
Lesson 3 評価問題 問題 A 1 最も強く発音する部分を答えなさい。(5 点

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Lesson 3 評価問題 問題 A 1 最も強く発音する部分を答えなさい。(5 点
Lesson 3 評価問題 問題 A
1 最も強く発音する部分を答えなさい。
(5 点)
1. di-ar-rhe-a
ア イ ウ エ
3. in-ter-pret-er
ア イ
2. vol-un-teer
4. pol-i-tics
ア イ ウ
5. pneu-mo-nia
2 各組の下線部の発音が同じなら○,異なったら×を書きなさい。(6 点)
1. breathing:immediate
2. local:donate
3. disaster:decision
4. breathing:asthma
5. weapon:said
6. improve:although
3 指定された文字で始めて,次の定義にあてはまる英語 1 語を書きなさい。
(12 点)
1. the line dividing two countries or areas (b)
2. a set of circumstances or conditions, especially at a certain time (s)
3. (of a woman or female animal) having a baby or young animal developing in the
womb (p)
4. a member of an army; especially one who is not an officer (s)
5. (of a person, the face, etc) having little color, or less color than usual (p)
6. to hear something in one language and immediately translate it into another (i)
4 ( )内の語を適当な形にしなさい。
(4 点)
1. The international conference is of great (important) to each country.
2. This computer is (equip) with television functions.
3. What is most desired in the country is its (politics) stability.
4. A good (medical) tastes bitter.《諺》
5 日本文を参考に( )に適語を入れなさい。(12 点)
1. 患者は戦争での負傷が原因で亡くなった。
The patient died (
) of her injuries in the war.
2. 何かお役に立つことがありますか。
Can I be (
) any (
) to you?
3. 彼はパリに渡り,そこで幸せに暮らした。
He went over to Paris, (
) he lived a happy life.
4. 私はそれ以上出すと言ったが,彼らは満足しなかった。
I offered them still more, and (
) they were not satisfied.
5. 最近の子供たちのほとんどは貧しいということがどのようなものかわからない。
Few children these days know (
) it is like (
) be poor.
6. 試験が始まるので本をしまいなさい。
) your books (
); our test will begin.
6 各文に続けるのにもっとも適当なものを選びなさい。
(10 点)
1. It is my hope
2. It was the heavy rain last night
3. I think it the best for you
4. I felt so exhausted and sleepy
5. The time will soon come
that I wanted to lie down.
to travel around the world by myself.
when your efforts will be appreciated by others.
that caused the disastrous landslide.
to hand in your report by tomorrow.
7 次の文を日本語にしなさい。
(12 点)
1. Since 1971 MSF has been giving medical help to such people, no matter what their
race, religion, or politics is.
2. We listened to the radio to find out whether it was safe to go outside or not.
3. In my own case, the experience not only gave direction to my life but also gave me
an opportunity to think about what it is to live as a human being.
4. You might find yourself in the minority, but have confidence in yourself and have
the courage to put your beliefs into action.
8 ( )の指示に従って次の文を英語にしなさい。
(15 点)
1. マイクは私に宿題を手伝ってくれないかとたずねた。(whether を用いて)
2. 昨日花子から電話が来たのは,真夜中頃でした。
3. その学生は自分の辞書を 10 年以上も使っている。
4. トムは,パーティで一緒に話す人を見つけることができなかった。
(to 不定詞を用い
5. もし君の住所を知っていれば,私は招待状を送っていたのに。
(7 点)
Before ( ア ) MSF I had been thinking for a long time about how I might ( イ ) of
some help to others as a doctor. I wanted to see different cultures and things which I
could never ( ウ ) across in Japan. I had read about MSF in newspapers and also I
had friends who had ( エ ) money to MSF. So I sent a letter to an MSF office in Paris
( オ ) that I wished to join the organization. They said yes and I was ( カ ) to the
Madhu refugee camp in Sri Lanka, where fighting was ( キ ) on.
be ]
10 以下の文を読んで設問に答えなさい。(17 点)
The most difficult thing about our work at Madhu was ①to make (
). We
had to think about the local situation, ②because looking at the situation through
Western or Japanese eyes could lead us to make wrong decisions.
medicines as (
each situation ④(
Since ③ our
) as our medical equipment were very limited, we had to look at
) it happened and choose the best thing to do.
