y only,
and hence whether they are solutions of (20.8):
(a) x2 (x2 − 4) + 4y(x2 − 2) + 4(y 2 − 1);
(b) x4 + 2x2 y + y 2 ;
(c) [x4 + 4x2 y + 4y 2 + 4]/[2x4 + x2 (8y + 1) + 8y 2 + 2y].
Find partial differential equations satisfied by the following functions u(x, y) for
all arbitrary functions f and all arbitrary constants a and b:
u(x, y) = f(x2 − y 2 );
u(x, y) = (x − a)2 + (y − b)2 ;
u(x, y) = y n f(y/x);
u(x, y) = f(x + ay).
Solve the following partial differential equations for u(x, y) with the boundary
conditions given:
+ xy = u,
= xu,
(b) 1 + x
(a) x
u(x, 0) = x.
Find the most general solutions u(x, y) of the following equations, consistent with
the boundary conditions stated:
(a) y
(b) i
= 0, u(x, 0) = 1 + sin x;
=3 ,
(c) sin x sin y
u = 2y on the line x = 1;
u = (4 + 3i)x2 on the line x = y;
+ cos x cos y
= 0, u = cos 2y on x + y = π/2;
+ 2x
= 0, u = 2 on the parabola y = x2 .
Find solutions of
1 ∂u
1 ∂u
x ∂x y ∂y
for which (a) u(0, y) = y and (b) u(1, 1) = 1.
Find the most general solutions u(x, y) of the following equations consistent with
the boundary conditions stated:
(a) y
= 3x, u = x2 on the line y = 0;
(b) y
= 3x, u(1, 0) = 2;
(c) y 2
+ x2
= x2 y 2 (x3 + y 3 ), no boundary conditions.
sin x
+ cos x
= cos x
subject to (a) u(π/2, y) = 0 and (b) u(π/2, y) = y(y + 1).
A function u(x, y) satisfies
= 10,
and takes the value 3 on the line y = 4x. Evaluate u(2, 4).
If u(x, y) satisfies
∂2 u
∂2 u
∂2 u
+2 2 =0
and u = −x2 and ∂u/∂y = 0 for y = 0 and all x, find the value of u(0, 1).
Consider the partial differential equation
∂2 u
∂2 u
∂2 u
+ 2 2 = 0.
(a) Find the function u(x, y) that satisfies (∗) and the boundary condition u =
∂u/∂y = 1 when y = 0 for all x. Evaluate u(0, 1).
(b) In which region of the xy-plane would u be determined if the boundary
condition were u = ∂u/∂y = 1 when y = 0 for all x > 0?
In those cases in which it is possible to do so, evaluate u(2, 2), where u(x, y) is
the solution of
= xy(2y 2 − x2 )
that satisfies the (separate) boundary conditions given below.
u(x, 1) = x2 for all x.
u(x, 1) = x2 for x ≥ 0.
u(x, 1) = x2 for 0 ≤ x ≤ 3.
u(x, 0) = x for x ≥ 0.
u(x, √
0) = x for all x.
√ 10) = 5.
u( 10, 1) = 5.
∂2 u
∂2 u
∂2 u
+ 2 = 14,
subject to u = 2x + 1 and ∂u/∂y = 4 − 6x, both on the line y = 0.
By changing the independent variables in the previous exercise to
ξ = x + 2y
η = x + 3y,
show that it must be possible to write 14(x2 + 5xy + 6y 2 ) in the form
f1 (x + 2y) + f2 (x + 3y) − (x2 + y 2 ),
and determine the forms of f1 (z) and f2 (z).
∂2 u
∂2 u
+ 3 2 = x(2y + 3x).
Find the most general solution of ∂2 u/∂x2 + ∂2 u/∂y 2 = x2 y 2 .
An infinitely long string on which waves travel at speed c has an initial displacement
y(x) =
sin(πx/a), −a ≤ x ≤ a,
|x| > a.
It is released from rest at time t = 0, and its subsequent displacement is described
by y(x, t).
By expressing the initial displacement as one explicit function incorporating
Heaviside step functions, find an expression for y(x, t) at a general time t > 0. In
particular, determine the displacement as a function of time (a) at x = 0, (b) at
x = a, and (c) at x = a/2.
The non-relativistic Schrödinger equation (20.7) is similar to the diffusion equation in having different orders of derivatives in its various terms; this precludes
solutions that are arbitrary functions of particular linear combinations of variables. However, since exponential functions do not change their forms under
differentiation, solutions in the form of exponential functions of combinations of
the variables may still be possible.
Consider the Schrödinger equation for the case of a constant potential, i.e. for
a free particle, and show that it has solutions of the form A exp(lx + my + nz + λt),
where the only requirement is that
2 2
l + m2 + n2 = iλ.
In particular, identify the equation and wavefunction obtained by taking λ as
−iE/, and l, m and n as ipx /, ipy / and ipz /, respectively, where E is the
energy and p the momentum of the particle; these identifications are essentially
the content of the de Broglie and Einstein relationships.
Like the Schrödinger equation of the previous exercise, the equation describing
the transverse vibrations of a rod,
∂2 u
∂4 u
+ 2 = 0,
has different orders of derivatives in its various terms. Show, however, that it
has solutions of exponential form, u(x, t) = A exp(λx + iωt), provided that the
relation a4 λ4 = ω 2 is satisfied.
Use a linear combination of such allowed solutions, expressed as the sum of
sinusoids and hyperbolic sinusoids of λx, to describe the transverse vibrations of
a rod of length L clamped at both ends. At a clamped point both u and ∂u/∂x
must vanish; show that this implies that cos(λL) cosh(λL) = 1, thus determining
the frequencies ω at which the rod can vibrate.
An incompressible fluid of density ρ and negligible viscosity flows with velocity v
along a thin, straight, perfectly light and flexible tube, of cross-section A which is
held under tension T . Assume that small transverse displacements u of the tube
are governed by
∂2 u
∂2 u
∂ u
+ 2v
= 0.
+ v2 −
ρA ∂x2
(a) Show that the general solution consists of a superposition of two waveforms
travelling with different speeds.
(b) The tube initially has a small transverse displacement u = a cos kx and is
suddenly released from rest. Find its subsequent motion.
A sheet of material of thickness w, specific heat capacity c and thermal conductivity k is isolated in a vacuum, but its two sides are exposed to fluxes of
radiant heat of strengths J1 and J2 . Ignoring short-term transients, show that the
temperature difference between its two surfaces is steady at (J2 − J1 )w/2k, whilst
their average temperature increases at a rate (J2 + J1 )/cw.
In an electrical cable of resistance R and capacitance C, each per unit length,
voltage signals obey the equation ∂2 V /∂x2 = RC∂V /∂t. This has solutions of the
form given in (20.36) and also of the form V = Ax + D.
(a) Find a combination of these that represents the situation after a steady
voltage V0 is applied at x = 0 at time t = 0.
(b) Obtain a solution describing the propagation of the voltage signal resulting
from the application of the signal V = V0 for 0 < t < T , V = 0 otherwise,
to the end x = 0 of an infinite cable.
(c) Show that for t T the maximum signal occurs at a value of x proportional
to t1/2 and has a magnitude proportional to t−1 .
The daily and annual variations of temperature at the surface of the earth may
be represented by sine-wave oscillations, with equal amplitudes and periods of
1 day and 365 days respectively. Assume that for (angular) frequency ω the
temperature at depth x in the earth is given by u(x, t) = A sin(ωt + µx) exp(−λx),
where λ and µ are constants.
(a) Use the diffusion equation to find the values of λ and µ.
(b) Find the ratio of the depths below the surface at which the two amplitudes
have dropped to 1/20 of their surface values.
(c) At what time of year is the soil coldest at the greater of these depths,
assuming that the smoothed annual variation in temperature at the surface
has a minimum on February 1st?
Consider each of the following situations in a qualitative way and determine
the equation type, the nature of the boundary curve and the type of boundary
conditions involved:
(a) a conducting bar given an initial temperature distribution and then thermally
(b) two long conducting concentric cylinders, on each of which the voltage
distribution is specified;
(c) two long conducting concentric cylinders, on each of which the charge
distribution is specified;
(d) a semi-infinite string, the end of which is made to move in a prescribed way.
This example gives a formal demonstration that the type of a second-order PDE
(elliptic, parabolic or hyperbolic) cannot be changed by a new choice of independent
variable. The algebra is somewhat lengthy, but straightforward.
If a change of variable ξ = ξ(x, y), η = η(x, y) is made in (20.19), so that it
∂2 u
∂2 u
∂2 u
A 2 + B + C 2 + D
+ E
+ F u = R (ξ, η),
show that
B − 4A C = (B 2 − 4AC)
Hence deduce the conclusion stated above.
∂(ξ, η)
∂(x, y)
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