I clearly remember the day ⑤(
) a woman brought her five-year-old boy to
our hospital.
I saw immediately that ⑥he was (
) help. We gave him oxygen, but he was pale,
his breathing was difficult, and ⑦( him / made / uncomfortable / mask / the oxygen ).
He was not improving. We were using our last tank of oxygen. We didn’t know when
the next tank was coming. ⑧If another person needing oxygen arrived, maybe this
tank could save his or her life. I made my decision, and made a sign to the nurse who
was working with me to turn off the oxygen. ⑨The nurse simply couldn’t do so. I
waited five seconds and turned it off myself. I did it because ⑩( best / the hands / to
leave / I / it / thought / the child / in ) of God. Was that the right decision? I still don’t
1. 下線部①,③~⑥がそれぞれ次とほぼ同じ内容を表すように,(
(1 点×5=5 点)
③ not only our medical equipment but also our medicines
⑤ on which
⑥ he could not be helped
2. 下線部②を和訳しなさい。
(3 点)
3. 下線部⑦,⑩がそれぞれ次の内容を表すように,
( )内の語句を並べかえなさい。
(2 点×2=4 点)
4. 下線部⑧を和訳しなさい。
(3 点)
5. 下線部⑨を “do so” の意味がわかるように和訳しなさい。(2 点)
Lesson 3 評価問題 問題 A 解答
1 1. ウ
2. ウ 3. イ
4. ア
5. イ
2 1. ○
2. ○ 3. ×
4. ×
5. ○
6. ×
3 1. border 2. situation 3. pregnant 4. soldier 5. pale 6. interpret
4 1. importance 2. equipped 3. political 4. medicine
1. of importance = important
4. 「良薬は口に苦し」
5 1. as, result 2. of, help 3. where 4. yet 5. what, to 6. Put, away
1. as a result of ~「~の結果として」
2. of help = helpful
3. where = and there
4. and yet「しかしながら」
5. it は to be poor を指す。
6. put away A「A を片付ける」
6 1. イ
2. エ 3. オ
4. ア
5. ウ
7 1. 1971 年以来,国境なき医師団は人種,宗教,政治に関係なく,そのような人たちに
2. 外に出て行くのが安全かどうかを確認するために,私たちはラジオに耳を傾けた。
3. 私自身の場合,その経験は人生の方向性を与えてくれただけでなく,人間として生
4. もしかしたらあなたのような人は少ないかもしれないが,自分を信じて,信念を行
1. has been ~ing「(ずっと)~し続けている」
2. whether ~ or not「~かどうか」
3. not only A but also B「A だけでなく B も」
4. have confidence in ~「~を信じる」, put A into action「A を行動に移す」
8 1. Mike asked me whether I would [could] help him with his homework.
2. It was around midnight that [when] Hanako called me last night.
3. The student has been using his dictionary for more than ten years.
4. Tom could find no one to talk with at the party.
5. If I had known your address, I would have sent you an invitation.
(ア) joining (イ) be (ウ) come
(エ) donated
(オ) saying (カ) sent (キ) going
10 1. ① decisions ③ well ④ as ⑤ when ⑥ beyond
2. というのは,西洋人や日本人の視点で状況を見ると,間違った決定を下しかねない
3. ⑦ the oxygen mask made him uncomfortable
⑩ I thought it best to leave the child in the hands
4. もし酸素を必要とする人がもう一人来たら,もしかしたらこの酸素タンクはその人
5. その看護師は,どうしても酸素タンクのスイッチを切ることはできなかった。
1. ③ A as well as B「B だけでなく A も」
2. lead A to ~「A が~するようにさせる」
3. ⑩ it は to leave 以下を指す。leave ~ in the hands of God「~を神の手にゆだね
Lesson 3 評価問題 問題 B
1 第 1 アクセントの母音の発音が同じものを 5 組選びなさい。(5 点)
ア local
イ disaster
ウ pneumonia
エ malaria
オ opportunity
カ breathe
キ equipment
ク countless
ケ situation
コ uncomfortable
サ government
シ Geneva
ス politics
セ compassion
ソ oxygen
2 もっとも強く発音する部分を答えなさい。
(5 点)
1. vol-un-teer
3. ma-lar-i-a
2. in-jured
4. in-ter-pret-er
イ ウ エ
ア イ
5. di-ar-rhe-a
ア イ ウ
3 次の語を指示された形にしなさい。(8 点)
1. religion(形容詞形)
2. race(形容詞形)
3. volunteer((形容詞形)
4. confidence(形容詞形)
5. comfortable(名詞形)
6. necessary(名詞形)
7. compassion(形容詞形)
8. politics(形容詞形)
4 指定された文字で始めて,次の定義にあてはまる英語 1 語を書きなさい。
(14 点)
1. the line that divides two countries or areas; the land near this line (b)
2. a person whose job is to take care of sick or injured people; a woman or a girl
whose job is to take care of babies or small children in their own homes (n)
3. a large building where people who are ill or injured are given medical treatment
and care (h)
4. an object such as a knife, gun, bomb, etc. that is used for fighting or attacking
somebody (w)
5. having a baby or young animal developing inside her or its body (p)
6. an unexpected event such as a very bad accident, a flood or a fire that kills a lot of
people or causes a lot of damage
7. a gas without color, smell or taste, which is present in the air, and is necessary for
animals and plants to live
5 各組の文がほぼ同じ内容を表すように( )に適語を入れなさい。
(20 点)
1. I couldn’t understand what he was doing.
= What he was doing was (
) my (
2. Not only you but I was wrong.
) you (
) wrong.
3. “Don’t go out at night,” my father said to me.
= I was (
) go out at night by my father.
4. Wherever you go, I’ll follow you.
) you go, I’ll follow you.
5. Come what may, I won’t change my mind.
) happens, I won’t change my mind.
6. She goes swimming even on a very cold day.
= However (
), she goes swimming.
7. You must finish your work at once.
= You must finish your work (
8. They had to decide what to do quickly.
= They had to (
) as to what to do.
9. Although there were 28,000 refugees at Madhu, there was only one small hospital
= There were 28,000 refugees at Madhu, and (
) there was only one small
hospital there.
10. She gave a speech to a group of high school students about what she had seen and
done in MSF.
= She gave a speech to a group of high students about her (
) in MSF.
6 日本文を参考に( )に適語を入れなさい。(10 点)
1. 彼らは朝から晩まで働いた。
They worked (
2. 試験を始める前に,辞書を片付けなさい。
Before we start the exam, (
) your dictionaries (
3. あなたは何か生き甲斐を見つけるべきだ。
You should look for something (
4. 私はその店で偶然その時計を見つけました。
I found the watch (
) at the store.
5. 彼は駅から 1 キロ離れた所に住んでいる。
He lives one kilometers (
) the station.
7 以下の文を読んで設問に答えなさい。
(18 点)
After I had worked for about eight years as a doctor in Japan, I went to
Switzerland for ア(far) study at the University of Geneva. ①It was there that I joined
Médecins sans Frontières (MSF), イ(know) in English as “Doctors Without Borders.”
MSF is a volunteer group of doctors and nurses helping people all over the world who
are sick or injured ( A ) a result of war and disaster. It is an ②NGO supported mainly
by ordinary people. MSF was established in France in 1971 and since then it ウ(give)
medical help to such people, ③no matter what their race, religion, or politics is.
Before joining MSF I エ(think) for a long time about how I might be ( B ) some help
to others as a doctor. I wanted to see different cultures and things which I could never
( C ) in Japan. I had read about MSF in newspapers and also I had friends who had
donated money ( D ) MSF. So I sent a letter to an MSF office in Paris オ(say) that I
wished to join the organization.
They ④accepted my offer and I was sent to the
Madhu refugee camp in Sri Lanka, where fighting was going ( E ).
1. ア~オを正しい形にしなさい。ただし,1 語とは限らない。
(1 点×5=5 点)
2. 下線部①と同じ構文を持つものを選びなさい。(2 点)
It is natural that he got angry at you.
It happened that I was in New York at that time.
It is his dream that he will travel to Mars.
It is because I was ill that I didn’t attend the meeting.
3. (A)~(E) に適語を入れなさい。
(1 点×5=5 点)
4. 下線部②NGO とは何か。元の英語を書きなさい。
(1 点)
5. 下線部③を和訳し,さらに no matter what を他の 1 語で書きかえなさい。
(和訳 3 点
+1 点=4 点)
6. 下線部④を他の 2 語で書きかえなさい。
(1 点)
8 次の各文の誤りを指摘し,正しい答えを書きなさい。
(5 点)
1. I don’t still understand why he married her.
2. A six-years-old boy was sent to our hospital.
3. It was Ueno Park that I met my wife for the first time.
4. I’m so tired that I want a chair to sit.
5. She studied medicine at the Tokyo University.
9 ( )の指示に従って次の文を英語にしなさい。
(15 点)
1. 今朝からずっと雨が降っている。
2. 彼が来るまで私は 1 時間以上待っていた。
3. 彼が試験に合格したかどうかはわかりません。
4. ジムが愛しているのはジェーン(Jane)ではなくアリス(Alice)です。
5. 何か書くものを貸してくれますか。
Lesson 3 評価問題 問題 B 解答
1 アとウ イとセ カとシ
2 1. ウ
2. ア 3. イ
コとサ スとソ
4. イ
5. ウ
3 1. religious 2. racial 3. voluntary 4. confident 5. comfort 6. necessity
7. compassionate 8. political
4 1. border 2. nurse 3. hospital 4. weapon 5. pregnant 6. disaster 7. oxygen
5 1. beyond, understanding 2. as well as, was 3. ordered [told] not to
4. No matter where 5. Whatever 6. cold it is 7. immediately
8. make, quick decision 9. yet 10. experience
1. 「彼がしていることが私には理解できなかった」 beyond my understanding「私
2. 「あなただけでなく私も間違っていた」 A as well as B が主語のときの動詞は A
3. 「夜は外出してはいけないと父は私に言った」
4. 「あなたがどこへ行こうとも,私はついていきます」 no matter where S V~「~
5. 「何が起ころうとも私は決心を変えません」 come what may「何が起こっても」
6. 「どんなに寒くても彼女は水泳に行く」 however~S V「どんなに~でも」
7. 「ただちに仕事を終わらせなさい」
8. 「彼らは何をすべきかを素早く決定しなければならなかった」
9. 「マードゥには 28,000 人の難民がいたが,病院はたった 1 つしかなかった」
10. 「彼女は MSF での体験を高校生のグループに話した」
6 1. from morning till [until] night 2. put, away 3. to live for 4. by chance 5.
away from
7 1. ア further イ known ウ has been giving エ had been thinking オ saying
2. 4
3. (A) as
(B) of (C) across (D) to
(E) on
4. non-governmental organization
5. 彼らの人種や宗教や政治が何であれ/whatever
6. said yes
2. 強調構文を選ぶ。
8 1. don’t still→still don’t
2. six-years-old→six-year-old
3. Ueno Park→in [at] Ueno Park
4. sit→sit on [in]
5. the Tokyo University→Tokyo University または the University of Tokyo
1. 「私はなぜ彼が彼女と結婚したのかまだ理解できない」 still not の語順で「まだ~
2. 「6 歳の少年が病院に送られてきた」 形容詞化したものを単数形で表す。
3. 「私が妻に始めて出会ったのは上野公園でした」 I met my wife for the first time
in Ueno Park.が元の文なので in が必要。
4. 「疲れたので座るイスが欲しい」 a chair と to sit は動詞と目的語の関係にあるが,
この sit は自動詞で sit on [in] a chair が元の形なので on [in] が必要。
5. 「彼女は東京大学で医学を勉強した」 Tokyo University=the University of Tokyo
9 1. It has been raining since this morning.
2. I had waited [been waiting] for him for more than one hour before he came. [I
waited for him for over an hour until he came.]
3. I don’t know whether he passed the exam (or not). [I have no idea if he has passed
the test.]
4. It is not Jane but Alice that Jim loves.
5. Will you lend me something to write with?
Fly UP